Quiche's Conquest

Story by Usyra on SoFurry

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#1 of Mew Sluts

Another hot fantasy that I needed to get out of my system.

She shouldn't have stayed after school.

She knew she shouldn't have stayed after school.

The rule forbidding students from going to school after hours was there to keep the students safe. And no matter how quick on the draw she was with her transformation, there was always a risk she could get jumped from behind by an enemy.

And yet, poor Ichigo was still drawn to the letter she found with her shoes as she left that day. A letter from Masaya Aoyama to meet her on the roof at nine, to tell her something special. And if it had been any other boy, she would've ignored it, and went straight home after her shift at the café. Instead, she called home, pretending she was in a study group, and merrily went to the roof.

She excitedly watched the door, taking deep breaths in a futile attempt not to look too desperate. Please, hurry! she mentally prompted. Confess to me, please! In her excitement, she sprouted her ears and tail. With a horrified gasp, she tried in vain to push her ears back down. Damn it, I'm still not used to this.

"Aw, keep them out," he heard a boy tease. "You look cuter."

A chill ran down Ichigo's spine. She knew that sneering, condescending voice could only belong to one boy: the boy that, not only tried to kill her and her friends several times, but had the audacity to steal her first kiss. She furiously spun around and growled, "Quiche, you..."

"You look so angry," he sneered as he strutted over. "It's not very ladylike."

"Was that your letter!?" she demanded.

"That's right," he said. "I wanted to tell you that we're gonna fuck. You're gonna take off your clothes, let me parade you all over town, and then we'll fuck. And you'll want to do it."

"You bastard," she hissed as she transformed.

Quiche wagged his finger. "Ah-ah-ah." Pulling out a picture he said, "I have a little present for you. I think once you see it, you'll change your mind."

"If that's a picture of your penis, I'll rip it-" Then he held it up, and she gasped in shock. "Aoyama-kun!" The picture showed him sitting naked on a chair covered in bruises, his mouth forced open with a ring gag, and his arms and legs bound to the chair.

"Where o where has Aoyama-kun gone? Where o where could he be?" He tossed the picture towards the edge of the roof, and Ichigo frantically ran over to catch it. Before she could regain her balance, Quiche appeared behind her. He wrapped his left arm around her waist, and clamped his right hand firmly over her mouth.

"Lmm mm gm!" she cried, frantically struggling against him.

"Aw, you don't want that. After all, I could've hidden him anywhere. And he looks pretty thirsty in that picture, what with all that drooling. You think you can find him before he dehydrates?"

"Ymm nmmph lmmmph..."

"If you want him back safely, you'll have to let me lead you to him. And I'll only do that if you do everything I say. Deal?"

At his words, she stopped struggling. Damn him...even if I could escape, and I got the others to help me, there's no guarantee we'd find him in time. I'm sorry, Aoyama-kun. Shedding a tear, she muttered, "Mm-hmm."

"Good girl. I'll tame you yet." He then shoved her to the ground and pulled out a digital camera. "Now, strip down to your socks. And do it sexy."

"I'll kill you," she grumbled as she started unfastening the straps on her back that held up her tutu.

He gave her a slap, causing her to let out a sob. "That's no way for my pet to act. Whatever I say, you gotta reply, 'Yes master', and smile. Now strip sexy!"

"Y-yes, master!" she said, forcing an insincere smile through a stream of tears. For the next minute, she slowly removed her clothes, running her hands down her body as he snapped picture after picture. Once she was down to her socks, she sat up and asked, "Does this satisfy you, master?"

"Sit down and spread your pussy lips for me."

"...Yes, master," she groaned as she sat against the ledge of the roof, spreading her legs apart and opening her vagina with the fingers of her right hand. He took a picture of her, before zooming into her vagina and taking another. Despite her revulsion at what she was being forced to do, she felt herself get hot. Am I...getting turned on by this?

"Now, masturbate. And tweak one of your nipples."

