Dante's Awakening Chapter 12.

Story by RuthofPern on SoFurry

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#12 of Dante's Awakening

Back at Master Sekal's...Rena decides to do some research in the library, and to try out her new focus stone...

Chapter 12

Two sevendays later...

Rena stretched, yawning as her muscles and tendons popped from where she was half buried in an awkward position on the feather bed her Master used to use. They had made good time, the weather having behaved, and no skirmishes materialising, therefore arriving on the all too familiar property with its happy, and painful memories, at dusk the previous day. She had removed the protection spells from the walls, and then turned the whole place and grounds over to the men, including the kitchen and spell preserved cellars on pain of nasty things happening if they touched things they didn't understand. Her own old room was too small for Dante, but she and he had made the bed base creak in all the right ways throughout the night...the previous few days having been Inn free. The days on the ship had allowed them time to develop more control, and the evening before had lasted over three marks before she had caused him to lose it first! It had become a competition between them to see who caused the other to break first, one which neither was really upset about losing!

Dante opened his eyes and smiled as her breasts settled again to her chest as her pectorals ceased shifting under them, "Morning Princess..." he said with a yawn.

"Morning lover," Rena replied, a slight grin on her face, "Time I think to go digging in my library. I want to find a couple of spells I have thinking about...but don't know how to cast."

"I did wonder why you said we would be staying for a few days," Dante replied, rolling off the bed and heading for the adjoining wash room, without closing the door. He studied the water closet for a second, considering heading outside in his current sticky dishevelment as his bladder was protesting the half-barrel of wine he had consumed from the cellars below. Instead he rose on his rear legs and placed his front paws against the wall, his tip emerging and drooping into the swirl-pot, his muscles relaxing as Rena watched with interest in her eyes as the pungent fluid fought noisily to stay within the cast stone container that was trying to empty through it's drain fast enough to not overflow, "I didn't think you would be interested in this sort of thing," he commented, winking at her.

She flushed, "I am not...but I did wonder how you did it with you being internal unless we are playing. You have not done anything like that in my presence before."

Dante nodded, his tip vanishing again as he pulled up the plug riser on the spring fed cistern, his waste being replaced by fresh water efficiently, "Not exactly standard or polite behaviour, is it? I always fly off when things like this are needed, two or three times a day. I tend to drop my loads while flying circuit, away from you and the group."

"Then why this morning?" Rena asked, rolling out of the deep, sheepskin covered mattress.

Dante grinned, watching her as she entered the room with him, still naked from the night before, "Maybe it is because if we live together we will have to share every part of each other's lives eventually...though I warn you that my exclusively protein based diet means that you should be thankful that there is no way I can work my tail around this bloody thing..." he replied, nodding at the W C.

She smiled, nudging him to one side before turning and planting her derriere on the seat in a more conventional fashion, her bushy tail fitting through the gap under cistern as it was designed... "Appreciated," she commented, as his nostrils flared and her own offerings were deposited in the pot, followed by multiple splashes, "I too like my protein, so am not so adverse to the resulting odours..." she said, grabbing a handful of papyrus sheets and cleaning herself off roughly before flushing, "Shower?"

Dante swallowed hard, his tip peeking, "I think that wise...and is the reason I didn't taken my leave..."

"Did I excite you?" Rena asked, gesturing to his burgeoning embarrassment before turning to the huge copper boiler and closing her eyes, muttering something. Dante felt a miniscule drain on his power reserves as with a hiss, the cold water in the boiler heated instantly and the pressure whistle on top coughed with steam. "Fuck that is so much easier now I am drawing on you," she said quietly.

"Pheromones in urine are stronger than the furred peoples think," Dante replied nodding, "And to us who still scent marks our territories and lands, they tell us what we need to know at a single sniff."

"And what did my scent tell you?" Rena asked, pulling the sluice lever on the copper boiler and stepping under the water spilling through the perforated copper head, beginning to massage all the stale dragon cum from her belly fur.

