Sheylyra's Toybox, Ch. 1

Story by Sheylyra Loire on SoFurry

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#1 of Sheylyra's Toybox

I am only the Co Autor of this one, posted with permission.

Ideas and Sheylyra © little ol me

Lucrezia © my beloved Pet

Stacey, Sean, Marblecliff, this whole story universe ©

He also did all the writing of course.

Original Story :

If you want to know about the Background, take a look in Verbs gallery, the Storys are great.

Closed for Training

April 27, 2013

Sheylyra reclined back in her chair, browsing through the latest assortment of marital aides on her Galaxy. She liked using the slow hours shortly after opening to catch up on the industry and restock the inventory. If she wanted to maintain her status as the proprietor of the most upscale and cutting edge provider of adult toys in the Northeast, it was essential that she constantly provide her customers with the newest and most exciting goods available. Even after opening her doors just 5 months ago, her reputation was bringing people in from as far away as Philadelphia, and her online business was thriving.

It was difficult to pack up and leave Sylvari behind, but after her aunt had passed away and left the struggling shop to Shey in her estate, the lovely lupine hermaphrodite couldn't pass on the opportunity. Thankfully, her adoring pet, Lucrezia, eagerly agreed to move to New Hampshire with her, and with the success of the shop, the sexy vixen was able to stay at home and tend to matters around the house. One of the added perks of operating this type of business was that she would encounter more open-minded people to take home and share with Luc.

Shey glanced over the top of her tablet as the door to the shop opened, setting off the electronic buzzer. She was expecting a young lady for an interview, but that wasn't for another 25 minutes or so. She preferred her appointments to be early, so she was hopeful that Tracy...? Casey? Stacey! would arrive with enough time to share a cup of coffee and chat before the interview began. The actual traditional question and answer session was more of a formality, Sheylyra believed; the true way to find out if someone was the right fit was through casual conversation. This would be her fourth applicant for the job, and she knew that the others were wrong for the position before she had asked the first question. She was slightly disappointed when a male panther came into sight.

"Hello there, Sweetie. What can I do for ya?"

"Oh? Hi. Nothing yet, uhm, I'm just looking right now. Where are your movies?"

"Behind the counter, but you can browse them here on my pc," she gestured with a wave of her paw toward a nearby monitor. "Any particular interest?"

"Uhm," the panther blushed, a tinge of crimson peeking through his black fur, "Not really. I'll let you know if I find something."

"Sure thing, I'll be here."

Shey resumed procuring new inventory, then switched over to reading the latest adult video reviews. Occasionally, she'd glance at the young man, and saw him blushing more and more. After he'd been looking at her catalog for almost 5 minutes, she decided to remotely access the pc and see what the panther was looking at. On her tablet screen, she saw several pages of videos featuring M/H scenes. She arched an eyebrow curiously at this discovery. He was very well-toned, probably an athlete, and could likely get any high school honey he set his sights on. It surprised her that in a city with such strong anti-herm sentiments, a boy like this would be looking at these types of films.

"Take a look at this one," she called sweetly, startling the poor young man. His cheeks flamed redder as she took over the catalog from her device and pulled up a title called 'Hermarephrodites: Horse-Cocked Herms'. "It has beautiful actors, good lines, and hot sex. There are some pretty shitty ones, too. 'Lactating Mega Herm Vixens 53?' The actors look ok, but the lines are stupid and the sex is boring; it's really only good for a short laugh."

"Uhm, uh, I'm sorry, but -" he stammered, beginning to turn away from the screen.

"It's ok, Sweetie, there's nothing wrong with liking herms."

"Sorry, it's... It's just something I'm still getting used to," Taking a deep sigh, he explained, "I hate to say it, but... I used to be kind of an asshole. There was this boy, Wendell, that I used to pick on. It turned out that he was really a herm, and my bullying caused him a lot of pain. He ended up becoming friends with another guy that made my life hell for a while, and Wendell got a makeover, and began dressing as a girl and going by Wendy. She was... pretty. It took a while for me to get my ego under control, but the three of us are pretty close now. Ethan - the guy - and Wendy dated for a bit, but it didn't work out. I asked Wendy out afterwards, and she turned me down, probably for how I used to treat her."

