You're Welcome (Illustrated)

Story by Picklessauce69 on SoFurry

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#2 of Binding of Fenrir

The sequel/continuation commission for Bionet ! Written by myself but illustrated with

SpytDragonFyre from FA (

Comment please!

Unlike outside of the tucked away hiding place of Fenrisulfr, when morning came the sun stayed lost to their eyes and darkness remained around them like a blanket, but Alsa woke nonetheless with a small stir against the soft plume of fur of Fenrir's stomach where she'd laid as she fell asleep. Cautiously, she guided herself into an upright position with her fingers gliding over the surface of the canine's stomach while she eased her legs out from where they'd been tucked beneath him where his body heat kept her toasty warm even with the cool rock beneath. In the darkness, she could see the outline of the wolf's head, laid down on the floor and curled around her body, shifting with new freedom without the chains she'd released him from. While he slept, his stomach rose and fell behind her in time with the breaths puffing out from the massive nostrils only a few feet from him attached to the giant's muzzle.

Slowly, so not to wake him, Alsa rose onto her feet and gathered her discarded canteen before she tiptoed down the length of the cave once more to collect from the trickling stream at the cave's brook and perhaps snag a fish that happened to wiggle past her in the thin, shallow bed of the miniature river. On the second trip down the corridor of stone, Alsa moved swifted, fingers grazing the wall as a guide, but not a necessary precaution. Nearing the mouth, the sounds of the outside world hit her ears with a chorus of birds faintly in the distance while the trickle of the brook was forefront in her mind. Stepping past the threshold of the cave, the light broke across her eyelids like a blade over flesh, making her wince after the dimness of the cave while she doubled over at the waist and gave a small growl. When she bent, her tousled silver hair spun over her head and hung over her eyes, thick and messy after snuggling into the wolf's side while she slept.

"I should wash up..." She grumbled quietly, eyeing the stream through a pair of parted fingers to minimize the sunlight that beat against her face through the crack of her hand. With the hand not shielding her face, she dropped her canteen onto the bank of the small river while she tugged on her belt, loosening the supple leather with a jangle of her assorted pouches while she eased it down from her waist, draping it onto the grass beside her bottle while the sun began to burn less against her adjusting eyes. With the hand over her eyes dropping down, freed from its task of shielding her from the light, she began to untie the top of her tunic where leather strings held it over her bosom. Slowly, the lacing loosening and parted, showing the plume of white fur between her breasts before she bent to wriggled her tight, hide boots off of foot paw, toosing each shoe to join the growing pile of supplies on the grassy bank of the shallow river. With her feet bare the girl bent at the waist, guiding the top of her breaches down, rolling them over the rounded shape of her ass while her breasts, bare beneath the tunic, hung down and peeked out from the loosening top of the shirt.

Behind her, her pants and panties rolled down in a duo and slowly revealed the snow white fur of her rump with the pink of her sex peeking from between her thighs, lips puffy with lingering need from teasing the wolf the night before. With her bent position, her thighs pushed on either side, the deep white of her fur formed the shape of a heart without a single speckle of her normal spotted pelt through the white, but edged by a deep spattering of the design returning, outlining the shape. Alone in the stream, the stripped the pants off, followed by the dainty panties that laid over the of the river before she hooked fingers beneath her tunic and eased it over her head, breasts bouncing into full view. At last, she draped that large shirt over the pile of her pants and boots and stretched up, paws rising up so her heels was off the ground while her arms reached for the sky, pulling her stomach taut and her breasts up in a perky position while she worked the kinks from her back.


Once stretched out, the nude leopardess lowered herself into the chilly water of the stream, sighing out at the soft bite of the water on her skin through the padding of her fur. "Mmm..." Her voice rang out softly in the still air before she laid her head back and ran careful fingers through the loose knots that twisted through her hair, small tufts of black fur floating out from the combing. Once her hair was relatively smooth, she rolled onto her stomach, letting the shallow water trickle down the length of her body, flowing over the arch of her back and the curve of her rump like she was simply another rock in the bed of the river. Quietly, she relaxed in the water, nude from head to toe with nothing but the dancing breeze over her back to cover her. However, after a short while, she roused herself from the calming water massage and stepped onto the grass once again, rolling her hair into a ball to wring the water out before she gathered up her things, staying naked to allow her fur to dry in the faint heat of the day. Almost like an afterthought, steps from the edge of the cave, she bent once again and refilled the canteen for the awaiting wolf and descended back into the cave.

