
Story by Pokegirl on SoFurry

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#4 of My Pokemon

What was I waiting for?

Standing outside of Professor Elm's house, hand raised to knock (as it had been for the last three minutes), I asked myself that question again yet my hand still refused to lower itself to tap upon the door.

I had never thought I'd be standing here, especially not eight years after the typical leave period (when a trainer want to be hits ten). I didn't want to be a trainer, had no desire to be a gym leader or a master yet here I was, getting my first Pokémon in every sense of the word.

Most homes have at least one Pokémon, something like a Meowth or a Poochyena, as a pet. We didn't have one because Dad was allergic. I had tried to keep a Caterpie once, in a box in the closet... but it kind of chewed its way out and Mom... found it. A lot of times, I would see Pidgeys flying overhead and wonder to myself, "What would it be like?" but I never actually had a chance...

Till now.

When I was younger, Pokémon were mostly used for battling. Once again, people might keep one or two as pets or use them to help with work on the farm, but typically all Pokémon were used for was battling. However, over the last few years, focus began to shift away from battling towards specialized events and contests focused solely on Pokémon and their trainers, ones that didn't involve battles. Poke Contests, Poke Races, Pokémon ballets, things that had been overshadowed by simple battles suddenly became just as popular if not more so. There was a whole other lifestyle existing now that revolved around Pokémon!

I wanted to be a part of it but more importantly... I wanted to be a breeder.

My mouth felt dry and I swallowed a few times to get some moisture back into my mouth. I had tried to research which Pokémon I wanted but so far, I really wasn't sure. Most of the Pokémon I wanted to breed were rare, much too rare to just be handed out on a whim. It was part of the reason I needed to get this starter Pokémon from Professor Elm. I couldn't really be a successful Pokémon Breeder without Pokémon to breed!

Taking in a breath, I finally knocked on the door. Standing perfectly still, I waited, listening for the sound of someone moving in the house. Nothing. I waited a little more. Still couldn't hear anything. I raised my hand to knock again when the door was suddenly yanked open, throwing me off guard.

"Oh! Kaden, hello!" The professor was a lot... younger than I expected him to be. "Come in, come in."

I followed him into his home which was somehow very normal compared to what I'd been expecting. Hearing rumors about how much of a Pokémon fanatic he was and how obsessed he was with his research, I expected the house to be filled with exotic Pokémon from all over the world. Instead, there were a few pictures on the walls with some common Pokémon and some simple pieces of furniture.

"You're in luck, I've got three Pokémon for you to choose from today." He ushered me down the hallway and opened the door to the left. "You'd better hurry and choose before the other trainers come though."

Walking into the room, it was surprisingly spacious... and cluttered. Each desk in the room had papers and books piled on it, most of the books opened with sticky notes of varying colors decorating its pages. The muddle of things didn't end on the desks though. It had taken over chairs and stools, even large portions of the floor. I had to be careful where I walked when entering, worried about stepping on something important.

"Now, I know I put them somewhere..." Professor Elm moved to the largest pile of papers on the floor and shuffled some of them aside. "There's Cyndaquil, he's a bit of a fire starter." He paused and chuckled to himself. "Ha! Fire starter."

He moved away from the pile of papers and made his way towards a file cabinet, opening it and taking a look inside. There weren't any files in there but he sure had crammed a lot of papers!

"There is also, of course, Totodile. He's a buoyant fellow, a tad excitable but very loyal." The professor stroked his chin, looking at the papers in the filing cabinet but leaving them alone. He moved towards the far corner of the room, the abandoning the still open cabinet. "He's a water type, by the way."

He continued to move papers aside and relocate books for the next few minutes. I waited for him to mention the third Pokémon but when it became apparent that he'd forgotten, I hesitantly asked,

"What about the third one?"

"Oh, ah, the third one?" It seemed to take him a moment to focus. "No, no. I really don't think you want her."

"Her?" That was interesting, the other two Pokémon had been male.