A second later, the buzzer sounded again as a pretty Clydesdale mare entered the shop. She couldn't have been any older than 18, but very tall - 6'3", Sheylyra estimated, with a very well-toned, athletic physique. Her long, chestnut-brown mane was pulled back into a neat ponytail, and her brown eyes had just the faintest trace of eye shadow. The girl was stunning, and needed very little makeup.

"Hello there, beautiful, anything I can help you with?" Shey called out to the girl as she shyly glanced around the store.

"Hi, my name is Stacey. I have a 1:00 interview with Ms. Loire," the young mare replied.

"That would be me; just call me Sheylyra, Sweetheart."

The male panther turned around to address the newcomer. "Stacey?"

"Sean? What are you doing here?"

"Do you two know each other?" Sheylyra asked, her curiosity piqued.

"Stacey used to be best friends with my ex," Sean explained, a tinge of remorse in his voice.

"Used to?"

"Yeah," Stacey sighed, the sadness evident in her voice. "Josie just... disappeared... after homecoming. No one knows where she went. The police investigated Sean, but he checked out. Her date, Mortimer, was tried but the jury was split, something about an unusual DNA specimen at the scene."

"I still can't believe they thought I was a suspect," Sean muttered. "I know we had just broken up, but still... I'd never hurt Josie."

Sean felt a pair of arms wrap around him from behind. "Aww, Sweetie, it's all right," the shop owner whispered into his ear. "I believe you're innocent. It took a lot of guts and bravery to admit to a total stranger that you used to be a bully. How about you look around, make yourself comfortable, and let me talk with your lovely lady friend here for a bit, okay?" Then she said to Stacey, "Come on, Sweetheart, join me behind the counter."

Sitting down in the plush leather chairs, the wolf sat back comfortably and stirred her coffee. She gestured for the attractive young horse to do the same. Taking her first sip, Shey said, "So tell me about yourself."

"Well, Sheylyra, I don't have much to tell. I've never had a job before."

Laughing, the store owner placed her paw comfortingly over the nervous job applicant's. "That's not what I meant. Your employment history doesn't matter to me. I sell sex toys, and people like sex. My products practically sell themselves! If we're going to be working together, I want to know about you as a person. I want to be more like your friend than your boss."

"Uhm... Okay, well, I'm about to graduate from Chimera Prep, but I have no idea what I want to do next. I played volleyball, and ran track. My grades were only so-so. I really didn't do well in Math or Sciences. I was great in gym and sports, and I loved French."

"Hmm, so an athletic girl with a talented tongue," Shey chuckled, "Sounds good, so far." The mare blushed slightly at the remark, but didn't bolt for the door. It wasn't quite the reaction Shey had been hoping for, but she wasn't going to give up yet, either. "What about outside of school? Friends? Family? How about what you do for fun?"

"I live with my dad - my mom ran off when I was a filly with one of her guy friends. In the custody hearing, I said I wanted to stay with him, since she left us. Really, besides my dad, I only have a few people I would consider to be friends. Josie was my best friend, though. I wish I knew what happened to her. If she's okay or not." The girl paused a moment to wipe a tear away from her eye. Sheylyra gave her paw a gentle squeeze and waited patiently. After taking a moment to regain her composure, Stacey continued. "I like dancing, and singing. A few of my girlfriends and I like to get out to the clubs now and then and just get crazy. I guess, besides that, I love sex! But lately, there's no one helping me out with that, so that's partly why I'm here."

The wolf gave a broad grin, replying, "Well, if you're trying to make me wet, you're definitely on the right track! Sweetheart, it sounds like you're perfect for the job!"

"I am?"

"You are. The register does the math by itself, so I don't care about your grades. I can tell by how much you miss your friend that you are a sweet, kind person, and a lot of the people that come in here need someone to just listen to them. Sometimes people are buying things for a loved one, but other times, they're just sad and lonely. It's our job to help them realize it's okay. Other than that, I think you and I could be good friends, and I'd love for you to take me out dancing sometime. And, if you're interested, I can help you out with the sex."

