The Houseboy - CH 01

Story by DoggyStyle57 on SoFurry

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#1 of The Houseboy

This story was commissioned by Phrax ( or ), placing his original character Remiel Townshend in the same world as my Swiss Mix stories, as a new houseboy at one of the secondary mansions where Bernerholdt Foundation maids and houseboys are trained.

There will be some crossover of events and characters between Swiss Mix to this story, and what happens here is considered 'canon' for Swiss Mix. But this story is written to stand on its own and to be enjoyable even if you have never read Swiss Mix.

Remiel and any members of Remiel's family belong to Phrax. All the other characters are my own creations. Art for the icon is from a character sheet that Phrax commissioned to be drawn by Arkaid, and the original is here:

One small warning to Swiss Mix fans - The timeline and posting schedule for this story is not locked to the posting of updates from Swiss Mix, so it may contain minor spoilers about events yet to come in Swiss Mix.

The Houseboy

A story commission by DoggyStyle57, for Phrax

Written January 2014

Chapter 1

England: June 10, 2010 (Thursday afternoon)

Remiel smiled nervously across the table at the elegantly dressed lop-eared bunny lady that his parents had invited into their home. He couldn't help but stare at her. She was so beautiful, with Champaign brown fur and rich brown hair, and light brown eyes. She seemed to be about thirty years old, and her fine clothes, state of the art laptop computer, and her rather expensive looking watch and jewelry were in stark contrast to the humble home that Remiel's family lived in. Even the rented car that she had arrived in was a very expensive-looking one. The ten year old otter boy sat between his mother and father at the dining room table, with the bunny seated across from them, while his six younger brothers and sisters played more or less quietly in the next room.

The house was quite small, for such a large family, and the neighborhood it was in certainly wasn't one of the best, but neither was it among the worst. They even had a few luxuries that the kids would really appreciate. Looking through the back window into the cramped back yard, the bunny could see that almost all of the space back there was dominated by an above-ground swimming pool. Though it was old and its metal frame had been carefully painted over in several places that must have once been rusted, the water in it was crystal clear and inviting. Solid working class folk, that's what this family was. Too many kids and not enough income, and yet still they managed to provide what was really needed, and took good care of what little they had.

The bunny regarded the boy carefully. He definitely favored his mother in fur coloration and facial features, but he had his father's hair and eyes. His fur was such a pure white and his nose such a soft pink that one might almost expect him to be an albino. Yet he had lovely pale green eyes, which sparkled with intelligence and curiosity. His short golden yellow hair, which reached to just past his collar in back, was a bit mussed up, and fell into his eyes, but was clean and recently trimmed. His clothes, like those of his parents, were simple and serviceable, but well made and clean. She particularly liked his smile. He looked so innocent, and almost feminine.

"It's so very nice to finally meet you, Remiel, and you also, Mister and Mrs. Townshend ," the bunny said, smiling back at the young otter and his parents. Though she spoke English quite well, her voice had a definite German accent. "It is pleasant to be in England again, even though my visit shall be brief. I was born in Brighton, you see. Not so very far from here. I am Miss Cora Stock, from the Bernerholdt Foundation. You know why I am here, I hope, Remiel?"

"Yes ma'am. My parents told me last week that I got accepted for a most wonderful scholarship. Thank you, Ma'am! It means a lot to me, an' to my family," the boy replied. He nervously ran a hand through his hair, and glanced at his parents.

"It's far more than just a scholarship, dear boy! It is also a job, a new home, and a new life!" the bunny replied, opening her laptop and turning it so they could all see the screen. "I am here to answer any remaining questions that you may have, and, once the final paperwork has been signed, if you feel you are up for the challenge of starting a new life, far from your family, I will also be the one to escort you to Switzerland."

She spent a little while giving them a presentation with her computer, going over what had been in the brochures and application packet for the scholarship, and showing them pictures of other kids in the program, and the stunningly beautiful mansion where he would be living. All of the children seemed happy, but they were all girls, until the last group photo, where one mouse boy in a vest, dress shirt and tie stood in the second row in a group of girls in school uniforms. The pictures of the girls in their maid uniforms showed their head and shoulders only, and they were all quite pretty. One girl was even an otter, with light brown fur and glossy brown hair that hung in curls framing her face! He could only see her face in the picture, with a swimming pool behind her.

"The Bernerholdt Foundation Scholarship program was founded by a philanthropist in Switzerland, Lord Karl von Bernerholdt, in September of 1983," the bunny said, as she went through the presentation. "They initially offered grants to children's hospitals and academic scholarships to young girls. In 1984, after the untimely death of Karl's brother, Manfred, the Foundation started to offer the 'Maid Scholarship Program'. In return for serving at least six years as a maid in a noble household, and learning the vocation by apprenticeship, girls enrolled in this program get a free education, from their current grade in middle school or high school, through at least a 4 year degree in college. The school the children attend prior to going to college is a very good one. Classes are taught in German, but the teachers are used to dealing with international students, and speak many other languages."

"I can speak German, Ma'am. An' French, an' a little Russian even," Remiel offered. "But, ummm, I'm not a girl. Is that okay?"

"Of course it is!" Miss Cora said with a smile. "Just recently, the program was opened to boys as well, to work as houseboys. And that is why you can go there, Remiel. But most of the other children that you will be learning with will be young girls. There are only two other boys at the mansion you've tentatively been assigned to."

"Thank you, Ma'am. I was just a bit confused, seein' as all the kids in your pretty pictures were girls. I understand that a lot of the work I'll be doin' will be what most folks consider 'girly work'. But I don't mind that," Remiel said.

"There was at least one boy in those pictures, though he may have been easy to miss," Miss Cora said, flicking back to that photo. "See? He's right there, in the second row." Then she looked at him seriously and said, "Remiel, I want you to understand that being trained in our program as a maid - or houseboy - entails far more than making beds, cleaning bathrooms and mopping floors. Any unskilled laborer can change the beds and replace the toilet paper in a hotel room. That takes no skill or intelligence. What we provide is so much more. Yes, you will also learn to cook, and to sew, and to do laundry - all 'girly work', as you say. But you will also learn all that you need to know to run every aspect of a large household; the bookkeeping and accounting, how to order the food and supplies, how to coordinate events and activities, and even how to dance, entertain, and hold your own in conversation with highborn nobility. Our maids are not just pretty faces who do the chores. They are highly sought after and absolutely trustworthy employees, who can be relied upon to run a large household for a nobleman or noblewoman, and also to provide intelligent companionship for them. Many of our maids even get proposals for marriage from wealthy gentlemen!"