He picked up some papers and squinted at them through his glasses. "Mmm... Chikorita. She's given me a bit of trouble. She's very fond of escaping her pokéball and is a tad willful when it comes to getting what she wants. You'd be better off with one of the other two, really." He went back to his searching.

I wasn't sure what to do at that point, I mean, I really didn't know what he was looking for. I assumed it was the Pokémon but maybe I was mistaken. I thought to offer to help but I was kind of worried about attempting to find anything in this chaos. Honestly, I don't think two Pichus playing tag could have made a bigger mess.

As I was standing there, I felt a slight pressure on my leg. It wasn't very much so I didn't think anything of it till I felt as though the pressure was moving. Casting a glance down, I saw a small, golden yellow Pokémon with a bronze leaf on its head and minute, copper spheres decorating its collar like a necklace. When it caught me looking at it, it stopped rubbing my pant leg with its head and met my gaze.


The professor looked over. "Ah, yes... That would be Chikorita now." He gave an audible sigh and tilted his head back, lifting his eyes skyward. "I thought I told you to stay in your pokéball, Chikorita."

She tilted her head but kept her dark, amber eyes on me. "Chikor?"

Her coloring was very appealing to the eye. Squatting down, I moved a hand to run it along her back, wanting to feel the texture of her skin. The professor squawked something out, what might have been a warning, but it was cut short when the Chikorita leaned into my touch.

It was odd. The feel of her skin wasn't rubbery really, but it was very smooth and warm. There weren't any hairs on her body and when I examined her closer, it almost seemed as though her skin were made of tiny scales.

I almost missed Professor Elm walking up beside me. "That's odd..." he murmured, scratching his head. "She's never acted like that with me..." He gave a small shake of his head. "Well, anyway, as I was saying, Cyndaquil or Totodile really would be a good choice for you."

"Can't I take her?"

"I'd really advise you to reconsider. She really is a handful and can be very disobedient when the mood hits her."

I really didn't want to consider a Totodile or Cyndaquil but I figured the Professor knew best.

"Well, which one would do you think I should pick?"


She hit my knees and knocked me off balance, causing me to windmill with my arms in an attempt to keep myself from falling backwards. It didn't work, however, and I ended up falling on my ass. She wriggled her way into my lap and continued to stare into my eyes, repeating her name over and over again, as though begging me to take her with me.

"I'm so sorry about that!" Professor Elm plucked the Chikorita from my lap as she tried to struggle to get free. He kept a tight hold on her despite her squirming and tucked her under his arm where she couldn't get loose. "As I said, she's a handful and you would be better off with another."

Looking at her, listening to those pleas and seeing her thrash about, his words didn't matter any more.

"I want her, Professor."


I didn't find out about how rare her coloring was until after my first trainer battle. The moment she was released from the Pokéball, an array of sparkles danced around her, something I didn't think was typical and was confirmed, later, by Professor Elm. For some unknown reason that is to this day being debated, certain Pokémon have colorings that are vastly different from others of their species. The light that releases these rare or "Shiny" Pokémon from the pokéball reflects and sparkles off of them, whereas just a normal red light appears with the releasing of average colored Pokémon. I also learned that Shiny Pokémon are often coveted by breeders and scientists alike, not to mention the average trainer or thief...

As I soon found out.

"Razor Leaf, Kyra!"

"Chikor!" Swinging her head, several bronze leaves were hurled from the leaf on her head, aimed for the Ekans that was swiftly approaching her. The Ekans hissed and tried to evade the leaves but was struck soundly by over half of them.

"Ekans, Poison Sting!"

I had been walking down a street in Goldenrod when this punk bumped into me, shoving me into the alley way, and tried to make off with my Pokémon! Kyra surprised him, however, when she came out of her pokéball on her own. I made a note to stop scolding her about staying in her pokéball unless called, after that. If she hadn't, I might have lost her and the rest of my team forever.

Rearing back his head, the Ekans spat out several sharp needles towards Kyra. With a wave of her leaf, she brushed aside the needle attack and countered with a Vine Whip. The Ekans smoothly slithered to the side, dodging the attack completely.

