Story by WolfwithaDS on SoFurry

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Here's your usual warning about being 18 or older

despite that I doubt anyone will actually turn away

from this. If you're already here you should know

and expect that acts of a sexual nature will occur in

the story. Otherwise, you probably should leave,

but then again, I highly doubt that you will.


I dedicate this story to two of my fellow furs here on Yiffstar. The first, dark_moomba, is the inspiration for one of the main characters and the reason this story is being written in the first place. The second is a very special friend of mine, known on here as Luka, who will remain close to me no matter how far away he lives.


By: WolfwithaDS

It was a most horrible sight. The wolf that was my master fell to his knees, clutching at his chest. There was nothing I could do but stand there and watched as he started coughing up blood, obviously in great amounts of pain.

"Come on, let's get outta here!" One of my fellow slaves grabbed my hand and started pulling me out the door. I yanked my hand back, not yet willing to leave. All the other slaves were using this as their chance to escape to freedom, but I could not go. Where would I go anyway? I had never known freedom. My entire life I had been nothing more than just a servant, a body to be abused, a toy. I had grown accustomed to the rules that varied only slightly from master to master. I was used to the disrespectful way I was called out by a number and expected to obey immediately and without question or hesitation. I couldn't live alone. No, I needed to have a master, and this wolf had been the best one I had ever known. Sure, he commanded us as any other master would, but he took great care not to injure his slaves. He did not whip us, but instead found other, non-physical ways to break his slaves into submission. When he needed one of us to use for sexual purposes, he would always ease them into it slowly so the pain would not be unbearable and there wasn't any bleeding. In fact, he hated the sight of blood nearly to the point of vomiting.

What an ironic way for him to die. My master had been under a lot of stress and was attempting to find relief in mounting one of his slaves. But the stress was too much and by overexerting himself he caused one of his blood vessels to burst and now it was killing him. I sat down on the floor, unable to leave, but finally able to look away from my dying master.

"You want to stay here?! Are you crazy?! Fine, suit yourself. I'm leaving with the others." And with that, he disappeared out the door. Now my master and I were by ourselves.

It wasn't long before he passed away. I don't know how many hours I sat there, all alone and crying. Maybe somebody would come by and claim me so I could be sold to a new master. That would at least give me a new place to live, but I knew that my new master would not be as kind as this wolf had been. Eventually, I heard the door open, and the police came in, responding to a call from some neighbors. The first thing they did was go to examine my master's body.

"No, there's no pulse. We can confirm he's dead," one of the officers said over the radio. "It appears that he died of natural causes, seemingly from a--" I couldn't listen any more. Every word that the officer spoke only reminded me of those ghastly images of my master's death. Finally, one of the cops addressed me directly.

"Hey, can you tell us what happened here?" I looked up at him, but could not respond. "Did you see how he died?" Again, I just blinked at him without responding. The officer continued to prod me with questions, but to no avail. Nothing I could say would make this any better. Eventually, he gave up and went back to his partner.

"I can't get a word outta him. We found holding cells along with chains and shackles, indicating that the victim held prisoners against their will. He must have been one of this man's slaves, but why did he not run away with the others?"

"I don't know, but maybe I should go talk to him."

"Trust me, Sherry, it won't do you any good. It seems that he has been taught not to speak with others without a command from his superior." The officer paused to think about it. "Hey, I heard that DM is looking for a new one. And he's incredibly rich. Maybe we could take this kid down to him and see if he'll pay us for--"

"Bob! We can't do that! That is a complete and utter violation of our code! Not to mention morally wrong!"

"I'm kidding! I know that. But seriously, what should we do with him? We can take him down to the station, and then what?"

The two of them just stared at me for a while. Then all of a sudden, Sherry let out a heavy sigh. "You know, maybe DM would take him. But we can't ask for money for this, all right? You have to look him up and call him though. Tell him to meet us at the station. I'll take this kid and get him in the back of the truck." She came over to me and lifted me effortlessly and carried me out to the police truck and gently laid me inside and closed the door. "Poor little fox," she said to someone I could not see, or maybe just to herself. "He's so sad and alone. I wonder if he'll ever be happy...?"

They took me back to the police station in the back of the van. The ride wasn't all that long, but it seemed like time had slowed to a crawl since the death of my last master. Finally, I felt the van stop and the others got out. The officers began talking to someone, explaining what was going on, but I couldn't tell who. Then, I heard his voice.

