Stage Fright

Story by Zipeau on SoFurry

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A commission for kazukiwolf kazukiwolf

Written in one night and then edited and completed 2 days later :)

In this story Kaz finds his abilities don't quite match up to a tiger with all the information and ends up in a rather tight situation at the cat's paws...

Stage Fright

Zippo strode up to the bar and stood next to the wolf he had been looking for since the show ended. He was at a special night in a local fetish club he frequented for fetish performers and one performance particularly had caught his attention. It was an escapology form rope bondage show performed by an American Red Wolf.

The white tiger was of average height and reasonably muscular build while still looking quite slim. He was wearing a tight pair of rubber shorts, and leather boots and collar but nothing else. This didn't put him out of place, there were more provocatively dressed people on a night like this, but these few clothes gave the large cat a slightly submissive look - a look his demeanour reinforced.

"Hello Sir" the tiger said softly and somewhat shyly

"Oh hello kitty, how are you?" asked the wolf in confident response

Kazuki was roughly the same height and build as the tiger but seemed to radiate confidence. The brown and orange wolf was still in his show-gear, having come off stage 15 minutes earlier. This consisted of a tight fitting latex surf suit, cut off at the shoulders and knees - the left shoulder opening showing a white Anubis tattoo.

"I'm good Sir, I really enjoyed the show... the bondage is amazing" the tiger stammered bashfully

"Oh I'm glad you think so kitty" Kaz replied, sipping his drink, the tiger was pretty cute and seemed like an easy target from some fun: "Have you had any experience of rope bondage"

The tiger shook his head, a blush coming to his cheeks

The wolf smiled slyly: "Well would you like some?"

The cat looked up but didn't respond.

"How about you come up to my room and I show you how to do some of those ties I escape from"

"Really!?" Zippo chirped excitedly

"Come on kitty..."

Kaz put his drink down and grabbed the cat by the collar, leading him through the packed club towards a door in one of the rooms which lead up to the hotel that sat above the club. The hotel was connected to the club and none of the staff batted an eyelid as the scantily clad pair moved through the lobby to the lifts. They ascended to the top floor where Kazuki used his thumbprint to open the door to the penthouse suite.

The suite was expansive and airy but impersonal as hotels tend to be. The wolf let go over the tiger and moved over to sit on the bed, while Zippo stood awkwardly in the middle of the rooms, taking in his surroundings. Kaz pulled a suitcase towards him and unzipped it, pulling out some thick orange cotton rope.

"This would look better against your skin kitty but we will get to that later, first, let's show you how to bind. And if you are lucky you will see what you don't see in the show - just how I escape!" the wolf said as he coiled up several lengths of rope and laid them on the bed

Kaz then got on his knees: "Right, grab one of the shorter lengths..."

"Ehh... Sir..." the tiger interjected "Can you maybe take your suit off..."

"Why kitty" the wolf looked around

"Just... so I know you're not cheating when you escape"

"Heh, think I'm hiding something in here!?" Kaz joked, owing to the skin tight nature of the suit "But alright, I don't see why not."

The wolf wriggled out of his surf suit, leaving him totally naked but still oozing confidence.

"Thankyou" Zippo said once the suit was off with a slight smile, but Kaz paid it no heed

"Ok, on we go, grab a shorter length of rope and then take one of my paws."

Zippo took the rope and knelt down next to the wolf who was also kneeling again. The feline took the wolf paw and as instructed tied a rough loop around his wrist. Then Kaz turned away from the tiger and placed his paws together behind his back before instructing the tiger to wrap the rope around his wrists neatly. After a good 3 inches of neat, tight, wrapping Zippo was instructed to bring the remaining foot of rope between Kaz's arms and start wrap around the already looped biding - clinching the rope down. Kaz told the tiger to clinch tight but he wasn't quite prepared for how tight the cat got it - still he was confident he was in control.

After the free end of the paw binding was tucked in securely, Kaz instructed the feline to do the same with his ankles and Zippo got the ropes just as tight. Then, finally, the wolf shiften onto his stomach on the floor and told Zippo to take the short length of rope and to bind his ankles and wrists as closely together as possible in a hogtie position. The cat obeyed, getting the wolf's front and hind paws almost to touch before tying the final rope off.

Kaz squirmed slightly and tested his new bonds, they were a little tighter than he was used to in his show and they would be tight for most furs. Still, a basic hogtie shouldn't be a problem, no matter how tight.

"Well kitty, I think you would make a wonderful rope Master with some practice but..." the wolf stopped abruptly as he looked up and saw the tiger folding away his surf suit sitting on the bed "Hey, what are you doing?"

The tiger did not respond immediately, finishing his folding before looking back down at the bound wolf on the floor

"You know, I always think a bind should be accompanied by a gag wolfie" the tiger said, speaking with a totally new demeanour. Gone was the timid, shy kitty replaced by a cocky, confident and slightly cocky tiger

"What? What going on?" Kaz responded confused as the tiger unlaced his boots

"I just want to see how good you really are..."