Stacey blushed deep crimson at the unexpected offer, "Sheylyra, I... I haven't been with a woman before. I..."

"You're cute when you blush! Before you decline, I forgot to show you the 'benefits package,'" the wolf said, lifting up the front of her skirt to reveal that she wasn't wearing panties, had a nice, puffy pair of pink lips glistening with arousal, and a pink shaft emerging from a white-furred sheath. "I can assure you, it's quite rewarding."

Her response was a gasp. Not from the beautiful young mare staring, open-mouthed, up her skirt, but from the lean, athletic panther a few yards away. Smiling, she looked his direction and cooed, "It looks like you found something you like, Sweetie. Are you ready for me to check you out? Or would you be interested in a job, too? I could use a strong stud like you for security. I'll pay you both $10 per hour, and give you 30 hours per week."

Sean stood, dumbstruck, by what he was seeing and hearing. Swallowing hard, he slowly and nervously approached the stunning wolf hermaphrodite and his ex-girlfriend's ex-best friend. Sheylyra picked up her tablet and with a few quick swipes of her paw, engaged the magnetic door locks, dimmed the lights, and changed the door sign to say "Closed for Training."

"Follow me, you two, if you'd like to work here, you'll need the tour and proper training. Don't worry, though, you will both love what I have to show you. I think you both are perfect for what I need."

Sheylyra led the teens into the back of the store into the stock room. "This is where I keep the overstock, or more expensive merchandise. The restroom is over there - employees only, or your friends, if they come in to visit. Over here is the way to the lounge," she said, swiping a keycard over an electronic lock and opening the door, revealing a descending staircase. The trio walked down the steps into a nicely furnished basement with a glowing fireplace, thick, plush, fluffy red carpet, black leather sofas and loveseats, 92-inch flat screen television, and a well-stocked bar with an assortment of waters, juices, energy drinks, and alcohol. Additionally, there was a variety of fruits, chocolates, and other sensual foods.

"While you're here, and not working, feel free to use my personal playground to relax. You can even bring your friends down here, if you like. The alcohol is locked up, but you're welcome to use everything else. The media center has a copy of every movie we sell, and some that we don't. You'll also find many of my favorite toys down here," she gestured toward some cabinets along the back wall. "If you use any of them, please sanitize them when you're done, and put them back, to keep them clean and prevent them from getting damaged. There is a supply of batteries in the drawer over there," she gestured toward one of the end tables. "If I see my toys left lying around, it'll be 3 minutes of tickle torture as punishment. Putting toys away dirty gets you a light spanking. Are we clear on that, my Sweets?"

"Sheylyra? What's that over there?" Stacey asked, pointing to an unusual-looking chair situated in the corner next to the cabinets.

"That, Sweetheart, is a very special custom-built milking chair. It's designed for nipples and cocks, and feels extremely good," her voice almost broke into a happy *murr* at 'good,' before continuing. "It's designed for hermaphrodites, like myself, but it's fun for all. Perhaps I'll give you a demonstration sometime."

Turning to face the teens, the sultry wolfess and said, "Another rule here: clothing is absolutely forbidden, so I would suggest you start by taking off those clothes." The two highschoolers looked nervously at each other for a moment, knowing that if they did, they would cross some forbidden threshold, betraying their memories of Josie. Sean cocked an eyebrow, and Stacey shrugged. Sean began unbuttoning his shirt, and Stacey slipped off her right shoe, before their new employer cleared her throat. "Why don't you help each other a bit?" Sheylyra took a comfortable position on the nearby loveseat, and tucked her footpaws comfortably beneath her curvaceous ass.

Shey softly caressed her breasts through her latex corset as she watched the couple in front of her remove each other's clothing. Stacey undid the rest of Sean's shirt buttons, easing the garment off his shoulders and letting it fall to the floor. The panther unbuckled her belt and tugged it through the loops of her pants, and tossed it casually to the side. The mare grabbed at the bottom of the boy's t-shirt and lifted it, pulling it up and over his head, revealing a muscular and well-defined chest and abs to Sheylyra's thirsty eyes. She pinched her own nipple through the latex with one paw as she unzipped the back of her corset with her other. A second later, her top joined the other discarded garments on the floor.

