Broken Steed

Story by Panthera Leo on SoFurry

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Broken Steed

Written By Panthera Leo (PantheraLioness at

Marge panted hard, her arms aching from the sword held in her paws. The rabbit narrowed her eyes, looking at the courtyard around her, and the dead bodies strewn about it. It had been a hard battle, but she had made it through, killing the guards that blocked her from getting to the Mage.

Her mount, a gryphon whom she had named Steel, fidgeted at the new silence, his wings flapping a bit as he turned his head around to look at the large gates on the far side of the bloody stones, and the dead gryphons that surrounded it.

She moved to the side, wiping the blood from the blade off onto the tattered remains of her clothing and armor. Most of her armor had been lost, cut away during the battle, and the cotton shirt she wore barely covered her body. Her pants were still intact, but soaked in blood that stuck to her fur.

Across the courtyard the stone gates started to swing open. Marge tightened her grip on her sword, watching the darkness behind the doors. The soft moonlight illuminated a few feet of stone, but showed her nothing at all.

With rushed steps she walked over the stones, watching the doorway at all times. She could hear Steel following behind her, the talons of his front legs clicking against the ground. He stopped for a moment to sniff at the dead mounts in front of the door, many of whom he had killed that night, then moved on.

Gingerly she stepped inside the door, moving to the edge of the moonlight as she looked intently in the darkness. She could hear something moving, but she couldn't see anything.

She turned around and bent down next to her gryphon, opening the bag tied under his wings. Flicking her long ears back as they fell over her eyes, she tried to find the magic light she keep there. After what she felt was far to long she found it. With a twist of her fingers she illuminated the hallway.

With a gasp she saw someone standing a few feet away, towering almost ten feet tall. As soon as the light touched him, he laughed at her and started to move faster than anything should be able too. She tried to defend herself, but he knocked her sword to the ground, then pulled her off her feet. He made a point of throwing her light away as he rushed her down the darkened hallway.

Marge fought against the man, but his grip was incredibly strong and inhuman. She had heard stories of the Mage having summoned monsters from the darkness, but she had never believed them until that moment. Still she fought, clawing at the thick arms as she tried to get free.

Soon they burst into a brightly lit room and her captor came to a stop and dropped her hard onto the floor. She landed hard on her chest, the breath being knocked out of her. It took a moment for her to compose herself as she tried to rise to her feet, but she was stopped by a heavy paw that grabbed onto the back of her neck.

With a yelp she felt herself pulled back by the scuff of her neck and was spun around and came face to face with the Mage himself. He was a young looking bear with bright white fur and an imposing build. "Hello," he said as he removed his hand from the back of her neck. "So you're the bitch that's been fucking up my plans."

Marge struck out with her paw, hitting the mage hard on the face. His head jerked to the side, but only by a few inches. He let out a laugh and shook it off.

"My, my, aren't you the mean one. Still if you've got this far, you must have a reason."

"You killed my brother!" she said through clenched teeth.

The Mage paused for a moment, the nodded his head, "Yes, yes I did, but it was a necessary sacrifice, I needed his soul to summon my friend here. You see, without that I wouldn't have any control of him, and that would bring me great displeasure," he said as he looked her over.

"He was barely a man," she replied, reaching out to strike him again. He caught her paw in his and shook his head, tisking gently.

"That is over now; I have my pet, and you've lost your silly quest to kill me," he replied as he took a few steps away. "Have you seen what your brother's blood has brought me? It's quite impressive," he said, waving his paw.

She glared at him for a moment before turning around, letting out a gasp as she saw the man, if it was a man, that stood behind her. He towered over everything in the room, in every way. He stood ten feet tall at the top of his head, but there was a further two feet of thick curling horns that rose from his skull.

He was a fox, or could have been mistaken for one. His fur was blood red all over his body, every part of which was exposed, from his muscled chest to his cock, which bulged like a stallion even when he was limp. The ends of his fingers were tipped by long black claws that looked sharp enough to kill. His feet were missing, instead he had cloven hooves that shown as black as his claws. The last, inhuman touch, was the pair of huge bat-like wings that hung from his shoulders and nearly reached the ground.

She gulped as she looked up at him. His eyes were black with glowing red pupils that looked down on her like she was an insect. "What is that?" she gasped.

