Double Skunk\'d

Story by Jizzal on SoFurry

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Double Skunk'd

By: Jizzal

For: Shiriko

Shiriko is (c) himself

After another bored groan, Shiriko slumped down onto the rather large, yet comfortable couch and began to flick through the seemingly countless television channels. He gave a quiet urp and tossed an empty can of Mountain Dew into a nearby trashcan, still having half of a twelve-pac to go through, but even with all of that caffeine he still felt unenergetic. The rather round and paunchy German shepherd lazily scratched underneath his shirt at some of the generous rounds of fat and pudge that resided on his mid section. He was dressed in fairly comfortable clothing, just a t-shirt and some long shorts, though there wasn't anything to do. The young morphic canine grumbled and idly rubbed along his neck, feeling the collar and tag as he looked to the time. His master should be home soon...maybe that would help get him out of this bored rut. As if on cue, his ears caught a familiar sound of the front door opening and his nose twitched. The hefty dog grinned and quickly waddled his way through the living room and to the foyer.

Shiriko's tail wagged and his excitement continued to build as the door opened and in stepped in an anthro skunk. The skunk was around the same size as the canine, height wise, though his built was rather lean and he had a surprised expression on his face, but that soon changed to a smile.

"Hehe, well this is a nice surprise, getting to see my doggy when I get home," the skunk mused and eased his back pack from his shoulders and tossed it aside. The second he did the canine gave his owner a firm squeeze and a happy nuzzle.

"Murrr, welcome home sexy skunky, have a good day?" Shiriko asked cheerfully, applying a few affectionate nibbles and licks on the skunk's muzzle, neck and ears, exciting some squirms and giggles from the monochrome male.

"H-Hey you know I'm ticklish, heh, but it wasn't so bad I guess, as soon as I came back I got my loving shep clinging to me," the mephit churred and kissed at his dog happily, though he tried to wiggle free from that tight, loving embrace.

Shiriko blushed and eased up on the hug, though he began to nudge the skunk to rest on the couch, knowing that after classes he was usually tired. Jizzal didn't stop the canine and soon found himself laying on the comfortable couch, letting out a heavy yawn while doing so.

"Gruh...was a long day though, you stay out of trouble?" The skunk asked with a playful poke to the canine's amble belly before he hefted himself up on the couch and cuddled with his master and gave him a nice, warm kiss on the lips.

"Actually yeah, this place is so big, but no one has been around, guess they're busy today. I've been really bored and-" Shiriko was interrupted by a rather loud, hungry growl from his stomach which made him chuckle. "Hungry, didn't get any lunch, you gonna feed me?" He teased gently and nuzzled at the tired mephit.

Jizzal rolled his eyes while he scratched at the dog's ears with one paw and slipped out of his shoes and socks with the other, grumbling under his breath. "Well sure, but you do know that you're allowed to feed yourself you silly pup. What can I get you?"

"Well that's just it, there's hardly anything in the house at all! This place is a mansion and the fridge is mostly empty, and all of the snacks in the cupboards and stuff are gone..." Shiriko noted with a mrph.

"Really...meh, must have been one of my employees then, either that or another's hard to keep food in this place, though I just got home. Maybe we can order some pizzas or something?" The skunk asked, though he got a little nudge from the canine.

"Did you forget? They're afraid to deliver here, too many of their employees have been...uh, 'intimidated' by some of the others that live here." Shiriko gave a soft chuckle, mostly since intimidated meant that many of them were either made uneasy by large, dominant males, some flat out molested, and few didn't return to work at all.

"Damn it all...I don't know what to do then, I'm tired. And I'm pretty pissed about the whole delivery thing. I guess they're upset some of the tenants here have been 'recruiting' their work force." The skunk grumbled and rolled onto his side before he scooted up to cuddle with his pet. "I don't really want to go anywhere...I just got here, you alright with waiting?"

Shiriko's stomach gave another rumbling growl; it didn't like the idea of waiting. His empty belly didn't want to wait, though his master was idea started to form in his head and his tail started wagging.

