Don't Accept Rides From Strangers

Story by giselle blanche on SoFurry

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It was pouring rain, the roads were closed and none of the buses were running. Carrie stood shivering under an umbrella near the bus stop wondering what she'd do now.

"Why today of all days?" the vixen muttered to herself.

Cars and people passed by, then one car stopped and a wolf poked his head out.

"What are you doing? It's pouring!" he said.

"The buses aren't running, and I don't know of a place close by where I can stay," Carrie said.

As she said this, the wolf's lips curved into a grin.

"Well if you're stuck here you can stay with me for the night, I'll take you to the bus stop in the morning," he said.

"Are you sure that's alright?" Carrie asked.

"Sure, anything to help a nice girl like you," the wolf said.

Carrie hesitated, then jogged round the other side and climbed in next to the wolf.

"I'm Mark," the wolf said.

"I'm Carrie," Carrie said.

"Nice to meet you Carrie," Mark said.

His apartment was fairly small and had almost no furniture but for a couch and a TV and a lamp. Mark led Carrie to another room with no windows, and it was empty except for a lamp and mattress with a white sheet and three pillows on it. On the mattress another wolf sat chatting on a cell phone. Mark introduced him as Dean and told Carrie to sit down.

"Can I get you anything?" Mark asked.

"A glass of water would be nice," Carrie said.

Mark left and almost immediately Dean hung up his phone and pocketed it. He was a little smaller than Mark, with lighter fur. His left eyebrow was pierced with a gold rind and his left ear was covered with piercings, the left corner of his lip was pierced as well as his tongue which had a gold ball in it.

"Hello, what's your name?" Dean asked.

"Carrie," Carrie said.

"Well what are you doing here Carrie?" Dean asked.

"It's pouring outside and the buses weren't running, Mark said I could stay here for the night," Carrie answered.

Mark returned and handed Carrie her drink, then sat on her other side.

"Hey Dean I need your help, there's something up with the kitchen sink," Mark said.

"Sure," Dean said.

Carrie leaned back against the wall and quietly sipped her drink. After a while she started to feel a little dizzy, her arms and legs felt heavy. Then her glass slipped from her hand and fell, water splashed everywhere. Her eye-lids drooped. Mark and Dean returned.

"What's the matter sunshine? Your eyes are looking heavy," Mark said.

He sat down next to Carrie. She moaned and looked up at him. Mark ran his fingers through her hair, lacing his fingers in her brown locks and combing them down to her neck. He cupped Carrie's chin and gently kissed her lips. Carrie pulled back lazily but Mark pulled her back to him.

On her other side Dean grasped her breast, kneeding the soft flesh. Carrie pushed his hand away and moaned agitatedly, "No!" Ignoring her Dean grabbed her wrist and quickly unbuttoned her shirt and cupped her breast again, squeezing her nipple through the fabric of her bra.

"Don't," Carrie groaned lazily.

Mark chuckled and grabbed her other wrist and kissed her neck, lifting her skirt and placing his free hand on her thigh.

Without ceremony Dean pulled Carrie on her back, he placed a pillow under her head and reached beneath her to unsnap her bra. He slidd it off her arms, and ran his hands over the vixen's ample breasts and pinched her hard nipples.

"Damn, her tits are huge!" Dean breathed as he unbuckled his belt.

His hard cock jumped out and rested on Carrie's nose and trembling lips. Mark knelt in front of Carrie and yanked off her skirt and panties and opened her swelling lips with his thumbs to gaze into her pussy. He licked up her inner thighs and flicked her swollen and glistening lips with his tongue, careful not to touch her clit directly. Carrie moaned aloud and raised her hips but Mark pushed them back down and sucked gently on her clit. He sat up and tugged off his shirt and then unbuckled his belt and freed his hard cock. He lightly tapped Carrie's clit with his cock and stroked it with the tip of his cock. Carrie shakily raised her head just in time to see him slide his hard cock into her pussy.

Carrie dropped her head and shut her eyes tightly, she bit her lip and tried to pull her hands free but the pressure from Dean's knees was too much.