Sneering, the other trainer who was dressed in dark clothing save for the bright red "R" on his chest and had a cap pulled almost completely over his face, issued his next command.


"Kyra, Light Screen!"

A small sheen of light momentarily appeared in front of Kyra just before the thick, purple-black Acid came spewing from the Ekans mouth. The shield helped but the damage was still substantial. Kyra was barely staying on her feet and I was afraid the next attack might make her faint... or worse.

Digging in my pack for a potion, I was startled when I felt a barrage of stings along my arm. Dropping my pack, I grabbed for my arm only to find several slivers of needles imbedded through my clothes and into my flesh.

"What the hell?!"

The other trainer cackled. "What, did you really think I'd play fair?" Even his Ekans was snickering at my expense, a smug gleam in its eye. "This isn't one of those little play battles you do, where it doesn't matter who wins or losses." He gave a one-sided smile that made me shake. "This is what a real battle is like, kid."

Kyra launched another barrage of Razor Leaves at the Ekans who swayed from side to side in an attempt to avoid being hit. She tried to run to my side but the Ekans was a lot faster. He darted between her and me, opening his mouth wide and preparing to release what looked to be another Acid attack.

"Kyra!" My little Chikorita was frozen in place, staring at that gaping mouth. "KYRA!"

It startled her enough to momentarily free her from the Intimidation. She gave a loud cry and then released with a move I'd never seen her perform before. It was almost as though she released five Razor Leaf attacks simultaneously, loosing a small sized Leaf Storm. The attack caught the Ekans completely by surprise and he didn't have a chance to move out of the way as he was bombarded by the assault. Falling to the ground in a heap, his trainer returned him, snarling.

"Stupid, worthless fuck. Can't even take out a little pussy Chikorita."

Kyra took a step away from the trainer, moving towards me but not taking her eyes off of him. I couldn't blame her. The trainer pulled out another pokéball, sneering. "Well, then, your Pokémon thinks she's so brave, lets see her take on this!"

The pokéball opened and when the light died down, a blaze of light was still glowing. This Pokémon's entire body was composed of flames!

"Kyra, run!" I wanted to bring out another Pokémon, like Quagsire, but I knew if I tried again I'd have the same thing happen as when I reached for the Potion. If she stayed and fought, there was no way she could win.

But Kyra wouldn't run. Trembling, she refused to move from between me and that Pokémon.

"This will be easy, Magmar, use Sunny Day!"

"Maaaaagggg-mar!" It reached its hands above its head and whatever clouds had been in the sun's way parted, allowing for golden rays of light to reach into the alley's dingy confines.

"Might as well just give her to me, kid. Save yourself, and her, a bit of pain." He smiled again, this one making my skin crawl. Mostly, because I knew he was right.

"Kyra... go with him." She cast me an incredulous look behind her shoulder. "I don't want you to get hurt. You did good, real good... but..." I couldn't repeat the words again. I didn't want to let her go, let her down, but there wasn't anything I could do.

"Chikor! Chikorchikorchikor!" She said it so empathetically, stamping her feet that I knew she wasn't going to back down just yet. And, as though to impress this further upon me, she began to glow.

"Shit! Magmar, use Flamethrower!"

The Magmar took a huge breath before releasing it, a huge spout of flames pouring at us. Still, Kyra would not budge. Instead, she released a glow of golden light, the Solar Beam rushing towards the Flamethrower where the two collided in a spectacular display of heat and light. They held, for a brief second, each one almost perfectly matched, before the Flamethrower overtook the Solar Beam and plowed into my little Chikorita.

"Kyra!" She was lost from my sight, completely engulfed in the flames. As though my whole world was gone, in that instant, I had suddenly no value for my own life. I rushed to attack the Pokémon and trainer who'd taken her from me, planning on using my own two fists if I had to, my other Pokémon completely forgotten.

Then, the flames faded.

