Against All Odds: Part 14 - Battlefields

Story by Corben on SoFurry

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#14 of Against All Odds Universe

As scheduled - here's part 14 for Against All Odds.

Marked 'Adult' for a little bit of 'affectionate attention' - just to be on the safe side!

As always: Thoughts/Comments are welcomed and appreciated. Enjoy!

Part 14 - Battlefields


"You've the same number of reality shows here as we do back home," Nathan smirked, sitting beside Erik upon the living room couch. On the television, a young vixen sang off key for a panel of four unimpressed judges.

"We have a few, yes. This is a good thing?"

"The number of shows, or her singing?" he snickered. Even though those on the show spoke only in Velikan, the loud buzzing sound suggested the judges had at last put the singer out of her misery. "I'd say no to both."

"I can change the channel. I don't mind." Erik extended the remote towards the screen. "We have Polcian-subtitled channels... Well, two."

"No, it's fine. I'm just kidding. It's good to be up here, regardless." Nathan looked up at the leopard, unable to help but notice the constant rumbling of raised voices from downstairs. "I don't think Alex's grandfather likes me so much."

"What gave it away?" Erik chuckled, stopping once he realised he was doing so alone. "Hey, no. I don't... I mean--"

"It's okay, I expected as much."

"He's like this with most people, including me. It's not personal."

"You sure? The Velikan war veteran and the Polcian houseguest; it's trouble waiting to happen."

"Nate, you must understand. Maxim is often how you saw him today: moody and short-tempered. The way Alex reacts to him sometimes doesn't help."

"They're at each other's throats a lot?"

"When I started, not really. Alex's grandmother had just passed, so they comforted each other mostly. Over the next few months however, Maxim's mood got worse. At first, Alex used to stay quiet and take it, but as time passed, he would start to argue back and make things worse. Now... it is getting more frequent. I really don't think--"

Erik went silent at the sound of creaking floorboards from the other side of the wall opposite. The footsteps gradually neared the apartment's front door, growing louder as they went. Nathan swallowed, his throat tightening with the realisation that two sets of paws could be heard on the stairs. "Must be them."

In a flash of white fur, Erik sprang to his feet, reaching down to scoop the husky up a moment later.


"Habit," the leopard replied, shaking his head as if only now realising what he'd done. "Maxim can be quite demanding when he's here during worktime. Keeps you on your toes."

"But you're not working."

"Like I say. Habit."

The creaking ceased, giving way to muffled Velikan chatter beyond the door. Nathan's heart skipped a beat at twisting handle, then again as the door slowly opening inwards. He smiled warmly at the sight of Alexei stepping into the apartment, only for it to disappear as Maxim followed.

"Hey Nate," Alexei beamed, promptly marching over with paws extended. "I am happy to see you survived Erik."

"Survived?" the leopard chuckled, holding out his own paws to allow Nathan into the wolf's grasp. "He's been busy making fun of my favourite show. You should be happy I survived him."

"I wouldn't make fun if you had better taste." A reassuring sense of security filled the husky from the moment he shifted onto Alexei's leathery pads. He gazed up to find those warm, amber eyes watching over him while sat level with the big wolf's chest.

"Remind me never to watch with you again," Erik scoffed, lightly prodding Nathan with a finger.

Maxim cleared his throat deliberately, killing the playful mood in the apartment as he grumbled something in Velikan.

Alexei's ears briefly folded back, nodding quickly to his elder taking a seat in the armchair adjacent to the sofa. "Come Nate, we get drinks."

They ventured off to the adjoining kitchen, leaving Maxim and Erik to chat in the living area. The wolf gently stroked down Nathan's back, petting over his curled tail before stopping in front of the fridge. "What would you like?"

"A diet soda would be good, if you've got it."

Another petting of the husky's tail followed. "Of course." Alexei opened the door, reaching in with his free paw to retrieve something between thumb and index finger. It wasn't until the wolf settled it down in his other paw that Nathan could identify the object: a six-pack of Polcian-sized sodas.

"Is this okay?"

"Cool!" He reached out to tear the plastic wrapping and retrieve a bottle. "I didn't think... it's our size?"

