A killers conscience part 2 [TEASER]

Story by Xianyu on SoFurry

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A Killers Conscience part 2

"We have an emergency on the corner of fifth and main street, Caucasian male, stomach trauma, possible gunshot wound. Respiratory arrest reported. Can anyone assist?"

The radio in the ambulance squawked softly in the background, and the ambulance officer, a man named Timothy Gregg's, picked up the receiver. "This is unit 12, we copy and are proceeding to the scene, over."

"Copy that unit 12, we'll keep you apprised."

"C'mon Mark! We got a call!" Tim called, and the second ambulance officer hurried out of the coffee shop carrying two coffee's in a cardboard carrying container, slipping into the back of the ambulance and closing the doors, reaching through to the front, handing the second cup of coffee over.

"What is it this time?" he asked as the sirens blared to life and the large, cumbersome vehicle rolled out of the parking space.

"Stomach trauma, possible gunshot, respiratory arrest." Tim ticked off, keeping one on the road as he spoke. "You should get the defib pads ready, and epinephrine."

Mark nodded, grabbing a syringe of adrenaline out of one of the drawers and then setting the defib pads up, in preparation of a patient.

* * *

A soft, lingering exhalation escaped Niteshade's muzzle as she watched the pedestrian writhe in pain, her tail slowly flicking back and forth, soft pink tongue licking her lips, ears pinned back and an eager expression on her muzzle. "Oh god I hate waiting..." She murmured, whining softly as a paw covered in soft black fur slid down her chest and slipped under her skirt, lightly rubbing at her bare sex.

"Just why are we killing this guy?" Bill asked, a brow raises as he turned his head to peer at her curiously, keeping his eyes above waist level. He needed all his thinking ability at that moment.

"Well...you know I'm not supposed to ask." Niteshade replied, with a slight shrug. "But my contractor lost his baby girl because of another mans mistake, so we're gonna kill him." She explained calmly.

"I swear that you are completely devoid of human emotion." He said with a slight shake of his head.

The black vixen turned to look at him, giving him a seductive grin. "Well...unlike 98% of the worlds population, I'm not human, so there's good reason for that..." She said, her tail flicking slowly as her paw continued to lightly rub at herself. "Come here and give me some help." She demanded, whining slightly.

"You're aiming a high-calibre weapon at a street full of pedestrians. I think you need all your concentration." Bill replied with a quirked eyebrow.

She whined and pouted, readjusting the aim of her rifle and sighing softly. "They're taking ages though!" She protested, pointing, still rubbing gently with her free paw.

"They'll get here." Bill replied with a slight shrug, picking up a pair of binoculars and peering through them at the target area.

Niteshade had already shot the civilian a minute before, after almost a minute of carefully debating on her choice of weapon.

She had an old SVD dragunov, firing the 7.62 mm (.308) round, and a rather newer M82A1, firing the much larger and more powerful 12.5mm (.50) round.

She had chosen the Dragunov. It was accurate enough to kill someone at range, but had a few, custom, added-bonus's. Like the silencer, eagle-eye scope, and paper-wrapped bullets that were an exact metallurgical match for the rifle used by a police officer who was only now just waking up in the basement of the hotel.

And now it was just a waiting game, the part that Niteshade hated most.

"You know that I expect you to fuck me stupid after this..." She murmured softly to him, shifting slightly and spreading her legs just enough so that he could see her fingers working at her sex.

"I kinda figured." He said with an unconscious grin, lowering the binoculars and pointing. "They're here."

"So they are!" the black vixen said with relish, turning her attention back to her rifle, staring down the scope as her bushy tail flicked, her slightly moist fingertips now splayed on the rifle, holding it steady as she started to line up her shot.

"The tall one is our target, right?" She asked, peering closely at both of the ambulance officers, watching as they started to wheel a gurney towards the downed civilian.

"Yep, tall, brown hair, blue eyes." Bill replied, watching through the binoculars again.

"Tall....brown hair....blue eyes." Niteshade ticked off as she took note of each feature, and then exhaled, holding it for several long seconds, before firing.