"You know, I have a ton of money. I could go out and buy whatever or whoever I wanted. You really expect me to take some random little--" He stopped suddenly as he peered into the van, looking at me for the first time. His seemly annoyed expression quickly vanished, replaced by a seemingly thoughtful gaze. He stood there for a while, then finally asked the officers to open the door.

The door was swung wide open, revealing the rest of the beautiful tiger. He stood there in his obviously expensive clothing, wearing a silver pendant around his neck, inscribed with the letters, "DM". He looked to be quite strong and muscular, but did not seem threatening in his movements or expressions. I sat there and watched him for a while, not sure what to make of the situation.

"Come here."

The words nearly made me jump. I hadn't expected him to address me directly like that, but he did. I could sense a tone of authority in his voice, but the command was not given harshly. Without giving it a second thought, I climbed out of the back of the van and stood before the tiger, looking downwards. I felt his paw beneath my chin, gently raising my head as if to study my face. He then placed his paw on top of my head and ran it back between my ears and down the back of my neck. I closed my eyes and smiled, enjoying the feeling of being stroked like that. He repeated the movement a few times, seemingly pleased with the result.

"I'll take him with me. Thank you. You made the right decision bringing him to me like this. But I don't feel right about not giving you anything in return." He reached into one of his pockets and pulled out some money.

"No, I'm sorry, we cannot accept payment for this," said Sherry, shaking her head. "We are only trying to find a good place for him."

The tiger nodded. "Very well then." He looked down at me and smiled. "Come along now. It's a bit of a walk back to the house." And with that, he turned around and began to walk off.

I was confused. Did he just expect me to follow him? He had turned completely away from me, with no chains or leash to make sure I didn't run off. I mean, what if I decided right then to just walk away in another direction? I mean, I suppose he could just chase me down if I did, but he that didn't seem to be his style. No, somehow he knew. He knew that I wasn't going to attempt to escape. He knew I needed someone to take care of me. After all, what other choice did I have? I quickly ran over to catch up to him, then slowed to walk alongside my new master.

"You're awfully quiet. In fact, I don't believe I've heard you say anything. You can speak, right?"

"Yes, Master." He seemed a bit taken aback that I had called him "Master" without him prompting me to, but he chuckled.

"Don't worry. I'm going to take good care of you, all right?"

I nodded, then turned back towards the road ahead of us. All of a sudden, I spotted our destination. It was an absolutely magnificent mansion, and looked huge, even from such a distance! As we drew closer, it only got bigger and bigger, until it was nearly the only thing I could see. I was completely amazed that any one anthro could own such an extravagant building, but here we were. My master noticed my mouth hanging open and laughed, then pulled out his keys and unlocked the door.

Once inside, I looked around with complete awe. The room that we had stepped into could have hosted a football game comfortably. In fact, it seemed that this one room alone consisted of 80% of the entire building. It was obviously sectioned off into individual components, including areas for working out, watching TV, working on a computer, cooking, and so forth. The one area that was most obviously sectioned off was larger than some of the houses my previous masters had owned. It was enclosed by way of a fence, but you could hardly seem to think of it as a cage. Looking towards the back of the house, I could see there were a few rooms on two different levels, connected by a grand staircase. There were 8 doors visible, but besides my master's bedroom and bathroom, I could not think to imagine what was behind the others.

I pointed towards the fenced in area. "Master, is that where I stay?"

"Yes. That is for you. Do you like it?"

The door was open, so I walked inside. There weren't too many things in there, meaning my master could see me from almost anywhere in the room, but the space was far from barren. There was a bed off to one side where I could sleep, nicely equipped with fluffy pillows and soft blankets. There was a small set of shelves and some drawers, although I had nothing to put in them. There were also a few chairs, two of which were situated near a table where I could eat. Near the back corner, there was an area that was cut off by a curtain. I walked back there and pulled on a string to pull back the curtain, and found an entire bathroom behind it, complete with a toilet, shower, sink, and even a mirror with a light. There were also a few various cleaning supplies back there. I noticed that the curtain did not go around the entire area, but the fence was came within a few feet of the walls of the room, so there was no reason anyone would be back there with the exception of watching me there.

I was in total shock. Never before had a master put forth so much effort to make his slave feel comfortable. I was even more amazed that this entire time, I hadn't seen anybody else. "Am I the only other one here, Master?"