"Special shop in city. Close to Polcian district, remember?" Alexei answered with a grin, slowly rubbing over his guest's rounded belly. "They have everything."

Nathan smiled awkwardly, curious as to the reasons behind the increased stroking and petting being offered by the wolf. 'Maybe he and Maxim were arguing about me. After all, Erik got me out of there pretty quickly. Maybe he feels bad for what was no doubt said downstairs--'

"Nate? Are you okay?" "Huh?"

"You are quiet." Alexei smiled sweetly, pointing at the part-depleted pack of soda. "Are you finished?"

"Yeah... I'm good." Nathan shook his head minutely as the wolf placed the pack back in the fridge.

'Don't be so paranoid,' his conscience suggested. 'Maybe he's finally showing his true feelings?'

He looked up at his host, returning a warm smile of his own while gently caressing the palm pad he sat upon. "Thanks, Alex."

"You are welcome," came the reply, as did another slow stroke down Nathan's belly; one that intentionally or not ran delightfully beyond his midsection.

With drinks prepared and loaded onto a tray, Alexei and Nathan returned to the living section. The wolf handed a mug of honey tea to Maxim before moving past the armchair to hand Erik, now sat back on the couch, one of his own.

He concluded by settling down beside the leopard in the seat closest to his grandfather, taking a final serving of tea for himself. Before discarding the tray, Alexei scooped Nathan up off of it and positioned him in his lap. "You can sit here, Nate."

"Alright," the husky stated quietly, shifting to get comfortable. He twisted the lid off of his drink and took a short sip, noticing the curious glance he'd won from Maxim in the chair adjacent. Following the older wolf's eyeline, Nathan realised it to be directed at the bottle rather than himself, as if he held something alien between his paws.

The three Velikans started to chatter away to one another, mostly restricting themselves to their own tongue and rendering it all unintelligible to Nathan. Despite several efforts by Alexei to force the conversation into Polcian, his grandfather seemed intent on pulling it back to Velikan each, much to the young wolf's grumbled annoyance.

Truth be told, Nathan didn't mind too much. Going by the context of Alexei's attempts to bring him into the conversation, the trio were merely speaking shop. On top of this, even with Maxim largely ignoring his presence, the atmosphere had grown cordial enough for Nathan to be able to sit back and relax within the giant lupine's lap.

After ten minutes of remaining largely idle, Nathan's attention drifted down towards the soft bulge he sat upon.

'Touch it.'

'What!? I can't do that!'

'He put you in his lap for a reason.'

'To have a seat.'

'Come on, what about all that petting in the kitchen? His finger slipping down to your crotch?'

'It was an accident.'

'Yeah, right. Just do it. You know you want to!'

His resistance broke quickly, a discrete paw snaking its way down to the denim of the wolf's jeans. With a subtle glance, he could see the three Velikans all deeply involved in their conversation.

Taking a breath, Nathan patted gently at the wonderfully warm bulge.

'Didn't that feel good?'

He moved his arm away until he could be certain he'd gone undetected. 'Damn good.'

'No-one even noticed, either.'

'No... they didn't.'

Nathan's confidence grew quickly, prompting him to press firmer and more frequently. He grinned excitedly at the notion that the biggest shaft he'd ever felt lied beneath him.

The husky soon forgot himself and his surroundings, kneading and stroking until a warm glow started between his own legs. He kept going, heart rate building and hardness firming right up until Alexei's bulge reacted. Without warning, it began to balloon in size, knocking Nathan off his stride and almost down to the couch between the wolf's thighs.

'Oh gods, what am I doing?' He looked up at Maxim and Erik, finding them still focused upon their conversation. The fact that neither of them had picked up on the semi he'd induced in Alexei's crotch filled him with relief, manifesting itself in a long sigh. Of course, the one person who did notice was the wolf himself.

Nathan turned to his left, watching Alexei subtly place his paw down to cover his bulge. Before he could react, his host's other paw wrapped around him from the right. Although nothing was said, the husky's ears drooped as Alexei quietly moved him from his lap and settled him atop his thigh. 'Maybe I got it wrong... Maybe I went too far? Damn it, I'm an idiot.'

