Fast Food Vol. 2
#39 of Archived Livestream Stories Pre-2018
In the first story, a satyr discovers the pizza he's ordered does more than satisfy his hunger. In the second, a gay black panther realizes maybe there's something to those breast things after all with the help of a flirty waiter.
Sometimes when I stream, I run a game like Questionable Content or Matter of Inches. This is something similar. I tried it once a while back and decided to give it another go. I pick a person at random to be the customer. They order something from the menu which can cause... interesting... side effects. They don't know what they're in for before they start. Additionally, people in the stream can volunteer their characters to be waiters!
Round 1: P S (not sure of SF username, sorry!)
Kalikrates rubbed the top of his head, between the twin "scimitar" horns jutting out of his skull. They curved slightly towards the pointed tips a foot or so above and slightly behind the back of his head. Thick black hair hid the roots of the horns from view. His hair framed his bare, pink face. The satyr's upper body was smooth and trim; he looked sharp in a suit coat.
His lower half was much different from the human-looking upper half. Rough-haired goat legs ended in a pair of black hooves. The digitrade legs supported the satyr easily and kept him stable through long nights of revelry and debauchery - such as last night, for which he was paying for at the moment with a bit of a hangover.
Currently, Kalikrates was making his way home. The sun was nearly at its peak. He was thirsty, tired, and couldn't find his car. The restaurant across the street promised cold water and good food, however, so he headed there instead of wandering the streets looking for his vehicle. It was called "Danath's Joint" and featured a google-eyed feline head on the sign. A notice on the door promised a 10% discount for ECFs.
Kalikrates pushed the door open and stepped inside. A wave of cool air rushed over him, cooling off his hairy lower legs and wicking away the sweat from his brow. The restaurant was fairly simple, with a single aisle running in front of a long, low bar. A single tiger stood behind the counter, clad in a white chef's apron and hat stained with grease and sauces. The restaurant was empty except for Kalikrates.
"Have a seat!" the tiger said. He finished a glass of water and put the empty cup in a tray on the back counter. "Your waiter will be right with you."
Kalikrates nodded and slipped into a seat at a booth along the outside wall. There were menus on each table already, so he picked one up and read through it while he waited for the waiter. He wondered if they had aspirin.
The satyr sniffed the air. Something minty this way came. Glancing up from the menu, he stared as a large gorilla in a pair of black pants and a red polo shirt approached his booth. The mint barely hid the gorilla's heavy scent from a distance; up close, it didn't do much at all to hide the large male's unique smell.
"Hey there! I'm Bruce. I'll be your waiter today." The large male's uniform clung tightly to his body. Kalikrates couldn't help but notice the suggestive curves and musculature outlined by the fabric. "Can I get you anything to drink?"
Kalikrates ordered some water and watched Bruce walk around the bar to get it, eyes lingering on the tall male's thick rump. Bruce was taller than him by a good foot and appeared to have more neck than head. His chest appeared ridiculously wide thanks to his narrow hips and fairly short legs, but then, gorillas weren't necessarily known for their lower body strength. His long abdomen would be a sight to see, the satyr thought.
He was still daydreaming about the hunky gorilla when his water arrived.
"Decided what to order?" Bruce asked.
Kalikrates nodded. "I'll have the Three-Meat Pizza."
"Excellent choice!" Bruce said. His enthusiasm made Kalikrate's headache worse.
"Oh, and do you have any aspirin?"
"Sure! Be right out with that!"
The aspirin helped the headache and the water quenched his thirst. Kalikrate's was almost feeling normal by the time the pizza arrived. As Bruce carefully set it down on the table, the satyr's belly rumbled with hunger. He'd ordered the small, but with as hungry as he felt, he wasn't sure it'd be enough.
The satyr tucked into the pizza, enjoying the tasty and flavorful dish. Before he'd realized it, he'd finished it off. He leaned back in his chair, patting his belly, as Bruce arrived with the check.
"Enjoy your meal?" the gorilla asked.
Kalikrates nodded. "Very good."
"Well, if you need anything else, just let me know."
Kalikrates watched Bruce walk away again. The hunky gorilla really was a looker. His biceps bulged even when relaxed, stretching the arms of his polo shirt.
