Guily Pleasures

Story by Duran on SoFurry

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#2 of My Dark Lover

Guilty Pleasures

My name is Alex, I am 17 years old, and I have a secret, I am in love with a Vampire. His name is Paul, he has no fur or scales, his skin is the color of the moon. He has long black hair, and blood red eyes. His fangs are the purest white I have ever seen. My name is Alex and I am his slave.

Sunday morning found me alone in bed, again. My eyes fluttered open to see the sunlight poring in through the crakes in the curtains. I got out of bed, understanding why he had left my side. My parents were out of town and I was an only child, so I had the house to myself. Last night had been the very first time I had been with a man, and what a man he was.

I wanted to start the day fresh, so a shower was in order. My parents had a big lavish shower that I could almost lay down in. I turned on the hot water letting it flow down my blue scales and threw my snowy hair. I am not really sure how he did it, he may well have come through the wall. All I know is that one second I was alone, and the next he was there with a finger in my treasure, a hand on my breast and lips on my neck.

"Hello lover," I said in my sexiest voice, Paul didn't say anything, he just kept kissing my neck. I reached up and ran my hand trough his silky hair, moaning as his fingers began to play with my vagina and nipple. No one had ever turned me on like him, no one. I coiled my tail around his leg, the tip playing with his balls, he moaned into my neck sending shivers down my back. My idle hand went to rest on top oh his, helping him play with my nipple.

"May I," the voice had not come from Paul, at lest not his lips, they were kissing my neck still. So where had the voice come from.

"Paul," I asked, are you in my head. Paul smiled into my neck and the voice answered.

"Yes," I gave a nod, he spread my legs and pushed his cock into me. I put my hand against the wall to support myself. I gave a gasp as he pushed in deeper, I was in heaven. Paul started to thrust gently, in slow deep motions that caused me to moan loudly. Paul had a hold on my hips for added momentum, his touch was gentle but strong, I wanted this man more now then last night.

"Paul, I love the feeling of you inside me, I wish we could stay like this forever." I moaned loudly.

"Oh but then life wouldn't be worth living," he said in a soft voice.

Paul turned me around and lifted me off my feet, he put my back to the wall as my legs wrapped around his waist. He was supporting most of my weight like I was nothing. I was almost 220 pounds, normal for a dragon my size but still, this man didn't look all that strong, sure he was muscled but not enough to lift a 200 pound body and hold it in mid air. He started to thrust more vigorously, grunting lightly with the effort.

"Oh my God, Paul, this is ecstasy, I'm in heaven," I moaned loudly. I pulled him in so that his face was burred in my breasts, I think he enjoyed the feeling because he was pounding faster now. I was starting to tighten, I could feel the blood pulse trough his shaft. It was all to much, I climaxed in a wave of cum, flooding around Paul's cock and onto the floor of the shower. He came almost right after me, splattering not only my insides but my thighs as well, I loved the feeling.

Paul pulled out and set me down, then leaned against the wall looking absolutely exhausted. But I wasn't done with him yet, I ran my tongue around his rod cleaning him off. The taste was amazing, the mix of both of us together danced on my tongue. After I finished he knelt down next to me and started licking the inside of my thighs, cleaning his seed from me. I will never know what I did to deserve him, but I never wanted to give him up.

After our sexual escapade in the shower, Paul disappeared into the attic, it was plainly obvious he was exhausted, he almost passed out on the stairs. I marveled at his fortitude, had been on the verge of collapse the whole time we were together, and still hadn't stopped until I was totally satisfied. Sunday passed with out much more excitement. Paul slept in that night, I didn't blame him. He said that although he wanted to pass the night with me, he had to feed. In his dark and mysterious way he just...vanished, like he became a shadow. I fell asleep almost immediately after he left.


I was being held and caressed by Paul, our love so obvious to one another when, just as I was about to peak, my ears were filled with a loud man roaring, "For how long will you try? How long until you walk away? Your facade can't disguise The fact that you're in misery," Façade, my favorite Disturbed song.

I lifted my head from my pillow and looked at my clock. 6:30, time to get ready for school. I showered, singing along to Facade, badly. I went through my daily routine, checking to make sure I had everything before heading downstairs for food.

Arriving in the kitchen I saw Paul sitting at the table holding a wine glass. The glass was filled with a dark red fluid, assuming it was wine I went and put my foot in my mouth.

"A bit early isn't it?" Paul looked over at me, a puzzled look on his face. "Mind if I try some?" I asked in complete ignorance. Paul gave me the strangest look of confusion and what may have been arousal. He handed me the glass and, me being an idiot, took a nice big sip. The second the liquid hit my tongue and I recognized the iron taste I spat it out in a spray that showered Paul's face. "Blood," I exclaimed coughing and spitting to clear the taste from my mouth.

