
Story by Pokegirl on SoFurry

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#2 of My Pokemon

I have always wanted an Eevee.

"Well, duh," I'm sure you're thinking. After all, who wouldn't want an Eevee? Considering it's the only Pokémon with seven different evolutionary forms to choose from (the heated Flareon, the casually cool Vaporeon, the stimulating Jolteon, the thoughtful Espeon, the sly Umbreon, and the two newest forms, the frigid Glaceon and the sweet Leafeon) any trainer would be ecstatic to get their hands on one.

But that's not why I want an Eevee.

I do not want a Jolteon or Umbreon, Leafeon or any other evolutionary form that it could be. I want an Eevee. A little cute bundle of chocolate and cream colored fur, that's what I want.

Problem is, Eevees are hard to come by. Mainly because, as stated prior, most trainers would be ecstatic to get their hands on one but many aren't satisfied with just one. They want the whole damn pack of "Eons." There are breeders who raise Eevees but the prices are extraordinarily high, something up towards what a boat or a small house might cost. Granted, those Eevees are breed with other Eevees, to keep the lines pure and all, but I'd be satisfied with an Eevee/Ditto breed, or an Eevee from any other pairing really. I just... I wanted an Eevee.

It's the main reason I've been camped near Trophy Garden for the last four weeks. Each and every day I go to speak with Mr. Backlot, the owner of the mansion. I've seen Chanseys, Jigglypuffs, Porygons, and even a Castform or two... but never an Eevee.

Mr. Backlot was a surprisingly nice guy about it. He didn't get upset at my visiting and soon, whenever I came to visit, he would have a pot of tea or some cookies out, explaining how I was "just in time" for a snack. Personally, I think I just got to be too predictable with when I was coming over.

One day, as we were sitting in what I referred to as the "living room," though I'm sure it had a much fancier name, Mr. Backlot suddenly set down his cup of tea on his saucer and looked at me with an air of seriousness about him.

"Every day, for the last few weeks," he began, his voice a little deep and gravelly, as though old age was slowly creeping in on him. "You have come to my home. I have enjoyed your visits and yet I wonder, what is it that you are seeking so persistently, Bean?"

I squirmed a little in the plush armchair, taking a sip of the tea from my own cup while I struggled to find an answer to give him. I wasn't sure if he would be able to understand the truth of it but that was all I had to offer so I gave a small sigh and just blurted it out.

"I want an Eevee."

"Ah, I see." The right corner of his mouth twitched and he seemed a little disappointed. "The Evolution Pokémon, yes, quite rare and valued for its ability. I can understand why you would want it."

"That's not it at all!" I almost sloshed the tea from my cup all over my lap and his chair but I was upset that he'd gotten the wrong idea. "I don't want it to make it evolve! I want IT! Eevee!"

I shook my head, setting the cup a little more forcefully on the saucer than I should have. Luckily, it didn't chip though the clink was very audible. I set it on the small table to the right of the chair and rose.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Backlot. I haven't meant to stay around here this long. It's just... this is the only place I can catch an Eevee. Even then, the odds are really against me, I know." Frustrated, I ran a hand through my spiky locks. Mom had always been jealous of the vibrant golden color my hair had. She always joked that it wasn't fair for her son's hair to be better looking than hers. Heh. Man, I miss her. Maybe I'll have to return home soon... after I catch an Eevee. However, it looked like I might have overstayed my welcome here.

I gave him a slight bow, out of respect for his having spent this long putting up with me. "Thank you, Mr. Backlot, for allowing me to visit your mansion and your Trophy Garden. I'm sorry, again, to have stayed so long."

I turned to head out, thinking that surely this couldn't be the only spot to find an Eevee. Maybe I could trade and acquire one... but I really didn't have any Pokémon rare enough to warrant receiving an Eevee. Even my strongest Pokémon, my Prinplup (dubbed Taro), wouldn't get a second thought. Not, mind you, that I would trade Taro. As my starter Pokémon, I was loathe to even consider betraying his loyalty that way and yet... God, I wish I could get my hands on an Eevee!

"You know... Bean." I paused at the doorway, waiting to hear what Mr. Backlot had to say. "You are more than welcome to visit. I just hope your visits don't stop once you've obtained your Eevee."

My thoughts momentarily crashed into each other, derailing my thinking until I could finally get the words out. "Mr. Backlot...?"

He turned his head upward, humming to himself. "I do believe I saw the cutest little bushytailed Eevee today. Sweet little thing, skittish at first, but she warmed right up." Mr. Backlot lowered his head, meeting my stunned gaze with a wide smile. "Well? What are you waiting for, Bean?"

I started to run for the Trophy Garden before whirling to race back into the living room doorway, skidding and almost tripping over the rug on the floor.