His thoughts remained on Bruce as he stared out the window. Bruce on his back, Bruce naked, Bruce showing off his nice hard rump... Kalikrates grinned. Maybe he'd try for the big guy's number before he left.
The satyr was distracted from his gorilla-laden daydream by an insistent pressure in his shorts. They were simple shorts with an elastic waist, pulled up his hips under his short tail. The front of the shorts was currently bulging outwards with a hearty erection. Well, things were back to normal, he thought.
He remained at his table, willing his erection to die down so that he could walk to his car without attracting undue attention. Unfortunately for the satyr, the pressure only grew worse. His hand trembled slightly as he reached for the glass of water and sipped it. His cock throbbed. It didn't feel bad, but he hadn't had such an intense, spontaneous erection in a long time, gorilla daydreams or no.
"Everything okay?"
Kalikrates turned to see Bruce standing just beside him in the aisle. The satyr crossed his legs, hoping the gorilla hadn't seen under the table as he approached.
"Oh, just fine... gonna give it a few minutes to settle," he said, patting his stomach.
"No problem. Let me know if you need anything. Can I get you a fresh glass of water?"
"Sure... tha-hanks!" His voice rose sharply as a bolt of pleasure and incredible pressure ricocheted up his spine from his crotch.
The gorilla raised an eyebrow before turning to head to the kitchen for a fresh glass. Kalikrates waited until he'd turned the corner before reaching for his shorts. Something was going on down there. This was no normal erection.
His fingers closed around the fabric of the front gingerly, but pulled back almost immediately. Breathing hard, he stared down at his lap as his fingers delicately returned, wrapping around not one, not two, but three lengths. Each lurched at the touch of his palm and he couldn't stop the small moan that fled his lips. Kalikrates pulled the waistband of his shorts and stared inside. The goat half of him ended just above his hips, halfway to his belly button. His sheath strained to contain three separate stalks. The middle one, his original, was as large as usual. The other two were slightly smaller, but visibly grew longer and thicker as he watched. In fact, they not only caught up to the first, but all three began to grow.
He bit his lower lip, eyes closing as he released the waistband. The fabric bulged as he leaned back, trying to stop the constant pleasure just long enough to figure out what the hell had happened to him. He'd had lots of booze last night, but nothing spiked. And he'd had water and pizza here... Three-Meat Pizza...
"Here's your water. By the way, what'd you think of the pizza? New recipe the chef is trying out."
Kalikrates rolled his head towards Bruce. The tall gorilla grinned down at him disarmingly. When the satyr just moaned with obvious pleasure, the gorilla's grin grew.
"I think the secret is in the sauce," he said, his voice lowering to a whisper as his large jaw moved closer to Kalikrates's ears.
The satyr groaned again as large, flat teeth nibbled on the tip of one of his long goat ears. The gorilla's paw reached across his chest, stroking his belly. Kalikrates gasped, hips jerking upwards as his triple erections all leaked a good deal of pre-cum. By the weight of them, his balls had grown as well to accommodate supplying three separate shafts. Bruce's paw lowered, fingers heavy and blunt, stroking and groping down his stomach, over his thighs... the satyr's arms went limp when the gorilla stroked down his lengths, teasing them through his shorts.
"Guess... you really... want that tip," the satyr gasped.
Bruce smiled and pulled Kalikrates to his feet, then leaned him back against the table. Huge arms surrounded the satyr's chest and he moaned as he felt the gorilla's hard chest and belly press into him. The male's scent dominated his senses as his face pressed into the large male's shirt. Bruce's fingers teased their way down his sides, eventually hooking into the waistband of his shorts. With a simple tug, they were down.
Kalikrates shivered with pleasure. Each shaft was several inches longer than his solitary original had been. They curled slightly upwards in a triangle shape, all extending from the same sheath. His hairy nuts hung nice and low, rolling over his thighs. Bruce's hand stroked the large testicles as the gorilla dropped onto his knees, leaning over far enough that he could bring his face closer to the satyr's triple lengths.
