Love me forever

Story by ThunderCat on SoFurry

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it is the year 34561 Ad an Crusader born in 1075 ad is pulled out of his mental hiding by a young angel, having a long and hard sparring match the previous night and a good sleep. The next morning have made fresh cinnamon rolls, This is the end result after letting each other know after they care about each other and want to start dating. The story mine, Talon is mine , Michelle is a friends.

Love Me Forever

_ I need another story _

_ Something to get off my chest _

_ My life gets kinda boring _

_ Need something that I can confess _

"Gods Talon you're just as bad as Daxter...." Michelle turned around abruptly, in a huff after throwing the cinnamon roll at the man sitting on the floor in front of her bed. This left him rather stunned, the sudden assault with the pastry seeming to come out of nowhere as well as the attitude change.

_ What did I say? _

After a few moments of Michelle staying turned around and ignoring him a slight smile silently tugged at the veteran warriors' lips as he got up as quietly as he could so as to not alert his partner of his movements seeing that the dark haired woman currently ignoring him was trained by the best in stealth and silent movement.

This is going to be fun.

'Til all my sleeves are stained red

_ From all the truth that I've said _

_ Come by it honestly I swear _

_ Thought you saw me wink, no _

_ I've been on the brink, so _

_ How is it he can be so dense? Am I doing something wrong? When I was flirting with Mitch he noticed in no time but with Talon he just doesn't seem to notice at all.... Maybe I'm just not that sexually appeal.... _

Before she could finish her thought Michelle was literally yanked out of it by a pair of strong hands on her shoulders pulling her backwards and a set of firm but gentle lips being pressed against hers. It took a few moments for what exactly was happening to register in the younger fighter's mind but as soon as it did her skin turned at least three shades darker and set her body to slowly relaxing.

_ He's kissing me, he's kissing me...what should I....what should I do? _

Michelle couldn't help the soft moan that escaped her throat as she began to turn to jell-o in the warm firm grasp of the man kissing her, her lips opening slightly after a long mental pause and before the two of them noticed she was sitting over Talon's groin, naked, dancing her fingers over his back as she was doing earlier. The dark eyed man wasn't pulling away, in fact it didn't even seem like he was moving anything but his neck; he wasn't pulling her around and ordering her to do anything, he was letting her go at her own pace and even when he did finally move his arm around her petit waist to pull her ever closer she didn't jump. She wasn't scared; she wasn't terrified that the ex-Colonel would do something she was uncomfortable with; somehow Michelle knew that Talon would wait for her to go at her own pace so she could be comfortable no matter what, no matter how much he may or may not want things to happen faster.

_ Gods it feels so good... It didn't feel nearly as good with...why does it feel so much better? _

As her blush increased so did the passion of the kiss she was giving her partner, going from a timid kiss to an almost intricate dance between the two fighter's tongues, Michelle playing off of every move Talon made, as if it was another sparing session for her. She knew she wasn't as experience as her partner but she was determined as hell to make him feel as good as she could. If there was one thing Mitch had done correctly it was teach her the basics of making a man feel like he was on cloud nine, all she needed to do now was adjust her tactics to her current "opponent" and so far it was going well.Despite this Michelle's brain was still having a hard time processing everything that was happening. The last time she'd done anything physical with someone it was so outside her element she didn't get any time to enjoy herself but with Paladin...with Talon it just....she felt so safe, so secure. Unlike before, unlike with _anyone_else, Michelle knew that she wouldn't be rushed or forced to do anything she wasn't comfortable with. The salt and peppered haired man, however, was actually becoming stunned by the whole situation, especially when, as if on their own, the raven haired woman's hips began grinding against his in circular motions as she lowered them ever so gently, giving his harden length just the lightest touches at the very tip.

Is this really happening after all these years? After all this time....have all my hopes and dreams been answered? This woman....this woman....could she finally been the one I've been looking for?

The General, however, was starting to respond a little more fervently as the younger woman in his arms began to make out with him ever so passionately, finding himself eager to know just how far this would end up going and how comfortable Michelle would be doing things with him. After all it had been so long since Talon had settled down with another partner, so many years; so many broken hearts that had mended and been broken once again and he was just a tad bit older than her and seeing as the younger woman looked like she was in her mid twenties didn't help the elder man thinking this all might just be a dream and he'd wake up in his quarters, nothing changing from the evening before. But this woman kissing him so passionately, so lovingly, could she finally be the one to break the seemingly everlasting aloneness that had descended over the immortals life?

_ What if this IS all just a dream... I haven't had a partner in so many years...and I told myself I wouldn't allow myself to become emotionally attached to another partner....57 loves of my life was enough......but Michelle, she wouldn't abandon me, she can't fall in battle, she can't die at all, maybe, just maybe... _

However as the raven haired angel continued her dance over the salt and peppered haired warrior's back the sensations was enough to rip him from his thoughts and all he could do was let out a soft passionate moan as his brain began to lose its ability to function in any sort of manner. Talon had begun to thoroughly enjoy himself despite everything going on in his brain, the thoughts of "what if's" and "buts" slipping away into the ecstasy that can only be felt with the passion and physicality of sexual intercourse. The soft touches, those warm hands moving up and down.....gods it was almost too much to bare... Then before either had noticed the younger's hands were going lower and lower, their owner's cheeks getting darker the further down they got on their partner's slightly trembling body. After a long moment Michelle's hands slowly made their way around to Talon's front, rubbing his chiseled abdomen, slowly making his way up until they were resting on his shoulders, gripping them loosely. It took just a moment for Michelle to break the kiss off once her hands were resting comfortably, the pair panting heavily once their lips where no longer one.