"The Darkness, made flesh," the Mage replied as he placed his hands on her shoulders. "A demon: my reward for my powers, and my key to controlling the whole of Delidar," he said.

Marge shook her head, unable to take her eyes off the thing in front of her. "You can't do that," she said, watching as it flexed his wings.

"What should we do with her, Rye?" The Mage asked.

The monster smiled as he looked down at her, his cock starting to swell with blood, sliding free from it's sheath like a growing snake. "You have lost most of your steeds, Master. You should replace them," he said, his voice echoing with a low bass that shook the room. Even the sound of it was dark and evil.

"Now that is an interesting idea," The Mage said as he walked around her, looking over her body. "I believe I know what you are suggesting, but could you do such a thing?"

The not-fox smiled, "Of course," he said.

"Then I think we shall do that," he said, clapping his hands together. As the sound faded a pair of servants entered the large room. "Bring me one of the cows," he said, then grabbed her shoulders once again.

Marge tried to twist out of his grasp, but the bear's fingers dug into her fur and pulled her tight against his body. "You are staying put," he said with a soft growl.

She looked back at him, glaring at him as she tensed herself, hoping that she could get free. That hope faded as she saw the two men return, leading a gryphoness with them.

"What are you going to do with that?" she asked, eyeing the animal as the men dragged her towards the Mage.

"Give it to the demon," the bear told his men.

They nodded and pulled the animal towards the fox-thing. The animal seemed to sense something was wrong, and started to fight against them, straining against the rope around her neck. She reared back, her claws flaying the air as the not-fox walked to her and grabbed her by the feathered neck. He whispered something to her in a strange tongue and the animal came to a stop, it's eyes glazing over as it fell limply to the ground.

The demon walked around the beast, extending her's legs out to their full length and spreading her wings. The white feathers seemed to fade at his touch, becoming black at the edges of her wings. Once he seemed satisfied with her arrangement he turned to look at Marge. "Bring the bitch to me," he said.

The Mage smiled. "Of course," he said and pulled her forward, forcing her toward the gryphon and the not-fox. She fought with every step, grinding her teeth as the bear forced her along.

Rye smiled at her when she got close, revealing a muzzle full of sharp fangs, dozens of them that seemed to mesh into a wall of teeth. Once she was close enough he reached out with his huge claws, running their sharp edges over her clothing. With a few well placed cuts he sliced them from her body, cutting her skin in the process.

He dug the tip of one claw into a wound on her shoulder, until her blood ran freely down her arm. He twisted his claw as he pulled back, moving it so the blood didn't fall. Bending down he took the bloody claw and shoved in into the center of the gryphoness' back, right between her wings. The animal didn't even twitch. He pulled the claw free of the beast and licked it clean with his long forked tongue.

The demon walked over to her, smiling as he saw the look of disgust on the rabbit's face. "Your turn," he told her as he reached out to grab her shoulder and pull her free of the Mage's arms. He wrapped his arm around her chest and lifted her into the air, carrying her to the gryphon. She fought against him, kicking at his legs, but had no effect.

"Settle down," he said, pressing at her shoulder. She felt her body tense, her limbs locking in place, but she was still aware of everything. The demon laughed as he bent down, laying her on her belly on top of the gryphon's back. He pulled her arms and legs out until they laid on top of the animal's.

The demon bent down and lifted her head up, smiling into her eyes. "This will hurt, a lot, but I will enjoy it," he said as he stood up, his huge cock fully erect, nearly four feet long and lined with thick spikes over its length, all pointing in the same direction. If it went inside of her it would rip her apart as he pulled out.

She feared this was exactly what would happen as she felt his claws run down the fur of her back and over her ass. His fingertips pressed into her sex, stroking her lips and gently rubbing at her clitoris before pulling away. He started to say words in his strange language, his paws stroking over her fur as the strength of the words grew. He moved towards her head as he spoke, snapping out the last word as his huge cock bounced in front of her face.

Marge looked up at him, wondering what would happen next when the pain started. It arced over her body, deep into her bones and through her blood. She wanted to scream, to pull away, but her body was still locked in place. Suddenly the fur on her arms started to wave, twisting over her skin and starting to roll like water. The pain was incredible, like she was being skinned alive.