"Thank you, Mr. Backlot, sir!" Catching my balance, I wasted no time in getting out to the Trophy Garden, his deep laughter ringing out behind me. I had two days, that was it. If I was lucky, I might be able to get my dream Pokémon. If not, who knew how long I would have to wait before getting this chance again.

"God, I hope I find her."


I had been awake for over twenty-six hours. I didn't dare stop moving though. I hadn't come across her yet, being stuck dealing with Roselias, Pichus, Pikachus and Kricketunes. Rather than having Taro deal with them, for he could have but likely would have been wounded as a result, I used Herman, my Skorupi. I really didn't want to waste my time fighting them when I could have been searching but a lot of the Wild Pokémon were really aggressive for some reason and didn't seem to want to take "no" for an answer.

Fuck. I was tired.

Kenny was on my shoulder, his eyes scanning the area. I was half tempted to let the little Hoothoot just fly till he found the Eevee but at this point, I didn't think I could stay awake without his little nibbles to my ear and his encouraging hoots.

"Shit. Where is she?"

"Hoothoot. Hoot?"

My mind was having a hard time wrapping around anything at this point but I tried to focus. "Yeah, Kenny. It is that important."

"Hoot! Hoot-ho?"

"No Kenny, I can't sleep. Not yet."


His stern little hoot made me glance at him, mildly surprised. Kenny typically was very obedient and not usually one to question my orders. In a way, I was glad that his concern for my welfare went so deep.

"It's alright, Kenny. I'll get some sleep after we find her, okay?"

That didn't seem to reassure Kenny and he just ruffled his feathers, perturbed, but not saying anything. We kept walking forward.


The sun had come up. Not sure if that marked thirty hours or thirty-three hours. I didn't even bother vocalizing my orders to Herman when the Wild Pokémon showed up, or bother returning him to his pokéball for that matter. It was easier to just let him scuttle along side of me and his chatter mingling with Kenny's somewhat kept me awake... when I wasn't asleep on my feet. Between the two of them, they kept me moving even when I just wanted to drop the ground and sleep. However, my body was craving sleep with an intensity I just couldn't ignore. Finally, I stopped, much to Herman's displeasure. He stamped his little clawed feet and waved his "hands" around in the air, clacking and ranting in his own language.

"Just an hour nap, please?" I sighed, not liking to have to stop but having no choice. "I need some sleep."

The two seemed to consider this and chatted back and forth before Kenny gave an enthusiastic bob of his head. Herman seemed a little less than thrilled, chattering agitatedly when I returned both of them, hoping they'd be well rested by the time we found Eevee. Setting my alarm clock on my watch, I leaned back against a maple or elm tree and closed my eyes.

I was out before you could say Snorlax.


I awoke later, groggy and still very much tired. Not to mention very fucking stiff. Very, very fucking stiff.

Not in the good way either.

"Fuhhhhkk" Slowly tilting my head, I couldn't help but wince as a sharp, hot pain raced down my neck. "Ahh..."


You know that pain I mentioned? Turns out that whipping your head around quickly actually hurts MORE than doing it slowly. Go fucking figure.

"Son of a..." My long slew of curse words were cut short when my sleep deprived brain finally caught up with what my eyes were seeing. There, about maybe fifteen feet away, was what I'd been searching for. An Eevee.

"Vwee?" It tilted its head to the side, as though trying to figure out what I was doing. My first thought was to hurry and get a Pokémon out to battle her (assuming this was the same one Mr. Backlot had seen earlier) but I was hesitant to move, least I spook her into running. What to do?


"Eevee." It took a small step forward, its black nose twitching as it moved a little closer. I didn't have any berries on hand, they were somewhere in my bag, and I didn't want to risk getting them in case she fled. She seemed larger than the average Eevee, not quite double the size, but close to it. She almost seemed as large as some of her evolutionary forms. Didn't matter to me though, she was perfect.

She closed the gap between us, halting maybe six feet away, watching me. Her tail wagged a little and she didn't seem as skittish as Mr. Backlot had mentioned. Perhaps meeting him had made her a little more trusting of humans? I was reluctant, in that case, to try and catch her by battling. But how could I persuade her to come with me?

She moved closer, her dark eyes watching me. Her head lowered to the ground, sniffing, and I could see her muscles growing taunt under her fur the closer she got to me. I remained unmoving, waiting to see what she would do.

Now, I could reach out and touch her if I wanted. Oh, God, did I want to! But I knew the instant I even thought to move, she would flee. I braced my body against moving, trying to still my breathing as she sniffed my pant legs, apparently curious. Her head touched against my leg and I yearned to reach and touch her fur, feel her, claim her...

A tremor ran through my body and she crouched, preparing to bolt. I steadied myself and looked upward, to the trees branches, taking a shaky breath or two while I tried to calm myself. I felt her moving between my parted legs, felt her body spread them open wider as she got closer. The heat of her body, I could feel it through my clothes.