"Sound like you'll be better at housekeepin' than your ma," the boy's mother said. "Maybe even have some rich lady taking a shine to you when you're older, or allowin' her daughters to date you. It's another world, my son, an' a better one. Grab onta' it with both hands, an' don't you let go!"

"Oh, I'll never be as good a cook as you are, mother," Remiel said, hugging her tightly.

"All his expenses are covered, right? Sounds almost too good to be true," his father said skeptically.

"It certainly is an amazing opportunity," Miss Cora said, closing her laptop and looking at Remiel. "But Remiel, you will have to work hard for it, and you'll be leaving everything and everyone you know behind. You must agree to make an honest effort to keep your grades up and to master the vocational training that the program offers. It's quite a challenge for a child your age to keep up with it all, but we do believe you are up to that challenge. Your grades are quite good, and the staff members at the community swim center are very impressed with your potential. In return for your efforts, the Foundation will take full responsibility for your welfare and needs while in the program. Your food, shelter, clothing, recreation, and medical needs will be fully covered, including a fully-paid four year college scholarship. In addition, you will be paid a salary for the work that you do, all or a part of which can be sent home to your parents, or which can go into a savings account in your name, to pay for the coaching you will need to follow your future Olympic swimming aspirations. The mansion has an Olympic pool that you may use, and we also have a beautiful lake to swim in."

"The boy keeps all his pay!" his father insisted. "Make sure it gets used for his Olympic coaching, and that you get him a good coach. That's why we're agreeing to this. The lad's the best swimmer in the family - better than anyone I know. And that's sayin' a lot, comin' from a river otter like me! He deserves this chance. We'll manage just fine without him sendin' money home. I... I just can't accept money for you havin' him, all right? It's... well it would be almost as if we're selling the lad to you, if we did. We sign these papers, and you folk become his legal guardians, and we might never see him again. I'll do it for his future, but I won't accept money for his leaving us, and that's final. And what does your Foundation get out of all this again? Seems you're being quite generous, and asking for fairly little in return."

Cora nodded, and said, "We don't mean to insult you or to bribe you, sir. Lord Karl's brother, Lord Manfred von Bernerholdt, died childless, but he spent much of his adult life seeking to improve the lives of children, as a doctor with the Red Cross. That dedication cost him his life, when a truck full of medical supplies that he was riding in hit a land mine. The scholarship program honors his memory, by ensuring that many children will have good educations and a solid vocational training, and not have to find themselves in the sort of impoverished or hazardous situations where the late Doctor Manfred von Bernerholdt tried to help them. Furthermore, the Noble households that participate in the program certainly benefit from the work the maids do. Most of the children in the program become quite enthusiastic about their new jobs, and become very loyal employees who can eventually be assured of high-paying jobs in other noble families. I am a graduate of the scholarship program myself, and very happy to have had the opportunity. I used my scholarship to get an accounting degree, but I returned to become the senior maid for Lord Roderick, and to help him to train new maids. I truly love the work I do as a maid."

"I want to go to college, and to train to be an Olympic swimmer. I'll never get another chance like this," Remiel said. "I want to go. Let's do this."

"We shall be glad to have you, Remiel," Mss Cora said, shaking the boy's hand. "Now, if each of you have no other questions or concerns, I have a few papers that still need to be signed. And since I see from his application that Remiel already has a current passport, I will make the plane reservations, and he can come back with me tomorrow, if that is convenient?"

"T-tomorrow? Oh gee! I guess I can get packed that fast," Remiel said. "Ummm, what should I take with me? What will I need?"

Miss Cora handed him a short list of suggested clothing and personal effects, including a list of items forbidden in his carryon bag by the airlines, and a very few things forbidden in any bag, and said, "You will get school uniforms and your houseboy uniforms when you arrive, so all you really need in terms of clothing are some casual clothes for play breaks, and a nice outfit or two to get you started. At most formal occasions you'll wear your uniform, so you really don't even need a suit. A jacket and tie would be sufficient. Anything you don't have, we will get for you. Dress comfortably for the flight, with shoes you can remove easily. They are getting somewhat annoying lately at airport security. And welcome to our family."


After Miss Cora left, the family had dinner together, and the rest of the kids were told their big brother was leaving for his grand adventure. He promised to write all of them, and to come home for Christmas if he could. Then Remiel went to his room to get packed.

His mother brought him a battered footlocker trunk and a small shoulder bag, and she was also carrying a small wooden box, with their tribe's emblems on the lid.

"Before you go, there is something important I must do for you, my son. Something that is my duty as your mother," she said. "You are leaving our hearth and home, and taking on the responsibilities of an adult - getting a job and earning your own way in the world. I had thought you would be older, before it came time for this, but you have earned the right to be considered a man, by our tribe, and to proudly wear our tribal markings. It may be a bit old fashioned, but it is traditional in our family for each child to go through this, when they move away from home and go into the world on their own." She opened the box, and showed him eight small bottles of permanent fur dye, and several brushes. "This box of dyes and brushes will be for you to keep, so you can keep the colors bright and fresh as your fur grows out. Now, take off your shirt, my son."

Remiel's lower lip quivered, and he sniffled a bit as he replied, "I will make our tribe proud, mother. I promise that I will!" Then he took off his shirt, and offered each shoulder to his mother as needed.

"The yellow sun drop on your right shoulder, and blue crescent on your left, mark you as an adult member of our tribe," she said, as she carefully painted his short white fur with the bright dyes. "As a child, you learned to trust anyone who bore those marks. As an adult, I charge you to be worthy of such complete trust, and to aid anyone of our tribe, if called upon and if it is in your power to aid them."

"Mother, I shall always try to be worthy of my tribal marks," he said solemnly.