Standing strong was a much bigger Pokémon than my Chikorita had been. It still had Kyra's golden and bronze hues but it was... different. Besides the size, instead of little spheres of copper, there were now copper leaves protruding from its neck. That, and the leaf on its head was much bigger. A spicy scent also wafted in the air, something similar to oranges and cinnamon, which soothed me but seemed to agitate the other trainer.

"Baaay-leef!" It waved the large leaf on its head and took a step forward, shouting again, "BAAAY-leef!"

"Fuck. More trouble, just what I need." The trainer shifted, seeming to debate on running before growing firm in his resolve. "Who gives a shit, so it evolved? Just means it's a bigger prize now!" Throwing his arm out, he shouted, "Magmar! Use Fire Blast!"

The Magmar took another breath but never got the chance to fire it. Kyra raced forward and Body Slammed the Magmar, knocking a pained wheeze of flames from him as he went flying backwards, almost into his trainer. It struggled to get back up but Kyra didn't even let him stand before she started to glow even brighter than before.

"Aw... Shit."

An even larger Solar Beam than before slammed into the Magmar. He didn't have any room to escape it and took the full brunt of it. It struggled weakly to rise before slumping into a heap on the ground. Swearing up a storm, the trainer returned his Pokémon.

"Just wait, kid. You think you won this time but Team Rocket will get that Pokémon from you, that and all your other Pokémon." He looked as though he wanted to try and take my Pokémon from me himself but Kyra was standing defiantly between him and I, almost daring him to try something. He left just as the cops arrived.


Several more Rocket Grunts approached me in the months to follow. None of them were even a quarter as vicious as the first but still, I was always on guard. I trained my Pokémon harder than before, especially my Kyra, after seeing that she was soon the focus of all their attempts.

Around this time, I began to notice her exhibiting a strange behavior. I wasn't sure if it was due to her recently evolved status or if it was something all Pokémon went through. She began releasing a scent whenever I was near, similar to that orange and cinnamon fragrance I'd smelt when the Rocket had tried to take her, but it was... spicier somehow. Now, don't ask me what could be more spicy than cinnamon, all I knew is that it was. It was really good to smell too... but it was driving all my male Pokémon crazy! Even Snorlax was acting more interested in Kyra than in sleep, which meant something HAD to be up.

But what?

She also was a lot more affectionate towards me. Not that she had been standoffish to begin with but she was a lot more prone to rubbing her face along my hips, getting that scent all over me. She would also press her body close against mine and repeat her name again and again, almost entreating me for something. But what?

I decided to give Professor Elm a call.


"Oh my... It sounds like your Chikorita, I mean, your Bayleef, is ready to take a mate."

"A mate?"

The professor's head nodded on the telescreen. "Yes. The release of pheromones into the air is one way that the female Grass Pokémon use to locate a mate. It draws the males to them and, should the female find one worthy of her, she'll... well, uh..." He trailed off, face red as he gave a nervous laugh. "You know."

"Well, why does she keep rubbing up against me?"

"Hmm. It sounds like she might be trying to tell you something. Probably that she wants to breed, and soon." He gave a suddenly pensive look. "I'd hurry and find her a mate if I were you. That scent she releases can be smelt from outside the pokéball. The longer you wait, the stronger it will get until you'll literally be overwhelmed with Pokémon wanting to breed."

Honestly, the idea didn't sound too bad to me. I mean, I wanted to be a breeder and Kyra seemed ready to breed, why not try it? After disconnecting with the professor, I went over to one of the Poke Center computers and searched around online for more information regarding Bayleef and which Pokémon were compatible with it. The final choice would be Kyra's, really, but I wanted to understand which choices she had available to her that would leave her with egg.

There was a surprising array of Pokémon for her to choose from. Ones that I had thought of originally, like another Bayleef or an Ivysaur, to ones that I wasn't quite sure how the mating would work, like Charizard or Swampert. Even my Snorlax was compatible! With so many choices, I wasn't sure how to choose just one. I figured the best choice would be going with another Grass Pokémon... but I didn't have one on my team at the moment.