Half an hour after they'd started, the three Velikans had finished their drinks and brought their discussion to an end. Erik stood from his seat first, appearing to say his goodbyes before turning to Nathan. "I need to go now, Nate. It was good to see you again."

"And you," he replied with a smile, just before Alexei nursed him from his thigh and followed the leopard up out of his seat.

"I am going to see Erik to the door. I must also get some things from office, like your laptop."

Nathan looked to the elder wolf once Alexei finished, watching him take a final sip of his drink while remaining seated within the armchair. "I--I can come with you."

"I will be only a few minutes. You will be okay to wait here."


Alexei leaned down towards the husky, proceeding to whisper in his ear. "He will not hurt you, I promise. I will be quick."

Those words did little to reassure him, but Nathan couldn't think up a means of arguing back that wouldn't cause a scene. "'kay."

"Talk to him. Maybe you will have something in common."

'Yeah, right.' He kept his expression blank, masking his true feelings about the wolf's optimism. "Can try."

With Erik and Alexei gone, Nathan remained sat upon the sofa, silently fidgeting while he battled to get past his fear of being alone with Maxim. At the same time, his mind turned back to the younger wolf and the overeagerness he'd shown while in his lap. 'I hope I didn't upset him... He didn't seem it, but--'

A flash of green-yellow entered Nathan's peripheral vision, snatching him away from his thoughts. He glanced up to find the elder glaring at him with chilling lupine eyes, not at all like the warmth that Alexei's gave off. Even though he didn't show his age in terms of fitness, approaching seventy if only seventeen at the start of the war fifty years ago, those tired eyes told the story of a world weary wolf who'd seen much in his life.

'Here goes.' Nathan gulped, rising above the prickling of his fur and the growing knot in his chest to return a nervous smile. By no means did he hold the same confidence for the prospect of relationship building as his host, but the husky figured it couldn't hurt to be friendly. 'Do it for Alex.'

He recalled the interest that Maxim had shown in his bottle of soda, zeroing in on that as a sensible place to start. "So... they sell Polcian-sized drinks outside of the districts here. That's nice."

The old wolf's brow furrowed, heightening Nathan's anxiety right up until he grunted, "I did not know this," while tapping his empty mug with a claw.

Nathan's smile grew, spurred on by as good a reply as he could have hoped for. "It's really nice... to see examples of Polcia and Velika blending like this--"

"I am sorry," Maxim snapped, muzzle twitching with a scowl, "but Polcians should speak only when we speak. Understand, yes?"

The husky fell quiet, ears down flat to his skull like a cub who'd been scolded by a parent. He clasped his paws and stared down into his lap, more shocked than scared by the sizeist outburst. He stayed quiet, mulling over the similarities Maxim shared with his grandson: the slightly whiter grey muzzle, the imperfect Polcian and the same gruff, accented tone. These likenesses however paled into insignificance against the difference in their attitudes towards Polcians.

Nathan remained lost in thought until something deep inside compelled him to speak up again, despite the old wolf's remark. Be it curiosity, bravery or simple foolishness, he latched onto the only topic that sprang to mind in that instant.

"Mr. Korolev... I was interested to find out about... Alexei mentioned that you were a soldier in the wa--." He clamped his mouth shut the second those piercing eyes locked back upon him.

'Nate, why the fuck did you go there!?'

To Nathan's relief, Maxim didn't bark out an angry response about him needing to stay silent, nor leap up out of his seat to do something worse. Instead, with a level expression, the elder replied, "I was soldier, yes."

The husky's ears perked, grateful for the relatively positive response. "I imagine it being horrific to go through, so young."

"You cannot imagine," the wolf huffed. "Terrible things happened in this time. I do not wish to speak of."

Nathan nodded lightly, trying to stop himself from pushing too far, too quickly. He wanted so much to find out more though, to get the perspective from the other side of the conflict. "You're right, I can't. The films they showed us in school, at the museums, they only give so much of an impression--"

"Half-truths," Maxim muttered with a snicker.