Down the dark corridor of stone once again, though the third time through her footsteps are confident, even bare pawed while she trotted down towards the bulb of open space where Fenrir stirred, head shuffling over his paws.

When she entered, however, the light stir of fading sleep broke as his nose twitched with the rich scent of the nude female, not a single strip of fabric blocking the tantalizing aroma of her bare sex from his strong, canine nose. Instantly, a needy whine escaped his muzzle. From where his head laid over his paws on the floor, both yellow eyes opened wide and tipped up towards her.

Innocently, she smiled and held up the canteen, "Thirsty?"

Fenrir's lip twitched before his muzzle parted in a slight smile, rows of teeth showing for a moment before he nodded, eyeing where the makeshift bowl from the day before was located, just to his side a way. The leopardess nodded in response and moved to the spot, bending over at the waist to pour only to feel a broad, canine tongue lap over the lips of her sex.


A soft gasp echoed out into the cave and Fenrir flinched back in surprise, ears folded to his head when she spun her head back over her shoulder with two wide eyes. "What was that?"

The canine whined again, but persisted with a gently nudge to her knee, urging her to get onto the ground with him while he shuffled on the floor to line up behind her evenly. "A thank you..."

For a moment, she hesitated but a second glance at the large beast attempting to create the classic puppy-dog look with wide, drooping eyes and she lowered to her knees, resting on all fours in front of him before another lick was delivered over the surface of her sex. Broad as it was, his tongue covered the entirety of her mound in one smooth stroke, tickling the sensitive skin, covered in a velveteen layer of fur except for where her pink clit peeked out between her puffy, eager lips and bare skin gleamed wetly.

Faintly, as a third stroke of his tongue pushed gently between her lower lips, a moan bloomed into the air and the feline stretched forward and insistently pushed her butt back towards the canine, making his lip twitch upwards again in a small smirk. Without pause, the continued to push his tongue between the plump lips of her sex, parting them with tongue and small nudges of his cold nose while he dug his tongue towards her opening, eager to get to the source of the intoxicating spiced taste.

While the tip of his fat tongue teased against the tight hole of her pussy, Alsa mewled into the air, spreading out her thighs further to let him in deeper, a soft hiss of growing need escaping into the air. Impatient to tease out further noises, Fenrir eased the tip of his tongue further, rolling it into a coil to shove into her tight snatch while another merowl met the air while the girl writhed on the hard surface of the cave floor, tail flailing above the canine's head before she twisted away from him, only to roll over onto her back. Two glowing eyes met the canine's when her legs parted, this time with her knees spread on either side of his massive head to give him a wide access to her sex. While his tongue buried into her, the short whiskers on his muzzle tickled through the fur of either thigh, making her butt squirm up closer while the cool temperature of his nose bumped into her clit, teasing out a yip of surprised sensation from the sensitive appendage being touched.

While his tongue curled and ground to her sensitive g-spot, the feline reached out a paw to tangle into his coarse fur, holding around the shape of his ear to gently pull him towards her crotch, impatiently keeping him in place over her sex, though the canine didn't complain as the rich, tangy taste of her snatch filled his mouth and her thick scent nearly clogged his sensitive sense of smell. Another moan escaped while he jerked his tongue into her, twisting his long, broad appendage while purposefully rubbing his cold nose into the bead of her clit, watching her face contort with a high-pitched moan. Against his head, the tips of her claws nipped against his skin while she tensed with pleasure, tunnel tightening with the first increase in pressure in her groin, pushing towards an eventual overload.

