One Night in the Hinabi

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Hi, furs, scales, feathers, skins, and gelatinous beings of all types! I am Zarzen. This will be my first story I've uploaded to and I'm kind of proud to say my first furry story EVER. (Yay me! Heheh) I'd like to say now, if you're under 18, or whatever the legal age for sexual content is in your region, exit this NOW. ((Like you little pervs will listen anyways..At least lock your doors! Nobodeh wanna see all dat!)) Also, if you are uncomfortable with incest, oral pleasure, minors in sexual situations, or for some odd reason, cheetahs, this is not the story for you. Also, this is My story! All characters belong to me. Please don't distribute it without my permission and you can use my characters if you wish, just mention somewhere that they belong to me and notify me if you do. Oh! Almost forgot. This story is entirely fictional and meant to simply provide entertainment. In NO way whatsoever, am I telling you guys to go bang your siblings. That is a big no-no. So now, without further a due, here goes!

In a valley, hidden away from the farthest reaches of man or fur, lied a village, deep within a valley, hidden by dense jungle brush and the feral animals which occupied it. Within that village, was the Hinabi tribe, a tribe of cats, who hunted and gathered within the valley. They hardly ever went into the forest, for it had many dangerous plants and feral's which would be ready to end someone's life in a flash. The village was large. Taking up some acres to house everyone.

Every few years they had to expand, due to many litters being birthed. The tribe of felines thrived, yet still let nature thrive as well, unlike much of the outside world. In this tribe lived an leopard family of three. A mother, and her two cubs. Their father and the head of their family was killed just a few months after his son's birth; he was dragged off and killed by one of the many feral pythons which unfortunately plagued their land. It was early in the morning, well before the sun would be up when the mother. Vevani, was packing for a trip, taking a spare set of clothes, as well as her large basket which she held plants of all sorts in when she went out on one of the gathering trips with the rest of the females in the village that were of age. She also tucked away a dagger into the large orange sash she used to keep her dress in tact.

At her sides, were her seventeen year old daughter, Mari, and her sixteen year old son Sana. Sana had taken after his father, steely, cold blue eyes with naturally green hair and a strong, lean build. Sana was a headstrong boy, chasing after whatever peaked his interest at the time and letting nothing get in his way. He was also a bit gullible, an easy target for pranks and easy to manipulate. He was a very kind young ocelot, helping out the village elders when he could, as well as sticking up for the runts of the village, making sure older cats didn't mess with anybody weaker than them. He was constantly training to be a hunter, or a warrior like his father was, eager to turn eighteen and go on his first hunt. Sana usually made tools to practice with, such as: arrows out of broken shards of metal and thick reeds from the nearby lake, Throwing knives and stars, made from stone he carved and sharpened. bows out of twine and fallen tree branches he had wheedled down into a strong arch.

He was also very protective of his older sister and his mother. Constantly at one or both of their sides to make sure perverted older mend and young, hormonal boys around his age stayed away from them, especially in their heats.

Now his sister, was a bit different. Mari was very smart, and calculating, always thinking things through before acting. She was also very conniving and silver tongued, talking some of the younger men who went on hunts into bringing back an extra fish, or sneaking her another boar's leg when she wanted them to. Her beauty was a mix of her mother and father. She was tall, like her father, but the rosettes and patterns and the deeper orange color of her fur resembled more along the lines of her mothers. Mari's hair was silky and blacker than ink, as well as it ran down the length of her back to stop at the middle of her spine. Her eyes were a vibrant, piercing green, much like her mothers, but they also had a bit of blue in them as well. While brave, like her brother, and almost as strong, Mari was a bit more selfish, and she thrived to make tools to make it easier for their mother to gather all sorts of plants with. She also loved to make clothing when she had the time, never letting anyone see her but at her best. She never let her tail touch the ground, and was very lady like outside of home.

Inside however, was another matter. She would on more than one occasion walk around naked around the house, like some of the other villagers did. It constantly flustered her brother, who was still going through puberty, and couldn't keep his eyes off of his beautiful sister's body at times as she walked past, causing him to have to hide out in his room for many hours of the day, to avoid her.

One of her favorite things to do, was in fact torment her younger brother, tricking him into doing things like her chores around the house and embarrassing him at times as well. Mari was very manipulative when she wanted to be. She would trick him by saying things like: "What kind of warrior are you, I bet you couldn't even carry all of our laundry from the lake back to the house, runt" And other things. And though she did play pranks, Mari loved Sana deeply, caring for him when their mother left the house and she was almost as protective of him as he was her.