He squeezed her breasts, rolling her nipples between his fingers. He twisted her nipples, holding his hard cock in his free hand and smacked Carrie hard across the face, then brushed his cock back and forth over her lips.

"Don't!" Carrie cried out, and Mark thrust harder into her pussy.

"She likes this so much she's crying," Dean smiled, stroking Carrie's tear-stained face with his cock.

He smacked her with his cock, laughing at the sound of his cock smacking against Carrie's temples. Mark pulled back briefly, then slammed his hips against Carrie's. Dean pressed the blunt head of his cock to Carrie's lips but she refused to open them.

"Open your mouth," Dean said, squeezing Carrie's cheeks.

Carrie refused. Frustrated, Dean smacked Carrie hard across the face but still Carrie wouldn't allow his cock in her mouth.

Frustrated he forced Carrie to sit up and pushed her down onto her hands and knees and slipped his cock into her pussy. Mark slipped his thems into the corners of Carrie's mouth, forcing her to open her mouth. He slipped his cock in and twisted her hair in his fingers to hold her in place and pushed her head down on his cock. Behind her Dean pounded her pussy hard, his balls slapping her clit. Carrie moaned into Mark's cock, trying not to bite down on him. She tightened her lips on his cock and took him deeper into her mouth.

Grunting, Dean thrust harder into her, then pulled back and pressed the tip of his cock against Carrie's puckered anus. Carrie pulled back off Mark's cock and looked over her shoulder.

"No, please! Don't, not there! Please! Please! Please!" Carrie begged.

Dean tightened his grip on Carrie's hips and pushed till the whole of his cock was settled deep in her ass. His balls slapped her swollen lips, the veins of his cock felt like sandpaper against the sensitive skin of Carrie's ass.

"This bitch is so tight," Dean moaned, slapping Carrie's ass.

He pulled his cock from her ass and tapped his cock against her hole and then spit into the vixen's gaping hole and pushed his cock back in. Mark twisted his fingers in Carrie's hair and forced her head further down on his cock. Carrie refused to cooperate and he reached forward and slapped her again.

Mark yanked Carrie off his cock and smacked her across the face. Holding her by the hair, he grasped his cock and pumped his shaft. Dean's hips slapped harder and harder against Carrie's ass, his balls slapping her swollen lips. He dug his fingers into Carrie's thighs and groaned loudly, pulling his cock from Carrie's ass and covering her back in his cum. Huffing and puffing, Dean smacked the head of his cock over and over again against Carrie's gaping ass, spitting into the hole each couple of smacks, as the hole slowly closed up.

Carrie watched Mark's hand on his cock, pumping faster and faster. He kept a tight grip on her hair. Carrie shut her eyes tightly as Mark came on her face. He rubbed his cum into her skin and smacked her again.

Dean lay on his back and Carrie mounted him, his cock sliding into her pussy. Dean held Carrie's waist, bucking his hips. Carrie bit her lip to keep from moaning, her breasts pressed against Dean's chest and her nipples digging into his skin. Dean slid his hands down to Carrie's ass and pulled her cheeks apart, holding them open so Mark could see Carrie's puckered hole. Mark teased Carrie's anus with his tongue, licking her hole, then he got on his knees behind her and rubbed Carrie's hole with the head of his cock, slowly sliding his cock in and Dean bucked his hips up to meet Mark's hard thrusting.

They came hard inside Carrie, filling her orifices with their dual orgasms, cum dripped down Carrie's thighs. Dean planted soft kisses on Carrie's breasts and thrust harder into her.

"Please, it's too much," Carrie moaned.

She tossed her head back and cried out as she came with Dean, her cum mixing with his. She collapsed against Dean but Mark rocked back, taking Carrie with him. He held her waist and bucked his hips, his cock digging deeper into her. Carrie, bit her lip and tilted her head back.

Dean tapped her clit with his cock and entered her again. He held her ankles in his hands and fucked her pussy harder and harder. He came with a loud groan and he pulled away from her and Mark shoved her roughly off him and to the mattress. He kissed her forehead, gently patting her cheek, then stood up.

"I wonder what other kind of fun we can have?" Dean said.