There was a soft 'phlut!' as the round left the barrel, the flare of gunfire barely visible from even close range as the paper wrapped around the bullet ignited and was burned to ash in an instant, leaving an unmarked round to careen across the intervening distance between building and target, ruffling Mark's hair in passing as it caught Tim just above his nose, right between the eyes.

The ambulance officer swayed a little, and then fell forwards, sliding off the gurney and rolling lifelessly onto the pavement, even as a police vehicle pulled into view, having followed the Ambulance.

"Shit." Niteshade murmured, pulling the gun back and tossing it aside. "They'll start searching the buildings very, very soon..." She explained, stalking over to him and pushing him back onto the bed, starting to strip quickly.

Bill just stared, blinking a few times. "What?"

"I need you to cum for me." She said shortly, tossing her skirt off and throwing a sheet over the two guns, which wouldn't fool even the most cursory of glances.

Without any further delay, she set upon him, leaning down and quickly pulling his cock out of his pants, yanking his pants around his ankles and then off, wasting no time in pressing her cold, wet nose against the tip of his length and then engulfing it, her tail flicking slowly as she rubbed at his balls, encouraging him to hardness.

It didn't take much urging, and Niteshade purred softly around him as she felt his length swell, her soft pink tongue lapping up the underside slowly before she bobbed her muzzle a little, still massaging his balls with one paw while the other quickly slid down between her legs, starting to rub furiously at her sex.

She murred softly against the tip of his length as she pulled him free, lapping at him quickly, and then reclaiming his length, suckling hard at the tip and inching her muzzle lower, closing it as firmly about him as she could, careful of her teeth as she sucked impossibly hard at his length.

Bill arched his back a little, starting to pant, almost cross-eyes from the constant rolling suction of her muzzle, soft little dribbles of his precum escaping him as his toes curled.

Niteshade suckled all the more eagerly at his length as she felt and tasted his precum, her muzzle bobbing on him furiously now, eyes peering up into his pleadingly, begging him for his seed, her tail flicking as she delved two of her fingers into her hot sex, starting to work them in and out with reckless abandonment.

She positively purred around him as she felt the first spurt of hot cum explode into her muzzle, quickly pulling her head back and nuzzling against his length, deliberately letting his spurting seed spill across her muzzle, streaks of white splashing into her black fur as she lapped at the underside of his length, her soft pink tongues stimulation prolonging the flow, until it came to a stop, the black vixen murring.

Standing up, she admired her new look in the mirror, before turning around and dropping onto her hands and knees, hiking her tail up and slipping a paw back to spread the lips of her sex to his gaze, and then slipping a finger higher to rub lightly at her tailhole. "I want you to fuck me in the ass." She murmured, tail curling as high as it would go as she offered herself to him.

His eyes widened a little, but he readily took the offer, sliding to his knees and crawling over to her, giving her cunt a single rub with his fingertips before pressing his cock tight to her soft lips, rubbing it up and down, getting it slick with her liquids.

Niteshade purred softly and arched her back, lowering her front a little more, tail waving above her as she wiggled her hindquarters at him. "C'mon, fuck me in the tailhole!" She said firmly, and then yelped, her hands grasping at the carpet beneath her as Bill pressed against her tailhole and popped the head of his length into her without warning.

She panted softly, groaning and giving a soft gasp as he sunk more of his length into her tailhole, a paw slipping between her legs and starting to rub furiously at her sex again, her hips pushing back against him impatiently.

They both panted happily as his length came to rest deep in her tailhole, her hips starting to move back and forth slowly, sliding the cock in and out of her rarely used entrance, tail flagged high, hugged to Bill's chest as he took her, her paw rubbing firmly at her sex, encouraging more of her liquids to spill forth.

It wasn't long though before Bill started to move properly, holding the black vixen to him as he humped, sinking his length deep up her tailhole as she whined and shuddered, her ears perking as she heard doors opening nearby. She pushed back against him, and then slid off him, quickly moving away and dropping in front of the bed, standing up fully and lifting her tail, laying her hands on the bed, bent over for him. "Fuck me more!" She demanded, teeth flashing as she grinned at him, her inner thighs slicked with her own liquids.