Talon was letting all his emotions run wild in his head so he could be calm and collected in the real world, as he normally would but everything else was telling the woman sitting over him otherwise. This strong, independent, scared, insecure woman had stolen Talon's heart when he wasn't looking and it was starting to show, both in his mind and on his body. All the veteran warrior wanted was the skilled fighter dancing over him, that was a painfully clear fact, and Michelle was beginning to realize this as well; even if her conscious mind wasn't.

_ Tell me what you want to hear _

_ Something that were like all those years _

_ I'm sick of all the insincere _

_ So I'm gonna give all my secrets away _

_ This time _

_ Don't need another perfect line _

_ Don't care if critics ever jump line _

_ I'm gonna give all my secrets away _

"Talon..." Michelle finally noticed Talon, who had realized only moments earlier that sometime while he was lost in thought she had shed her robe, her flushed body completely exposed for him to behold, was looking her up and down admiring her naked form and suddenly let out a cute little "eepp!" as she tried to cover her breasts and bite down on her other hand in a cute fashion. Talon's eyes came into focus for the question presented to him and his expression of pure bliss was suddenly intruded upon by concern when all movement suddenly stopped. "Do I look good Talon...I wasn't sure if I...last time this happened I was told to take my clothes off. Would.... would you rather I....should I put my robe back on?" The elder man was taken aback for a short instant, the bliss of her previous motions taking a moment to wear off before what the younger fighter had said sunk in all the way, concern and worry starting to leak thru the bliss and happiness. Nevertheless, once the full sentence had sunken in the former Colonel gave a small yet somehow incredibly reassuring smile as he cupped his partner's cheek in his hand, making sure she would have eye contact with him, his dark eyes soft and warm to match his words.

"You look and feel absolutely divine Michelle." This sent a ripple of Goosebumps shooting up and down Michelle's body, her blush getting infinitely deeper but her body language said that had given her all the confidence she needed to move forward, giving Talon once last long kiss on the cheeks before moving down to his neck then ever further south, living little hickies in her wake. Michelle then slid down Talon's stomach, stopping at every curve, every dip to give it a gentile kiss. The further the younger fighter went down the heavier the other's breathing became, husky moans making their way out of the elder's throat with each hickie left on his muscles skin. It didn't take very long for Michelle's hands to meet up with the rest of her body, her fingers continuing to gently glide over lightly trembling skin, reaching their destination before the rest of her. Ever so slightly the raven haired woman touched the bulging flesh hidden beneath her partner's silk sleep pants, obviously VERY excited by everything she had been doing so far. Although her blush got considerably darker a small smile began to form on Michelle's lips; even thought Talon had an uncanny talent for hiding his emotions in his face and his voice it seemed that he had no talent for hiding his emotions when being touched and loved upon down in his groin.

The retired military man's breath actually hitched in his chest when she finally made contact with his throbbing erection, a slight hiss and a soft moan managing to find their way out shortly after. As Michelle let her hand explore her lover's length from over top his sleep pants, memorizing each feeling, each dip, everything she could Talon was starting to shift and squirm ever so slightly underneath her, his breathing becoming heavy and shallow.

_ God.....even over the just feels soooooooooooo's been too damn long... _

It had been a long time since someone else had touched him in such a way he'd almost forgotten what it felt like to have another human being be with him in a sexual manner. Then there it was the raven haired Colonel was finally face to face with the bulge she'd been making bigger and bigger for the last few minutes.

_ Oh my...... _

A flush with a hint of embarrassment covered the younger's face as she slowly pulled her partner's pants off, a sharp intake of breath coming from the man under her, finally seeing Talon's penis, fully erect and mildly throbbing. Not only was this the only other penis she'd seen face to face besides Mitch's, Talon's was at least one inch bigger and a good bit girth-ier to boot.

_ Wow...his is bigger...will I....will that be able to fit? _

"Michelle, if you want..."

"What?! No! No, no, no, no,'s just...wait, what?"

"Whatever you're thinking of doing, the answer is yes." The brown eyed woman looked up at the lust filled eyes of her lover, undeniable pleasure written all over his face. With that one sentence all the doubt in Michelle's mind went away and she gently took his cock with one hand, moving it up and down painfully slow at first but once she gained her confidence her movements began to pick up in speed as she leaned forward slightly, licking the flushed head sensually and that's all it took, one little taste to send the young angel over the edge.

_ Gods...if he keeps giving off that arouse sent I...I may not be able to stop myself and I'm not sure I'd mind if I didn't.... _

"Talon, I want you to let me know...if you want me to do anything specific or if I'm doing something you don't like...I'm still...I'm still kinda new at this..." Even thru the haze of embarrassment Michelle couldn't help but think about how she loved that look on Talon's face, the look of passion, the smell of arousal that was starting to gently fill the room, she loved it all and it was beginning to go to her head as she felt her body sway slightly.

"You may do as you wish to me." This sent a another ripple of Goosebumps shooting up and down the younger's body, her blush getting deeper once more. All it took were few more kisses to the soft head standing in front her lips and before Talon knew it Michelle had engulfed his entire shaft in one fell swoop.

_ Oh shit....! _

_ My god _

_ Amazing that we got this far _

_ It's like all those stars _

_ Who's driving shiny big black cars _

_ And every day I see the news, all the problems that we could solve _

_ And when a situation rises, just write it into an album _

_ Seen it straight to go _

_ I don't really like my flow, no, so _

If a hiss and a moan escaped the elder man's lips when Michelle touched his cock with her warm fingers for the first time then a breathless gasp would be an accurate description of the noise, or lack of noise, that came out of Talon's throat when he felt the young fighter's mouth cover his length all at once. It had been over 500 years since he'd had anyone touch him in a sexual manner and even if the former Lord had had a great deal of sexual partners in the past 500 years is still a_very_long time and the way Michelle was moving her head it was almost too much for the experienced man to take so quickly and with little warning.

