Rabbit Test Chapter Seventeen

Story by Dasher Cheetah on SoFurry

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#19 of Rabbit Test

The story wraps up.

Rabbit Test Chapter Seventeen

Rich told him to get better and Annie would send instructions about what he should do until Rich called on him again. Thorne nodded and closed his eyes, falling asleep peacefully in minutes. Rich and Annie went upstairs, where Don and Sue were standing to give him a group hug. They told him how proud they were of him, truly happy it had gone so much better than had been hoped for. But then... Rich seemed to have a knack for doing that.

Rich was quiet and looked a bit pale. When he began hyper-ventilating and gulping, Annie rushed him to the bathroom to throw up. After emptying his stomach, he shook and asked, "W-W-What's wrong w-with m-m-me?"

Annie held him and stroked his back as she told him, "It's alright... It's fine... You were brave as well as good, youngster. Like after a fight, your body was too keyed up to let you relax after we left Thorne, dear. It's just nerves... You really were brave to face Thorne like that. You aren't used to being rough like you had to be with him. It was even harder when he was the biggest and the one who hurt you the most.

The way you taunted him to make him angry was excellently done! You did everything you had to do perfectly. Then you let yourself react to the fear and anger you held in but only after you were out of his presence. That was true courage.

Your nobility in helping him after his treatment of you . . . I'm very happy you are with us and our struggle to teach mankind. You put it to him clearly and exactly right! I wish all humans were like you, dear Richard and we didn't have to teach them we are people too.

Come now, let's get you home where I can give you something to help you sleep for a bit. You will feel better after you rest and can absorb what happened today."

He nodded and when they returned to Don and Sue, he apologized for getting sick. Annie didn't have to explain. Being prey types, they knew the freeze and aftermath of fear all too well. Don put his arm around Rich and said, "Come Rich, let's go home. You can rest there safely."

Sue and Annie sat with him in back while Don drove. Sue was able to tell him how proud she was. They had watched the whole thing and it was what they had come to expect from him, he had done wonderfully. Troubled, Rich just held Sue on the ride home. He mumbled thanks and tried to feel what they had said he was.

Back at the apartment again, he had to go thru the greeting of those who had waited and explain what had happened. He tried to keep it brief but Don and Sue were eager to fill in the details. The other Rabbits were happy to add their praise of him and what he had done. He didn't understand what a joy it was for them that he was the embodiment of the principals for which they fought. He was proof that humans could learn to truly accept and respect Recombs as equals.

They didn't understand why he was so quiet and even sad looking. Chrissy tried to tease a smile out of him and got an attempt at one before Annie interrupted. She told them, "Sorry but I'm going to have to break this up. I'm going to talk to Rich a little while before giving him a little something to help him sleep. He'll be better after a nap. Come Richard, let's get you into the bedroom and comfortable. You need to rest, dear."

In Don and Sue's bedroom Annie sat on the side of the bed. Patting the center, she told him to lay down and tell her what was bothering him. Doing so, he began, "Everyone keeps telling me I did good. You are excited and happy, so why do I feel... disappointed? Why did I take the leadership of the Foxes and Thorne, Annie? I don't want to see them anymore but I let them swear to me... and Thorne! He changed so much!

I did what I had to do but I don't know why or even if it was right. He was so pathetically happy and he... I don't know. Does he think making me fuck him somehow makes up for what he did? *sniff* I even started to like hitting him, Annie! I wanted to hit him harder... then I was feeding and washing him!

And what if they do it again... any of them? I don't care who it is, I would be guilty of it too for letting them go! I thought forgiving someone was supposed to feel good..."

Annie gave him a sad, understanding look and told him, "My dear, sadly the gratification for what you have done, won't be felt until later. You fought the urge to hurt back and broke the cycle of violence with forgiveness and peace. That took thought and will! You overcame the emotional response, which is the next evolutionary jump we all need to make.

Because it isn't a trait that can be bred for, we all have to learn the lesson and make the change willingly. You won't feel good about this for some time. By repetition, you will see that doing good and right will bring those things back to you.

Rather a long way to go to learn something, isn't it? It doesn't help much now either, does it? It isn't always easy to do the right thing but youwill always know. Even if no one else knows about it, you can be proud of yourself. I am, Richard. You trusted me and did exactly what I wanted you to do. I've never had a human do that before. They always question my skills and advice . . . but not you."

She leaned down, growing closer until Rich was certain what she was doing. He leaned up and met her pointed muzzle with his lips. Annie kissed softly but when it went on for a few seconds, he kissed harder. Annie responded, inviting more and Rich gave it. His arm went around her and she laid down and caressed his face. When her tongue touched his lips, Rich opened them and and met her tongue with his.