Today, their mother, Vevani would be going on a gathering trip for some days, leaving the two on their own for the time. "Now Sana, I want you to make sure you do as your sister tells you, and while I'm gone, don't play with your tools unless you have one of the elder hunters watching you." Vevani said, her voice stern and strong as she told her son what to do. Sana gave an exasperated whine. "Mother! The elder hunters are so strict when it comes to training." he corrected her. "They make you do so many exercises, you can barely even pick up a dagger made from a leaf! How am I supposed to be a hunter with no experience with the tools?" Sana complained. Vevani shook her head no, her mostly black hair (now peppered with some gray strands) waving back and forth as she did. "I don't care. Without me around to watch you and care for you if you're hurt, it's either them, or no training at all!" Vevani said.

Sana sighed and nodded, falling back. "And Mari, take good care of your brother, make sure he does what you tell him and follows my orders. And don't forget to make him eat all of his dinner, vegetables included. You do as well" Vevani instructed. Sana groaned from behind at this. Mari only nodded and waited for more orders. "You both still have to do chores, and if you run out of food, go to Leyara, the old tigress two huts down. She will give you more if you do run out." she informed them. "Yes mother," Mari said obediently. Next, as she slipped her foot-paws into the moccasins she herself had made, Vevani sighed and gave a small smile. "And please, no tricks, from either of you. Behave and be nice to one another"

"We will mother," Sana assured her, his tail swishing from left to right behind him.

"Be safe!" Mari called just as their mother exited their home.

When Mari turned around, she saw her brother walking back towards their shared room. "Where are you going now?" she asked, tilting her head slightly as she watched him. The young male ocelot turned to face his sister and yawned. "To bed. It's still too early for anything right now, and I'm still tired." He answered and continued to travel back to bed. Mari yawned as well and sighed, looking around. "I guess you're right. It is still dark.. You mind if I sleep in your bed with you?" she asked. Sana's only reply was a sigh then a mumble of: "Just don't snore.." As he trudged forward into their room. Mari giggled lightly before taking off the velvet bra and panties she wore and followed after her younger brother.

As one would expect from the likes of the Hinabi tribe, this was not a wasteful village. The beds were made of the sewn together hide's of feral bovids such as waterbuck, and lechwe and stuffed with the feathers from birds. Their blanket's were the warm, thick, soft pelts of feral gorillas who also inhabited the valley. And pillows, well pillows were also stuffed from bird feathers, but could be made with either cloth, the same hide as the bovids, or bunches of rodents, like Capybara or common rats.

Sana's pillow was made from Capybara and soft as he lied his head down upon it, bunched up beneath the thick cover. When he looked over to see his sister crawling in with him, his eyes widened and his cheeks took on a rosy tint beneath his fur. "What are you doing?!" He squeaked, unable to take his eyes off of his sisters nude form. "What? You said I could sleep with you, did you not?" She asked with a tired smirk on her face. "Yes but..not naked!" Sana responded, finally able to tear his eyes away from the marvelous sight and look up at the straw and mud ceiling, outwardly covered by many animal pelts to be protected by the rain and cold. "What, is big bad Sana too nervous to be around a naked girl?" Mari teased. He blushed more and shook his head. "No! I'm not..I just..Whatever. Just don't snore." Sana stated again before turning his back to his older, provocative sister and closing his eyes. Tiredly, Mari lay down beside him, Closing her eyes and draping her arm around her little brother, pulling him closer to her till his back was against her supple chest. "Mnh..Cuddle me Sana.." Mari said as she slowly began to drift off to rest.

Sana however, was wide awake and wide eyed. He was trying to hide his erect fur-hood, which was jutting out forward, barbed and rocket red. He desperately prayed to the spirits that they would calm his nerves as he closed his eyes. He felt her hot breath, gently tickling his ear and making it twitch, Her hear beat against his back, the feel of her admirably large chest pressing against his back, her unique, cinnamon-like scent, and of course, that heat which radiated from her body, as her arm, which was resting upon his stomach was slowly losing it's grip on him, as Mari's grip on consciousness began to fade more and more.

Sana began to think to himself. "When did she first start getting so beautiful?" He asked the voices in his head. He then remembered: Around when she was twelve and him eleven, when her body had first begun to take it's path towards womanhood. Her body was slender, her chest was just beginning to grow. He also remembered her rear began to round out lightly and her hips widened, as well as those long legs of hers becoming sleek, and her fur began to become shinier, and she lost that extra poofiness which came with all cubs. Her body continued to grow into what it was now: A round, curvy rump, slender waist, their father's slim build, and her chest was a D-cup, two sizes larger than her mother! He could only guess that it came from the women of father's side of the family.

He was shocked out of his thoughts when the unthinkable happened. As her grip loosened, her paw would slowly move downward, as was the effects of gravity. But he had payed no mind to it as he was to distracted by his pulsating member and his thoughts about her. But now, that paw, that was just innocently slipping down, had came to rest upon his erection. He at first began to panic, thinking if she woke up in this moment, she would blame him for her paw being on his private area, but then he began to notice how soft and gentle her touch was against his throbbing length was. He shook those thoughts away and began to gently lift her paw with his own, and place it back on his chest. He sighed, partially in relief, partially in frustration with his young body and it's urges. After some minutes he began to drift off into the land of dreams and slept peacefully through the night.