"I know you will, my dear. Now, please drop your pants," his mom said, blushing.

"WHAT?" Remiel exclaimed. He could not believe his ears. He blushed fiercely at the very thought that his mother had said any such thing. "W-what did you say, mother?"

"There are two more tribal marks for you to wear, my son, and they go where only those who you love and trust most are likely to see them," his mother replied, regaining her composure. "These go on your butt, where even the most skimpy swimsuit or underpants will normally hide them. And that is why you probably have not seen them on any member of our tribe. But every adult bears them. So turn away from, me, bend over, and lower your pants enough for me to paint them on your butt cheeks."

"W-what... what are they?" Remiel asked, with his hands frozen at the waist of his jeans. He was blushing so hard that he thought surely he must be glowing like a lit campfire by now.

His mother blushed again and touched her own groin, through her clothes, to the right of her mound. "When your mate bears your first child, you and she may each choose your own personal tribal marks, which you will wear here, beside your sex. As our adult child, you will bear my mark and your father's mark where your lover may see them readily, but few others will. My mark is a blue spiral, and will go on your right butt cheek, and your father's is a green sun, and will go on your left cheek. I will paint them where even a very skimpy swimsuit or pair of underpants will hide them from the world. The position is quite intentional. You will need the aid of a true friend to renew those marks for you - a mate or a trusted comrade. If you should someday see either of these same marks on the body of a girl you think might be a potential mate, ask very carefully of her family tree, for she may be one of your sisters, or a close cousin whose parents chose similar marks to your father's or mine! It would be safest to prefer breeding to a girl who has neither mark. But beware, my son, for any girl who is tribal, but who has no parental marks on her body, is one who is not yet considered to be an adult by her tribe, and she may not be mated with!"

"Mother! I haven't... I mean, I would never..." Remiel objected, blushing again. "I'm still a virgin!"

"As we are all born into this world, yes, you are innocent. But almost every adult, save for those who seek the shaman's path most zealously, will someday give up their virginity, so they may breed sons and daughters to strengthen the tribe. There is no shame in breeding fine children with your chosen mate. I have been very happy to do so with your father, seven times now, and I pray that I may I yet be blessed with more children in the future! In time you will find someone with whom you will want to mate - perhaps even before you are ready to breed children. Your father will talk to you next, about how to responsibly prevent unwanted children from being conceived, if you pair only for pleasure. For there is also no shame in seeking pleasure and giving pleasure to someone you like and respect. As a child, we kept such things hidden from you. But as of today, you are a man, and you must learn a man's responsibilities, and a man's pleasures. Now, bend over and drop those pants!"

Remiel thought he would die of embarrassment as his mom painted the two marks on his left and right butt cheeks. It tickled! And he could hardly see his own marks, without bending his back in a way that only an otter, a ferret, or a similar species could hope to do. And when she was done, he had to remain there, draped over the side of his bed, with his shirt off and butt bare, while the dyes dried properly. What if one of his brothers or sisters walked in and saw him like this! All his brothers slept in this room too! How could he explain this to them?

His mother told him to lie still, and kissed him goodnight before she left. After what seemed like an eternity later, his father opened the door, and only then did Remiel realize that his mother had locked it as she left, so his little brothers and sisters could not have seen him in that state.

"So, my son is now a man," his father said, his voice choking with emotion. "Your marks look good, son. You mother always has been better than me at painting fur so the edges are crisp and clean." He touched the fur on his son's rump, and said, "You can pull your pants up now. The dyes have dried, and will be waterproof now. Give each dyed area a good brushing before you go to sleep tonight, to part the hairs and make it all nice and smooth. Well... It's time for us to talk, man to man, for the last time as a father to child, and for the first time as equals in our tribe."

"B-but, you'll always be my father!" Remiel said, as he turned and yanked his pants back up. He buckled his belt and zipped up his fly, but didn't bother with a shirt. He was proud of the marks on his shoulders, and could hardly believe he had been given them while so young.

"Yes, you will always be our son, and your mother and I shall always love you, Remiel," his father said. "But today you stand at the crossroads between childhood and the responsibilities of an adult. There are things... so many things... that I had thought I would have more time to tell you about. Well... no time left, now. You told your mother you're still a virgin, but we know you've had at least some sexual interest in girls. Your mom found the girly magazine that you hid between your mattress and box spring. Got it from the old tool bag in the boot of my car, didn't you? It's all right son. It's normal for a boy your age to be curious, and that was just a swimsuit issue with a few tasteful nude pictures in it. Still, I don't want you taking it with you, all right? I know you had a basic sex education lesson in school, but do you really understand how sex works yet?"

"Ummm, they were pretty vague about it," Remiel said, as he dug the magazine out and gave it back to his dad. "And that magazine was fun to look at, but it didn't explain sex much either. Sorry I took it, father. I... well, you're right, I was curious. An' I didn't think I could just ask you if I could borrow it!"

His father took the magazine, and handed his son a square foil-wrapped packet, about two inches square and a quarter inch thick. "Know what that is, son?"

"Ummmm... no?" Remiel said. "What is it?"

"That, my son, is a rubber. Or a condom, to use the proper word," his father replied. "If you want to mate with a girl, but you don't want to risk making a baby, you put that on your penis before you put your penis into her. You're going to be working around a lot of pretty girls, who will be about your age and some of them may possibly just as curious as you are about sex. If one of them wants to mate with you, and you like her well enough to want to mate with her, you put that on first, and you make sure she knows you did. If you open that up, you'll see it's shaped sort of like a rubber life raft. Put the flat side down on the tip of your shaft, and roll it down to cover everything. Does that make sense?"

Rermiel stared at the foil packet and almost dropped it. He was once again blushing like mad, and could hardly think straight. He was far too embarrassed to admit that he didn't understand at all. "Ummm, right. I don't think I'll need anything like that for a long time, father, but I'll try to remember that, if I do."

"Son, sex is natural and normal, and it's fine as long as you're both old enough and both you and the girl are willing. When the time comes, I think it will make a lot more sense to you. And it's also possible the girl may have her own protection - like being on birth control pills, or using contraceptive foam, and a diaphragm. But a rubber is the best protection, because it also keeps you from getting sick."