The movement caught the attention of Sean, who paused for a moment to look in his new employer's direction. His eyes burned with a primal lust, soaking in the sight of her beautiful B cup breasts, capped with small, pink nipples. He let out a soft growl of appreciation as Stacey grabbed him by the shoulder to kick off her other shoe. Returning his attention to his partner, Sean unfastened the button to her slacks and eased the zipper down, then slid the pants down Stacey's long, toned, muscular legs. The pretty Clydesdale stood before Shey in a pair of dainty baby blue bikini panties, and from Sean's crouched position he could smell the musky scent of the girl's arousal.

"Turn her around for me, Sweetie," Sheylyra commanded. "Let me see her body."

Sean placed his paws on Stacey's knees and slowly spun her around, making sure to allow the white wolf on the couch plenty of opportunity to take in every inch of her body. After completing a full rotation, Stacey sank to her knees on the carpet beside him, and allowed him to pull her tank top over her head. Stacey's ponytail came undone, and her long, silky hair spilled out over her shoulders. She placed a paw on the young man's rock hard pectoral muscle, and gently pushed him back, laying him down. Her desire building, the girl skipped undoing any buttons or zippers and yanked his pants and boxers clean off, along with his socks and shoes, exposing his fully-erect, barbed cock to the basement air, kept warm by the fireplace.

Sheylyra lifted her hips, and slowly slid her latex skirt down her stockinged legs, then playfully kicked it off the tip of her left foot, landing on Sean's muzzle. The three of them chuckled, while Shey slowly massaged her canine shaft, one paw slowly working from her knot up, her thumb playfully teasing across her sensitive tip, smearing her pre-cum across the turgid flesh. Her other paw nudged her balls aside, and she slowly traced the tip of her middle finger up and down her soaked lips, circling her clit after each up stroke and sending a slight shiver through her body.

"Kiss," she told the teens, and Stacey leaned forward, tossed the skirt aside, and kissed her companion softly. Sean kissed her back, hesitantly at first, before opening his mouth slightly, encouraging her to do more. His rough tongue tickled playfully on her lips, and she increased her intensity, slipping her long, equine muscle into his muzzle. Sean's paws found their way to her firm backside, and the girl nickered when he gently sank his claws into the flesh of her rump, though not hard enough to break the skin. Sheylyra watched them intently, one paw still pumping her erection, coating herself in her own pre-cum and womanly nectar, the other paw working two fingers into her eager cunny while massaging her delicate nub with her thumb. She gave a low growl of approval as Sean tugged at the girl's panties, dragging them down to her knees and exposing her damp, soft petals to their new boss's almost predatory gaze.

"Do you two mind joining me over here?" Sheylyra called sweetly, patting on the leather loveseat on either side. Sean and Stacey disengaged from their making out, and crawled across the lush carpet. Sheylyra smiled to herself, not sure that either of them realized the symbolism of their actions. "So, do you two want a taste of this here?" She motioned with her head toward her cock. "Get it nice and wet for some action."

Sean balked at the command. "Shey, I'm sorry, but -"

"You don't have to if you don't want to, Sweetie. I understand," Sheylyra said sweetly. "I really don't want to force you to do something you're not comfortable with. Maybe some other time you'll want to try it. How about you sit up here with me and watch our friend instead?"

Sean slowly rose to his feet and took his place on the loveseat on Sheylyra's right side. The wolf herm raised her arm for him, draping it around his shoulders, pulling him close to her side. The two of them watched as Stacey knelt comfortably on the floor between Shey's knees. The girl took over stroking the wolfess's erection, and craned her neck forward to give it a teasing lick, her giant tongue wrapping the entire way around the shaft. She playfully fondled Shey's balls as she bathed her in saliva, getting it wet, copiously so, like she had been asked to do.