Annie pulled back and looked down a moment, then she said, "You could have Chrissy or Sue here, instead of me. Are you sure you want me, with two such pretty, younger females at your call?"

Rich gave a look of dull surprise, then asked, "Are you too old to do it, Annie?" She laughed and told him no, so he said, "I wasn't sure because you don't look old to me. You move too gracefully, not like you are old or weak. You still have a shape that doesn't look old either. Uhm, I-If it's me, that's ok. I wouldn't want to if you didn't."

She was warmed by his answers and relaxed to let her sexual side emerge. Rich rose to full hardness quickly. The change wasn't much but it sent unmistakable signals that he picked up. Her voice dropped an octave to become languid and sensual as she said, "You did it again! Ahh Rich, you told me what I wanted to know... I wasn't sure you found me attractive, so I wanted to know why you would offer your young, attractive self to an old Vixen. I would be very pleased to share pleasure and closeness with you. Let me remove my dress dear, so it won't get all wrinkled."

Annie sat up and undid the button at her nape. To Rich, her sure, smooth movements were like a private dance that revealed her beauty to his eyes. Annie pulled at the throat, shrugging her shoulders to let the dress slip off of them. Her bra came into view, increasing his excitement. As the dress slid lower, it showed off her white breast and belly fur. Her red furred body contrasted nicely, as did the black fur of her forearms. She stood to let the dress slip down her body, revealing her thickly furred tail and panties. She turned to step out of the dress and laid it aside neatly.

Rich saw that her panty crotch had a darker wet area, showing she was already excited too. He stripped off his shirt and shorts, leaving his tighty whities in place for the moment. His own erection was outlined in them already so Annie had something to admire and desire to see.

Reaching back, she undid her bra and teasingly let it slip lower an inch at a time, showing more of her breasts slowly. Of course Rich was very interested in seeing them. They were no longer high and firm as when she was younger but they didn't droop either. They had nursed her children and entertained males for many years.

Seeing his eyes light up reassured Annie that they were still good enough, even if no longer great. With a gentle smile, she removed her panties and stood, turning for him to look her over. Her breasts were nice but it was her rear with its tail that captivated his eyes.

Annie stepped to the bed and sat down, leaning over to run a claw tip along the waistband of his underwear. She hooked a claw under it and looked with a smile, asking silently for and receiving his permission. She pulled them down and off. She had seen his cock before but knowing that it was going to be for her this time, excited her to no end.

She laid down facing him and wrapped her paw around the warm, silk wrapped iron hard shaft.' He pulled her into his arms and kissed her hotly. His leg wrapped over hers possessively. Slowly rocking his hips caused his cock to slide in her grasp, the head against her lower belly fur. This very male move made her want to submit and give herself to him.

Annie felt like a teen again, meeting an older, experienced male to learn about sex. Ridiculous? Yes but Annie didn't care and let herself get taken a little deeper into fantasy. Richs hand caressed down her back till it rested on her butt cheek. She raised her rear, tail curling away to the side and whined her desire. His hand took hold of the base of her tail and gave it a light tug.

Annie shivered, giving a moaning call to be mounted. Her claws denting his flesh as her grip tightened. Rich gave a grin and said, "I'm greedy and you're impatient. Greedy is better! Let me see your lovely muzzle around my cock. If you want, I would very much like to have you suck me off . . . Then my sexy mature vixen, I would keenly like to tasteyou! After I have drawn pleasure from your depths, I will fill it properly and make love to the gentle, strong, wise and lovely vixen called Annie..."

Even as she melted she thought, 'He is magical! I know what he as done to the Lapines, the Wolf and Foxes and even Constance while he was drugged and hypnotized... I knew I would be in trouble too but it happened and I don't care! Goddess, he's good!' She breathed, "Yesss..." as she looked into his eyes and shifted down his body.

Annie stared hungrily at his hard young cock. Still in her hand, she tilted it up and put her nose against his balls, drawing in a deep breath and full dose of his pheromones. Annie smiled and a drop of saliva gathered at the corner of her mouth.

She began by licking his balls with her long, slender and flexible tongue. She stroked the shaft slowly while spit shining them before moving up to lap around his swollen head. Pre leaked from the little slit at the tip. After gathering it up, she rose to her hands and knees. Aiming it up, Annie lowered her mouth around the fat treat. She closed slowly and began shifting her tongue around it as she sucked.