"Y-yes, master!" she sobbed. She furiously stroked her clitoris and she rubbed her left breast. Oh god! I'm...I'm masturbating in front of Quiche! She closed her eyes to drown out his image, only to picture Masaya in front of her, getting hard from show she put on. Please, watch me, Aoyama-kun, she thought, the corners of her mouth forming into a horny grin. Aoyama! She cried out in pleasure as she reached orgasm, practically melting against the roof.

Quiche pulled out a roll of black tape and a leash, and dropped them to the ground between her legs. "Gag yourself with the tape, and hook that leash to your collar."

"...Yes, master," she sighed, her tears slowing down. After a bit of difficulty tearing off a piece of the tape, she pressed it against her lips and mouth, before hooking the leash to her collar. I've finally lost all control. I've become...an animal.

"Very cute," he said, snapping a picture from several angles. "Now, get on all fours." She did so, and he started snapping several more pictures. She flinched when she felt his hands grabbing her ass. "Wanna hear something cool? In that room your boyfriend's in is a laptop. And every picture I've taken of you immediately appears on it."


"Yeah. He's seeing your sexy little body right now. I bet if he was able to get a hand free, he'd start jerking off to the sight of you."

Frantically shaking her head she thought, No, Aoyama-kun! Don't look at me!

Giving her a playful slap on the ass, he climbed on top of her, whispering in her catlike ear, "I could fuck you right now." He grabbed her right breast from behind. "You wouldn't be able to stop me."

"Nm, gm amph!"

With a mocking laugh, he stood up and took the end of the leash. "But I'll save that for later, after I prove what a horny little slut you are. Come, little pussy. Let's go for a walk."

To her dismay, Ichigo found herself crawling through the corridors of school, naked in her transformed state. Even though the only footsteps that could be heard were Quiche's, he couldn't help but feel the eyes of the entire school. Their cruel taunts rang in her head.

"Oh god, what is she doing?"

"What a slut!"

"I can't believe I thought she was cute."

"Look at that tail! What a freak!"

She could only mumble into her gag, as tears fell. Even when there was nobody to see her, she couldn't think of a more humiliating position to be in. Please, help me, she thought. Someone save me.

Once they reached the doors of the school, Quiche yanked the leash up. "On your feet." Ichigo quickly scrambled to her feet. "Now, hold your hands out like little paws, just below your chin." Ichigo did so, closing her eyes as he snapped another picture. Pocketing the camera, he took out the tape and wrapped it around each of her hands, forcing them into useless stubs. He then spun her around and pulled out a small piece of rope, tying her hands behind her back. "How does it feel to be completely helpless?"

"Fmph mmm," she mumbled.

"That's not nice," he sneered. He then stepped on both of her feet to hold her in place, and twisted her nipples, causing her to cry out in pain. "You forget who your master is! I could fuck you right now, and leave you here for everyone to see tomorrow! But I won't! You better be grateful for that!"

Ichigo frantically nodded in agreement, and Quiche released her nipples and stepped back. _I can't make him mad, anymore. I'm doing this for Aoyama-kun._He pulled out a bead vibrator and placed it into her vagina. As she breathed heavily to avoid getting aroused, he taped the bead in place.

He pulled out a long coat with the sleeves in the pockets. He wrapped it around her and buttoned the front, hiding her naked body, as well as her leash. He placed a surgical mask over her nose and mouth to conceal her gag, and lifted the coat's hood over her head to hide her ears.

"There you go. Now you're ready to go outside." Ichigo let out a scream of horror. "Don't make too much noise, if you don't want to be exposed. It's five miles to where your pathetic little friend is. If you cross me, I'll turn the vibrator to max, and leave you with your leash tied to a sign somewhere. After that, I'd give you...five minutes before something bad happens to you. And then what'll happen to your friend?"

You're a monster, she thought, glaring daggers at him. Nonetheless, she nodded in understanding.

"Good." With a wave of his hand, his appearance transformed into that of a normal human. Placing an arm around her he sneered, "Come along, my dear. Our tram awaits."

