A Helping Hand

Story by Dracul Silvermoon on SoFurry

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(Writer's Notes: This is the single yiff scene from my current story so far, and kinda soft, but still kinda good. All characters copyright Dracul Silvermoon. If you have comments, don't hesitate to email)


In the large abandoned storage room with a single skylight as an exit, Mikeal was relieving his anguish, tearing apart old sandbags and crates with the dangerous claws at the ends of his wings, much stronger than one would think of the long slender finger bones of a bat. His large feet talons tore through the thick fabric like butter, the wood like plywood. He just couldn't believe that Emrys would do something like that, to try and interfere with his feelings. He wanted Kari, not some selfish witch like Glenda had been, disliking the bat for his one downside. He felt like smashing the bricks as well, but knew that would only break his claws.

Eventually, he couldn't take anymore, and collapsed against the pile of sandbags he and his friend had placed against the barrels to barricade the one door to this storehouse, panting heavily for breath. The dirt floor was littered with dried bits of food, crude rusted weapons, and the remains of their containers. He had left the pile of boxes that Emrys used to exit this place alone, knowing that it would be needed eventually, but he knew not now as the fox would need Mikeal's help entering the skylight.

His usually lovely coat of fur was matted down with sweat and tears, as his wings were slightly bloody. He hadn't been paying complete attention to his strikes, allowing the flying splinters to cut his elongated fingers. As he tried to calm down enough to breath regularly, he kept thinking of Kari. Her soft but firm B-cup chest that was always covered in some more masculine form of dress, such as a tunic, than a ladylike skirt. Her soft gray fur, so smooth to the touch that he kept stealing small feels whenever she was in the village, blaming it on his wings. Her flowing black hair, so enticing he had to force himself not to try and stroke it with his claws. Her strong but still perfectly molded legs, allowing her to be as graceful as a dancer. Her chastity belt, always on her body, the golden locket at the center like a buckle pointing down to...

He blushed as his thoughts had an interesting effect on his male hormones, his trousers feeling a bit tighter around the midsection. He groaned, knowing that such things were never easy for him to get rid of, as no matter how much he thought of other things, the space within his clothes was still uncomfortable. He looked around, an old habit of his whenever he felt that he was about to do something embarrassing, before glancing at his bulge in the front of his trousers, demanding attention.

Fine... you win...

He sighed heavily, knowing that even though it would not go away unless he did something, it would be difficult to get rid of it with his inconveniences. He flicked the little button that held the first little strap open, and then started to open the smaller buttons until the front of his pants was open, his underwear nearly to ripping with the force of the erection. He hooked his thumb under the drawstring of the shorts, and pulled them down to release his "master". Resting between his legs was the rust colored furry sheath and heavy sac, the pink tip of his length peeking out with it's small closed eye at the one who it expected to relieve it's stiffness.

He sighed, and placed his open palm on it, not liking how his fingers and wing membrane had to bend to do this ritual, and gripped the head gently with his thumb. He felt the initial tingle of primal pleasure as he started to move his thumb up and down along the shaft, which grew until it's modestly impressive maximum size of eight and a half inches was achieved. He closed his eyes, sighing in slight relief as he forgot his troubles momentarily, masturbation a wonderful anesthetic to emotional pain. His wing was uncomfortable, and as he couldn't wrap his fingers around his shaft like most species, it was always slow and only half enjoyable work, but the need would not be denied.

His large and very sensitive foxlike ears perked at a small shuffle of feet on the roof above. It was possibly his sister looking for him. What bad timing, as he could never hide his genitals until after it had been reprieved. The most he could do is lift his wing a bit more, hiding his crotch from view, and wrap the other one in front of it, looking like his version of crossing his arms. It was a good ploy, but if they noticed his blush in the dim light, it could lead to very awkward questions. The figure dropped through the skylight, as he braced himself for the young Cesia to drop in and start asking what was he doing in here.

The figure lacked wings. It was a young feminine male gray fox, dressed in a white long sleeved tunic and black trousers, his long black ponytail fluttering down to his back like a handful of dyed corn silk. He lifted his moderately pretty androgynous face, and Mikeal knew who it was at the sight of those pale gray eyes.

