Children Of Keeval-da: Following The Path

Story by Etalrian on SoFurry

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#7 of Children Of Keeval-da

Decided to go with another route in the story then I originally planned. Grim has just leapt from the window carrying the plant which can change dreams and cause hallucinations. This is a direct continuation from where "Nightmare's Bloom" left off.

I don't think I have written a story without smut it till now.

UPDATED 1/9/14 : Changed a few bits which I didn't plan into the future parts correctly regarding timeline.

Her children came out of their rooms to wittness Keeval-da kick over a nearby table in the hall. She had a furious look about her which startled Valda and Gri when she turned to them. Keeval-da didn't care she was naked at the moment. Her daughter stood in her nightgown feet away completely unharmed. The nightmare was over and in a moment of relief she scooped Valda up in her arms and hugged her daughter tight. "Valda, my baby!"

"Uh, mom... Where is dad?" Gri said glancing at the broken window and shattered remains of his precious plant's pot. His voice became more worried "What happened to Gwen?".

"GWEN?! Gri, I never want to hear of that thing again! If I ever see it again I will burn it, do you understand me!?"

Gri was shocked so abruptly he found no words to reply and merely nodded.

Valda cringed but keeval-da soothed her with a gentle pat holding her closer. "Everything is alright now sweety. You will sleep with mommy tonight though."

Weiladel had just come up the stairs after settling the group of customers that were sent away seconds before and did a double take noticing Keeval-da naked in the hall with a broken window. "Keeval?"

"Go back downstairs Weiladel, it's alright." Keeval-da's mind couldn't decide whether to be angry or to cry. "Grim might not come in tomorrow though so let's all get some sleep."

Gri went back to his room and cried himself to sleep thinking the worst of what could happen to his prized plant, Gwen.

Grim Darted into the treeline with ease and leapt over underbrush with amazing agility. As soon as he made it out of view from the INN he set the plant, Gwen, onto the dirt and wrapped all but it's 'head' in a tablecover he grabbed before smashing through the second story window. It shook and shivered as it regained it's setting.

Grim looked hard at the plant slowly reaching a finger to tap it's bulb. "We must talk."

At his touch the world swirled before the plant into another image of a wide cavern walled with green crystal and yellow floors. The plant vanished from Grim's hands and was replaced by a golden haired beauty barely clothed by thin wrappings. Her hands reached up and covered Grim's. Gwen felt the immense history of a long lived being before her but couldn't comprehend what she saw. Gwen spoke with the same angelic voice she adopted from Gri during many dreams they shared.

Gwen backed up from him "Wh... What are you?"

"I am the one who saved your life from a quick and brutal end. The one who will ask a favor in return years from now."

She moved in once more regaining her composure after checking her surroundings and seeing her dream image holding true.

The shapely woman that was portrayed by Gwen pressed herself against Grim's body and caressed his cheek. "Your memories are immense but jumbled..." She leaned back to look into Grim's uninterested eyes "You are blocking me!" Gwen made a grumbling purr of pleased excitement. "I relish the challenge."

"You will lose, Gwen." Grim moved her hands from his face and took a step from her. "The timing is poor but to preserve a plan in motion you and I will travel to the East. Near the Imperial city but far from it's sight you will stay until I summon for you to repay the life debt you owe me."

"The things you must have seen! Stop fighting me..."

Her hands slid down and she stroked his groin but with a swift motion Grim pulled her hands away roughly. "YOU MUST PAY ATTENTION!" Grim jerked the woman in this dream world near to his face starling her. "This travel begins now and you will remain silent to me for the trip. Observe more what occurs in reality for it will be needed in the tasks ahead of us above anything you know of the dreamworld."

The world spun back to the wooded surroundings of a forest when Grim's finger left the plant's 'head' but these were much different woods then they began the dream in. Grim smiled at the little wrapped up plant he carried. Not only had Grim run a large distance but he had filled the table covering with soil for Gwen to thrive in. Knowing the plant could not reply Grim pointed out the obvious. "Dreams are slower then reality. When you focus on your dreams you lose track of what is really important. That is lesson one for you, Gwen."

Grim carried The plant through the brush and upon reaching a road took it till their directions could be determined. The sign informed them which way to head to reach the city.

A small trade cart labeled 'Gilgolf's Cart Of Splendor' rolled by the pair as they walked along the road. An average man with a clean shaven face and slick backed hair leaned over in his seat. "My, you seem to be out of dress for travelling sir." Commenting on Grim's nakedness with a high pitched voice. "Get yourself robbed on the road?"