"Aww, well if my skunky owner is tired...maybe I can help wake him up," the canine growled playfully and nipped at the mephit's ear. Jizzal squirmed lazily, though the dog made his move and pulled the skunk's back up against his front, holding him snugly against his tummy while he nuzzled and nibbled at his ears.

"Heheh, hey now...what're you doing?" The skunk asked while giving a faint murr and began to squirm a little bit more, though Shiriko gave a few squeezes and slurped along the mephit's neck as he began to slide a paw down to fondle his owner's groin, exciting another little squirm.

"Going to see if I can help wake you up, my belly is empty..." The canine said while slurping the skunk's cheek again, soaking it in more dog slobber while he slowly grew aroused. Another idea started to enter his mind, and he started to wiggle himself out of his shorts while his plump sheath started to swell. "Though I think I can take care of that, but I've been bored all day, will the skunky play with me? Please?" He asked with a grin.

Jizzal grunted and blushed as he was felt up and his pants started to tent, though that was the usual reaction whenever he got this close with his loving pup. "Mmm...ok then, what did you want to play?" He asked with a chuckle, having an idea since his hefty canine was starting to rid himself of his shirt, and the skunk's as well, so he started to unfasten his pants slowly.

Shiriko smirked while he tossed his clothing aside and gave another grope to the mephit's now bare loins, once again, feeling the moist, musky cock start to rub against his gentle paw.

"I wanna play hump the skunky..." the German shepherd smirked and gave a light nip to the skunk's neck while he began to give a few mock humps along that striped back. It didn't take much for the fat canine to get fully aroused, and soon enough his own penis was rubbing the underside of his doughy stomach as he tried to poke at his master's backside.

" naughty pup..." Jizzal murred and squirmed again against the warm, furry paunch, though Shiriko wasn't going to let the mephit wiggle away so he leaned forward, starting to pin the skunk against the couch as a result and causing a defeated groan from the monochrome male.

"And you're an equally naughty master," the canine smirked and licked along the skunk again, savoring the taste of the slightly musky and silky fur while he began to hump into that wiggling backside. After a few tries he finally aimed his glistening shaft under that large, stripped tail and made the skunk moan in surprise as he penetrated. "Mmmm...."

Shiriko grunted and kept a firm squeeze around the trapped male in his arms, though he was going nice and slowly. The tight, pink tail hole spread for his shaft as he gave a lustful growl and closed his eyes, loving the feeling of those soft folds squeezing and rippling over his member. Once he was balls deep in his whimpering and moaning master, a toothy grin filled the dog's muzzle and he pulled out half way only to roughly slam his length back into that firm, tight butt. He heard the skunk groan and yelp at the sudden increase of pace, but for being a rather round and heavy canine, Shiriko had plenty of energy and speed when it came to sex.

He let his tongue lull from his muzzle as he eagerly thrusted into that clenching rear, groaning a few times in between his heavy breaths while the skunk continued to squirm and started to leak pre cum on the couch. A little growl left the dog's maw, and with the heat of his loins fueling his desires he bit down firmly on his master's neck, using those sharp teeth to hold on the skunk. Jizzal yelped again, though that quickly changed to a moan while the fat dog's fat cock continued to plunge in and out of his stretched tail hole. Shiriko growled happily along his master's neck, giving a few tugs on it while his teeth kept a vice like grip and his contented murrrs made both males rumble atop the couch.

The lustful canine closed his eyes; lost in the pleasure while faint, wet sounds of his flesh penetrating his master's bowels. The weak moans that left the skunk's mouth and the slippery ooze that was coating Shiriko's paw added to the intensity and sexual sensation to the horny dog. He continued to thrust hard and fast, not moving his jaws from that tender neck while his stomach gave another grumble and his balls began to tingle. He felt his master clenching down harder and faster each time he hilted, and with the constant motion of pleasure flooding his system he finally lost it and gave in. The heft shep groaned around that black furred neck and lost himself into the tight, flexing tail hole, spraying it with plenty of hot, sticky ropes of cum while he continued to eagerly hump like the horny dog he was. His horny owner tensed up shortly after the orgasm and made a white mess against his pet's paw, leaving both males spent after the session of hot, rough sex.