"That the library can wait until lunch..." With that he grabbed her from behind, his tip running up the inside of her legs to rub across her V as she pushed back into him, head arched up to kiss his muzzle as it found it's target and sank just within her soaked folds, her taint bumping along his ridged shaft until she could take no more. Control be damned, it didn't take long, and not another word passed between them as within minutes, the green glow flared, and they collapsed upon the tiled floor, water still cascading, forgotten across the pair of them.

It had taken some establishing and repeated experimenting...but unless they were physically drained or tired, the demi-sibs warped magic actually only put them unresponsive for around a mark after sex...before they settled into normal sleep. In this case the cold, soaked tiles of the floor and the drip of water from the boiler's dregs woke Rena as soon as the spell relinquished its control.She nuzzled Dante until he stopped his quiet snoring and opened his eyes again. "I preferred the bed's comfort," he commented with a smile, standing up with a stretch.

Rena chuckled, "You started it this time," she replied, pulling the lever so fresh spring water would refill the copper.

"And you didn't stop it..." Dante noted.

"Of course not," she said, muttering the same heating cantrip under her breathe again, waiting for the cough of steam before starting where she had left off before the interruption, "No horse play this time...I really need to attack the library so we can get going again."

"As you wish...What are you after anyway? I thought time was of the essence for you?"

Rena looked up at him as he gently massaged her breasts and belly in the hot water, "Ah ah...no horseplay," she commented.

"Just washing you this time, look at my belly..." he pointed out, "Besides you know my talons are better at scritching right into your under-fur.

Her eyes dropped involuntarily, getting a chuckle from him, "Oh fuck off," she grumbled. "If you must know, though the urgency of solving your memory issues etc. have been alleviated by the Sib's bonding and the 'Corn's revelations, there are other things that need to be sorted, especially now I can use your magical reserves."

"Are you looking for battle magics that were beyond your reserves before?" Dante asked as she began washing his belly off in return, "You know what the Sibs warned you."

Rena shook her head, "No...though I will make notes of some for an emergency situation. What I am primarily looking for is a way to break or mask your blood feedback link with Kalaw. As long as he can see us, and feel us...He could pick us off, or direct his minions to whenever he wants too. There is something else as well, but..." she grinned slyly, "That I am not telling you about unless I can find it."

"Please...no sex magics," Dante said, a smirk on his face.

Rena flushed, and then swatted his bellyscales, "As if we need any help in that department!"

"Not with a horny bitch like you around..." He ducked as her half aimed fist nearly grazed his nose.

"You are not exactly complaining," she said, shutting off the water. "Go see what Hrruther has managed to rustle up for us furs and have him send some up as soon as you are drip dry...please."

Dante nodded, "Of course...and I will see what the swamp has to offer for myself...A wild croc would give me some roughage if there are any around."

Rena grinned, "I know there are a few deeper in...Master's spells keep them away from the compound."

"I will see about providing some free meat for the company as well...You reckon they would complain if I killed a water buffalo as long as it is within dragging distance?"

"I think that they would probably fall at your feet and kiss your talons for a chance at some beef like that! Be careful out there though love...you never know if Kalaw has laid traps, as you know as well as I do he would expect us to be here."

"And you should not be careful too?" Dante asked, smoothing her head fur down with a single lick of his tongue.

"The library is the most protected room in the house. Hell, no living thing can cross the threshold unless they have been keyed to the room.Only I can get in there without being hit by a lightning bolt. There will not be a single moth or bookworm in there either, just trust me on this." Rena replied, "Now go sort our breakfasts while I find something studious to wear as you are now dry."

Dante chuckled, "Okay love...I will see you later."

Rena reached down and ran a hand across his scale seam, "Of course you will..."she replied as she headed for the clothing trunks across the room.


"Rena..." Aspenall called from the doorway of the library, "The evening meal is virtually ready, and Dante would have come and fetched you himself, but for the corridor access to the room being too tight for him. He respectfully reminds you that you have been sneezing dust now for over seven marks."

Rena looked up from the book she had placed under one of the refractive skylights. The room had no windows, or any direct sources of sunlight, so as to protect the volumes housed within. The skylights themselves were made of hundreds of pieces of broken mirror glued to wooden shuttering tunnels that bent at least three times at ninety degree angles from where they penetrated the roof. That meant of course that candles were used to supplement light, unless of course a mage globe could be conjured from spare energies.