Shey closed her eyes, relishing the attention her new friend was lavishing on her. She felt movement to her side, and a moment later, she felt a second muzzle latch onto her right nipple, Sean's rough tongue grazing lightly over her sensitive flesh and causing her nerves to tingle. Wanting to reward and encourage the boy for his initiative, she took his cock into her paw and began caressing him softly. He was hard and warm to the touch, and she could faintly feel the blood coursing through his stiffness when she wrapped her fingers around him.

She sat there with her eyes closed and head tilted back, enjoying the feel of her breasts being sucked and her cock getting licked, while she massaged Sean's turgid member. She let out a soft sigh when she felt herself get enveloped into a warm, wet mouth, and the gentle pressure of being sucked. It was then that she realized that her breasts had been abandoned, and she opened her eyes just in time to feel Stacey ease two fingers past her damp folds, plunging them into her tight, wet tunnel. She looked down in shock, but soon regained her composure, to see that while Stacey was fingering her, Sean had taken over sucking duties.

"Damn Sean, you really have balls. I'll have to reward you for your bravery later with something extra special. Stacey, Sweetheart, why don't you give our friend some room and come up here with me." The mare backed away, making room for Sean to take her place on the carpet. As she moved around Shey's side, she sucked the sweet juices from her fingers. "Climb up here and stand in front of me."

The equine girl carefully stepped up onto the loveseat, putting one hoof on either side of Shey's hips. Placing her paws against the wall for support, Stacey lined her soaked slit up with the lupine's muzzle. Spurred on by the intoxicating smell of female arousal inches from her nose, Sheylyra caught the girl off guard by grabbing her hips and thrusting her eager pink tongue into the younger girl's tight pussy.

"Oh, fuck!" Stacey squeaked with surprise as Shey's cold, wet nose rubbed against her sensitive clitty with each lick. Her inner walls clenched and unclenched around the strong muscle as it worked its way in and out of her, causing her legs to tremble from the sensation. It had been months since she'd last been touched by another person, and the combination of the erotic sights, sounds, smells, and sensations quickly sent Stacey over the edge. "Oh my God! Shey, Shey, I'm c-cumming! Oh, God!" she panted hoarsely. Seconds later, her hips jerked and her paw grabbed at the wolfess's head, fingers entwined in white hair, grinding her mound furiously against the tongue and muzzle as she rode out her orgasm. Sheylyra murred happily as her oral attentions were rewarded by a flood of Stacey's tangy-sweet girl cum, coating her lips and tongue.

"Mmm, you taste divine, Sweetheart," Shey said, looking up into Stacey's eyes as the girl stood above her, catching her breath. "Do you have anything against getting fucked by our brave young stud here?"

"No," Stacey moaned, "I want it." The girl locked eyes with the panther kneeling on the floor, and opened her heart. "I've always wanted it. When Josie broke up with you, I was furious at her. I almost asked you out the next day, but she scared me off. After she disappeared, I just felt guilty. Please, Sean, I don't feel guilty anymore."

In response, Sean rose to his feet and climbed onto the couch behind the beautiful mare. Sheylyra slid off the leather seat through their legs, and stood to the side, observing the two teenagers profess their mutual feelings for each other. She couldn't hear what was being said, but he was leaning in close, his mouth next to Stacey's ear, and the equine girl was giggling and smiling, and blushed. The young man rocked his hips gently, stroking his cock up and down her slit, parting her lips around the top of his shaft, his barbs tickling her clitty and causing her to shudder involuntarily. Both teens gasped suddenly as Sean's tip penetrated her womanhood, and he eased himself in slowly.

Once he was buried in Stacey's molten hot snatch to the hilt, Sean held still, his arms wrapped around her body, his paws playing with her heavy breasts. After taking a moment to get accustomed to being filled, Stacey began rocking her hips, easing his cock out of her until only an inch or so remained, and thrusting her hips back at him. Once they had managed to establish a steady rhythm, Sheylyra stroked Sean's back and said, "You two look beautiful together, my Sweets. You are a really caring and compassionate girl, Stacey. Sean, you're handsome and strong, and sensitive enough to admit your mistakes. Do you trust me that I would never hurt you?"