"Grim was not robbed. Grim left in hurry." Grim said pointing to himself while he did.

"Saved plant. Grim must follow the path." Gwen, the plant, turned it's bulb-like head toward Grim in puzzled bewilderment hearing him speak in such a manor when he was so clear with her.

"Yes, I see the plant. Strange breed, that one. You know, I dabled in botany myself once, but there was no septims in it for me." The man kept looking back between the road and Grim. "Where are you heading?"

"Imperial city."

Grim marched continually with nothing more then a side glance to the man on the carriage. "I could give you a ride you know. Plenty of room right up here next to me." The trader patted the seat beside himself eagerly.

"Grim can walk."

"Nonsense! Get up here and enjoy the ride! I would love to have a closer look at that plant." Pointing at the plant grim conveniently held in front of his crotch to cover his genitals.

Grim stopped a moment to look at Gwen. He stared at the bulb that nodded up and down and shook his head. "Much to learn." Grim said softly to the plant before turning to the trader who eyed him hungrily a small ways behind.

"Sorry, what did you say?"

"Grim will go with Trader." He said with reluctance. The trader scooted over quickly to make room for his new passenger though only enough so that Grim would not be sitting on the edge. Grim's bare skin brushed the trader's wellmade pants when he sat beside him. "So, Grim, is it? Where are you from?"

Grim turned his head slowly with a spiteful glare. "West." He lied since he had been heading mostly south.

"West, eh? Do you know Dar-ma by chance? I hear her mother will be passing the business over to her soon."

"No. Grim does not know them."

"Oh, they must be further west then you are then." He paused a moment before adding "Good bargains if you can tolerate the smell. Argonians don't seem to use any of the fine perfumery I sell."

"Grim married to Argonian."

"Not against trying odd things then?" He said nudging his elbow to grim's arm. Grim grumbled and the man scooted slighty further away.

There was another short pause while Gwen kept trying to bob her head towards the trader. Still wrapped in the tablecloth Gwen was the only thing blocking the trader's view of Grim's family jewels. Even without her odd movements the trader would not have passed up the chance to remove the obstacle. "Grim, mind if I take a look at that plant now?"

Grim looked at Gwen who once more bobbed it's head in happy joy at the prospect of being handled by the man, which would allow her to dream within the trader's mind and see his memories and thoughts. "Take plant. Be gentle." He said passing it slowly to the man between the horse's trotting.

The trader took the plant and his eyes hovered beyond it to Grim's sizable member and the man gulped.

Grim noticed the man's intent stares with disapproval. "Grim feel uncomfortable with trade man staring."

"Sorry, Grim. I don't often see something that size..." The trader said before catching himself. "By 'something' I mean the plant of course!" The tradesman hurried to busy his talks about the plant but when he touched her bulb he froze and fell asleep on Grim's shoulder. Hours passed while they traveled and when the trader awoke it was night time.

He rubbed his eyes and upon coming out of his sleeping state stretched his hand out into Grim's lap. He felt thick hairs on flesh and a knuckle. Grim had put his hands over himself to keep them warm during the night. "Grim does not like being touched. Trader will be hurt if he touches Grim again."

"Will you stop calling me 'Trader'?"

"What is Trader's name then?"

"Gilgolf! As it says clearly on the side of the carriage and in front of you on the rail." Which it did in finely carved lettering. The trader had done well to afford the elaborate engravings on the cart.

"No." Grim said quite plainly. Gilgolf was confused momentarily. " 'No' what?"

"Grim will still call you 'Trader'." Grim noticed Gwen moving rapidly as if to tell him something but being unable to speak the message was not clear.

"Damn it! Take your plant and get off my cart!" He shoved Gwen back to Grim and stopped the carriage. "I figured you would at least repay me for the traveling with a good time but obviously you're just a tease!"

Grim hopped off the cart and watched 'Gilgolf's cart of splendor', as noted on it's side, roll into the distance at a gallop. Gwen continued to sway her head anxiously and Grim took a moment to look at her swing her head off to the left. In the brushes Grim witnessed eyes watching him. "Grim is not concerned with beasts. He is stronger then he looks."

Continuing to walk along the road Gwen, still held in Grim's hands, kept swiveling herself around to keep fearful watch for the wolves she saw moments ago. "You cannot live in fear of reality. Just because you feel helpless does not mean it is so. If you were to look inward to your potentials the limits you place upon yourself will vanish." Grim told her.