A soft yelp and a long shudder escaped her as Bill thrust his cock deep into her tailhole again, the black vixen arching her back and humping against his intrusion, turning slightly so that she could see the door out of the corner of her eye, her face still slicked with seed.

The door burst open, and a police officer stood there with a gun, frozen, staring in shock as he watched the human fucking the black vixen up the ass, her face matted with seed, an expression of bliss on her muzzle.

"JOIN IN OR GET OUT!" She snarled suddenly, grasping Bill's balls firmly as he slowed down, making him howl out and hump deep into her body again.

The officer looked at a loss for words, and Niteshade snarled at him again. "GET OUT!"

The door snapped shut and she gave a soft sigh of relief, her tail giving a happy flick as Bill stopped. "Well...this is one room they won't be coming back to." She said with a grin over her shoulder at him.

Bill nodded and pulled his hard length from her depths, staring at the door and then back to her. "So all this was just so we wouldn't get caught?"

"Oh no..." She murmured, her tail flicking as she turned and grabbed him, throwing him onto the bed, and then straddled his waist, grasping his length in a paw. "I most definitely still want a fuck." She said firmly, angling his length upwards and then sinking down onto it, delving it deep into her tailhole again, reaching up under her pillow and pushing aside her knife, grasping onto a thick pink dildo and then sliding that too between her legs, sinking it into her sex with a happy growl.

She rolled sideways then, taking Bill with her, until she was on her back, her legs wrapping around him as a paw continued to slide the dildo back and forth into her cunt, the black vixen grinning up at him. "Fuck me!" she growled, kissing him hard and bucking her hips against him, her tail flicking happily at the feeling of having both of her entrances filled.

Bill kissed her back, smiling and starting to hump his hips, driving his length deep into her tailhole, fucking her up the ass as he reached down and grabbed the dildo, pushing it into her cunt and then pulling it out, repeating the movement eagerly, loving the way each thrust summoned forth more of her lubricating liquids.

Niteshade purred happily against his mouth and then threw her head back, arching her back and humping her hips against his furiously, her mouth hanging open in a silent scream as her sex and tailhole tightened on their respective intrusions, Bill quickly snatching the dildo out of her depths and tossing it aside, grabbing her around the hips and starting to really fuck her.

The black vixen gave a few convulsive yelps as Bill slammed his length deep, deep into her tailhole a few more times, her orgasm sustained by the brutal thrusts, the vixen loving every moment as the human drove himself as deep into her tight ass as he could go, holding himself there as his length exploded, spilling hot cum into her tailhole.

Purring softly, she held herself to his chest, panting and nuzzling at his neck, giving a slight moan at the feel of his hot cum spurting into her tailhole, her tail flicking with the lovely sensation.

Niteshade gave a happy murr as she felt Bill sag over her, wrapping her arms about him and lightly rubbing at his back, licking his neck happily, lightly twitching her hips at the feel of his length still buried deep in her tailhole.

"So what now?" Bill asked, propping himself up on an elbow so his weight wasn't completely on her.

"Now, we wait until the police stop searching." She said simply, and then giving gave him a mischievous grin. "And find something to do in the intervening time...."

"You have a one track mind." Bill said with a shake of his head, grinning.

"C'mon, I'm having a shower, I expect you to join me." She said with a smile, teeth flashing as she wormed her way from underneath him, rubbing her tail against his chest and chin on the way past, before sauntering off into the shower.

Bill took the time to move the two rifles under the bed, covering them again with the sheet, and then, on impulse, taking the bottle of KY that Niteshade had purchased the day before. He had been standing behind her when she had bought it, had seen the saucy wink she gave the teen behind the counter. "For tight situations." She had said with a grin, but in truth, she used it for her weapons, citing the reasoning that it looked a lot less suspicious than buying real gun oil.

He slid the bottle into his pocket and followed the black vixen into the bathroom, chuckling slightly at her. She had already jumped under the water, her muzzle now clean, her black fur slicked down against her body, making her look very thin.

"What's so funny?" She asked, raising a brow at him, her eyes narrowing slightly.

"You." He said with a firm nod, grinning. "You look like a drowned rat....A very sexy drowned rat!" He added quickly when she growled a little.

