The Witch's House: Chapter 3

Story by Atmik on SoFurry

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#3 of The Witch's House

The quartet reunites, Ambrose hard as ever, Callidus dripping water and Vertos ready to kill.

A short-series, where this is the third chapter. This part of the story contains oral and anal sex, mind-control, minor "violence", sub-ordinance and sexual domination. And a threeway, if that matters to anyone.

As always, any sort of feedback is welcome. Vote, favorite or comment - whatever you wish, be it positive or negative - or just neutral critique of my writing skills. It is appreciated.

I hope you enjoy the read!

Ambrose stared at the dog in the doorway, a long tounge hanging out from the dog's muzzle panting - exhaustion, dripping water on the floor.

"Fuck this house." Callidus shook his head. Upset.

"Wha' happened?" Ambrose asked, running up to the wet dog in front of him, just stepped out of a bath. No. Baths were uncommon outside the brothels. River. "Where's Valens?"

"He - ah. The floor... two rooms back. It..." he gestured with his hands, moving them away from eachother. "Gone, just like that."

"I managed to make it up, out of the water. Fuck knows where Valens went. The floor closed up when I was out."

Ambrose threw his arms around Callidus in comfort, ignoring what was poking his side. He was used to that, and used to comforting customers too. Once, a man paid to use his muzzle. A lot. He was wealthy - dressed in fine linen. The Madam was a woman to haggle when she could, but Ambrose loved her still. Took care of his Mom and took care of him. Her treasures. When the man walked in, Ambrose helped him to undress - he knew that was his duty by then, reminded by his sore bum from when he was dumbfounded by the exquisite dress of the customer before. But the man stopped him, he just wanted to talk. He had a friend with a similar fate as Ambrose's Mom, had a kid too. His kid, he believed. Kid was killed because it would have been a scandal. So they talked and cried, and two months later he was sent to another brothel, owned by the King. He let go of Callidus, and shook, shaking off the water that had been transferred to him.

"Hm. The whore should have gone with you." Vertos rose from the throne and grabbed his junk. "At least he is good at something."

"You fucked?" Callidus looked from Ambrose to Vertos, back to Ambrose.

"You know the King would execute me if I did, but..." he paused in his thought. "But he begged for it." I did not beg for it! Liar. "That slut could not stop; 'Aaah, please! Please fuck me, put tha' donkey in me! I need it!'" Vertos immitated his tone to the pitch. Ambrose looked down in shame as he remembered. I- I guess I did say that.

"Fucking slut. Bet he would hire himself out to whatever ship sailed into the harbor, if he dared. Afraid of the King's wrath."

"I'm standin' right here guys," his voice was shaking a little bit.

"And that fake fucking accent too. Trying to sound like a fucking man when he is the one getting fucked."

It's not fake! "Can't we just continue? There's one door, since Callidus just came through that other one. Maybe Valens made it out of the water somehow, and we'll find him soon. I don't know. Let's just... continue." Ambrose felt himself shaking, not daring to take the initiative to just go, afraid of Vertos' domineering nature. "Please?"

Vertos sighed, looking back at his throne. "Since you stopped faking your voice, we will go," he paused. "You going first, of course."

Ambrose felt the lustful glares at his back, as he swayed his hips towards the door. He moved his tail up, exposing his rear to the two onlookers. It was difficult for him to restrain himself, and so he knew he would need to move quickly. He did not want to disappoint the one whom had taken him under his wing. He needed to get out, soon. The door opened, and the room was dark - Ambrose could trace the walls with his eyes. He moved his gaze to the dog standing outside the door. "Uh, Vertos, Sir? There's only a ladder."

Vertos open his mouth to reply - but Callidus voice shot out first. "Fuck off with the 'sir' - his cock was in your muzzle not 10 minutes past. You're past the bloody formalities."

Vertos turned around to face Callidus - his eyes filled with fire. "I say he continue addressing me as such. The whore should not even call me by name. Is that not right, whore?" Ambrose nodded as fervently as he could muster. "It is his place, his duty. It is what he is here for. It is what he has done. Have you not noticed it? How he tries to manipulate us? Making us fall into that charm of his? I am the leader here, Callidus! Do not speak for me again! Take some cues from the whore, study him and learn your place in this expedition!"

"Study him?"

"Study. His mannerisms, his obedience. And copy."

"Fuck that shit." Vertos stared, bared his teeth and curled his fist, growling. Callidus consented. "Sir."

