Story by Sights-Set117 on SoFurry

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#1 of Second World Chronicles

"Hey," A deep voice greeted me as I dropped myself onto the barstool and leaned over the counter. I looked over to see a Cheetah tilting his head at me, smiling slightly.

"...hi." I replied nervously. I had never quite gotten used to the Furryans, they spoke good English, they blended in, but they were still different, and it bothered me. I looked away from the bar, scouting the floor for any tipsy women. Dissatisfied with the options, I turned back and rested my chin on my crossed arms. It took me a moment to realize there was a bottle of beer in front of me. I eyed the cheetah suspiciously.

"You look like you need a drink." He lifted his bottle, "can't hurt, can it?"

"Sure," I sighed and lifted the bottle. Through the corner of my eye I could see him watching me place the neck of the bottle against my lips. My mind passed over the thought of getting out of there, but I quickly silenced the nagging thought. Furryans were known for being rather peaceful, definitely not the kind of creatures that would date-rape someone. At least that's what I hoped the story was.

"Get your hands off me!" A woman screeched. I spun on my seat instinctively, curious to what caused the outburst. A burly man in a leather jacket had the woman by the wrist, and he was squeezing it with intense force.

"Hey, asshole," Oh no, I thought, did I just say that?

The man turned his glare to me, and I backed against the bar. He dropped the woman and lunged at me before I could move. Before I could turn away, a muscular arm reached over and smashed across the man's chest, spinning him around. When I regained my sense, the cheetah stood between us, baring his teeth at the biker.

"Such a coward, you are," The cheetah snarled, "attacking a woman, then attack the man trying to defend her. I can't let you do either; you'll have to take me first."

"Alright." The man slipped his fingers into his pocket, my heart stopped as I realized what he was attempting to grab. I blinked, and suddenly, I was under the cheetah's arm and diving at the biker. I slammed my body against his and knocked him to the floor. Something hot bit into my side, and I moaned in agony, realizing that he had managed to pull his knife out before I could hit him. The man clamped his hand on my shoulder, rolled me onto the floor, and jumped to his feet. I cried as blood oozed from the gash just below my ribs. The biker gave up his knife, leaving it hilted in my body, and snapped up a pool cue from a nearby patron also wearing a leather jacket. My vision washed red, and death's cold fingers gripped my body. I shivered and closed my eyes. By the time I realized that it was a mistake to do so, I couldn't open them again, and I was trapped in a black vacuum.

"Hey, human, are you awake?" A voice finally sounded through the emptiness. My eyes snapped open and I surged forward. My body ached, my shirt was gone, and I felt the weight of blankets across my waist.

"Sonnuvabitch, you motherf-" I paused, and took a moment to look around. I was in a white room with no windows, the only feature a poster of a human reproductive system tacked to a wall.

"Where the hell?" I asked aloud.

"You're in a hospital," I heard a reply, and I looked over to see the cheetah in the bed next to me. "Amazingly, you survived that wound long enough to get you here."

"So, that all happened?" I asked, and then realized something, "Why are you here?"

"You're not the only one who was hurt," He replied, lifting his right arm. A meter-long bandage spanned his arm from wrist to shoulder.

"Shit, I'm sorry for dragging you into this." I looked away, ashamed at his injury being my fault. My face turned pink, I could feel the heat in my cheeks.

"Don't be, I would've done the same had you not." He tried to reassure me. "I paid a more ultimate price though."

"What's that?" I asked.

"My mate, Elikah, swore that if I ever fought again, -she would leave me." He sighed, "I never got to explain how it happened, she just left."

"Way to make me feel better." I groaned, "Now I wish I had died."

"No, please, she was demanding and petty, I am glad to be rid of her." He watched my expression.

"Yeah, I know what you mean," I sighed and leaned back against the pillow. "Women are bitches, they think we're scum, but we put up with it for a chance at sex."

"It's a flawed system." He replied. "They're in control but they don't deserve us."

"To hell with them," I rapped my fist against the bed, "It's never worked out before, I'm tired of putting up with it, fuck them!"

"I agree." The cheetah smiled, "I'm Chris by the way."

"Chris?" I shot him a surprised look, "Surely not one of your people's names."

"No, but it seems to make me more approachable, seeing as my birth-name is difficult for you humans to pronounce." He sighed, "Though it seems easy to me."