"What? Huh?" she asked.

"Dante says more impolitely...and I quote this. 'You are to get your pert arse out to the fire-pit in the kitchen garden and courtyard with the men, or he will eat your portion of the buffalo, and not eat you tonight...'"

Rena flushed, "I'll kill him..." she muttered.

Aspenall laughed, "He has a point though. We have been drilling a bit, but this place is deader than staying in town, and the men keep jumping at things they can't quite see."

Rena shook her head, "That'll be the protection spells I set...I can take them down to standby like they are now, but the phantasms that I summoned will be here until I release them back to the underworld. But as I want to have them stand guard again as soon as we leave, I didn't do that."

Aspenall shivered, "And if we were intruding without your permission?" he asked.

Rena just looked at him squarely, "Then there would be new residents from whence they came."

The otter nodded, "I feared that..."

"As for boredom...we have been paused a single day. And from the research I have done so far, I fear at least two more will be necessary. I will be spell casting at dawn with one I have found as is, but it is another that will be just as useful that I want to locate with accuracy. There is an awful lot more in here about dragons and their demi-sibs than I thought I would find." She gestured down at the green band on her thigh.

"Good things or bad?" Aspenall asked as she snuffed each of the candles manually with an inscribed brass snuff cap.

"Good and disturbing things...more of the former than the latter, thank goodness. Unfortunately most of the information seems to be directed at negating them, rather than using them. Dragons and Mages do not see eye to eye in the majority of cases...if you catch my meaning."

Aspenall nodded, "Nor do dragons and soldiers...but Dante appears to be an exception amongst the beasts. He is more placid than any I have heard of before."

Rena grinned, "Except when his blood is up so to speak, as was proven at Polomavit."

"And in bed, maybe?" Aspenall asked sideways, as she stepped into the corridor.

Rena flushed again slightly, "For necessary reasons that I am sure you are aware of, I remain in charge in there...but let us say he has a way with his words and tongue that is impossible to ignore, no matter what mood I am in."

The otter chuckled, "So what spell are you going to cast?"

"I am going to try and mask the blood-link between Dante and Kalaw. Breaking it, is not possible, short of death, but hiding us from scrying may be. It has been done in the past by sibling fur Mages who have fallen out with each other...And the relevant notations were made in the records. I have no idea of course if it can block the power of a dragon's blood bond, them being inherently magic in nature."

"It would certainly give us a better advantage if he didn't know where we are," Aspenall commented, "Is there any risk with the spell though?"

"There is a risk with any spell Aspenall, both to the caster and then of course the intended target. I think though that the worst thing that could happen in this case though, is that Dante will feel a little blood sick for a couple of days if it recoils upon us. He, after all, doesn't remember his brother, nor does he have the ability to back feed along the ether link, therefore telling us where Kalaw is exactly...Then I wouldn't break the link, of course," Rena pointed out.

"I apologise about that again...It seems that despite my contacts owing favours, none has yet come up with a solid direction in which to head from here. I have thought of something though...If Kalaw is scrying us, will he not be aware you are about to cast a masking spell, and take precautions against it?"

Rena shook her head, "Not while here on Master Sekal's...or should I say my property now. The same spells that have protected the place since Sekal cast them, prevent any sort of intrusive spying. While we are here, we and the soldiers are invisible to him. As for your contacts, it was a long shot. I am hoping that I can at least get a good solid compass point direction from the spell tomorrow, as it courses in Kalaw's direction. That way we know at least where to march."

Aspenall nodded as they emerged from the building into the courtyard where most of the men had pitched tents, half a night under the actual roofs had driven them out into the free air again with the shivers from Rena's phantasm guards watching them. Every one of them, from Flaughten to the new, far rougher looking mercenaries she walked past, tracked her with their eyes, some stepping back a pace.She was not sure if it was lust or fear that drove them, but felt another little gift...and not insignificant demonstration of her power was required to ensure the former was quelled, and the latter instilled with respect. There would be no daggers in her back during a fight...if she could help it.

Dante tracked her movements, along with everyone else's as she approached him and took a seat upon his foreleg, leaning into his shoulder. "About time you showed," he commented as the firelight danced in her eyes.