His tongue drew back, dragging over the ridges of her insides, hooking against her g-spot to press hard into the fleshy patch before drawing out and teasing the tip to her clit. Another hard shudder went down her spine, rippling her entire body till her tail hooked around the canines leg and clenched like a fist tightening to stop someone from calling out. Her tail was less effective than a fist, however, and a deep moan rang out into the cave, only to echo back to them while a second followed and Fenrir teased the tip of a sharp canine tooth up to her sensitive clit, biting it every so gently to send shocked, edge-of-being-frightened chills racing up her spend to force out a second cry of pleasure that joined the first in bouncing off the walls, giving them surround sound to their own porn.

While he relentlessly teased her throbbing clit, the feline clutched harder to his mammoth head, thighs starting to tighten and press to either side, trying to hold still even as he torture her clit into a plump, pulsating state, a steady ooze of her juices leaking onto the floor only to be excitedly lapped up by the monster turned sex puppy with a lewd slurp.

When he at last drew his tongue back from her clit, leaving it pulsating with every pound of her racing heart, and dove it back into her clenching sex and grinded it into the patch of skin of her g-spot- she exploded. Her back arched up into the air while a high pitched shriek echoed out from the girl's lips, ringing out against the walls while her fingers clutched to his fur, pulling out small tufts of black around the edges of her claws, but the male didn't flinch back from her and instead pushed his tongue harder to her sex and then to her clit, trying to prolong the gush of her sweet juices.

Breathing hoarsely, she tipped her head up to stare at him, a small glint of amusement in her eyes along with the hazy tiredness of her afterglow settling over her. "'re very welcome..." She whispered, gasping faintly while Fenrir bent his head and lapped her crotch clean before laying his head over her torso, settling it on her stomach so his hot breath washed up over her bare chest. For a moment, Alsa relaxed down against the rock while idly petting over his head, gently tugging on his ear with a small smile.

"Shall we get out of this cave?" She asked, watching the beast shoot onto his feet, the underside of his chin dribbling with the mess of her juices from the floor. She smiled at the sight before climbing to her feet and dressing swiftly, snugly situation her belt before she patted her hip to summon Fenrir to walk behind her.

"I'm warning you, the sun is going to burn your eyes so you might want to look down..." Alsa cautioned, though Fenrir's gaze was locked on the swaying shape of her hips and nearly didn't drop when the sun's rays began reaching for his eyes. However, when the brightness suddenly exploded in front of him, he dropped his head towards the dirt beneath, spotting the trickle of the stream while his matted tail jumped to life in a way.

For the first time in years, he splashed into cold water, bent his head, and drank eagerly. Alsa lingered at the edge of the bank, watching before she pointed downriver. "It gets deeper that-a-way, how about we get you cleaned up?" For a moment, Fenrir seemed flustered, almost embarrassed at the concept of the small anthro assisting him in something as simple as bathing, but after a short moment, he gave a sharp nod.

The leopardess nodded, tucking her thumbs into the edge of her thick, leather belt before she started to walk along the edge of the stream while Fenrir splashed behind her, kicking his legs up like an oversized pup, the sensation of walking, stretching out without the strain of the chains criss-crossed over him, and feeling a fresh breeze were all delighting the canine, making his matted tail wag happily the entire walk.

As they walked, a montage of the countryside slide past; rolling hills gave way to flat pasture land, scattered through with feral cows who brayed and inched away at the sight of the hulking wolf, though they didn't spot another intelligent creature, only the occasional tree or windmill over the fresh, green fields.

Fenrir stayed happily oblivious to the fear of the cattle, tongue dangling out from his mouth while he trotted along through the water, the level of the liquid slowly rising from his ankles, up to the bend of his knee and inching up his thigh as they neared the deeper lake the river fed into. With Alsa as a witness, the monstrous killer Fenrir displayed pup-like excitement for the prospect of a good bath and a new degree of freedom. His eyes darted from side to side with each new section of the landscape, gazing at the golden grains and green grasses while he splashed through the cool chill of the river water, growing increasingly colder as they finally neared the drop off into the small lake. Alsa spotted the familiar widening of the river and directed the wolf to climb onto the bank as she led the way to a sandy patch that led to the water where she could stand on the sand bar to wash his back. Peeling off her boots, she dug out a small bottle of liquid soap, a rare commodity among travelers and a duo pack of bar soap as well followed by a coarse toothed brush, made mostly likely for horses.

