Sonic's Curiosity

Story by Silent Soul Ken on SoFurry

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A story I wrote based on a series of pictures. I'm sure this is riddled with spelling and grammar errors a plenty but when I wrote this I had no one to beta it. I do plan though one day to go back and rewrite it but for now I'll upload this now.

Sonic's Curiosity

Inspired by Habbodude's picture series

Tags: TG, TF, Gender Bender, Male to Herm, Breast/Penis/Balls/Ass/Body Expansion, Oversized, Cum Inflation, Impregnation

Sonic the Hedgehog sat in the booth of a restaurant eating a chili dog. Sitting next to him was Tails, who was slurping on soda, and across from him was Rouge and Amy. Rough was eating a sundae while Amy drank milk. Sonic finished the chili dog and looked at Amy. "Amy you've been drinking a lot of milk lately, you know your bones can only have so much calcium in them." Sonic said, Rouge giggled.

"She's not drinking milk for that; she's drinking milk for these!" Rouge said, and she grabbed her breasts and hefted them up slightly Amy spluttered milk spraying everywhere. Tails blushed and Sonic looked confused.

"Why what's good about those things seems to me like they get in the way." Sonic said.

"Hmm a man like you wouldn't understand a woman's need to be beautiful and these babies definitely add to it." Rouge said.

"Huh... I wonder... you think there's something that could make me have breasts?" Sonic suddenly asked everybody sat there for a second then they all burst out laughing though Sonic was quite stoic Rouge saw this and she forced herself to stop.

"While that is a nice thought Sonic only women can have breasts," Rouge said.

"I'm sure there's some way for me to have those, I mean come on with magic and science I'm sure it's possible." He said.

"Please tell me you're joking," Tails said.

"I want to know if it's possible," Sonic said there was silence then the sound of thunder clouds was heard. "Ah nuts rain!" Sonic said his infamous fear of water taking over. "Well I'll see you all later!" He said and with that the hedgehog got out of the booth and sped out of the building heading home.

"Guys what should we do about this? He sounded pretty serious about this!" Tails said.

"Well..." Rouge started.

"Let me guess the military?" Tails asked.

"They do have something they said it's a special drug for certain missions."

"Oooh can I get some?" Amy asked.

"Kid the only thing that's gonna make those grow is time and maturity both of which you lack," Rouge said coolly, Amy's face turned red with rage and embarrassment.

"Does it wear off?" Tails asked.

"You're not gonna tell me to get it are you?" Rouge asked.

"I think it'd be a nice laugh, definitely be something new!" Tails said Amy blushed and she stood up and pushed past Rouge. "W-Well it would," Tails said.

"Hmmm... all right foxy boy I'll do it I think it'd be funny as well!" Rouge said, thunder clapped and she looked to see it was raining lightly. "I'll get it and one of my spares." Rouge said, "Meet me at his place later we'll get some stuff to record it!" Rouge said and she blew a kiss at Tails, she exited the building. Tails watched her go and blushed slightly, and then the sound of tapping was heard he turned to see the waiter with the bill in hand.

"Oh nuts," Tails said.

-G.U.N Headquarters, Science Division-

Rouge walked into the lab which was currently empty all the scientists were currently off duty, she walked forward using her natural eyesight to see in the darkness. The object of her desire had been developed and formulated into a pill as such they had produced a single bottle full of the pills with one experimental pill kept out for testing. She walked through the lab scanning for where they kept the pills. She remembered them being put into a cold storage box with a lock on it. She looked around tired she jumped and flapped her wings floating in the air she quickly found a row of cold storage boxes and flew to them; she saw that three of them had locks. Rouge groaned she looked at all three locked boxes and she reached into bust and pulled out a key. It was a special key that would allow her to unlock any government issued lock. She unlocked the one to the left first, pulled off the lock, and opened it; there were several vials inside but no pill bottles.