"There was no need to send out a search party," she replied, nipping at his nose in silent retribution, "Though I will admit that my stomach growls for more than the water carafe I took into the library with me."

"Hrruther and a few of the others have done a great job with the buffalo and the products of this garden. I did not want you to miss it, or lose strength from not replenishing your physical reserves," Dante replied, as Hrruther himself brought a large platter, obviously borrowed from the kitchens over, laid out with a meal that would have lasted her days a few months back.

"You trying to fatten me up?" Rena asked, her mouth-watering from the scents, and sight of the still pink meat running with juices that the turnip, parsnip and onion pieces were absorbing.

The rabbit grinned, "Only fair that you get the prime cuts Princess...the rump was particularly well endowed on this beast..."

"Thank you Hrruther...I shall make an exception in this case, but I prefer to keep in full fighting trim, so to speak. Have all the men drunk from the well tonight, or should I say drunk their fill?" Rena asked.

"That and some of the wine you released from the cellars," Dante replied as Hrruther backed away, "Why?"

Rena tucked into the plate without looking up, "I think it is time for me to test my focus stone, as it has been storing my energy since Gilensia. I do not like the looks I am receiving from some of the men, and a further mutual demonstration is in order as we are in a safe location away from general habitation."

"I had noticed some possible friction through whispered comments over the relationship you and I share," Dante commented, "Though you are free enough with my coin when whores are available. Will you not need the energies to cast the spells you plan here?"

"The one in the morning, yes...but it should use your own internal reserves to replenish itself if it works, as it is a mask. The second can wait a seven-day or so of recharging on the road. Though I will say this, what I plan upon casting tonight will use little power, except of the suggestive nature. Does the spell title 'Mist of the sirens' ring any bells with you?"

Dante shook his head, "I remember no spell names..."

Rena grinned, "I know this one because I used it when in heat before losing Sekal. It stopped me from running to him when my body demanded attention, as he was not a believer in herbs and female troubles...though I often saw his bulging pants when my scent almost overrode his iron will. I only ever used a small carafe of water in my room to draw upon my relief...for this number of people, the well will be required."

"So it is a sex magic?" Dante asked.

Rena nodded and turned back to scan the courtyard, performing a mental head count, "Call in the guards Aspenall, I have a gift for while we share the security of my home. There will be no need for a watch shift tonight."

Aspenall nodded. "If you are sure, Ma'am," he replied, turning and heading towards the guard posts.

"Flaughten, draw half a dozen buckets of water from the well and place them clear of it please...I suggest that any of you men who have even the slightest urge to relieve yourselves, do so now...as you will not want to for the next few hours. Trust me." Rena stated flatly, turning back to her evening repast as puzzled looks were exchanged amongst those gathered, a few heading off for the privy pits as she suggested.

Aspenall reappeared as she placed the totally empty plate to one side, "Everyone is accounted for here in the garden, Ma'am."

Rena rubbed her hands together, "Good." She stood and stretched, arching her back before walking over to the well and dropping a stone into it, listening for the water level splash with satisfaction. "Do not drink of this well until the sun is mid sky height in the morning, only of the buckets by the wall. Do so, and you are likely to die at the hands of those you assault, as the spell I use infuses the water. Do you all understand?" she asked, turning and facing everyone whose eyes were now riveted to her.

"Yes Ma'am!" they replied.

"Close your eyes, all of you and think of your ideal partner. Be it one from your past, one from your hopeful future, or one from your dreams that you can only aspire too...I warn you of this though, if any one of you imagines me, your future aspirations will be ended by Dante's teeth. I am taken. Do you all understand that?" her eyes dropped for a second onto Grillion, who turned his gaze.

"Yes Ma'am!" they all chorused.

"Good. When I tell you to open your eyes again, do what you see fit with what stands before you...by tent or in public, I don't mind. What will be there will be as solid as you or I, but will do exactly as you ask, to your tastes. They will be gone when you wake in the morning with no consequences. If you do not want to partake in this, don't close your eyes...If you open them mid casting, you will have nothing but your own frustrations to contend with."