"Yup. And if I'm right, I won't need anyone else but you." And with that, he closed the fenced door of my area. It clicked, and I realized that this was one of those doors that locked itself automatically when closed and required a key to open from either side. It didn't matter, I was so tired from the day's events that I wanted nothing more than to sleep. Besides, I had no idea what was in store for me in the following days, or how much my services would be required the next day. Climbing into the bed, I realized just how warm the blankets were, and was still dazzled at having my own mattress for once. I fell asleep almost immediately, finally in a place where I truly felt cared for.

I woke up peacefully the next morning. I looked around, wondering if the entire day before had only been a dream. But it wasn't. There I was, in my very own bed, waking up on my own accord in the late morning. I got up and went to the edge of the cage and found my master at his computer. He noticed I was awake and wheeled his chair a bit to the side to see me past this computer monitor, which was facing away from me so I couldn't tell what he was doing. "Good morning!" he said cheerfully.

"Good morning, Master." I replied.

"Aww, come on, you don't have to call me 'Master' every time you speak to me." He smiled and I nodded back to him. "By the way, you never told me what your name was."

"I...I don't have a name. I was always assigned a number to respond to."

"You really don't have a name?" my master asked incredulously. I shook my head. "Well now, we're gonna have to do something about that. Hmm..." He looked at me consideringly. "How about we call you Toby? Would you like that?"

"Oh! I'd love that!" I was nearly jumping up and down in excitement.

My master chuckled. "Toby it is then. Hey, is that all you came with?" I glanced down at the tattered pair of boxers I was wearing.

"Yes, Master."

He shook his head. "Please, call me Senshi." I said nothing for a while, merely watching him as he went back to whatever he was doing on the computer.

I sat down in one the chairs. "Toby," I thought to myself. I had a name. It really made me feel special somehow. I really couldn't describe it. It was like, all of a sudden, I mattered. I wasn't just another servant to be ordered around, not just another slave to be broken in, but an actual person.

"Hey Toby!" I heard my master calling me. I came back to the edge of my room to see what he wanted. "Turn around a bit for me. Slowly, if you will." I was puzzled by his request, but began to slowly rotate myself until I came to face him again. "Okay, thank you, that's good." He scooted over and resumed his activities on the computer. I was totally baffled to the nature of his request, but seeing as how he had no further instructions for me I returned to my seat. At some point I must have dozed off. I'm not normally one to take a nap or anything like that, but this was a lot to take in all of a sudden and I tended to lose focus quite easily when not given a task.

Mmmmmm...something smelled really good. I came to and found my master in the kitchen area, seemingly enjoying himself as he cooked. I couldn't tell what it was, but it has obviously excited my keen sense of smell. I started wagging my bushy tail in anticipation, and soon he came over with his creation. He grabbed his key but paused to chuckle at my excitement. "Does my little fox want to beg for his food?" I wasn't sure if he was simply teasing me or not, but regardless I got down on the floor and looked at him with the saddest and most pleading eyes I could make. "Aww, now how could I resist that?" He opened the door and stepped inside, bringing the food over to the table and sitting down in one the chairs, motioning me to join him. I did, and quite hastily at that.

I looked down at the plate in front of me. This was not at all what I was used to, but instead an actual meal prepared with much care and attention. I didn't recognize half of what was on there, but I couldn't think of it to be anything but delicious. Without hesitation, I grabbed my knife and fork as best as I could with my paws and began to eat.

Ooh, it was absolutely breathtaking! Never before had I tasted anything this good! I ate as much as I could of it, but didn't even come close to finishing everything on there. I laid back in the chair, completely full and happy.

"My, you were quite the hungry little fox, weren't you?"

"Oh, yes! Wow, I have never had anyone cook for me like that before! Thank you so much!"

He laughed again. "Well you'd better get used to it. I love cooking with a passion. And now I have someone who I can truly share it with. By the way, I can tell you aren't used to using that fork. You've managed to drop stuff all over yourself." I glanced down at the mess I had created on my fur. Yup, I was most definitely inexperienced with proper feeding utensils. As a slave, that's one thing you're not trained for. Although I knew how to clean plates off and such, and proceeded to do so. I quickly grabbed everything and brought it back to the kitchen area, and began scraping and rinsing everything. My master stood there, watching me curiously. I froze for a second.

"D-Did I do something wrong?"

"Oh no, not at all. But you really didn't have to do that." I smiled back at him and continued cleaning the dishes. I finished them fairly quickly since I was so used to the actions, then turned back towards my master, awaiting his command. He seemed to realize what I wanted, but simply scratched his head and sighed. "Perhaps you should clean yourself off. I really don't need you to do anything around here. Besides," he paused to step forward and remove a piece of food off my chest with his finger, "this really isn't your color." I giggled and returned to my room and headed for the shower.