"That is better. Ambrose," he looked up at the ladder for a second. "- the King must realize that name does not fit a whore, you need another - and climb up the ladder. Callidus, you follow him. I will climb up afterwards."

My name does not fit? Ambrose, if one could call him such, climbed the ladder. 1, 2, 3... And thinking, pondering and wondering whether he should call himself something else. 4, 5, 6... A play on his current name to not forsake his by Mother given name? Rose? 7, 8, 9... No, Rose is a girl's name. 10, 11, 12. He stopped at the top of the ladder, asking: "Sir? What name fits me?"

"Not Ambrose. Now move on up, it is a lovely view, but we need to get to that bitch whore and get out of here."

He heaved himself up, and helped Callidus up as their leader started climbing the ladder. Ambrose looked away and around the room. Another empty room, though the walls had wooden carvings of- he heard a slam behind him, and turned around seeing the trapdoor slammed shut.

"What the fuck? Open the bloody thing, or I will kill you, you sons of bitches!" Vertos' yelling was muffled through the thick trapdoor. He started slamming his fist onto it.

"Fucking hell, we didn't close it! It closed by itself!" Callidus shouted back while trying to budge the door. "Sir"

Vertos stopped banging at the door. "-ah. Of course it did! And you did not drown Valens either! You fucking traitor - you piece of shit! When I get to you and- Who're you? What ar-" Vertos went quiet as a thud was heard a thud from down below.

Ambrose stood there, paralyzed.

"Slut, we need to go! Now!" Ambrose felt a sting on his arm, seeing Callidus holding a... needle of sorts.

The room started spinning around him, slowly, he felt himself being pulled. Heard a door open. The room smelled funny, the walls painted in blue. It soothed him, he felt happy being in the blue room; he brushed against the one who was dragging him's cock and laughed: "Can't we plaaay? Pleaase?" He cooed, and then pouted like a child when he was met with silence. Another door opened soon after, it was dark and he held the hand tightly, "I'm scared." Ambrose bumped into something and they heard something crash onto the floor. Some liquid, slow-running started to surround his toes. Hurry, the voice of the one dragging him sounded, next room! We need to find a door! All he did was laugh. Door, we need to find a door. "Yes door, we need to find a door!" he started singing it, again and again. Shut up, found it, the voice said. They stepped into the room, and he fell to the floor.

Ambrose felt a slap on his muzzle and woke up with a start, his head banging into Callidus. "Ouch, what happened? How'd I get here?" He rubbed at his head.

"Fucking hell, slut. None of that matters. We need to continue, just one more room, alright?"

"Alright," Ambrose replied. He looked around, seeing the room, it was slightly larger than all the other rooms. Similar to the hall when they first walked into the house. Surrounding the walls were plate armor, suited for dogs. Ambrose swore he saw one of them move, but upon second glance it seemed to be still. "Callidus, Sir, I think we are getting close to the witch..."

Callidus looked at him. "Yes."

"How will we... you know... take her out?"

"You mean kill her?" Callidus asked, as if the thought had not crossed his mind. _What is he up to?_He stopped in front of the only other door in the room. "Well, slut, that is none of your concern. Know what? Once we get to her, I will fuck you and I will knot you - and we won't tell the King, how does that sound?"

In response, Ambrose opened the door and stepped inside, Callidus tightly behind him, he heard him close the door. The room was dark, but he saw a woman standing on the far end of the room. He moved back and Callidus pushed past him, running up to the woman with his hands raised high - he embraced her and she embraced him.

Callidus whispered something to her, and she whispered something back. "So, you must be Ambrose the Brave. The survivor. The immortal." The light turned on, and while still holding Callidus in a tight embrace, she smiled at him.

"Ambrose the Brave? I'm a whore, witch. Men buy me to pleasure them." He said, nervous, staring at Callidus. He felt betrayed.

"Charming. A rare treat, anthropomorphic dog, slender and male. Selling sex. Many customers?"

"More than you," he snapped at her mocking tone.

"And cranky too! Have you not been fucked in a while - my friend here says you can never stop thinking about sex, is that so?" her eyes shone bright for a second.

"Are you interested? 2 gold coins, for someone as ugly as you." He gestured to the beautiful woman, come. "Also I can think of things other than fuckin, such as... uh..." His mind came to a blank and the woman whispered to Callidus, and he slinkered away. "Get back here traitor! You promised!"