"Propaganda is word, I am thinking."

"I don't understan--"

"Listen, Polcian. History, it is always written by victors." The elder rested his elbow upon the arm of his chair, leaning towards Nathan. "I am thinking that in these films, you are not shown much of the cities of Velika during the final days?"

"Not... really." The husky's ears lowered. Despite the increasing tone of annoyance in the old wolf's words, he decided to expand further. "Mostly the early days; the panicked defense and evacuations by my country's neighbours Vitmark and Meerland, the assault on our coastal cities. We also learned about the Battle of Arlone--.

"But nothing of Velika... I am not surprised."

"Look, Mr. Korolev." Nathan could sense his hackles rising, doing everything he could to suppress his anger at the wolf's dismissive tone. The last thing he wanted to do was get into a full-blown argument with a Velikan whom he couldn't trust not to react physically. "I'm from Linvendia. We suffered a lot in the war, something you must know first hand." He flinched at his choice of words, and with good reason.

"First hand?" Maxim growled, curling his lips. "You speak as if I do these horrible things alone."

"I didn't mean it like that--"

"Your government make us look to be monsters, and you saints!"

"W-What's that mean?" the husky's voice wavered in the presence of the bellowing wolf.

"It means I do not think they speak of the Velikan soldiers who tried to protect Polcian families from attacks. Soldiers who gave mercy to the enemy." The elder shifted in his seat, pointing a white-furred finger at the little canine. "Young people like me were made to fight, made to join army for a war we did not wish to have by illegal, bloodthirsty government."

Nathan struggled to find the words to reply. He never expected the conversation to go down this route, or to goad such a passionate response from the old wolf. A small part of him felt glad though, glad to have gained some kind of insight into the war from the other side.

"I have feeling I am correct; your films do not speak of the attacks on Velikan soil."

"They do," Nathan replied mutedly, still reeling. "The United Front: commando squads made up of soldiers from Linvendia, Andrera and many other Polcian nations. They stowed away upon craft returning to base in Velika, carrying some newly-developed chemical weaponry." His ears folded flat, though Maxim's inquisitive expression pushed him to continue. "We were taught it was used at the military installations they landed at, put into the water supply. Most exposed to it... got incredibly sick and died soon after. It... shocked your government into surrender... not pleasant."

Laughter filled the air, a reaction that plastered a look of sheer bemusement upon Nathan's face. This bizarre chortle soon died into a grumbled whimper, one that the husky had no idea of how to react to, other than remain silent upon the couch cushion.

"My family home was not military target. The homes of many thousand others in our cities were not, either. Many military people died, yes. Many more civilians died, my mother and sister as example."

Nathan's jaw slowly dropped. For a moment, he dismissed Maxim's explanation as mere fantasy; an elaborate search for sympathy. 'They never mentioned this at school. He's lying.'

The more he thought about it however, the more it made sense. 'Why would he lie? He doesn't want your sympathy, and it would explain the sudden surrender... and why he hates... gods above.'

Nathan snapped back to find the old wolf glaring glumly at the mug in his paws. "I had no idea... they said it was aimed only at military--"

"Of course! Why would your government admit this? Say that the war was won with the blood of thousands of innocent people? No, it is better to be the heroes."

"I...they never said..."

"Now you see... both sides acted with disgrace in that war."

This newfound truth struck Nathan hard, generating a genuine sense of personal guilt and sorrow within him for actions taken an entire half century ago. He mulled on the eye-opening explanation Maxim had offered and while truly horrific, it couldn't outweigh the memories of what he'd been told growing up.

Nathan remembered his own grandfather, weeping as he recalled tales from the frontline where they faced an enemy hell bent on their annihilation. He remembered the field trips to the cramped emergency bunkers people would hide within, praying to the gods they'd live to see another day as their city fell upon the surface. Slowly but surely, Nathan's guilt melted by the flame of his burning anger.

"I would like to remind you of my request, Polcian. Speak when I speak only."

The husky wanted to bite his lip, to let the remark go rather than let it push him over the edge. He failed spectacularly. "Still, it doesn't hide the fact you attacked us."


