For Love of Love 26: I heard some things...

Story by Cel on SoFurry

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#27 of For Love of Love

Author's Note: Yes, this is chapter 26. As in, before 27. You people need to point these things out when I screw up like this.:P

Lex's creator wasn't particularly amused by what his creation had done. The thought of him actually having sex, engaging in reproduction with another Digimon and having a child. He didn't have any doubts about the ability of his creation to do that kind of thing, but he didn't like the idea of having to deal with both his Angewomon mate and whatever his child turned out to be.

That, of course, was a separate and equally dangerous issue; because of the unique digital makeup of their child, he couldn't passively analyze its capabilities and structure, thus leaving him without any way to determine just how much of a threat it could be without putting something else into the Real World to perform in-depth analysis of the egg before it could hatch.

It would have been a lot easier for him to tear Lex away from a life of solitary depression, which was the whole point of orchestrating his life down to every manageable detail that he had managed to do so far. Out of the Digital World, that was a much more difficult thing to accomplish...

Still, even though he didn't have the same level of control in the Real World that he had here in its electronically-driven counterpart, he was far from without any recourse at all. Maybe this was the time for him to put some of his earlier experiments that would later be replaced by Lex's improved functionality to a better use than sitting around in stasis in the lab.

"Computer," he said, activating the Artificial Neural Neutral Autonomous Library System (ANNALS) that he had designed and built here in the Digital World to act as his computer system while he was here. "Information retrieval operation: list failed candidates for project LEX."

"Processing..." the female voice responded. "Failed candidates for project LEX are categorized by species Magusmon and Comndramon." Richard typed a few commands into one of the numerous command terminals that were open around him, bringing up images and statistics from the two species up. Lex probably wouldn't react very well to the presence of another member of a species of which he had long been conditioned to believe he was the only member.

On the other hand, the Comndramon series were ... quite large, and all of the ones that he had tested had extremely mean, destructive personalities, and all of them were extremely powerful. Letting one of them randomly run around in the Real World could cause some pretty severe problems, both for him and for the people that lived in the Real World; while the latter part of that didn't particularly bother him in and of itself, if any organization like the BDDO was to find out what he was doing here in the Digital World, it could end up proving to be problematic for him in the long run; his mere discovery could prove to be problematic for him in the long run.

Still...once he had Lex here, there wouldn't be very many things anywhere that could even stand up to him, let alone make a dent in any of his operations here in the Digital World. Besides, those fools at the BDDO probably hadn't even considered the idea of an artificial Digimon yet, let alone the idea of an artifical Digimon following programmed behavior that had been embedded by someone of a human persuasion.

"Computer," he said decisively after brooding for a while longer on the subject along the same lines as before. "Bring the last-modified Comndramon out of stasis, lower-order functioning only."

"Processing...holding bay 27 coming online for direct connection..."

Another one of the numerous terminals that were in a constant state of open-ness started receiving data from that particular Digimon, indicating that it was coming back online from a hibernative state. It was going to take a while to get the thing into a state where he could safely send it into the Real World, so he put off the other things that he was doing and dedicated the rest of his day toward tweaking its artificial personality in the hopes that it would be stable enough to serve the function that he needed it to serve before it broke down and started

developing a sense of self in the way that Lex had.

"Computer; access artificial personality routines and output formatted pages to tty3," he instructed, getting something to work with other than the currently-empty brain that the thing had now.

* * * * * *

Lex couldn't imagine anything more beautiful in the world than Angie laying there with their egg in her arms, continuing to gently coo at it even while she was asleep. When the two of them had gotten in bed together, they were sharing it between them, but when Angie rolled over, her grip was tight enough on the egg that she ended up taking it with her, and Lex didn't have the heart to take it back.

He knew that he was going to remember the image of her holding their egg for the rest of their lives; it was simply too precious, too cute, too beautiful, for him to ever forget. Still, he wished there was some way that he could make a physical copy of the moment so he could look at it whenever he wanted...