Or so he had hoped. It seemed, even in dream state, (As the people of the Hinabi called it) His beautiful sister consumed his mind.

Sana's dream:

He was outside, taking a bath in the stream which ran off from the lake, when suddenly, he heard Mari giggling behind him. When he turned to face her, she dove at him, tackling him into the shallow river. But in his dream, the river seemed to be a vast, deep ocean as in her embrace, he continued to plunge down into the crystal blue waters. When he opened his eyes, he was captivated by what happened next. Her soft, silky paw had cupped his cheek and he was pulled closer to her. Sana didn't know what to do, but it seemed that Mari did, as she leaned in, and captured his lips in hers, as her long, luxurious, dark hair floated around them.

He had closed his eyes and accepted the kiss, allowing his tongue to reach out and graze her bottom lip. Her own tongue ventured out to greet his and they fought for dominance in the kiss. It was now that Sana noticed something, he felt as if his air was being stolen! He backed away from her slightly, and even though he was under water, he felt as if he was breathing the crisp, earthy air that filled their village. He was soon to realize: Nothing could take his breath away. Not even water! Nothing that is, except Mari.


Sana awoke with a start, he looked about him, seeing the rays of light peeking in from the bottom of their hut, through the straws and breaks in the mud. He realized he must have been asleep for a few hours or so. He sat up, yawning and stretching out his arms, hearing his joint's pop and relax. Mari poked her head into their room and called for him. "Hurry up moss head, I already set up breakfast!" and with that, her head exited the room. Sana grumbled in irritation at the nickname many of the villagers called him. As he got up, he couldn't help but remember the recent dream. "I need to control myself." Sana mumbled to nobody in particular. He simply chalked up the dream as his hormones playing games with his mind again. He knew he would have to get it under control and quickly, because Mari would be going into heat again soon. Probably by tomorrow.

When he entered their kitchen, he saw two wooden bowls. One was filled to the top with fish their mother had cooked the night before, and the other had some already peeled oranges, a few wild berries, and strawberries, all resting on some mint leaves which were pretty hard to find around the valley. He saw his sister sitting down on one of the mats she had rolled out and enjoying a bit of smoked fish. "Come, sit moss head! Before I eat it all." Mari joked and pointed to the mat across from her. "How many times have I told you not to call me that?" Sana asked as he sat down across from her. He took the bowl of fruit and grabbed one of the mangoes from the middle and took a big bite out of it, smearing the sweet fruit's juices across his muzzle and matting down his fur.

Mari laughed as she tossed a cloth at his face. "You eat like our ancestors, you pig!" She said between giggles. "I do not!" He replied as he grinned and purposefully made loud, wet, smacking sounds as he gobbled down more of the mango. He wiped his face free of the delicious fruit's nectar and pointed to the fish bowl. She sighed and pushed it within his reach. "You could learn some manners and say please for once." Mari noted as he nibbled on bits of the fish, chewing with his mouth closed and acting polite now. "Okay, please go put some clothes on." Sana requested as he stared down at his food, to keep from staring at her chest as hungrily as he was the fish.

"I have to any way, I was gonna go down to Seera's place to talk with her and all my other friends. What about you?" Mari asked as she stood up in front of her brother. "I think I will train with one of the elder hunters and try and last long enough to try my hand at the bow again." Sana replied as he looked up. His eyes slowly traveled up his sisters silky legs, to rest on her private treasure. Her lower lips were puffy and did well to hide most of her flesh, but still showed enough so he could see some of her bubblegum pink flesh beneath her fur, as well as some of her clitoral hood. He lost his thoughts as he couldn't do much but stare, maw agape as he watched her young, virgin slit. He also noticed the green pubic fur just above her beautiful cunny, perfectly, and neatly trimmed into an arrow, pointing down at it. "So, she has father's hair too.." Sana noticed.

"Oi, little brother, you home?" Mari questioned as she leaned down, knocking on Sana's forehead. He was wrenched out of his trance-like state as he brought his sharp blue eyes up to meet his sister's green ones. He blushed immensely as he tried to quickly think up a lie. "Oh, sorry Mari, I was just thinking about..Um..The training, and how tough it's gonna be. Mari chuckled and stood up to her full height as she began to walk away. "Don't worry about it Sana, you are a strong boy, you can handle it." she remarked before disappearing into their room.

Sana looked down to see his bright red cock tip beginning to peek out of it's furry sheath. He sighed and willed it back down, while mentally cursing himself. He knew today would be a very long day.

Some hours later, he went down to the river, where elder Tanko could usually be found, sitting with a fishing spear in hand, intensely staring at the waters. People knew he liked to fish, but rarely ever saw him return home with anything larger than his paw. Tanko was a bobcat with graying fur, and a long beard. His large muscular build made him popular with some of the older women and even a few of the young brides-to-be. He had one good brown eye, the other was scarred and had cataracts, though nobody really knew how. Some speculated it was from a hunting trip gone wrong. Others thought it was the spirits angry at him for being so lazy, but even more thought it was a tribe that caught him off guard on his own.