Paul was absolutely bursting with laughter, he was doubled over fighting for breath in between his laughs. In fact he was laughing so hard that a thin trickle of blood slipped down his face from his eye. I stomped my foot on the floor looking very indignant.

"Stop laughing at me," I shouted a little meaner then I had intended. Paul shut his mouth and cut all noise with a snap. I was glaring at him so hard I didn't even notice the look of sadness on his face. I just turned on my heel and stormed out the door without so mush as a good-bye.

I thundered down the side walk for about 5 minutes before my anger started to ebb. I slowly began to realize that I wasn't even mad at him, I was mad at myself. After another 5 minuets my ebbing rage turned to sorrow, what if I had hurt his feelings and he left, what if I never saw him again. I was getting so distraught I very nearly turned around and bolted back to the house.

The only thing that stopped we was a shadow lurking on the top of a telephone poll behind me. I turned around and sure enough there he was. He dropped to the side walk without a sound. I looked at him with awe at what he had just accomplished, then, remembering my sorrow I ran into his arms.

"I'm so sorry, I never should have yelled at you," I started to sob.

"Shhh, shhh," he said as he stroked my hair.

"Please, don't ever leave me," I cried into his chest, again I felt his finger under my chin. My face was lifted up, my tear-filled eyes staring into his blood red ones. In a voice filled with strength, love, tenderness, and passion that could only come from His throat, he said.

"I'm not going anywhere." I heard a sniffle coming from my left and before I had even gotten a good look Paul had positioned himself in-between me and who ever had made the sound. I looked over his shoulder to see a panther fanning herself and sobbing.

"That was beautiful," she said sniffling again.

"Delilah," I said in a somewhat irritated tone. Paul looked back at me with a "You know her," look on his face. "Paul this is Delilah Lylat," I said. "Delilah this is Paul, my uh boy friend, I guess," I told her, I had almost used the term Lover, boy would Delilah have freaked. Paul extended his hand in greeting, and Delilah seriously almost fainted. She accepted and looked over at me with an "OH MY GOD," expression on her face.

"Walk me to school," I asked him putting my hand in his and entwining our fingers. Paul nodded and we began to walk in the direction of the school building, Delilah trailing behind. I knew she had about a billion questions to ask me but wanted her to wait until Paul had gone home. When we arrived at the school building I let go of his hand and gave him a hug.

As I started to walk away he grabbed my hand and, just like the night he had me, only reversed, he reached out and grabbed my wrist, twisting me into his arms, our lips meeting in a loving kiss. I'm pretty sure Delilah's jaw hit the sidewalk, I couldn't really tell as most of my attention was focused on Paul. When he broke the kiss he smiled and said

"See you tonight," in that amazing voice of his, I just giggled something incoherent. He smiled and walked away dissolving into a shadow. Delilah squealed as she jumped onto my back.

"Om my God, how was it," she said excitedly. I thought about it for a second, then remembering the way he kissed me that first night we made love I answered honestly.

"Meh, we've had better," I smiled as I said it causing Delilah to give me an extremely jealous look. We walked into the school building, with Delilah absolutely talking my ear off with questions of what he was, what he was like, was he a good kisser and the like. I answered as best I could, trying not to give away to much.

Around lunch time Delilah dropped the question I had been dreading all day, how big is he. All of the sudden I got this really kinky idea.

"Want to find out," I asked. She looked at me in total shock.

"Are you suggesting what I think you are," she asked.

"That depends what are you thinking," I said with a wicked smile. I new she was horny, I could smell it on her. I cocked an eyebrow, "well?"

"I guess, if it really is ok with you," she said. I was totally cool with it, Paul loved me, and had said so on more then one occasion he would never hurt me. And then there was Delilah, whom I'd know literally my whole life and shared everything with her anyway, why not share the best thing that had ever happened to me.

"The final say will be up to Paul, but I think I can persuade him," I said.

The day past without incident, not even any home work, which worked for me, more time with my lover, and my best friend. Delilah and I walked out of the school building to see, you guessed it, Paul waiting patiently, for me on the bike rack.

"Wow, now that's balance," Delilah said. I walked over to him and whispered in his ear my plan. He looked at me, then at Delilah, and nodded. I winked at her letting her now he was game. She smiled and caught up with us as we walked home, Paul had his arms around both Delilah's and my own hips.

We arrived at my house in short order, and went inside. Once inside Paul gave my butt cheek a playful pinch causing me to jump. Delilah blushed, I could tell she was feeling uneasy. I smiled reassuring her she was perfectly safe, and that nothing she didn't want to happen would. She loosened up a little sitting down on the couch.

