Against All Odds: Part 15 - Handle With Care

Story by Corben on SoFurry

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#15 of Against All Odds Universe

Here's chapter 15 of 'Against All Odds'

Marked adult as this chapter contains a little bit of M/M interaction. If you don't happen to like that sort of thing (though I'd be surprised if you got 15 chapters into a gay romance story and didn't), please turn back now.

With that forewarning out of the way - I hope you enjoy. Thoughts/comments welcomed as always!

Part 15 - Handle with Care


A soft whimper crept from Alexei's mouth as Nathan's arms squeezed tighter, smiling at the sensation of the kiss upon his muzzle while his heart pounded. The anxiety that almost paralysed him during his hesitant declaration dissolved amid a sea of joy. He hadn't planned on revealing his emotions this evening, not by a longshot. To see the tiny canine so distressed, so alone; it made that moment seem as right as any to let go of his inhibitions.

"Sweet husky," he cooed, running a claw softly down Nathan's back and beaming at the happy shiver it generated. To hold and to touch such a small being; this being in particular, still had a pleasant novelty about it.

While he understood and respected Nathan's wishes to be independent despite his small stature, Alexei adored being able to carry him within his grasp. He cupped his paws and tugged him closer to his nose, letting out a low groan as his protective instincts flooded his mind. To know that Nathan reciprocated his feelings only served to make the whole experience even more wonderful.

"I was so scared," the wolf whispered, slowly picking himself up from the floor before shifting to sit upon his bed.

"Scared?" Nathan replied, nuzzling against Alexei's nose.

"That you would be upset." He moved his paws away from his muzzle and delicately pushed the tiny husky onto his back with a thumb.

"Why?" Nathan responded, rubbing the digit as he lied down within the wolf's upturned paw.

"I feared you would be offended." Alexei gently placed his free paw upon the husky and began rubbing at his chest and belly. "I thought that I would lose you." He remained ever mindful of the harm he could do to Nathan by being too rough. The wide grin and deep sigh that he won however suggested he'd not overstepped that mark.

"Because. You. Like. Me?" Nathan asked, words punctuated by a series of contented barks.

Alexei nodded, face creasing with a smile at the little heart beating against his finger pads.

"I felt the same, Alex."

"You did?"

"Sure." Nathan gave a quick lick to the wolf's paw. "It's why I couldn't get the courage to say anything to you... I'm glad you managed."

"We are so very alike, Nate," Alexei chuckled. He cuddled the precious little husky into his chest, still weary of being too firm as he lied back on his bed. "I know there are many here who do not approve of... this. I am thinking it is similar in Polcia. I stayed silent for this reason."

"It is," Nathan responded with a smile. His bright blue eyes sparkled in the light, drawing another happy grumble from the wolf, "but I can assure you, I'm definitely not one who has a problem with it."

"This is good news," Alexei stated. "I remember from some years ago, watching an old lady scold a teenager when she saw him and a Polcian girl kiss at a bus stop." He leaned down to give the husky a peck. The fact that his lips stretched the width of Nathan's head required consideration in his aim, but made the experience no less heartwarming.

Nathan sighed as their kiss broke, gently rubbing his paw over the wolf's lips. "Have you seen many inter-scale relationships like that before?"

"Only a few times in my life. They are not common here." Alexei curled an index and middle finger to stroke the small of Nathan's back, sensing his disappointment at that answer. "Many find it difficult to understand, I am thinking."

"I reckon so, too. I imagine... your grandfather would be one of those people."

The cold realisation that he'd left Maxim alone in the front room to check on his husky struck Alexei from left field. "I must speak with him. We had argument about him upsetting you." He delicately lowered Nathan to his quilt-covered mattress, spotting his little ears folding. "It is okay, but I do not wish for him to leave with this as last thing we spoke of."

"I'll wait here for you then."

"I will not be long." Alexei forced a smile, running a finger along the husky's curled tail. "Maybe we can then try again with my grandfather." He jumped up from his bed and padded quickly towards the bedroom door.

