Highschool - Fitting in and Living Life Ch 8: Beating as One

Story by Dischord on SoFurry

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Wow, three years after turning away from the fandom and it's like reading someone else's work. God i have a problem with finishing things. On that note here is the next chapter. Mainly exposition and a kinky sex scene, but character development nonetheless.

This chapter contains sex of a sexual and extreme nature. If you're under 18: don't get caught. If you are offended by the aforementioned depictions, read the tags and get over it. You were warned ;-)

As per normal all comments are appreciated. If you want to see something make a suggestion and i will either write it in, or write a side story just for you <3

*** Jack


"God you're so lazy Ave! This isn't hard at all!" Jack laughed as he rock-climbed the steep cliff up to the camping spot he and Avery had chosen to use for the night. It was their secret hideaway when they wanted to be together. The small clearing in the forest was right next to a cliff that gave a great view of the suburbs.

"No, not lazy: just sane," the husky replied. The particular cliff being climbed was only slightly less than 15 metres. "I think any person who wants to climb that death trap can't honestly say the same." Avery himself was sitting with his legs casually dangling over the edge. He wasn't worried as he'd seen the rat climb higher faces of rock.

"Where's the point of attempting sanity if it robs you of adventure?" Jack pointed out with a grin as he heaved himself over the lip of the cliff. Panting softly, the rat lay on his back and took a break. The ratboy's small form stretched out on the grass, all four and a half feet that made up his short stature. His lithe body and height meant he got teased sometimes, but he was comfortable being this way. He closed his tawny eyes and took a deep breath, appreciating the clean air.

Avery was looking at him with a bemused smile. He never really could sympathize with Jack's love for the climb; but like any good partner he supported the rat anyway. Like now when the husky noticed that a small amount of brown belly fluff was showing as Jack lay there and proceeded to scritch it.

"You look very cute like that." Avery whispered before leaning in to kiss the exposed fur.

Jack felt heat rising to his face and ears and giggled shyly. "Stop it, silly dog" he muttered, swatting at the muzzle but at the same scritching the dark husky ears to return the affection. He and Avery had been friends for as long as they can remember. They grew up together, went to the same kindergartens and primary schools. Jack was the one to be picked on quite a bit, and the much bigger and scarier husky would be the one coming to the rescue, taking it upon himself to protect the small rat. It was only natural perhaps that after growing so close, their relationship became deeper and more pronounced when they discovered sex.

At school they kept it to themselves. They just didn't feel that anyone needed to know that yet. There were however more than enough spare moments where they would sneak off somewhere at school and have a bit of fun. There was a growing list of such spots and it had almost become a game finding interesting and sometimes risky places to try and get it on.

Jack leaned in to nuzzle Avery's ear before sitting up and taking in the amazing view of the sunset. The earth felt solid and comforting underneath them as they cuddled together to witness the everyday miracle.

"Did you pack your guitar?" Avery asked softly. "Always" Jack replied. Getting up he rummaged around in their gear before bringing it out. Avery loved it when Jack played, the mellow sounds of the strings always seemed to bring about an expression of bliss on the husky's face that made playing the instrument always worthwhile.

As Jack strummed the guitar, Avery went about setting up the camp and making dinner. As the ratboy strummed he got a good look at his partner in the fading daylight, loving how the flickering campfire reflected off the husky's fur. Avery was as tall as he was short; averaging up to just under seven feet. The height difference was probably another reason why they hid their relationship so well since no one would really imagine the two together. Adding the build of a football player definitely did little to help the image as it just added mass to the mountain. Jack loved it though; it helped support the protector role that the husky almost unconsciously slipped into whenever something happened. He felt safe with Avery.

The husky caught him looking and winked, his own hazel eyes looking deep into Jack's own for a second before returning to his duties. They had decided to come out here this weekend to take a break from their home lives. The husky hummed along to the melody as he worked and before long the tent was up and sausages and fried potato was ready on a plate.

They sat together and ate in companionable silence. Other than the occasional murmur of appreciation for Avery's always excellent cooking; not much else in terms of conversation happened until the washing up was done too.

"Now. Meditation time" The husky announced. Something else that Avery kept out of view from the public was that his family traditions were heavily steeped in the mystical and spiritual. This left the husky as something of a guru and Jack was always interested in his teachings. The other reason for the retreat here was for this. With this much nature around it made it really easy to tune out everything else.

