Good Bye Mother

Story by Drakowolf on SoFurry

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#3 of Drako's Pack (Extended from Drako Wolf)

Good Bye Mother

It's a sad thing when you have to sit back and watch one of your friends slowly fade away. It was so unfair that Bain had to lose his mother with out saying good bye but now he had to sit back and watch Ariel die too. Drako, Ti, and Ariel had been some of his first friends. Bain sniffed hard as he thought about Ariel's fate.

"Why do I have to always be the one fallowed by tragedy?" Thought Bain to himself as he sat on top of Drako's Peak

Every one that had been left in the pack now took turns to wait on top of Drako's Peak to wait for Drako. They all knew he wouldn't come back or at least at this spot. The only reason they stayed up there was because they wanted to help her stay happy.

Ti had kept his promise not to tell the pups about Ariel's sickness but it only took a week for them to know something was wrong. By the time another month had passed everyone knew that something was wrong with Ariel. She had gotten so weak she could barely stay on her feet. Her body was getting skinnier and skinnier even though she ate well. Her fur was now turning from a beautiful grey to a white. It was a big sign that if something wasn't done she would die from her sickness.

The problem was that no one could convince her to try and fight the sickness. Every member of the pack had talked with her some to see if she's ok and the others like Ti and Bain had told her she needs to fight. Bain was scared that if Drako didn't get back soon he would only find a dead mate when he finally did come back.

"Bain are you ok." Said Ti

Bain looked around to see his mate walking slowly up to him from the cave entrance. The fox had the same look of sadness on his face as Bain said "I'm fine love but I'm also not fine."

"It's hard when you've been friends with someone for so long."

"They were my first friends. When I was growing up and I first met that old wolf my mother never let me have friends." Said Bain

"Well now she's gone you'll be able to do what you want. She was an evil bitch and death was the only way to stopping her." Said Ti

"Sometimes I'm not sure if she was evil at all. There were times before I met the old wolf when my mother was sweet and kind. It always seemed like she got evil when things got hard. After I met the old wolf and he told me about Drako she changed for good. She never played with me or laughed as much with me from that day on. But the night she died she looked at me and I could see the old her. It was like she was trapped and wanted freedom and only I could give her that freedom." Said Bain his eyes filling with tears even thought he had no Idea why

"Are you saying you miss your mother?" Asked Ti rubbing his head on the hybrids neck

"I don't know if I miss her or just wanted to say good bye." Said Bain starting to cry "Now one of my friends is dying and the other has disappeared. I just don't know what to do with that Ti I just don't."

Ti looked up at his mate and smiled before he said "Would you like to go see her Bain."

"Yes that would be nice, but what about watching the spot for Drako."

"Don't worry so much we'll send up Mike or one of the others as we go back in."

"Ok let's go." Said Bain getting up and following the fox into the dark cave...

Darkness surrounded Sheila as she wondered in a land she had never been before. It seemed like she was in some kind of meadow but with no light to guide her way. She tried to figure out how she had gotten here but nothing came to mind. The last thing she remembered was being attacked and killed by Drako. She could also remember everything that happened to her in her life even that part when Sheba had taken over. She also remembered what Sheba had done, she had sent Drako away and made his mate Ariel sick.

"Speaking of Sheba where is she?" said Sheila to herself

"I'm here" said a voice from somewhere in the darkness

"Who's that?" yelled Sheila hoping she it wasn't who she thought it was

"Why Sheila I'm hurt, you mean to tell me you don't remember me already. It hasn't been that long since we got separated." Said the voice

"Show yourself then."

"As you wish." Said the voice

Sheila gasped as she watched a wolf come out of the darkness and walk toward her. The wolf was tall, proud, and looked exactly like Sheila. Well all except the eyes, where Sheila's were yellow the wolf's were a blood red. They didn't glow like they would if she had cast a spell and now Sheila knew who she was. It seemed Sheba had gotten a body of her own at last.