He rushed into the living room just in time to find Maxim standing beside the apartment door, fastening his trench coat. The elder wolf didn't acknowledge his grandson's presence at first, silently placing a paw upon the door handle and turning.

"Grandpa, you are leaving?"

"I think I should go," Maxim grunted without looking back. "My welcome is outstayed."

"No, I do not want you to--"

"Alexei, you march back in from the shop and begin to yell to me before even knowing what has happened. You accuse me of not respecting him when he offers me no such thing."

"Please, I know we have fought but I do not wish for you to leave beneath a cloud." Alexei paced over to his grandfather. "He should not have spoken of the war."

Maxim turned to fix the younger wolf with a focused glare. "He should not speak of things he knows nothing of."

"I know, and he is sorry," Alexei whined insistently. "I really wish for you and him to get along. Please stay."

"No, I cannot." The elder looked back to the door and pulled it open. "You wish for space, to be host to the arrogant Polcian; this is fine, but I must leave." He stepped out of the apartment and began to descend the staircase towards the outside door.

"Grandpa, wait," Alexei cried, exiting out to stand at the top of the stairway. His grandfather didn't though, slipping out into the evening's darkness without another word.

With Maxim gone, the younger wolf had little option but to return to his bedroom, sighing despondently as he shuffled through the now deserted living area.

The sight of Nathan waiting diligently upon his bed went some way towards perking him up, but the disappointment of not being able to make amends with his grandfather still weighed heavily on his mind.

"Is everything okay?" Nathan asked, ears rising as Alexei approached.

"He... has gone home."

"Oh." His muzzle dipped. "I'm sorry."

Alexei didn't answer, merely setting himself down beside Nathan before lying back to rest his head on his pillow. A light brushing started at his side a short time later. Shifting his head, he found the husky rubbing his little paw against him.

"I really didn't mean to cause you trouble," Nathan muttered, continuing to stroke through the wolf's shirt. "That's the last thing I wanted."

"I know." Alexei sighed. With a creeping smile, he moved to scoop Nathan up, resting him upon his chest and hugging him down into it with a gentle paw.

"Let me try and make it up to you."


The husky squirmed free and crawled over to Alexei's muzzle. "Like this." Slowly, he locked his lips against the wolf's, engaging in a long, tender kiss.

Their evening passed remarkably quickly after that, with most of it spent cuddling and kissing on the bed. Occasionally they would stop to talk, until another round of intimacy interrupted them. An hour spent for dinner proved to be the only time they left the bedroom, with the displays of affection not stopping at the dining table. The only other break came when Alexei, at Nathan's request, swiftly assembled a crude staircase made up of books and boxes that allowed the little husky free movement between the end of the bed and the floor.

It would take until gone ten in the evening for Nathan to say something that would bring the wolf's thoughts hurtling back to the argument with his elder. "Do you think your grandfather will ever be okay with me?"

"What?" Alexei peered down at the husky on his chest, wearing nothing but his boxer shorts now that they'd both striped down in preparation to sleep. "Why do you ask this?"

Nathan pressed a paw through the thick grey chest fur beneath him. He dragged his claws along the flesh, prompting the wolf to murmur contentedly. "I just... don't think he'll..."

"He will come around." Alexei smiled, doing his best to stay positive under the circumstances.


"Yes." He shifted up to lean on his elbows, positioning his paw so that Nathan didn't tumble down his midsection. "You think not?"

"He didn't exactly seem so hot on the idea of getting to know a Polcian like me from the get go. The way he reacted, along with the things I said... Maybe it'd be a good idea if I just stayed out of sight next time he's around."

"This is not needed, Nate. I--"

"Face it, Alex. He hates me."

Alexei stroked the little canine's bare stomach with a thumb. "You are being silly."