"I have the same problem." I laughed, "Nobody can get my name right."

"What's your name?" He inquired.

"I'm Rio, but my last name is what people have trouble with." I replied, "Well they used to, before I changed it to King."

"Rio? Such a cute name." He cocked his eyebrows at me.

I shot him a sour look, and his smile faded, "my name is not cute, it's gay."

I maintained a straight face for a fleeting moment, and then we laughed in unison. Before long I noticed that my body had stopped aching, and that the pain that should have been clawing at my side was absent. I lifted the covers to find only a tiny scar.

"What the-" I gasped at the absence of a wound.

"Our health-care system at work," Chris smiled, "takes only a day or so to heal wounds that would normally kill one of your people. Of course, it doesn't work as well on us, so I'll be here a day longer."

"I think I can fake pain for another day to keep you company." I winked. "Not like I have anywhere to be."

"I'd like that."

The next day went by slowly; I could only imagine how bored he would be had I not stayed there. Thankfully, right after lunch, the monotony was broken as the nurse came into the room and examined Chris' arm.

"Lie still," She ordered as she peeled the bandage off. She examined the healed wound carefully. "Looks good, you're free to leave if you want."

"I'm glad to hear it, thank you miss." Chris stood; I made the mistake of staying still.

The fox turned her attention to me, and I gulped as her eyes darted over me and she flicked her tongue over her lips. She leaned low over me and looked into my eyes, examining them carefully. I struggled to hold my breath and sit absolutely still.

"Are you feeling better, human?" She grinned, baring her pearly teeth. "Or do I have to keep you here for another day?"

"I- I'm fine..." I searched for something else to say, and noticed her nametag. "Thank you Miss Fiora."

She leaned back, a slight hint of disappointment on her face, "Alright, I can't find anything else wrong with you, so I guess you may go as well."

"Awesome." I threw the covers from my waist, and I yelped when I realized I could feel a draft. Fiora's eyes darted down to my thighs, and I felt my face flush red. I had completely forgotten I was naked.

"Oh God." I groaned and crossed my legs. "Can I have my clothes back?"

"Of course," She turned to Chris, "Chris, please go get this human's personal items from the head nurse."

"Yes, ma'am." Chris turned on his heel, trying to contain his laughter; I winced as he closed the door behind him, locking me in with her.

I looked up, her hungry eyes scanned my body, and her tongue darted out and moistened her lips. Her shiny reddish fur glistened with tiny droplets of sweat, and her hands trembled.

"Rio," She stooped over me, "are you sure you wouldn't like to spend another day here?"

"No, thank you." I replied, trying to seem ignorant, "I don't think I could put up with being trapped in this boring place for another day."

"I could make it more... interesting for you," She placed her hand on the bed and stooped lower, "there are many things I could do to alleviate your boredom."

I held my breath to keep from gasping as her claws grazed my thigh. She leaned forward and I noticed the loose button on the front of her blouse, revealing the tops of her breasts like a museum display. The door clicked, and Fiora stood so suddenly I could almost feel the breeze from her sudden movement. Chris walked in holding a clump of clothing; he tossed it to me, and then turned away as I dressed.

Fiora made sure Chris was looking away, and then she stared me down one last time. I ignored her glare, dressed quickly, and edged my way past her. I had gotten halfway down the hallway before Chris realized I had left, and rushed after me.

"Jesus, Fiora must have some sort of fuck-lust." I said.

"What do you mean?" He narrowed his eyes at me.

"I mean- when you left, she almost got on me and rode me." I cried, "The look in her eyes, she either wanted to eat me, or fuck me."

"Don't be ridiculous, Fiora's strictly anti-cross, one of the very few." He laughed, "Fiora, hah, -with a human? Ridiculous."

"Say what you want, I know that look on any species." I retorted.

"Yes, of course." He sighed, "Listen, I never asked before, but I have no home to return to."

"Where did you live before?"

"My mate's home, but, as you know-." He frowned, "I was wondering, maybe I could stay with you, at least until I can find my own place."

"Well, you did save my life; I owe you, so yeah." I reached up and clapped my hand on his shoulder, "you can be my 'roomie'."

"Roomie?" He asked.

"Err, room-mate, a human term for home-partner." I explained. "Means you live with me, but we're not 'in a relationship', make sense?"

"Yes," He answered, "funny that I've never heard that word before."