The warm water felt really good, and since I had been assured that I was under no time or water constraints, I stood there for quite a while, simply enjoying the relaxing water flow through my fur. Finally, I grabbed a box and opened it and took a whiff of the soap inside. It had a flowery fragrance, which I immediately decided that I very much liked. I spread the soap around and worked it into my fur carefully, making sure not to neglect my tail. When I was finished, I grabbed one of the towels and began to dry myself off. Finally clean, I slipped back into my pair of boxes and came out from behind the curtain.

I noticed that my door was still open. I saw that my master was sitting on the couch in front of the television, watching something that had just ended. "Hey, come over here, Toby. I got us a movie to watch." I came over and sat down on the couch next to him. "Here, I think you'll like this one." He pressed a button on a remote and the movie started.

The movie was about this wolf, who had to save his village from the wrath of some dragon. It was kinda odd because they could use magic and stuff, and I hadn't really been exposed to much in the way of fantasy, so I could only watch in amazement as the special effects helped the characters throw fire and ice at each other, only to watch it explode at one time when the spells collided in midair. And then it got to the point where the wolf defeated the dragon, and I was incredibly happy because the wolf had worked so hard and overcome insurmountable odds. I looked over at my master, who was entertained by the scene, but not as overly ecstatic as I was. I then remembered that it was just a movie, and that he had probably seen the likes of such many times over. But for me, this was a new experience.

"Wow, that was so cool! Do you get movies like that often?" I looked at him eagerly.

"Hmm, every now and then. We'll do this again sometimes soon. But for now, I think you should get your rest. It's really late." I could tell that he was tired too, but I'm sure he had gotten up well before I had in the morning.

I started to get up and return to my area, but I stopped. "Master, why am I here?"

"Huh?" He turned his gaze to meet mine and smiled that wonderful feline smile. "It's because you belong here with me, that's why." He came over and kissed me on top of my head affectionately. "Goodnight, Toby."

I woke up the next morning to find a very large brown box with a red bow on it sitting on the inside of my door. I came over and read the packaging label, and it had apparently been shipped to me. I was definitely confused, but I figured I might as well open it. Inside, I found clothing in all sorts of shapes and colors. I was stunned. I could barely believe my eyes as I went though the fabulous array of fabrics, finding each article even more desirable than the last.

"Well, aren't you gonna try them on?" I noticed my master had been watching me from outside of the fence, but opened the door and sat down in a chair. I also noticed a full body mirror that had not been there before. My master smiled as he put his feet up on the table, obviously waiting for me to show off all the new clothes that were now mine. I slowly came to realize that he had done this from his computer, and that was why he wanted me to spin around slowly. It was so he could estimate my size and buy me an entire wardrobe. Now he simply sat there, looking onwards with much anticipation.

That was all the encouragement I needed. I turned away from him and quickly discarded my ragged pair of boxers, swiftly replacing them with a brand new pair. I then returned to the box and fished out a blue shirt and some jeans and began to slip myself into them. Once I got them on, I turned toward the mirror and nearly jumped. Wow! I actually looked kinda cool! I heard that distinctive tiger laugh coming from behind me, accompanied by clapping, urging me to try something else. I nearly dove back into the box, grabbing whatever I could get my paws on first.

After about an hour of exhibitioning my new wardrobe, I finally plopped down on my bed, more exhausted mentally than anything else. Never had I dreamed I would be given so much, or be treated so well by anyone else before. It was then that I finally that the tiger still grinning at me was not intending to be my master, but had taken me in to love and care for me. I wasn't just some slave, I was an actual person. I sat up and looked at him, and for once, I didn't feel that I was looking into the eyes of a superior, but into the loving eyes of a tiger that I could never live without. I ran over and gave him a hug that he instantly returned.

"Thank you, Senshi."

The next week went by really quickly. Senshi was so thrilled that I began calling him by his name, although at first it took a while for me to get used to. I found that more and more he wanted me to join his daily activities, and rarely did he even bother to close my door. I found that I was closing it at night myself, simply because I liked being in a truly enclosed area somewhat smaller than a football field. Doing things with Senshi really brought a smile to my face, especially when I got to work out with him. Certainly he had to dig out some tiny weights for me to use, since I obviously could not work with the more advanced ones that he was able to move so easily. Although I found he loses a lot of strength when laughing, so it's nearly impossible for him to watch me and pump his iron at the same time. Yeah, maybe I'll be able to move up to something decent eventually, but hey, did I really need strong muscles? Nevertheless, it was always fun.