_ It's so warm and wet...... _

Talon's body was trembling uncontrollably as his hands helplessly clinched at the pale sheets sitting underneath them, his head thrown back ever so slightly as his breathing functions refused to come back for a good minute from the shock and afterwards it was heavy and almost labored, light moaning encouraging his partner's to further increase her menstruations. He couldn't help but be taken aback, this surprisingly timid woman was going down on him so skillfully and going off of what she'd said about her previous sexual partners there should be no way that she be as skilled as she was.

How in god's name is she's so skilled?! For only doing it, even for an experienced feels amazing..... What type of training did Mitch put her through for someone so new at love making to feel this good?!

Soft moans and pants were all that the former Colonel could manage to muster up as the current Colonel continued to move her head in a fantastic pace. It was almost as if she'd been doing this for years, the way she wrapped her lips, the suction she gave, the way she moved her tongue all around the head, wrapping it and licking it ever so gently. Talon started bucking his hips almost involuntarily, trying desperately not to cum as quickly as his body was wanting but his's like she already knew all the right places to suck and touch. His legendary stamina, luckily, was keeping itself up to par for now, the former General wanting this to last for as long as he could stand it.

_ But if she keeps up like this I won't be able to last for too much longer.....when I swore off lovers in 2271 I never thought in a million years I would ever feel like this again.... _

Michelle swirled her tongue around the head of the man's cock, adoring his taste; the Ex-military man was clean, inexplicitly so, but there was a certain flavor that could only be described as Talon and she was beginning to love it. The younger warrior was glad when there was no resistance from the ex-knight and the sounds he elicited encouraged her to go forward at the pace she'd started with. Seeing Talon's hands fisted in the sheets also helped the dark haired woman feel a little more confident about her skills, closing her eyes to focus more completely on her "task" at hand, memorizing all the sounds that were made in accompaniment to each time she did something different, noting each spot of technique that made her companion respond more favorably.

_ His taste...his's all so different from before. I can't get enough, I want more, I want to see and feel all the differences, I want to feel it all over me. I want to feel him in my deepest parts, gods I want him! _

Once the dark haired man's brain started to come back to reality slightly he managed to gather some of his soldier's courage, one of the hands that had been tightly clenching the sheets removed itself so the former Samurai could bend over just far enough so he could rest his hand on Michelle's head.

_ I'd better enjoy this while it lasts lest the winds of fate continue on their path and kick me in the face once more..... _

Then, with a little hesitation, Talon managed to whisper four words that he'd been wanting to say for a long time.

"Michelle, I love you." The younger warrior felt movement above her and prayed that she was pleasing her partner as much as she thought she was, surprised to feel him suddenly bent over her in a tender, passionate way. A shiver ran down the Colonel's spine and the fighter almost choked herself on the organ in her mouth when she heard what was said, most of all because she heard her actual name said in such a lust filled way. Michelle wasn't used to hearing her name said period let alone in such a passionate manner, no one had ever said her name like that before and it was almost enough to make her melt away then and there. Instead she ended up moaning around the cock in her mouth as she continued to suck, moving quicker than before, now more determined than ever to get her lover off. Now it was a need, she HAD to get him off, to feel his warm seed in her mouth, to see him in the state of rapture only she could give him. Michelle wanted to show Talon just how much she loved him back, no matter what. Talented fingers began working once more, tenderly moving all around the man under their owner's thighs before making their way downwards, gently kneading at the elder man's firm butt cheeks.

_ I wonder if I should....Mitch told me it felt good for men.... _

And almost as if her questions were answered Talon began to scoot himself down slightly, opening his legs just a little, his moans becoming more frequent the closer and closer she got her fingers towards that one place men usually left well enough alone.

She has more experience than I thought, it normally takes longer for someone to do that...and by god does it feel great....

Not getting any resistance whatsoever gave Michelle that signal she needed to continue, one of her fingers slowly and carefully inching its way past the tight ring of muscle before it. Both of them knew that no matter what they did to each other it wouldn't harm them in the long run but Michelle wasn't sure if an injury would kill the mood or not so she was being careful and precise, making sure to note whenever she might be going too fast or even too slow for her companion. One joint....two joints....the knuckle....she began fingering the tight ass under her, slowly adding one finger after the other until there were three inside her willing partner, the pair engulfed in the heat and passion of the moment. Sheets began to be clutched again as the former Samurai's hands moved back down to the bed, his breathing heavy and labored as he continued to try his damnedest to keep from cumming, to hold out just a little bit longer. But he couldn't help himself....he could feel his orgasm building higher and higher at the base of his shaft. He'd been given head countless times before, but Michelle....Michelle seemed to already know all the spots that made his flesh shiver and his mind go blank. The older man felt his back snap backwards unwillingly as he came hard, inevitably shoving his cock deep into the younger fighter's throat, a pile of words from all sorts of languages falling out of his mouth in a jumbled mess, not in any particular order, Talon's mind was too far gone to make a cohesive sentence at this point.

Michelle's eyes widened as she felt the organ in her mouth being shoved deep into her throat, streams of hot semen shoot against the back of her mouth as her partner shouted his orgasm. Talon fell backwards onto his hands once more, the ceiling looking completely white while his vision returned slowly, heavy breathing being the only noise the former general could muster, his chest heaving from the sheer force of the amazing orgasm he'd just had. He hadn't come that hard in a really long time and he loved every sensation of it. However as soon as he managed to get himself to a semi-coherent state Talon noticed Michelle's facial expression, the all too familiar look of "I might throw up" hidden behind her shock and surprise.

_ Oh no, what have I done!? _

It took a minute for her to get herself back on track, her hand instinctively covering her mouth so the rather large amount of semen didn't leak out but after a moment she was able to drink down the treat she was given, licking her lips afterwards to make sure she hadn't missed any.

"Was it... was it good?" she asked softly.