"You destroyed how many of our cities? Okay, we may have killed thousands, and I'm sorry for that, but your army killed fucking millions. And for what? Land? Resources? People like my grandfather fought for survival!"

"You dare to speak of this!?" A terrible roar left the old wolf's maw. "What would you know!?"

"I've heard plenty growing up, in school and--"

"All to make us look evil! Many lies."

"Lies? I've seen the damn films, the old news reports." The inferno raging inside Nathan turned any fear he held for Maxim to cinders. "I've seen the bombs dropping, your soldiers tearing our country, our continent to absolute shreds!"

"You talk like you are there... you know not what you speak of." The wolf's imperfect Polcian broke even further beneath the weight of his own anger.

"Didn't have to be. What I saw was enough."

"You are nothing more than cub! I think not even your parents were there!"

"Hey, listen. I don't care who you are. Don't bring my fucking parents into this--"

"Typical Polcian! Rude, arrogant! Think you know all!"

"Rude? You're the one screaming about Polcians only being allowed to talk when Velikans do. Oh, and the name's Nathan by the way."

In a display of speed that belied both his years and his size, Maxim rose up out of his seat. With a vicious stomp that jolted the cushion beneath the little husky, he moved closer to loom high over the couch.

Nathan whimpered, the once great fire of his wrath petering out with the sight of the huge wolf yelling down at him in his native tongue. He tried to shuffle away but the clenched, white-furred paw shaking ominously overhead froze him stiff. The only reaction he could muster was to close his eyes and grit his teeth.

"What is going on!?"

Nathan gasped, eyes flying open to find Alexei marching back into the apartment. 'Oh, thank the gods.'

"Nate?" The young wolf gasped, his face full of concern. He stormed past his grandfather and reached down to scoop the husky up into his paws. "What is wrong?"

"We were having discussion," Maxim grumbled, notably sticking to Polcian with his response while focusing on Nathan. "He made things... difficult."

"Discussion!?" Alexei scoffed. "What kind of discussion ends with you cursing at him?"

"One that should not have been started." The elder wolf's eyes remained steadfast upon the husky, those words as much for Nathan as his grandson.

"What was said?" Alexei forced a smile, looking down into his paws. "Nate?"

"Help me down, please," he whimpered, still trembling from the exchange.

"What is wrong?"


His host finally relented, slowly crouching to place him on the ground. Without another word, Nathan padded off out of the living area and towards the bedroom. 'I can't believe that just happened... I--'

With the husky a few steps from his little door, the two wolves began to argue loudly in their native language. Nathan didn't look back, rushing headlong into the dim light of the sleeping area and throwing the door closed behind him. 'Alex said don't talk about the war... why did you say all that to him? You've screwed things up big time.'

Nathan whined, eyes watering as his mind began to race. Would upsetting Maxim so much about such a sensitive subject in turn upset Alexei? He couldn't really know, but figured he'd soon find out once the older wolf had no doubt finished filling him in on what was said. Either way, Nathan feared the worst.

'Maybe I should have stayed and fought my corner?'

'And maybe you've done enough damage to any potential relationship for one lifetime?'

The husky paced swiftly across the expanse of the bedroom, clambering up the ladder to his quarters once he'd reached it. At the top he stopped, burying his face into his paws before slumping against the wooden wall and sobbing gently.

Nathan remained in dusk's twilight for several minutes, though it felt far more like hours as he sat scrunched up against the wall of his room, wallowing in self-pity until he gained a sense of perspective on matters.

"Sort yourself out, Nate. Stop crying." He took a deep breath to compose himself, wiping the raw skin and wet fur around his eyes before picking himself up off the wooden floor. "This isn't helping anything."

The heavy clunk of the bedroom door's mechanism sounded, shortly before a creak. Nathan looked out from his side-table room, observing the light slowly spilling inside from the living area.

"Nate?" Alexei's voice carried softly.

"I can't face him," Nathan muttered under his breath, taking a step back into his quarters.

"Nate, are you in here?" The door closed, briefly sending the bedroom back into darkness before the main light came on.