"Its slang, not a lot of people use it."

"Don't be so hard on yourself," Chris put his arm over my shoulder, "you're not that bad of a guy, I'm sure those women are just shallow."

"No," I moaned. "I'm just not worth their time."

After a few beers, I always got like this, depressed, self-hating, and whiny. Chris was by no means sober, but his gentle grasp told me he was more of a loving drunk than anything else. I let myself lean into his arm and laid my head back.

"You know, you're really nice..." I smiled at him, slightly delusional from the alcohol coursing through my system, "I don't know why I didn't- why I didn't like your kind before, they are nice, better than most humans I know."

Chris wrapped his arm over my shoulder, "yeah, we try to be as open as we can, though; you humans are quite easy to like."

"Yeah, 'cept our women." I laughed obnoxiously. "I'm probably never gonna find someone who loves me for who I am."

"That isn't true." He sat up. I felt his weight shift as he leaned towards me. Before I realized what was happening, his lips found mine and I felt my body get pressed into the couch. My hands came up and were quickly caught by the wrists. His powerful hands pushed me against the wall, lifting me into a half-crouch. His tongue explored my mouth, slithering past lips and swimming in our combined saliva. I struggled to breathe as his hot breath flowed down my throat and suffocated me.

My wrist broke free of his grip, and I shoved my arm against his chest, pushing him onto the couch. I stood, and backed away from him.

"I'm- ah..." He couldn't speak. "I didn't mean to do that, I- lost control of myself."

"You-...you kissed me." I replied, still stunned.

"I'm very sorry, it just- I thought-" He continued to stutter.

"Calm down," I flicked my hands downward, "you're drunk-"

"I really didn't mean to throw myself at you," He sighed, "please, don't make me leave."

"Don't worry." I searched for something to take my mind off the situation. "Drink?"

He handed me his empty glass, and I ducked around the corner to the kitchen. I popped the bottle of 267-Rye and poured two more glasses to the brim. I lifted mine to my lips, but stopped as I noticed Chris round the corner and approach me.

"Rio," He took my wrist and pushed my hand down to the counter, I released the glass, and he released his grip. "I really don't want that...incident to come between us; I'd just hope that you accept my apology."

I almost told him I would accept it; almost let myself forget about what he did in the heat of a drunken stupor. It wouldn't happen though. My body still felt the residual surge of adrenaline from when he kissed me, an exhilarating rush that lit my blood aflame. It demanded more, but I couldn't do it if I was even a tiny bit sober. I wrapped my fingers over the glass once more, and then lifted it slightly from the counter.

"Chris...I don't know what to say. I mean, that wasn't as bad as you think, I may have over-reacted a bit." I shifted back and forth, eyeing the glass in my hand. "If you have some sort of feeling for me, I wouldn't mind-...aww, Fuck it." The glass clanged on the counter as I let it fall from my fingers. Chris gasped as I let myself fall into his arms, my lips pressing against his. His hands quickly found my back, and I felt the world fall out from under my feet as he lifted me up and set me on the counter. His tongue wrapped over mine, and I could feel his thick saliva oozing into my mouth. I brushed my hands against his shirt, feeling his pulse through my fingertips. My arms buckled as he thrust me against the wall as his lips melded with mine. For a moment, we were both still, our tongues locked together silently, only the slight hissing of occasional breaths breaking the silence. I felt my shirt lift up, so I leaned forward and pulled my arms into my sleeves. I felt it slide over my head and saw him throw it at the wall, then my eyes closed as he continued to kiss me. To my dismay, he released my lips from his loving embrace and stooped lower, I followed his eyes anxiously. My back arched instinctively as the burning sensation rolled up my ribs and into my spine. His tongue grazed up my chest and left a long streak of slick wetness up to my throat. I held his head tightly, keeping it close to my skin; he wrapped me in his arms and pressed his ear to my chest.

"You're excited." He commented, "Your heart's thundering."

"Mmm, yeah, after a kiss like that, anyone would be." I looked down and ruffled his mane. "What's your point?"

"Nothing, it's fascinating, how your body reacts to...this." He stroked the front of my pants, and I let a burst of air escape my lungs. "It's similar to my own kind."