_ Oh thank the lord.... _

"Yes, of course it was." Michelle chuckled slightly as her partner spoke, his words still coming out jumbled between Old English and Latin, getting ready to slide off the bed when a hand was extended towards her, a warm smile inviting her to stay and cuddle with the older man. Slightly unsure of herself the younger warrior took the other's hand, sliding in next to him, lightly laying a hand on his chest as she rested her head on his shoulder. It took a few moments for Talon to get himself comfortable, his heart taking longer than usual to get under control. As soon as it was, however, the retired Colonel managed a deep cleansing breath and began to pull his brain into the right places and centuries for that matter. This woman had managed to not only break his spoken languages but his whole thought process, which was not an easy feat to accomplish. The tan skinned woman took a mental note of her partner's slow breathing, knowing all too well he was trying to get himself into a meditative state, and decided against speaking, not wanting to break his concentration. So she snuggled herself ever closer to his body, getting herself nice and comfortable position before calming her mind down as well.

_ Wow....this is....nice.... I didn't know it could be so nice to just lie down next to the one you love.... _

It took Michelle a moment to realize she'd just admitted that she loved the man under her, her blush immediately returning, her facial expression changing to fit her state of mind.

_ I...I....I....I love him....I love someone.... how can I....when did I.... _

Her big brown eyes met his still slightly glazed over ones and that's all she needed to see, the heavenly bliss still painted heavily all over Talon's face was all Michelle needed to know that he truly did mean everything he'd said and done.

_ I do love _

The Colonel resumed her calm and collected rest on her subordinate's chest, her mind drifting away as well as her consciousness. Comfortable, somehow this man was feeling more and more comfortable than her bed, how was this possible? How could he come in here and just steal her heart away so easily? Talon, on the other hand, was finally able to bring his thoughts around to a cohesive state, his still hazy eyes resting on the raven hair woman drifting in and out of reality on his chest.

_ Tell me what you want to hear _

_ Something that were like all those years _

_ I'm sick of all the insincere _

_ So I'm gonna give all my secrets away _

_ This time _

_ Don't need another perfect line _

_ Don't care if critics ever jump line _

_ I'm gonna give all my secrets away _

In all my sexual experience only my seventh wife was able to make me feel like this and she had been trained from birth for that kind of skill.....but dear sweet Michelle has done it out of pure instinct.

Almost automatically the former Lord began to pet the head resting on his chest, a tiny content moan resonating out in response to the attention being given her. Suddenly the blissful look on the seasoned warrior's face began to melt away into a rather grim looking expression as his mind began to whirl around more and more at the thoughts buzzing in his brain.

_ And how those two are very much alike both in looks and personality.....the way her eyes dance, how her hair's all so very familiar..... Could it ...could it be that she's descended from my seventh it possible I'm.... _

Talon shut his eyes once more, continuing his menstruations so as to not alert Michelle but shaking his head gently in an attempt to force the bad thoughts away from his mind.

_ No, no, that can't's just a random configuration of features....there's no way she's related to her, how could I even think such a thing? I've run into countless faces that look similar to others... it doesn't mean they're's just a similarity, a few similarities.....that's all, nothing more.... _

The salt and pepper haired man opened his eyes after a moment of deep breathing, his sorrow filled eyes hiding behind a veil of lust.

_ Just a random configuration of features, that's all it is..... _

As his commanding officer nuzzled his chest gently his other hand began to glide over her body lightly, stopping to deliberately rub around her back and thighs. The former knight couldn't help but note how smooth his partner's skin was, almost like the finest silk.

_ I'm not sure I want this to end....I'm feeling so alive....I want to return the, I NEED to return the favor. Now what is the best way to go about doing that without overloading or freaking out my dear sweet Michelle?, no, I can't go that hard...or fast....that's too weird to do right out of the gate....I suppose I could start with kisses then go into oral until she climaxes....yes, that's what I'll do, kisses then oral, that's sounds perfect for now. _

The motions of rub, massage, move to a different spot continued until Michelle was fully shaken out of her content state, noting that Talon was beginning to move more than he had been for the past four or five minutes.

_ He's moving again, that's a good sign. He must have fallen deep into his meditation. Is this the part where I leave or should I stay? When Mitch was done he kind of kept touching me but it wasn't anything but touching and then I just kinda left....I highly doubt that Talon is thinking like that however....should I say something or....what would I say? I guess I could... _

"I'm going to go out into the common room; I suppose I'll see yo...." Before she could finish her sentence, or finish getting up for that matter, Michelle felt a hand grab her wrist as she was suddenly yanked back down onto the bed, her body practically falling on top of Talon's, her subordinate's other hand quickly bringing itself behind her head to pull her into a firm but gentle kiss once more. The muscular man could feel his partner tense up immediately but as he pulled her closer and closer she began to do as she had done before, turn to jell-o in his arms and delve into the kiss "head first." The raven haired assassin couldn't help but moan softly as the kiss got ever more erotic, this time Talon taking a little more charge as their tongues danced around each other at a dizzying pace. Following a good two minutes of intense passionate kissing Michelle finally managed to pull away from her partner, saliva spidering from her lips to his.

"Sould....souldn't I be going?" The younger fighter's words were already beginning to fail her and before she could try to get up once more Talon placed a hand firmly over her collar bone, forcing Michelle down by her chest. The seasoned warrior then followed up the motion by taking her knees with his other hand and bringing them up sharply so that the younger was lying on her back, one of his hands resting next to her head, his other hand holding both of her legs in an upright position, completely exposing her inner groin area to the open air. This not only kept his commanding officer from trying to leave completely but allowed him to tower over her in a sexual, passionate way, his eyes filled to the brim with a lusty hazy once more with a touch of uncertainty as if to say "Don't leave....but if that's what you truly wish I won't stop you."