Nathan smiled briefly before responding. "You really think so? He's got good reason to. He lost so much of his family..." He scoffed and looked away, quietly adding, "I'm lucky he didn't just stamp me out there and then."


"Stamp me out, do me in, you know?"

"That is not fair!" The wolf quickly sat upright. "He would not do this."

"I--I'm sorry." Nathan blurted, grabbing at Alexei's paw to secure himself while his jaw dropped and ears folded. "A joke, it was a joke. A bad one. I'm just trying to..."

Alexei grumbled softly, lying back down. "It is just... Grandfather... he does not speak much of the war."

"You've said," The husky replied, releasing his firm grasp.

"But, after you left the room, he spoke of what he told you." He could see Nathan cringe as he finished. "What he said to you is more than he has said to most."

"Is that a good or bad thing?"

Alexei chose not to acknowledge the question. Truthfully, he wasn't certain of the answer. "He has told stories to me, stories of when he and others like him would try to help your people to hide from battle and to escape the cities. He says that the war was cruel, evil. This is why I am certain he would never hurt an innocent Polcian."

Nathan appeared deep in thought as he lied among Alexei's chest fur. His blue eyes eventually locked to wolf's. "Even after how the war ended?"

Alexei's fur prickled at the proposition. He looked away to the half-closed metallic blinds covering the box window above his bed and breathed deeply. "From what he has said. Losing his mother and his sister, it made him change; he hated Polcia for it. I think that... after you started to come here to live again, he would refuse to even enter the same room as a Polcian."

"So what changed?" Nathan asked, a hint of forcefulness to his tone. "What could have possibly happened to make him stop hating a people responsible for ripping his family apart?"

Alexei stayed silent, closing his eyes as he forced his mind back into the past. He remembered the eight-year old wolf cub that had to suffer the torment of having his parents cruelly stolen away from him on a rainy, bitter November morning. "Because Polcians saved my life."

An blend of shock and confusion emerged on Nathan's face as he shrunk back upon Alexei's chest. "Polcians saved-- what?"

The wolf forced a quivering sigh past the growing lump in his throat, but couldn't answer.

"Alex, are you okay?" The husky's voice was soft, clearly sensing his sorrow. He ran a paw through Alexei's thick fur. "If it's hard, you don't have to explain."

"It is okay. I wish to," he answered meekly, composing himself in the time it took to draw another deep breath. "Car accident that killed my parents... nearly killed me also."

"You were with them?" Alexei confirmed with a small nod. "I didn't know."

"Like grandfather and war, this is not something I speak much of."

Nathan shuffled along the wolf's chest to gently stroke at his muzzle. "How did we get involved?"

"It happened soon after first Polcians came to live here again. They came to do jobs that we needed the most, doctors for example."

"So it was a Polcian doctor who helped you get better?"

"Yes. More exactly... they also brought your machines with them. I was in hospital for a long time, many weeks. If not for your technology, and the Polcians who came to live here..."

"Oh, Alex." Nathan licked at and squeezed his arms around the wolf's muzzle. "You poor thing."

"I still have scar." Alexei moved his free paw behind his right ear, feeling where the graining of the brown fur atop his head changed from that around it. "It is for this reason that I think my grandfather no longer hates Polcians. If not for them, I would not be here."

"I guess that's good reason for a change of heart," Nathan mumbled, smiling while he stroked the short fur around the wolf's nose. "I guess it's also why you like us as much as you do."

"I am thinking this, too." Alexei choked out a short giggle, pushing back against the little husky's paw. His mind quickly turned back to his grandfather, causing his tiny sprout of happiness to wilt. "The accident... it did help him to stop hating Polcians, but it affected him in other ways."

"Like how?"

He watched Nathan step back and lie back down upon his chest. "He was always very strict, even before I came to live with him and my grandmother. I can remember when they would take me to the park. He had his eyes on me always when playing. I am thinking it is from losing family in the war." The husky started to frown sadly, but stayed quiet. "After my parents died... and he lost my mother, his only child, it made him even more protective."