"Urgh...damn..." the skunk groaned and closed his eyes, panting heavily while Shiriko's humps gradually died down.

The canine gave one last groan before he pulled his jaws off from Jizzal's neck and gave it a nice lick, panting as well while he kept on playing with the skunk's spent penis and his belly gave another hungry growl.

"Mmm...though I'm still hungry...and you're still tired," the dog chuckled and slurped his lips. "I've got just the thing for that though..." he rumbled and gave another long lick along the skunk's neck, slurping over the white stripe until it was matted down with clear canine slobber. "Mmm....tasty, creamy, sexy skunk..." he growled happily under his breath once more while his jaws opened wide only to stuff the head of his dopey looking master into his greedy maw.

Shiriko murred loudly as Jizzal gave a surprised groan; he was apparently too lost in the moment to hear just what his pet was saying, though the canine's actions definitely spoke louder than words. The hungry dog gave a muffled moan of pleasure around the skunk's head and neck; slurping his tongue over everything he could to savor the flavors in his hungry jaws. His cheeks bulged and his palate lightly squished over the mephit as he forced Jizzal's head into the entrance of his gullet before taking the first swallow, encasing the skunk in a world of wet, pulsating flesh while the dog's lips started to seal around those black furred shoulders. The heat from his maw mixed in with the copious amounts of saliva was making that delicious fur nice and slick, thus easier to gulp down.

The hefty canine took another swallow as he slid his drooling muzzle over the skunk's chest, hearing a few muffled noises in his gullet as he held his owner and dinner snuggly still. His throat started to stretch, not having a difficult time working down the delicious mephit meal he was treating himself to. Thankfully Jizzal made sure to give his pet a collar that was fairly stretchable, not wanting to hinder his pup from gorging himself in a manner such as this. His cock was still wedged in that now rather wet tail hole, and it was starting to get rigid so he gave a few little humps in between his swallows, moaning happily all the while. Shiriko lapped his tongue along the skunk's striped back, slathering over everything he could while he stuffed his pudgy face with a big grin and a wagging tail.

His paws continued to fondle Jizzal's nethers, though as he got to the stomach he took hold of the skunk's hips and started to pull his head upwards. The German shepherd gave a weak murmur as his ravenous muzzle pulled the mephit's rump off from his groin while his cheeks bulged with the elbows of the weakly moaning skunk who was inching deeper into his hungry pet. Shiriko gulped further, inching his black nose to the skunk's groin, greeted by a fresh, musky scent that made his empty gut rumble again. With a grunt, he started to tilt the skunk upwards since his upper half was bulging out the dog's chest on its trip down to the belly. He nibbled softly around the still oozing penis while his tongue slipped to the leaking tail hole and he let his throat relax, claiming those hips with a single gulp.

The canine was nearly done with his meal, and the rumbling in his gut signaled that the skunk was emptying into the large, furry paunch now. Shiriko's tongue slipped along his master's thighs and calves until only his footpaws and a fair portion of his fluffy tail remained free to the outside world. Resting one paw on his belly while the other rested on his aroused flesh once again, giving it a few jerks with the left over 'lube' his owner's cock gave him, the dog gave those wiggling toes a slurp goodbye before he took the final swallow, suckling down what was left of the tail in the process. A satisfied sigh left the canine's lips as the wiggling lump in his mid section came to a rest, bulging out the fat shepherd more and causing him to blush faintly. His added sag to his stomach made it more difficult for him to masturbate as well, so he withdrew his messy paw and licked over it slowly, tasking some of his pre and Jizzal's spunk on it before he let out a satisfied burp and groaned loudly.

Shiriko's stomach was already gurgling, and his dinner inside was giving a few wriggles here and there, no doubt the skunk attempting to do something sexual to those walls that held him. The hefty pup hic-upped and slurped his chops, fully satisfied and happy as he suckled on his fingers and started to ease onto his side, holding his bloated tummy.

"Mmm...urp, such a tasty skunky," he mused out loud, listening to the faint gurgles in his gut as they started to grow louder and his master began to settle down, giving a few internal nuzzles to the now full dog. "Heheh, though I said I could make things work out for both of us." Shiriko murred and rubbed his tummy, starting to feel sleepy after eating so much at once. He was right though, his skunky owner would get to rest, and the dog would get dinner. It was win win.