Today, he sat with a hunting spear and a large plank made from tree bark, and it was piled with large fish! Sana could hardly believe old Tanko could be able to catch this many fish, and ones of such great sizes! "Um Elder Tanko, may I have a moment with you?" Sana asked the forty-something old bobcat. Tanko looked up with his good eye to get a good look at Sana before smiling and walking up to him. "Ah, Sana-boy! It is good to see you. How are you, and your family?" Tanko asked in a gruff, yet cheerful voice.

Sana smiled at the old cat and shook his head. "We are all fine, my mother is out with the rest of the women on a trip, she left me in my sisters care while she's away." Sana informed the male. Tanko nodded as he tied a strong twine through a hole in the plank which held his fish, and began to tug it down towards the village. "Ah, I see. So, what are you here for? You are usually with your sister or your mother, or one of your friends. Rare to see you alone." Tanko said. "Well, my mother said I wasn't allowed to train to hunt without an elder watching over me, so I came to ask if you would train me for a little while?" Sana asked, looking up at the older feline.

"Of course I will! You know I love spending time with you, Sana-boy!" Tanko answered.

No wonder this man was Sana's favorite elder; he wasn't as stuffy and stiff as the rest of them.

Back at the village, Mari was with her friends, Seera, a seventeen year old snow leopard, Siri, a fifteen year old panthress, and Lycee, a sixteen year old ocelot. "So, Siri, is it true your father might take a spot as an elder next year?" Lycee asked while stripping free of her clothes. The rest of the group did the same and began to wade into the lake. "Yes, because the shaman elder is getting sick, and getting on in age, they decided my father would take his place in the next year, so he has been praying to the spirits to help him be as good a shaman as his great grandfather." Siri responded as she sat down on the soft silt beneath the water. "How amazing! I would love for my dad to be in line to become an elder!" Seera exclaimed.

Mari simply stared down into the water, watching fish swim past them. Lycee saw Mari's sadness when it came to this topic and quickly changed it. "I heard Kebi has had his eye on you Mari, any input?" she asked the cheetah, who quickly brought her head up at the mention of her name. "What, Kebi? No." Mari said, making gagging sounds to show her disgust. Seera frowned lightly before playfully splashing Mari. "What's wrong with Kebi?" she asked the cheetah, while raising her arms to block her friend's splashing back.

"He is so rude and perverted, he is arrogant as well.." Mari began to list the male's many faults. "And he tried to pick a fight with her younger brother, Sana!" Siri put in. "Oh yeaaah." Seera remembered.

Back some months ago, Kebi tried to pick on Sana, calling him mint head, runt, and talking ill of his father, as well as going on about how good Mari looked. Sana had snapped and beat the guy so badly, his friends had to carry him away because he couldn't even stand straight. It wasn't the fact that Kebi was making fun of him, but his father and sister. Family was a topic you had to tread very lightly with when it came to that cheetah. Even though he was short, he was as strong, or possibly even stronger than any of the other boys around his age. Older or younger.

"Oh, I almost forgot about that. Her brother is really starting to grow up, isn't he?" Seera mentioned. "Now that you mention it, he is kind of cute." Siri said. Mari thought for a moment. "He is beginning to grow isn't he?" She was rocked out of her thoughts by Lycee's squealing and laughing. She had just been dunked under the water by Seera. She then waded over to aid her, laughing and having fun as they bathed.

Sana had taken the twine from Tanko and was dragging the plank down towards the village before pausing and staring over at a thick bush. Tanko looked over at him then where he was staring to, and understood why. Hiding in the brush, was a set of orange and black stripes. It was Kebi, spying on something or someone. It didn't take long for the bobcat and cheetah to realize what he was spying on when they heard Mari's voice squealing, along with some other female's, followed by splashing. Sana couldn't believe it! That sick pervert was watching his sister bathe! He wouldn't let Kebi get away with that. He set the plank down and began to march forward.

He was stopped by a strong paw on his shoulder and a light squeeze from it. He turned to see Tanko pressing his finger to his lips, motioning for Sana to be silent. Sana nodded and began to creep up silently behind the tiger, who was happily peeping in on the girls enjoying their bath. When Sana was close enough to hear Kebi's breath, which was heavy as he rubbed his erection through his loin cloth, he pounced. His paws lashed out quickly, one clamping Kebi's muzzle shut and the other wrenching his arm behind his back and forcing it upward. All with Kebi to shocked to make a sound. Tanko simply watched, making sure nobody got too seriously hurt, and in case Sana needed a helping hand.