"I'm sorry." His voice was solemn and sad - he turned around and walked out of one of the back doors.

"He promised?" The witch tilted her head, her eyes quizzical.

"He promised that he would f-" Ambrose corrected himself mid-word,"iiind you, and kill you."

"That is why he asked if he could fuck you? And I said no? He would not dare to defy me, he is not like you. Wasn't even meant to be gay. Do not pretend that you find me ugly - you are not attracted to me, your friend made sure of that, but you do not find me ugly. You want to please me, do as I tell you to. If I tell you to stick your cock into me, you will do that, because you can not resist. But that is not your purpose, and your friend - was it Vertos? - has helped me so kindly. Though he has complicated certain things, and I can't blame him, since he is simply an unknowing accomplice." She stopped her rant for a second, Ambrose staring at her, wondering what had gotten into her head. Should Valens not have let him suck him? Her eyes shone bright again.

He longed to be back in his brothel, used for cheap to whoever would pay, imagining the king paying to use him. That was his dream, to be with the king. He knew he was getting cranky, not having been fucked in a while, and with the witch having used God knows what to make him horny - he was still, he tugged at his cock - the need and longing to be back was worse than ever. He would do anything to go back to that life, to seducing men the way only he could.

"But now, it is time for you to be aware. We need to make a deal."

He blinked, his head hurting, as if another person was in there. At once he noticed the muzzle in front of him. Wha' the... He felt weak, as if he had lost most of his strength - he had. His cock was smaller and it had taken the form of a dog's. He started at his hands - paws. They were paws. Looking up, he saw the woman from the paintings. "What the fuck have you done to me?!" His voice squeeked, his rougher accent gone. Looking at her naked body made him frown. That is not what was making him hard. He needed to be fucked. Badly.

"Oh, I have simply turned you into what can not hurt me, Ambrose. Well, what would not want to hurt me. You have turned into one of the Dogs - as all do who enters my house. I do not need your muscle, and therefore that is gone. Your cock is smaller because a whore should not have a bigger one than his customer's, isn't that right?"

"Right... what?!"

"I'm sure you feel it. You love your new job as a whore, Vertos made sure of that - you remember sucking him off, I'm sure. As for... why changing you. It is simple, there was a prophecy and I knew you would come. According to the prophecy, you were to come here with two others. You would change to a dog - that is inevitable - but you would come here, all three of you reaching this room. It said that you would manage to tie me down, and then you would all take turns fucking me - my armada of others who have changed, dead. Killed. And then I would die. How, I do not know. But you would have, the prophecy said. I did not like that idea.

"This is why I... convinced Callidus, it was always his dream to become a Dog, to join you. That makes you four, already changing the prophecy. And then I decided to turn you gay - because if you are gay, you would not want to fuck me, would you? And you were the leader... so I made you the bitch. The one taking orders. And Vertos the one giving them. He has grown a pair, you will see soon enough. Valens could of course not be kept as is - so he is now like you. Puny - and gay. As for why you want to be fucked, Vertos is to blame."

Ambrose stood still, speechless.

"However, whilst I am allowed to protect myself using my magic - I am not allowed to attack others with it. This is why I need you."

"For what?"

She smiled. "For fucking the king, and taking my orders. Have him in my grasp. But I need you as you are, Ambrose. You are a smart man and I can not have you thinking like a whore - just acting like one. And to convince you, I have something for you."

The door opened behind him, he turned around to see Vertos and Valens standing there, grinning. Vertos snarled at him, "You're fucked." The guard holding onto him told him to shut up.

"Guards, bring them to a room. Suited for one. I'll let you think on the offer, Ambrose. Knock on your door and a guard will take you to me when you decide." She smiled, and waved them off. A third guard grabbed a hold of him, and he pushed his ass to the guard's crotch as he was being pushed on.

Ambrose struggled a bit, for show, but the guard kept his face stern and soldiered on. He thought of his wife, and his kid. What would happen to them? If he were to go get fucked by the king, as wonderful as his instincts told him it would be, who would take care of his family? It did not matter, Vertos and Valens strutting themselves, acting tough. Vertos managing the job better than Valens, whom looked like the showboating roosters from the farm Ambrose grew up in.

The guard holding Valens let go of him, opened a door, and pushed him in. Then Vertos. Then Ambrose.