He glanced around, momentarily searching for a place where he could get out of sight and avoid the wolf. As quickly as that idea came it went, seen off by a loud scoff. 'Don't be so stupid.'

Moments later, Alexei appeared in front of the side-table's opening, lowering himself down to take a seat on the floor in the same fashion he'd done several times before.

Nathan sighed, shuffling forward until the kind smile upon the big wolf's face came into view above.

"Are you okay?"

He took a breath. "I'll be fine."

"You do not look fine." Alexei moved a paw towards the little husky, extending a finger and stroking it down the side of his face. Nathan's worry over dealing with a second angry family member appeared to have been misplaced. "Nate... why did you speak to him of the war?"

He cringed and pulled away. "I... don't know."

"Did I not say it would not be a good idea?"

"I... was just curious... or stupid. Depends on your outlook."

Alexei let out a sigh of his own, one large enough to ruffle the husky's fur. "You have made him very upset."

'What about me?' Nathan bit that response back. "I'm... I didn't mean to."

The wolf scratched at his temple with a look of desperation, a look that made his guest's heart sink.

"I shouldn't have come, Alex."

"What? Why!?" Alexei barked, sitting forward and bringing his muzzle closer to Nathan. "I wanted you here, I am so happy you came."

"I've messed everything up. This is just one more in a long line of screw ups. I should have stayed home... I'm ruining things between-- by being here."

"You have not."

"Too many of your people distrust us. Hate us." Nathan's eyes began to water once more. "Look at everything that's happened since I've been here, all the trouble."

"Nate, come here." With a delicate paw, the giant wolf lifted his teary guest up towards his muzzle. "He is very easy to upset. This is something I know well... It is why I say to not speak of war. It is sensitive to him."

"Oh, I know," Nathan blurted, wiping his eyes with his shirt sleeve. "Fucking hates me because of it. Part of me doesn't blame him, another part..." He wanted to say that he hated him back, hated him for his attitude and his sizeism but managed to resist.

Alexei moved his muzzle to gently hug the husky against it. "He has been through many things." With a single finger pad, he stroked over Nathan's head and neck, sending a brief shiver through him. "If you spoke with him without mentioning it..."

"Apparently, I'd have to wait for him to talk to me first... Velikans and Polcians just don't mix well, Alex."

"I do not think this." The wolf's caressing worked its way down to the small of Nathan's back, then his tail.

"I was a fool to think that it could ever work... out differently to this."

"Nate..." Alexei's moved his muzzle so that his nose sat a mere half inch from the husky's.

"Too many of your people hate us, that's just the way it is."

"No..." The wolf paused, sparkling amber eyes staring down into his guest's. "Nate... I know someone who likes you."

"Oh, I know you do, Alex." Nathan choked a chuckle past his tears, tears that Alexei gently licked away while moving his stroking down to the husky's rear.

"No... I know someone who likes you very much... More than just friend." Alexei moved his muzzle to the little canine's, planting a gentle kiss upon its tip.

Nathan's heart swelled, pounding at what felt like a thousand beats per second. He pushed closer, kissing the larger wolf's lips as best he could while running his paw through the comfortingly soft muzzle-fur. The rest of Alexei's fingers wrapped themselves tight around the husky's back, holding him as if his very existence depended on maintaining their loving embrace.

They remained locked together for what seemed like a lifetime to Nathan, his fear and worries all fading away. All that remained was this kiss, a kiss so warm that it felt as if it could set the world alight. If this moment had indeed stretched the length of his lifetime, he deduced it as being one well spent.

"I..." Nathan muttered breathlessly, pulling away from the tenderness while keeping his grip upon Alexei's white-tinged muzzle.

The wolf beamed lovingly, gently caressing Nathan's soft belly with his nose.

"You've got no idea how happy..." he trailed off, fighting back tears far more joyous than those that came before. "I'm so happy to hear you say that."

"I am happy... that you do feel as I do also."

"Oh, Alex," Nathan chuckled. "I don't think you know the half of it, hon." He squeezed his wolf's muzzle firmer, stretching up to plant another long, heartwarming kiss upon it.