Sana's cold blue eyes took on a deadly glare as he said quiet enough to where only Kebi could hear. "Move without my permission, I break your arm. Make a sound without my permission, I crush your muzzle, do you understand me?" Kebi quickly nodded, his yellow eyes wide with shock and anger. "Stand" Sana ordered. The tiger did as he was ordered, and stood up, a full foot above Sana, but still, it hardly mattered to him. "Now, walk forward so they can see you." Sana said with a hiss in his voice.

Tanko was enjoying watching the cheetah take charge, much like his father would when he hunted. Kebi reluctantly stepped out, still with his erection. At first, Mari and the others hadn't noticed them, but after some moments..

"Hey! What are you doing here?!" Seera shrieked. While the girls covered themselves, Sana shoved Kebi to the ground, having his head face the ground as he seemingly towered over the larger tiger. Mari saw her brother as she crossed her arms over her chest and questions began to rise. "Sana, what's going on?" She asked, causing all the girls to stare at her brother in confusion. "Kebi was watching you wash yourselves and he seemed to be enjoying it." Sana answered blatantly, nodding downward towards the other male's erection. "So I brought him out to apologize." he continued.

Everyone looked down at Kebi and Sana kicked him in the back to get him talking. "I..I'm sorry, it was wrong of me to try and watch you, I will never do it again." Kebi apologized, gritting his teeth in shame. Not shame of his actions, but in shame of getting caught. "You stay away from my sister. And her friends. Now go, before I decide to tell the elders." Sana commanded. His steely blue eyes flashed with scorn, which was all Kebi needed to get moving, in a flash, the orange and black streak was tearing through the bushes and into the village.

Sana sighed as he looked at all of their faces. "All of you get dressed. I don't want him coming back when I'm around." he instructed while turning away from them and going back to walk with Tanko. Mari and Seera giggled at her brother's sudden "Do as I say" attitude, where as Lycee and Siri blushed, still shy to have a boy around them while naked. "He really has begun to grow.." Mari thought to herself as she rose from the water once he had gone. Back with Tanko and Sana, there wasn't much small talk to be had,

"Sana-boy! You were amazing! Haha, I'm proud of you. You really put that Kebi in his place. You were perfectly silent! And I am so surprised at how you controlled your anger!" Tanko praised him. Sana smiled and rubbed the back of his neck as he laughed. "Yeah, I'm glad you stopped me when you did at first! I probably would have made enough noise to warn wild hogs some miles away! And it was hard to contain myself Elder Tanko, but I did!" Sana exclaimed. Tanko laughed his jolly, raunchy laugh and patted Sana on the back. "Oh child, just call me plain old Tanko. You are my favorite cheetah around, you don't have to be so formal like the council when it's just you and me," Tanko told him. Sana grinned as he nodded. "Alright, Old Tanko." Sana said while laughing. Tanko growled and gave a playful frown before laughing and swatting at the younger male's head.

Sana easily ducked the feeble attack with a smile. "Hey, Old Tanko, I really don't feel like training today anymore..You think you could come by my house some time tomorrow afternoon?" Sana asked, watching the sky take it's mixed hue of orange, yellow, scarlet, and violet. Tanko nodded and looked up to see his wife, a serval woman named Nelai waving to him. "Sure, Sana-boy. Just come to my house and me and Nelai will fill you up before we train." Tanko replied, his one good eye fixed onto Sana, as the he handed over the twine which was tied around the plank full of fish. "I'll look forward to it!" Sana exclaimed before turning to enter his hut. "Oh, Sana-boy! One last thing!" the old bobcat called. Sana turned to look at the elder hunter. "Yes?"

"Make sure you take care of that sister of yours. She will be going into heat very soon, if I'm not wrong" Tanko advised. And with that, he continued on down the dirt road, headed towards his house. Sana stood there for a moment.

How did Tanko know about his sister's heat? Could he tell by her scent? No, it would be too early for her scent to tell of her heat. Maybe it was her body language, or something in her voice? Sana shook his head, realizing none of that was particularly important right now. Tanko's words rang truth. He knew his sister would be vulnerable to any male who would just use her then toss her away like a broken arrowhead. It was his job to protect and care for his sister! He would let no other male touch her. With that in mind, he went inside his home to see if she had made it in alright. "Mari, are you home?" the young cheetah called out as he went to the bucket they used to hold water and took the ladle to scoop up some to drink. As he slurped down the cool, refreshing liquid, he heard his sister's voice return his call. "Yes Sana, I'm here. I'm in our room."

Sana dropped the ladle into the bucket and walked down into their shared room. Before he even saw his sister, the strong, feminine scent of cinnamon wafted into his nostrils. He felt slightly dizzy, but shook his head clear. He saw Mari, sitting with two bucket's of red and white paint at her side, and her body was covered in their tribal markings. Her arms and wrists had been painted with white bands which looped their way up to her shoulders, which were completely painted white. Her cheeks had three small red dots in a triangular shape painted on them, and her eyes had red paint lining them. From the start of the white fur at her collar bone, was painted a long red line, which ran from her collar bone , down between her bountiful cleavage, and formed a little ring around her belly button, before continuing down, only to disappear into her long skirt, and was dotted with white specks the entire way down.. He suddenly wished he could see where that tempting trail of paint ended. "What are you doing?" Sana asked her, standing in the doorway as he stared. "Painting." Mari replied, motioning with her free paw the two paint buckets and the brush in her other.