"Are you joining me or not?" She asked impatiently, and he nodded, stripping down and climbing into the shower with her, picking up the soap and starting to rub it into her back.

Niteshade made a happy sound, tail flicking back and forth as she leant back against him, a paw lightly sliding from his leg up to his length, stroking at it gently as she grinned.

Bill smiled a little, kissing her neck gently as his free hand slid down and rubbed at her belly lightly, before sliding down it and between her legs, his fingertips lightly spreading her sex, middle finger sliding into her body a little and starting to move back and forth.

The black vixen gave a happy groan, stroking firmly at his length, before she dropped to her knees, turning sideways, muzzle swinging around to the tip of his length that was still only at half-mast, her mouth opening and capturing the tip of his cock in an intimate French kiss.

The human gave a soft groan, feeling his length rapidly harden under the stimulation, dropping the soap and leaning back a little as Niteshade leant forwards and opened her mouth further, laving the underside of his head with her soft tongue, slowly lowering her muzzle onto him and giving a single bob, grinning up at him.

She turned to face him more fully, drawing back and suckling at the head firmly, eyes closed and tail flicking happily, paws cradling his balls as she suckled at his tip like a pup at her mothers teat, and every bit as eager for the milk that would be provided.

Bill groaned softly as she lowered her muzzle a little further, suckling gently upon his whole length before pulling back, drawing him from her muzzle with a quick scrape of her teeth over the tip, making her human arch and groan again, her tongue returning to the tip, the very end of it in her mouth as her tongue slowly rolled around it, careful to press firmly against his crown and swirl around it.

Niteshade gave a soft, seductive chuckle as she felt his hips start to move, her muzzle lowering against over him, teeth scraping against his shaft as she drew back again, and then slid forwards once more, bobbing her head on his length, smiling and pulling back to lap at his tip after every few withdrawals.

The vixen gave a soft murr around him as she slid forwards once more, suckling deeply and powerfully at his length, pulling back and then bobbing forwards again, before pulling back once more and holding her head there, suckling and lapping at his length furiously, tongue swirling over his tip in constant rolling movements, her muzzle tugging at his length repeatedly, urging him to give up his load.

Bill's back arched as she gave one last hard suck at the tip of his length, Niteshade giving a deep, pleased purr, her tail flicking happily as the first spurt of hot cum erupted directly into her muzzle.

She murred softly, holding his tip against her tongue, tail flicking with delight as she let the spurts wash against the expanse of her tongue, the pulsing flow cresting over her tongue and flooding her muzzle, the black vixen swallowing eagerly in time with his spurts, small trickles of his liquids spilling from the sides of her muzzle to be washed away by the water.

Niteshade murred happily, pulling back, swirling her tongue over his tip before drawing him free, grinning, licking her lips lustfully and giving him a seductive glare.

Panting softly, Bill pulled her close and gave her nose a kiss, smiling as well, reaching over to turn off the taps and grab a towel, throwing it over her shoulders as he pulled her from the shower and started to dry her off.

Niteshade leant against him happily as he worked, murring softly and licking his neck in between frenzied towel-rubbings, her tail giving happy flicks back and forth as she gradually became dry, her fur all poofed out, making her a very fuzzy black vixen.

"All perfect." She murmured with a smile, peering down at herself and brushing out her long fur.

"How about we muss it up, hmm?" Bill asked, grinning and pulling her close, kissing her neck as his fingers lightly slid up between her legs, rubbing gently at the outer lips of her sex.

The vixen pouted slightly. "But I just got clean..."

"Oh well, I suppose we can go sleep then." Bill said with a fake yawn, turning towards the door.

Niteshade gave a growl, grabbing him and turning him back to face her, her muzzle finding his lips in a passionate kiss, her paws pulling him firmly down onto the floor of the bathroom.

Chuckling a little, Bill kissed at her neck, laying her on her back firmly and then starting to kiss down her body, fingertips lightly rubbing at her furred skin until he was kissing just above her sex, his hands sliding down to grip her tail and lightly rub at it, caressing the fluffy appendage.

The black vixen narrowed her eyes at him, tail giving an impatient flick in his grasp, her ears lowering as she watched him teasingly kiss at her lower stomach.