After another lazy yawn and a smacking of his lips, Shiriko started to doze off, his cock still rubbing against his twitching stomach as he gave off a pleasant sight. "Nini~..." he whispered sweetly before sleep overtook him.

It was uncertain how long the dog had slept, but he was awakened by a slam at the front door. His stomach was still gurgling, making him look nice and plump(er) while playing the part of the lazy pet that sleeps on the couch. He grumbled and started to sit up, still feeling groggy but a rather familiar scent hit his nose and made his ears perk. The low chuckle and deep voice that filled his ears alerted him that he was right. One of his master's employees/roommates was he knew quite well.

"Heh, well if it isn't the round pup. What're you doing here sleeping, naked, smelling of sex, and with a gurgling mid section?" A rather tall, and hefty skunk asked, carrying a pizza box with one paw while his gut stuck out from his tank top and his massive tail swayed behind his burly form.

"T-Tobias...eheheh, well when the skunk, er, smaller skunk came home there wasn't any food and uh..." The German shepherd blushed heavily and his nose twitched at the powerful, dominant scent that wafted off of the large mephit.

"Oh yeah, someone ate most of the food...wasn't -me- though, I just got some chow after finishing my rounds, and it earned me some free pizza," the big skunk smirked and opened the box. Despite the fact it was a rather large pie, there was only half of it left, though he stuffed two slices into his muzzle, barely even chewed them and gulped them down. "Mrph...though it doesn't surprise me you ate him, I would have been pissed you beat me to him, but I'm in a good mood thanks to free food. And the delivery boy was pretty tasty too." Tobias belched again and rubbed his fat stomach proudly.

That big guy was more than enough to get Shiriko hard again, and his cheeks turned rather pink rather quickly. "O-Ooh well that's good, you're not mad then..." the smaller canine noted while tilting his head upwards to gawk at the nearly eight foot tall mephit towering over him.

"Don't think I'm lettin' you off the hook that're a naughty pet for eating your owner. And since he isn't around at the moment...I guess I'll have to punish you," Tobias said with a toothy smirk before he finished off the last of the meaty pizza and tossed the box aside carelessly. After spotting the remaining soda, the skunk proceeded to chug it all down, washing away the remaining bits of food in his teeth.

"Hey! B-But it's not like he-" the German shepherd tried to explain the situation to the big skunk, though he knew that Tobias was well aware of the facts all the same. He went quiet though as those large, heavy paws rested on his shoulders and he was a mere inch away from touching the much bigger male's nose with his own.

", good stuff," Tobias smirked and licked his lips as Shiriko was given a face full of mountain dew, and digested pizza smell along with unknown species of prey, his mind wasn't trying to determine that, he was wondering what the big hunk of a skunk was going to do to him.

Shiriko gave a soft gasp before the skunk's lips pressed against his own, and he felt a large, slimy muscle invade his lips and probe into his mouth without any warning. The canine almost melted at the sensations of the deep, lustful kiss as he felt a large paw groping his chubby gut before sliding down his side. All the dog could do was moan softly into the maw of the much larger male, giving a few suckles and nibbles to the broad, slick tongue as it bulged out his cheeks and made him lightly rumble in content as gurgles filled his ears. Slowly, Tobias pulled back, leaving a thick trail of saliva connecting the two mouths, showing a broad grin while he licked his lips.

"Since you've been such a bad pup, I think it's only fair I make you do some 'chores'..." the large skunk smirked and leaned back, sliding off his shirt only to toss it aside, letting his belly fully sag now. He undid his belt and it soon joined his shirt, as did his pants and his rather musky looking pair of boxers. The scents that invaded Shiriko's nose made him glad he was a canine, the scents were heavenly, and he was very hard.

"I've got this problem between my legs...I think a good hard fucking will help clear it up," the rather smooth-talking mephit chuckled, though all the German shep did was give a quiet tip and blush again, completely at Tobias' mercy, not that it was a bad thing.