"I can see that, but what for?" he asked her, stepping in and sitting at his bed as he watched her paint herself. "I just felt like it for some reason. Is that okay with you?" She asked with a smirk. "Just make sure you don't get it everywhere. Mother will be angry if she finds out you made a mess." the young boy said, looking at the paint as it sat near the foot of her bed. Mari grinned slowly as she dipped her index finger into the white paint and stood up, stepping over to her younger sibling and dabbing it onto his nose; she left a print from the pad of her finger right on the middle of his small black nose. "Hey! Stop that!" Sana growled as he bent down to use his loin cloth to wipe the paint off, unintentionally giving his sister a clear view of his sizable sheath and his furry sac beneath it. She watched him, her breath hitched in her chest as she stared at his male bits. When his cloth fell back over his privates, she looked up to see he still had a bit of paint wiped on his nose. "Here, you still got some moss head." Mari said while leaning forward, gently licking Sana's nose in one slow, soft flick of her tongue, lapping up the remaining paint.

Sana was wrong. He thought his sister's heat would start by tomorrow, when in actuality, it had started just after her bath had finished. It explained the unusually strong scent of his sister when he entered the room. "Um..Mari, are you feeling alright?" Sana questioned as he scooted back some, cheeks hot and eyes wide. That almost dizzying smell came back hard against his nostrils the closer his sister got. Mari giggled and sat back on her bed. "Of course I am. I was just getting off the paint." she replied casually. Sana was beginning to suspect it was more than that but stayed silent on the issue.

"Sana, I've noticed something about you recently. You have been growing up a lot. You've become more responsible, strong, kind, and very good looking. Soon it will be time for you to find a wife." Mari said, looking at her bed as she did so. "Yeah, I guess so.." Sana said. He felt a bit uncomfortable talking about this with his sister, especially after all of the event's that had gone on with them recently. "Sana, do you even like girls?" Mari asked, grinning at the thought of her baby brother having feelings for a boy. Sana's head snapped up, his eyes locked onto hers as he growled. "Of course I do!" He snapped at her. "You should know, all the times you get me hard.." Sana thought to himself. He shook his head lightly. Where had that come from? Either way, he continued to glare at his smirking sister. "I don't know, you do seem to hang around a lot of boys in the tribe. Maybe you do have a little crush on that cheetah, Banno, or maybe that young lion. What's his name?" Mari continued to taunt the flustered cheetah, making his tail lash out in irritation behind him.

He growled and got up, quickly tackling his sister to the bed and pinning her arms above her with him sitting right above her waist. "I do not have a crush on Zeeza!" Sana yelled in her face. The whole time, Mari continued to smirk and look up at her brother with an alluring stare. "Then prove it." that was all she said. Sana looked at her in confusion. "What?" he asked, canting his head slightly. "Prove it. Kiss me. Kiss me, and I won't tell everyone you like boys." Mari said, latching her arms around her brother's back as she looked up at him.

It was only now that Sana really took notice of the position they were in. Their faces were barely two inches apart, his knee was between her thighs, almost at her slit and had hitched the dress up high enough so that he could she that she had painted her inner thighs as well, their bodies were also tightly pressed together. He could feel the heat emanating from her feline snatch as he lay there, on top of her. "I-I can't do that! You're my sister!" he said as he tried to pull away from his sister's embrace. She would have none of it as she kept him locked in place, beginning to push up to bring their muzzles closer. "It doesn't really matter, does it? You've been so good to me, and mother, you haven't even really had time to look for a good wife. So, I just want to repay you for your efforts. And besides, I can help you get prepared for when you do find a good wife." She said, the whole time bringing their lips closer and closer together. Sana didn't think for too long about it. She was actually right, and he would eventually have to learn to please a woman..

"Nobody will find out about this?" Sana asked. "Only us, and the spirits who watch Sana." Mari told him. Without anymore hesitation, their lips touched, bringing them into a deep, gentle kiss. Mari slowly moved her lips against Sana's and he copied her movements, before putting his own unique spin on them. He gently nibbled along her bottom lip from time to time, earning himself a gasp from his sister. When she let her tongue scrape his lips softly, he opened them wider, to allow her rough tongue to slip inside. His own tongue ventured out to explore her mouth. They continued like this for some time before they pulled away to breath. Sana had heard from older boys that women like it when they kissed down their necks. So, he leaned in, closing his eyes once more and planting soft, gentle kisses along her neck.