The satyr himself wasn't sure what to think. He'd entered the restaurant simply wanting a cold glass of water and something to eat, and now here he was getting two new cocks - along with the old - sucked by a hot, muscular gorilla.
Some days were just too strange to do anything but roll with it.
Kalikrates's suit coat fell away from his hips as the gorilla's lips spread over the left-most length. The satyr gripped the back of Bruce's head, moaning with unbridled desire as he felt a large, smooth tongue slide over his maleness. Before he knew it, the gorilla did the same to his upper shaft, then the right-most. Bruce made small noises of pleasure as he worked, busily bobbing his head up and down as Kalikrates dug his fingers into the muscular gorilla's thick neck. Strong fingers curled around the base of his sheath, gripping all three fat lengths. Bruce opened his mouth wide and leaned down. Kalikrates moaned even more loudly as the gorilla's warm lips squeezed his lengths together. The tongue reappeared, sliding over, around, and between his erections. He couldn't help but pump his hips, even stamping his hoof on the linoleum floor. Bruce's hands went around to his backside, pulling the satyr's hips in closer.
Kalikrates closed his eyes and shuddered. He tried to warn Bruce, but with triple the pleasure, he was having difficulty just controlling his breathing. He clutched at the gorilla's neck as his orgasm overwhelmed him. All three shafts flexed as one, simultaneously erupting. Bruce, to his credit, handled the flood as well as could be expected. Kalikrates's heavy nuts draped across Bruce's chin as the satyr leaned forward, shoving all three deep into the back of Bruce's throat. The gorilla swallowed furiously, attempting to keep up. The satyr's productivity didn't ebb for quite a while, to the point Bruce had to pull off to simply take a breath. Three thick ropes of white satyr seed splattered over his chest, staining his red polo shirt.
Kalikrates clutched the table behind him with his hands until his knuckles went white. His cocks shot again and again. Bruce dove back on after a few quick breaths, using his paws to squeeze and tease the satyr's heavy balls. Kalikrates wasn't sure how much longer it would last, but it felt amazing. Electric tingles radiated from his newly grown shafts as the gorilla's lips cleaned them. They were still erect as ever by the time Bruce was satisfied. The muscular gorilla stood, wiped his mouth with the back of a large forearm, and flashed Kalikrates another big smile.
"If there's anything else I can do for you, just let me know."
Kalikrates looked up at the gorilla, staring at the big male's broad, flat features. Bruce blinked. Kalikrates grinned.
"Well... you know... maybe there is something you can help me with..."
The end.
Round 2: Shakal feat.
Taiko's Mint as the Waiter
Shakal glanced at the menu. He'd stopped in at the restaurant for a quick bite to eat over lunch, but the place was strangely empty. When he'd arrived, a tiger in a chef's hat welcomed him and told him the waiter would be out in a few moments.
Shakal was a black panther of average height. He went to the gym, but his body developed a lean runner's build rather than anything overtly muscular. Besides a white patch on his collarbone, the panther was completely black furred, with striking amethyst eyes. Dressed in a short-sleeved dress shirt and khaki pants, the panther looked for all the world like any of the other thousands of employees looking for lunch downtown. Strange that this place was so empty, then.
The restaurant itself was a plain affair. A long bar with stools for seating in front of the door to the kitchen, with a row of booths along the outside wall. Shakal elected to sit at the bar. He looked up from the menu when he heard footsteps approaching.
"Hi! I'm Mint! I'll be your waiter today!"
Shakal grinned despite himself. This waiter was adorable. Just under six feet tall, the wolf was skinny, even leaner than Shakal. True to his name, mint green fur covered most of his body, except for brown splotches in his hair that resembled nothing so much as chocolate chips. He wore a dark pink, nearly mauve, v-neck t-shirt. It revealed a brown stripe that ran around his collarbone and neck, as well as more of the fluffy green fur coating his smooth chest. The shirt was ragged around the hemline, having been shortened so that the wolf's tight, tidy belly was on perpetual display. A pair of tight black shorts completed the look; they barely hid any of the lithe wolf's long, smooth legs.
The panther's eyebrow lifted. Mint looked more at home on a boardwalk, a beach, or a club than as a waiter in a restaurant. Still, eye candy was eye candy.
