The Hunter and Her Prey

Story by MeiTow on SoFurry

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The normal junk. If you are too young to be reading this click the back button on your browser. If not, I hope you enjoy. ? As always comments welcome. Leave them at the bottom of the story or email me at [email protected]

Yellow eyes stared at the full moon, pieces of it missing as the leaves of the canopy dotted across it's pocked surface. The black tail swished in agitation and the wolfess growled softly to herself. The scent of her prey was nowhere to be found and she chided herself for letting it get lost in the wind. The thick forest keeping her grounded from the air, she began to move around in a wide circle from her current point, hoping to pick the scent up again. The furred ears swiveled and the black nose kept to the wind as she surveyed her surroundings. She moved through the forest carefully and silently, keeping herself downwind as she came onto a clearing. Her eyes widened as she saw what she sought. He was on his knees in front of a small pond in the middle of the clearing, his brown muzzle lapping at the water, marring it's perfect surface. She noticed his large ears turning this way and that, listening for her. His body was tense, ready to sprint away on those damned cloven hooves of his. She crept up closer to him, allowing the shadows of the forest to hide her body, her black fur blending in totally. She flashed a toothy grin as she inched with springing distance of him and then she pounced! Grabbing him around his middle and knocking the big buck onto the dewy grass.

"MeiTow, what a pleasant surprise..." the big buck didn't move but only grinned up at her as she easily rolled him over. She eyed him up and down, his lean body all muscle. The gentle curve of his long neck rolled down into his strong shoulders, the white neckfur disappearing tantalizingly beneath the collar of his shirt. She grinned back at him as she spoke.

"Mariner. It is a pleasure to see you again." The deer licked her cheekfur in greeting and sighed.

"Well, it would appear you got your prey this evening. What is it you intend to do with him?" He smiled again as he lay his head back on the soft grass, a hand running softly up one of her thighs. She mirred as his fingers traced lines on the leather of her tight pants. She brought her muzzle down to his to kiss him softly as she began to undo his shirt, exposing more and more of his chest and belly until finally he was free of the restraint. His nipples reacting instantly to the slight breeze of the forest and she smiles as she ran a claw over one of them, making his head arch back a bit as a soft moan escaped his lips.

"I plan on using him for whatever pleases me. Does that bother you?" She licked his neck and down his chest, over an erect nipple and down to his belt line, her tongue slipping slightly below his pant line to dip into his belly button. He shook his head to her question and began to lift the green archer-style top from her body. When her torso was free from her shirt she sat up, her ebony fur blowing slightly in the wind. His fingers traced that fur up her sides around to her belly, up her chest to cup her pert breasts. He squeezed them playfully, his pinky fingers looping through the piercings there and tugging on them slightly. He smiled again as the slight pain of it made her moan. His muscular neck curved as he lifted his head to suckle on her pert nipples, his tongue snaking in and out of the hoops pierced through them. She smiled as he leaned against her, forcing her to the ground as he kissed her body, his hands moving downward to her pants and expertly undoing the several buttons that held them to her hips. She arched her back slightly as he fondled and kissed her, lifting her rear up as he slipped her pants down her legs, his hands running down her thighs and causing her to shiver slightly at his touch. His muzzle moved down her belly and his hands moved to spread her legs apart. He smiled as he moved into place between her legs, his big brown eyes blinking slowly as he admired her pink nether region. The small button between her legs hardening in anticipation. Her head came back and a long low growl-like moan filled the air as Mariner flicked his tongue over that sensitive button. He grinned again as his muzzle went lower, licking around the door to her insides and back up, flicking just fast enough to elicit another moan from her. His hands once again moved up her thighs slowly, teasingly as he began to enjoy his midnight snack of pink flesh. Once they reached her hips his hands went to work. One hand stretching her folds open for better access and more pleasure while the other slipped one and then two fingers into the cavern under his tongue. His own longing stirring in full force as he nibbled and licked his lover, his groin stirring to life, waiting to replace his busy fingers. He knew that he would have to get her off first or else and so he surpressed his urge to take her right then and there and continued to please his Mistress, his ears flicking at her every moan.

She writhed at his every touch and marveled at how well this slave knew her and how to fast her could get the fire in her belly roaring. It wouldn't be long now, they both knew that and she was sure he was making it quick on purpose. She arched her back again as she howled into the forest, her orgasm catching her by surprise and flooding quickly and violently through her body. She rode the waves of her climax, the buck not letting her go until she began to squirm away from his prodding tongue and fingers. She smiled at him as she panted heavily and nodded at his pleading eyes. It wasn't long before he was as naked as she, his hard cock springing upward as his pants slid down his legs. He was on her then, suckling her breasts as his deerhood found its mark. She gasped as he entered her, spreading her wide open and hilting her on the first thrust. That was her favorite part, the first thrust into her tight pussy excited her and she moaned into his large ears. He nibbled on her neck as he began thrusting wildly into her, rubbing her oversensitive clit as he hilted himself time and time again. She moaned, shivering as he pounded away inside her, his hard fast rutting bringing her close to the edge again. His breath quickened and he began to pant slowly at first and then more and more rapidly as he built toward his own climax. The deer was lost in his own instincts, forgetting about the wolf under him being his mistress and only seeing her as his prize. She would have to punish him later but now she would enjoy him. His thrusting became more erratic and faster as his climax came upon him. He bellowed into the night as he gave her his load, spurt after hot spurt of deercum racing into her waiting womb. She howled with him as she clenched down on him, milking him of all he could give, her claws raking long lines into his back. He slumped down upon her heaving chest as he finished filling her insides. Her chest continued to heave for a few moments as her body adjusted back to normal. She suddenly grabbed his throat in her mouth, pressing somewhat hard against his vocal cords, cutting off his breath in his throat. She turned him over and sat atop him, grinding herself down on his semi-hard cock and she growled, vibrating his neck as before releasing him.

"Never let your dick think for you again Mariner or you may not live to regret it. Understand?" Her eyes were cold and she smiled as red blobs popped up where her teeth had been, staining his white fur.

"I humbly apologize Mistress. I don't know what came over me..." his voice trailed off as her intense stare bore into him. He dropped his eyes to look at something else and caught a view of her bouncing breasts as she stood up and waited for him to dress her and then himself. She then cuffed the collar around his neck and led him by his leash out of the forest and back to her house.