Dante watched carefully as every solider, mercenary and officer including Aspenall closed their lids tightly. His eyes met Rena's as she began to draw power from the Amber focus around her neck. "Keep yours open, or else," she mouthed silently before closing her own in concentration. He nodded, a smile on his face, content with the knowledge that his ideal would remain for him for at dawn's light, but fascinated by what she was about to do.

Filaments of orange spilled from her fingers, flowing in a writhing mass across the garden, each one fastening briefly onto a male, causing their ears or noses to twitch as they drew what they needed from their target's soul...none faltering as no soldier dared to risk reprisal or regret for refusing the gift being granted. A smile curled across Rena's muzzle as the lusts and imaginations filled the now large ball of light spinning in her palms before she turned and dropped it into the dark shaft of stone behind her.

"By the powers within my soul, I summon the mists of the far oceans and the voices of the sirens that are concealed within... Come, flow through the streams of the underworld and grant me the gift of sated lust, in return for the taking of the life seed you sing for in your quests to become mortal. Then return with it and no more, to your lairs in whichever form it is freely given, by those when they sleep sated in your arms.""Hercle meo animo atque aequora longe feronebulis sirenes quaeintus latent voces ... Veni fluminafluunt per donum fac ab inferis praeda cessante libido, pro accipiendiscantabo tibi semeninventionibus in vitafieri mortale. Non autem ad eam redire Quicquid adiremingenua sit, cum dormiunt satiabar illis arma."

There was a flash of light within the well, and as Dante watched, Rena opened her eyes and began walking back over to him, careful not to step through any of the threads which were now pulsing. Small eggs of power flowed from the well's mouth, one on each thread until they stopped, a single foot pace in front of each male, the threads dropping from their fur as the eggs pulsed. The well hissed, mists boiling from it violently as the scent of the ocean's depths suddenly poured into the virtually silent garden.

"You may open your eyes now!" Rena called, watching as everyone stepped back from the apparitions that were forming in front of them from the mists. Slowly and steadily the forms of their imaginations grew from the orange egg before them, deepening in hue until they shimmered into a turquoise representation of flesh and blood, as the threads vanished and the mists sank into the soil, as if never there.

Eyes like pools of darkness from the deepest abyss all turned to face her, mostly female, but a few male to her surprise, "We accept the summoning and conditions of your spell...Mage," they all replied at the same time, the nine words crashing over her and Dante like a storm's waves.

"Then go, and give each of your imagineers what they desire until they can give you no more." Rena commanded.

They all nodded, turning to embrace each stunned male with a kiss, "I suggest men that you instruct them on exactly what and where you want it, before they take the upper hand. You must all give them the payment they have been summoned for, or you will become their guests, and I cannot save you from that. I am sure that it will not be too arduous a task for you all. I will see you all in the morning!" Rena called out, turning and laying a hand on Dante's foreleg, "Come," she whispered, "We need to practice holding off again tonight, as some of the pent up lust from those men, nearly caused me to orgasm as I cast the spell, and that would have lost me to the sirens, as folly's sacrifice."

They edged their way silently past Aspenall, where he lay, being gently stripped by a perfect replication of her seamstress from Gilensia. He winked, mouthing a silent thank-you as the solid water wraith wrapped her lips around his glistening tip as his pants were dropped, causing to turn her eyes away, flushing.


"A personal question, if I may?" Dante asked as she closed the door to their suite behind her.

"Go on...you pretty much know everything there is to know about me now anyway. You have a way of digging even the most personal things from anyone you want to. I fear for a diplomat or ruler that should ever cross tongues with you...they would lose," Rena replied, shucking out of her study cloak and letting it pool at her feet in the light of the mage globes which hung permanently from the ceiling in the room.

"That spell," Dante replied, averting his eyes slightly as the two small remaining pieces of attire joined the cloak on the floor, the lower one proving by both scent and sight that she had not been wrong about her state of arousal, "You were a virgin when you gave yourself to me, and yet you claim to have used that spell on occasions before. How could the two situations be the one and the same?"