Sean nodded, and Shey slipped her middle finger into her mouth, slickening it with her saliva. She curved her paw around, nestling the base of his tail in the space between her paw and index finger, and teasingly traced her moist finger over his tight pucker. "Then I need for you to do me a favor, please, and go clean yourself back here. Stacey, you too. There are enemas in the cabinet below the sink. One of you can use the washroom down here, the other can use the upstairs bathroom. Come back to me when you're both done. I'll be waiting right here, ready for you."

The lupine hermaphrodite reclined back on the loveseat, not caring that her back was in a pool of her own arousal, and idly caressed herself while the two horny teenagers prepared themselves for the fun she had in mind. About 20 minutes later, Stacey emerged from the luxurious downstairs - bathroom wasn't even the appropriate word - spa, and shortly after, Sean padded his way back down the steps to rejoin them in the basement.

"Okay, Stacey, have a seat here and spread yourself wide for us," the wolfess gestured to the leather sofa, still clean of any fur or sexual fluids, "Don't worry, Sweetheart, you will love what I have in mind."

The mare nodded, a rose hue of embarrassment on her cheeks, as she followed the instructions she'd been given. She slouched down, lifted her hooves up off the carpet, placed her paws on her knees, and bashfully spread herself as wide as her considerably flexible body would allow. Sean stood in front of her, mouth agape, taking in the sight of this remarkable creature exposing herself to him.

"A beautiful sight, don't you agree, Sean?"

"Yes," the panther said, his mouth going dry.

"Watch closely," she told him, "You'll do this for her after I show you how. The few details you miss, you can get while I do it to you." Whispering into his ear, Shey added, "And believe me, she'll love you for this!"

Sheylyra knelt down on the carpet and cupped Stacey's firm buttocks in her paws. Stacey gave a surprised _'squeak'_as her employer went straight for her virgin back door, giving it a few tender kisses. The sensation was foreign, but not unpleasant, and the girl wiggled her hips slightly in response. She let out a soft 'ooh' when Sheylyra pressed her tongue against the ring of muscle and pushed, slowly easing her way into her recently-cleansed passage. The wolfess continued her gradual tongue-fucking, licking more of Stacey's anal walls and wriggling her tongue around inside. The teen gasped and moaned at the pleasure, her paws finding Shey's head and her fingers clenching in the pure white hair. Shey continued her oral assault for a minute longer, increasing the tempo and driving her willing victim closer towards release, before withdrawing her muzzle from the girl's ass crack and gesturing to Sean that it was time to take over.

The lean, muscular panther took Shey's place in front of Stacey, not sure if he could match his new friend's skill, in light of his inexperience with rimming. Still, he admitted to himself that he had feelings for the girl, and wanted to make her feel good. He began gently at first, his barbed tongue very different from Shey's, and the horse girl jumped and giggled. Sean began to pull away for a moment, but Stacey grabbed his arms.

"Don't stop," she pleaded. "I want you to. I just wasn't expecting it to tickle so much. It was good."

Sean resumed his slow, gentle licking, and the first time his rough, pink tongue swiped across her tailhole, she jumped and giggled again. This time, however, Sean smiled, and repeated the action several more times, allowing her the chance to get used to the sensation. At that same moment, he felt a paw lift his tail out of the way, followed by the feeling of Shey's soft warm breath against him. As he felt her tongue flick across his untouched sphincter, he renewed his licking in earnest, copying what he could feel being done behind him.

Realizing that Sean had caught on, and was shadowing her actions, Shey gently forced her tongue into its second ass of the afternoon. Sean groaned into the cleft in front of him, his warm breath causing Stacey to coo with delight. Soon, Shey was plunging her tongue roughly in and out of Sean's rear, while he was mimicking the gesture on Stacey, both teens gasping with delight. Her free paw, the one not being used to support her weight, was stroking the length of her stiff cock, keeping herself primed and ready for what was to come next.