I fought to keep a whimper down in my throat. I wanted to wrap my arms around her, grab her close to me... but that would be the sure fire way to lose her. I opted for clutching at the ground, loose leaves and soil clumping in my hands as I counted Mareep in head, focusing on keeping calm... for more than one reason.

I have never had a female, human or Pokémon, this close to my body before. Even my male Pokémon had never been this particularly close before. The mere presence of her, feeling her as she now lightly bumped her head against my chest... it affected me in ways I was unfamiliar with.


I took a shallow breath of air and slowly, very slowly, turned my gaze down. Two eyes, darker than a starless night and just as fathomless stared into mine. She was all but in my lap, her front paws pressing uncomfortable close to a certain part of my anatomy I'd rather they'd not be by. One that was slowly responding to the slight weight and the presence of this rare, beautiful Pokémon.

Shit. Focus.


She cheeped cutely to me, its tail wagging a little. God, she looked so soft. Was she? I slowly moved my left hand, wanting to touch her. She gave a small start when she saw my arm moving and kept a close eye on it but didn't make to flee. Yet.

My fingers lightly touched her back, stroking her cinnamon brown fur. It wasn't as soft as I had thought but that didn't mean it was unpleasant to touch. She squirmed at my touch at first, as though finding it uncomfortable and irritating. Applying a little more pressure and using my nails a little, she seemed to find this far more enjoyable and arched into my petting.

"I've looked everywhere for you... Tina" I had always told myself if I got the chance to get a girl Eevee, I would name her Tina (a boy would have been named Raz, if you're wondering). I moved my right hand now, touching her, finding it close to impossible to believe that she was here. With me. "I've wanted you for so long."

She tilted her head, ear flopping to the side. My statement didn't seem to mean much to her and I was disappointed it didn't have more of an effect. I mean, fuck, I spent how long looking for her? Oh well...

Touching her cream colored mane, I was surprised to find it was much softer than the rest of her fur. Despite its bushy appearance, it was actually very nice to touch and deceptively pleasurable to run my fingers through. She really seemed to enjoy that because she began to make a gentle "trum" sound and wriggled, her front paws shifting on either side of my shaft, causing me to unconsciously shift my hips in response. This caused her to pause before very deliberately pressing down with one paw, just brushing against my steadily hardening dick.

Shit. Shitshitshit!

I could feel my face growing red. I didn't understand why I was reacting so strongly to her presence. I shouldn't be! I mean, none of my other Pokémon had given me this kind of reaction. Sure, most of them were males but I'd had a female or two in the team before. This had never happened before.

"Sorry," I mumbled, not looking at her. I tried to pull away but my back was already pressed firmly against the tree. My cheeks felt increasingly warm as I cursed myself for even attempting to move away. God, I was an idiot.

"Veeee." She lifted her paws off and I breathed a sigh of relief. Without the pressure there, surely my 'little' problem would go away.

That's what I had been thinking until Tina stuck her nose into my crotch and inhaled.

"H-hey!" I began to scramble upwards but was having little success. My legs didn't seem to want to work right and Tina wasn't helping matters. She had now firmly placed both her front paws on my thighs and was successfully keeping my legs down while she continued her inspection of my crotch. "Tina! Come on!"

She looked up at me before flicking her pink tongue over the bulge of my jeans. Just the sight of her doing that brought me to a very full, very painful erection.

"Vee? Vee-vee!" She nudged her nose against my apparent hard-on, making me arch forward a little. Even that slight pressure felt overwhelmingly good. I was about to open my mouth to protest her actions when the little shit actually sank her teeth into my jeans and tugged.

"Hey!" Even as the word left my lips there was a loud 'rrrrrippp!' and material from my jeans now hung from the very smug looking Eevee. "Fuck... come on, stop messing around!"

Conflicting emotion ran through me. Clearly the Eevee had no qualms about what she was doing... but still, I shouldn't be doing this. She was... just an animal, right? She couldn't be responsible for her actions, she didn't know any better.

I was about to push her off, had every intention of doing so, even got my hands as far as her shoulders, burying them into her mane, when the Eevee bent her head down again and flicked her tongue inside the hole of my boxers, brushing it against my dick. Instead of shoving her away, my hands dug tighter into her mane as my body shuddered.

"Wha-?" How could such a small action have had such a large effect over me?

She was nudging and nuzzling in earnest now, working on getting my shaft out of my boxers. Breathing deeply, releasing one hand from her wonderful mane, I slid my hand down and released my member from the boxer's confines.