Then the impossible happened, the gryphon under her started to move, and she saw that its legs were twisting just like her arms. Then with a new wave of pain she watched her fur start to flow into the feathers of the gryphon's legs. Slowly her arms started to sink into the animal's flesh.

Without warning her body returned to her and she let out a soul shaking scream from the pain. She started to twist her body, trying to pull herself free but found her arms locked in place as they were slowly taken into the animal's. Throwing her head back she saw that her legs had changed in the same way, being sucked into the animal under her.

"Stop, please!" she cried out as her hands and feet vanished, she could feel the flesh over the rest of her body start to move, pulling against her body as the flesh of the gryphon under her opened up and wrapping against her. With a yelp she felt her breast pull inside the gryphon, the pain running over her as the feeling seemed to grow, as if her body seemed to grow.

She gasped, feeling what was left of her arms and legs sink inside the animal, her whole body making contact with it now. In a moment the rest of her limbs were gone, pulled into the animal, leaving only her torso. Slowly even that sank deeper as her bones melted, her body losing it's shape as her fur flowed over the animal's back. She let out a scream of pain as her head slowly sank into the animal, and her vision faded to black.

The pain didn't go away. It expanded past her own body, stretching out in ways that she never knew could exist. It was like fire, burning through every nerve, every fiber of her being.

And then it was gone.

Marge panted hard, her body weak and feeling far larger then it should be. Twisting herself around she forced her eyes open. Her vision had changed; it had become sharper than she had ever known. Every color was bright and pure, and the edges were perfect. There was something large and brown in the middle of her vision, and it didn't seem to want to go away.

She lifted one paw, trying to move it free, but instead saw a large forearm rise in front of her vision. A gryphon's fore-leg... her fore-leg.

With a squawk she jumped up to her legs, and found herself on all four, a position that felt natural to her. Turning her head back she saw, not her own body as she had expected, but a gryphon's body... the same gryphoness that she had merged into. They had become one animal.

Something moved under her as she turned, and she craned her head back to look under herself. Hanging from her chest was a huge pair of breast covered in snow white fur, which contrasted with the tan of her body. Her nipples had grow, becoming long thick tubes of flesh like the udders on a cow.

Bending her head further back, she touched her beak to them, feeling them as part of her body. As she pushed one of the udder-like breasts away she saw a second row behind them, and a third behind that.

"An unexpected side effect, but one that I like," the Mage said with a laugh.

Marge snapped her head upward, looking at the bear with anger in her eyes. With a yell she jumped at him, feeling her new body moving with power she had never know before. Moving through the air she fanned her wings out, feeling herself start to fly. As she neared the bear she hit what felt like a wall in the air. Her body crashed hard against it and crumpled to the ground.

"Now, now, none of that," the Mage said with a laugh as he walked towards her. "It wouldn't do to injure my prize breeding stock. Restrain the cow," he said and guards hurried over, wrapping large ropes around her neck. They were well skilled in the task, performing it even though she tried to fight.

The bear smiled as he walked to stand next to the demon. "You did great work, Rye, she is perfect."

The not-fox laughed and nodded his head. "She is ready for our plans."

"Yes, she is," the Mage said the clapped his hands together. "Take her to the breeding chamber," he called out. The guards took their ropes and started to drag her forward, her paws and talons scraping against the floor as her huge body was pulled along.

She continued to fight as they took her outside, and pulled her towards a stable that smelled of gryphon dung. She could see them in their pens, three strong females caged away, one with a clutch of eggs. A single gelded male started at them as she was dragged past.

With a final heave the guards pulled her into a stone-walled enclosure, the roof of which was open to the night air. There was another gryphon inside, chained to the far wall and looking bloody and forlorn. She let out a squawk when she saw him. She recognizing Steel, but her mount couldn't tell it was her.

She continued to fight against her handlers, but it was useless, they simply pulled her into the center of the enclosure where a stone bench sat on the ground. They dragged her to it, pulling her over the top and forcing her down against the cold stone. The weight of her body pressed painfully down on her new breasts. She cried out from the pain, but the men controlling her simply tied her feet and wings down, and tied her tail over her back.

"This is my breeding chamber," the Mage said as he walked inside, the demon still following behind him. "As you may have guessed, this is where all my animals get fucked, just like you're about to be."