Looking down his body at the top of her head, he saw the base of his cock below her pointed, wet, black nose pad, followed by her long slender muzzle. Seeing it was erotic but feeling it was even better! Her tail waved slowly behind her and some of her saliva dripped down the shaft to wet his pubic hair.

When her head began moving up and down the top half of his penis, her paw grasped the base firmly. Annie growled hungrily, eager for him to shoot his cream into her mouth. She gently gnawed at it and Rich rose to orgasm quickly. He rubbed her pointed ear and scratched behind it, moaning louder as his body tensed.

Annie pulled back to the head, rubbing her tongue harder around the sensitive flesh. She wanted it to coat her taste buds, feel its texture and to taste it before swallowing. Her paw stroked faster, bringing Rich all the way up to the tipping point. Warm and thick, it washed her tongue as the head swelled and ebbed with each pulse.

Annie swallowed it all, licking the head for every drop. Sitting up, she licked her lips clean and smiled happily at Rich. He reached out for her and she crawled up into his embrace. Rich pulled her down on him, his lips seeking hers. They kissed and snuggled closely, catching their breath for a couple minutes.

Rich rolled them over so he was over her and looking down as he said, "Do you know how hot you looked, sucking me? Such an elegant muzzle and your ears so expressive... Why do you worry about getting older? Old is as old does and you don't always act old, so why does it bother you? You have a few additional white bits of fur but they don't subtract from your beauty. You are beautiful to me... Such lovely red fur, set off by the white and black parts... You are every bit a sexy vixen, Annie."

His words made her even happier and she said, "I don't feel old, Richard. But by any standard, I am. Being a female, it is important to me to be attractive but the young, fresh females are beginning to intimidate me."

Rich cupped and held her breast as he told her, "My Mother always likes it when Dad tells her... You're not getting older, you're getting better! No young female would know how to give such pleasure or be so confidently sexy. Mmmm, I think I should do a little exploring on my way down your body. Don't you? These are certainly interesting!"

Rich played delightedly with her breasts. Nuzzling them, rubbing their furry softness against his face, his lips felt her stiff nipple. He suckled upon it, switching back and forth, pulling moans from her as she grew hotter. He could smell her and knew she was ready for him to lick it up from her but loathe to bring this to and end.

Moving down, he nuzzled her tummy, planting kisses down its length. His hands stroked her sides, playing in her fur. Shifting over, he parted her legs and laid between them to have a look at her sex. It was a small slit, the lips wet and slightly swollen with blood. The heat from the bare flesh was greater than thru her fur. A small nub stuck out at the top and Rich breathed in. Her scent was sharp, a bit muskier than the Rabbits . . . almost challenging!

Rich looked up with a barely hidden grin and said, "Yep! As pretty down here as the rest of you is... I hope to make you cum a few times before I am done. Pull your knees up and bare yourself to me!" She did and watched as his head dropped down, then felt him kiss the top of her sex.

Rich ran the tip of his tongue up along the bare lips, making Annie moan out, "Oooo!" with excitement and sending chills up her back. Rich took a second to taste her wetness, then went back for more. The tip of his tongue parted the edges and ran up along the softer more sensitive, inner sides. Getting deeper with each successive lick, Annie began to squirm, doing a horizontal dance on his tongue.

Besides feeling wonderful and he had learned much from the Lapines, he was a human! She knew the genetic chains were part of the reason but had to admit he was not an amateur any longer. After testing how far he could push his tongue into her, Rich spent time at the top, teasing her clitoris. Annie went from light orgasm to light orgasm, yipping and moaning as they ebbed and flowed.

He let her cool down, catch her breath as he cleaned up the overflow of wetness. Lifting his head, he looked up her body at her face. Mouth open, tongue lolling from the side and eyes shut. Pushing up to his hands and knees he crawled up over her, looking down with a grin at making her look so happy. The bottom of his face was wet and Annie licked it, whining with joy. Rich licked her tongue playfully and said, "Are you ready, Annie?"

She growled up hotly, "You know damn well I am. You tempt me to roll you over and take what I want from you... I will too, if you make me wait much longer."

Rich moved back and said, "Up for it, hot one... I have to see you presenting for me. Show me how you would tempt a Todd into mounting and mating you!" Annie rolled to her knees, pushing up on her hands and turned to lick his mouth. She curled her body against his, her tail `wagging and curling over to reveal her sex. Annie licked his mouth, whining happily and nipped his neck, jumping away and then curled around to crouch slightly, tail aside to show off her slit. It pouted amid the white fur, ready for him as Annie crooned her call of heat and said, "Come! Give me your cock and fill the aching, empty place within me! Mate with me Rich! Love me as male to female, so I can be thankful I'm under you with your cock fucking me!"