Shey stood and leaned forward over the young man's kneeling form. "Sean, do you think you are ready for the next step? Don't worry, I will be really, really gentle. I promise."

The panther paused his oral attention long enough to realize what she was referring to, and gave an uncertain nod, his tongue never leaving Stacey's tight, clenching back door. Sheylyra placed her cock between his cheeks, running her tip playfully up and down from his balls to the base of his tail a few times before placing her pointed tip against his ring. She pushed slowly and gently, trying not to cause the boy any discomfort his first time. He instinctively clenched down, but she tickled his sides playfully and gave a soothing _'shh'_to try and help him relax. It seemed to work, and the pressure encircling her shaft decreased, and she drove the rest of her wolf flesh home, her knot bumping up against his pucker.

"With that little trick you can penetrate any willing virgin tailhole, and it's virtually painless," Shey whispered into his ear. "In case you happen to know of any." He shuddered in anticipation, knowing she was referring to Stacey.

After giving him a moment to adjust to the feeling of being full with her cock, Sheylyra began a slow, soft rocking of her hips. He grunted as centimeter by centimeter, inch by inch, his boss slid her throbbing erection in and out of him. After a few minutes, she had established a solid rhythm, and Sean had his paws wrapped around Stacey's thighs, licking out her ass with gusto.

"How does this feel, Sean? Do you like it?"

In response, the young man nodded his head, causing his tongue to wriggle around more in Stacey's backside, eliciting another giggle from the girl. "You should ask him more questions, Shey. It feels so good when he answers you." The trio got a brief, playful laugh from her joke, but Shey filed that tidbit of information away in her mind for later.

Shey continued plowing into Sean, driving his face and tongue deeper into Stacey's canal. The mare was affectionately scratching behind the panther's ear with one paw, while furiously fingering herself and rubbing her swollen clitty with the other.

"Ohshit..." Stacey gasped, her legs trembling now that they were no longer being held. The young woman's eyes were clenched shut and her breathing was becoming ragged. She placed her hooves gently on Sean's shoulders and began bucking her hips up to meet his probing tongue. "Oh God, Sean, keep licking me! Shey, just like that, fuck his ass, shove his face into me... So good!"

"Come, Sweetheart. Cum for us. Show us your beautiful 'O' face," Sheylyra huskily whispered, coaxing the girl onward toward her release. She could feel her own orgasm approaching, the familiar tingling in her loins signaling that she was almost there herself. "Come on, Sean, lick her beautiful ass harder, make her cum. Make her cum hard!" With that, Shey began pounding her hips against Sean's ass, his testicles swinging back to smack against hers every time she drove herself into him. Each forceful push into his tailhole shoved his rough tongue deep into Stacey's tight, grasping ass.

"Fuck! I'm almost there, Sean! Almooossssstttttt there! Come on, Sean! C'mooonnnnnn," Stacey pleaded, her eyes now half-lidded with desire, but her eyes locked with Sean's. "Fuck my ass, Sean. Fuck it with your tongue. God, baby, I'm gonna cu-cuuummmmm! I'm... g-gonna... cuuuummm - Cumming! Oooooh, Sean! Cummmiiiinnnnnnnngggggggggg!!!" Stacey's body arched up off the couch as her climax tore through her body, her vaginal walls fluttering around nothingness as she came, leaking her feminine nectar out over Sean's tongue and muzzle and around her ass hole.

Seconds later, the wolfess's thrusting became erratic, her balls clenching up and her hips slamming home in one last desperate thrust, stopping just short of driving the knot into Sean's recently deflowered tail. She gave a low groan as her tennis ball sized knot swelled up, and she shot off the first jet of her cum into his bowels.

This triggered Sean's climax, and he stopped licking Stacey's sweet and tangy juices from her tailhole and moaned, his tight scrotum delivering wave after wave of his cum up through his pulsating member and out onto the pristine red carpet. He could feel the wet warmth spreading through his rectum as Shey released a second... fourth... eighth volley of her cum into his depths.

