Defenders of Evodusai Part 4

Story by Mizucharoshi on SoFurry

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"How do you--" I started, but then it all came back to me.

All the fractured pieces of that one buried memory resurfaced,

bringing along with it a whole range of emotions. It happened five

years ago, when I was old enough to become a trainer. Since my family

made a living breeding pokemon, I was confident in my abilities to

raise one for myself. I was given a freshly laid egg and told to take

care of it. Twenty one days later, she cracked through the fragile

shell and saw me for the first time through her amber colored eyes.

We stared at one another, both unsure of the situation presented

before us. Taking a step forward, I heard her give a few sniffles

before she went off into a full on bawl. Her crying alerted the rest

of my family of the newborn's arrival and my siblings came running in

out of curiosity. My parents walked into quite a scene that day. Like

an overprotective mother, I was clutching the baby tightly in my arms

while trying to drive off my younger brothers and sisters. When

everything had calmed down, I was left with a sleeping totodile

gurgling in my arms. From there, it went downhill pretty quickly. A month had past

since Liru was hatched. I spent most of those days taking care of

her. As a result, she got pretty clingy to me, following me

everywhere I went like a duckling chasing after its mom. I didn't

mind it much, but I was definitely worried about her safety. Some of

the family's breeding pokemon had recently gone missing and I was

afraid that whoever took them might target her next. I wanted her to

stay inside while I got the chores done around the house, but

couldn't bear the sorrow coming from her cries of loneliness. My

inexperience with this kind of thing would soon make me regret my

decisions for the next couple of years. On a day where storm clouds rolled by in thick sheets of gray, I

didn't know that my greatest fear would turn into a reality. Despite

the weather looking horrible, I brought Liru outside to get some

fresh air. Chores already done, we played together in the windy

conditions for a good hour or so. The bellowing of a miltank was a

big enough distraction to draw my attention away from my totodile for

a split second. Soon enough, her cries of terror instantly made my

blood freeze. Turning, I saw three guys escaping with bags slung over

their shoulders. Running was all I could do to catch up to the

culprits, but all that I could remember was pain. When I came to, I

found myself lying charred up on a bed in a pokemon center. The nurse

who treated my burns said I was lucky and that I would fully recover

in about a month or so. By then, I knew it would be too late to save

her from the kidnappers. For five long years, I buried away the

feelings of despair and worked to try and forget it all. But the

physical pain of having my body pushed to their limits was nothing

compared to the scar left on my heart. One night after working myself to exhaustion, I came home to find

the area surrounded with rangers. Fire had found its way onto the

roof of my house. One of them came up to me and broke open the bad

news. "...Critical...Missing...Painless..." were the only words

that I could make out through all of the panic. Watching them

dragging out the captured fugitives set me off into a rampage. How

could my neighbors, who were once close friends of ours, do such a

thing? I shouted and yelled for answers, but only received smug grins

and silence as they were taken away. I later found out that everyone

in my family would be alright. The business, however, was completely

ruined. Blinking, I stared at the gator in my arms who was sobbing

uncontrollably and clutched her deeply into my chest. A couple tears

of my own streamed downward, mixing with the tears that were already

on the ground. Looking up, a couple of drops fell onto my face."I lost you on a day just like today. I'm never going to lose

you ever again."