Cooing a little, he remembered seeing someone in Japan doing something that Oliver had referred to as "having pictures developed"; the 'pictures' were little pieces of paper that had pictures printed on to them by some kind of picture-taker that the humans carried around with him. Giggling happily, Lex made his way over to Sandie's room and shook her a little.

"Nnn...nnn..." she groaned in her sleep, rolling around slightly when he pushed her. "Wha...what? What do you want, Lex, it's six-thirty in the morning..."

"I want to have some pictures developed!" he giggled happily.


"Yes, I want to have one of the way Angie's sleeping right now..." Lex closed his eyes and clasped his hands in front of him. "She looks so beautiful laying there, I want to remember it forever..."

"Oh, please," Sandie groaned again and turned over from the way that she was laying. "You need to take them first camera should be on that table over there, take it and let me sleep..."

Lex happily did as Sandie asked, picking up the picture-taker that she had referred to as a 'camera' and bringing it back upstairs, trying to figure out how to use it as he went upstairs. After looking over the thing a few times, he found a button that made whatever was in front of him appear on the little screen on the back of the picture-taker.

Happy that he able to figure out how to operate the 'camera', Lex crept back into their room and went into the bedroom to find Angie in the exact same place she had been before, doing the exact same thing that she had been doing when he had left.

Putting the camera in front of his face, Lex quickly took a few pictures of Angie, put the camera on the little bale sitting next to their bed, then crawled back in with her and snuggled up to her back.

"Mmm...Lex..." She shifted a little, starting to wake up. Lex put his hand against one of Angie's wings and felt the feathers that covered him. "That feels nice," she answered, obviously awake.

"How are you feeling?" he asked, still concerned for Angie's health considering that she had just

given birth.

"I feel fine, Lex, stop worrying about me..." she answered weakly, obviously still a little bit asleep.

"I can't help it, Angie, I have to worry about you; you're my mate. It's what I'm supposed to do."

"Oh, Lex," she giggled a little, leaning onto him. "You're a hopeless romantic, you know that?" She kissed his muzzle, then ran her hand up and down it a few times. Lex closed his eyes happily. He didn't really have to get out of bed; he didn't have anything to do today.

* * * * * *

Sandie put her ear silently up against Jamie's door; she had heard Jean's giggling, and even though she knew it was probably a rude thing to do to listen in on what her son was doing like that, her curiosity overcame her. She couldn't make out exactly what they were saying, but she had been around the block.

She had come up to tell Jamie that she was too knackered to make breakfast that morning and he to ask him if it was alright for him to make his own food, but she had stopped short at going into the room when she heard the two of them giggling. It didn't really bother her that the two of them were together...did it? As long as they were in love and no one was being taken advantage of, Sandie was happy for the both of them.

Even though she didn't know that much about the Digital World, it was pretty clear to Sandie that Jamie had saved her from a life that seemed like it was pretty bad, and even gone through a pretty dangerous ordeal. The two of them obviously had pretty strong feelings for each other, but Sandie just couldn't really get her mind around their relationship...she didn't want to think that it was because Jean wasn't human, but it was. At least, part of it was.

The rest she could attribute to the normal, everyday things that a mother worried about whenever their son brought a girl home: was she just taking advantage of him somehow? Do they really know each other, or is this just because they both thought the other was sexy and decided to go on a little fling? Are they really good for each other? Sandie tried to force herself to be more rational and concentrate on those things, but she just couldn't; the fact that she was covered in scales and had a tail kept coming up more and more often whenever she tried to do that.

"Here, I'll go see..." she heard Jamie's voice start to say something and then trail off a little. She leaned in closer to the door, setting off a series of events that ended up putting her in an embarrassing, nerve-racking position.

The door opened--a few seconds later, she remembered that the part of the knob that kept the door closed was broke to Jamie's room--and almost fell flat on her face to see Jean and Jamie laying naked together on the bed; she managed to freeze and stay still without making too much noise.