"Sex can make you sick?" Remiel asked, very confused.

"Sometimes, yes. There are diseases that get passed from person to person by having sex, just as there are things that you can get if a sick person coughs in your face," his father said. "Your new school should have more health classes as you get older, and they will explain it. Or go ask the Lord of that fancy manor you'll be living at. He's supposed to be accepting responsibility for you. So I hope we can trust him to teach you the things I haven't had time to teach you about sex. You pay good attention to what he tells you, boy, and don't get yourself or some fool girl in trouble."

"Yes sir. I'll be good, sir. I always try to be good!" Remiel said.

"I know you will, son. And I know you'll work hard and do as you're told, and learn this new job inside an' out. But just you remember... if you find out you don't like it there, or that you don't like the work, you can always come back home to us. It's in your contract that if you quit or fail, they will pay your air fare back home. No matter what happens, you won't be stranded way out there, with no way to come home." His father hugged him tightly, nuzzling the boy's shoulder to hide his own tears. "We'd go with you to the airport tomorrow, but I have to work, and your mom as to watch your brothers and sisters. But we know you'll do us proud, son. Now, get some sleep, and tomorrow, make a perfect splash as you dive into your new life!"


England: June 11, 2010 (Friday morning)

Just after breakfast, Miss Cora came back to pick up Remiel. His father had already gone to work, and his mom helped him to take his trunk and suitcase to the bunny's rented car. Mrs. Townshend kissed her son on the cheek and hugged him, and then stood on the front lawn and waved, until the car drove out of sight.


At the airport, Miss Cora dropped off her rental car, and took her own luggage and Remiel's from the boot of the car. She had a pair of handy fold-up dollies to put the trunk and bags on, and together they rolled everything into the concourse and checked all but their small carryon bags. Then they went through security, and located the gate their plane was to leave from.

She checked in with the gate attendant and gave her a document that showed she was escorting a minor with signed permission from both parents, showed the lady their passports and some sort of an ID card, and the attendant gave Remiel a special badge to wear, on a neck cord. "We hope you enjoy flying with us, young sir!" the attendant said with a grin.

Miss Cora looked at her watch and said, "We have an hour or so before we can get on the plane. Would you like to get a magazine or a comic book to read on the trip, or maybe a mug of hot cocoa? My treat."

"Some cocoa would be lovely, Ma'am," Remiel said. "I have a couple of books in my shoulder bag that will do me. Is it a long flight?"

"About an hour and a half. Long enough that we'll get lunch on the plane. Have you ever flown before, Remiel?" she asked, as they walked over to a food stall, and she ordered for them.

"Only once, Ma'am. When we flew to see my grandma in Germany, last year. That's why I have a passport already," he said. The girl behind the counter handed him his cocoa, and he sipped happily at it, ending up with a dab of whipped cream on his nose.

Miss Cora wiped his nose off like any mother would do, and said, "You should get used to calling me by my proper title, dear. Calling me Ma'am is polite, but it makes me feel so old! Call me Miss Cora, or if you want to be especially polite, M'lady Cora. As senior maid, I will be your supervisor, and the main person teaching you your duties. We shall see a lot of each other, for the next six years, at least. I want you to think of me as a very good friend, Remiel. As someone you can always come to with a question, no matter how embarrassing or personal. I wouldn't ever wish to replace your mother in your heart. But if there is anything you would ask your mother while you are with us, you could safely ask me, as well. It's what I do for all the maids and houseboys. And I like doing it."

"All right, Ma'am... I mean, Miss Cora," Remiel said. "Ummmm, do you have any kids of your own?"

"An even dozen of them," she replied with a grin, seeing the boy's eyes go wide. "Thirteen, counting yourself. The maids at our estate are my children, for most intents and purposes. But if you mean, 'do I have any that I have birthed myself', then no. I am only twenty nine, and I fear I am too proud of my figure to wish to rush into making my belly swell with a child. Master Brian likes me just as I am, and so do I. Perhaps someday a man will sweep me off my feet and I will want to give them children. But for now, I am quite satisfied caring for the newer maids and houseboys."

"Yes, Miss Cora," Remiel said. "But, ummm, Do you, y'know, have a boyfriend?"

"You could say that Lord Roderick is my boyfriend," she replied, as they returned to the boarding area. "Not the kind of boyfriend I might hope to marry, though. He has no wife, but I don't think he wants one. But he _does_make sure I don't lack for affection."

"OH!" Remiel said, blushing. He really didn't know what to say to that. He sipped on his cocoa and took out a book to read, and tried not to look at her.

"Did I embarrass you? I'm sorry," Miss Cora said. "You're so cute when you blush like that. They are going to love you when we get home."

When they announced early boarding for First Class and VIP members, and for people travelling with small children or who were handicapped and needed extra time to board, Miss Cora stood up, and said, "That's us! Come along, Remiel."

He followed her as the bunny gave their tickets and passports to the attendant, and got them stamped, and they got on the plane. But Remiel was surprised when Miss Cora told him to take a seat by the window in first class!

"That is your seat, 2A. Mine is 2B. Lord Roderick always flies us first class," Miss Cora said, taking the seat beside the boy, on the aisle. "The food is much better, for one thing. We shall actually get a real lunch. The rest of the people back there will get only get small packaged snacks and sodas. Now relax, and enjoy the flight, dear. Oh, and once we get off the plane, most of the people will speak German, so try to use that language, wherever you can."


Switzerland: June 11, 2010 (Friday afternoon)

After an hour and a half in the air, and lunch on the plane, Remiel and Cora arrived in Bern, Switzerland. In the luggage claim area they were met by two bunny girls in French Maid uniforms.

"Hello Gretchen! Hello Natalia!" Miss Cora called out happily in German. "Remiel, these girls are Gretchen and Natalia. They are both fifteen, and have about a year left to go in their maid training. Girls, this is Remiel Townshend, our new houseboy."