The tiger pulled off his heavy leather boots and then his white socks. He grabbed one of his socks and knelt by the, now struggling, wolf's head.

"Oh sniff deep wolfie, I've worn these socks for the last 3 nights" the tiger said as he draped the sock over the wolf's nose.

Kaz shook his head and tired to throw the sock off but this proved a bad move as the tiger grabbed his jaw and forced it open with his paw. Before the wolf could react Zippo had balled-up the sock and shoved it into his maw. The tiger held the canines snout shut with one paw while grabbing a leather muzzle he had somehow found in Kaz's luggage. Before the muzzle, Zippo grabbed his other sock and pulled it over Kaz's snout, then the leather muzzle went over - holding both socks in place. The tiger did the straps up quickly and locked the buckle with a padlock.

"Hope you know where the keys for that are, because I don't!" Zippo teased

Kaz grunted in response, effectively gagged by the socks and muzzle combo and now forced to smell the tiger's strong musky scent every time he breathed in. The wolf tugged at the bonds and waited for the right moment to spring his hidden weapon but the tiger was still rummaging around his room and keeping an eye on him.

Before long Zippo seemed to find all the things he was looking for, though they were out of sight for Kaz up high on the bed. Before he knew what was happening the tiger was working on him again, another length of rope was looped around his elbows and clinched - pulling them together tightly. Then binds were added above and below the wolfs knees.

"There, almost done, just one thing left... because I know your secrete wolfie... hehe"

To Kaz's horror he felt a thin chord being placed over his two big toes and then tied to his ankle bindings. This kept the wolf's feet pulled taught and stopped him moving them around. Then the wolf felt something small being placed between his feet and heard a ripping sound as a strip of duct-tape was wrapped around his feet several times - making them even more useless and holding the object between them.

"Very clever using those nice big paws to pick the knots, no one would ever expect it but I did my research! Oh and that thing between your feet is a remote, want do see what for?"

"Hmmmmmphh!" Kaz moaned through his sock gag, squirming and tugging at the ropes more than even, horrified by the turn of events.

Please that he had the wolf under control and in an inescapable situation now the tiger grabbed his final bit of equipment and approached the wolf with it. When the wolf saw what the tiger had he panicked and whined into his muzzle but nothing could stop the tiger from putting the vibe-ring on him.

Zippo rolled the wolf onto his side, revealing his semi-erect cock. The tiger grabbed Kaz's member and quickly slipped the already buzzing ring over it and all the way to the base. Kaz tried to roll from side to side to prevent the tiger getting the ring on but the cat had a tight grip of his cock and it only served to make him more uncomfortable. With the effects of the cock ring it wasn't long until the wolf was at full mast and he knew the ring would not come off without help he also knew the vibe was on and the controller was taped between his feet. He tugged and pulled on his bonds, wriggling his paws and feet against the tightly clinched ropes and trying to break the hogtie but it only seemed to make it tighter - the ring was not coming off and the wolf was not getting free.

"Nuuughhh!" Kaz moaned again as the vibe started to take full effect

The wolf rolled back onto his stomach, pining his cock against his belly. Zippo had set the vibe perfectly - just enough to keep the wolf on the edge of climax without sending him over. He was also tied to tightly to get off by humping the ground.

"Ok Wolfie, time for me to go get some sleep" Zippo said as he stood up and grabbed the wolf's surf suit again "I don't think you will be needing this, I'm sure whoever finds you in here in the morning will give you something to wear... and lets hope they can find the key for the muzzle haha!" he said sanding over the bound canine

With that Zippo moved to the door and slid out after a final deep glance into the captive wolf's eyes. With the door closing Kaz knew no one could now get into the room besides one of his crew or the hotel staff. He wriggled and tugged at the bonds once more but the tiger had tied them very tight and with his feet out of the way he had no chance of escape - he was truly stuck.

The vibe rumbled away beneath him and he moaned again, feeling so close, yet so far, to orgasm. Every time he whined or event breathed he smelled the cats scent in the socks, a constant reminder of his gullibility to the cats trick.

Kaz tried to pull his paws apart, but they were stuck. He tried to pull his feet apart but they would not. His knees were bound together and even the soles of his feet were tapped. He could almost touch his feet with his fingers but could not get them in any position to attack the knots and his toes themselves were tied back, pulling his feet back and away from any of the knots. He could never even cry for help, with one of the tigers socks jammed in his maw and the other slipped over it - both held on with a muzzle meant that he could not get either off even if he had his paws free.

The wolf whined and mpphed and struggled for several hours before finally passing out, into a shallow, uneasy sleep, but a sleep filled with exiting dreams that tapped deep into the wolf's subconscious. Even in sleep he was acutely aware that it would be many long hours before anyone found him. And he was not sure he even wanted to be found like this - the ace escape master beaten and bound.


© Zippo

Commissioned by Kazuki Wolf

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