Emrys Amatsu.

He felt even more uncomfortable now than if it had been his sister, remembering the way that he had hurt his friend in anger before flying off. He remained silent as the fox slowly stood, and glanced around the room.

"Mike... I'm sorry. I didn't mean it like that." The boy's voice was soft, and apologetic. He remained still, not knowing if he should approach the bat or not.

"No, I'm sorry... I didn't have the right to hit you... it's just that your cousin is just so... perfect... it really hurts that she doesn't like me..." The bat sighed, looking down, nearly dropping his wings in defeat, but catching himself, remembering of the small problem he currently had.

Emrys slowly walked forward, being careful in case his best friend got angry again. He thought hard for the words to say, not liking to speak of his cousin, as if it bothered him. "What if... I told you she did, but just won't show it?..."

Mike looked up, confusion, hope, and a little mistrust all in his eyes. He knew that the fox was always the nurturing type, willing to do anything to help his friends feel better. He decided to keep his optimism to a minimum. "I doubt that... she's more the type to make friends than boyfriends..."

Emrys now had eye contact, which he took as a good sign. He chose his words carefully, as if trying not to incriminate himself. "She might... I mean, you're the only male she's comfortable around, besides me... she just doesn't want to get involved, because she lives so far away, and only comes every other month... maybe she just doesn't like the thought of a long distance relationship?..."

Mikeal still felt skeptical, but he knew that the fox never lied unless it was for a very good cause. It made a bit of sense, because even Mike didn't want an off and on relationship, but he still didn't like how she didn't want to show affection in any way besides a tourney. If she really did feel strongly for him, or at least at all, why didn't she at least show a bit of tenderness instead of always the tough girl attitude?

But then, first things came first. The girl of his dreams would have to wait until after the next new moon, as always. "Still... I shouldn't have hit you. She may be beautiful and perfect, but she's still only a girl. And not a good enough reason to hit the one I see as my little brother. You can hit me if you like." He clenched his eyes, preparing for a good strong fist to the face, knowing that Emrys' fragile frame hid the fact that he could handle himself. After all, it was Mikeal who taught him to fight.

He felt a gentle touch on his face, and opened his eyes to the warm smile of the young fox. "Oh, common. You know I'm a bit more mature than the 'eye for an eye' motto. If that's the way things work, everyone will be blind, in my opinion. Let's just forget it, and I'll put in a good word for you with her when I go over to the Japan region. Shake?" He withdrew his hand from his friend's face, and held it out for the bat to grip it in their own form of handshake, with his hand facing diagonally up instead of down.

Mikeal sighed, and then chuckled. He was amazed about the vulpine's patience, able to get his teeth knocked out by even his best friend and always able just to smile even with a broken jaw and forgive. He had never seen the fox get truly angry about anything, only getting playfully mad if he had played keep away games or had small play fights with the boy. He was about to lift his hand, but the brush over the most tender of his regions reminded him the hard way about what he had been doing before Emrys arrived. He only curled his wings around himself tighter, desperately trying to mentally command the penis to return to it's protective sheath, to no avail.

Emrys was now a bit curious. Mikeal had never before turned down the opportunity to shake with him, as they both were honest and never broke a promise. He glanced at the bat's face, an inquisitive look on his face. "Why won't you shake, Mike? Did I say something wrong?"

Mike sighed, knowing he was stuck for it. He had to confess. "No, you're perfect, Emrys. As always. But... when I ran away... I came here and let out my anger, and then... I sort of thought of Kari... that way..." His cheeks burned like hot coals as he moved his wings aside, revealing his impressive member to his vulpine friend, expecting Emrys to at least tell him off about getting a boner over his cousin.

Emrys' own furry cheeks shone pink. He had never seen another male naked since he was just a cub. He knew that now that he was seventeen, he shouldn't be in the same room as an aroused male all alone, but he couldn't help but feel a stir in his own nether regions. He remained silent as he stared at the pillar, the tip glistening with a drop of pre. After a full minute, as soon as Mikeal was about to try and push it back into his trousers and leave, ashamed, Emrys spoke.