Bill grinned, and, without warning, lowered his mouth to her cunt, pressing his lips against it and giving her a slow lick, making her back arch as she gave a soft groan.

Smirking, he did it again, and then lightly slid a hand from her tail up to her sex, holding her open with his fingertips and lapping at the exposed flesh.

A soft yip escaped the vixen, and she spread her legs further, her eyes closing to better enjoy the tongue against her sex.

Bill let her lips go, and then gave a slow lap from the base of her sex upwards, to her clit, careful to let his relatively wide tongue rub against both of her outer lips in passing before drawing her clit into his mouth, suckling at it gently, making Niteshade arch and convulse, giving a loud groan escaping her a small wash of her liquids spilled free, a small orgasm coursing through her.

"Put something in me!" she demanded of him, her eyes narrowed lustfully as her tail flicked.

Bill grinned, and patted at her belly for a moment, soothingly. "Wait here a sec." He murmured, climbing to his feet and slipping out of the door, the vixen giving a frustrated groan.

He returned a moment later with her dildo, holding it up and grinning, giving it a lick. "It still tastes like you." He murmured, before dropping onto his hands and knees between her legs again, giving her cunt a kiss and then pressing the tip of the pink dildo against it, slowly sinking it into her body.

The vixen gave a soft pant, arching her back, her tail flicking happily as she felt her depths stretch around the toy, a long groan escaping her as she felt his tongue return to her sex, licking around the pink object slowly as he started to thrust it in and out.

Smiling, he lapped at her sex repeatedly, watching her sex convulse around the toy as he slowly moved it in and out, and then drew it free, covered in her lubricating liquids.

A soft growl greeted this action, and she lifted her head, glaring at him, giving a soft whine and bouncing her hips, imploring him to continue.

His mouth closed back over her sex, and she gave a frustrated growl, before her eyes widened slightly, feeling a fingertip pressing against her tailhole.

She spread her legs further and panted as his tongue alighted on her clit once more, his fingertip slowly sinking into her tailhole, up to the second knuckle, before he began to gently thrust it back and forth, making the black vixen gasp and moan.

He drew his fingertip free, and then reached over to his pants, searching through the pockets until he found the KY and unscrewing the top while still lapping at her sex, smearing some of the liquid across his fingertips and then sliding them back up to the base of her tail, rubbing at the tight entrance slowly, lubricating it before pressing his fingertip deep into her again.

Niteshade panted softly and arched her back as she felt his fingertip once more invade her tailhole, only this time it was better, the lubricating gel allowing it to slide in oh-so-easily, sinking easily past her resistance and deep into her body, making her sex spasm against his tongue.

A loud yip escaped her as she felt a second finger join the first, stretching her tailhole wider as he started to thrust the two fingers in and out, rubbing her depths repeatedly as her cunt convulsed and spilled more of her liquids free.

Panting softly, she peered at him as he drew his fingertips free, her eyes half-lidded with lust as she watched him pick up the pink dildo and press it against her tailhole.

Bill smirked a little as her back arched again, her tail flicking back and forth as her tailhole opened easily for the tip of the pink tool, his tongue still working at her clit as he pressed the pink toy into the lubricated entrance, feeling the firm resistance being parted by the lubricant, and seeing the muscles of her stomach convulse as he hilted the toy within her.

Niteshade panted softly and arched her back, giving a slight groan as her human started to thrust the toy back and forth in her tailhole, her tight, firm resistance gradually loosening to the point where he could pull the toy free and then drive it back in, making her arch and give a loud yip each time as she felt her depths stretch around the toy, the lubricant making it oh-so-easy and much more pleasurable.

The vixen's soft panting became heavier, her tail flicking more eagerly from side-to-side as she felt the toy thrust repeatedly into the depths, his mouth closing around her clit and tugging at it repeatedly with gentle suckling, making her back arch even further as she felt him shove the toy deep, deep into her tailhole, a scream escaping her as sex convulsed and tailhole tightened around the dildo, a splash of her liquid spilling into his mouth.

Bill grinned, lapping at her sex eagerly, loving the taste of her liquids, his hand lightly moving the toy within her tightened tailhole, prolonging her orgasm until she collapsed back, panting and shivering all over, twitching slightly in the afterglow.