"Would you like anything to drink?"
"I'll have some tea."
"And do you need more time to order?"
"No, I've decided. I'll have the vanilla shake." Shakal wasn't actually very hungry. He'd forgotten about the donuts he'd had at the meeting just before 11 that morning.
"Great! I'll be right back with that."
The wolf swished his way back to the kitchen. Shakal watched him go, a light purr vibrating his chest as he watched the wolf's long, fluffy green tail weave back and forth. It had brown speckles across it like his hair.
The milkshake showed up quickly thereafter. Mint grinned as he set it down on the table, leaning over so that his v-neck slipped off one shoulder, exposing quite a bit of his slim, attractive chest. He had hardly any definition, especially considering the fluffy green fur. Shakal purred just a little bit louder. Mint was cute, that was for sure. A pity he only had an hour on his lunch break. Mint giggled as he left again, leaving Shakal to watch his backside as he went. The panther's lips closed around the straw, though his eyes didn't leave the wolf's rump until it was out of sight.
The shake was surprisingly good. Rich, creamy, with a strong flavor of fresh vanilla bean mixed into the soft ice cream and milk. Sweet and tasty, just the way Shakal liked it. He drank it quickly and considered ordering some french fries, but Mint didn't appear again until the panther was nearly done, so he held off.
"Can I get you anything else?" Mint asked, sitting on the very edge of the table. He crossed his legs and leaned over, holding himself up with one arm. The other slid against his neck as he grinned at Shakal.
The panther shook his head and licked his lips. "I think I'm good for now," he said. His belly felt strangely warm, despite the coldness of the shake. "Just the check."
Mint nodded. Was that disappointment on the skinny wolf's face? Shakal couldn't be sure. He was distracted by the warm feeling spreading up from his belly into his chest. He rubbed at the buttons on his shirt, above his pecs. Was the shirt always so tight? Maybe he'd put on more muscle at the gym than he'd thought.
The shirt felt even tighter a few moments later. Shakal idly rubbed at his chest, below his left pec now, and leaned down to sip the last bits of shake out of the cup through the straw. When he sat back up, a button popped off his shirt and flew across the booth, landing on the table of the next one over with a small click.
"What the..."
Shakal looked down at himself and froze. His chest was hugely swollen. At first he thought it was an alien face hugger like in the movie he saw the night previous, but after his paws pressed into the new growths, he realized they were something altogether different: breasts.
Two perfect teardrops were busily swelling under his paws, stretching the front of his short-sleeve dress shirt. The feline's muzzle dropped open as his nipples ached with sudden pleasure at the touch of his paws. Even his erection got into the act, suddenly swelling with arousal. He couldn't believe how quickly it happened. He had hardly any time to react before another button pinged off the floor, then another. His breasts grew fast, filling up at an astounding pace. Soon they were too much for him to hold with just his two paws. He looked around wildly, hardly able to believe what he was seeing, but he couldn't deny what he was feeling: his nipples, fat and swollen, felt simply incredible. They lengthened under his fingers as he teased them through the shirt. The panther's chest kept growing, larger and larger, until the bottoms of the massive orbs rested on the table of the booth even when he sat up straight.
Wet spots appeared, growing circles of warm liquid, as Shakal caressed his nipples. Another button went and black-furred cleavage spilled out of the dress shirt, which barely clung to his nipples, leaving one fully revealed and the other partially obscured.
"Would you like a refill on your tea?"
Shakal looked up in a daze. The twinky wolf from earlier was back. Mint. That was his name. Shakal blinked. This was all so strange... but it felt so good. He was harder than he could remember being for a long time.
Mint growled playfully and scooted back onto the table, leaning over so that he was eye-level with Shakal's heavy, full new breasts. Both nipples, each as large as coffee mugs, dripped a steady stream of thick white milk. The wolf growled again as he leaned foward and wrapped a muzzle around one of those nipples, stretching his maw wide to fit it inside. Shakal's backside tensed and his tail whipped against his ankles under the table. His ears went flat and his eyes closed as the wolf's tongue wrapped around his nipples. The small muzzle suckled greedily as Shakal leaned back in his chair, shocked at the pleasure he felt.