She closed it and put the lock back on locking it. She then went to the second box she unlocked it and smiled inside were various pill bottles she heard the slight rustling of paper but ignored it. She grabbed the bottles and examined them. She found it, red pill bottle with at least 10 pills inside. She looked at the bottle; on it were the words 'Experimental Hormone Changer, warning consume only one for results!' Rouge smiled and she smiled closing it she gave a startled sound as a paper flew out and smacked her in the face. Angry she stuffed it into the box and sealed it up, she then headed for the exit pleased with her catch. Had she of been a bit calmer she would've read the words, 'Experimental Failures: Processing for Removal, Unstable Results.' Things were about to get very interesting for Sonic the Hedgehog.

-Sonic's House, Later on-

Tails tapped his foot irritably as he waited for the buxom bat thief suddenly he felt something warm on his head. He blushed and turned, stepping back, and saw her smiling. In one hand was a black pill bottle, and in her other was one of her usual clothes she used to go on adventures complete with the white boots with little pink hearts. "Wait long foxy?" She teased.

"Ah well um..." Tails began then he shook his head, "Doesn't matter let's get this thing set up," Rouge saw at the fox genius' feet was a small camcorder. He grabbed it and pulled out a key he had to Sonics house. Due to the famed hedgehogs' rather infamous nap times Tails had more often than not had to go and wake the blue blur from dreamland. The two quietly entered and Tails went to the office he had made and grabbing a piece of paper scribbled on it. He then showed Rouge and she giggled. On the paper was an arrow pointing at a random spot it said 'Put on the clothes then eat me!' The two headed upstairs to hatch their daring plan. Tails stopped Rouge and opened the door carefully making as little sound as possible. They heard the loud snoring of the hedgehog; Sonic was lounging on his bed one foot dangled from the side of the bed. Tails turned to Rouge and gesture for her to come in. The two tiptoed inside and Tails went to a night stand. Rouge followed and placed her costume on the night stand and smiled at Tails.

"I can't wait to see him tomorrow!" Rouge she whispered.

"Let's just hope this puts his mind off getting breasts in future." Tails said.

"Oh I don't know I think he'd be cute as a she." Rouge said.

"Oh come on," Tails said.

"I'm kidding!" Rouge said, 'But really he would look cute,' She thought to herself with everything set the two then went to set up the camera and when it was affixed next to a table overflowing with medals and trophies.

"Let's go!" Tails said and with that the two snuck out returning the doors to normal. Rouge paused and she looked at the house wistfully then turned and continued walking.

-The Next Morning-

Sonic's eye brows creased as his alarm went off he reached down grabbing one of his shoes from the floor and throwing it at the alarm. The alarm fizzed as it fell to the ground. Sonic sighed and turned to sleep again when another alarm went off, and another and another until five different alarms were ringing. He groaned and fell out of bed and opened his eyes blearily. He yawned and scratched his head and back avoiding his quills. He went to each alarm and shut them off one after another he then went to his closet to grab clothes when he saw it. On his night stand was Rouge's customary heart outfit and on top of it was a piece of paper and a black bottle filled with pills. He read the message and looked at Rouge's outfit. He looked at it then shrugged, "What's the worst that could happen!" He said, with that he pulled off his shoes and his gloves and put on Rouge's clothes. He winced as his feet were forced to accommodate the heels but he bore the pain. He grabbed the pill bottle and opened it, he shook the bottle and 2 pills came out.

"I wonder what these do," Sonic said and with that he popped them into his mouth, he found that he could chew them, he did and swallowed the pills had a curiously sweet flavor like honey. It wasn't long before the effects of the pills became known Sonic felt a heat in chest and he looked down to see his chest was swelling becoming bumps then mounds then full-fledged breasts. "Hmmm I can get breasts from these pills... Okay!" He said excited. As his new breasts began to push the small 'heart-bra' Sonic tipped the pill box over eight more pills falling out Sonic ate those as well unaware that more changes were happening. His butt and legs were growing as well becoming bigger and thicker. Just below his cock his body was reforming and developing. The pills he had swallowed were a powerful hormonal and DNA altering compound that allowed a person to completely switch their gender from one to the other... or at least that's what it should of done. For some reason it only worked partially giving men breasts and a vagina, while women got fully functioning dicks and balls. It turned them into Hermaphrodites, very horny, and sexually active hermaphrodites. The project was quickly scrapped after numerous failures and were about to be destroyed when Rouge took them.