The black vixen have a soft, happy groan as she felt the toy pulled free, a paw slipping between her legs to lightly rub at her wet sex, tingles racing up and down her spine as she toyed with her over-sensitive flesh, tail twitching happily.

"Did I do good?" he asked with an innocent grin, holding up the toy.

"Oh yesss..." She murmured, nodding firmly, pulling him close and kissing him eagerly, lapping some of her own liquids off his chin in parting. "But you got me all lubricated and ready down there." She said, pointing, giving him a mischievous grin. "It'd be a shame to waste it...."

Bill could feel himself getting hard at the very idea, and grinned at her, "how do you want it then?"

Niteshade raised a brow, her head tilting slightly to one side and an ear perking. "How about I just sit up here..." She murmured, pulling herself onto the sink in the corner, spreading her legs and rubbing at her sex with a paw, grinning.

Grinning, he stood up and moved between her legs, kissing her neck as she spread her legs even further for him and shifted so that her tailbase was onto just on the very edge of the sink, her paws holding on around his neck as the tip of his length slid over her sex and then back further to find the lubricated entrance of her tailhole, sliding into it easily.

Niteshade gave a soft groan and leant back a little to give him the proper angle as she felt him sink the first half of his length into her tailhole, her firm resistance giving way to his length, parting around his tip in a slippery embrace.

With a light twitch of his hips, he sunk his length hilt deep into the vixen's tight tailhole, making her arch and groan, her legs spreading further and tail twitching as her ass clenched down on him in reflexive retaliation.

Bill kissed at her neck lustfully, drawing back a little and then humping forwards again, making the black vixen moan and grasp him more firmly around the neck, fingertips digging into his shoulders as she bucked slightly against him.

She slapped his hand away when he moved to rub at her sex, a mischievous grin on her muzzle as she glared at him. "I want you to make me cum just from fucking my ass." She murmured lustfully, humping her hips against him, working the thick cock in and out of her tailhole.

He peered at her for a moment, and then nodded, kissing her neck and then slipping a little lower to lave his tongue over her nipples, the vixen helping him to thrust, moving her hips to meet him each time he thrust.

Bill lightly pulled back, pulling free of her gripping depths, ignoring the slight growl of protest and quickly turning the vixen around, lifting her tail and aligning himself, hugging around her chest as he thrust his length deep into her tailhole once more.

Niteshade gripped onto the sink with a slight gasp, watching in the mirror as Bill took her up the ass, giving a quivering moan each time he humped his length deep into her tailhole, her tight depths squeezing around him with each thrust, tail brushing against his chest as he thrust, her knees going weak as hot liquids started to dribble from her sex.

Panting softly, the vixen pressed back against him lustfully, driving his length as deep into her tailhole as she could get, her sex starting to convulse and liquids spilling from it in a steady trickle, his hands slipping around to play with her nipples, making her groan softly, her eyes closed lustfully.

Bill gripped her more firmly and started to really fuck her, driving his length in and out of her tailhole fast and deep, making the black vixen arch her back and howl, collapsing backwards as she came hard.

The human gripped her firmly about the waist so she didn't fall, lowering her gently to the ground, on her stomach, and then started to hump into her once more, not letting up on her, giving her no respite from the hard deep fucking as she moaned and tried to hump her hips back against him again.

Niteshade panted heavily, back arched and tail flicked up as he fucked her deep and hard, making her shudder and hump against him as best she could, muzzle parted, tongue lolling out as she felt her tailhole being taken again and again.

She reached back with a paw, grasping the base of his length, forcing him to stop, pulling his length from her tight tailhole and then rolling onto her back, giving him a lusty murr and a seductive stare as she spread her legs wide for him.

He took the offer instantly, diving back between her legs and driving him length up into her tight ass again, arms wrapping around her back as he lifted her slightly, bouncing her on his length.

Niteshade yipped convulsively, her cunt quivering with each thrust, yipping and groaning as he buried his length in her tight, gripping tailhole again and again, her legs spreading wide and hands grasping onto him tightly as another orgasm washed over.