I trembled wildly as he ran his hands along my thighs, then up to my chest. As his hands began to move downward, I lifted myself from the counter and hopped down to the floor. I never realized how tall Chris was until that moment. It made me feel powerless against him, but still I slipped my hands under his shirt and lifted it up to his arms. From there, he pulled it over his head and tossed it to the floor. I burrowed my face into his chest and held him tightly, inhaling the thick musky odor common to pets. His scent was much lighter than any animal I had ever been near, it was almost pleasant. I smiled to myself and held him there, breathing in his essence. Tiny shivers surged along my spine as he stroked my back delicately, letting his claws graze against my skin. My breaths were stuttered and agonized, the aching pain from my shaft pressing against my jeans nagging at the back of my mind.

I turned out from Chris' arms and walked down the hall, as I neared the door, I turned to see Chris, still standing by the fridge. I sighed, and then looked up at him.

"Come on," I curled my hand, "I'd like some company."

Chris' eyes gleamed, and he rushed after me. I yelped as his weight collided with mine and threw us both onto the bed. The air rushed out of my lungs as he held me down on my stomach and kissed my neck. I shivered as his tongue flicked against my skin and sent more rushes of adrenaline through my body. Soon I realized I couldn't breathe at all, so I tapped the bed with my palm, hoping he would understand the 'tap-out'. He jumped backwards and let his arm off my ribs suddenly, and I swallowed a deep breath.

"Sorry," He kneeled on the bed next to me, "You're a bit more delicate than my species."

I coughed, "its fine, my fault for not saying anything."

He rolled me over unapologetically, and leaned over my waist. I looked up at him curiously, and soon saw what he was doing. For a moment, his hands struggled with my jeans, but he soon found purchase on the zipper, and I felt them slide down to my ankles. My underwear came off so quickly I wouldn't have noticed it had I not been watching his hands quickly and efficiently disrobe me. My shaft stood hard, and I blushed instinctively. He gently wrapped his fingers over it, and looked over at me.

"Does it matter if I do this for you?" He asked. "I will stop if you are uncomfortable, please just ask."

"No, its fine," I smiled, "please, do what's natural."

His grin widened, and I felt warmth flow through my veins as he began to firmly rub my shaft. I moaned and clenched my hands on the bedspread as the intense jolts ran through my shaft, threatening to burst at any moment. I didn't breathe now, I couldn't. Any breath I took was soon evacuated in a throaty moan. His breaths got heavy as well, simply from exerting himself so much for my enjoyment. I moaned louder, a sound I hoped it would please him to hear. It seemed as though those gasps weren't enough, though, as I watched him bow his head into my lap. An overwhelming sensation of fiery bliss rocked my body as his tongue wrapped around my shaft and coated it with a thick stream of saliva. The heat inside my body was excruciating, and sweat dripped from my body and soaked into the bedspread, leaving a dark ring around my body. I cried, tears flowed freely, but Chris didn't stop, he simply flicked his tongue a bit faster, a bit harder, until I was screaming in ecstasy. The intense pressure building in my body throbbed against my veins, aching, burning, and begging to be freed. I squeezed my eyes shut and held it back, though my muscles quivered, my mind fluttered, and tangs of pain shot through my limbs. Chris slid his hand up my chest once more, and I felt it wrap around my neck. He held me tightly, pinning me against the bed, and restricting my breathing even further. Before long, I noticed his fingers were tightening around my throat. I tapped his arm, hoping he would realize he was killing me. I saw his eyes flash over my face, he saw I was struggling, but he ignored me, and continued to pleasure me.

Black claws raked at the edge of my vision, and my arms got heavy. I struggled to take a breath, just a gasp of air that could save me. Chris didn't pay attention; he was too busy with his own agenda. The life in my body struggled against its limits, pulling at the chains like a rabid dog, desperate to get free. A last surge of adrenaline rushed through my veins and I arched up against Chris' arm. He released my throat, causing my body to snap forward and slam into his shoulder. I groaned as the burst of energy spent itself explosively. Chris' cheeks bulged, and tiny droplets of thick milky cum streamed through the gap between the corner of his mouth and my shaft. Another stab of intense pain slammed through my hips as he milked the last bit of my seed out of my body and gulped it down. I shuddered and fell back against the bed, my chest heaving with each ragged, labored breath.

"You nearly- killed me," I managed to gasp, "but- w- ...wow."

Chris licked his lips, "I see you enjoyed yourself."

