Demon Lust

Story by Kilolf on SoFurry

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As Christian activists go Mr. John Straus is one of the most active in his city. This outspoken squirrel regularly holds rallies at the local schools and colleges preaching abstinence and how through his god you can reject the vices of the mortal world and prepare your soul for the afterlife. But little did he know that all of his preaching reached one little succubus and she was going to turn his world upside down. She plotted to get him alone and then she would show John the joys of earthly pleasures and turn him into one of her servants.

John was giving a speech on a local university and he had his band of narrow sighted activists with him. As they stopped students as they passed and dumped their propaganda into the laps of the students, one of the passing students caught John's attention. A cute little vixen, with soft red fur, was wearing a white blouse and a blue knee long skirt. She wore a 3" heel and was the definition of the perfect figure.

He approached her and asked, "Have you accepted Heizeus as your lord and savior?"

"No. I have not. Why?" She replied.

"Heizeus died for your sins and if you believe in him and take him as your savior you will be forgiven of your sins and enter heaven." John said enthusiastically.

"I see," she said, "You know I would like to hear more about this. Would you like to join me for dinner?"

"I would like that and we can get you started down the path of redemption."

"Is 7 ok?"


"Ok I will meet you at the restaurant just south of here."

"Very well. See you later."


As she walked away she smirked evilly as her plot was going as planned.

When John entered the restaurant the lights were low and she was sitting at a booth in the back corner. As he approached her, he noticed that she was holding a martini in one hand, a cigarette in the other and was wearing a fashionably reveling dress with an open back and a v-neck which extends to her upper abdomen and the skirt has a slip all the way up to her hips. He was, in a word, shocked.

"What are you doing!?" He asked in bewilderment.

"I am dressed for an evening out. Can't a girl dress-up when she meets a new person?"

"Well, yes, but I was not expecting you to dress so scantily or be drinking and smoking."

"Why not, that Heizeus you where preaching about drank and the smoking, besides I have been doing this for years."

"But like sex before marriage, the church discourages such behavior."

"But if you get married without taking the old horse out for a test run, how do you know if you can satisfy each others primal urges?"

"But we are not uncultured, we are..."

"SILENCE! I have heard enough of your blathering. You are not more then a pawn of your so called church. You have been fed the lies of mortals to a point of losing touch with your inner self. You disguise yourself in the robes of purity and light. But like the stars they are brightest just before they die. So let me show you the true meaning of being alive."

As she finished her speech the room transformed into a bedroom and John found himself bound and gagged to a bed. As he looked down to the end of the bed, the succubus was shedding her disguise and letting her natural form come out. She let her long crimson hair fall around her shoulders as her horns sprouted from her head. As her cloths fell to the ground they exposed a youthful well toned body with stunning curves. She then looked at John with her red eyes and evil smile, "Are you ready to feel alive for the first time in your life?"

John struggled against his restraints, but they bound him tightly, as she slowly slid on to the bed next to him. She gently kissed his cheek and he quickly turned his head to get away from her.

"Hmm, seems I have a fighter on my hands. This is going to be fun."

She then straddled him and ran her hands over his chest feeling his toned chest and abs. He started to blush a deep red as she felt up his body. She then pulled his shirt apart exposing his smooth toned chest. She slowly kissed his chest and pulled on his nipples with her teeth, which caused him to moan with pleasure but he was still fighting his urges.

"Why do you fight me? I will show you pleasure beyond the mortal coil. You will be mine and there is nothing you can do about it."

As she sat straddling his hips she continued to feel his body and running her hands across his face. She nibbled his ear lobes and kissed her way down his neck. As she did this she felt him start to grow under her.

"Well it seems that I am getting your attention finally. You will be mine, forever. So shall we see what you look like under the hood, handsome?"

John grunted and struggled to resist her but something about her captivating beauty made it difficult for him to control his primal urges. As he felt himself growing in his pants she rocked back and forth on top of him to excite him even more. Knowing that he could not control himself, tears of failure flowed from his eyes because he could not keep from having wants of intimate pleasure until he was married.

"Do not be sad my friend, you need to express your feelings, not bottle them up inside of you. I am freeing you from your moral bonds and giving you a new outlook on life."

She then licked the tears from his eyes and face. She then smiled kindly at him and insured him that she would cause no physical harm to him. She laid next to him and slowly began to remove his trousers and exposed his hardening shaft. He looked away in shame but she pulled his head up and looked him in the eyes and told him that what he had was a gift and should be used, not shut in and not allowed to express itself.

"You are such a handsome man. Why would someone with your looks and build not want to use that which your deity gave you? Oh well. It does not matter now. I will show you the joys of making love."

She laid next to him and gently stroked his inner thighs and kissed his lips. She then slowly kissed her way down his neck, taking time to nibble at his earlobes. She then sat up and rubbed his toned chest and ran her hands down his abs, which started to send waves of pleasure through his body. She let her hand slide down and began cradling his balls. She could see that his body was enjoying the experience even if his mind was trying to fight it.

"You cannot resist me, just let yourself go." She said as her other hand wrapped firmly around his hard shaft. She gently began to rub his shaft and his body began to tremor with wave upon wave of pleasure. She positioned herself in between his legs and ran her tongue from the base of his rod to the tip wrapping her lips around him and gently suckling the tip of his shaft. As he moaned with pleasure, she took one last long suck letting her lips pop as they left his shaft. She then grabbed him and teased his wanting cock with her dripping wet slit.

"Now you will feel the full pleasure I have to offer." She said as she inched her way down his shaft, lifting herself slightly and taking in more and more of him. His moans increased as she worked him fully into her. Once his rod was completely in she began to grind her hips against his, sending waves of pleasure through his body.

After a while she could feel his shaft throbbing and preparing to release. She lifted herself from him and smiled saying, "I am going to swallow every last drop of sweet seed you have, and feel free to taste the joys of pleasure."

She removed his gag and placed her dripping wet pussy in front of his mussel as she began to clean the juices from his cock. For a while he resisted the urge to lick her but the scent of her pheromones drove him over the edge and he began to lick her pussy feverishly lapping up the sweet nectar which flowed from her. As he was busy gorging himself on her wetness, she was working him to his climax, teasing the head and taking him deep into her mouth. She kept a slightly slower pace than his licking but was keeping excited. He suddenly stopped and let out a long moan, then screamed with pleasure as he loosed his seed. She tightly wrapped her lips around him and had a hard time keeping pace as torrent after torrent of his warm seed filled her mouth but she did not let any fall. She licked her lips and smiled as she moved and laid next to him.

"So, will you be mine forever?" She asked soothingly.

*pant...pant* "Yes, I am yours forever." He replied.

"So be it, you will be my guest in this room till the end of time so make yourself at home, my new play thing." She says with an evil laugh.

The End