"I'll just let you two get acquainted," I said walking into the other room. Unbeknownst, at lest to Delilah, I could see her perfectly well. Paul spoke a few words to her in that magical voice of his, I'm not sure what he said but whatever it was it worked because all tension left Delilah's body, she even put a paw on his leg. Paul started kissing her neck, taking it slow, letting her get more used to him.

"God he's good," I said to myself as one of Paul's hands started to stroke Delilah's legs. Paul took his lips from her neck and gave her a long wet kiss on her lips. I could tell that she was enjoying herself, her hands were beginning to roam his body. Paul's hands went to her breasts and tenderly began to caress them. I let a hand slip into my jeans and play with my wetting self as I watched, you couldn't buy porn this good. Paul slowly undid her blouse moving from her mouth to he neck again. He laid her down on the couch and started to kiss down her throat to her large breasts. I admit they were bigger then my own, and I was often envious of her.

Paul made quick work of her bra and let it fall to the floor. I decided I wanted in on the action and went to join them. Paul was sliding Delilah's pants off when I walked up behind him and started to lick and kiss his neck. I easily undid his shirt and took it off, Paul kissed me once on the mouth then let his head descend to Delilah's waiting snatch, her black thong long gone. I slipped out of my cloths and went around to the other end of the couch.

Delilah was moaning and cooing softly as Paul's tongue danced inside her pussy. I leaned over her and gave her a sloppy kiss on the mouth. Yeah that's right, I can kiss a girl if I want to. She returned it moaning into my mouth as our tongues dance in each others maws. Paul had somehow gotten out of his paints, and was just about ready to deflower Delilah.

"Well Delilah, I said using my sexy voice, "what do you think of my lovers cock."

"I think I want it in me," she moaned. Paul was more then happy to oblige spreading her virgin folds causing her to moan loudly. I lowered my head onto a nipple stared sulking hungrily. I felt Delilah's hand on my head holding me to her breast. She was breathing hard and moaning in an ever increasing pitch. I could tell when she had cum because she squeezed her hand shut around my hair and pushed me even harder onto her nipple. The scream was a pretty big give away as well.

Paul pulled out of her letting her recover, kissed her pink nose and thanked her. Paul then looked at me with a hunger I had never seen in his eyes.

"Take me now you big stud," I said, throwing myself at him. He caught me in mid air and spun me around. He bent me over the couch arm, lifted my tail out of the way and shoved into me. I lived for the feeling of him in me, the thrusting of his perfect cock, and the sound his balls made when they slapped my lips. "Oh yeah, fuck me, make me your bitch," I screamed in ecstasy.

Delilah had regained her senses, she wanted in on this, she moved under Paul and started to lick his cock as it pounded in and out of my pussy, causing him to grunt in satisfaction. I felt her tongue flick past my clit and was driven over the edge, coming all over Delilah's face. Paul felt the same tongue and exploded in me again coating my walls and the insides of my thighs with his hot cum, he even managed to get some all the way onto my back. I sat there leaning over the couch panting as Paul fell to the floor.

The next thing I new I felt a feline tongue licking me clean. Still being very sensitive from my orgasm I moaned loudly. Damn did Delilah have skill with her tongue, I made a point of telling her so. All of the sudden I had another kinky idea hit me. I ran to my room and retrieved my vibrater.

"Want to try something really kinky," I asked the two cum covered people in front of me. Delilah gave a nod and Paul shot a thumbs up. I told Delilah to sit on the far end of the couch facing the other end with her legs open. I got down on my hands and knelled in front of her with the vibrater, my rump in the air. Paul got the idea and stood behind me with his already hardening rode pointed at my folds.

"Ready," I asked Delilah, she nodded and so I flipped the cylindrical devisee on and plunged it into her. I looked back and pointed up in the air at Paul. He gave me a confused look at first then seemed to understand what I wanted. With one hard thrust he pounded into my tail hole. I gasped in bliss as Delilah moaned as she bucked against the devisee in my hand. The feeling of him slamming into my tight ass, his balls slapping my wetness, was indescribable.

"Oh yes, you big stallion, fuck my ass, fuck it hard," I screamed. I felt him start to speed up, he was close, I could feel it, so was Delilah. She came first flooding the couch with warm cum. The next thing I felt was Paul's seed spraying into my ass coating it with his sticky seamen. This feeling alone made me cum again creating a little puddle at the foot of the couch.

"Oh man, I'm spent," Delilah said, "you mind if I stay here tonight." I looked over at the clock, it read 10:00 pm.

"Holly shit, we've been fucking for four hours," I said. "Well at lest it was one hell of a way to lose your virginity, huh," Delilah nodded ferociously. She left to my room to crash on the bed. Paul and I went into my parents room, we weren't quite done yet.


My name is Alex, I am 17 years old and my lover is a vampire.