"Come 'er" She instructed, wading to the sandbar while she pointed to the deeper dip in front of it- the water riding up onto the wolf's back, lapping over the top of his back. He stood still, but both ears flicked on the top of his head side to side while two small hands started into his fur with a bar of soap, loosening the bar into a slick layer onto the top layer of tangled locks with gentle coercion of the water to loosen out the twists of matted fluff.

A silence settled between them except for the soft wretch of the hair breaking out from the nests it had formed over the years. She worked soap through her hands, smearing the foamy white substance onto his back in an attempt to work out the dust and grime from the cave. The foam started white from her hands onto his black fur and turned brown by the time it rolled off back into the river water. The leopardess leaned over him, rubbing hard into the bunched muscles, tight from the constraining position. Tirelessly, the girl slid onto her knees in the sand, the sun-toasted grains sticking to her leather pants as she reached to the underside of his belly, working soap through the dangling hairs that had grown in unruly curls beneath him.

While she washed, the sun sank down in the sky and bloomed into a bright red stain atop the horizon, like the wax seal on a letter. As she stroked a hand down his back and the foam of the soap came off white, she herself pause, stretching back to work the kinks from her spine. "Now rinse."

Fenrir stirred beneath her, looking over his shoulder with a tired, subdued glaze over his eyes like they were freshly made donuts. After a pause, he sauntered forward and sunk into the cool water, washing out the soap bubbles and dirt that still clung to the edges of his hair. When he came up, the feline was waiting, yielding the brush with an amused smile. Already, the beast had begun to more closely resemble the art of him through the ages. His fur had begun to deepen into the gleaming blackness that painters struggled to capture with their artificial pigments and artists had strove to depict with the shading of a pencil. As the brush met to his back, and the loose fur began to pull out, the tufts of a winter coat beginning to shed dropped onto the water, and the coat began to shine without clinging dead skin or loose fur dotted over it. Alsa worked thoroughly over the surface area of his back, not pausing till she had held his tail over her thigh and brushed through dust bunnies hugging into the fluff.

At last, she stepped back and dropped the brush beside the nub of the second bar of soap and stared at the beast, fur deep as night, standing in the water as the moon rose in the sky behind, glinting off his freshly cleaned fur. He looked like a figment of a storybook, a painting of a mythology textbook, or a creature of a nightmare. He looked real. Alsa shivered with a prideful delight and patted her thighs, summoning him to her while she sunk onto the sand.

Excitedly, he trotted to her, nudging her stomach and laying his mammoth skull over her lap while his broad tongue stroked up the curvature of her throat. "Mmm.. what are you doing?" She whispered, eyes threatening to close as his tongue dipped down over the top of her tunic, the light amount of pressure teasing over the sensitive nub of her nipple beneath the fabric.

Gruffly, but with a genuine, happy rumble from his throat, Fenrir pushed his mouth towards her triangular ear, nibbling it. "-Thanking you."

Alsa gave a soft, throaty laugh tinged on the edges with the start of a rumbling purr while the canine's wet tongue washed over her fur again, tickling underneath her chin as she leaned back onto the sand, letting the weight of his head hold her hips down against the ground. "How will you thank me this time, Fenrisulfr?" She whispered, drawing a hand over his ear, finding the rare moment of affection, almost love. It tickled inside her belly, blossoming for a moment as she stared down at the beast, whose eyes were wide and peering up at her, happy and genuinely thankful- despite their initial meeting of mistrust and trickery.