Bill gave a soft groan as the orgasming vixen tightened around his length, his hips driving into her own repeatedly, humping his thick cock deep into her ass repeatedly as she screamed for him, black furred body pressed tight to his own, grinding against his cock, forcing it as deep into her tailhole as it would go, a loud howl escaping her as she felt the first thick burst of cream explode into her convulsing body.

The black vixen quivered and shuddered as her cunt convulsed, spilling thick waves of her liquids from it, matting her inner thighs as her human drove deep into her tailhole, filling it with his hot spunk, thick ribbons of the hot, milky liquids exploding into her ass, coating her depths in his seed.

She humped her hips a few times, milking his cock for his seed, giving a loud gasp as he pulled free, a long, thick strand of his creamy cum following his withdrawal, the hot liquid seeping from her used tailhole.

Niteshade panted happily, smiling and peering down between her legs, laughing softly. "Well at least we know we won't bored until the cops leave..."

* * *

They didn't leave the hotel right away, as that would have looked suspicious. And there was the matter of disposing of the weapons under the bed in the room upstairs, which would only be done at night for some very obvious reasons.

That night, Bill treated Niteshade to dinner in the hotel's restaurant, at a table a few feet from the main entrance, for a hasty getaway should something arise.

They were chatting amiably about the principle differences between sub machine guns and assault rifles, when Bill doubled over and started to throw up.

Niteshade a gave a worried glance from him to the room around them, and then to the food, frowning. "Food poisoning?" She asked of him, a brow raised, wrinkling her nose.

"I don't know..." He murmured, coughing softly and holding his head in his hands. "All of a sudden I don't feel too good..."

The black vixen frowned a little and then reached over, rubbing his back gently. "It's just nausea, it'll pass." She said with a firm nod.

Bill shook his head, and then gave a few convulsive retching moments, before dropping to the floor and starting to convulse, the hallmark signs of a seizure.

Niteshade dropped to her knees besides him, her eyes wide, trying to stop him from shaking, before an ambulance officer gently took her hands away. "Please stand back ma'am, give the man some room, we have to wait it out." He said with a firm nod, putting a pillow under Bill's convulsive head.

The black vixen looked on with an expression of horror, her paws at her mouth, tail flicking weakly as she watched the two ambulance officers wait out the spasming and lift Bill on a stretcher.

When she tried to follow, one of the officers held up his hand, his eyes narrowed slightly. "In light of recent events, if you're not family of the injured person, then you're not allowed to ride in the ambulance, or even stand near it." He said bluntly.

Niteshade whimpered slightly, but there was nothing she could do as the ambulance officers wheeled him away. She took note of the hospital on their shoulder patches, and then went up to her room to pack some things and follow after.

It was a full ten minutes before she realised that the ambulance officers had gotten there way too fast...

* * *

"Welcome to my humble abode, Mr Bill." Said a soft, purring voice, the first thing he heard upon waking.

His eyes opened slowly, and he struggled a little, realising he was tied to a chair. Standing in front of him was a black feline, dressed all in black, with a silenced pistol clutched in one delicate paw, lazily pointed at the floor, though he had no doubt she could put a bullet between his eyes as fast as blinking.

"Do not worry. As long as your girlfriend keeps up her end of the bargain, then I won't have to send her your head." She said with a warm smile, her accent that of a Romanian woman.

Bill gulped slightly, looking the feline up and down, and then peering about the sparse, bare room he was imprisoned in, sighing softly and shaking his head. This didn't look good at all.

* * *

Niteshade was sitting on the bed, her legs having grown sore from pacing, worried, wringing her paws over and over, waiting for what she knew was coming and feared the arrival of.

Room service arrived, knocking politely on the door and then wheeling in a cart with a silver platter on it, a dome-like lid over the food, which he removed, bowing and stepping out of the room.

The smell of roast beef was powerful, and her stomach rumbled, but she took a few steps forwards and ignored the food, searching the tray and trolley, finding the yellow envelope on the underside of the platter.

She opened it with shaking paws, unfolding the letter, with a few simple word on it.

If you want to see your boyfriend alive again, this man needs to be killed, within 4 days.

And below the message was a picture, a picture that made Niteshade whimper softly, her paws shaking.

A picture of the President of the United States of America.