"Well..." I spoke mostly to myself but also the Kyra's pokéball which I held in my hand. "I suppose we'll just have to let one come to us."


We traveled to an isolated area, one that was inexcusable to humans without Flying types. I was hoping to be as undisturbed as possible while trying to breed Kyra and it would piss me off beyond belief if we finally found a male for her only to have Team Rocket show up and blow it. Thankfully, my Fearow was female and less susceptible to Kyra's scent so she opted to keep watch for any humans that might intrude.

The area I finally selected was located next to a slow flowing creek. There were prints all along the creek bed so I was hoping we wouldn't have to wait too long in finding a perfect mate for Kyra. I wasn't sure what she was looking for other than perhaps strength but I wanted to give her as many choices as possible.

I set up a lopsided lean-to, made of sticks and mud, grass and leaves that the online website had recommended. It was a way to keep close without the breeding pair feeling threatened. Since I was trying to find a wild male, I was doubly certain to hide my scent with a mixture of "Ode de Gloom," a scent so stifling bad that no Pokémon would want to take another whiff. Unfortunately, it was equally bad for me to smell too.

Finally, I released Kyra.

She appeared in her normal array of sparkles and seemed confused by her new surroundings. I was about to explain to her what we were doing here when I heard a rustle in the leaves, quickly, I ducked behind the lean-to, peaking out from behind a small break in the branches.

There, emerging on the opposite side of the creek, was a Nidoking. Not really what I'd been hoping for but if he made Kyra happy then that was what mattered. He wandered down to the water, intent on taking a drink, when his head suddenly went up and he stiffened. I could hear him sniffing the air, watched him lift his giant head and look around. It was apparent when he spotted my Bayleef, still mildly confused as to what was going on. In fact, she was paying more attention to my hiding spot than to the Nidoking.

He crossed the creek with two steps, the splashing of water finally alerting my Bayleef. She withdrew a little, clearly startled, but she didn't attack. From here, I could see the Nidoking's shaft slowly emerging from a slit in his skin. Apparently, he was interested. But was she?

She took another step away from him, leaf waving uncertainly before she took a forceful step forward and boldly stated... something to him. He kept advancing, clearly too enamored by her scent to pay attention to her words. She reared up and brought her fore legs down, stamping the dirt. This did make him pause but he merely grumbled something to her in Pokémon before moving closer.

Her vines rose out from under the leaves of her neck, hanging in the air, seeming lax but poised for attack. The Nidoking seemed angered by this display and brought one huge foot up before slamming it into the ground, the earth shaking. A wave of dirt launched from where he stood and rushed towards her, smacking my Kyra firmly in the chest and knocking her to the ground. She was quick to rise and sent a barrage of Razor Leaf attacks at the Nidoking.

Not to be deterred, he gave a roar and launched towards her, head lowered as if he planned to pin her with his horn. She easily moved to the side and used her vines to trip up his feet, causing the big lug to crash into not only the ground, but several small trees as well, completely felling them. He rose, bruised and clearly sore, his shaft now fully erect.

Clearly, someone liked pain.

Giving a louder roar than the first one, he stomped the ground again, this time, the ground quaking and trembling, cracking open and causing my Kyra to stumble as he issued his Earthquake attack. She used Reflect after that, the light shield shining briefly before appearing to fade. Releasing her Leaf Storm, the Nidoking received several deep cuts from the leaf blades. I wasn't sure what was going on by this point. Either she was trying to get him to prove he was worthy of her... or she really didn't like him. Regardless, he wasn't going to be stopped so easily.

It took three more Leaf Storm attacks and one tremendous Solar Beam before the brute lay passed out on the ground. I was disappointed that he hadn't meet Kyra's expectations but a little relieved as well. His dick would have probably ripped her in two!

Coming out of my hiding spot, I gave a sigh and decided not to have this whole fight be for nothing. Throwing a pokéball, I easily caught the fallen Nidoking (who was transferred to someone's PC) and moved to lightly pet Kyra on the head.