The canine shuffled up onto the sand, body dripping cold water onto the hot, but cooling beach while he leaned over her, body dwarfing her own in size. Nearly three times taller with her laying down, she looked like a mere cub beside him rather than a full grown anthropomorphic woman. His head alone was the side of her upper body, though she never showed a flicked of fear for the huge beast. Between his two, broad thighs his sheath had slipped back to show the pointed red tip of his cock, glowing red in the dim light of the fading afternoon. He shifted his hips, showing his emerging cock to the feline with a sheepish expression, ears folded down and nose tipped slightly towards his chest.

A smile spread slowly over the snow leopard's lips before she leaned up slightly, reading a hand out to curl around his shaft, pumping over him loosely while her lips teasing up the side of his muzzle, short fur tickling her lips. "Are you sure that wouldn't be more like me thanking you?" She teased softly, voice only a whisper against his cheek while his tongue drew down, flicked lightly to her lips.

After his lick, his lips drew into a smirk, teeth showing in the self-confident grin. "Trust me." He rumbled in his short, blunt manner before licking her lips again, a feral version of a kiss while he bucked into her hand, shaft laying over her palm nearly fully exposed. The feline felt a tinge of heat in her groin, a blush coloring beneath her white fur before she shifted in the sand, hands dropping to her own sides to slide her thumbs into the tight waistband of her leather breachers, peeling them down her thighs slowly. Fenrir watched, as though hypnotized while she raised her hips off the ground and worked the garment off, the small coil of her panties rolled down her legs following next, piling at her feet at the edge of the water before her legs spread open wide.

Against nude, her scent wasn't blocked from his nose and it flooded him with her tangy, intoxicating aroma. A soft whine left his lips while his tip shifted towards her sex, heat radiating off strong enough to summon him towards her from half a foot away. She whined faintly with her own excitement before embarrassment colored her cheeks with a pale pink and only her purred rumbled on while his tip met to her slick slit, sliding along the line of her lower lips, dipping between them.

For a moment, the feline's hips squirmed up, instinctively moving to guide him into her, but Fenrir's muzzle pushed to her shoulder, teeth lightly nipping through her fur while the tips of his fangs nicked her skin with a fleeting pinch. "No. I take care.." His head lowered, almost in an apology for the nip and licked over her neck, "...of you."

Alsa gave a small hiss, playful chastising her oversized pet before she nodded and pet his ear lightly while her other hand moved to the lacing of her tunic and loosened them, giving him an opening stroke his tongue over the mound of her breast. A soft mewl left her lips when the heat of his pink appendage swiped over the throbbing nub of her teat, but no further stimulation came from her crotch while he concentrated on her breast, lapping over each nipple in turn, teasing them to a full-stiff peak like the hard corners of homemade whipped cream, carefully teased to maximum height off the shape of the rest of her boob. Her fur swished beneath his tongue, curling into miniature knots while her head laid back into the sand, grains of it crunching into her silvery hair, but she didn't notice as both lips dropped open with a moan into the evening air.

Teeth nipped the sensitive, hard nipple and another hiss left into the air, pleasure racing down the girl's spine. Her scent thickened in the air while she leaked excitement onto his tip, lubricating him while he teased her breast carefully between the nub of one tooth and the lip of his muzzle. Her noises started low, muffled in her throat, but grew loud, high-pitched when she lost control to his incessant teasing and the hot, oozing tip of his cock as it grinded along her slit with his excited squirming.

Desperation making her buck up towards his tip, the feline tightened the hand near his ear, grabbing a clump of fur and loose skin on his head while she whimpered. Her claw tips gently nipped his skin through the fur, now smooth and silken beneath her touch. "Mate me, Fenrisulf...Now.."