Quickly averting her eyes, she waited for him to get yelled at, which she really probably deserved after what she had done. After a few seconds, she opened her eyes and flicked her gaze upward when no one said anything to her. The only one that had noticed her was Jean, and she was giving her a half-sorrowful, half-apologetic expression that didn't make look like she was going to say anything. Her eyes a little wide, she slowly raised herself back up to a standing position, only to fail again at keeping herself undetected, hitting her head on the top of the door frame, swearing mildly in the process.

"MUM!?!!" Jamie's loud, angry voice was the next thing that she heard.

* * * * * *

Jean felt a little miserable. Jamie's mother didn't seem like she liked her, and she never really met her eyes whenever Jean looked at her. She always looked away, like she was hiding something, or she was ashamed about her and didn't want to come to terms with it. That kind of behavior would have been what she would expect if she went back to the Order where no one had ever felt love before, but it made her sad to be treated that way by her mate's mother just because they weren't members of the same species.

She opened her mouth to say something to Sandie as she walked out, but by the time she managed to get the strength up to try and confront Sandie with this particular problem that she hoped would solve itself over time, she had shuffled out of the room and started going downstairs, judging by the noises that were coming from the stairs.

"I don't think she likes me," she sighed and pulled her robe around herself before getting up; she didn't want to get caught naked any more by anyone other than Jamie who lived here; especially his brother...

"She just isn't used to the idea of us being together," Jamie said back, putting his hands on her shoulders. "Do you want to talk to her about it? If you'd like, I can go drag her back up here for you."

Jean smiled at Jamie, nodded, and gave him a hug. He was so perfect, the way he always anticipated every little thing she wanted. It was almost like he was somehow reading her mind; she hardly ever had to say anything ...

"Here, I'll go get her," he gave her a quick kiss on her muzzle, then quickly put his clothes on and left the room. Jean pulled up the covers and fluffed the pillows, trying to quickly make the bed before Sandie came back up.

"You wanted to talk to me, Jean?" Sandie came back in with her son. Jean blushed a little, not entirely sure how she was supposed to react. Sitting on the edge of the bed, she smiled nervously and looked up at Sandie.

"Sandie, is there something about me that bothers you?"

"W-what? No, of course not..." she answered quickly; a few seconds later, probably after thinking what she was saying through. "Well, not you, personally, Jean. It's just the idea of you and Jamie, you know ..."

"Having sex?" She cocked her head a little, blushing at the fact that she was talking about her sexual life with someone other than the person that she shared her body with.

"Y-yes," she answered quickly, blushing almost as much as she was.

"Why does that bother you?"

"It...its just that its unusual, Jean..."

"Because I'm not human?"

"I didn't say that," she answered almost silently.

"Then what is it that bothers you about us being together?"

"I ... I honestly don't know, Jean, I'm sorry."

Jean looked away sadly. She wanted Sandie to like her, especially if she was going to be spending her life with Jamie like she wanted to; she didn't think she could really be happy If the rest of Jamie's family didn't like her.



"Do you like Jean? As a person, I mean?"

"Of course I do...why?"

"Then why does I bother you that I'm sleeping with him?" Jean asked, getting a little desperate.

"I ... I just don't know. I don't know why...I should be happy for you, and I am, its just a little creepy for me..." she answered. Jean frowned a little, looking off to the side.

"Jamie isn't a Digimon, but that doesn't change how I feel about him. I love him," she said, taking a hold of his hand and squeezing it a little.

"I love you too, Jean," he held her hand for a second, then used his other hand to take a hold of the back of her hand and give her a long, loving kiss. Jean closed her eyes to enjoy it, blushing at the fact that his mother was still in the room while at the same time trying to show her that the two of them were very much in love and that there wasn't anything wrong with it.

