Mystic Makeover Update: MrInternetMan Debuts XIA! But who Is She?
Newest addition to the "mystic makeover" webcomic series is.
A Complete Makeover
A complete makeover © 2004 nameless * * * part 1 - awakening in a strange place part 2 - beautifying body... part 3 - ... and mind... part 4 - and what else?
Love is Abloom
"i was wondering if you could give me a makeover?" rarity's eyes lit up. "a makeover? i love giving makeovers!
When Dawn Meets Dusk Part 2
Spike asked "uhh, sure" dusk said "thanks, it means a lot to me" spike said "yeah, yeah, don't get all sappy on me" dusk replied "well i've gotta go, dawn is almost done her makeover" "makeover?"
Jian's Makeover -Commission-
Kieran slowly pulled into the two-car garage, inching forward until the police cruiser was centered with the house and the entrance. He let out a soft sigh, sitting back in his seat for a moment before deciding to go inside. It had been a long day, and...
Smooth Scales and Gleeful Giggles
"with the makeover, or...?" liz quivered.
Samira and the Interface
Well... a-actually, i kinda want a full makeover, but... t-the hair is the main thing."
Alphabet Challenge 2018 - U is for Unrecognisable
#21 of alphabet challenge 2018 kasey fancies a change in style, and luckily she knows a salon where one can not only receive a life-changing makeover, but have immense amounts of fun in the process.
Judd and the Genie
Even terming it a makeover had been a big mistake, but he never imagined the genie would go so far as to include physical alterations in the wish's outcome.
Legend of Zelda: Vexation of the Viper Queen [Story]
Light washed over Princess Zelda. The luminescence surrounding her was bountiful enough to feel smothering - covering every inch of her body. Her eyes unable to shut, it burned into them, causing...
Under New Management
"this here is 'the change clinic' and you've been ordered a full...we'll call it makeover." hearing this just caused him more confusion. change clinic? makeover?
Making a Valentine's Date (story)
"i can't afford that kind of a makeover..." "well, it must be your lucky day, because our other client offered to pay the fee for any makeover that his prospective partner would need." he stared at the photo in the folder.