Sitting so that they were facing each other with the fire in the middle, Avery began to lead Jack through the meditation.

*** Avery ***

"Breathe in and out. Slowly. Touch the earth, touch the sky, feel your connection to nature..." he slowly intoned. Avery watched as Jack's face began to grow slack and the rat's small frame relax. He was really proud of the progress that they were making, and it was becoming more and more obvious as the earth around the rat shifted slightly. Not that Jack was aware of his own potential; but Avery had been guiding him in the control of his latent talents. He knew that his parent's would reprimand him if they knew, but what they didn't know is that he had is own path, his own instructions.

Avery's home life was nothing if not heavy. Every word spoken in the house was serious and always in reverence of the family legacy. The husky never doubted the magick present in him: he'd practiced with it too often to ever deny it's existence. However the way his family observed their gifts - and lives - were with such discipline that he often felt the only thing keeping him sane was the spontaneity and_joie de vivre_ that Jack was never afraid to show. It always helped him whenever the burden of responsibility became to much that he could simply sit with Jack, and the rat would come up with something funny or new to do that immediately would lift his spirits.

He owed his life and his love to the ratboy in front of him, and he would do anything to prepare him for the future that is coming.

Which is why we are here now. The husky thought.

*** Jack ***

He could feel it. All around him, even with his eyes closed he could feel life everywhere. Trees, grass, rocks, animals; he could sense the energy that permeated the air he breathed. Jack loved these sessions with Avery. They always took him away from the stress of home and back to a place where he felt calm and connected.

Almost as if he had opened a second set of eyes, the world appeared around him again, but this time everything seemed to glow with a beautiful light. He would see Avery in front of him, glowing like an angel and his heart swelled as he sensed the husky's love. Everything was perfect.

"Very good, now slowly pull your awareness back in to your body. With every breath in, bring yourself in again. Slowly breath in... and out..." Avery's voice floated gently through his mind as he began to come to. When Jack opened his eyes again he was at peace and everything was correct in the world. "That was amazing...." he murmured as he stared blankly at the beautiful boy in front of him, thankful that he was so lucky.

"You did very well today Jack, I could feel your-" Avery's mentoring was cut short as the rat boy suddenly jumped over the fire and pouncing upon his boyfriend, ending his sentence abruptly silencing him with a kiss. Jack giggled as the kiss was passionately returned, and then once again, everything else suddenly disappeared and they became acutely aware of how really alone they were out here.

"Ave, I love you," Jack whispered as he slowed down his pace to a far more intimate and sensual level. The rat's paws roamed up the husky's solid chest and rubbed over his pecs softly and encouragingly. Avery moaned in response as he reached around to cup the ratboy's ass, massaging them as he sat up with Jack in his lap.

"I love you too..." the husky finally managed to say as they came up for air. Before Jack knew what was happening, his tshirt had been pulled off by the strong paws and it seemed to be his own turn to be felt up. Avery left no patch of fur untouched as he stroked over the rat's body. The paws began to trail lower and without hesitation delved into the back of the tight shorts Jack was wearing. The rat quivered in response, breathing heavily into his partners chest as a finger traced over his tail hole.

"Get these off before I tear them." Avery growled into his ear. He could feel the husky's growing erection beneath him and quickly got up to obey. Even with Ave sitting Jack only stood a head or two taller than the huge dog. The shorts fell off quickly and left the rat quite exposed. Avery simply undid his belt and jeans. The huge member beneath rose up, straining against the fabric with a large, dark patch of pre easily shown in the firelight.

Jack definitely didn't need any prompting as he returned to his partner. Kneeling, he leaned in and began to lick over the head of the confined cock, eliciting a growl of approval. Avery was always like this when they hadn't done anything a while. The prospect of the rough ride made the ratboy shiver in anticipation. His thoughts were interrupted as a large paw was placed on his head and firmly began to press down. Jack moaned as the fabric covered head of the shaft was firmly guided into his mouth. The large meat was as thick as his wrist but the rat had had lots of practice so was able to take it easily. Suckling on the large head caused the husky to moan and the spurt of pre soaking the briefs was immediately exctraced through the fabric eagerly.