"I'm happy if you two are happy ... it just isn't easy for me to wrap my mind around you two being together. Don't let that bother you too much, Jean; I'm sure that Ill get more used to the two of you later."

Jean guessed that was going to be as good as she was going to get, so she smiled and put her arms around Jamie's neck, closing her eyes and losing herself in the kiss that the two of them were sharing together.

She felt a little friskier than she usually did, although she couldn't quite pin the feeling down. Maybe it was because she had just gotten up and spent the last few minutes thinking about how wonderful it was to be with something that she loved so much.

"Mmm..." Jamie moaned a little, then opened up his mouth. "You smell nice, Jean," he said, buring his nose in her scales between her collarbone and her neck. Giggling a little at the compliment, she smiled and turned her head off to one side to give him easier access. "I never noticed that before."

"What do I smell like?" she raised her arm and sniffed herself, trying to figure out what he was talking about.

"Like..." he started sniffing at her neck. "Like the best thing that I've ever smelled in my life," he answered, inhaling deeply by the base of her neck. Jean didn't know what he was talking about; she couldn't smell anything other than Jamie's masculine smell herself, and that was doing enough to her; closing her eyes and letting her imagination run wild, she thought about Jamie being a little more rough with her than he usually was, all but forcing her to get onto her hands and knees and take her again and again.

It took her a few seconds to come back to reality and question where those thoughts were coming

from; they certainly weren't things that she normally imaged, even in her wildest dreams; she always dreamed about Jamie being gentle and kind to her. Shrugging off the thoughts a little, she opened her eyes again and looked at Jamie.

"That doesn't really help me," she giggled nervously, wondering if maybe what Jamie was smelling was somehow linked to the new feelings that she was experiencing.

"I don't know," he answered. "It smells kind of sweet...and a little musky; like, enough to make it strong but still smell really sweet." Jean blushed a little. She didn't know what that meant, but if it made Jamie happy, then she didn't really care.

"Anyway... do you want some breakfeast?"

Jean smiled and nodded. She liked it when Jamie made food for her.

* * * * * *

Angie couldn't sleep. Lex hadn't been able to sleep for a while, either, but he had eventually fallen asleep cuddling the egg up against his chest. Angie smiled and touched the egg a little; it was warm, and there was obviously something living inside. Angie cooed quietly, cupping her hand on top of the egg.

Even though she already had what seemed like an impossibly large smile, it got even bigger when she felt the egg wobble a little. At first, she thought it was just Lex moving around in his sleep to snuggle like he sometimes did, but when it started doing it every few seconds, she realized that her family was about to be one member bigger.

"Lex!!!" she shook him quickly; Lex twitched then woke up; it only took him a second or so to realize what was happening. His eyes widened and he made a very un-masculine noise, positively squealing with delight.

"Angie..." Lex put his hand on top of the one of hers that was resting on top of the egg. It didn't make any sense, but wheneve he touched her like that, it was like all of that love that he had for her couldn't stay in his body and it went through his touch to her.

Breaking her eye contact with Lex when the egg started to crack, the two of them stared lovingly at the egg as it hatched, slowly breaking away the bits of the egg that were between their child and them.

"Ohhh...Lex, it's like you," she cooed quietly when she saw some orange scales.

"Oh...I'm sorry..." Lex said apologetically. Angie giggled slightly at him, then quickly gave him a kiss.

"No, Lex...that's what I want," she looked at him as lovingly as she could manage to reassure him that she loved everything about him. "I want him to be like you ..."

The egg cracked again; the top of it was pushed off by whatever was inside of it, and Angie's heart practically exploded in happiness when she saw exactly what it was. The little Digimon that had pushed the top of the egg off was a little, four-legged dragon with gray scales and a single pair of gray little wings, miniature and slightly off-color versions of the ones that had been attached to her back for her entire life.

Looking up at Angie, their son made a cute little squeaking noise at them, then crawled out from the egg. She had an almost irresistable urge to pick it up and snuggle it, but she knew that Lex

was probably more motherly and maternal than she was, so she looked at him and gestured downward with her eyes.