Remiel stared at their costumes. It was the first time he had ever seen the whole dress that the girls wore, and the first thought he had was how little of it there was! Their starched, ruffled skirts barely reached halfway to each girl's knees! And both girls were wearing black nylon stockings, with black lace garters that he could just barely see at the tops of the stockings, and high heeled shoes.

"Ahhhh... Wow... Ummm, it's very nice to see you. I mean, to meet you!" he said in German, blushing.

"Oh, he's a cutie!" Gretchen said. She had light brown fur, cream tummy fur showing at her neckline, and short, dark brown hair. Her eyes were a gorgeous dark brown. And she had a very shapely figure with small but nicely rounded breasts. "You are from England, yes? But your German is quite good! Welcome to our household!" she said, and then she stepped close and gave him a hug and a kiss on the cheek.

"He is good, yes!" said Natalia. Her fur and hair were both jet black, as were her eyes, and she had just as nice as figure as the other bunny. "Welcome, little brother! In Russia we do not just kiss cheeks!" She stepped up and kissed him firmly on the mouth, her tongue teasing at his lips but not forcing entry.

"T-thank you!" Remiel stammered in Russian, and blushing even more.

"You speak Russian? Wonderful!" Natalia said happily.

"Only a little," he replied, going back to German. "I'm best with English, German and French, but I was just starting to learn Russian this last year in school."

"Was a good school! So many languages, so young!" Natalia said.

"Talented and Gifted program," he replied. "Stayed after school for the language lessons."

The conveyor belt started and they turned their attention to getting the luggage from the moving belt. Miss Cora and Miss Natalia each stood close to the conveyor, and dragged the bags off as they passed, to pass to Remiel and Gretchen. Remiel's eyes bugged out when he saw Natalia easily lifting his footlocker trunk, and then carrying it aside by the handle.

"What? It is not so heavy! And the car is close," she said with a grin. She headed for the exit without waiting for Miss Cora to unfold the luggage dollies.

"Natty loves to show off how strong she is," Gretchen said, as she took Miss Cora's carryon bag in one hand, and an unused dolly in the other, and Cora took her own suitcase on her luggage dolly. "Don't mind her."

At the curb, they were met by a thirty year old male badger in a chauffeur's uniform. He opened the trunk of the limousine, and put Remiel's trunk and the rest of their bags into it as if they weighed nothing.

"Thank you, William," Miss Cora said, kissing him on the cheek. "Take us home, dear."

They rode in the limo to the mansion, with Remiel and Cora facing forward, and Gretchen and Natalia facing them. The two girls had their long, nearly naked legs stretched out in front of them, and Remiel could see that they were definitely wearing lace edged black garters to hold up their stockings, with black silk bows... and lacy white petticoats under their skirts and aprons... and... The otter boy quickly turned his head and kept his eyes locked on the passing scenery outside, so he wouldn't seem to be rude by staring at the pretty and scantily clad girls, or peeking up under the girls' short skirts.

They eventually drove through a massive set of ironwork gates in a tall stone wall, with a guard in a booth who looked at the driver and waved them through. The road took a curving path through a small wooded area, before the trees cleared and the large two story mansion came into sight.

At the mansion, William parked the limo near the front door, and another maid came out with a luggage cart like Remiel had seen used in fine hotels, in TV ads. This new girl was a black ferret, and the others called her Mia. As Natalia and Gretchen helped to get the luggage out of the trunk of the limo, Gretchen leaned way over to reach a bag at the back, the back of her skirt lifted up, and the young otter couldn't help but see that Gretchen had no panties on under her short skirt! He looked away, very embarrassed. The girls took the luggage inside, and Miss Cora and Remiel followed them.

The maids seemed to know where to take the luggage. They kept right on going as Remiel paused to stare at the opulent entry hall of the mansion. He stopped in front of a large portrait of an aristocratic squirrel in a Swiss military uniform.

"Is that Lord Roderick?" he asked.

"That is the current Lord Roderick's father, Lord Ian Roderick," Miss Cora replied. "He died before I started here as a maid. Lord Brian Roderick, his son and our Master, was just twenty two when his father died, while on a UN peacekeeping mission. He was one of the founding patrons of the Bernerholdt Foundation. He was one of Lord Karl's commanding officers, when they were both in the Swiss army together. A fine man, I am told. I wish I could have met him. His son is just as handsome, though."

She led the boy through the mansion to an area where several other young maids were going in and out of rooms. Several of the girls smiled at him, but they each kept moving, as if they had things to do.

"Your room is right down here, on the left," Miss Cora said, as she showed him the room number and taught him the combination for the lock on his door.

They stepped into his room, and he saw that his trunk and smaller bag were already waiting by the closet doors, ready for him to unpack his things. The room itself was about twelve by fifteen feet, with a large closet, and he could see a bathroom through an open door on the far side. It was beautifully furnished, with a huge queen sized bed that had a comforter and four pillows on it, a large dresser, a dressing table with a mirror, a full length mirror near the closet, a book case, a desk with an office chair, a comfy looking overstuffed chair with a reading lamp, and two other chairs. There was even a large flat screen TV set, on top of the bookcase.

"Wow! This is as big as my parents' bedroom, back home!" he said, peeking into the bathroom, and noting that it had both a shower and a tub, and a double sink, and that there was a second door on the far side. "Oh! Is that a fur dryer in the shower stall? We had those at school, so we could dry off fast after showering at the end of gym classes, but we never had one at home. Ummm, so I guess I'll be sharing this room with the other two boys?" he asked, eyeing the big bed. He was used to sharing a bed with his three brothers, so that didn't really bother him. He just hoped the other boys didn't snore or toss and turn in their sleep.

"Not unless you really want someone to share your bed every night," Miss Cora said. "This room is just for you, and the bathroom will just be for you use too, unless we hire another new boy soon. The other two boys have their own rooms, and share a bathroom. The door on the far side of your bathroom leads to an unassigned bedroom."

"I can't ever remember having a room of my own, or not havin' to share a bed," he said. "Back home, my three little brothers an' me all slept in one big bed, and my three sisters shared a bed in their own room. But if this is just for me, why is the bed so big?"