The room was small, and there was a single bed in the middle of the room. A nightstand with a candlelight on to the side, burning - but the room was lit up already. Moody. There was a window, and eager to see the outside, Ambrose stepped up to it - but quickly scurried backwards as a spider scurried past the window. I forgot. He closed the inside window shutters, looking at the other two, standing by the doorway looking at him. "That fucking actor Callidus betrayed us, was in lea-"

"Who?" Valens asked, curious.

"It does not matter at all, Valens. It does not matter. We are not paid to roleplay with this fucking whore, we are paid to fuck him. Get rid of his smart-ass mouth." Vertos gestured towards the bed. "Get on it, we have not got all day."

"What do you me-" Oh. The witch. He decided to play along. "I mean, doesn't you being paid to fuck make you the whore?" He swished his hips as he walked towards the bed - he felt that it was his standard mode of walking in this body.

Vertos quickly caught him and pushed him down on the bed, face down, Ambrose's ass presented. Holding Ambrose down, he leaned close to one of his ear and nibbled at it, before growling: "You are to be broken in. That is my job, that is what I do. I make sure that those like you will forever crave cock. That is why she pays me to fuck you - slut." Ambrose breathed out as the pressure on his back released - his hips being grabbed instead. He was throbbing, his cock in a mixture of pain and pleasure.

He moved his tail up, feeling Vertos pressing his cock against the entrance. He was looking back towards the dog, whimpering, eyes pleading, bucking his hips backwards in an attempt for it to enter him.

"No. Look ahead, at the other guy. See his cock? Pleasure it." Ambrose bucked his hips again, involuntarily. He liked being commanded, he used to hate it. But now... he couldn't help at comply. The cock in front of him was smaller than the one he had sucked before, but he did not mind. He stuck his nose in, taking a deep breath, feeling his thoughts get cloudy. He needed it in him. He started licking on the hard cock, the taste making him hunger for more. It throbbed under his tongue - moans loudly escaped from the dog in front of him - as he started licking it more eagerly. The pre started oozing out, and he Valens placed a hand under his chin, making him look up at the little thing.

"Take it." Ambrose did as he was bid, and moved his muzzle up the cock. "No teeth." He knew that. As he placed his muzzle ready to take the cock, pausing for 2 seconds, Valens two hands grabbed a hold of him and pressed him down on his cock. He murred at the sudden intrusion, loving the sensation of being used like that. He continued to murr, whilst wrapping his tongue around the shaft, vibrating the already oozing cock - causing more pre to flow into him. Bobbed his head up, to swallow the pre. I like it. He moved himself down and up, up and down.

"Continue, just like that."

And then he felt Vertos starting to push in, slowly. He bucked his hips backwards, this time meeting no resistance.

"You are an eager bitch. Well used, for someone needing breaking in."

Ambrose moaned in response, feeling the knot at the end of his sphincter. Vertos started moving out, and then back in. Out, and back in. Empty, and content. Empty, and content. He could feel his emotions shift as the shaft entered him over and over again, he wanted the cock deep inside him. He knew that is where it belonged, fucking him, and enslaving him. Ensnaring him into its service. Developing a rhythm, he pressured back as the cock moved forward, bobbed up with his head - and then back down as the cock moved out.

His own cock was throbbing, but his hands were busy grabbing at the full ass of the dog in front, wanting the dog's seed inside of him. The thought of his first conscious blowjob excited him even further, so he kept on working on the cock, its throbs increasing in frequency.

Then his ass gave in to the pressure, and Vertos' thick knot entered him. The thighs slapping his rear felt wonderful, also increasing in its frequency.

"Fuck bitch, takee-"

He was close to the brink of cumming, he knew. His cock pulsing constantly - but somewhere inside he knew that he could not cum before them.

With a final slam Vertos pushed in, his cock releasing spurts of cum into the used ass, cumming himself at the same time - and Valens too emptied his balls a second later - his mouth overfilling, dripping some of the cum onto the bed which he himself had just ruined. He let the cock out of his mouth, panting. He looked up at Valens grinning as well as he could, licking his muzzle. Valens sat down next to Ambrose's head, stroking the back.

Ambrose struggled to get Vertos' cock out of him. "You are not getting that out for a while." Vertos chuckled. "We'll have to sleep like this."

Ambrose looked back at the dog in shock, then in wonderment, then he grinned.

"Judging by the expressions on your face, you do not mind. Now move on up, lay down on the bed. Valens, move your ass. It'll be tight, luckily you and Valens are small, so we can sleep here, snuggled together."