_ I hope she allows me to make her feel as good as she made me feel.... _

Talon could tell Michelle's heart beat was increasing rapidly, that her skin was getting flushed; her scent of arousal slowly filling the room was proof enough of just how aroused the young fighter was truly getting. The pair had only kissed and she was already getting incredibly turned on; it was almost too much to bear. But for the sake of them both the ex-Colonel would stick to his original plan of attack.

"Talon," Michelle was half hiding behind her flesh hand but her breathing and body language said it all, that she wasn't going to go anywhere, she wanted this. A shaky hand traveled up the older man's chest before resting on his cheek, the raven haired woman bringing his head down ever so slightly. "You may do as you wish to me." Her voice was tiny and almost nonexistent but the smile that slowly crept across her partner's lips told the Colonel that he understood her completely and that she was in loving hands and one of those loving hands began its soft sensual trek down the angel's collar bone, purposely missing her breasts before rubbing all over her stomach and thighs.

Wow...she really does trust me....allowing me to do as I wish knowing full well that I have so much experience.... I'm relieved this is starting off so wonderfully.

The hand that had been holding her legs up was now joining its partner in rubbing all over the smooth skin under them; purposely avoiding the bits their owner knew would make the other tingle and squirm in delight. Talon wanted this moment to last for as long as he could stand it, because no matter how much restraint the retired warrior had seeing an incredibly sexy woman panting and moaning would be enough to make any man want to fuck until he couldn't go anymore.

After a few moments of rubbing the Colonel up and down while hearing her moan softly lips met each other once more as Talon bowed his head down slowly, taking in the sight of Michelle enjoying herself to the fullest as long as he could. This time the kiss turned passionate rather quickly, the pair intertwining themselves until somehow the former general had both his knees in between his commanding officer's legs, the respecting appendages splayed out to either side, curled in slightly, his hands finally grazing over erect nipples softly, a long sensual moan responding to the gentile touches being given.

_ head is feels soooooooooooo good. When did sex feel this good? I don't want it to stop, don't stop, don't stop; don't stop! _

This is when the elder man's experience really started to shine, skilled fingers seeming to dancing over the sensitive flesh underneath them so well that younger couldn't hold the kiss any longer, her head snapping backwards sharply as a louder moan burst its way thru heavy panting. Not missing a beat the skillful warrior continued his current line of attack, latching onto the neck current exposed with precise aim, carefully searching for any spots that night be more favorable than others, Talon making his way down towards Michelle's breast at a modest pace, taking his time to leave a trail of dark hickies in his wake. This in turn caused the woman beneath the skilled man's body to tense up almost immediately, their roles from earlier reversed. Petite hands gripped at the sheets under them as their owner's back arched sharply as a pair of surprisingly soft lips wrapping themselves around her right nipple, a rather loud gasp coming from the raven haired Colonel.

_ OH GODS!!!!!! _

"Nnnn.....not....not my breasts! Ah! They're sen...they're sensative!!! Ah!!!!!"Heavy panting and moaning was all the young fighter could muster anymore after that as her mind started to delve deeper and deeper into the abyss of sheer pleasure, the bliss of orgasm shaking her body like never before. What Talon was doing, how he was moving his fingers and treating her breasts, it was mind blowing. She had never felt like this before, her previous partner hadn't taken the time to really give her any sort of foreplay and when he finally did it was nothing like this.

Hum, I'll have to keep that in mind for later...

_ Oh, got no reason, got no shame _

_ Got no family I can blame _

_ Just don't let me disappear _

_ I'mma tell you everything _

_ So tell me what you want to hear _

_ Something that were like all those years _

_ I'm sick of all the insincere _

_ So I'm gonna give all my secrets away _

Rather than continue with her breasts the ex Lord decided against the notion, giving each nipple one more gentile kiss before moving his lips south, continuing his trail of hickies from before, moving from her upper stomach to her side in seconds, kissing every inch of skin before them. This gave the new angel a chance to collect her thoughts; her mind had gone completely blank as a result of her powerful orgasm. It had been a VERY long time since she had even touched herself in a sexual manner and finally cumming after so long from just her breasts was almost mind shattering in and of itself for the newly appointed Colonel. Her partner definitely knew what he was doing, that fact was completely undisputed, and the way he was mapping her body out to find all of her sweet spots was in and of itself a delight.

My feels so good....he's kissing me all over, why does just being kissed feel like this? It's been way too long...if I had known that it could feel this, I'm glad I didn't know because then this wouldn't-

As soon as salt and pepper haired man got to the arches of her feet however the other was ripped from her thoughts, her body ceasing up once more as her breathing got heavier and her blush deeper.

_ Another spot I need to note for later. Amazing...only the fifth person I've been with to have a sweet spot on their feet, she is a rarity indeed. _

A small reflexive smile managed to slip thru the older warrior lips as he stopped his teasing for a moment to give the feet before him a little extra attention, slowly lifting the others legs into the position they had been in when he had pushed her down earlier.

"Nah!! That...that feels...." Nothing more would come out as the younger pulled her hands to her face to hide her embarrassment. Of all the places for her to have a switch why did it have to be her feet? Wait, she had a switch on her feet? When did this happen? For as long as she could remember, at least in a sexual sense, Michelle knew that her switches were definitely her neck and her breasts, so when did this come about? This man....this man was somehow finding his way past all her defenses so easily, defenses that she'd had up for over a century, and yet he knew exactly what to do and what not to do, how hard to push so as to not tear that trust down but not be so timid as to just feel like he wasn't going to try anything new. If coherent thought had been in her mind the former Captain would probably had been musing over these things but seeing as she could barely breath properly that was certainly out if the question. Noticing that her breathing had become slightly muffled Talon's eyes opened to behold Michelle, her legs bent, her body trembling, her skin flushed deeply, and her hands covering her face in an effort to hide it and halfway failing at it. Seeing her in that state not only made a slight tingle ripple throughout the warrior's body but a small passionate smile touch his lips as well, his self confidence rising ever so slightly.