"Aren't you happy to see me sister?" Said Sheba

"No I can't say I am but what else could I expect." Said Sheila

"Well I am a part of you and nothing can change that my dear." Smiled Sheba

"I wouldn't agree with you on that."

"What do you mean Sheila we're one and the same."

"No you see you're Sheba and I'm Sheila. We may have shared the same body but now we are separate from each other. I don't know if I'm in heaven or hell but at least I can now ignore you." Said Sheila

"We aren't in Heaven or Hell, not yet at least." Said Sheba

"Then tell me where we are?"

Sheba looked at her with a sad look before she said "I don't know myself. I'm not used to being in my own body without having to hold you back at all times. It's hard for me to get a good sense of direction right now."

"Speaking of that, why did you take me over and act so evil. If you had done things differently then we could have been partners and done good for the world."

Sheba grinned at that and with a crazy giggle said "I like to watch other things suffer Sheila and the best to watch was you. You were always too weak to fight back or to stick up for yourself. I took you and made you strong, but how am I repaid. You hate me and cast me aside when I'm your only friend."

"You aren't my friend Sheba even if you want to trick yourself into thinking I am."

"What would you have done if I hadn't made your brother leave or if I didn't kill your worthless father and mate? You take everything around you and wreck it and I had to clean it up."

"Is that why you went after Drako? Was it because I messed it up, or did you like to see him suffer as well? Because the when I think about it that was your mistake."

Sheba's expression changed and she said "You have no right to bring him up. I loved that wolf and I wanted him to be my mate. If it wasn't for Ariel I would've had him."

"Not true you see Drako at first was entranced by you but that was before he found out about his power. He may have fucked you but he never loved you."

Sheba backed away like she had been stung and she said "You don't know what you're talking about and even if you are right it doesn't matter. Drako has been sent far away and he won't be able to come back."

"Where did you send him Sheba?" asked Sheila in a soft tone

The wolf smiled and giggled again before she said "To a mystic valley far from his pack. The valley is only known in stories and legend but it is real. The reason he can never come back is because it is an easy place to enter but not as easy to leave. Even if he does make it out and find his way across the ocean he'll never remember who he is. The only thing he will have from his past is his name."

Sheila smiled at that and said "Then he will find his way home."

"No he won't he can never remember."

"Yes he can you see first off his name is different and I don't think any other wolf has the name of the war god. All he has to do is find another wolf that'll know the name. When his pack tells his story to the forest and beyond one day he will hear it himself and he will try to find out if it's true. With the power you have it may take the memories away but if he see's Ariel then he will remember everything. So you didn't win at all you did was give him time to think about things before he goes home."

"This may be true but his mate will be dead by the time he comes back."

"If he gets back in time then she will live. The sickness you gave her is not bad unless it is on a wolf that doesn't fight back. If Drako shows up then she will live."

"May be she will but I don't think so." Said Sheba as she started to laugh "ha and if he does come back then I too will get myself out of here and kill him if I must. This place can't hold my power forever. You're the one who died Sheila not me and you'll be stuck here forever."

"No this place can't hold you but there is one place that can evil one." Boomed a voice from somewhere

The two wolves jumped as they looked around wondering who had spoken. Before anything could show itself Sheba began to scream. A light had been turned on to show a beautiful meadow full of red and white flowers. When Sheila looked over at the wolf she almost screamed too. Little catchers had come out of someplace and were trying to pull the evil wolf down into a dark hole. The things looked like tiny humans with black skin and horns.

Sheba had a look of fear on in her red eye's as she yelled "Help me Sheila please help me. I don't want to go down there along please don't leave me along." And then she was gone

Sheila was still for a moment then she ran toward the hole in the ground and was about to jump in to save Sheba when the voice spoke again "Don't do it Sheila."

She stopped and looked around trying to find the voice as she yelled "Who are and why can't go save her. She may have been evil but I know I could have saved her from herself."

