A Prince's Promise

The young jackal chuckled as he slipped through the garden of his enemy. His ebony fur shone like obsidian in the full moon light, rippling like waves of tall grass on plains with many hills in a strong wind despite the fact that it carried so much...

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Luther-Puris Academy - 1

This is the first story so far. Nothing special. Just kinda crappy intro to the school and the main character. And the main character is a bishounen fox, so gender is impossible to determine without explanation. So sorry about that and try not to barf...

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Luther-Puris Academy - Intro

Author's notes: This is going to be one of my worst groups of writings yet. But as my knowledge as a yiff writer is limited, please forgive me. Anyway, this idea came to me after watching way too many anime shows with school kids in uniforms. And while...

A Helping Hand

(Writer's Notes: This is the single yiff scene from my current story so far, and kinda soft, but still kinda good. All characters copyright Dracul Silvermoon. If you have comments, don't hesitate to email) "ARGH!!!" In the large abandoned...

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Friends stick together

Friends stick together by Dracul Silvermoon Alex Eagle is (c) to his player DISCLAIMER: You all know... Not being 18 and older bla bla bla... ---\*\*\*--- Seis groaned as he woke up. He saw his old familiar room, with a TV and PC...

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