"So you can share it with a friend if you choose to," Miss Cora said. "The maids and houseboys are not required to stay in their own rooms at night, and you have no curfew. As long as you get enough sleep to do well in your classes and maid duties, what you do in your free time, and who you do it with, is your own affair."

"Oh! So, like, the girls could have a sleepover party, or I could have a friend come and watch a late-night movie or a TV show with me?" Remiel asked innocently.

Miss Cora grinned at the boy's naive question. He would learn what she really meant soon enough. "Something like that," she replied. "Though we have a recreation lounge and a games room where most of the kids gather to watch TV or movies, or to do their homework, if they want to work together with a friend instead of using their own computer in their room. I'll show you those areas next."

"I, ummm, don't have a computer. Used one at school, an' at the library, o'course. But we didn't have one at home," he admitted.

"Then we will get you a computer in the next few days," Miss Cora said, leading him out of the room. "Our seamstress will talk to you about that, when you get your uniforms from her tomorrow. She handles providing anything you might need. Clothes, toiletries, non-prescription contraceptives and medicines, computers, software, books...and other things... Just tell her what you require, and she will order it for you."

"Really? Wow, that's super!" Remiel replied.

"Ah! I see the new lad has arrived! Welcome to my home, Remiel!" said a male voice as they rounded a corner. The speaker was an adult male squirrel in his early forties, very similar in appearance to the former Lord in the portrait in the entry hall. Obviously this had to be Lord Roderick! He was well dressed, in a dark grey business suit that complemented his light brown fur and short, dark brown hair. His dark brown eyes had the kind of wrinkles at the corners that Remiel associated with people who smiled a lot, and he was smiling now.

"A pleasure to meet you, m'Lord!" the otter boy said, attempting to bow the way he had seen people do in movies when meeting a member of the nobility. "Yes sir, I am Remiel Townshend. You look a lot like your father's painting, sir. I... I've never met a real Lord, before. Should I kneel, or somethin'?"

"No, you certainly don't need to kneel every time you see me, lad! Nor bow and scrape as if you were a supplicant seeking my favor. That would be terribly awkward, if you were carrying a mop and bucket, or an armload of fresh linens. Merely addressing me politely as 'M'Lord', will quite suffice, for now," he said, clapping the boy on the shoulder like an uncle or family friend might do. "Do you like your room? I presume you just came from there, as you're leaving the maids' quarters."

"It's more wonderful than I could have hoped for, M'Lord. Thank you ever so much!" Remiel replied.

"You speak German quite well, lad," Lord Roderick said. "May I ask why a lad from England chose to learn German, and to become so proficient in it?"

"My Grandparents on my father's side are from Germany, sir. Learned it to sing for them and talk with them, when we got to see them," Remiel said.

"You sing, too? Excellent!" the Lord replied. "I shall look forwarding to hearing you perform for us. Many of our maids are trained to sing, and others learn to play an instrument. Do you play, as well?"

"No M'Lord. Never learned ta play anything, aside from a tambourine an' some rhythm sticks at... meetups an' festivals. Wouldn't be opposed to learnin' though," Remiel replied.

"Good attitude, my lad," Lord Roderick said. "You'll do well here, if you're always willing to try to learn new things. So, Miss Cora, what does he still need to see? I can take him for a while, if you'd like to change out of your travelling clothes and freshen up a bit?"

"Thank you, Master," she replied. "I was going to take him to see the recreation lounge and games room, and then thought I would show him to the playground and pool, where he could relax with the other off-duty children, until dinner time."

"That sounds like a good plan," he said, "Come along, Remiel, and I will show you where our children spend most of their free time."

He took the boy on a brief walking tour of the mansion, briefly showing him the library, which seemed to Remiel to be larger inside than his parents' entire home, and then on to the games room. In that room he saw the bunny girl, Miss Gretchen, and several other maids and one houseboy. They were all in their uniforms, are playing happily on computers or gaming systems. The houseboy was wearing a dress shirt and vest and tie, but had on shorts that looked almost like swim trunks, with a black satin stripe down the side on both sides, and he wore a rectangular apron, like the ones the maids wore, but not as frilly and lacy.

"This is all for your use, in your free time," the Lord said. "It's a pleasant place to relax when you have no other duties. You'll meet all of these children at dinner, or tomorrow at your first maids' meeting. But we'll leave them be for now, since they are on-duty right now, and just killing a little time before reporting for their next assigned task. I believe all of these children have kitchen duty tonight, and will be going soon to help the Cook prepare and serve our dinner."

The Lord led Remiel out through a back door to a playground that looked like it would have been right at home at a middle school or a public park. Miss Natalia, several other girls and one mouse boy were on swings or playing tag with each other. All of these children were in play clothes, much like what he would wear after school when playing with his friends back home. Beyond the playground he could see a beautiful swimming pool which, judging from the steam rising from the water, must be heated. It had three diving boards, of various heights that looked to be right for Olympic diving, and had the stands at one end and lane markings for swimming competitions. Two otter girls were happily swimming in the pool. In the distance, across a beautifully landscaped yard with flower beds and sculptures, was a small lake.

"This area is also available for your leisure time," the Lord said. "Swim in the pool or in the lake as much as you like, or go for walks in the woods for exercise. There is a wall around the limits of my estate, and a line of red and white marker buoys on the lake where my domain ends. You are free to go wherever you want within my estate, so long as you return to the mansion in time to get to meals, classes and your maid duties. There is also a gym inside, with a hot tub, sauna, weights and exercise equipment. Everything you should need to train for the Olympics, except for a good coach, and we will take care of that soon. Now, you are free for the next hour or so. Go introduce yourself to these children, and have some fun!"

"Thank you, M'Lord, I will! This is absolutely splendid! It's like a perfect dream, come true!" Remiel said.


Miss Natalia saw Remiel approaching, and ran over to meet him. She had changed into a tight t-shirt and a short skirt that was no longer than her maids' skirt, both a solid red in color, and red sneakers with no stockings.

"So, you like our home? Is very good, yes?" she said.

"It is amazing. More wonderful that I dreamed it would be!" Remiel said. He was trying not to stare at the bumps formed by the girl's nipples, under the thin fabric of her shirt. Apparently she wasn't wearing a bra.