His hips pushed down, carefully aligning his tip before he fluidly thrust forward, spearing the feline onto his cock while she mewled out loudly, the sound ringing out in the open air of increasing darkness. Her hand loosened and released his ear, exchanging it for a death grip on her breast while a second moan bubbled out from his lips while he hilted inside her, lifting her butt of the ground with the force of his thrust. A fast, steady rhythm followed, the smacking of their hips echoing out into the night along with the consistent slurping of the canine's tongue up the length of the girl's throat, coating her in feral, canine kisses while her head laid back in the sand, eyes half lidded while she watched the massive canine over her, hunched to reach his cock to hilt inside her, squeezing himself together like one forces two sides of a slinky into its snug-est position so that he could buck into her. Beneath him, she watched her sex stretch around the massive base of his cock, each inward thrust stretching her out once again and drawing out a pleasured grunt of the pull on her muscles, the give of her sex as it eagerly slurped him into her, constricting around his length eagerly, desperately. Above, he panted over top of her, a mess of drool collecting between her breasts from his licking and the leaking from the corner of his mouth as he panted hoarsely, straining himself after years of inactivity.


Her back arched up into the air, straining her hips hard into the most recent hilt till she felt the fur of his crotch tickle to her clit, surrounding it in momentary furry warmth. Toes curled into the ground, crunching the sand beneath before her knees locked and her legs curled back up. Her head rolled back while a moaned rolled forth from her lips, filling the air to add to the chorus of lewd noises coming from the hips- the steady clap of their bodies coming together, the schlick of his cock stretching her open while her juices squirted out around him, and the squelch of her wet tunnel being filled suddenly with the girth of his cock. Her chest buzzed with a purr while his breath caught in his throat. Her tunnel tightened. His cock stiffened. A yowl left her lips, bloomed in the air. His tip drooled and spat a short of thick, globbed cum into her depths. She stiffened. He howled.

Together they froze, lingering on the edge for a moment before an explosion of their noises rang into the air. The feline adventurer, loud and uninhibited and high pitched noise cut in the air. The canine myth howled, reaching the moon with the clear tone of pleasure, pure and unadulterated. Her back arched to him and his hips slammed down into hers, crashing them into the sound in a plume of dirt. Her tail curled around his thigh while her paws clutched to his head. His face dropped to her neck, breath a tornado through her fur before his cock jerked inside the vice-like grip of her pussy and exploded with warm cum. The first burst, warm and thick inside her, and the leopardess dropped over the edge behind him. Her tunnel spasmed madly around him before she flooded around his own jerking shaft with her own female cum. Almost as an after thought, the male bucked hard to her lips with his rapidly inflating knot and shoved inside her. It was so round, huge, bulging it was though it tore through the fragile skin of her sex, but she was so gone, lost in the clutches of her orgasm that it was only another encouragement as her cum pooled against the edges, a few drops leaking out, gleaming as they oozed over the underside and into his fur.

As she began to relax beneath him, her breathing settled into a soft gust against his cheek, tickling the short fur while his head settled heavier on her shoulder, covering her with himself like a blanket while he remained buried inside her, a sloshing volume of cum locked inside her, pushing her stomach into a subtle bulge. He covered her almost entirely with the bulk of his body. His dark fur seemed to meld into the darkness of night time, like a shadow on a black wall that disappeared to the human eye. Faintly above him, the moon glowed down on them, a night light to their camp out. While he calmed down, his breathing began to wash softer over her neck, ruffling her fur less with the gush of air as his tail still behind, tip still twitching in a remnant of the wag it'd practiced before. Unlike the images of him from painted lore, his fangs barely peeked from his muzzle and contentedness held his face in a relaxed droop. Perhaps all he needed was a good fuck or the acceptance of another fur.

Alsa purred faintly, quietly ponder the complicated creature whitle running a hand down over his ear in a stroking pet that made his head tip into her hand until her arm went limp around him and she let her cheek rest against the sand still warm from the sleeping sun. Her eyes lay in a slit, peering out over the horizon, where the sun was merely a blush across the edge of the horizon and the moon glittered overhead and the direction of the next day's travels would take them. However, sleep took priority in that moment and her eyelids drooped down and closed while her breathing slowed and settled, body warm beneath the head of the larger canine.

Faintly, before she slipped into the arm's of sleep, she gave one last gentle stroke over the wolf's ear and whispered, so soft the sand beneath her lips didn't even rustle, "You're welcome, Fenrisulfr."