"So the strictness got even worse?"

"Yes, because of his protectiveness. I am thinking he worries about losing me... like he has lost many others."

Alexei whimpered, biting his lip and prompting Nathan to reiterate, "We really don't have to talk about this, if it hurts."

"I wish to. I wish for you to understand." He huffed and cleared his throat. "When I was older, I became his apprentice not only because I enjoy it, but because I knew it would make him happy to know I was taking after him, to know I was safe."

"What of your grandmother... if you don't mind me asking? What was she like?"

"She would try to hold him back, convince him to let me be free and to grow up. Mostly, she could make him calm, let me go." Alexei drew another deep breath, forcing himself to return Nathan's warm smile as he waited patiently to hear his story. "Now that grandmother is gone... he is the worst he has ever been. I am all that he has left now."

"And you think that's why he makes all these visits?"

"I think this, yes."

"It's understandable that he still cares for the business though, even if you run it now."

"True... but really, he asks more of me than about the business. He cannot stop treating me as if I am the cub who came to live with him." Alexei fell quiet, watching the husky pet away at his chest. It didn't appear as if he had anything to offer in terms of a reply, so the wolf continued plumbing the depths of his mind. "I feel bad... because it is affecting us."

"Why do you say that?" Nathan asked with concern, resting his head atop the wolf's chest.

"I feel our relationship is turning bad." Alexei gently pulled the little canine down into a hug. "I love him very much, but it feels that we now argue more than talk. I hate to argue with him, but..." he drifted off, closing his eyes in a futile attempt to dam up his building emotion.

"Alex, come here." Nathan pushed up against the wolf's paw, prompting him to release his grasp. Alexei could sense the husky clamber across his chest once again, before planting a lick on his nose and a gentle peck on his lips. "Don't cry. Things'll be okay."

A tear did roll down his cheek, but not just from his sorrow. The husky's words, his touch, they filled Alexei's heart with happiness. He felt truly lucky to have him here to confide in and offer comfort in return.

"Overprotective guardians," Nathan sighed. "Seems like we really do have this in common."

"At least you live many miles from yours. I sometimes think more distance would help."

"Really?" The canine's eyes lit up as if he'd made some kind of breakthrough. "You could do the same, if you wanted to. Maybe you could do something adventurous, like setting up a new shop someplace."

"A new shop?"

"Sure." Nathan's tail began to wag excitedly. "Perhaps in a town in the countryside, like the ones you spoke about on the train. Find your own path."

Alexei wiped the damp fur around his eyes, grinning as wide as his mood would allow. "A nice idea, but I cannot; I have too much here. I do not wish to give up the shop, and I cannot leave my grandfather here alone. It would break his heart."

Nathan sighed again, rubbing the top of the wolf's muzzle. Alexei could have sworn that he picked up on another brief hint of disappointment in those bright blue eyes. This thought dissipated with the husky's response, accompanied by a nose bump. "You're a wonderful person, Alex. Caring about your grandfather so much."

With Nathan's help, Alexei's mood began to settle. At least, his sadness more or less faded, replaced instead by a mellow stupor brought on by such an eventful day. They settled back down together, the little husky sprawling out upon the big wolf's bare stomach and sleepily stroking away.

"Nate?" Alexei mumbled, his eyes heavy. "May I ask you something?"

"What's up?"

"Your petting, it is nice... but it has reminded me." He peered down to find the statuesque canine staring back with wide eyes. "What were you thinking?"

"You mean... earlier? In the living room?"

"I do," Alexei confirmed, delicately prodding Nathan's round, white-furred belly with a finger. "I could not believe. It was very daring."

"I... got a bit carried away."

"I am thinking this also. To do this in front of Erik and my grandfather... you could not have chosen a worse moment."

"They didn't notice."

"You are lucky, because I noticed for certain."

"You didn't seem upset at the time," Nathan stated with a wry smile. He ran his claws over Alexei's torso, causing him to squirm. "In fact, I've a funny feeling you liked it."