"Come! I introduce you to your new sisters and brother!" the black furred bunny said, taking him by the hand.

The other kids on the playground lined up when they saw Miss Natalia bringing the new boy to them. Over in the pool, the two otter girls swam to the edge and propped their arms on the side of the pool, watching from there. From what Remiel could see at this distance, they seemed to be twins. Both otter girls had light brown fur and glossy brown hair that managed to remain rather curly in spite of being wet.

"Everyone, this handsome young otter is our newest houseboy, Remiel!" Miss Natalie said. "Remiel, This Mink girl is Miss Valerie, she is thirteen, and comes to us from Austria."

"Nice to meet you, Remiel," she said. Her chocolate brown fur looked very soft, and her black eyes glittered in the sunshine. Like every girl he had seen here, she was quite attractive. But she was only two inches taller than Remiel.

"My pleasure, Miss Valerie," the boy replied.

"And this Italian greyhound girl is Miss Irene. She is from Italy, and is eleven. She's only been with us a few months," Miss Natalia said.

"And I love it here!" the girl said enthusiastically. "You will too. I just know you will!"

"I hope so," Remiel said. "So far, it seems simply splendid!"

"I'm Michael!" the mouse boy said in English, "And I'm from England, like you! This place is swell! I was in an orphanage when they found me, and this is so much better!" He switched to German, and said somewhat haltingly, as if trying carefully to choose the right words, "We're supposed to talk German most times, but if you ever want chat in English, I would like that."

"Nice to know there's someone here from home," Remiel said. "And maybe I can help you with your German, too. Glad to meet you, Michael. Sorry to hear you're an orphan, though. That must be rough."

"Orphanage wasn't a happy place," the mouse replied. "My folks drowned when a ferry sank in bad weather. Freak accident, they said. I miss them a lot, but I have a new family now, and I know they're watching over me from a batter place."

"And this red squirrel girl is Miss Danielle. She's from France, and is ten. Like you, she just arrived here," Miss Natalia said.

"Kinda scary being on your own, isn't it?" she said, in a soft voice. "But the scholarship was too good to pass up. My family couldn't afford to send me to college. I'm going to learn to be an au pair... you would call it a nanny, I think. I would live in someone's home and help care for their children."

"That ought to go well with the maid training. I bet you'll get a great job after you learn the stuff they teach here!" Remiel said.

Miss Natalia grinned, and told the boy, "The otter twins in the pool are Miss Kate and Miss Farah. They're from Canada, and they're twelve. Been with us about a year now. Go over and introduce yourself! They've been dying to meet you, ever since they heard you were an otter!"

Remiel nodded and trotted over to poolside, "Hello! I'm Remiel! Ummm, which of you is Kate, and which is Farah?"

"I'm Kate," one girl said, "and this is my sister, Farah."

"Nice to meet you, Remiel," Farah said, smiling at him.

They both had lovely dark brown eyes. Remiel realized that one of these otter girls must be the one he saw in Miss Cora's presentation. He had recognized several of the other kids too, now that he thought about it. But what really grabbed his attention was that both girls had tribal marks on their shoulders! They each had a five pointed brown star on the right, outlined in black so it showed well against their light brown fur, and on the left shoulder they had a blue circle with a dot in the center.

"I see the marks on your shoulders. You're tribal? I am, too!" Remiel said. He took off his shirt to show them the tribal marks on his shoulders.

They said that they were, and the kids exchanged names of their tribes. But they hadn't heard of each other's tribes before.

"Not surprising, I s'pose, since we're from half a world away from each other," Remiel said. "Nice to know someone else here knows about tribal traditions, though. Thought I'd be the only one here who would."

"Come swim with us!" Farah said. "We heard you're a great swimmer!"

Remiel sighed. "The water looks fabulous, but I still haven't unpacked yet. I don't have my swimsuit with me," he said sadly. He wondered if he had enough time to go change and come back for a quick swim with these pretty girls.

"Neither have we," the twins said, as they both pushed off from the pool's edge to tread water.

He couldn't see them very well through the rippling surface, but it was enough to be pretty certain that neither girl had a stitch on! Neither of them seemed the least bit embarrassed by their nudity, however.

"I... Oh my! Ummm, maybe after we know each other better. A lot better! Sorry!" Remiel said, covering his eyes and backpedaling until he fell backwards over a lounge chair. He landed flat on his back, looking up at the sky, with the wind temporarily knocked out of him.

"Oh! Are you all right?" Miss Natalia said, running up to him and standing over him, with a foot to either side of his head.

Remiel blinked, and then blushed crimson as he realized he was staring right up under the black bunny's skirt, and that she had no panties on! She was only wearing those black lace garters that he had noticed earlier, even though she didn't have stockings on to hold up with them. Somehow those lacy garters made her look even more naked than her lack of panties did. From where he was on the ground, he could _very_clearly see the pink folds of her labia, framed by her jet black fur and the red skirt. And then her folds parted as she squatted over his face, and he saw...


Remiel passed out.

When he came to, all the kids were in a circle around him. The otter girls had put on yellow sarongs and t-shirts. And Miss Cora was there too, in her maid uniform, and kneeling beside him.

"Most of you should have known better than to tease him like that," Miss Cora was saying as he woke up. "It's his first day here. Now, all of you go in and dress for dinner. I'll take charge of him."

She got Remiel to his feet, and he walked slowly back to the mansion, wondering if what he had seen was just some kind of dream or fantasy. He had fallen, and hit his head. He still was sore on the back of his skull, so he knew that much was true. But had he really seen the otter girls without a stitch on, and looked up Miss Natalia's skirt and seen... But how would he have even known what it should look like, under there? That magazine he had under his mattress only showed girls posing chastely in the fur, and barely a hint of pink showing where their slits were. Not... wide open...

Back at the mansion, Miss Cora waited in the hallway while Remiel put on his best clothes - a brown sports coat and slacks that almost matched, and a nice white shirt with a dark brown tie. He followed her to dinner, trying not to stare at her fluffy tail or her long, shapely legs.