That was good enough for him! He crawled up behind her and stuck his nose under her tail to lick her vulva a couple times, then rested his chin on her rump. Getting up on his knees, his right hand stroked her waist and hip as he left took hold of his cock to aim it. It was so stiff, he had to force it down to contact the center of her wetness. Touching warmth, he rubbed the tip along it, parting her opening to feel the heat within.

Pushing slowly into new (for him) territory, he was met by Annie pushing back and he slid in. Taking hold of her waist, he gave short thrusts that quickly buried his cock inside the sexy vixen. Annie curled her tail around his lower back to drape down his butt. Rich scratched thru the fur on her sides, learning the feel of her sex around him and loving it. Rich groaned out, "Oh Annie! It's different in you but so good! *pant* Let's see how it feels to move now."

He pulled back a couple inches to test it and noticed the inner entrance growing tighter around his shaft. Further motion made him forget that as he got into the rhythm and pleasure. Leaning forward, his hands roamed her belly before moving up to play with her breasts. Nearer her ears, he spoke softly as if telling her a secret, "Not old.. but ripe and sweet! Soft, juicy and good... mmmm, your ears are silky and warm too... How do you want it? Like this or harder? Tell me so I can make it better for you, Annie..."

She wanted harder and faster, so he put his hands on the bed for support and began to give her what she asked for. He kissed her shoulders and neck, nipping a little at times and moaning his own feelings of pleasure.

Even tho he had cum once already, it didn't take as long as he would have liked to be near orgasm again. He warned her he was near and a last couple thrusts was followed by a deep thrust and his outcries as he semen spurted forth.

Annie had cum many times already but the feel of his cock pulsing within her and the warm cum hitting her walls, had her squeezing around it to grip tightly. Rich held himself deeply until his orgasm was over, then he relaxed and held onto her. He fondled her breasts, rubbing his face against her shoulder, he kissed her and panted out, "That was great *pant* Annie! If getting older has slowed you down at all, you must have been a killer! Ahhh, Gods, you're ready for more already, aren't you? Ohh-h *gasp*, shit! I'm still *pant* hard! Ahh-uhm, Annie? M-may I? Just once more? Raow-w-w! This is great!"

Rich fucked her faster now that she used to his size. His hands stroked her front in sensual caresses until his left hand slipped down further. Touching wet, he searched for and found her clitoris, stimulating it.

Annie bucked and yipped as orgasms rippled thru her, one after another till she lost track. Rich slowed down his movements in her to a stop as he let her come down gently. Hands on her hips to help steady her, Rich asked, "Think you can take a little more? I still have to cum but I thought we might change positions. I want to see your pretty face and kiss you while I make love to you..."

She shivered and looked back as she answered near breathless, "As long and as often as you want, dear Richard. You could try my tail, if you want to change..."

He asked, "Do you want me to do that? I will but unless you would prefer it, I would be just as happy to continue where I am... not that you wouldn't have a fine ass, I'm sure. But being male to your female is too good to make me want to change now. I want to watch you as you cum for me... to feel your legs clasp me between them. Face to face is more intimate and I want to be closer to you, Annie."

They slowly separated, then she laid down and rolled onto her back. Knees up and legs open wide, she called, "Come... Take me again and give me your virile rod of maleness! Ah-h-hhh, *pant* Let me guide you back in...ahh, yes! Do it lover!" Her arms came up around Rich as he settled into place, squeezing around him.

Rich kissed her, his tongue licking along the inside of her lips and over her sharp teeth. Long strokes he took, driving it back in again repeatedly. His balls slapped against her wet fur as Annie's wetness overflowed to coat her mound and tail area. She would buck up into his thrusts as she orgasmed, her claws leaving light red welts across his back.

Shortening his strokes, he rode her harder, driving for his orgasm. Annie nipped and held a bit of skin at his throat, sending chills thru him. Rich drove in hard and they ground against each other in a blazing overload as they came together. Annie's legs squeezed against him, holding him as if he might pull out and she wasn't about to let that happen.

She crooned to him to fill her up, stroking his back as she licked his throat. Rich nearly collapsed as he finished, panting for breath but he kissed her and said, "That was even better *pant* than the first one! I feel better too. Knowing you better now, I feel I can trust you to help me if I need it again. I know you care about me... and I care about you too. If you insist on wanting to feel older... I could call you Aunt Annie..."