Mari let off soft, barely audible moans of approval as he gently nibbled at her collar bone. She released her brother for a quick moment to remove her bra, letting the article of clothing drop down to the floor. Sana pulled away from her neck to stare at her perfectly round, perky, ample chest. She had painted a red circle around both of her breasts, her stiff pink nipples directly in the center of both circles. He immediately attacked her large chest on instinct, enclosing his lips around one nipple while using his right paw to play with the other. He massaged and kneaded her breast with that paw, using his nimble fingers to delicately twist and pull at her nipple. His mouth worked on the other, suckling on her breast while using his rough tongue to trace circles around the hard nub. His sharp teeth teasingly nibbled at it, bringing his sisters moans to a higher pitch.

While he had his fun, Mari slid her paw down his well sculpted chest and abs to find his groin. She popped out her claws, easily snipping the annoying cloth away from her objective. She lightly cupped Sana's swollen sheath in her paw. Mari gently rubbed it up and down in slow motions, coaxing her brothers barbed member to come out to play. She was impressed by the eleven inch dick her brother possessed and took her time getting familiar with it as he continued to assault her chest.

She gently rubbed her thumb up and down the underside of his tip while her finger pads gently massaged his thick ruby red shaft. Sana's barbs flared lightly when she squeezed at his base, and he moaned around her nipple, bringing a whimper of delight from Mari's own lips. Sana decided it would be rude to not return the favor and allowed his left paw to slowly trace the red line down her body, before reaching up her skirt, cupping her hot, slightly moist pussy. He felt her puffy lips quiver as he ran his middle finger between them. As he explored her virgin flower, he found she responded most when he touched higher up, on (unknown to him) her clit. Sana felt his sisters love button peaking out from it's hood and focused his touch there, rubbing in precise, small circles. "Ooh, Sana..Yes! I like it when you touch me there, give me more!" Mari moaned into her brother's ear.

She knew this wouldn't be enough to sate the burning intensity she felt for long and decided to handle it right away. Using her surprising amount of strength, she rolled her brother beneath her, and flipped around, so her wet cunt was directly in his face. "Lick me Sana!" Mari ordered while she gripped his length in her left paw while cupping his furry balls beneath it. Doing as she asked, Sana obediently began to lick at her slick honey pot. He noticed that she tasted like cinnamon spiced apples. He spread her outer lips and used his rough feline tongue to pleasure his sister as best as he could.

Mari panted and gave a lusty growl as she looked back over her shoulder at Sana while she proceeded to pump his cock with her paws. "Oh yes baby brother that feels so good!" She groaned before leaning down to return the favor. Her lips captured his tip, tasting the small clear pearl of pre-cum which beaded from the eye of his cock. She moaned around his throbbing dick, sending waves of pleasure racing up Sana's spine. Her skilled tongue slowly lapped and teased the underside of his crown. Slowly, she slid her head down further, taking in more of his meaty length as it came. Her tongue ran between his barbs and she began to bob her head up and down, each time she went down, her paw squeezed his base, causing the barbs to flare in her mouth. She drooled around him, coating his spire in her saliva. All the while, she moaned from her brother pleasing her from behind, adding more pleasure to him.

Sana was getting better with each passing second. He learned to suckle on her clit and slide two fingers inside of her wet hole, pistoning them in and out, curling them along the way to rub against that slightly rougher patch of flesh that would be her G-spot. His raspy tongue made her quiver with each lick to her absolutely dripping pussy. The fur on his face was matted down and shone with her feminine essence. Sana moaned into her snatch as she worked his cock. "Mph, Mari, your mouth is so warm around me.." he groaned. "I'm g-gonna cum soon.." He warned her.

Immediately, Mari sat up, pulling her lips away from his member and allowing him to feel the cool air outside her mouth. "Not yet, there is still one more thing we need to do." She said with a grin. Sana panted and smiled, looking up at his devious sister. She scooted down so that her hot vent would line up with his nicely lubed cock. She was still facing away from him so he could happily view hew round ass grind and bounce. "Wait..Are you sure you want your first time to be..With me?" Sana asked her before she plunged herself onto his rod. Mari smiled at her brother. Always trying to protect her. "Sara, I love you. You know I wouldn't be doing this if I didn't feel that way." Mari assured him before dropping down, quickly breaking her barrier and stealing both their virginity's. "Aah!" she cried out in pain, holding completely still. Hearing her cry, Sana shot straight up, immediately wrapping his arms around her.

"I'm okay, it'll be over soon.." Mari assured the young cheetah, whimpering for a few moments. After a while, the pain faded and Mari lightly pushed him back down. "I'm ready." she said softly with a smile. Nodding, Sana gripped her hips, lifting her up and slowly bringing her back down, enjoying the tight feel of her warm, velvety, wet inner walls hugging his young meat. She groaned lightly as she felt his barbs pluck at her inner muscles, stimulating her as time went by. She felt his strong paws guide her hips and helped him along, rolling them against his and raising her body up before moving back down.