As they walked down the street, Ichigo glanced nervously at the people who passed them by, giving her strange looks. She knew that it was simply a strange sight for someone to be wearing such a heavy coat during the summer, but deep down, she couldn't help but feel they knew she was naked under that coat.

They stepped onto the tram, and as Quiche sat her down, her anxieties grew deeper, as her coat rode up to reveal her knees. She self-consciously pressed her legs together, afraid of someone getting a glance at her private area. After a minute, people stopped staring at her, and she took a calming breath. This might not be so bad, after all.

"Expecting a call from someone?" whispered Quiche. "Is your phone set to vibrate?" Her eyes widened in horror as he pulled out the remote to her vibrator. She shook her head, giving a few quiet whimpers to dissuade him. "What's that? Are you trying to say you want me to abandon you here?" After a moment, Ichigo hung her head in defeat. "Thought so. Enjoy yourself, kitten, but don't purr too loudly."

He pushed the button, and Ichigo let out a gasp, with an involuntary thrust of her hips. No! I can't orgasm here! Not in front of so many people!_She tried desperately to suppress her animal instinct, letting her mind drift to other things. But her mind was awash in pleasure, so every thought circled right back to her, being involuntarily tamed by a vibrator in public. It eventually overwhelmed her, and she let out a groan as her body succumbed to pleasure. _Stupid Quiche. If it weren't for this gag, everyone would've heard me.

"Good girl," he cooed. "I'll make a slut out of you yet. But for now, we're almost here." She looked out the window, and grunted in shock when she saw they were in a red-light district. "That's right, kitten. Our next stop's an hourly-rate motel. I paid for five hours with your friend's card. It'll be so embarrassing for him when his time runs out, and they find a student. Imagine the scandal."

I'll kill you, if it's the last thing I do, she vowed as he helped her up.

"Let's go," ordered Quiche as he led her out. "Your prince is waiting."

Poor Momomiya, thought Masaya as he desperately struggled against his bonds. I gotta get out of here before- He then groaned in despair as Quiche walked in with Ichigo. Oh no...

Aoyama-kun! thought Ichigo as she uselessly tried to pull away from Quiche.

"Aw, you don't look happy, boy," sneered Quiche. "I said I'd bring her here, didn't I?" With that, he ripped off her disguise; the shock of humiliation overcame Ichigo, who fell to her knees. "What're you all shy for? You seemed fine to pose for him before? And just look at him!"

Ichigo defiantly shut her eyes and turned away. No! I can't stare at Aoyama-kun!

"Look. At. Him," growled Quiche, forcing her head over and opening her eye. "Look at how hard he is. He wants your body. He wants you to be his first. He wants to be your first."

Masaya turned away, embarrassed, but Ichigo stared with tender-filled eyes. I...will be Aoyama-kun's first?

"Aren't you glad I made you do this? Well...as payment, I'm gonna deny him the privilege of being your first." He threw off his shorts and lifted her over his shoulder and carried her over to a thin bed, too thin for two people to lay side by side. "I stole your first kiss, and now I'll steal your virginity too."

"Mm-mm, mmph!" cried Ichigo, frantically shaking her head as he ripped the tape and vibrator from her pussy. Don't do this to me, please!

"Please, I'm just doing you a favor," he said, lying on the bed, forcing Ichigo on top. "You're gonna fuck us both, no matter what happens. I'll pop your cherry now, so it doesn't interfere with your time with him. Plus, the reason why I had you transform is that you can't get pregnant like this. I can safely fuck you for hours. You should be thanking me. Ungrateful whore!"

With that, he thrust her hips down, burying his penis inside. Ichigo's shrieks crashed against the tape, translating her pain and heartbreak into moans of pleasure, despite the tears running down her face. She could do nothing but squirm in place, helpless to lift herself off of Quiche's penis. She shamefully turned away from Masaya's gaze. Don't look at me! Please, don't look!

"You wanna stop?" taunted Quiche. "You just have to make me cum. I wonder how many times you'll cum before that happens." He thrust into her a few times, before Ichigo let out a gasp, throwing her head back. "That's one."