She snarled at him, snapping her beak, wishing she could say something.

He shook his head and motioned towards her mount. "Your lovely beast is the only uncut male gryphon I now have, so he gets the pleasure of rutting you. If you would, Rye?" he asked.

The not-fox smiled and nodded his head, walking over to where she was tied down. He dropped one powerful paw to his huge cock, and milked out a thick drop of pre-cum. It gatherer on the tip, hanging for a moment before slipping free and falling on her forehead.

Marge let out a gasps as fire ran through her body. It didn't bring pain, but a hunger, hunger she had never felt before. She clucked her tongue, her body shaking as she felt her large sex start to flutter and grow wet. Across the pen she saw Steel's head raise, his beak flexing as his tail lifted, his cock starting to slide free of this sheath.

"You're in heat," the demon said with a pleased purr, "and you will be in heat for the rest of your life," he said as he walked away from her, his long tail swaying happily as his hooves clopped on the stone floor.

The Mage chucked, a smile on his own face as he looked her over. "You are going to be the mother of my new steeds," he said, then turned to look at Steel. "Let him free," he called out.

With that the guards rushed over to the male gryphon and removed his bonds. Once he was free he walked over the stone floor, his cock rubbing against the ground as it slowly rose to full erection, the thick shaft bobbing with every step. He came behind her and pressed his beak against her wet sex, smelling at her permanent wetness.

He squawked happily, then jumped forward, his forelegs rising into the air then crashing down around her head, the weight of his body on her back, pinning her harder to the ground.

Marge tried to yell out, tried to fight against him, but the she could do nothing now that he had smelled her willingness to breed. Hunching his hind quarters she could feel his cock's head brushing against her legs. He thrust lightly against her, his tapered head brushing against the fur between her legs. With each thrust he grew closer and closer to her cunt.

Then with a squeal his cock slide home, the head spearing between her thick outer lips and into her sex. As soon as Steel felt her warmth he let out a cry and thrust his cock into her, burying the whole of his massive prick into her cunt. She could feel her body parting for him, until his head hit the inside wall of her sex.

He grunted as he found this barrier and started to fuck her. Pulling his shaft halfway out, he slammed it home inside of her body. Each pounding stroke hitting her cervix, and with each thrust of his cock it weakened just a little more.

Unwillingly she found herself returning the thrusting with a rock of her hips, helping him work himself deeper inside. The pleasure of his moving shaft caused her body to shake, her wings fanning as the pleasure from the sex started to grow.

Then she let out a long scream as he pushed passed the barrier and his cock slid into her womb, the large balls slamming hard against her body as the ridge like knots at the base of his cock nearly ripped her open. She moaned in a mix of pleasure and pain as they rubbed her sex.

He keep fucking her, his cock slamming into her womb as the knot grew thicker before he suddenly came up short, tied tightly behind the lips of her cunt.

The fact that he could no longer move his cock didn't stop him from trying. Each thrust tried to escape her sex, pulling and straining at her sex and nearly ripping free before he slammed himself back inside of her. She squirmed under him, trying to get free, but that only encouraged him.

After a few minutes of this he pressed himself as deep as he could and reared. His wings fanning over them both as he cried out, his cum rushing down his cock and exploding into her warmth with a fire that flooded over her. Her own body shook in an unbidden orgasm as jet after jet of the seed gushed into her, until it was squirting out around his trapped cock and down her legs.

Steel fell hard onto her, panting as he tugged at her with his cock. With each tug the knot started to go down until finally it pulled free with a wet slurp.

The male danced off of her, walking happily over the stone floor, his head held high in pride for taking the female. Once he was far enough away he dropped to the ground and spread his hind legs. Bending his body down he diligently cleaned his limp erection with his long tongue.

Marge panted, her tongue hanging out of her hard beak, her body aching as she felt her cunt gape open under her tail. The not-fox walked around her, an evil grin on his face as he moved behind her legs. His hard cock bounced with every step, thick drops of pre-cum splattering on the ground and clinging to the spines on his shaft.

She tensed herself, expecting the demon to fill her stretched sex with his shaft. When she felt his hand and claws on her rump she tried to pull herself closed, but the fox did not use his cock on her. Instead he pressed the claws of one paw into her sex, and started to twist them. Pain lanced through her body as magic arched from his fingers and into her cum filled womb.