The wolf covered his mouth, letting out a cross between a laugh and yawn. "I do not know what you mean."

"You don't?" the husky gasped, exaggeratedly throwing a paw to his hip in mock indignation. He turned and began working his way down the wolf's grey-furred stomach. "Maybe you need a reminder."

A voice at the back of Alexei's head told him to make Nathan stop, to let him know he wasn't in the right frame of mind after everything that had happened that evening. Another voice, the one seemingly winning the battle for his mind, insisted he lie back and allow the eager husky to have his way. "Nate, I don't--"

The wolf's half-hearted resistance fell flat once Nathan reached his boxers, pressing down upon his bulge and winning a happy grunt. "Mind clearing yet?"

"A little." Alexei smiled, revelling in the husky's touch as he worked his small paws over the length of his shaft. As enjoyable as it was, he'd never experienced a Polcian's touch in this manner and didn't quite know what to make of the sensation. It felt strange, yet somehow still familiar. Less powerful, but far more intimate. Either way, the urge to stop it made a quick departure from his mind.

"Just a little? We can do better than that." The stroking intensified until Alexei started to pant gently, the cadence of his breathing matching that of Nathan's massaging paws.

It didn't take long for the wolf's bulge to respond, growing until the white fabric of his underwear had stretched to its maximum around his erection.

"Now I think we're getting somewhere." Nathan muttered, now panting himself. He hugged the shaft tighter, slowly pressing his entire body up against it.

Alexei unleashed a low, reverberating groan. He watched on with half-lidded eyes as the husky inhaled deeply, sensing his smaller erection growing against his own. "Is this you still reminding me?"

"Might be," came Nathan's reply, his tail wagging rapidly. He'd stood up by this point, nuzzling into the fabric-clad cock standing as tall as he did. "Oh my gods."

"What is wrong, Nate?"

"...Nothing. At all." The husky's ears flicked, a wide grin stretching across his muzzle as he pressed it against what must have resembled a tree trunk for someone of his stature.

Alexei's heart started to thump harder, his erection growing painful in its intensity as Nathan's hips casually ground against it. "Wait," he gruffed, sliding his paw down to his crotch. Slowly, and to the beaming husky's delight, he tugged his underwear from off his thick shaft and grey-furred ballsack, exposing them to the cool air of the bedroom.

Nathan followed suit, sliding his underwear down past his brown flanks and curvy, white rear to reveal his own wanting anatomy. "Much better," he muttered, wrapping himself around the wolf's pulsating member to resume his hip-grinding.

Alexei's pleasure increased tenfold with the little canine able to rub against him directly. A low roar escaped his muzzle while his paw gripped his bedsheets. No longer did he feel confusion over the sensation; it was clear to him now that this was right, this was what he wanted.

"You like that, Alex?" Nathan snickered, almost goading the wolf. He didn't wait for a reply before leaning forward to place a slow, nursing lick upon his exposed cockhead.

Alexei gasped, gently bucking his hips at the rough yet blissful lapping of Nathan's tongue. Instinctively, he wrapped a paw around his shaft, holding the small canine against it by his back and rear while he maintained his sensual licking. With a grunt, Alexei began to stroke himself, sliding Nathan along his length as he went.

"Alex, I didn't... I--" Contented yips left the little husky's mouth as grinding became gentle thrusting. His grasp tightened, only heightening the wolf's pleasure.

Alexei growled loudly, strengthening his grip in return. He quickened the pace of his action, each stroke sending a heady wave of delight coursing through him. Warmth coated his paw as pre began to cascade down the sides of his bulbous shaft, prompting Nathan to lap at it each time he moved close enough.

"Good little husky," Alexei rumbled. Not only did he find enjoyment in the physical sensation, but deep down, he also loved the dominance he felt in having a tiny Polcian squirming within his paw as he pleasured them both. Protectiveness accompanied this power however. The little heart beating quickly against his palm warmed his own, driving home to him that this wasn't just any husky; this was his husky, and that he would do anything to ensure he stayed safe. This instinct to protect, much like back at the now-infamous riverside cafe, would soon be called into play.