I...I don't have a choice. He'll only stop raping me if he cums. With a defeated groan, she started thrusting back. Please, don't hate me, Aoyama-kun.

"Ooh, you're really getting into it, now!" As their pace sped up he taunted, "Hey, Aoyama! I bet you wish you were here." Ichigo let out a shudder as he bragged, "That's twice! You really want to rape this slut, don't you? Here she is, getting pleasure from another man." Her body rocked with another orgasm. "That's three, now! She came being raped by me. Or maybe she's turned on by the fact that you're watching. She's exposed herself to you as a filthy whore, and that gets her off!"

"Tmmph nmm tmph!" denied Ichigo, squeezing herself against Quiche's penis. I...can't deny that it feels good to have this penis in me, but I'd only feel good if it was Aoyama-kun's! With a final burst of effort, she felt herself get filled on her fourth orgasm. Oh god...he's cumming inside me...

As she fell on him in exhaustion he sneered, "Finally get tired?" He sat up and picked her up. "Don't worry, babe. There's a shower. Let's get you nice and clean for him." He carried her in the bathroom and placed her in the shower, untying her hands and removing the tape around them. He then took off the rest of his clothes and turned on the water. He took the showerhead and said, "Feel free to cum from this."

She watched in shock as he turned the showerhead to pulse, and pressed it against her vagina. Though her normal instinct was to shut her legs from the foreign sensation, the night's events twisted her so that she immediately pressed against the showerhead, immersing herself in pleasure. I really have become a slut, she thought as she hit another orgasm.

"Nice and clean." He then ripped off her gag and sprayed her face with water, washing off the residue of the tape. "Tell me how much you love what I've done."

"I loved when you made me masturbate in front of you, master," she robotically replied. "I loved when you made me gag myself. I loved when you made me crawl through the school. I loved when you made me cum in front of all those people. I love that you raped me in front of Aoyama-kun. I get horny just thinking about it, master."

She's fully immersed herself in her role. She's already mine, and she doesn't even know it. Pressing his now erect penis against her cheek he said, "Tell me how much you want to such my dick."

"Oh, master, your dick is beautiful," she said, gently stroking it with the index finger of her right hand. "It looks like it was meant to go inside me. Please, let me kiss it."

"Yeah, kiss it." Ichigo kissed the head of his penis, which produced a small drop of precum. She licked it off, and slowly began to take it in, lustfully licking it as she went. Soon, she went to vigorously sucking it. "That's it, slave. Swallow it all when it comes out! Here...here it is!"

Ichigo nearly choked on the load, but she forced herself to hold her breath and keep swallowing as it came in. Oh god...it's so salty!

"Good job, slave," he praised, aiming the water at his penis and her mouth. "There's just one thing we have to do before you get to play with him. I'm gonna take the virginity of your ass. Stand up."

"Yes, master," she agreed, leaning against the wall of the shower with both hands.

He handed her the showerhead and said, "If you don't get off from having your ass fucked, you can use this to masturbate."

"Thank you, master!" With that, he grabbed her hips from behind, and inserted his penis, causing her to squeal in shock. This feels so wrong, she thought. But...why does it turn me on!? As he rapidly thrust, she let out a scream of pleasure as she aimed the showerhead at her crotch.

"Tell me you love when I fuck your ass!"

"I love when you fuck my ass, master!" she squealed as they came together.

She was so lost in her pleasure, she forgot Quiche never closed the door, so Masaya could hear their every word. Oh, Momomiya, he thought, a tear falling from his eye.

After he washed them clean, he guided her by the hand back to Masaya. "Here she is, Aoyama. This is the queen of harlots. She took such pleasure from me, all night long."

"I'm sorry, Aoyama-kun," she sighed, "but it's true. I hated what he did to me, but I still took pleasure in it. I surrendered myself to him to save you, but I ended up becoming his slave. I hope you forgive me."