Grim marched onward, without care, naked as could be. The mosquitoes did not bother him nor the rocks of the road on his feet. Up ahead a shrill cry was heard just beyond a hill in the road which got Grim to pause. Grim set the plant down gently. "Grim will come back for you soon. Might be danger ahead."

Once he had set her down she began her attempt to escape. Her vines stretched eagerly and wriggled free of the tight bindings she had been kept in for so long. Gwen tossed aside the fabric prison and crossed her vines defiantly as he ran over the hill without looking back at her.

There was only a short delay before yelling, the crunching of metal, snapping of wood, and sloppy impacts was heard. Gwen had first moved toward the trees to abandon Grim but at the edge of the treeline her mind recalled how he saved her life from her father Gri's devil mother Keeval-da and felt the need to repay the life debt. She made her way up the hill to watch the battle, hoping she might be able to save him in return. When her Vines pulled her over to see what transpired Gwen wished she had gotten there sooner.

Grim was aproaching two remaining bandits after smashing the helmet of one and, using the wooden board he ripped from the carriage, beat another to death. It took them only a glance at each other before the duo of survivors silently agreed upon a retreat and fled. Gilgolf stood in shaken awe. Here before him stood a proud, though naked, man who had the strength to crush metal armor with his hands and also the fighting talents to avoid the swords, daggers, and even the thrown axe his attackers dispatched against him. "You... you saved my life!" Gilgolf ran to hug Grim but was met with a hand at arms length. "Grim needs clothes."

Gilgolf blushed furiously "Of course! Of course! Here, take whatever fits my good sir!" He began tossing both average and expensive garments from his carriage to Grim.

Once the subject of clothing had been removed... Grim, now wearing a red and silver gilded tunic and deep grey pants, turned back to get Gwen and noticed her near his feet. She held a vine up gently and bowed her head to him.

Ignoring the merchant Gilgolf nearby who might at any time notice this living plant Grim squatted down and took the vine in his palm. The world swirled slightly but shifted back to remain what appeared to be reality. "Grim, at first chance I intended to flee from you and take my freedom but something compelled me to stay. I now realize that my harsh ploy with your wife, Keeval-da, was wrong. I owe you a heavy debt for it and for saving my life in the aftermath. A debt which I cannot repay by abandoning you. I have seen glimpses of deep insight in your mind and suspect a purpose for the travel and would ask my place in this scheme.". She looked to Gilgolf who was still resetting his carriage for the remainder of the trip then back to Grim. "Is he, too, part of this plot?"

Speaking mentally with the plant Grim explained "The future is vast and complicated. You are mistaken if you think I can see it's endless flowing patterns. Your debt will be called upon at a later time but until then I know only you are able to find a new life near our destination.".

"And what of Gilgolf?"

"Everyone has a part to play in life. Whether his part will align within our own is unknown."

"You do not know?"

Gilgolf cut in with a whistle causing both heads to turn to face him. "Hey, Grim! I got the carriage ready again, glad to carry you into town myself... if you'de allow a fool to thank you for Valiant the rescue."

Once again in the carriage Gwen remained silent but concerned in the new soil, wrappings, and bindings of rope Grim put on her. The trip was smooth and unhindered for it's remainer and the guards opened the gate without qeustion for the merchant Gilgolf of whom they apparently knew to come and go. Gilgolf lead them all the way to his shop which bolstered a meager wooden sign, which contrary to the wagon, read 'Gilgolf's Shop Of Wonders!'. He lept from the wagon and proceeded to the door with key in hand.

"it's not much but it's mine. You're welcome to spend the night." Gilgolf glanced over his shoulder at Grim who still clutched the plant tightly in his muscular hands and added after a gulp "Though I only have one bed.". Grim smiled quite earnestly and nodded.

"Grim only needs one bed!".

Once they walked in and Gilgolf moved into the back storeroom, which also doubled as the bedroom, he motioned to the small single bed beside the wall.

"I... I am still quite nervous about this. I really didn't think you would be willing to sleep in my bed."

"Trader offered. Beds are much softer then floors. Grim is happy to have the nice bed!"

In the night Gilgolf stared at his ceiling thinking to himself. 'Where did I go wrong? How did this happen? Why am I on the cold hard floor while that hunk of a man sleeps in MY bed feet away?' He had a heavy frown on his face as he continued to hear Grim snore loudly nearby. 'I was supposed to SHARE that bed but somehow I ended up down here. He just put me on the floor and I stayed here. Did I missjudge this muscular titan twice? I know he is into exotic things so why not me? I am one quarter elf!' Gilgolf simply couldn't fathom Grim's choice in argonians to only include a single female.