The threesome slumped over, a heaving, panting, sweaty mess. Sheylyra cuddled up against Sean's back, stroking his shoulder affectionately. "Thank you so much for being so brave to try that out, Sean," she praised him tenderly. "This is something I will not forget, and I will reward it with pleasure like you have never felt before."

Stacey climbed down off the couch, and snuggled up in front of Sean, stroking his cheek with tender affection. "Sean, that was incredible! I've never cum so hard before in my life! I know it was because I was with you. Sheylyra, thank you for making this possible."

"It was my pleasure, Sweetheart," Sheylyra said, placing the emphasis on 'pleasure.' "You are both two beautiful and caring angels, and I'm happy to have met you both. If you think that you have me to thank for bringing you together, then I am happy. I'm really looking forward to working with you two."

The trio relaxed on the soft floor of the shop basement, carrying on casual conversation about school, their future plans and ambitions, what brought Sheylyra to Marblecliff, and Shey's pet, Lucrezia, a grey vixen waiting patiently for her at home. The news of their boss having a 'pet' piqued their curiosity. "We go to a school with a girl that has 'pets,'" Stacey said, propping herself up on her elbow. Her face had a look of deep concern painted on it. "From what I hear, she doesn't treat them very well, and they're all terrified of her. She even outed one of them, a closet herm, on video to the entire school!"

"Oh my Goddess, that poor girl! Can you tell me more?"

"I'm not sure of the details, but the girl that was exposed was her pet. She wore a pretty collar outside of school, with pride, and she and Kristin, her 'owner,' were inseparable," Sean explained, his head turned as much as he could manage, sandwiched between so much feminine flesh. "Then on Valentine's Day, something happened. We think Megan - the pet - disobeyed a command, and was punished for it."

"On Valentine's Day? How could she? I don't understand this - is Kristin really so cruel and evil?"

"By all accounts that I've heard, yes," Stacey replied. "Thankfully, Megan seems to have found someone that treats her right. But most people try to steer clear of Kristin. Ms. D'Amato, our Latin teacher, is absolutely terrified of her."

Shey's face contorted in anger as she listened to the teens talk about this so-called 'Mistress' and the mistreatment of her 'pets.' "People like that give what Lucrezia and I have a bad name. I love Luc dearly, and I swore to the Goddess that I would care for, protect, and love her. She is her own person, and is welcome to refuse any request I make of her, or leave whenever she so chooses. She is my pet, and I am her owner, because of the love that we share."

"I see," Sean nodded in understanding. "So she took the whole point of being a Mistress and twisted it around."

"Exactly! Why don't you two come over to my place sometime to visit us? You can meet my lovely Lucrezia, and ask her what it means to be the pet of a real Mistress?"

"Sound like a good time," Stacey said.

"Works for me," Sean agreed.

Sheylyra rose to her footpaws, holding her arms out for the two teenagers to grab hold of. Helping them stand, she pulled them both in close for a warm group embrace, kissing both of their cheeks gently. "Okay, you two, it's time to clean up! We still have a shop to run. Do you want to start working here today?"

"Yes, please!" Sean and Stacey said in unison.

"Ok then, get everything cleaned up and put away, and get dressed. I can't stay 'closed for training' all day." She pinched their asses playfully as she walked toward her discarded corset and skirt. "Don't worry, though. There's lots of on-the-job training, too, and I assure you, it's very... rigorous."

Sheylyra's Toybox, Ch. 2

Remodeling September 25, 2013 "So, Stacey," Sheylyra said, breaking the mid-afternoon silence in the shop, "How's it going? How are you and Sean settling in?" "Hmm?" the equine teen asked, looking up from her Medical Terminology textbook. "Oh,...

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Movie Night

Sheylyra, the white wolf hermaphrodite, watched the entrance of her new favorite department store.Workers were coming and going with the shift change and Shey spotted the sales associate shi had been waiting for. The worker in question was a beautiful...

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Department Store Fun

Sheylyra entered the department store and looked around to get her bearings. Being a hermaphrodite wolf, Shey had unique clothing needs and this was pretty much the only department store that catered to hir special body type. Shi...

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