Lex's face beamed when he realized what Angie was trying to get across to him, and he moved quickly to pick up the cute little bundle of cuteness and joy.

* * * * * *

The cute little bundle of cuteness and joy's first thought was that he liked his parents. His next thought was the realization that he could feel every one of their emotions, and that they were extremely happy.

"Mother," he said, looking at the woman who was beaming at him. She quickly nodded in response and petted his head, which made him coo from the sensation and turn his ears back from the pleasure. After a few seconds of that, he looked at the other Digimon in the room, whom he recognized as his other parental unit.

"Father," he said to him, licking the scaly hand that came up to pet him.

"Yes," his father, who was still cradling him in his arms, answered. "Do you feel alright? Are you hurt?"

"No," he smiled, feeling the care and concern that his father had for him just the way that his father was feeling it.

"Ethan ..." his mother cooed at him; since his father didn't respond to it, he uessed tat was his name. Ethan. He liked it. Yawning sleepily, he curled up and fluffed his wings so they wouldn't snap when he laid down. Ethan smiled a little at the thought of his name, and basking in the happiness of his two parents, he let the sleep overtake him that was starting to gnaw on the back of his mind.

* * * * * *

Angie didn't know where the name 'Ethan' had come from. It just seemed like the right thing to say at the time, but both Lex and their son seemed to like it, and since Lex didn't offer anything else, she guessed that it was acceptable.

Giggling a little as Lex put Ethan in her arms, she smiled happily and clutched her child lovingly against her chest. She had never imagined that she was ever going to be this happy at any point in her life. Well, maybe when she had met Lex, but the feeling was so much more intense when the two of them had something to focus their love together on. She was absolutely filled with ecstasy, more so then she ever thought would be possible.

"Oh, Lex," she said, getting as close to him as she could manage without squishing Ethan in between the two of them. "Thanks for giving me a family...I'd always wanted one, but I never dreamed I'd be doing anything like this so soon in my life." she smiled lovingly at him.

"It never crossed my mind that I'd have the opportunity to do this with anyone..." Lex giggled ever so slightly and held the hand that wasn't cradling their sleeping child against her chest with both of his. "I considered myself lucky if I could just be near a family and fantasize about being one of their children."

"You mean you never thought about having a family of your own, Lex?"

"Not really, no ... I was always just trying to survive. I just ... accepted, I guess, that having

families was something for other Digimon, and that I was meant for something else."

"What did you think that something else was, Lex?" she giggled. "What else could you dream about than having a family and a mate to take care of and spend your time with...?"

"I don't really know...I was hoping that the Real World would have that answer for me." Seeing the opportunity for a potentially romantic moment, Angie leaned forward and gave Lex a deep, passionate, kiss, silencing him in the middle of what he was saying.

"It did, Lex..."

"You're right, it did..."

The two of them sat next to each other, propped up against pillows and talking about their relationship was the best thing that ever happened to them, while at the same time being the most unexpected thing that the two of them had ever experienced in their lives.

* * * * * *

Tom twirled his pencil in between his fingers over and over, staring at the blank piece of paper that was sitting on his lap. He had never had any problems before coming up with anything to draw, and it really didn't make sense now considering all of the Digimon that were living in the house.

Hell, Jes and Lex alone had endless possibilities. Why he couldn't come up with anything to draw involving the two of them was beyond him. A few weeks ago, he was working on three or four different pieces a night, but now he didn't have anything at all.

Sighing slightly, he put down the blank piece of paper and got up to go downstairs. If he wasn't going to come up with anything, then he wasn't going to come up with anything; there wasn't any point in mindlessly sitting on his bed waiting for something to come to him.

Putting on his bathrobe to keep himself at a more comfortable temperature when he went downstairs, he headed downstairs, not expecting to see anyone down there so early. Halting when something defied the usual, he grinned slightly when he saw that familiar black and green fur-covered tail swishing around from side to side behind one of the stools sitting in the kitchen.