And with the cock still in his ass, Ambrose lay there. Thinking. He realized why his wife had loved him, and what he had once had proudly. The feeling of a cock penetrating him, the utter loss of control at the command of one's better - it was the best feeling he had felt. He knew at that point that he would want it to continue forever, it was his calling. Soon, the room was black and his eyes drowsy.

Waking up, he noticed that the other two were gone. He shot out of the bed, rubbing his hurting ass. Thinking of yesterday, he felt himself start to harden. He wondered if he would ever see the two again - the only evidence of them having been there were the cum-stains on the sheets and on him. Which, Ambrose supposed, was solid enough evidence. Winced at the smell of himself, reeking of cum, he knew he needed to take a bath.

He started stroking his cock, slowly, as it was climbing out of its sheath, his eyes closed. Imagined a powerful man, strong, muscular in front of him - he recognized him as the king. The king pushed him down on the hard ground, grabbed a hold of one of his hands trying a rope. He was locked in place, at the king's command. Continuing to stroke himself, he was soon fully erect, it hurt after having been in this condition all last day. He heard the door open: they looked towards the door, it was the king's son. The king smiled at his son as he placed his cock between the Ambrose's asscheeks, and he pushed down. He moaned as the king entered him - his hand moving back and forth quicker and quicker. The prince was staring, clothes bulging. Ambrose heard the door close. The king continued to thrust until Ambrose came - a small load spurting out on the wall in front of him.

Opening his eyes, he noted a small bathtub and clothes laying next to the door. He walked up to it and cleaned himself, after brushing his fur with the provided brush, he looked at the clothes. Linen, whore's fashion. With a heavy sigh, he put the clothes on, figuring it was better to walk around like a whore than naked.

He knocked on the door, a guard opened it, looking him up and down, and then winking, before asking him "What is it, whore?" Ambrose cringed.

"Can I see the... witch?"

The guard looked confused for a second. "Oh. The Mistress. Of course, step out. You need to walk ahead of me."

Finally there, the guard stepped in ahead of Ambrose. "Mistress? The whore wants to speak to you."

"Thank you. You can go, I will take care of him."

She looked at him, appreciative. "I see you decided to wear the clothes I picked for you. Did you enjoy yourself last night?"

"I- I guess I did." Ambrose looked down to the floor.

"And you have thought of my proposition?"

"What would happen to my family - my wife and kid?"

"If you decide to take the offer, we can see to it that they are taken care of. Does your wife have anything against dogs? If not, I'm sure Valens is willing to take your place. If you do not take the offer, it is not like I will let you back to her, no, you are dangerous to me. I will send you off somewhere, secluding you from the rest of society. How do you feel about being a Monk's whore - unable to control your instincts. I would make you hate it, of course - and you would be a true monk. You would know exactly how wrong you are by breaking your oaths. Your wife and kid would, in this scenario, not be looked after. Sadly."

Ambrose looked up at her. Her eyes filled with sincere sorry; he bit his upper lip. "You do not give me much of a choice."

Her eyes turned stern. "I do not."

"Either I take your offer, and enjoy myself - whilst betraying the king. Or I hate myself for what I can not control, and my family will likely die. I think we both know what I will pick."

"We do. There will be a horse waiting for you outside. It will have things packed, there will be a bag. A letter from me to the king, and some tools you need to use on him. There will be instructions sent with you on what to do before meeting with the king - your groups money will also be sent with you. Clothes are packed, similar to what you are wearing now." She smirked. "You might want to avoid other travellers."

"I might." The pain in his ass still fresh, he knew he could not wait to reach the king.

"You will of course not be able to call yourself Ambrose. How does Rose sound?"

"Perfect." He growled, knowing she somehow knew he hated it. "Just perfect."

Whilst this is the end of the House, it is not the end of this particular series. There will be one more chapter, where Ambrose goes to do whatever he shall. That said, this story always was and always will be about trying to incorporate erotica/flat-out porn into other fiction... so if it feels unsatisfactory, story-wise, that is most likely why - it is "intentionally" not robust in the story department. If the erotic scenes leaves you wanting (or, rather not wanting) more, feel free to comment down below. Feel free to comment anything, actually. Or favorite, or vote. Or watch. Whatever you want.

P.S. discovery writing on a chapter per chapter basis is not recommended, when you publish chapters before writing the next one. It is kind of limiting.