With a breathless "Veee..." Tina began to gradually run her tongue along my cock, starting down at the bottom and working her way up. My hand returned to grip her mane, finding the need to hold something while she continued. She lapped at it eagerly, her tongue gentle as it flicked against my skin. When she reached the top of my dick, she actually swirled her tongue around the head of it, causing my hips to wriggle as I barely stifled the urge to thrust my hips up and shove my dick into her mouth. It would be so easy to do, too. I bet she'd like it even...

Eager to test my theory, I moved one hand from her mane to the back of her head and pushed down gently, feeling her mouth slowly open around my cock. Her mouth was so tiny, I didn't expect her to get much in but she amazed me by getting most of the head in and sucking on it, her head swaying up and down, meeting my thrusts. I felt myself growing closer to a climax when the bitch pulled away, crouching down and wagging her tail playfully.

"Fuck! Tina, you can't do that to a guy!" I moved my hand to my shaft, planning on jacking off, just wanting some kind of release when she growled at me. Fucking growled. At me!

Freezing, I turned my attention back to her and watched as she turned, lifting her tail up and exposing her clit. She growled again, this time with more of a plea to it. Now, letting her suck me off was one thing but this was totally another. Fuck though, I'd already gone so far... and I bet it'd feel really good...

Moving towards her, keeping on my knees, I put my hands on her hips, sliding my shaft towards her entrance. I fumbled a little to get it in and she grumbled, fur bristling as her impatience rose. I found it cute, actually, especially when she made the sweetest sound you could ever imagine when I finally slipped my dick into her moist hole. She was tight too, tighter, I bet, than a human girl. It was a good thing she was so wet already or I wouldn't have been able to move in her.

Her walls flexed around me and her hips pushed back against me, her pants and squeals echoing in my ears as I began to fuck her in earnest. Her tail kept brushing against my chest (thankfully my shirt was still on or else it would have tickled for certain) and the tip of it kept hitting my face. Frustrated, I moved one hand to grab her tail, yanking it a little to express my annoyance. Tina yelped but it didn't sound like she was in pain... I tugged again and she gave a throaty "Veeeee," her cunt gripping even tighter around me.

"God, I didn't know Eevees were such sluts..." One tail pull, one frantically wiggling Tina. "With a human too, what must your mommy think?" Psh, who was I kidding? What would my mom think?

"Vee! Veee..." She was panting even heavier now, I could even feel her juices soaking into my boxers, still on, as I was fucking her little cunt.

"Is this what Mr. Backlot meant when he said you warmed up quickly, huh?" That thought made me thrust harder, eliciting a squeal of pain which rapidly turned to moans of pleasure. "Did you let him fuck you too?" She whimpered and I pulled out, steadying her hips so she couldn't move. "Did you?!"

Tina shuddered, ears lying flat as she whined at me, her bottom wiggling wantonly in the air.

"I don't think so. I don't want a Pokémon that'll be with anyone. I do this, you're mine. Got it?"

She seemed about ready to refuse but I positioned my dick at her entrance, lightly pushing but not allowing her to put it in. A tail pull later and she was all but begging me to take her.

"Say it," I waited. I needed to hear it, even if I couldn't understand it. I needed to have her... but I wanted all of her.

"Vee! Eevee, vee-vee!" Her words ran together, jumbled with want and need. "Veee-eee-eee..."

I pushed in again, ramming as hard as I could. She shrieked and I kept fucking her. If she were human, I probably wouldn't have treated her so rough. However, as a Pokémon, the females needed to be dominated. It was a way for their mates to show them how strong they were, that they could take care of them, protect them.

And I wanted to show her just how capable I was.

Again and again I pushed into her, feeling her growing closer and closer to her climax as her walls squeezed tighter against me. When it felt as though she were going to cum I would pull almost completely out, leaving her crying and begging, trying to thrust herself upon me but unable to get the relief she wanted. It wasn't until she was actually sobbing that I gave in and began pounding her relentlessly. I swear to God I'd be lucky if Mr. Backlot himself didn't come out here to make sure everything was okay with the rate she was screaming out. Oh... FUCK!

The moment she came, she gripped me so tightly that I just lost it. I released my seed into her, shouting as I did so, grabbing her ass and squeezing as I finished my last few thrusts. She kept cumming too, at least three or four times before she finally slumped into an exhausted heap, panting as I pulled out. The sight of her juice and my cum splattered on her fur made me want to take her again but I was now even more fucking exhausted than when I'd started. I'd be lucky if I could walk to the Poke Center after all that... Shit, I'd have to get a new pair of pants later too... not that it hadn't been worth it.

Pulling out an empty pokéball, I lobbed it at Tina. It smacked her ass and sucked her in, the ball rolling a little on the ground but not shaking with the normal effort a Pokémon exerts to get free. In mere seconds the ball pinged and leapt to my hand.

I had always wanted an Eevee... I guess I just didn't realize how much.