"I'm not perfect... quite the opposite... and I don't mind... I mean..." He blushed violently, trying not to turn away ashamed himself even as he felt the same nagging in his crotch as Mikeal had. "I paw off too... maybe not to Kari, but I do... if... if you still need to, I'll just go away..."

Mikeal didn't know what to say. He felt like telling off Emrys for his overdeveloped sense of modesty for the umpteenth time that week, but felt that this wasn't the time. He sighed a bit, and spoke in a small but firm voice, steeling himself.

"No, you can stay. We're both guys, so this is normal. Just don't stare or anything and you can do it too." He felt like he was going to pass out from embarrassment from the words, but managed to keep a moderately straight face.

Emrys himself just nodded, trying to be the understanding friend as always, and walked a bit away, before starting to fiddle with his own drawstring trousers, his own shaft aching in it's sheath as Mikeal started his own ritual again.

After a moment, just before Emrys could pull out his own length, he couldn't help but glance at his bat friend trying to stroke his length with that hand. He thought for a second, and had an idea, though he felt his head was going to explode from all the blood rushing to his cheeks. He stood up with his front undone, and knelt between Mike's legs, the busy bat's eyes closed. He sighed lightly, and gently touched his friend's wing, hoping not to get hit for this.

Mike's eyes shot open, feeling the soft furred paw at his wing, and looked down. Looking back up was Emrys, with a face that looked blood red despite that he was a gray fox. For a second, neither of them breathed, the wing stopped in mid stroke, before the vulpine's voice broke the silence.

"That doesn't look very comfortable... please don't hate me for offering, but... can I help?" The boy's voice was small and shy, as if he was asking for a lot of money for doing nothing, or something else as shameful. Mikeal was stunned for a second, his voice nervous.

"You... you know I don't... swing that... uh, way... Emrys... and I didn't think... you did either..." He remained as stiff as if the fox was a dangerous snake, ready to bite his exposed flesh.

Emrys remained calm as possible as he spoke. "I don't. But I'm your friend, and I only want to help. You have a little bit of a hard time with wings, and I have two paws. If you don't say anything, I won't either."

Mikeal didn't know what to say. In all honesty, he was curious as to the feel of something other than his own wing, and he would trust Emrys with his life, but it did feel very uncomfortable. He held still, looking into Emrys' cold gray eyes, trying to find a reason as to why he shouldn't. But as usual, the fox's eyes were only full of warmth and caring, only wishing to help as it seemed he always was. With great effort, he slowly removed his wing, exposing his sensitive pink length, and put both his wings on the bags he was resting on to avoid swinging them wildly.

Emrys didn't even need to say another word. Slowly, he reached out with a quivering hand, and wrapped his long agile furry fingers around the middle of the length, receiving a small gasp from his friend. He admired the smooth texture, squeezing lightly to see that it was as hard as steel, but knowing that it was the most sensitive region of Mike's body. With that, he gripped it firmly, and started to slowly pump his paw along the rod, watching Mikeal's reactions.

Mikeal had never felt this odd in his life. It was just another hot, sweaty, and furry paw, with the velvet grips of any canine and feline like fur, but it was different to him. It felt even better than his own paw, as he had both the knowledge that it was another's, and the lack of discomfort from his wing and his eventually tiring arm. He moaned lightly, feeling his hips buck lightly into the paw as a small stream of pre added lubricant to the fox's hand.

Emrys didn't know whether to smile or be sick. He knew that it was against the laws for homosexual acts like this, but he wanted to help, and was glad that Mikeal was being pleased. He started to stroke faster, deciding he would wash his paw when he got home to avoid the uncomfortable sticky feeling, feeling the pulsing flesh in his grip. He was oddly enjoying this, as he squeezed it again to see if another rewarding squirt of pre-ejaculate would come.

Mikeal was panting as loudly as after he had relieved his anger, feeling a fire build inside his crotch as the fox stroked his meat, already near climax as he groaned out a soft word. "Emrys..."