_ By god she's so sexy and adorable.... _

It took a moment but when the ex Ruler leaned forward to do what he had done with the younger's breasts to her feet he finally noticed a certain sensation growing in his groin once more. With all the focus he'd been giving his partner Talon had been completely ignoring his own body's reactions but seeing Michelle in the absolutely adorable sexy state she was currently in was just enough to make him take notice. Skill overruled slight shock however as the multicolored haired man continued on his way by giving each one last kiss before lifting her legs gently so as to continue his movement back up her body once more, however in his mind he wasn't as clam.

_ I'm hard again! Wait, I'm hard how can I not when she makes those kinds of faces, she's just too damn sexy. I just want! I'm not going to go off the plan; this is a starting point, there's no need to jump to the end so quickly, there's so much more exploration that can be done, more things to discover. Besides, her previous experience is nothing short of an atrocity, I'm going to show her how a man is supposed to take care of a woman. _

A careful hand slid down the younger woman's leg as well until it was firmly wedged between her body and the bed and as soon as the elder man's lips made their way to his partner's hips once more he managed to move his hand in such a way that somehow the martial artist found herself suddenly on her stomach with a Talon still between her legs by some means that her mind, in its current state, couldn't hope to figure out. Michelle felt a pair of hands rest themselves next to her shoulders once more and she knew that Talon was once again towering over her, making that sexy face of his as he looked her up and down in almost an animalistic but passionate way. For some reason herself self-consciousness was gone, the fear that the younger's scars would turn off the man above her. Perhaps it was because the older man had more scars than she could possibly count, maybe it was the fact that despite her scars he was continuing his kissing. Whatever it was it almost didn't matter anymore, all that mattered was the here and now, to build up of the moment.

_ How is it that I was able to find a woman like this? She is perfection, her butt is toned but so much so it's like holding a rock not to mention it's just the right size, not to small not too big. Her back muscles.... her back muscles.... _

The seasoned warrior bowed his head down but instead of kissing like he was doing before he began tracing every single little line across Michelle's toned back, her muscles flexing and twitching involuntarily in time with his movements.

_ Her, her whole body is sculpted perfectly, not a muscle to big, not a bit of her is unattractive. _

As he got lower and lower the younger warrior started to tense up once again, her breathing getting heavy and labored. Taking another mental note of this the ex Colonel began to trace the lines belonging to the cross tattoo that sprawled across his commanding officer's lower back, skillfully moving his hands down to her hips, lifting them tenderly, being extra careful to not alert her of his next move.

_ My back is a sweet spot too? Gods if he keeps this up I'm not going to want to- _

It seemed that every time the Colonel managed to get her brain working in a cohesive manner her subordinate could sense it and do something to completely derail her once more, and derail her is exactly what he did as she felt his firm tongue meet up with the rim of her asshole. Her fingers entangled themselves in the sheets underneath them as Talon continued his motions, her mind going completely blank while her tongue made its way out of her mouth past the set of fangs that were now visible. She couldn't believe it, the man that was just a few days ago so far away from her was now licking her in a place she had never thought anyone would do so, her brain just couldn't wrap itself around that fact and all she could unsteadily muster out was:

"Talon, it's...its dirty back there...." This, of course, was a falsehood. Michelle hated being dirty just as much as she hated body hair and made it a point to keep herself incredibly clean.

"That's a lie." The younger fighter, rather shocked that the man finally spoke, not to mention say something so outside of his usual tone, managed to turn her chest in a way so she could look behind her, the older smiling that reassuring smile of his, his voice smooth and soothing. "There's nowhere that is dirty on your body Michelle." And with that he bowed his head down once more and resumed his tongue's movement, slowly inching the tip in and out of her ass, careful not to do anything to sudden. The longer and further the man forced his tongue past tense muscles the more the owner of said muscles began to twitch and tighten up.

_ It feels weird!! Why does it feel like this? I should be telling him to stop but I....I just can't bring myself to, it feels even better than my breasts! I'm gonna....I'm gonna..... _

"AH!!!!!" Michelle felt her whole body tense up all at once, her mind going blank once more as the walls blinked out of existence. Nothing had felt like that before, nothing in all 118 years she'd been alive had she experienced anything of that magnitude come over her. Talon, being the ever observant person he is, took yet another mental note on how..."well" his partner responded to him using his tongue in such a manner, moving his kissing back up her back once more until he was nibbling gently at the back of her neck.

I must be doing a good job if she's already cum twice. That or she's never felt anything like this before....its most likely a healthy combination of the two....I can't help but wonder what's going on in her head right now....or how she's going to feel when we make it to the main course for that matter.

With another fluid motion the angel found herself twisting around until she was finally resting on her back once more, one of her arms managing to rest itself over her eyes in an attempt to hide at the very least half of her face. Saliva was spidering from the younger assassin's tongue to her lips to her fangs as she continued to pant heavily, the very tip of her tongue faintly hanging out of the corner of her mouth.

_ I can't....I don't....what happening to me? Can't think.....too just feels too good! _

As his lips began traveling south once more Talon couldn't help but steal another look of his lovely commanding officer, her current state beyond sexy even if her fangs sent his minds whirling around.

Well those are new...when and where did they come from? I must ask if they're part of her angelic blood or not.....if they are then why fangs? It seems like such a demonic thing.... They are cute however, not to mention it's just another rarity of hers to add to my list.

The retired Lord took one last look at his lover before wrapping his lips around her left nipple as his hand took her right breast, suckling and massaging them both, switching between the two every time his partner's moans began to increase, wanting to pull her ever forward into the land of nirvana.

What is on her mind that has such a look of bliss and pleasure on her face? I must make this pass count to bring this plan to a climax...