"Alex. Alex!" Nathan's yips had become loud yelps, his stroking now frantic clawing. Alexei's pawing had intensified to the point that he could barely get a word out as his body ground fast and forcefully against the wolf's shaft. "Stop, Alex!"

Alexei shuddered, quickly releasing his grasp. He watched Nathan stumble back and away from his shaft as it gushed heavily with sticky precum. "Nate, are you okay?"

"That was... a little rough."

"I--I am sorry," Alexei stuttered in horror, catching his breath. "I did not mean... have I hurt you?" He quickly moved to wrap his paws around the retreating canine; one cupping his back and rear, the other rubbing over the sticky fur of his belly.

"You didn't, it's okay. Don't panic." Nathan smiled, ears flicking as he stroked reassuringly at the wolf's white-furred paw. "It was a little painful, but nothing major."

Alexei whimpered, ignoring the matted mess developing in his crotch to bring the husky up to his muzzle. "I got carried away."

"Just a bit. I didn't expect... that." Nathan grinned, pecking him on the lips. "Now you know how I felt earlier."

"This I do," he replied. Blue met amber as husky and wolf became lost in each other's gaze. Another kiss followed, longer and with more passion. "Too rough?"

"Not at all," Nathan answered breathlessly, swiftly moving in to lock lips again.

Alexei responded in kind, delicately parting his mouth to expose his tongue. The little husky reacted by carefully wrapping his lips around it and kissing at its tip. To make out in this fashion was a strange experience for the wolf, but by no means unpleasant.

"You're sure you haven't kissed a Polcian before?" Nathan asked, softly caressing the side of Alexei's muzzle.

"I have never. Why?"

"Because that was pretty damn good," he gasped, barely finishing before diving in to resume their intimacy.

They continued for a good while longer, until tiredness overwhelmed them both. Following a quick jaunt off to the bathroom to clean themselves up, they settled back down in bed together.

"You will be okay to sleep here?" Alexei asked, watching over the husky curled up upon his chest ruff.

"I'll be fine," Nathan murmured in reply, wrapped up in the Polcian-sized bed sheet he'd recovered from within his former sleeping quarters. "You said it yourself; you're a calm sleeper. Besides," he gestured down to the two pillows resting each side of the wolf, "you've taken precautions, just in case you do roll over in your sleep."

"This is true, but... still I worry."

"I've got my Normaliser, too. You'll be able to hear me if something happens. It'll be fine."

Alexei smiled, amazed at Nathan's new-found confidence. He could remember the little husky he greeted at the harbour not even a week ago: timid, nervous and afraid of even being out in the open. Now, he appeared to have little problem with sharing a bed with someone ten times bigger than him. The wolf grumbled happily, mulling over the thought that it may just be his presence that put him so at ease.

"Night, wolf," Nathan whispered, shifting up to give Alexei a lick on the muzzle.

"Goodnight." He licked back. "Sleep well."

Alexei turned out the side-table lamp, carefully pulling his quilt up to where his husky had settled. His mind briefly crept back to his grandfather, wondering if Nathan was right in his belief that they would never get along, never see eye to eye. That thought upset him a little, until his mind turned to what Nathan had said about him finding his own path.

The idea of venturing off to pastures new sparked an undercurrent of excitement within him, starting him imagining all the different places and environments he could venture off to and explore. Could he go through with it though? Could he leave his grandfather alone here, even if their close proximity seemed to be corroding their relationship?

Alexei shook his head dismissively, casting his eyes down to the little canine now slumbering upon his chest. "Sweet husky," he whispered, delicately running a finger over his frame.

He'd fall asleep moments later, reflecting on his joy at having Nathan here, and his delight that the feelings he felt for him were mutual.