"Bay?" She looked up to me, still evidently confused as to why I'd hidden and hadn't helped by calling orders.

"It's alright, Kyra. Maybe we can find a mate for you tomorrow."

Apparently, these were not the right words to say.

As with the first time I met her, I suddenly found myself on my ass with a much bigger Kyra looming over me.

"Bay! Baybay!" Her leaf swirled and I was terrified for an instant that she was going to release a Leaf Storm attack on me but all she did was smack my face with her leaf and run away.

Somehow, that was more painful.


I spent several hours looking for her, the rest of my team helping. It was growing dark and my worry was increasing. I'd tried following her tracks but they weren't always clear and sometimes I would doubt I actually was following the right ones until I came upon a clearing and a fallen male Pokémon that had suffered her wraith.

I'd gained a Breloom, a Cubone, two Flaaffies, and a Paras by the time I found her. She had several bruises forming on her body, marring her golden skin with ginger colored splotches. Her amber eyes were a darker red, trails of tears evident down her face as she sat under a willow tree, "Bay"ing. When I came upon her, she merely lifted her head an inch or two before lowering it, clearly exhausted in a way that extend past physical and into mental.

"Kyra, what's wrong?"

She sniffled at me and moved from her spot, coming to rest her head on my stomach. She lightly butted her head against me, quietly chanting her name with different emphasis and clear pain with each uttering. In that moment, I had no greater longing to understand her and what I'd done to hurt her so.

"Kyra... whatever it is, I'm sorry." I brought my hand to touch her face, lightly stroking her face, careful to avoid putting pressure on a forming bruise there. "Here, let me clean you up."

Shucking my bag off, I pulled out a Potion. She stood still and allowed me to search her body with my hands, feeling for bruises and aches that had yet to form, spraying each with the Potion. Again, I marveled at the texture of her skin, the way it felt unlike any of the other Pokémon I'd handled. It was then that I noticed something. Her scent... it seemed stronger, more intense.

I continued my administering only to discover that my potion bottle was running low. I sighed and dipped into my pack for another, feeling more terrible for every injury I had to heal. My fingers began to slide to her back end, one hand feeling for the soft, terrible spots, and the other spraying them with the medicine.

When I reached her tail, I felt her jump and her scent became sharp. My hand jumped with her, fearing that I had hurt her, only to have her rump push upwards into my palm. I looked over her round shoulders and saw her neck low to the ground, her head arched upwards and her pleading eyes crying tears that could not have come from pain.

Dropping the potion, I reached down to my belt to grasp her capsule, hoping to return her to her ball before her condition got worse, when my eyes glanced at the swollen flesh between her thighs. They were wet and almost purple with the amount of blood they were getting, and they dripped something that gave off an almost intoxicating musk. My fingers slipped from her pokeball just as they reached it and I marveled silently, shamelessly at the sight of her heat.

It looked so painful and I knew she must be suffering from it terribly. Yet she fought off every suitor, every creature that could have sated her, going so far as to take on such horrible injuries to keep herself from breeding. My eyes started dropping, half-lidded as I watched her buck softly into my hand, which still rested by her tail. Her audible pleas had turned to whimpers of frustration, and, wincing from my own foolishness, the whole situation seemed to topple upon me like a drunken Steelix.

She had already chosen a mate... Kyra wanted me. I closed my eyes in thought, taking a deep breath to calm myself, but only succeeding in breathing in more of that sweet, musky aroma that wafted from her. If this was true, that she indeed wanted me, then I had been a terrible trainer, unable to see her desires for what they were and instead trying to pawn her off to whatever male happened to walk by. I had led her to these injuries, this insatiable need... but could I cure her of the latter?

Pokémon and human relationships... they are not as common as they were in the old days of tribes. Still, there are those that practice such things with their Pokémon, even if they would be looked down upon by those who didn't understand the bond between trainers and their companions. I opened my eyes and looked down at Kyra again, feeling a light of new understanding behind them as I drifted my gaze towards that area that suffered far more than any bruise.