_ doesn't....I....I.....I won't....I won't be able to.... _

_ This time _

_ Don't need another perfect line _

_ Don't care if critics ever jump line _

_ I'm gonna give all my secrets away _

Skilled hands pulled the pair of trembling legs up once more, this time the ex Colonel kneeling down in between them so as to finally lay eyes upon his partner's most secret place. An almost painful throb resonated in the ex Colonel's swollen length as he couldn't help but stare at the beautiful sight before him. It seemed that the perfectly smooth skin continued even this far down and the cleanliness that was all over the rest of her body also spanned this far as well. Suddenly the sight before him was taken away by a trembling hand as his gaze switched to its owner who was covering her blushing face with her other hand.

"Don't....don't stare at it so's not...."

"You still look divine Michelle but if you don't want me to admire you as much I'll redouble my efforts." A shiver went down the other's spine when she heard her lover refer to her as divine; her face turning to the left as she slowly removed her trembling hand and spreading her legs out a little more to allow for more comfortable access. No matter how embarrassed she was having a man look at her vagina she couldn't help but think about how her subordinate had been able to make her feel without even using his hands and that she just didn't want this pleasure to end. Something was happening inside her and the more pleasure the Colonel received the bigger that something became. However to her surprise her partner didn't move and when she finally got the courage to look he was just leaning forward slightly, most of his body hidden behind her legs and her breasts.

_ Oh no did I say the wrong thing?! I didn't mean stop....I didn't.....I did it wrong.....I'm....I'm horrible! _

Tears started to well up in the younger assassin's eyes her legs tried to get themselves free thinking she'd done something very wrong to kill the mood but to her disbelief she couldn't get her legs free.

_ Shit! I wonder if I pushed too fast.... _

"Michelle," the young fighter turned her attention to the caring voice coming from behind her legs and opened her fingers so she could see that the man had noticed that she was upset without her saying a single word. "Would you like me to stop?"Talon just had her by her knees with one hand and she couldn't get herself free from his grasp, his eyes locked onto hers and all she could feel were more tears welling up in her eyes.

_ I'm so glad!! I didn't do anything wrong, I didn't do anything wrong! He still wants to.... _

"I would really like to continue...." Her voice was small and shaky, obviously not entirely confident with itself but the look that she managed to give her love told him that what she said she meant, possibly even more so than before. Not to mention when she did speak her scent seemed to get stronger at the thoughts possibly going thru her mind. The raven haired woman wanted this, she wanted so much more, and she trusted the salt and peppered haired man to do anything he wanted to her because she knew the second she felt even the slightest hint of uncomfortable he'd stop without her even having to say a single word. And that's exactly what Talon did, his body finally moving forward in a sudden sharp motion downwards, Michelle's whole body clenching into itself as she felt that all too familiar tongue working its magic on her lower lips. From that moment on the intense motions from the seasoned warrior did not stop, not for a rest, not for air, nothing would stop him. It almost broke the former Lord's mind, her taste, her smell, it was all so wonderful.

It's been entirely too long....there was a reason for it but that doesn't change the fact that it's just been too damn long....god its fantastic, nothing about her is flawed, nothing at all. How is it that she's never experience anything like this before? She deserves to be treated gently and with all the love in the world, I could shoot Mitch if I ever see the very least I can show my dear Michelle that making love is so much more than sex. You can learn so much about yourself when you take your time to actually make love, what you want, what you like, what you dislike. Maybe I can prove that to her before the winds of fate ends my happiness once again....

The ex Lord almost couldn't help himself, his body going into auto pilot as old skills resurfaced of their own accord, his entire being become swept away by the tides of lust in his mind. His partner was also being pulled into the sea of lust, there was no way the older man could forget those distinct moans of undeniable pleasure and the more they surfaced the more he moved, wanting to hear those moans ever more.

All that matters is the here and now, and now I'm with my darling Michelle, making her writhe and squirm with just my tongue. God damn she's so sexy....

_ Oh gods! Why...why do I feel like this? He''s....I feel so..... _

Without a moment's notice the young fighter had cum yet again, a loud moan bursting out of her lungs as her hands wrapped themselves in the sheets once more, her chest heaving up and down, making her breasts bounce in a delightfully sexual fashion. He hadn't really noticed but the ex Colonel had started stroking himself as well, and as soon as his partner cam he moved up to the swollen clit standing just above her quivering pussy, giving it the same expert attention he'd given to the rest of her body.

_ Holy shit!!!! _

Michelle's back arched sharply and a rather long heavy moan came out of her as her partner continued his attack without letting up even a little.

"Ah...aha.....T.....T....Ta....Talon.....don'!!!"Animalistic panting was all that the Angel could keep her mind focused on anymore, her brain over loading as the wonderful sensations shot all over her nervous system. Nothing had felt like this before, everything that her subordinate did was so new and thrilling that the Colonel could barely stand just laying there and letting all this happen to her. Something was coming over her, Michelle could tell and catching a glimpse of the man currently going down on her jerking himself off only made her more aware of that feeling. The feeling of hunger that itched at the back of her mouth, that sensational feeling that she got when she tore a human soul from its body and consumed it without a seconds thought. But this was different somehow, it wasn't normal hunger, she didn't want to eat his soul, no, it wasn't that, it was something a little more primal. The assassin could feel something tugging at her groin and shoulders as a pressure began build in her lower body, the feeling of fangs growing longer leaving an irony taste on her tongue.

_ He's going too....I'm gonna..... _

That all too familiar feeling of heat and tingling began to spread up and down the former Ruler's body and he could see and hear that Michelle felt the same.

_ I hope I've learned her tells so I can time this just right. _

That fantastic pressure started building at the base of his cock; all Talon needed was a small push to send him over the edge; his commanding officer giving him exactly that and it was enough to make him almost scream out in ecstasy.