"No you could not. She needs to see what she did wrong and hell is the only place she can do that. Don't worry about her though because in time she will have a chance to make up for her sins and be allowed back in the meadow again. She was not pure evil just misunderstood."

"Who are you to make this decision?"

From out of nowhere a larger than life red furred wolf appeared right in front of her. The wolf was almost twice the size of Drako and he had blood red fur. His eyes were silver with a black iris, the tips of his ears were black and so were his paws. He had long fangs that looked like they could go right through Sheila. He was a scary beast but for some reason Sheila found she wasn't scared of him.

The red furred wolf walked toward her and said "Sheila I am the god of war, I'm the real Drako-Lupus. I command the rest of the gods and other things in this world. I say Sheba should suffer for a while; she had done many great wrongs. You on the other hand have been good and noble. I know what you have gone through in your life and I have taken the pain from you."

"You mean you are Drako's name sake the real war god?" said Sheila

"Yes and I have one last thing to do for you before you can enter heaven and join your mother and even your father."

"My father how did he get into heaven?" said Sheila backing away from him

"You weren't the only one to have an evil living inside of you. Sheba had a brother and his name was Talon. Unlike Sheba he was pure evil and he took control of your father as a pup. You have never known the real Gento, only your mother has the one wolf that knew him as a pup. Talon has been cast in to hell."

"How can I trust you?" said Sheila knowing that this could just be another trick by Sheba

"He is the real thing my love." Said a voice from behind Sheila

She turned around fast and her eyes fell upon the one animal she never thought she would never see again. Standing right in front of her was her only real love, the husky Megis. She cried as she started to rub her head on the husky's neck saying "My love I've missed you so much."

"And I've missed you too."

"I was told you died but I never knew how." Cried Sheila

"It was when Sheba left with our son. I got sick and couldn't seem to get better. It took me two years to die and in that time I raised another Husky that had been orphaned and I told her many things about you and me. I learned so much from your power that I was able to leave a memory of myself in her to give to our son or who ever could kill Sheba. I never wanted you to die but I was told it couldn't be helped." Said Megis

"It's true, Sheba was too powerful for me to stop and the only way to stop her was for us to both die."

"What is the name of our only son my love for Drako-Lupus has not told me?" asked Megis

"I named him Bain and he looks a lot like you except he has one yellow eye and one blue. He's a little mangy looking but that's from his half blood. The grey does not flow like that of a pure blood wolf or husky. He is beautiful all the same and smart."

"Is he Gay like I've been told?"

"He is but we have to still love him for who he is."

"You're right I just wish I could have seen him at least once."

"I wish I could have told him the truth and told him I love him."

Drako-Lupus came up to the two of them then and said "You still have one last thing to do before you can come to heaven and I think both of you should do it together."

The two animals looked at on another before they both agreed. Drako-Lupus whispered something in both their ears. Once he was don't the two canines waited for Drako-Lupus to make his move and in a flash of light they had disappeared. The red furred wolf called Drako-Lupus smiled as he faded back into nothingness.

Back at Drako's Peak...

"But Ariel you have to start to fight back. This will kill you if you don't." yelled Bain

"Don't tell me what to do Bain I have a mind of my own. I may be dying but that doesn't mean I can't fight you." Said Ariel not able to yell in her sick state

Ray was right outside the cave his mother slept in. He had been on his way to say hi and to share a meal with her when he heard her arguing with Bain and Ti. Now he was stuck in the same spot listening in shock at his mother's words. He was told she was only sick but now she was dying. Why hadn't Ti or Bain told him or Tella?