There was little warning as Shiriko was pinned down once more, his shoulder blades on the couch and his eyes locked on the skunk's while their lips became dangerously close to touching. The dog gave a submissive whine, still rather pink in the cheeks underneath the dominant skunk, though he was quickly silenced by another hot, wet kiss. As his body was weighed down under Tobias' impressive bulk he felt a thick, slippery something sliding along his thighs, but before he could put two and two together, the big skunk already -added- his erected cock into the canine's backside. A surprised grunt left the dog's mouth while his lips were pressed against the horny skunk's while that large tongue kept him quiet, allowing only a few muffled moans to leave the canine's muzzle while he was being taken by the burly male...not that he minded.

After a rough thrust, one that made Shiriko thankful that his master purchased rather large and sturdy couches, the canine's pudgy rump was filled with fat, wet inches of skunk dick that were making his belly jiggle by the sheer force and 'coaxing' the tight rear to relax. Shiriko closed his eyes, still locked in a struggle of the tongues which he was clearly losing as he was being mounted by one of the biggest studs that lived under this roof. His body rumbled and his arousal started to make a clear, oozing mess on his stomach and Tobias' as the skunk continued. He clenched down firmly, nearly whimpering out in pleasure as the skunk's paws scooped down around him and he felt those powerful hips plow his rear over and over again while his anal walls were sprayed with copious amounts of hot, slippery pre cum, making the dominant mephit's job all the easier.

The steadily plowed canine was in a state of bliss as his tight rump was plugged repeatedly without rest by the big skunk, unable to move out from under him or even ask for him to slow his pace while saliva dribbled out from his mouth. He had to inhale through his powerful nose, and since the entire living room reeked of skunk musk and sex, it was fueling his senses constantly. He could still hear faint gurgles from his skunk filled belly as it was getting smooshed by another skunk's belly, which was still working over the big meal the shameless predator consumed before returning home. With Tobias' fat cock head slipping against his prostate constantly the poor German shepherd was teetering on the edge of climax as the world spun over his head and the couch rocked beneath him. He could hear a series of growls mixed in with lewd slurps, no doubt the skunk was getting close too.

Shiriko gripped onto those powerful shoulders as the onslaught continued and he clenched into that smooth, black fur as he started to tense up, feeling a familiar sensation in the bit of his sac while his pleasure button was being pounded repeatedly without rest. Tobias finally released the dog from the kiss, panting heavily into his face while thick strands of slobber connected their muzzles, grinning at the canine who had a rather goofy expression on his face while the burly mephit grunted over him. The skunk leaned down and kissed the smaller male on the cheek while he gave a rather hard thrust, nearly making the canine see stars, but it was just the push he needed to lose himself against that black furred stomach and painted it white with his seed. Looking rather smug that he was able to literally fuck the cum out of someone, the skunk gave a quicker series of thrusts as the dog moaned and unloaded his seed before he gave him a hot injection of his own white fluids, splattering it deep into the dog's bowels with a happy sigh.

"Ooooh...yeah...much, much better...heh, you're a helpful pup," Tobias panted, giving the winded shep a kiss on the nose before he leaned back, still having energy after pumping Shiriko full of more than enough semen to flood his bowels.

"Gruh...g-glad to hear it..." the canine responded slowly, grinning still as he tried to catch his breath. He grunted and tried to sit up, but his body was sapped of strength and he felt rather full again. He heard a lewd squelch as that still surprisingly firm cock was pulled free from the dog's cream soaked tail hole, making him groan again and clench his rump while the thick gunk seeped out of his stretched rump.

" my balls are pretty empty, there's hardly anything left," Tobias chuckled and stroked over his scrotum while his cock stayed nice and full, swelling a little in his paw while it oozed out some pre and seed onto the dog's lap and stomach.

It wasn't a surprise to Shiriko, he felt pretty stuffed with lots of skunk cream, though he felt something slimy and wet rubbing against his toes, which made him giggle and wiggle his digits against the warm sensations.