She laughed and kissed him before saying, "I would love to be aunt Annie to you dear. That is a special relationship that I would very much like to have with you, Richard. You dear sweet man. That is as nice an offer as I've had since you first told me you want to get closer . . . I want to thank you for some very sweet loving too! You had me cumming like I was fifteen again myself. Do you know, I tried very hard to resist the urges and hide them from you? Usually, I have no problem making people believe whatever I choose to show... yet you saw thru it and did it unconsciously. That skill would serve you very well if you choose to make mental sciences your career...."

Rich knew he was being highly complimented by someone who was very skilled in it herself. Tho pleased, he said, "Thank you Annie but I've already decided what I want to do. I want to be a geneticist and find the means to solve the problem. Having access to the human side of things should be of value to the Underground, don't you think?"

Annie was dumbstruck. She closed her open mouth and said softly, "My Goddess... I actually believe you could do it! You are only barely out of cubhood but I believe you could find the answer, if you made that your goal. When you go back to school, we can show you what you need to study and we can help. I have a few favors owed to me that could get you a scholarship to the top school. You would have to earn the grades to justify it but you can get into the top research labs for genetics if you do. I'll help too dear and in a few years, you'll be ready to start looking into it. With the backing of the Underground, you won't have to worry about the cost of school. We will take care of all of that for you." She hugged Rich happily and said, "You now have a place in the Underground, my dear. Welcome, friend and comrade!"

Annie hugged him again and kissed Rich thoroughly. After a little more cuddling and kissing, Annie got up and went into the bathroom to clean up. She came back out with a wet washcloth and proceeded to clean him up from the mess they had made together and told him to stay there. After all, she had been going to help him sleep and rest before they had made love. Now that he was relaxed in a much better way than medicating him, he admitted he was sleepy.

Annie went out and was met by the Lapines, curious about what had taken so long. The scent that emerged from the opened door, told them part of the story but they wanted to know more. Annie sent Chrissy in to keep Rich company for sleep but asked her not to tire him any further, until he had slept anyway. She and the others went into the living room to talk while Chrissy went into the bedroom.

Rich was laying in bed, half asleep already but he woke up and smiled as Chrissy came into the room. She climbed up into the bed with him and into his waiting arms. With a hug and a kiss, they snuggled together and Chrissy told him, "I wanted to thank you, lover. For being so good to Annie. She is my godmother and you made her very happy. She is a sweetie and we love her loads so you pleased me very much. Oh! Mama talked to your parents and they agreed to let you stay here for another week! You should be lots better by then, before they see you."

Relieved of that worry, Rich smiled and grabbed Chrissy. Pulling her on top of him, he reached down and playfully squeezed her rear, then stroked her tail, making it bob up and down. Chrissy was ready but mindfull of what Annie had told her, she said, "You know you can have that any time you want it but Annie said you are to sleep first. Close your eyes and lay back. I'll be here to make sure you don't have any bad dreams and we can play after."

They curled up and Rich fell asleep, comforted by Chrissy's purring, her soft fur against him and her arms around him. They missed hearing Annie tell the adults and Ben what had happened as well as outlining her plans to help Rich meet his goals. Lucky for the soundproof door to the bedroom because there was a celebration following that would have woke Rich for sure.

The rest of the time spent in the Recomb area was very fun. Swimming and games added to his tan and helped fade the bruises. The sex was gentle, loving and as frequent as Rich wanted. When he went home, Rich looked tan and fit as well as very happy. His parents thanked Don and Sue for taking such good care of their son.

The embarrassed Lapines hid it well but Rich could see that they were, tho they carried off the thanks without showing it. The stage was set for Rich and he worked very hard to prove their trust in him was well deserved. High school went by in two years because Rich tested out of most of the courses required. College took another two years for his B.S. Degree, then it was on to graduate school. That was a lonelier time for him as he had to be away from his family, his Rabbit family and even his loyal pack. It took a year before Rich was comfortable with the Foxes and even Thorne.

He majored in genetic research but with Annie's help took on a minor in psychology. Even with summer course and testing out of the courses he could, it took another four years to graduate. His grades brought him to the attention of a number of top companies but Rich took an internship at a top government research facility. He soon was granted security access to secret files and began his real work.

It was not allwork, to be sure. He had time with the Lapines during breaks and made new friends along the way. Annie began to bring him in to help in cases with Recombs she couldn't heal. His scent, pheromones and natural talent for observation came in very handy at such times. One such he was brought in on, involved a young female Lynx....

So concludes the first story of Rich Masters. Hope you enjoyed it and are invited to comment. There will be other stories of Rich and his friends in the future as we see how his life unfolds. Thanks to my readers who have enjoyed and encourage me to keep going.