This wasn't about how I would look, or what others would think of me. This was about what my naiveté had caused and what I could do to make it right.

"I love you, Kyra," I said, the words seeming to roll from my lips like a warm sigh as her teary eyes stared at me, her whining stopping immediately to hear what I had to say. I wasn't sure, as I said those words, what type of love it was I was proclaiming but I felt the words to be true. She was my partner...and I loved her if for no other reason than that.

I did not have any more words for her, though; such things would only waste more time and prolong her suffering. Instead, as I knelt at her hind end, her rump still raised to me, no, for me, I grasped her other flank and gave it a firm squeeze, the action making her swollen slit spread suddenly and give me another dose of that sickly sweet, spicy odor.

"B...Bay," she stuttered, letting out a sharp grunt as I lowered my body to that needy sex. I knew from studying for breeding that a simple orgasm would only relieve her heat for a short time but I was determined to do so, if for no other reason than to apologize for the pain I had unknowingly caused her. I took two fingers from one hand while the other kept her rump still and, with a slow, nervous motion, pushed them into my Bayleef.

She let out a cry, a squeal that I had never heard before, but I did not stop. I continued to push those two digits in and out of her, making sure to go slow at first, but having her hips greet me at twice my pace. That pushed all doubts out of my mind, and my other hand reached up to her shoulder, stroking just below her neck as I fingered her, watching her crane and lean her body into my subtle touch as her haunches sprang back and forth to slap wetly against my knuckles.

The hot, wet tightness of her sex was not something I could ignore, her body gripping and pulling my hand into her for more relief, sending chills down my spine. Her scent was becoming too much to bear but I now breathed it deep, the knowledge of what it was sending another wave down my back. It blanketed out all inhibitions about what I was doing and I began to move my finger faster, pumping harder and harder, letting my hand roll and twist.

Kyra released another cry and I felt something curl around my leg. One of her vines had crawled to me, barely controlled by her glazed mind as it continued to spiral up to my waist. The bulbed tip found my crotch and started rubbing furiously, making me realize that I had a massive erection built behind my jeans. Why I did not feel that uncomfortable bulge was a shock to me, and her incessant massaging did little to ease the problem. Not that it didn't feel fantastic, but I think it was more because she was doing it to me. Kyra, my Bayleef, the little creature that had practically begged me to take her instead of one of the others, now begged for me to simply take her.

I pulled my fingers out, making her jump and try to tackle my hand backwards for them to return. She was crying in lustful pleasure and I could see her bronze leaf shaking and shivering, trying to entice me further, as if she thought I was about to leave or put her in the ball again.

"I'm not going anywhere," I assured her with another soft sigh. And, with those nectar drenched fingers, I unzipped my pants, having to fight her vine for control of my lower body to do so.

As soon as they were loose, she made sure they were off. I had wanted to keep them on, just in case someone saw us but she had different plans and I owed it to her to follow through. My erection sprang free as though it had been trapped for a hundred years. It wasn't very large, given my age, but her vine adored it all the same, coiling around it slowly and gently, as though she were afraid that if she were too rough, she'd pull it off. The thought had crossed my mind as well.

I placed both my hands on her hind again and her vine dropped. This was the signal that I was ready to mate her and she complied without hesitation, her body nearly falling to the floor as her long neck rolled out onto the grass, looking back with a wide smile and lust-hidden gratitude behind her eyes. I placed my sex at hers and pushed in without any more hesitation.

It was amazing. More than that, it was unbelievable. Granted, I had never had sex, but the feeling of her inner body dragging me into her as her outer smooth, silky scales caressed my thighs, making them as wet as hers. I realized that her skin was akin to that of a vine's flesh, or that of a flower's stem, and, while one hand gripped her tail for leverage, the other crawled up her body to just beneath her neck, holding her shoulder to help throw myself into her.