I nodded slightly, still in too much pain to move any more than I had to. My fingertips trembled, and I struggled to hold the rest of my body from doing the same. Chris laid next to me and rubbed his hand down my chest. I cooed in approval and closed my eyes, letting the intense sensation of agony and orgasm leave my body. I inhaled deeply, filling my lungs with the prominent odor of sex, and leaving a burning sensation in my nostrils. The burning heat left my body slowly, working itself out as it pumped through my heart and cooled. Sweat beaded on my skin, and streamed down to the bed, leaving icy trails that made my skin crawl. Once my body had calmed, I felt the bed shift under me, and opened my eyes to see Chris on all fours, his nose just inches from my face. I reached up and pecked an innocent kiss on the shiny black tip of his muzzle, then sat up, curious to see what he was planning.

"Come here," He patted the space on the bed under him.

"Oh!" I cried, shocked by the sight of his shaft hanging under his belly, glistening with wetness. "I...don't know if I could..."

I looked at him, and then turned to the wall, too ashamed to look him in the eye.

"I really do like you, but the-...I don't think I could stand it."

"I could offer to be gentle, but I believe that won't sway you." He sat back on his calves and looked down at me. I couldn't look at him, but I could feel his eyes, a cold blade cutting into my flesh.

"I've been told it's painful," I finally looked him in the eyes, "terribly painful."

"My old mate, he never-" My shock caused him to pause. "I'm sorry; I wasn't honest with you before, I was afraid of what you'd think."

"So you were always gay?" I tilted my head at him, "I wouldn't mind had you been honest, it would've scared me less when you planted that kiss on me earlier."

"Humans are curious creatures, you're very accepting." He smiled at me, "My people like to ignorantly believe we're all the same, all working for one goal."

"All with an opposite mate?" I asked.

"Yes, though the idea of coming here was to find different mates for our females," He sighed. "The odds aren't in my favor."

"Different mates?" I tilted my head, "how?"

"Our women can accept any sort of genetic donation, from any species." He sighed, "Meaning that even if I was the last male of our kind, there are still trillions of possible candidates."

"Welcome to my world." I laughed.

"Strange, two entirely different species from across the galaxy could meet and have so many things in common," He clasped his hand on my shoulder. "I feel I have something with you that I never had with my old mate."

"What's that?" I melted a bit, caught in his words.

"My old mate, Elix, he was with me for one reason, there was no other choice." He sighed, "But you, you had a choice, and you chose me."

"Well, yeah." I had let his words take me; my mind had accepted him. "I'm glad I did, too. When you hold me- it's unlike anything I've felt, it's like you care."

"Because you're special to me." He let his hand glide down my chest. "I love you."

I paused, unable to speak. "M-...me too." I could barely force the words out.

Chris straddled my waist and rammed his tongue down my throat. I arched my body against him, so close I could feel his shaft rubbing against my stomach. It left wet streaks on my skin, warm slicks that streamed down my sides and dripped from my back. I could feel desire for him burning in my muscles. Something inside me fluttered, I suddenly wanted to grab him, roll him onto his back, and return his favor in kind. I pulled my lips from his and held myself against him, burying my nose in the thick for along his neck. As I inhaled, more strong musk filled my lungs, and my desire multiplied. I spun on my side, seized his arm and pulled it out from under him.

Chris yipped as his own weight knocked him down next to me. I took the opportunity to roll him flat on his back and kneel across his chest. He gasped, and I felt his hands come up and grasp my shoulders. I turned and bared my teeth in a wide grin, and his hands fell down to my waist. I took his shaft in my hand and slid my fingers along its length, coating them with slick pre-cum. As my hand touched the hilt, another spurt of clear fluid shot from the tip of his shaft and splattered on my wrist. I slid my hand back up to the tip, and then slammed it back down hard. Chris moaned, and another gush of clear fluid burst from his body. I looked into his eyes, and began sliding my hand along his shaft faster. My arm cramped, but I ignored it, simply willing myself to go faster. Chris howled and grabbed my free arm in his hand, squeezing it until it turned white. Both of my arms ached, so I released my grip on his shaft, and he released my arm.

"You like it?" I teased him, rubbing my palm on the tip of his throbbing shaft.

"Mmm, yes!" He cried, and stroked my back.