The word made the name bearer blush greatly, but he continued, and even lightly decreased the size of the ring formed by his thumb and forefinger, teasing the flare of the helmeted head of Mikeal's impressive cock, trying to make this as enjoyable as he could for his best friend.

It was all too much for the bat as the bizarreness of the situation, the feel of another's paw, the teasing, and the continuation of speed that rarely happens in masturbation brought him to a body wracking climax, a loud and long groan of pleasure emitting from his throat as a small fountain of thick gluey white cream shot from the tip of his shaft, covering Emrys' sleeve and his own shirt, seeming to last for an eternity for him.

Emrys finally smiled as he saw the reward of his efforts, continuing to stroke the shaft as he knew from personal experience that one tended to be supremely sensitive during and immediately after cumming, until the last dribble of seed flowed down the bat's length. He finally drew his hand away, and pulled it into his sleeve before wiping off the penis of his best friend, awarded with a few violent shudders. His own loins were screaming at him as he started to pull out his own aching need, not even caring about pulling out his sack as he masturbated violently.

Mikeal groaned, still weak, as he pulled the front and back of his shirt out of his trousers, and dropped it aside, not one for wearing messy clothes like that. Then he noticed the fox who had done him this great service, and thought of how to repay him. He knew that his wings were ill suited for such a thing... then he got a disgusting but possible idea. He slowly got off the bags, and knelt in front of the boy, smiling weakly.

"Hey... let me... return the... favor..." Emrys looked at him, wondering what he intended, but felt it was only fair as he stood and sat in the depression left by the bat, noticing the warmth and the slight dampness of the bat's sweat. He knew that Mike would never leave him be if a favor was done but not returned. He removed his own paw away from his length a bit easier than the bat, doubting they could break the homosexual laws any further.

Mikeal took a deep breath, steeling himself for what he was about to do, looking at the smaller black fox shaft, noticing the small lump at the base that was a canine knot. He guessed that the boy was 7 inches long, not too bad considering his body type. He closed his eyes, holding his breath, and then lightly licked at the pointed tip of the fox, his exceptionally sensitive ears just listening for reaction.

His echolocation told him that the boy had stiffened greatly, even that his eyes were wide and very surprised. He decided that he was not a fan of pre-ejaculate, the taste a bit bitter in his mouth, but he never turned down returning a favor in his life, and was not about to start now. He took slow and even breaths as he slowly pulled the shaft into his mouth, suckling on the head like some sort of delicacy, like the rare flavored ice he had heard was made with sticks inside.

Emrys was in ecstasy, almost whimpering from the pleasant feeling of the bat's warm moist mouth, the hot strong tongue teasing his sensitive flesh. He gripped the bags so tightly that his small claws punctured small holes as he felt his friend's caressing muzzle.

Mikeal didn't understand why he was enjoying this, but he couldn't help but slowly take as much of the shaft as he could into his mouth, until the tip of his pointed vulpine snout was teasing the knot at the bottom. That was rewarded both with a noticeable shudder, and a shot of the bitter fluid into his mouth, nearly gagging. But he held it in, and even swallowed it, knowing that females do it and it didn't harm them. He bobbed his head slowly along the length, breathing in the musk of the fox's pubic fur. There was another scent in the air that he couldn't recognize, but it only spurred him onward, rubbing his tongue along the underside.

The fox felt his testes begin to seize up, feeling close already. For some reason, the knot was exceptionally sensitive, and he pumped once or twice into his friend's mouth, trying to hold it as he didn't want to fill his mouth... or did he? "M...M... Mike!... I... I'm going..."

He heard his friend's pleas, and intended to pull away as soon as he felt the fox was going to blow, but he noticed that his sac was still inside of his trousers. He reached with his thumb to pull down the underwear, the claw lightly stroking the knot on the way.

That sent the boy over the edge as he has to clench his jaws together so as not to howl in delight as he felt his own climax reached. Stream after stream of hot and sticky seed fired into the flying fox's mouth, the largest climax he had ever had in his life. It was as if someone had just hit the largest pleasure spot in his brain, and he just had to show how he felt in some way.