Sonic swallowed the last pill of the pills and looked down at his breast. "My breasts are getting bigger and bigger... wait a minute? My body is growing too!?" He was stunned then he moaned as his crotch began to feel tight. "I'm feeling weird too," Sonic moaned as his... no, her breasts continued to swell the heart attachment stretching to keep her new jugs hidden. Sonic then felt the tightness down below and she looked to see a large ass, and thick legs ballooning outward. She also felt the front of the suit press against her groin in particular her cock. Finally there was a rip as the heart piece fell off, "There goes Rogue's clothes, my ass is growing too, but I can still feel my cock" Sonic said his once confident and teen tones becoming a more feminine and sultry voice. "I'm feeling pretty horny too... I know what to do!" Sonic said confidently even as she grew bigger still her huge ass thrust out her legs thick and meaty. Her cock huge and throbbing her softball sized balls swollen with cum. She reached down with her long arms and grabbed her cock even as her breasts grew to the size of yoga balls. She began to pump the length furiously moaning and panting her arms rubbing against her huge breasts making her moan her mouth opening then closing as she bit her lip.

"I-I'm cumming!!" Sonic cried and she shot a large glob of cum into the wall her body was still growing but it had slowed now. Her ass stopping looking like beach ball attached to her behind. Her breasts just as large the inner bust area a peach color while the outer was the normal blue. Sonic moaned and she stood up. Before she had been around a 100 cm. or 3'3, now she was 5'2 she looked at her body she put a hand on her huge ass and sighed contentedly. Then she looked at her breasts that looked beachballs attached to her not that she really minded. "So... This is now my new body? I don't think I can't run with these big things anymore... I need some new clothes, I think..." Sonic said and she went to the phone to dial a phone number for a clothing company.

-Rouge's house, 12:57-

Rouge sighed as she lay on her sofa, dressed in a bathrobe and with the TV on but she wasn't really watching. Rouge's mind on other things despite being possibly the hottest thing to walk the planet she was very lonely. She had dated Knuckles for a while but the echidna only talked about training, and his duty as guardian of the master emerald. He was so focused on it he didn't really bother with the real world frustrated she broke the relationship and was alone. Knuckles didn't really seem that affected by the break up and hadn't really talked to her since. She sighed and she turned off the TV she then turned onto her front and laid her head on her arms. She closed her eyes tired and drowsy. She bolt up as the doorbell rang, confused she walked to the door making sure her bathrobe covered her completely and then opened the door. She saw a large dress and she looked up to see a massive form. "W-Who are you!?" Rouge said stepping back ready to fight.

"Hey it's me Sonic!" A feminine voice said Rouge froze then she stood back and looked again. The form was off a woman with massive breasts, and a large billowing dress. The woman walked in and Rouge saw the blue spiked head of Sonic the Hedgehog. Rouge saw her white heart boots on which looked shredded as if something cut them up.

"S-Sonic!? You uh... you look... different." Rouge said.

"Hee, hee yeah I do..." Sonic said Rouge then saw the massive behind that jutted out on the dress. It was also then that Rogue saw that Sonic was carrying two suitcases.

"What's in the suitcase?" Rouge asked.

"Clothes, I dunno why but I got a huge urge to buy a lot of clothes I wanted to try them out for your opinion!" Sonic said.

"OH... Oh ok." Rouge said still shocked by the massive hedgehog, "So um... how do you like them?" Rouge asked.