At Dinner, Lord Roderick, Cora, William, Remiel, and the kids that had been outside sat together at the table like family, while the other maids and houseboy served the meal. Except for Lord Roderick, Remiel and William, everyone else was in uniform as maids or houseboys. He saw a few faces he hadn't seen yet, and guessed that among the maids, the girls ranged in age from ten to the early 20's.

At the midpoint of the mealtime, the maids and houseboy that were serving stood behind and to the right of each seated person's chair, and Lord Roderick tapped on his wineglass with a fork for their attention.

"As you all know by now, our household gained a new member today," he said. "Remiel Townshend comes to us from England, and is a very promising candidate for a future Olympic swimming champion. We hope he will prove equally talented as a houseboy, as we teach him your vocation. Please make him welcome among you. I am sure you all will."

Everyone at the table applauded and smiled at the otter boy, and then fell silent again as their Master raised one hand.

Lord Roderick looked at the boy and said, "Remiel, for the next six years, the people in this room will be as close to you as family. Some you have already met. For the maids and houseboys, Miss Cora will introduce the others to you again tomorrow, at the maids' staff meeting. You will have a chance then to properly exchange greetings, and get to know each other. Allow me to introduce my senior staff. Miss Cora you know by now, and you have already met Mister William Carter. You might not have been told that William is also a native of England. In addition to being my chauffeur, he runs the mansion's laundry, and when we are away from the Estate, he is responsible for our security."

"Just call me William, young man," the badger said, in a voice that seemed almost too gentle for his massive size. "Mister Carter sounds too pretentious for my liking, coming from you kids, and you houseboys each go by Mister and your first names. I seriously doubt anyone here will ever be picking on you, but if anyone at school or elsewhere ever tries to bully you, just point them out to me, and I'll make sure they leave you alone."

"Thank you, William. Nice to know I have a protector," Remiel said earnestly.

"The lovely Ferret beside William is Miss Lena, our Seamstress," Lord Roderick said. "Go to her for your uniforms, and for anything else that doesn't require a doctor's prescription. Whatever you need, she will provide."

"Come to me as soon as the maids meeting is over tomorrow, and I will have all of your work and school uniforms ready," she said.

Remiel looked at Miss Lena. She was a Champaign-colored Ferret, with blonde hair that was shoulder length, and frosted black at the tips. The black mask of fur around her eyes made their pale amber color really stand out, and she had lovely eyelashes. She looked to be college aged - maybe twenty two, he guessed.

"Thank you. Nice to meet you, Miss Lena," the otter boy said, trying not to stare.

"Our other senior staff member is our cook. You will meet her the day after tomorrow, when you start your training. The Squirrel girl next to Miss Lena is Miss Magda, our cook's assistant, and the oldest of the maids currently in training here," the Lord said.

"We'll start you cleaning dishes, but before you leave, we'll have you making food a five star restaurant would be proud to serve. Half of what you ate tonight was cooked by maids in training," she said.

She had larger breasts than any of the women in the room, and Remiel had trouble keeping his eyes on her face, and not drifting lower. "It's all delicious, Miss Magda. My complements to everyone who cooked it!"

"I'll make sure cook knows you said that," she replied. Then she rang a small hand bell, and everyone except for Lord Roderick, William, Cora and Remiel got up from the table, and their places were taken by the maids and houseboy who had served the first half of dinner.

"The maids take turns serving each other, you see. This way, they all enjoy a hot meal, properly served," Lord Roderick said. "Today and tomorrow you may remain at the table for the full meal. After that, for each meal you will be assigned to eat in the first or second shift, and to serve in the other. Remember that, and do not dawdle over your food."

"Yes M'Lord," Remiel said, quickly finishing off his desert, which he had barely started.


After the meal, the Lord of the manor tapped Remiel on the shoulder, and said, "Come with me, my boy."

Remiel followed him into the library, and sat in a comfortable chair that the Lord indicated, while the nobleman sat in a nearby chair.

"I was told that you were... startled... by the behavior of some of the maids today," he said. "I do hope none of them offended you? They meant no harm, I assure you."

"N-not offended, M'Lord, no. Just... well, surprised?" Remiel said. "I... I don't what to be a snitch an' get anyone in trouble, sir."

"You won't, don't worry. But tell me what startled you, please," the Lord said.

"Well, M'Lord, I... well I didn't mean t' see it, but when Miss Gretchen was getting my things outa the boot of your limo, I saw... well, she didn't have any panties on! Then at the pool, Miss Kate an' Miss Farah wanted me to swim with them but they were naked! That startled me a good one, sir, and I fell when I backed away, and then... Well, Miss Natalia had no panties on neither! How can a girl forget to wear their panties, sir? An' why were those other two girls skinny dipping, and no one thought aught of it?"

"Haven't you ever gone 'skinny dipping'?" the Lord asked.

"Well, yes, when it was just me an' my brothers an' sisters, in a quiet cove aside the lakeshore. Or at Festival times, when the tribes gather. But that was with family, or close to it. Not... Not out in the open, where anybody could see!" the boy said.

"Aren't the maids your new sisters and brothers? Haven't they welcomed you as such?" the Lord asked. "And who is to see, here on my Estate, other than those of my household? No one here will be offended by a naked body. Are you?"

"Well, n-no. Just... well, embarrassed, I guess. But the girls with no panties? What's up with that?" Remiel asked. "How can anyone forget their underwear?"

"Oh, they didn't forget them," the squirrel replied. "Most of my girls don't wear panties. In fact, only Miss Klara and Miss Danielle, who both arrived here this last week, ever wear them very often."

"WHAT?" Remiel replied, trying not to shout. "Y-you... Even Miss Cora? Even... when we were on the plane? All of them do that? W-why?"

"That, my young man, is something that will take a while to explain to you. But I shall try, if you promise me one thing. What I tell you, you only repeat to others in this household. The rest of my maids and household staff all know it - even Klara and Danielle. But not a word of this to anyone else - not even to your parents, please! Do I have your promise on that?" Lord Roderick asked.

"My father said I should trust you. So y-yes, M'Lord. I promise..." he said. As he waited for the explanation, Remiel wondered just what sort of strange circumstances he had gotten himself into!


... to be continued.