The one thing that Senshi couldn't seem to get used to was the fact that every time he left me alone for a few minutes, he would always come back to see me holding a broom, or loading the washing machine, or scrubbing some dishes, anything that involved cleaning or helping out. Every single time he'd tell me I didn't have to do that, but I was more than happy to keep things looking nice, and besides, old habits die hard. As much as he objected to me working so hard, he realized that nothing he could do or say would change it.

But then, after a while I started to feel that...something was missing. Senshi seemed to pick up on it right away, and it he came to ask me what was wrong. I looked at him and could see the worry in his eyes. It wasn't his fault. He had done more for me than I had ever imagined anyone could ever do. I felt sorry for making him feel that way, and reached forward to put a paw on his chest. For a moment, we both just stood there, looking into each other's eyes when finally, Senshi's brightened up. He came closer to me and kissed me, right on the muzzle. I swear I nearly melted in his arms right then and there. That...that was it. I missed the sexual attention I couldn't help but get as a slave. But there was much more to it than that. This tiger had loved me since the day he took me in, even if I hadn't realized it at first. But now, I needed him physically. He finally broke the kiss and rubbed my head affectionately.

"Is this what you've been wanting, Toby?"

"Yes, Senshi." I embraced him as tightly as I could and he moved to stroking my back.

"Well why did you just tell me? Silly little fox."

Almost effortlessly, he scooped me up into his arms and carried me toward the back of the house and took me into the room that he slept in and carefully laid me on my back on his bed. I'd been in every room in this mansion, but I had never gotten on his bed before. It was so soft beneath me, but not nearly as soft as the paws of the tiger that was gently removing my clothes before relieving himself of his own. Finally, he climbed in the bed with me. I quickly got on all four paws and flicked my tail at him, anxiously waiting for him to mount me already. Instead, I felt him grab my tail and start stroking it softly. I closed my eyes and felt my body shudder in pleasure as he continued to run his paws down my sensitive tail. I wasn't sure how aroused I'd been before, but I most certainly was at full arousal now. But yet, Senshi wasn't done teasing me. I climbed on my back, but instead of slamming his cock into me like I was so used to, he began to lick and nibble on my ears. I nearly cried out in pure ecstasy, never before realizing that my ears would respond that way to something like that. And then, I felt it. He began pushing his shaft into me slowly, but not finding much difficulty due to my large amount of experience. But this time was different. I wasn't just the simple act of sex I was enjoying, but instead the power of a love that went deeper than any physical pleasure. As the tiger began to thrust into me, I noticed that there was another difference. This was actually the first time I had been with a cat. Something about his feline cock was more stimulating than any other I had ever felt. As he increased his rhythm, pushing into me faster and faster, I felt myself go over the edge and blow my fox cum out on the sheets. It wasn't much longer before Senshi cried out and released his own load into me, his warm seed easily filling me in both body and soul. I collapsed soon afterwards, completely exhausted. I was the happiest fox in the world, and it was all because of this tiger and the love that I knew we would always share...

I woke up with absolutely no idea what time it was. I had fallen asleep in a somewhat awkward position in Senshi's bed and was a bit sore. As my vision began to clear, I saw what used to be the door of my fenced in area with a note on it that read, "I doubt you'll be needing this anymore." I smiled and pulled myself out of the bed, finally noticing how sticky my fur still was. I was definitely gonna need a good shower.

Author's Notes: And that's the end of, what is this? My 5th story? Yeah, I guess it is. If you really like this, you should probably check out "Painting the Perfect Lover" and "Flonne's Gift", which are the first 2 stories about Clay and Terry. Sooner or later I'll get to writing a "3rd part" to that, if you will, but not as much a sequel as a new story being told by someone very close to them a few years down the road. I started it a while back, but it may be another month (probably when classes start up again) until I get in the right mood to make that particular story happen. I don't want to spoil too much, so I'll leave it there. Um, other than that, you can always e-mail me with any comments, questions, concerns, or anything else you wish to tell me at [email protected] or go checking my profile for my AIM screenname. In any case, thanks for reading my stories! Remember I love getting feedback from fans more than anything! Well, except for maybe--

Oh, just a little update, I am reachable through Yahoo Instant Messenger as well using the screenname from my e-mail address above. Funny things happen when you have admiring fans!