Devil's Solemn Vow

Story by Ligiastorm on SoFurry

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This is my newest story from my archives straight off my hard drive. I hope you like it :D.

The crisp night air caught the wolf's face as he stood on the balcony, his hands on the railing, and leans down looking at the distant ground below him.

' Shouldn't let the fear of heights get me this time', he thought, as he wiped the tears from his face.

The young wolf was considering of ending his life after losing his job, soulmate, and was disowned by his family.

Just then as he let go, a figure grabbed him, and pulled him back onto the balcony, struggling as he was pulled from the air, he looked up at the creature that had him.

The being was much bigger, wings, scales, and horns on his head, the dragon regarded him with a look of indifference, and looked into his eyes.

" Why do you think ending your life would solve anything? ", the creature asked, placing the trembling wolf down.

" Its better than not being able to live at all, than live in the streets. But what are you? Who are you? " , the wolf asked.

" I am Licidious Darkscale, half-demon, and half-dragon. But who are you? As to whom am I saving? " , Licidious replied.

" I am Lucas Firewolf, former journalist for the Metropolitain News Paper. " , Lucas answered, sitting in one of his lounge chairs on the balcony.

Licidious looked at Lucas, and says," Tell me what is making you think that besides all of those other reasons can you see your life ending? " , he asks placing a calm hand on Lucas' shoulder.

" No, I guess not, but what am I supposed to do after losing my job?" , Lucas replies.

" Look life always gives shit you got to learn to deal with. Like me for example, I was one of the worst ones for a job because people would be to scared to even look at me to work with me, because of how I looked. " , Licidious states, the being somewhat intimidating made Lucas chuckle at the image of him scaring people.

" Anyway, I got a job after going to college for my master's in psychology. I was going to go and get another degree in Developemental Science, but that was short lived because of me putting work first. " Licidious continues.

Both Licidous and Lucas move inside, their conversation didn't need to be overheard by a neighbor.

The two talk for what seem like hours, becoming acquainted with each other, and Lucas starts opening up to Licidious' counselling.

As time moves on between the two, they become really good friends. Even to the point where they hung out in the local sports bars, and drank all night, and came home to rest.


Five months later....

" Hey Licidious where's the ...oh nevermind!" , Lucas says, pulling out the cheese cake that hid from Licidious for his birthday, and puts it in the cake stand near the entrance of the kitchen.

Being very cautious not to bump it, he walks into the room where Licidious is and looks at what he's writing. " Looks good, come with me a minute. " , Lucas says.

Licidious reluctantly gets up, and follows the wolf into the kitchen, when his mouth drops open, the cake sitting on the counter was gorgeous, topped with fresh strawberries and whip cream, the cheesecake made him smile.

" Happy Birthday! Didn't think I forgot now did you?" , Lucas teased.

Licidious couldn't help but smile at his friend's nice gesture.

Licidious was led to the table where he was giving a piece, and Lucas sat down across from him.

Suddenly Licidious reached into his pocket, and walked over to Lucas...who was kind of confused, but when he lowered down to a knee, he knew what was coming.

" Lucas....we've known each other for a few months now...I thought it was the perfect time to ask you. " , Licidious asked nervously.

" Licidious..." , was all the Lucas could say, but instead of getting disgusted, he leaned down and kissed him on the lips.

" Of course I will. " , Lucas replied.

Licidious stood up, picking Lucas up out of his chair kissing the wolf passionately, his arms wrapped around him tightly, as they embraced for the first time.

Lucas smiled as they walked to the bedroom, where Licidious shut the blinds, and the door, leaving only the computer light to keep it bright enough for both to see.

Lucas was the first to get undressed, his aching wolfhood sprung out of the boxers as soon as he removed them, all the while Licidious licking his lips all the while.

Licidious removed his clothes then, and his bright green scales seemed to reflect the light alittle, and walks close to Lucas, their naked bodies touching for the first time, both moaning as their cocks touched.

"'re so hot..." , Lucas moaned in his ear. " So are you....*ughhh* ... " , he replied.

Lucas lowered himself onto the bed, and Licidious lowered his head, down to lick at Lucas' cock, who shuddered in pleasure beneath the reptilian tongue running up and down his muscled veins of his cock, all the way down to his growing knot.

" Oh...someone's been wanting this for a while....I see. " , Licidious joked. " Stop teasing me...and fuck me!" , Lucas pleaded. " As you wish. " Licidious replied.

Licidious lubed up Lucas's tailhole, which made the wolf writhe in pleasure at the hot tongue, and then Lici placed his cock tip at the entrance, slowly pushing his dremon-hood into Lucas.

Lucas clenched his teeth as the pain was fierce at first, but relaxed as it became a Euphoria of pleasure, and started rocking back with Licidious's thrusts.

As the time pressed on for what seemed like hours, Licidious was getting close, his body covered in sweat, and Lucas panting for breath as he orgasmed before Licidious did, who in turn flooded his ass full of cum.

As both came to rest next to one another, Licidious said, " As my Devil's Solemn vow, you will be my mate for the rest of my life. " , and a brand appears on Lucas's right hand, and also on Licidious's right hand.

Both were exhausted after the lovemaking, and quickly fell asleep.


End of Part One...

Until next time!