"Huh?" Sonic turned her head; she had been getting a suitcase open.

"You're breasts!" Rouge said blushing quite aware of the mammoth breasts that looked like small planets.

"Oh they're... different so sensitive and it's kinda hard to move with this on even the slightest brush against my nipples and their poking out like bullets. I had to had the guy that brought the clothes put bandages on them! Didn't really work but at least they're not poking out!" Sonic said rubbing her head blushing.

"O-Oh... I see," Rouge said she looked at the breasts feeling slightly jealous of them. She however had a backup... one of the scientist was a bit of perv and had a thing for Rouge. He developed a special hormonal drug that would increase her bust size but it was untested and not really part of the main goal so he said to use it as she saw fit. Now would be a good time to bust it out but she wanted to see first how big they really were.

"Someplace I can change?" Sonic asked.

"Hmm? Oh yes the bathroom and if you can't fit my room." Rouge said, Sonic nodded and grabbing one suitcase she headed in to change she tried to get inside the bathroom she then went to Rouge's bedroom and closed the door. Rouge sat down and tapped her feet with her fingers. She would take a few of them when she was alone just to make sure it worked. She then remembered that she left them in her room in the night table but Sonic wouldn't look through her stuff... at least she hoped she wouldn't. The creaking of a door opening and Rouge looked her face became beet red. Sonic was wearing a school girls uniform custom fitted, Rouge could see the top straining to contain her bosom and the skirt reached the middle of her massive ass. Sonic also had a bulge in her panties that Rouge could see.

"Hmmm this is bit tight but what do you think?" Sonic said twirling slightly, Rouge was steaming.

"Put something else on..." Rouge said looking down her face bright red.

"Hmm? Ok I guess..." Sonic said, she went back to the bathroom, _'Was it not sexy enough?'_Sonic wondered. She opened the door.

"Hey what's the bulge down there?" Rouge asked.

"Hmm, oh it's my male parts," Sonic said, Rouge was stunned, "I'll wear something to show you it!" Sonic said happily, Rouge was about to object when Sonic closed the door.

"She still has her male parts? That's not possible unless... the formula was incomplete... and.... Oh no how much did she take!?" Rouge wondered, the door opened again and Rouge looked and she had a hard time not fainting. Sonic stood wearing a blue dominatrix outfit, the bottom was gone revealing the large dick. It was currently flaccid but was still substantial at least a 16 maybe 18 inches long, it was longer than it was thick but was as thick as Rouge's arm it had veins that bulged out but were inert. Underneath was a large pair of cantaloupe sized balls that had large veins running along it. Rouge felt her crotch start to moisten her eyes on the massive cock.

"Well?" Sonic asked.

"It's um... it's... can you put something else on?" She said blushing and feeling slightly ashamed, Sonic looked disappointed.

"Ok..." She said and she walked back to the room, Sonic sighed as she closed the door. She thought it was easy to be sexy if she was a woman; she was surprised to find it was harder than she thought. She felt sad she wanted Rouge to tell her she was sexy and... Sonic paused. Why was she thinking this? She didn't know why, it felt... like it was natural for her to want to look good to please those that looked at her and maybe have them lust after her. She wondered if all women felt this way... her thoughts turned to Amy and she understood what Amy was doing. She was trying to do it herself look attractive to someone to get their attention. She sighed and she sat down on the bed which groaned under her monstrous weight. She put a hand on the night table which shuddered and the sound of pills was heard. Sonic raised an eyebrow and pulled it open she saw a pink pill bottle she looked at the door and back at the pill bottle. She reached in grabbing it and popping it open she shook it 3 pink pills came out. Sonic looked at them then at the door then at the pills and popped them in her mouth.

"She won't notice 3 missing," She said happily and she chewed it and swallowed. She smacked her lips at the rather sweet taste, she then looked at the pill's and grabbed one more and then closed the bottle and put it back eating the last pill. She then stood up and reached into the suitcase pulling clothes aside and she grabbed the one she was looking for and smiling she put it on.