The gryphoness let out a scream, thrashing in her bonds as she felt her womb boil with the seed that filled it. The pain ran between her legs and over her belly as she felt the skin grow taunt.

With a laugh he pulled his paw free then slapped her large rump. "She is gravid!" he declared as he walked back to the Mage.

The bear smiled at this and nodded his head. "Good, how long until she lays her eggs," he asked.

'Twenty months' she thought as the pain fell to a dull ache deep between her legs and inside her womb.

"By morning," the demon answered.

Marge lifted her head in surprise, looking at the not-fox in disbelief. Morning? How was that possible? and could the demon actually do that to her? With a resigned sigh she lowered her head back to the ground. If he could turn her into this, yes, he could make her lay eggs in just hours.

The Mage clapped his paws together in two short bursts, summoning the keeper of the gryphons to his side. "Clip her wings," he ordered.

"What of the male?" Rye asked.

"He is a battle mount, he is already clipped," he answered, watching as two of the keepers moved closer to the gryphoness.

Marge pulled her wings to her side, not wanting them to touch her, but she couldn't fight them. As soon as the keepers were at her side they were on her, grabbing one wing and pulling it to its full length. They held the limbs in such a way that she couldn't pull them free, no matter how much she fought. In a moment she felt a cold blade pressing up against the base of her longest feathers, and with a few quick cuts they were sheared away. They would grow back in a year, but until then she would not fly.

She didn't even try to fight as they performed the same action on the other wing, nor when they cut her bonds free. She was trapped there, as an animal. She only looked up as the Demon walked back to her, his hooves clopping on the stone ground. She watched him for a second as he wrapped his large hand on his huge cock, then dropped her head to the ground, not really caring as he started to stroke his length.

"Not even going to watch?" he teased as he leaned forward, the end of his cock against her face. The end was hard like a stone, but still flexing around the slit as pre-cum leaked heavily out of it. With one eye she saw the knot at the base of his cock start to swell, and swell, soon it was nearly four feet across when he finally let out a growl and came hard. His seed shooting in ropey strands over her face and back, decorating her like a festival tree.

It was hot on her feathers and fur, soaking though to the flesh and burning her skin. She let out a squawk, twisting herself off and throwing her back to the ground. Struggling, she tried to scrape the burning cum off.

Soon the burning faded away to a low throbbing pain as she stayed sprawled on her back, her six breasts and their udder-like nipples high in the air. She panted a bit, her eyes half closed as she felt cum leaking from her cunt and onto her long tail.

That was how they left her for the night.

She couldn't sleep, not that she really tried. Soon enough the pain on her back and face faded away, leaving only the dull ache in her womb. It started to grow, in slow waves that started from deep inside of her and running over her body. Her belly swelled a little more as each one rolled over her.

As dawn started to break she could feel her breasts begin to swell. The production of milk in her body started to stretch the bare flesh, the nipples filling out, growing erect like a cock before starting to leak thin streams of bright white milk onto her belly.

Her belly was huge now, the curve of it arching high over her body, spreading her breasts out and forcing them to hang to the side. She could feel the edge of her womb pressing against her sex as the water inside of her sloshed with each wave of pain in her body.

Steel came to her as the sunlight fell over her bloated body. He rubbed his beak over the curve of her swollen belly, nuzzling the tip at her strange nipple. It didn't take him long to taste her milk, and to start to suckle at the long tit.

It felt good and relieved some of the pain that the milk had caused her, but that lasted only a few minutes before the milk filled her breasts again.

The pain in her body grew stronger, moving from inside of her belly to the whole of her womb. It rippled through her huge body and down to her cunt, squeezing as the thick liquid nearly burst out, squirting a few feet in the air in a wet arch to spatter on the ground behind her legs.

Gasping, the pain gone for a moment, she started to shift around, trying to roll onto her legs as the instincts of a gryphon took over. With some effort she forced her body to the side, rolling on her pendulous belly until her clawed feet were on the stone ground.

Another contraction rushed through her, more of the water from her womb exploding out and covering the stones under her with a thick, stringy, liquid. It lasted for close to ten seconds before the pain finally faded away.