Rena chuckled, sitting on the edge of the bed with her legs parted as he lowered his huge head between her thighs in unspoken agreement as to where their night was to begin, "The spell calls for the gift of life-seed in return for the favours of the sirens. The sirens however are at the exact beck, call or will of the summoner, or those that the summoner has gifted them too. Do you know exactly what sirens are?" she asked, hissing a little with indrawn breath as his tongue gently caressed her.

"Something else that is gone with my missing arcane knowledge," Dante replied, not moving any closer than a couple of inches from his target.

"When ships founder and sink, most people think that all on board them drown. That is not always the case. The Gods of the ocean pick and choose from their victims, saving the most choice in appearance for themselves, freezing and capturing their souls for their harems," she squeaked slightly as instead of moving up, Dante moved his muzzle down across her calves.

"Go on," he prompted.

"Well the captured souls are the sirens. A pact was made at some point with Gods of the afterlife though...Every siren must have the chance to go to whatever ultimate destination was decreed for them by the fates...And so it is that a siren earns their ultimate peace by gathering life-seed within themselves...be that from the Gods that hold them, or the sailors they sing to their deaths. Collect enough seed, and they are allowed to drown, as was their postponed fate. There are over fifty male Gods of the oceans, but only three females, which is why everyone thinks that sirens are female only, but as you saw outside, there are male ones that belong to those feminine beings...or belong to the male Gods who find the female form distasteful." She hooked her feet around Dante's head and pulled him back up to where she wanted him.

"I thought that foreplay was to be the rule tonight," Dante admonished, flicking across her clit with his tongue, "And you have edged around my initial question..."

She bent double and nipped at his eye ridge with her muzzle, "I was getting to that..." she commented, "What exactly do you think you are gathering on your tongue now?" she asked as he parted her folds slightly.

"Ah ha..." he agreed as the nectar tickled his taste buds, "I see...but female essence does not bring life in itself." His own need suddenly becoming urgent as their blood-link fed back her arousal to him. Nose lifting, he quickly swiped across her belly, tracing a line in her fur up between her heaving breasts to kiss her.

"There are only three ways to help a female in heat Dante," she panted, edging back a little onto the bed more as a green hue began to form around them again, "Impregnate them, or sate them orally..." she breathed, "Suppress them with herbs..." she panted, hands with iron grips closing around the bumps on his scales as his dripping tip sank within her... "Or take their life-bringing eggs as they pass into the womb!" She screamed, the first of his shaft bumps being enough to tip her over the edge.

Dante's eyes opened wide in shock, the last words making him shudder as her climax brought on his, and she and the bed were flooded violently by his seed, "That's..." he managed, before the demi-sibs flashed and lethargy overtook him, his limp body collapsing to the side as they both fell unconscious together.


"That's what?" Rena asked quietly, snuggling against his belly around two marks later.

"I don't know...it just seems wrong..." Dante replied, licking her between her ears, "Dragons both male and female protect eggs at all costs...to just give them away for sexual satisfaction..."

Rena tilted onto one elbow to look at him, her sweat soaked brow hanging across one of her eyes, "And letting the female cycle spill them with blood onto a towel or into an appliance isn't?"

"I don't know...I mean females have so few to waste..." Dante protested.

"And males do of course have an endless supply of seed..." She nudged his belly seam with the tip of one of her toes.

"I'm sorry...it sounds so wrong..."

Rena grinned, "Good job I am not one of those female rights furs. If it were my choice, I would quite happily be male, or neuter. I hate my heats as you know; they are too distracting to both me and those I am around. You males can just go and dump a load in the woods if you get pent up."

"I guess it is my species at work...I am fairly sure that from my race memories, dragoness' are encouraged to breed at every fertile cycle...which come around every fifty or so years. We may be a long lived species, but I feel somewhere that not many of us make breeding age," Dante replied, hugging her to him.

"Well you are certainly of breeding age, so to speak. Want to play again? That one was too quick to have muted my edge fully. Hence our awakening as soon as the sibs magic allowed it," Rena commented, slipping her hand down between their bellies.

Dante chuckled deeply in his chest, "And you say you would have been happy as a neuter..." he observed, spinning her around without warning as she squealed in protest, before continuing where he had been forced to leave off.