"So you are just going to sit here and let your body die." Yelled Ti

"What else do I have to live for?" Ariel said in a quiet tone

"How about your pups and your friends? You know as well as I do that Drako will come back and if you're going to let yourself waist away just because he's not here then fine. Drako is a strong fighter and here I find his mate weak and helpless waiting for him to return. You should be out there trying to help find him but now you just sit here and feel sorry for yourself. I know your sick but you need to stop lying around and start to fight this sickness. Like Ti said It's not a bad sickness if you fight it." Yelled Bain

"I'm not weak." She cried

"I would have believed that when I first met you. You where a strong fighter and full of life. You were perfect to be Drako's mate but now I'm not so sure. Try getting up and stop feeling sorry for yourself. Your children need you more then you need Drako. Just incase your forgot they lost him too Ariel." Said Bain

"That's right Ariel how do you think Ray and Tella are feeling right now. They will figure it out sooner or later and when they do what do you thing they will say about you." Said Ti

Ariel started to cry but said "I know I'm acting weak and maybe your right I should try and fight."

Ray had heard enough from them all, he turned and headed down the hall toward Riley and his cave. Once he was inside he fell to the floor and tried not to cry. He was angry at his father for being gone and at his mother for not trusting him. What did he have to do to make them see that he wasn't a pup and he could take care of himself? He could help his mother and he knew it but she was giving up.

"Ray is that you?" came Riley's voice from outside the cave

"Yes." Was all he could say before he had to chock back sobs

She came in and said "Are you ok love?"

Ray tried to lie to her but deep down he knew he had to tell her. If he didn't he would blow up from his sadness and he said "Mother's dying." And the tears flowed

Riley went up and let him put his head deep into her fur. Ray cried for what seemed like hours but was only about a half hour. She could tell this was just as hard for him as losing his father. This must be even harder now that Riley thought about it. His father was still alive but his mother was fading away slowly.

"Ray I know it's hard for you and you can talk to me anytime you need."

Ray stopped his sobs a bit and said "I know. You've been through this too. I just wish she would've told me or at least Bain or Ti would have."

"I know it's hard but she was just looking out for you I bet." Said Riley

"Thanks love. I needed that."

"Anytime. You know I love you." Said Riley licking his muzzle

Ray stopped his crying all together as he looked deep in to her blue eyes. It was strange it was like he could feel her love pouring out. He could see deep down all the way to her soul that she really truly loved him. This was the one thing that could have made him forget his problems and only think about her. She was the most beautiful thing to him and he knew she felt the same way.

"Are you ok?" said Riley looking at him strangely

"I am now my love." He said and before she could even blink he went around her and he put his muzzle in between her legs and he started to lick her pussy

Riley gasped and then moaned as her mate continued his teasing. He put his tongue deep into her pussy moving it in and out like he was fucking her. She moaned louder as the tongue was put in then removed slowly at first but faster and faster. She let her front half slowly go down to the ground so she was half lying with her ass in the air. Her pussy began for relies its sweet juice and itch with pleasure.

"More...Ray...oh please more." She moaned louder

Ray could feel his cock immerging from its sheath as he licked the deepest parts of her slit. He loved the sound of her moaning and begging for more attention. He also loved the flavor of her sweet pussy as he hit her g-spot, making her orgasm hard in to his muzzle.

Riley started to pant hard as Ray pressed his tongue deeper into her depths and she had another orgasm. Her pussy walls contracted around the dancing tongue making it more enjoyable for the both of them. After what seemed like an hour Ray stopped licking the pussy and jumped on to her back.

He could not take anymore; he needed to be pleasured himself. He put his cock right up to the husky's sweet soft pussy and slowly ran it inside. Riley screamed and moaned as she felt her walls being stretched to the limits by his massive cock. The member was so large she was still shocked her pussy could take it all in. The pain was like a rush of energy and pleasure. She loved the feel of it rubbing up against the inner walls of her pussy.

Ray moaned along with his mate matching her moving hips to enhance the pleasure they were both feeling. Ray bit down hard onto Riley's neck making her yip in pain but also making her orgasm more. Ray tried as hard as he could to not draw blood but soon he could taste it. He didn't mean to hurt her but she seemed to love it. She came harder than before when her skin broke and she screamed out his name.