From the second I entered her, she was continuously releasing cries and whimpers of joy and pleasure, and it was all I could do to not join her in those cries. To let my human voice be heard with her own sounds of sex wouldn't be wise. Still, I silently rejoiced in every second of our union, my hips slapping against her rump as her sex pulled and constricted mine like several hot, tight waves of flesh.

My fingering must have had a major effect on her, because this mating did not last long. With the loudest shout I could hear, her climax shook through her body and into my own, her muscles growing so wild and so tight that my shaft was afraid to leave her, instead opting to be washed and pummeled by sweet storms of passion. As soon as her nectar splashed against my lower body, I felt my own orgasm burn through me, feeling my spine tense as my hips pushed themselves even deeper into that tunnel. My throat released a pent-up grunt, followed by a moan of released tension.

I knew my seed was weak but her panting sighs told me it was enough. As I felt my human sperm fire in waves into my Bayleef, Kyra's vines crept behind her and grabbed my waist, pulling me into her, making sure she got every last drop. My body fell over hers, and my hands wrapped around that neck, her bronze wreath parting for my chest as her head craned to my face.

I could have cried at the love I saw in those eyes. Her forehead nuzzled into me, her hot breaths of relief washing any regret I could ever possibly have about what I had done. I knew that, though my sperm shouldn't get her pregnant, her body would accept it for what it was and be done with her need.

We stayed that way for longer than we should have, but the sun was finally deciding to set. I stared up and saw my Fearow looking down on us, her head cocked in curiosity. Bayleef said something to her, something I wish I could have understood, because she flew off again after a quick nod, resuming her scouting for people that could interrupt us.

Before I could blink, my softening sex was shifted free of her body, and her vines had laid me gently down on the floor. She stood over me, that love still burning deeply through her eyes and into my being, but now it was gleaming with mischievous intent. Apparently I was not done apologizing yet and her vines made it clear that if we weren't going to be interrupted, she didn't want these clothes to be covering me.

"Alright, girl," I said, holding my hand out to stroke her face as my other loosened my shirt and removed it from my body, tossing it aside so she could see me naked. She immediately nuzzled my chest, which had started to sweat from the exertion earlier. At first, I thought she wanted to mate again, but she was content to nuzzle me, continuing to wipe me down with that sweet scent from her leaf. She pushed so hard that I was forced to lay down, not that I didn't want to. I was tired, and it was just occurring to me that I had lost my virginity to my Pokémon.

Well, did it count? I mean... she wasn't human...

Then, I smiled. It counted. She was my partner, now in more ways than one. We shared a connection with each other, and cared for each other, though I had never fathomed the extent our bond would take us. Now I knew, and there was no doubt in my mind that she returned every drop of affection I had for her and then some. She curled next to my body, her head lying across my young chest and nuzzling my flesh into a comfortable pillow, sighing one last time in gratitude before falling asleep.

I stared up at my Fearow, who continued to circle the wide area around us, perching to rest every so often before scouting some more. In truth, even if she weren't there, I wouldn't fear being caught so much. Right now, I didn't fear anything. I let my hand fall to her neck and watched her smile even more in her sleep, her pheromone now transmitting signals of a different kind. She was taken.

I wouldn't find out until the next morning that her sweet scent had actually changed. It turns out that spending that night naked with me allowed her to pull my own sweat and scent into her leaf. It was an interesting thought, even more so was the fact that she would have to keep sleeping with me naked every once in a while to restore that scent, but I didn't mind.

"Well, Kyra," I said, finally back on the road as she walked beside me, her leaf swinging happily and transmitting to all who could smell it that she was mated to me. "Apparently those Flaffies you beat up are rare in this region. One guy is offering me a Glameow for one of them, which is rare back home! The Paras and that Cubone are good starts, too."

She lifted her head high, giving a prideful "Bay!" Smiling, I patted her head, continuing the trek to the man's house for the trade. It is said that real trainers are the ones who train beside their Pokémon, and real coordinators make themselves as awe-inspring as the Pokémon they coach. I could not help but close my eyes and grin at the silly thought that passed through my head.

The best breeders must be the ones that breed alongside their companions.