Usually, Jes was pretty on-poing with what was going on around her, but that apparently wasn't true when she had just gotten up and was ... having coffee? Tom had never seen her drink coffee before...come to think of it, he had never really figured out Jes' sleep schedule before. She was somehow always up before he was, but she didn't go to bed anywhere near the time when he did. Maybe she didn't need as much sleep as he did because she was a Digimon or something.

Hypnotized by Jes' tail swishing sexily from side to side, he leaned against the wall and thought about all of the things that the two of them could do together if Jes was still in heat. Grinning a little as Jes bent forward a little, he thought he might get a little glimpse of the hotness between her legs, but she sat back down after grabbing the coffee off the top of the stove.

He could have spent the morning standing silently at the bottom of the stairs, but that new girl, Megan, had to blow his cover.

"Morning, Tom," she said sleepily as she walked by him in a very un-sexy pair of baggy sweat pants and sweat shirt that didn't really show anything interesting.

"M-morning, Megan," he whimpered a little at what Jes was going to do to him when she figured out that he had been standing there at the bottom of the stairs, gazing longingly at the BlRemon.

"Tom?!" Jes wheeled around in the chair and gave him an evil-looking gaze. He blushed a little and looked away, knowing that he was going to suffer at the very least a few scratches, and at worst a broken arm and a few bites to go with them. Growling menacingly, she leapt at him, pushing him to the ground and straddling his stomach, squeezing him painfully with her thighs. "You like that, don't you, you sick fuck?!"

Tom squeaked a little. To be honest with himself, he actually did like it; any physical contact with that beautiful furry woman was positive to him; he just didn't like it when she made him bleed. Of course, that came next, when she raked her claws quickly across his face multiple times, deep enough to hurt a lot and draw blood.

"Stop staring at me, damnit!" After cutting into his chest a few times, she got up and stormed up the stairs, leaving him bleeding from his face and chest on the floor.

* * * * * * *

An invisible Digimon giggled silently from where she was floating above the counter. Tom was a horny one, apparently, as well as being completely desperate and hopeless. He was so absolutely pathetic, it was funny. She didn't want to skirt around why she was here; the Invisimon had been around other Digimon long enough to know what the pull of your future tamer felt like, and that was what she was feeling now.

Still, she thought with a grin, it couldn't hurt to watch him for a while so she could find out exactly what she was going to be involved in, so rather than just show up along with the Digivice that she had hidden under his bed earlier in the morning, she decided to wait around for a while and find out what kind of lifestyle she'd be living.

From what she had seen so far, it looked like she was going to be spending a lot of time waiting around while he was sitting in his room jacking off to pictures of Jes. In a lot of ways, he was like her brother...only her brother actually got laid from time to time, and Tom didn't seem like he was the kind that regularly got lucky in that department.

She was going to have a lot of fun with him, she thought with a giggle.

"Hiya," she whispered into his ear, using the most giggly, ditzy voice that she could manage. "I'm an Invisimon."

Tom squeaked and jumped in place a little. The Invisimon giggled in response, flying around the human's head and giggling as hard as she could without hurting herself in the process of doing it.

"Who are you? What do you want?"

"I told you," she said, letting her giggling die down. "I'm an Invisimon. I'm here because I was curious," she lied, not wanting to give away the fact that she was going to be his Digimon quite

yet. His reaction to being the tamer of a female Digimon who could change their physical form at will was probably going to be one of the most amusing things that she was ever going to see in her lifetime.

"How long have you been around here...?" Tom asked hesitantly. She stifled another giggle; he must have been wondering if she had seen all of the naughty things that Tom did with himself, and especially the naughty things that she had seen him draw so far.

"Loooooong enough," she said, evading the question and letting him draw his own conclusions about what that meant.


"And I think that you're really weird," she answered with a giggle.