With a nod from her, Sana began to go faster, pushing his own hips up to meet hers when she came down. Each of his barbs were making themselves known by her as he slid out, and thrust forward. He moaned, having never felt a pleasure like this before. "Oh Mari.." He panted as she wiggled her hips each time she came down upon his thick, pulsating cock. "Please, Sana, take me now. Go faster," She pleaded, leaning forward so her breasts were against the bed. Sana got up, pulling himself out and re-positioning on his knees behind her so she would be bent before him. With no warning, he speared into her again and held onto her hips, using them to help his momentum as he slid in and out of her, the wet sound of his cock, smacking back inside his sister echoed within the room, followed by their combined moans.

Mari pushed her hips back to help out a little, feeling his tip lightly ram against her cervix as he hit in deep. Sana growled with lustful urgency as he sped up, slamming his hips forward and burying his pole inside of her, over and over. One of his paws grabbed her tail to keep his grip as the other reached around her powerful thighs, finding her clitoris once again and began to pinch and rub at it vigorously. "Oh, yes Sana! Just like that! Give it to me just like that!" Mari wailed, not loud enough to be heard outside their home. Sana panted as he watched his balls slap against her each thrust inward and the way her deliciously round ass jiggled with the impact. "Gods Mari you are so tight and hot!" He stated as he pounded relentlessly into his sister, driving her front deeper into her bed. Mari could only clutch at her blankets and scream into her pillow to keep the rest of the village to hear their rutting as he pistoned his cock into her like an oil derrick on overdrive.

Sana's barbed length raked over every inch inside of her greedy twat, feeling the heat surge from her pussy as her sweet nectar coated his balls, cock and her thighs and crotch. He didn't care who heard him now as he snarled down to his sister, swiftly delivering a slap to her rump as his hips battered into hers. Her outer lips were being bruised from the ever continuing onslaught on her cunny and her cervical held up no better as his cock tip plowed through it and entered her womb. She was being shoved closer and closer to her euphoric ending as he worked her clit as well. "Oh! Oh! Sana! I'm so close, please don't stop! Don't stop little brother.." She could do little else besides try not to drool too much and clutch at her sheets.

With a few more slams of his length inside of her, she squealed into her pillow as a rush of her cum splattered out, staining her bed, her thighs, his cock, his balls and his lower waist in general. Sana wasn't far off now, he powered through her orgasm, jack hammering into her convulsing pussy as it tried to milk him for his seed. "Oh Sana! Stop, stop stop! It's too good! Wait a second!" She pleaded as he mercilessly dominated her. Her words fell on deaf ears as he plowed forward, trying to reach his own orgasm as he panted. His eyes were shut tight in concentration as his barbed, violently pulsating cock drove into his sister faster and faster, despite her halfhearted pleas.

"Sana! Wait!" She screamed as her oversensitive cunt was being fucked into her second orgasm already. "I'm gonna cum!" Sana finally roared as he pulled out, holding his slippery tool in his paws and fired a rope of virile, white, hot, creamy cum right onto Mari's quivering box. It splattered onto her outer lips before he moved it upwards, painting her ass, and the small of her back with his creamy sperm.

By now, the paint Mari wore was smeared and smudged with their sweat as she panted, finally allowing her rump to fall flat on her bed, with Sana soon to follow. "That was..Fantastic" Sana panted, smiling over to his sister, who returned his smile. "You were so big, and rough too." She added, giving a small giggle. Sana blushed and chuckled lightly. "Yeah, sorry about that.. I just couldn't help myself" he said, pulling his sister close to kiss her on the nose. Mari smiled and returned the kiss before looking at him in confusion as he started to grin. "What? What is it?" she asked. "Ready to go again?" Was his reply. "What?!" Mari squeaked, looking at him in disbelief. She couldn't possibly handle two rounds with her beast of a brother in one night. "Haha! I'm only joking. You should have seen your face." Sana said, snickering at his sister. She growled and punched him in the arm playfully. "Whatever. I'm too tired to beat you up right now.." She said, giving a small yawn.

Sana followed suite and yawned as well, turning over in her bed, and bundling up beneath the thick blanket. "Cuddle with me Sana.." Mari requested as she slowly began to drift off, wrapping her arm around her brothers chest. This time, Sana happily turned around and embraced her, nuzzling into her neck as they slowly fell into dream state in each other's arms peacefully for the rest of the night

Well, that was it! 8000+ words. I hope everyone enjoyed it, though I know some might have preferred something different. I'd like to hear your opinions on the story! I am writing it for you all anyways. Please, try not to bash the story _too_hard. I forgotten to mention earlier: Thank you SoFurry Community for having me here! I hope to continue writing for you all. Rate's and review's would be appreciated greatly. Goodbye! Auf Wheidersen! Adios! Shalom! Bon Voyage! And all the wonderful languages in between!