When the sun rose on the fifth week living with Gilgolf. Grim woke up to find the small plant he brought with him weeks ago, Gwen, had finally grown enough it tore the cloth bindings around her spreading dirt onto the tabletop. She watched him sit up in the bed and held out a vine for him to take as she had done many times before.

Grim sighed reluctantly and took the vine entering another wordless communion with the plant. At first Gwen tried to pry information about the mysterious 'path' Grim claimed they had to follow. Later after giving up on winning a mental duel with him she would insist on regailing Grim with stories of what Gilgolf wanted to do with him which seemed to disturb Grim at some deeper level. Her interferrance with Gilgolf's dreams was notable by his screams on some nights and odd moans the next. She would tell him of the things she did to Gilgolf in his dreams explaining that it was merely a dream and meant nothing afterwards. Her regard for the importance of reality over dreams grew over time as did her philisophical approach to her own existence. It had been nearly a week since her last communication with him.

The world opened to a verdant grove covered with think trees that blocked a majority of the fantasy sun above Grim. The world seemed real even to his senses of perception and while knowing it was not. The plant's dream images have gotten even better. Grim looked about unable to see the figure Gwen often took in the dreams.

"You have something to tell me, Gwen?" Grim asked in no particular direction.

"Indeed, Grim. I have been lost in thought pondering life." The voice echoed in an intimidating cacophony of overlapping vocal patterns.

There was a pause while the plant displayed the fictional image of the woman it had been time and time again in the dream realm.

"I Have long thought of myself as a single gender yet I have no such boundaries. I am myself. I am my own. I am neither male nor female. Not a man, beast, or thing. I am what I wish to be. I will grow until my body cannot sustain itself and then I shall continue still in the seeds of my demise."

"You have grown much over the days here. In more ways then size."

"Yes. Something here feels right here. Like wisdom inhabits the air itself. I can sense it and It strengthens me." She looked down at the sleeping store owner, Gilgolf. "I sense my role as a mere houseplant has ended. Take me from this place so I may reach my true potential."

"To reach true potential one must first have initiative. Life will not progress well for those who only depend on others."

"Still you surprise me with simple lessons. What of my debt?"

"In time. For now you will create your own path as I will create my own."

"Farewell then, Grim. I appreciate the lessons of reality you have given to me and the life lessons Gilgolf had to share."

As soon as his hand left the touch of her vine the communion ended and Gwen used it's now sturdy roots to walk spiderlike to the door. With vines extended she undid the latch and left the shop they knew as home for the previous few weeks.

Time past without change where Grim helped Gilgolf with chores and errands while Gilgolf still attempted futilely to get Grim to fall into his arms. Then upon the sixth day after Gwen's departure a heavy knock at the door woke them both. A second knock came louder then before followed by a familiarly deep voice Grim knew "I have business here. Open the door, less I take it elsewhere." Gilgolf hurried to open the door greeting the large man inside from the rain. "Come in, Come in! Never to early for a paying customer!"

"My business is with the one you call Grim." The hood remained pulled over his head hiding his features but Grim had expected his arrival at any time. Grim stepped forward and bowed to Gilgolf. "Bye, Trader! Grim Enjoyed the stay."

"For the last light of summer would you PLEASE stop calling me 'trader'?" Grim thought for a moment with a finger on his chin.


"NO! My name is Gilgolf! GIL-GOLF!" As the little man jerked and pulled furiously at Grims clothes Grim's friend moved in and knocked the merchant out with a single blow.

"Why do you torment them like that? Does the other one have that much influence on you?"

"Grim enjoys life." He chuckled lightly. The other man was not amused, rather he shook his head in regard of such behavior.

Regaining his composure he told Grim "You are to return to the INN with Keeval-da. I have brought you a horse for that purpose. Waste no time, do not use the paths but make your own. Cut through the brushlands if you must.".

"What of the plant that called itself 'Gwen'?"

"That entity will be needed to keep the prophecy as certain as possible. We cannot depend on shyness or race alone to keep purity in tact againt primal urges."

"Morkath, I..." Grim held up his hands to gesture a plea but accepted the matter with a heavy heart. "I understand."

"Do not let the other influence what you know must be done! If you would simply remove that burden our quest would become simpler."

Grim walked away quickly in anger and mounted the stead outside. It was a brown horse of average breed wearing a decent saddle. Two bags lay on the back along with a sword in scabbard on the side.

He turned the horse about to head off to the INN. "Grim does not believe so..."

Grim rode off after that in a full gallop leaving Morkath standing alone in the rain under the shop sign near the unconscious Gilgolf.