Mikeal's eyes went wide for a split second after the bitter cream hit his throat, and pulled off quickly, gagging as all the seed poured over the fox's shaft, fur, shirt and trousers. He felt like vomiting, but nothing came out, only gathering all the clinging semen in his mouth and spitting it aside, gasping for breath.

The fox was in his own view of heaven, barely seeing straight as that was his most powerful orgasm in his young life. It took him a full minute to finally have the mind to see straight or move, glancing towards his friend. He looked a bit disgusted, but was smiling warmly, looking at the fox in a different way than before.

"E...Emrys... thanks... I needed that..." He didn't know what else to say. His best friend had just done him another favor, and even though he had repaid it, he still felt grateful to his friend. He hadn't been able to climax properly once in his life, with the exception of when one of the females he had been with had done what he had just done for the fox in return for him doing the equivalent for her. That was the one he had thought he would be with, but eventually her repulsion to being held by long bony hands with membranes between them overcame her liking of the bat.

Emrys just slowly sat up, his shaft unable to return to his sheath as Mikeal's had because of his knot, but it was slowly shrinking without further stimulation. It would be completely normal within ten minutes. "N...no problem. Just... don't expect it every time, okay?" He chuckled, and lightly cuffed the bat's cream covered chin. "I don't see you that way. Just as my big bro who needed a bit of help. Got it?"

Mikeal chuckled, and nodded, amazed once again by the fox's commitment to his friends. He was almost positive that Emrys would hop in the path of an arrow if it was aimed at a person. "You got it. Though if I can't get a girl, I may be begging for it." He smirked, teasing the fox.

The fox chuckled, and stood a bit shakily, barely noticing his pants being almost coated with his own semen and the bat's saliva. "Heh, and if you tried that I might have to belt you right in those punching bags. I choose when I do that for anyone, got it bro?"

Mikeal laughed out loud, and shook his head. "I'm never going to figure you out, Emrys. All I know is that you have got to be the best friend anyone's ever had."

He felt a light shove push him on his back, and the fox was standing over him, grinning as he spoke in his bad impersonation of a classical voice from a play. "Nay, good Shingari. I merely saw that your loins were ablaze, and your digits ill adapt for such a mission. Twould you convict me of being a faulty friend if I hadn't done this simple task?"

Mikeal was near to tears with laughing now, and Emrys bowed for a make believe audience. After a minute, Mikeal calmed, and then saw the stain of the acting vulpine's trousers, frowning. He had a small problem with wearing clothes what were stained with sexual secretions, as if they were sinful to wear until cleansed. He reached over to grip them, about to pull them down. "You should wait till these dry. I'll fly you home when it gets dark so no one will see."


He felt a paw collide with his face for the second time that day, but this time it was done by one of more muscle than Glenda, the unfaithful female squirrel who had dumped him. He glanced up, seeing the fox with a shocked and even fearful expression in those eyes, as if Mikeal had touched a sensitive subject. They looked at each other for a few seconds, Mikeal's eyes searching the fox's for an explanation, Emrys' only give the bat fear and worry in return. And with that, the fox tied the drawstring of the front of his trousers, not seeming to care about the drying seed on his pants or the fact that his still slightly erect shaft was pressed against his stomach uncomfortably, and then pulled the tunic down over it to cover some of his pants and his penis, before quickly climbing the boxes to the skylight, off the roof of the building and rolling as he had tossed aside the ladder he had used to enter, and ran home as fast as he can.

Mikeal just sat there, massaging his cheek, wondering what was the matter. Emrys had never done something like that without a good explanation. He waited a few minutes, to see if the fox would return with a never ending string of apologies and an explanation as always before. It never came. He sighed, and stood, grabbing his shirt. He knew that it must have been something deep to have given Emrys reason not to apologize. He climbed the steps a bit more easily to the roof, gripped his shirt in one of his feet like it was a large dangerous hand, and took flight, heading first to his house to wash his face and change shirts, and then towards his friend's house, knowing that an apology was in order.