"You're not gonna mind helping me with that are ya? Heh, of course not..." the big skunk grinned and took hold of the canine by the ankles, causing a confused ruff from the chubby pup. The confused noise quickly turned to a nearly breathless gasp as Shiriko felt something tight and slimy slip over his feet while the big mephit gave a satisfied groan and humped forward, placing his paws on the canine's sides and giving them a firm squeeze.

"H-Help you? Urrgh, help a hotty like you..." Shiriko muttered with his still rather rosy cheeks and the tip of his tongue poking out from his lips. He looked to be in a daze, though whatever he was feeling around his feet, and soon calves, was gripping and squeezing over him and soaking his already sweat lined fur in another vicious liquid that made his legs to tingle.

"Damn right...gonna make you into a nice wad of cum you cute 'lil pup," Tobias grinned and gave a rough thrust forward, causing a wet noise to fill the living room, which finally alerted the rather content looking German shepherd to what was going on. He couldn't even muster an audible response as the big skunk's big dick was consuming him, and had worked up to his thighs like a fat, hungry, pink snake.

Shiriko groaned and wiggled his toes as they started to sink past a thick, muscular passage as another fluid started to coat around his footpaws while they sank into Tobias' quietly gurgling ball sac. He gave a weak murr, his fate already sealed as he lied there at the mercy of the dominant skunk as his belly was still working on the skunk he called master. He watched, completely captivated while the member of the hefty predator was consuming him alive. His wide hips started to sink into the strong, clenching passage that was Tobias' cock, and the skunk made sure to keep the canine's paws at his sides while he engulfed Shiriko's spent shaft with his own ravenous one.

The German shepherd gave a weak moan of defeat while his handpaws were trapped by the hungry dick, he wiggled his fingers as they were coated in pre cum and the burly mephit started to work his shaft slowly around that soft, furry mid section. Shiriko grunted, and the pressure started to slowly rise around his belly as the snake like cock worked ever so slowly over his stomach, squishing his rolls of fat and making the large phallus stretch nicely as it kneaded over the dog's body, leading it to the waiting scrotum that was bulging faintly with a pair of footpaws and calves as Tobias gave a rough thrust, working his drooling shaft over that lightly tan colored belly. The canine gasped at how fast the skunk was able to work his cock so seemingly effortlessly over him. With his limbs already engulfed, and the wet cum 'lips' inching closer to his shoulders, the dog was soon resting his head against the skunk's fat, cum splattered belly.

Without even blinking, Shiriko started to lazily slurp along the cum he left on Tobias' gut, exciting a happy groan from the big guy as he held a single paw over the canine's head, scratching his ears lazily while his large tail swayed behind him. Even as he was being devoured, he was proving to be a useful and thoughtful pup. His eyes started to close while he nuzzled into that fat belly, squishing it with his face and slurping against that large, musky navel while he gave a whimper of pleasure, still inching down into the hungry dick as if it was quicksand. It wasn't long until the mephit's gut was clean, or well, replaced with dog saliva, and Shiriko's collar was engulfed by those moist cock lips, feeling like a second collar since by now he was going to be owned by Tobias' ravenous appetite.

" a good pup and keep on wiggling..." The skunk groaned and started to push down on the canine's head with his heavy paw.

Shiriko gave a little bark and grinned lazily up at the skunk while the world around him went dark and he was fully devoured by that fat, ravenous dick and turned into a heavy bulge in Tobias' fat ball sac. The walls squeezed around the dog firmly, coating his curled up form in copious amounts of skunk seed while he tried to squirm with what energy he had left. Though after gorging himself on one skunk, and being gorged on by another, he desperately needed rest. He gave a hug to his belly, still feeling the skunk surging through him as the slimy texture of the bigger mephit's semen soaked over his furred form. He gave his tummy a firm squeeze and kissed the inside of Tobias' scrotum, which earned him a gurgle from his tummy and a pat from the big skunk who was groping his swollen nuts.

"Gruh...skunks..." Shiriko sighed happily and started to doze off as he was already slowly being turned into cum. His eyes stayed closed and a sweet sigh left his lips.

He imagined that once he was broken down, Tobias would make a big mess over his wonderful paunch. Shiriko hoped he'd be there in the future to help clean up the big skunk, provided that Jizzal didn't need to be taken care of first.