"God's Talon, it feels so fucking good! I'm gonna ....I'm gonna cum if you keep moving like that!!!!" Michelle's concentration completely shattered as her Angel form showed itself promptly, all four of her wings bursting out from under her as her back arched sharply once more. Just as his partner shouted in delight from her orgasm the former military man gave a loud moan himself as he fell over the edge and into the abyss, his body shaking hard with his own climax as semen and red feather's covered the sheets. The pair stayed stuck in their positions for a few moments, panting heavily, neither one able to move after reaching the ultimate nirvana.

_ Can't...think...must.... _

Almost as if it was being controlled by something else the fully exposed Angel snapped her head up and in one rapid movement she was on top of Talon, holding him down by his wrists, her feet keeping his at bay. A delicate flutter shook itself from her wings as their master's hair fluttered down past her head, locking out lights flickering on her walls.

_ So tell me what you want to hear _

_ Something that were like all those years _

_ I'm sick of all the insincere _

_ So I'm gonna give all my secrets away _

_ This time _

_ Don't need another perfect line _

_ Don't care if critics ever jump line _

_ I'm gonna give all my secrets away _

_ All my secrets away.... _

_ All my secrets away.... _

"My my Michelle, did you enjoy yourself or is there an encore?" The Colonel gave a rather wicked but sincere smile as she bowed her head down once more before the warrior could makes any protests or sense of what had happened for that matter she latched her lips onto his, her tongue weaving into his mouth quickly.

_ What is this? _

Something was off though, and suddenly Talon couldn't help but feel light headed, as if all the strength in his body was gone. As his eyes tried to stay open he caught a glimpse of something blue streaming into his lover's mouth from his own as she broke the kiss, a toothy smile twisting her lips after giving them a sexual lick.

"That tasted divine and the best part is," the Angel knelt her head down, "That it's bottomless." The young fighter could feel the body under her suddenly relax as the man under her finally started to grasp reality once more.

"What makes it bottomless and how do you know such a thing?"

"By the taste, it's so rich and full of...."experience." I've never had a soul like that before and it was heavenly to say the least. I am at your command Talon; you may do as you truly wish to me. However I can't promise I'll just sit by and do nothing." The voice that came out was sultry and filled with lust, something had changed in Michelle; some switch had been flipped, her mind gone, only lust and passion remained and she wasn't going to go back unless told otherwise.

"I do hope it's wasn't too heavenly lest I be nibbled to oblivion." A small joking smile tugged at the elder man's lips as he managed to sit himself up one of his elbows, his lover sliding down over his groin as a gentile hand met one of her cheeks, startling her with his tenderness. "I have never truly commanded my lover nor will I; it doesn't make a good relationship when that's what one partner does to the other. As for doing as I wish there will be time for that later." A light kiss found its way to the young Colonel's forehead and a slight blush touched her cheeks.

_ It might be better if she does eat my soul into as to spare me the unbearable pain that will fill my heart when the fates have had their fun giving me the glimmer of hope this final time to drive me over the edge....turning it black and cold for good.....What makes this worse is that I don't think I could even try to stop her if I wanted to....I'm that in love with her..... _

As if Michelle was reading his thoughts she gave Talon another long, passionate kiss on the lips, pushing him back down once more, her hair falling around their heads the same as it had before.

"That's very true, we do have later, we have the rest of eternity and nothing is going to change that. You're soul is mine even after death and don't you forget that."

"Michelle, there's no need for that tone. Yes, we do have the rest of eternity, I won't forget that fact ever and if you have my soul after my death I think there will be a few others that will come after it at that point....but that's a remote possibility." Before he could try and move his arms to give her a hug Talon's commanding officer's hands were at his wrists once more, preventing him from moving, her eyes lit a fire with emotion. A loving smile made its way to the warrior's lips but the younger was not smiling nor was she letting up.

"Talon, I want you to say that and mean it, you're not the only one around here who can read people's body language. You may think you've gotten very practiced over the years but your stoic nature tells on you more than you think. You've been alone for a very long time because of what I would assume would be your own choice. I want to hear you say it and mean it. Say it from the bottom of your soul that you know that this isn't going to go away as if it's a fleeting fancy and that you're going to stay by my side until I have to claim your soul and take it to heaven."

"I do mean it but I've had to bury 57 wives, I've lost 5 lovers and it didn't work out with close to 2,000 others....all of which I did everything in my power to make them all work.....but alas the winds of fate are a fickle mistress. So after the last attempt in 2271 and having the fates smack me again I did choose not to fall in love again. That is until you came along. You snuck past my walls and I hope and pray and swear by the holy trinity that I will stand by your side forever. However with a 100% track record of failing....I must admit that I have some reservations...." Giving a heavy sigh the Angel will give her lover a warm smile and lay down next to him, her wings tucking in so she could be comfortable.

"It's not 100% if you had 57 wife's and 5 lovers you silly, silly man. Have a little more faith than you already have, I'm not going anywhere; I swear it."With that the young fighter snuggled herself closer to the body next to her and just rested her head on his chest, listening to the hypnotic rhythm of his heartbeat. A hand began to pet her head after a while, her soft brown eyes meeting the ones staring down at her so lovingly. "How does a shower sound?" It took a moment but Michelle responded with a smile.

"That sounds very nice." The Angel got up quickly, rushing to the bathroom to get everything ready, the older man taking a moment to collect a few feathers from the bed before following his new found lover to the shower.

_ My dear Michelle, I truly hope this lasts forever..... _

Talon loves scars, they're a sign that he can relax just a bit about his love, and he doesn't have to be on high alert, ready to protect them at a moment's notice.

Will inquire about the dots on her leg when they're resting, will also inquire about the reasons behind her cross tattoo later on. (It strikes him as a little odd she'd have one considering that god fucked off a long time ago, yes Azrael is supposed to work for the Vatican but there has to be a deeper reason than that for her having one, especially one that large)