The gryphoness pulled herself up to her feet and started to waddle her way to a corner of the room, where the stone floor gave way to sand. Her belly was only a few inches from the ground now, and her breasts rubbed against the stones, her huge tits dragging against the ground.

She reached the sand after one more contraction and dug her claws in, making a deep hole for her eggs. It was hardly deep enough when the next contraction came, but she could feel the first egg moving though her body to the lips of her sex.

Twisting her body around as the contraction pushed though her, she only managed to hunch over the hole just moments before the first egg peaked from her cunt. The pain was unbelievable as her sex parted to let the huge egg through. Slowly she stretched wider, the lips pulled tight to the shell and the skin felt like it was about to tear open as, with a thick pop, the egg fell from her, followed by a thick glob of wetness from her womb.

The gryphoness panted as her contractions paused for a moment. She turned her head back to look at the egg that lay under her, feeling oddly pleased to know that she had laid it. As she turned her head back she found the Demon and the Mage watching her from across the enclosure.

The not-fox smiled at her and nodded his horned head as a new contraction ripped though her body. This time the egg moved easily, the fluid that followed the first egg having coating the passage so it slide out with less pain as it slopped out.

A third egg followed right after, moving quickly out of her sex and onto the sand. By the time the sixth, and last, egg had come out of her she barely felt anything as it dropped from her gapping cunt lips.

She felt empty now, her stretched belly wobbling under her as it slowly pulled back into its original shape as her milk filled breasts wobbled under her. Her body was aching, but the pain had finally gone as she twisted herself down to rest on the eggs.

The Mage walked over to her, his boots slapping on the stone floor as he neared him. A long smile was on his face as he looked over the gryphoness as she curled up over the eggs. "Don't get use to them," he said to her.

The former bunny pulled herself tightly over the eggs. She wasn't going to let him take away her eggs. No matter how she got the eggs, they were her children, and she was going to keep them.

"I'm not going to take your children," the bear said as he crossed his arms. "But you may not want to keep them in a short time."

She let out a snort, but said nothing.

The Mage nodded and turned his head back to look at the not-fox. "Finish the job," he ordered.

"Yes sir," Rye said as he walked across the stone, his large leather wings flexing behind him and catching the morning sun in the membranes, creating a shower of light that fell onto the ground behind him. It was something more beautiful than any creature as evil as he should be able to create.

As he reached the gryphoness' side, he bent down and shoved his clawed paw under her to touch her eggs. She squawked and twisted, trying to bite at his arm, but he pulled it away before she could reach him. She snapped at him twice more as he pulled away.

Under her she felt the eggs shift, warmth starting to radiate from the shells. She twisted, trying to keep the warmth away from her fur, but it continued to grow unrelenting until she had to pull herself off the pile of eggs.

She looked down at the speckled shells, watching them shift as heat radiated from them. She tried to move in a bit closer to them, but pulled back as the heat started to overwhelm her.

With a loud snap one of the eggs cracked as a small beak burst though the shell, claws appeared at the sides of the hole, then with a crash the shell split open and a young gryphon whelp fell onto the sand.

She blinked at this, then moved closer to her child, nuzzling at it and licking the wetness from its fur. A second egg cracked a few moments later, and in only a matter of minutes all six of the children where squawking on the sand.

Rising to her four feet, she looked down at the young children, wishing she could still smile. Once she was upright her children moved under her, each one taking one of her long tits in their still soft beaks and began to nurse on her milk.

The feeling of the milk rushing out of her body was the greatest thing she had ever felt. A low purr echoed through her as she half closed her eyes. It was enough to make her forget the pain that brought her there.

"That one," the Mage said, breaking into her world. Her eyes flicked open to stare at the bear, as he was pointed to one of her children.

Rye nodded as he reached down and picked up one of the young male children. He held it gently by the scruff as he ran the other paw down his back.

The gryphoness squawked at him, reaching up with her fore claws to try and get her child back.

With a shake of his finger the demon tisked at her, taking a step back to stay out of the range of her claws. Her movement was limited by the five children still nursing from her breasts. Once he was safely away he started to wave his paws over the young male, casting his magic over him.

She let out another squawk, watching her young son squirm from the spell. The silver feathers of his head ruffled as he squawked and tried to claw at the demon. Rye just smiled and nodded his head, setting the young creature back on the ground.