Ray was lost in himself as he fucked the little husky. Every worry he had left him for the time he was with this beautiful animal. He howled as his knot slammed into her making the two of them almost fall over. The amount of energy and pleasure was so great they almost passed out. To Ray's amazement she didn't even make a sound as the knot hit her.

After a few more thrusts from both of them Ray howled again as his climax hit him. Riley screamed her satisfaction as the hot cum hit her. She wiggled her body to help Ray along taking as much of his hot creamy mike she could. Ray panted hard as his body was drained and he felt cum leaking out from Riley's pussy. They both fell to the floor and it took every ounce of strength to keep themselves awake.

They stayed tied for another hour and once they had broken apart Riley went and cleaned her mate's cock off. While she was doing that Ray did the same to her pussy. They looked into each others eyes once they were done. Ray could feel the same feeling of love coming from his love again.

"I love you too Riley." He said

She smiled and had him lay down so they could take a well earned and needed nap. The last thing that ran through Ray's mind as he fell asleep was "I wonder how I knew what she was feeling." Then he drifted off to sleep.

Back at Bain and Ti's cave the two were enjoying a little fun themselves as they fucked. Ti had to get Bain to calm down after talking with Ariel and he knew a good blow job would help. Bain was now moaning loudly as he looked down at his mate who was on his back under Bain sucking the hybrids cock. Bain could see Ti's cock pocking out of its sheath and with a quick lick he made it fully immerge.

Bain had always liked doing things this way, it was more fun and they both got to enjoy themselves. He took the fox's cock into his muzzle and started to suck on it like it was a piece of juicy meet. He could hear his mate moaning loudly as she sucked on Bain's cock and this brought a grin to his face. He loved making the fox who was always so proper act like a fool.

It didn't take long for Bain to start to feel the sensation of his orgasm coming on. After a few more muzzle full sucks of Ti's cock and a good suckle form Ti Bain lost it. The hybrid shot his load so fast that Ti couldn't even swallow it all. When he was finished he could feel the fox tense up and then shoot his hot cum into Bain's muzzle. Bain was able to get it all down and once he was done he got off his mate.

"Do you feel better now love." Said Ti with a grin

"Yes thanks so much for that."

"Sure thing." Said Ti as he fell asleep

Bain did the same putting himself next to the fox as he dozed off. Bain slept for only an hour when he started to hear a voice calling his name. He opened his eyes and looked around trying to hear the voice again. When it didn't come he went back to sleep.

"Bain!" Came the voice again

"Who's there?" said Bain jumping to his feet

"Come to the top of Drako's Peak." Said the voice

Bain didn't know what made him do it but he slowly walked out of his cave and made his way up to the top level of Drako's Peak. When he reached the outside and he looked around but all he could see was the trees below and nothing else. He was a little nervous at what had called him but knew nothing could get up here without getting by the cave entrance and its guards. He thought it must've just been a dream and he turned to walk off.

"Bain stop." Said a voice from behind him

Bain tensed up as he recognized the voice and as he turned he saw her. Standing right in front of him with a husky he had never seen before was his mother Sheba. He growled and said "I thought you died you monster."

She looked sad as she said "I'm not a monster son."

Bain was ready to call for help but thought better of it. He looked at his mother with some interest and saw she looked different. She stood strong and proud her fur was clean and seemed to shimmer in the moon light. She looked more beautiful than she had ever looked before. The husky to her right was large and looked like any other male husky but something about him was strange.

"Like I said I thought you were dead Sheba." Said Bain again

"I am dead my son but it's not Sheba. All your life you have known me as a different wolf. My real name is Sheila and I haven't seen you since the day you met the old wolf. Sheba was an evil being living inside of me. She was the one who started everything but now she's gone." Said Sheila

"Really then tell me who is the husky to your right?"