Mint giggled as he pulled off, licking his lips clean of fresh milk. Shakal's cock throbbed and he suddenly stood, getting free of the booth. A glazed look came over his eyes as the wolf turned onto his back, legs hanging off the edge of the table. Shakal's hips pressed forward, pushing his khaki pants against the wolf's tight rump. Cloth rubbed against cloth as Shakal leaned forward, heavy breasts descending towards Mint's eager muzzle. A paw worked one fat teat as a muzzle worked the other, sending additional pleasure tingling through Shakal's body. He couldn't think straight as the thin wolf's body squirmed underneath him. Using his claws, the feline grasped Mint's hips and dragged his shorts down, nearly ripping them right off the eager canine.
Shakal's cock came out next. He remained male, it seemed, just with tits. He'd ponder the implications later. For now, nothing mattered but sating the growing need he felt for the ice cream colored wolf. His cock was hard, fat and thick, already dripping with pre-cum, more than was normal. In fact, his erection was bigger than before. Not by much, but enough to be noticeable. Shakal's paw closed around the base as he kept leaning forward, ensuring the wolf's muzzle was occupied with his nipple. They both ached so pleasurably, especially as they warmed up and the flow of milk increased.
Mint's body stiffened as Shakal pushed forward. He wasn't exactly gentle, but he couldn't help himself. The wolf was tight and warm from moment number one. Combine with what the green wolf was doing to his heavy, aching, and oh-so-full breasts, Shakal wasn't going to waste any time.
The table shook beneath the wolf as the panther's body covered him. Shakal's pants hung around his ankles as he took the twinky male on the table, right in the diner, not caring who saw. Mint's muzzle flooded with thick, rich, vanilla-flavored milk, enough so that Mint's cheeks and chin soon ran with white. Mint clenched his rump as Shakal's hips came to bear, moaning loudly, if a bit muffled, as he switched off teats. The panther's paws pushed his breasts together, squeezing them, and he leaned back, pulling away from mint. The wolf's ankles locked around his lower back, keeping them together as the panther's deep, heavy pumping continued. Milk sprayed from both of Shakal's fat nipples, raining rich milk across the gasping wolf, the table, the booth, and the floor. Neither cared. Shakal soon leaned back over, pushing his breasts into Mint's chest. The wolf moaned anew as the panther's cleavage spread and flattened over his chest and belly, even enveloping his erection. Shakal's huge breasts were heavy enough to pin the small male all by themselves.
Shakal humped in heavily, making both breasts jiggle madly. They were massive orbs, three times the size of his own head. His pectorals flexed beneath them, supporting the incredible weight somehow. His hips flexed, pumping forward, burying his engorged shaft deep inside the squirming green wolf. Shakal closed his eyes again, hissing with pleasure. Mint felt so good... warm and tight, nice and squirmy, with a soft and smooth body... the panther's growls increased in volume as his paws grasped Mint's shoulders. He leaned upwards, dragging his breasts back to muzzle range; Mint clamped on eagerly, suckling anew, drawing great pulls of cream from the panther's aching teats.
Shakal couldn't stop the explosion of pleasure as he came deep inside Mint. The wolf's body shivered around him, clenching madly. Shakal managed to get a paw down around Mint's cock and stroked him eagerly as he came, holding himself as far within the green wolf as he could. Mint's tight rump milked his cock as good as his muzzle milked the panther's nipples, which made Shakal a very happy feline indeed.
Eventually, Shakal's hips jerked. He panted hard as he leaned forward, still inside Mint. The wolf lay on his back, arms akimbo, muzzle drenched in milk with more running over his chest and belly as the panther's breasts continued to produce. Shakal was exhausted, but when the small green paw reached out and clutched at his nipple, he moaned.
"Again," Mint moaned. "Again!"
Shakal growled, passion returning in spades, heat reigniting, as he stared down at the skinny green wolf writhing with pleasure, pinned beneath his massive new breasts, impaled on his thick, lengthy shaft.
Oh yes... there would be an again. And another again. And many, many more.
The panther grinned as his cell phone rang. Work, probably, wondering why he was late. Let them wonder. He was enjoying dessert.
The end.