The young chick rushed over the ground and back to his mother, latching onto her free breasts and starting to nurse with abandon. His white furred rump and tail wave in the air as he pushed himself against her.

The animal once named Marge let out a sigh as the not-fox went back to stand next to the Mage. The bear was smiling at her, watching as she nursed her children with her milk filled udders.

"How long will it take?" The bear asked.

"Sunset," the not-fox replied.

The Mage nodded his head and flexed his fingers. "Good, then we will return at sundown," he said as he took a few steps towards the former bunny. "You better get some rest, you have a big night tonight," he said with a laugh as he turned and walked out of the enclosure.

She turned her head to preen at her chicks, pleased with herself. She hardly noticed her once-mount being taken away, leaving her with her children. Pulling herself closer around them she rested her head on the sand. For the first time in quite a while she felt content, and it was in that state that she fell into a fitful sleep.

* * *

The former bunny was brought awake by the squawk of one of her chicks. Snapping her head up, her eyes opening wide as she glared at the handler who was taking her child. Standing up to snap at him she saw that the rest of her children had already been taken away.

With a loud squawk she jumped at the trainer, and was pulled short by the feeling a heavy rope around her neck. She yelled out and twisted her head around to look at two more handlers that had bound her.

"Pipe down," the Mage said as he walked towards her. "Did you think I was done with you? I'm just beginning. Move her to the bench," he snapped.

She protested, twisting her body and trying to bite through the rope, but the handlers were well trained and pulled her to her feet. Their constant tugging and pulling forced her to move, one step at a time, towards the stone bench she had been on the night before. Each step caused her milk filled breasts to rub on the stone floor, the long nipples leaking milk as she moved.

With each step she got closer to the bench, and she fought harder with every passing moment. By the time she reached the bench she was worn out, just as the trainers had intended her to be. They pulled her on to the bench, pinning her painfully full breasts to the stone, she let out a weak protest, but gave up fighting.

She panted and watched as a new gryphon was lead into the pen. He was proudly male, strutting across the stone ground with his head held high and his cock already slipping from his sheath as her scent reached his beak. He was very well trained, and moved with an exact precision in his steps. The silver feathers of his upper body ruffled slight with each step as his pure white tail swept high in the air behind him.

With a sick feeling in her stomach she realized it was her son, the one the demon had cast a spell on that morning. He was grown now, and magnificent... and about to breed with her.

The Mage laughed as he saw the realization on her face, "That's correct, Thor here is my steed, and your son. He will be the father of my next generation of steeds."

She started to struggle, but the trainers held her in place as the demon gave her a wicked smile. With a whine she watched Thor as he walked around her, his wings fanning out. His cock was fully erect, and bigger than Steel's ever was. She continued to fight as one handler pulled her tail away as the large gryphon rose up and landed hard on her back.

He moved with confidence as his fore claws fell over her shoulders. With only two shorts thrusts his cock found her lips and with a heavy thrust forced himself into her.

Crying out, she closed her eyes, feeling the cock push deeper into her than anything ever had before. The blunt head was already pounding against the wall of her cervix. Each thrust forced it open just a bit further until the head slammed inside at the same time the knot at the base of his shaft plunged into her cunt, tying them together.

She thrust her body back at him out of pure instinct as he started to take the short thrusts that meant he was nearing his limit. She wanted to cry as she felt the weight of him in, and on, her body.

"I think ten generations of her children should do," the Mage said as he watched the animals fuck.

The not-fox nodded, a smile of his demonic face. "The same as this one, breeding her with one of her own children?" he asked.

"Of course," he replied as Thor let out a screech as he came, his cum jetting directly into the fertile womb of his mother. She cried out a moment later as the hot seed flooded into her, filling her to her limit as she finally dropped her head to the ground, completely broken.



Story copyright 2005 by Panthera Leo (PantheraLioness at, reposting and archiving are allowed as long as copyright notice and author'ss name are not removed. This story can not be published without permission of the author.

A New Loincloth

A New Loincloth Written By Panthera Leo (PantheraLioness at For LunarWolf Rye gently ran his fingers over Lunar's tail fur, looking down at his wolf friend as he relaxed in the sun. His eyes closed, he relaxed on his side, his...

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