-Living room-

Rouge was panting as her fingers rubbed her insides, she was getting so hot and horny from the costumes that Sonic had showed her. The fact that she still had a cock didn't help either, it was making her hotter and Rouge wanted to fuck now. The door opened and she quickly stopped to look at Sonic. Her brain went blank, Sonic was wearing a custom fitted version of her normal outfit made to withstand the hedgehogs rather unreal proportions. The heart bust bulged in front of her like a beacon and the tight fitting fabric on the ass was utterly awe-inspiring, the bulge in the front somehow made the view even more incredible. Moe or less the combination had exploded Rouge's brain. She leaped forward and slammed into Sonic surprising the hedgehog making her fall on her back her head devoid of the protection her large bottom had. "OW!" Sonic said and she raised her head only for it to smack into Rouge's in a sloppy kiss. Rouge broke it and grabbing Sonic's face she kissed it feverishly. "H-Hey!" Sonic said as she was rained down by kisses.

"I-I can't take it... I... I want to have sex! Fuck me Sonic please... with your big fat dick! Fill me up!" Rouge said, "Teasing me with those costumes isn't fair... Please do this for me just once and I won't ask again!" Rouge begged, Sonic tried to answer but was have a hard time due to her breasts being stimulated by the bat's movements. Rouge looked at Sonic sweat beading down her body and she grabbed her bath robes and pulled them off revealing her nude body. "Sonic do what you want with this body just as long as you fuck me once!" Rouge said, Sonic looked at Rouge panting her cheeks rosey, and her mind foggy she grabbed the bat and kissed her deeply she was horny and hot. So was Rouge apparently she wasn't sure but her body was answering for her as her cock began to harden filling with blood.

"O-Ok..." Sonic said, "Let's... have sex..." She mumbled and she pushed herself up. What neither realized was the pills were now reaching Sonic's system and was going to be boosted in effects due to her current adrenaline rush. Also due to the fact that it's a general hormone instead of a concentrated hormone meant for men or women it would affect Sonic a bit uniquely. She moaned as she stood up lifting the small bat via her breasts her cock hardening then her veins bulged on her body and Sonic gave a groaning moan and put a hand to her head. "M-My head... my body!" Sonic said and she grunted as her body began to swell her breasts ballooning outward, Sonic could feel her arms dig into the walls and she moved trying to get to the living room as fabrics began to tear. Sonic's cock was going through a sudden change as it began to throb with life and her balls also swelling. Her cock stood up and began to grow pushing into her breasts stimulating the as she walked forward trying to get free of the enclosing space she then fell forward as she popped free of the hallway Rouge seeing this flapped her wings flying up as Sonic landed on her huge and swelling breasts. Rouge could see the ass swelling as well as Sonic's body. The leg's thickening even more with strong muscles, and the arms also gaining muscle. The balls had ripped from their confines and the blue orbs were swelling larger and larger a gurgling audible. Sonic turned onto her back (as best she could with her swelling ass) and she looked at her cock which was now near her lips.

She inhaled the smell of her musk and pre juices and she licked her lips as her pussy grew wet with anticipation. She wanted sex now and she wanted it bad she grabbed her cock with her bulging arms and began to pump it her tongue licking the head. Rouge feeling left out dive bombed the hedgehog and landed on her face Sonic surprised as her nose went into the musk of Rouge's nether's. "Lick it... it needs more preparation for that." Rouge purred. Sonic pulled her nose out and looked at the lips before her she then gave an experimental lick. Rouge moaned and she grabbed Sonic's huge cock looking at the now apple sized head. She opened her mouth using her natural bat ability to stretch her jaw and she gently engulfed the head. She licked it with her tongue and she felt the growing mass beneath her shudder. Rouge felt the licking grow in speed and even felt the tongue reach deeper. Rouge then bit down with her front teeth slightly making sure to avoid using her blood sucking teeth. Sonic gave a squeak and Rouge readied for the fast batch. Cum shot into her throat and going into her mouth, Rouge gulped on reflex gulping shot after shot of cum. She had gulped her 6thshot when it ended.