"Of _course_he does," he sneered, grabbing her breasts from behind. "Look how hard he is, even after all that! He probably doesn't care what you say. He just wants you to ride him. Let's not keep him waiting."

He guided her over Masaya, taping her to the chair in such a way that she was squatting facing him, with nowhere to move but directly onto his erect penis. "I'm so happy I get to have sex with you, Aoyama-kun."

We're really going to do it? he wondered.

"Tell him all those shameless things you did," ordered Quiche.

"I stripped for him, Aoyama-kun. I masturbated in front of him. I let him lead me through the school like a dog, naked. I played with a vibrator on a bus, in front of people."

"Tell him how much you enjoyed it."

"I LOVED it, Aoyama-kun!" she screamed, as tears fell. "I took pleasure in everything he did to me! Him fucking me in front of you made me so hot! I can't wait until he lets us fuck, Aoyama-kun..."

"Now, kiss and make up," sneered Quiche, ripping his gag off. He pressed their faces together, and they shared an open-mouth kiss, with Ichigo instinctively sticking her tongue into his mouth. As they kissed, Quiche wrapped tape around their necks, forcing them into a permanent kiss. "Fuck him now!"

Ichigo immediately thrust her hips down, impaling herself on his penis with a satisfied moan. Even if you hate me, Aoyama-kun, I'll always love you, she thought as she expertly squeezed around his penis.

It's too much, thought Masaya, as he unconsciously began thrusting. I was embarrassed for her, but now I need to cum!

Please, I hope we cum together._She held her orgasm, until she felt the familir sensation of a penis about to erupt, at which point she increased the tempo of her thrusts. At the climax of her orgasm, she felt herself get filled again. _Oh...Aoyama-kun...

"Aw, so cute," sneered Quiche. Snapping one last picture, he pulled out her cell phone. "I'm just gonna autodial one of your friends, and hope they find you. After all, I doubt you'll be able to escape on your own, and you have an hour from now before the owners of this joint start knocking."

"Wmph, nm!" cried Ichigo, returning to her senses. She tried to shake her head in protest, but hers was still forced against Masaya's.

"Uh-oh," sang Quiche. "Looks like she's not picking up. You better hope she receives my message." After a moment she said, "This is Quiche, and I have your friend Ichigo trapped in an hourly rate motel, impaled on someone's cock."

"Nm, nm!" sobbed Ichigo, struggling in futility.

"You better save her before the owner finds her. You have until eleven tonight." He hung up and tossed the phone away. "See you lovebirds later," he sneered as he vanished.

By a stroke of luck, she was found in time by Mew Bu-ling. She freed the two, and agreed not to tell any of the other Mews what she saw, though she would ask lots of uncomfortable questions about it later. She did approach her bosses, Ryou and Keiichiro, and sought their guidance.

She was relieved to learn that she wouldn't get pregnant, but dismayed to learn learn that her arousal would immediately return whenever she transformed. As such, she was taken off-duty for a month, until her transformation's heat cycle expired.

But even after her month of inactivity passed, she couldn't help but think of that night. She couldn't help thinking that Quiche was still stalking her. She couldn't help thinking that he had those pictures, and he was probably getting off on them.

And she couldn't stop herself from getting turned on by the thought.

Digimon: The Tamed Children Part 3

Warning: scenes of nonconsensual, underage naughtiness. For the love of god, don't read this if you're at all offended. Xiaochun's Route In contrast to her older fellow slaves, Xiaochun pretty much resigned herself as soon as the lights went out....

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Digimon: The Tamed Children Part 2

Warning: scenes of nonconsensual, underage naughtiness. For the love of god, don't read this if you're at all offended. The boxes the children were shipped in were pure nightmare fuel. Unable to move, unable to see, unable to hear, they were...

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Digimon: The Tamed Children Part 1

Warning: scenes of nonconsensual, underage naughtiness. For the love of god, don't read this if you're at all offended. Also, there are no furries in this chapter. If you want to get to the furry loves, skip this chapter. In an alternate reality to...

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