The guiding paw changed directions and tugged on Jack's head, pulling him up for air. As he took a breath he was cut off by a sudden kiss. Avery's tongue immediately pushed for entry and was granted. Jack suckled on the new appendage as the husky's arm came around to lift him up and place him again in the muscular lap. The rat's paws instinctively went for Ave's nipples, playing with the nubs of flest as their tongues danced in each others maws.

After continuing this for some time, Avery brought his paw up and and began to play with the ratboy's own cock, which was twitching and leaking against his chest. Jack felt the strong paw and immediately humped against it, knowing that as he did he was rubbing against the husky's cock beneath him as well. For such large paws the pads on Avery's hands were soft and gentle, contrasting to the rough frenching he was receiving. It was almost as if he was coaxing Jack's pre out of his cock. It was working.

Without warning a large tearing sound was heard, and the rat felt a bump against him that actually managed to lift his small frame. Avery's cock had ripped through his briefs and was now steadily soaking Jack's backside with pre.

The husky broke the kiss. "I think it's time I prepared you." he stated in a firm voice. He picked up the rat and flipped him without difficulty so that he was on his chest facing the large erection. Jack's quivering tail was rubbing against the husky's chest and he squeaked quite loudly as he felt Avery nibble on the tip of it.

Taking a deep breath and facing the task in front of him, Jack stared down the length of the pole. Originally he was quite scared of the monster before him, which was easily 13 inches and as thick as his wrist, but with careful and loving preparation Jack had soon began to be able to take the member most of the way without too much trouble. He dived, pushing himself bodily onto the length as he deepthroated enough of the meat to put a professional circus freak to shame. His throat visibly distended a little as he suckled. Pre was simply being pumped directly into his stomach and as he looked he could see the huge orange-sized balls at the end of his meaty treat sway ponderously.

The resulting moan from the husky was totally worth the trick and the retaliation was enough to almost make Jack cum immediately: Avery had leaned in and stuck his tongue into the rat in one go. The prehensile tongue took no time in beginning to lap around the rat's inner walls. Jack blushed and moaned around the length in his throat, beginning to slide his mouth up and down the pointed meat. The rat could feel every throbbing vein and proceeded to trace every one of them with his tongue. The pre spurting down his throat coated the length in a salty film that was laden with musk and sex. Jacks eys glazed over as he moved his mouth up and down the pole, causing his own hips to push back on the invading tongue each time he came up.

The husky must have though Jack was ready enough because the tongue slipped out. What he didn't expect was the two fingers that replaced them. The rat squeaked loudly around the member as his slicked hole was now opened up wider. Jack felt his heart rate increase at the feeling as the husky began to roughly thrust the fingers inside him, purposefully avoiding his pleasure spot to keep him on the edge.

After two more fingers had been pushed inside and had rummaged around his back entrance a little longer; he felt Avery remove his hand and lift Jack off his cock. Flipping Jack around again -this time more gently- he placed the rat further up his chest so that his cockhead lined up with the prepared hole. Jack took the chance to clear his throat and gulp some air back into his lungs, knowing he was going to need it for what was coming next.

Looking deep into the ratboys eyes with a hunger that made Jack shiver, Avery slowly pushed him down onto the length. With excruciating slowness, the head popped in. They both took a moment to breathe before more followed until about tree quarters of the pulsing member was in him. Already Jack could feel the pre continuing to fill him and bulge had formed in his stomach from the intrusion within. He loved the sensation of being filled so much and rubbed the penis through his belly, causing them both to moan. Every curve ad texture of the doggy dick was felt in Jack's inner walls. A particularly large vein was flush against his prostate and with each beat of Avery's heart it throbbed. The ratboy couldn't help but shudder every time he felt it swell.

Jack and Avery panted heavily as they sat there, taking a moment to enjoy the physical connection they felt. Looking back into the husky's hazel eyes he nodded and in response felt the strong paws lift him up the member. The emptiness that came with it almost made Jack ache to have it immediately filled and his feeling were made obvious by his whine. Avery smiled in understanding but continued to go at a gentle pace. The sexual tension that was building up in the rat made him shake with desire and purposefully he pushed himself back down with a moan. Avery got the hint and followed suit, picking up the pace to what they both knew they wanted.

The air around them began to fill with an obscene sounds as the member continued to piston in and out of the ratboy's small frame. Every time the cock was pushed in the bulge formed again, and again it disappeared every time the meaty length was pulled out. Regardless of the direction, Avery's cock continued to spurt ropes of pre deep inside his partner and Jack could feel his insides get messier. The ratboy's own erect member had completely soaked Avery's chest fur and the resulting slipperiness caused Jack to slide against the husky with every upward thrust.