Rouge licked her lips and dislodged the licking of her pussy had stopped and she looked to see Sonic was lying there having stopped growing now and looking tired. Rouge flew up again and looked at Sonic, her breasts had far exceeded normal boundaries. Her cock also had as well now at least 29 inches long and throbbing hard. Her balls now looked like oversized basketballs and were swelling larger still the gurgling now even more audible. Rouge could see Sonic's ass spilling over slightly perhaps over 90 inches around. The hedgehog was now a towering 6'1 tall and was looking like a veritable sex goddess.

"Mmm and she's all mine," Rouge purred, she then floated down and grabbed the cock Sonic moaned and she weakly spoke.

"W-Wait I'm... a minute please..." Sonic begged Rouge looked at Sonic then she sighed and jumped off and walking to her face she kissed Sonic. Rouge then rubbed her bulging belly.

"Ok... but you owe me a rough one!" Rouge said, Sonic smiled and she returned the kiss.

"It'll be more than rough," Sonic said, and the two lay there then Sonic stood up. "Ok I'll- whoa..." She looked down and gave a squeak as her head hit the ceiling. "Uhh... I might be a bit big," She said.

"That's perfect for me." Rouge said, she looked at the cock between Sonic's breasts and she grabbed it and pulled it down Sonic winced but let Rouge continue. Rouge then floated up and lowered her cunt onto the cock Sonic shuddered as she felt the wet, tight, hotness of a woman's inner part. Sonic nearly blew her second load there but stayed still. Rouge then reached forward and gestured to Sonic's arm. The herm raised them and Rouge grabbed them and placed them on her hips. "You know what to do." The bat said and she reached for the nipples which were straining against their bindings and pulled them off. Sonic gasped as her nipples became erect to the cold air. She pulled Rouge down and Rouge gave a gasp as the cock slid in bulging against her body. Rogue felt it poke her stomach and she had hold back the bile in her throat and swallowed. "G-Go on!" Rogue said.

"Ok!" Sonic said sounding like her old self, she began to raise and lower Rouge even thrusting when pushing her down. Rouge moaned and clutched her stomach as the cock pumped inside f her. She was happy to get relief and company after years of solitude. To feel a hot dick pumping inside of her it was a dream she thought would never come true. She then felt the arms shudder and the thrusting became weak. "Uuh... uh! I'm gonna cum!" Sonic breathed not experienced enough to last long.

"C-Cum outside you do it inside you'll-"

"I know!" Sonic pulled up however her cock reacted and it bulged and shot a large blast of cum into Rouge bloating the bat like a balloon however that was all that was put in her as Sonic pulled her off and grunted her cock shooting torrents of cum into the air sticking on the ceiling and flying into the hall, kitchen, and living room of Rouge's house. This orgasm was longer than before and took 2 whole minutes to end. Sonic grunted as the last shot fired into the air a thick rope that flew up sticking to the ceiling. She sighed and sat down on her rump and looked at Rouge, the bat was lying on the floor massaging her large belly which looked as though she was carrying triplets.

"Oh well... I'll get pregnant for sure..." Rouge said.

"Huh?" Sonic was confused.

"Oh I was ovulating today... and I have been for a while now... but... it's fine... I think you'd make a fine parent." Rouge said, Sonic gaped at her then she rested her head on the sofa.

"Ah nuts..." She said, "Hey after this want to try those pills of yours?" Sonic asked.

"I had a feeling that's what caused you're growth... I might as well see what it can do to me. Who knows I might be a better fit." Rouge said, "All right dear?" Sonic gave her thumbs up and grin.

"All right!" She said.

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