"Bain my name is Megis and I'm your father." Said Megis

Bain looked shocked but hid it when he said "How did you come to be here?"

Sheila smiled at her one and only son and told him of her life. She started from where she was born, to her father, the death of her father and mother, Sheba's presence, meeting Megis, her escape from the pack, and what had happened in the meadow with Drako-Lupus. When she finished up Megis started in telling him what he had done since Sheila left with him. Once the two got done talking Bain was close to crying. All he had ever wanted in life was to meet his father and to know the truth about his mother.

"So the entire time I was raised by a monster and you got stuck in darkness." Said Bain a tear running down his face

"Yes and I'm sorry about that. I tried to take over many times but Sheba was too strong for me." Said Sheila

"Mom." Yelled Bain and like a pup he cuddled with his mother for the first time in his life. His father was there too and they all cuddled with each other trying to show them all how important they all were to each other.

"I wish we could stay with you to watch you grow up more my son." Said Megis

"You mean you have to leave?" said Bain

"Drako-Lupus told us we only had a few moments to come back and see you." Said Sheila a tear on her face just like Bain's

"I don't want you to go I finally got to meat you both." Cried Bain

"We will always be watching you from up high my son. Now you have to listen, you need to find Drako and fast. He is the key to everything. There is a worse thing out there than Sheba and only Drako can stop him. His name is Talon and he escaped from hell. He has great power and only Drako's can stop him. Drako is with an odd pack right now and they will help him find his way back. Don't let Ariel die because if she does Drako will never know who he is. He has great power too just like we do." Said Sheila

"I though only our family had power, that's what Sheba told me?" said Bain

"It does, I found out from Drako-Lupus that Drako's father was my brother Toga. He was sent away when I was young just like Drako. He could read minds and he lost all his memory. As far as I know he left his new pack when Drako was little and is still alive somewhere. He has passed power down to Drako. When you find him worn him about Talon and tell him he needs to stop him no matter what. Also son tell Drako I'm sorry for what happened with the mating. It was never me and I didn't want him to lose his mate." Said Sheila as she started to fade away

"Mother no please don't go." Yelled Bain

"Megis is that you." Came Riley's voice from behind Bain

"Riley you're here too." Said Megis as he started to fade too

"Don't go Megis please." Yelled the husky as she tried to run at them

Bain stopped her and watched as the two wolves disappear. He let his tears fall as he said "I love you father good bye."

"I love you too son and you too Riley take care." Said Megis

"I'm sorry mother, I love you so much." Said Bain

"Same here son good bye Bain. You have made me so proud and I love you." Said Sheila almost gone

"I love you too, Good Bye Mother." Said Bain as the last bits of the two disappeared

"What happened?" Said Riley starting to cry

"I'll tell you later, why did you come up here at this time of night Riley I thought you would be with Ray?" said Bain

She sniffed and said "It's my time to watch for Drako."

Before Bain could say anything else he heard a commotion from the woods below. The two canines looked down and saw a huge pack of wild dogs approaching Drako's Peak.

"Oh no it's Kane and his pack." Said Riley

"Who are they?"

"My old pack the one that took me in when Megis died. He took me to them a long time ago and when Megis died they treated me like a rag doll." Said Riley

Before any more could be said the leader yelled "Drako leader of the wolf pack come out and face me. You have stolen one of our bitches and you must pay. If you don't I will have my dogs kill every last one of your family."

The two canines looked in fear at the at least sixty dogs around Drako's peak. They knew they didn't have what it took to beat them all. With Drako gone how could they meet Kane's demands...

Drako, Ariel, Ray, Riley, Bain, Ti, Sheila, Sheba, Megis, Gento, Toga, Talon, and the others are my characters and can't be used in anything without asking me first. If anyone sees my character being used without my consent then please let me know. The Odd Pack or Odd Company I mentioned belongs to Sonic Fox and the same thing goes for his characters too.