Avery changed positions. Strong arm held Jack's legs close and he had to wrap his arms around the husky's muscular torso for support. Rolling on top of the rat into missionary, he began to thrust more roughly.

Jack could feel the change in his partner and moaned appreciatively as he saw the glint in the husky's eye. Before he realised more and more of the shaft was being pushed inside - more than they ever had tried before - and that small bulge in his belly was become quite an obvious one. If he himself wasn't drunk on lust and husky pre, Jack might have been a little scared about being broken, but instead he leant his head up as best as he could and said with a firm finality "Knot me"

Those two words were all it took before something inside the husky snapped. Suddenly Jack was clinging onto his partner for dear life as so much more was pushed in than ever before. He could feel the knot pushing against his back entrance, which was obscenely swollen with lust to the point it was on par with an apple. It continues to pummel his entrance, demanding entry and slowly gaining it bit by bit.

In this position Jack's member was spurting pre all over his chest and face. As much as he felt the pain of the forced entry, the pleasure of feeling so completely whole was so intoxicating that every fibre of his being was egging the husky on. He held onto the muscular arms of his lover and leaned up to nuzzle into the furry chest, moaning and squeaking with each thrust.

Then, with a loud and wet schlurp, the knot was in. Avery had effectively picked up the rat and proceeded to jackhammer into him with feirce intensity. Jack didn't last. The moment the knot went in he lost it and came all over himself. In his growing state of bliss he felt the amazing pleasure of being whole as the husky ploughed into him a couple more times before howling and finally releasing his pent up seed. He felt a sharp pain in his shoulder Avery marked his lover as his own. The husky held Jack close as he pumped him full of cum, and the rat could feel his belly begin to swell.

He didn't mind. Jack loved the feeling of being so full of his lovers' seed and when it finally came to a stop; he was amazed he didn't feel any pain from it. It was almost as if we were pregnant with the size of his belly, and he could feel it sloshing around inside him. Avery held Jack with care and they both moaned as the ratboy was picked up, carried and lain atop the husky in their tent. They knew that knot wouldn't go down for a long while, so they both decided without words to sleep. So Jack drifted off in the arms of his protector, swollen with his seed and heart full of love for him.


"You sure no-one will notice that mark?" Avery said with concern before school started. Jack was amazed that he had managed to empty his belly enough of the husky's seed the day before in order to come to school without suspicion. His backside ached with a vengeance and he was sure he wouldn't be able to sit easily for a while; but it was definitely worth it to be so filled up by his lover. He looked around to make sure that noone was watching and reached a hand up - and stood on his toes- to stroke the husky's face.

"It'll be fine. Ill just say one of my brother's decided to pick a fight with me." It wasn't an uncommon occurrence either. Jack was the oldest, and yet at the same time he was the runt of his litter. Rats had at least 3 children at once, and so he had 4 brothers and 3 sisters in his family. Thanks to brotherly love, his younger two brothers from the first litter never let it down that he was older and challenged him constantly. _I guess everyone has their family issue_s. He thought.

It did little to calm the worried look in Avery's eyes and Jack realised that there was more to it. _He's worried that he hurt me. He's afraid I won't want to be with him anymore._The rat didn't bother to look around. He didn't care anymore. He jumped into the husky's arms and climbed his rock hard torso like he would any cliff. Coming eye-to-eye with Ave's face, he kissed him passionately on the lips.

They were lost for a moment like that before someone called out to them. "Oi! Stop making the rest of us feel lonely!" They gasped and looked to see the rest of their group: Blair, Alex, Zach, Murray, Dean and Mark. They were all grinning happily at the two and both of them blushed furiously at being found out so obviously. "Sorry guys..." Jack said hesitantly. He didn't know whether to run and hide or pick a fight. Avery was still stunned into silence.

The tension was immediately broken when Alex ran up and hugged Jack tightly. "Don't worry, we already knew." he whispered. "And in case you haven't realised, Zach and I are together too. You're not the only one." The fox giggled.


Over to a corner, a figure smiled and walked away. Chris was happy that the two had finally come out about their relationship, but it left him feeling his own pang of loneliness.