Kalaw was wearing a groove in the stone floor of his cave in frustration. The bitch had led them back to the cursed Sekal's haunt, and the spells keyed to her were masking both his brother and her from his scrying pool. The shivering shell that was his captive was not helping matters, her constant scale worm induced moans now stifled by gag so he could when granted it, actually get some sleep. What a mess she looked, scales with no lustre, all fight gone. He didn't even need to force her anymore, her turning and lifting her tail without command whenever his brother and the bitch started fucking. At least that part of the morbid voyeurism was possible and not masked by Sekal's spells...So he knew they were both still alive.

Dawn was creeping over the horizon...it was less than 36 marks since they had vanished from his perceptions...And fuck knows what they were getting up to in the library he knew the house contained. He should have levelled it, scraped the foundations raw and be damned the consequences...but he had considered the matter closed when his diversionary tactic had worked, and power was something he had little enough of to waste...at the moment.

Something strange had been abound in the power currents the previous night. Not something that was directly affecting Dante as such, but Rena had definitely been working something, some of which had just reached him, making his scales itch, before for the third and fourth times that day they had begun fucking each other! If he ever got his claws on her, he would ream her out so hard there would be nothing but a bloody pulp sponge left when he came!

He froze suddenly, breath fleeing from his body as the first beams of the new sun hit him... "NO!" he screeched, turning on his hind paws and violently throwing up everything he had eaten in what seemed like his life. Part of his mind went numb, his brain spinning slightly as his guts performed acrobatics a troop of otters would have been proud of. "You can't have...!" he screamed at no one, his guts heaving again as his legs went from under him.

In her chained corner, the faint glimmer of spittle stained teeth appeared in the corner of her gag...proving that she maybe had no fight left, but satisfaction could still be gained somewhat from whatever had befallen her captor...


Dante wavered on his feet where he was standing on the bedroom floor as Rena dropped her hands and the amber glow faded completely into his scales. "You okay?" she queried.

He nodded, legs quivering before he turned and ran for the appliance room, gagging and trying to hold back his flame as he quickly proved that even with the most modern of plumbing, no water closet could possibly cope with the contents of a violently expelled dragon's stomach.

Rena ran to his heaving flanks, her own legs suddenly folding into jelly as the not so pleasant effects of blood-feedback hit her, and the delicious meal she had consumed courtesy of Hrruther made itself known again, as she plastered his scales with it, "Fuck!" she exclaimed.

"Blood sickness...you did wonder about it as a side effect," Dante commented, between heaves.

"I was kind of hoping this would only happen if the spell went wrong!" Rena exclaimed, recoiling from her own mess.

"It didn't though, did it?" Dante queried, reaching across and turning the cocks on the washbasin on, tongue snaking out to catch some of the fresh, cold spring water.

Rena waited for him to withdraw before dunking her head under the water and lapping like an unrefined feral, "I felt nothing go wrong, and I got a good compass point reference for where he is, as the ether net took a hold of your soul power." She shuddered for a whole different reason then, "You do realise you are just about the most extensive source of power I have ever heard of? Sekal was but a new-born kitten to your adult tiger in comparison."

"You melded with Sekal then?" he asked, "Like you just did with me?"

Rena nodded, immediately regretting the action, "Oooh bugger..." she exclaimed, clutching her skull, "And yes of course. It is the only really effective way for a fur apprentice to be taught...to follow the Master's spell lines as he weaves them."

"I have a feeling that you understand the Sibs warning now then..." Dante responded, moving over to the shower enclosure as Rena flicked a power-bolt into the copper for heating.

"Oh yes...If I tried to harness you, the best scenario is you would have a mindless puppet to fuck every night...the worst, a pile of ashes at your feet. I must never be allowed to even try, understand?"

"I understand love...I will break a cast if it requires a meld from now on. You can still tap me though through the usual route."

Rena managed a weak smile, "I didn't know you were into that sort of thing..." she suggested, as she stepped under the water with him.

Dante just looked dumbfounded for a second, and then laughed, "Never tried it, but dragoness' are known to return fire sometimes with their tails I believe!" Rena's jaw dropped, and he carefully closed it with a single talon, "But I think that type of play can be experimented with when this is over!"