I lifted my knees over his legs, and positioned myself between his thighs, looking down at him. I cupped both of my hands along the length of his shaft and bowed towards it. His breaths quickened as he watched me get closer, saliva dripping from my lips in anticipation. His cry was a piercing howl, ringing in my ears as I took the tip of his shaft between my lips. His body moved under my hands, shivering and convulsing, nearly throwing me off balance. Hot sticky fluid burst in my mouth; I let it slide down my throat as I swallowed his shaft right to its hilt. More of his pre-cum burst against the back of my throat. The sweet clear mess filled my mouth until I couldn't breathe. I sat up, coughing hoarsely, spitting the thick mess onto the sheets. Chris' eyes looked apologetic.

"Sorry," He avoided my eyes, "that happens a lot."

I spat another gob of the clear fluid on the sheets. "Its fine, though I couldn't imagine how much comes out when you cum."

"I'm close, you can find out if you desire." He smiled and wiggled his hips slightly, enticing me to continue. I took his shaft in my hand, guided it to my lips, and bared my teeth. He watched in ecstatic anticipation as extended my tongue and flicked it against the tip of his shaft. He groaned and wrapped his leg around behind my back. I grinned and smoothed the spotted golden fur along his thigh with my free hand. I let his shaft touch my lips, and as he looked on, I nibbled gently on the tip, my teeth narrowly grazing the sensitive flesh. He groaned as I let his shaft slide past my teeth and took it down to the hilt once more. I felt him pet me as I pressed my tongue against his shaft and pulled up, a motion that turned into a hard grab I thrust down again. His cries of bliss made my heart rush. I could feel the veins on his shaft throbbing against my tongue as more pre-cum burst in my mouth.

"I'm- AH!" He cried, "Nearly there!"

His breathing quickened, as did my pulse, until my ears rung with the reverberating thump of my heart. My skin glowed pink as blood surged through my veins, and I could see veins protruding through the soft skin on his shaft. Chris' breathing silenced suddenly, and I looked up to see him staring at me, wide-eyed, open-mouthed, and still as rock. His head snapped back and his back arched against the bed as his orgasm released itself into my mouth. An overwhelming burst of thick milky cum filled my mouth and swirled down my throat. I gagged, and the thick creamy fluid gushed from my lips. I spat it onto the bed and coughed deeply, clearing my throat from the sticky mess. I turned my attention to Chris, who was now in his own dream-world. His eyes were closed, and soft moans occasionally filled the air as his orgasm left his body in shivers. A sharp sting tore at my insides, a feeling that hadn't bothered to rear its ugly head until just now. I clutched my stomach and leaned forward, landing on his chest. I felt his arms wrap over my shoulders and hold me warmly. It eased the pain, but I could still feel it pounding at my insides, and I hated myself for giving in to his words.

"Are you alright?" He looked down at me. I could only open my eyes for a moment before pain forced them shut again.

"No, it hurts." I moaned. "I don't regret this, but my body does."

"I don't understand. Why are you in pain?" He fluffed my hair.

"Our species-" I started. "We feel emotions as physical pain, sometimes. When we feel guilty, or regret something, our stomach hurts."

"You feel guilty?" Chris lifted me up and sat me down on his stomach, and I moaned. "Is it because you really don't believe in what just happened?"

"No," I paused, "I don't understand it."

"I want you to know that I do feel strongly for you, that I mean everything I said," He sat up and kissed my neck, "and that you have nothing to feel guilty for."

The pain eased, and my arms quickly wrapped around behind his head, holding his warm lips against my neck. I felt his body shift under mine as he lifted me gently, and I looked down just as he positioned me carefully. I tilted my head at him, but before I could ask, the answer came as an agonizing shock. I shrieked as a streak of pain shot up my spine, making my mind revolt against me. Chris seized my hips and pushed me down harder, until I could feel the agonizing burn right up into the pit of my stomach. I cried, tears streamed from my eyes and spattered his fur as he pulled me right down to his hilt. I felt him sit up against me, and his warm arms lock me in an embrace.

"Shhh, I know it hurts, I know." He whispered softly. I cried in reply, still in too much pain to reply with anything other than an agonized shriek. He tightened his hands on my waist and lifted me. I felt the head of his shaft push against my insides as he lifted me until I was half-mounted in his lap. I pressed my hands against his chest and held myself up. The pain didn't leave this time, the terrible sensation of shredded insides flourished in my mind, and I couldn't hide it. Chris could see my pain, so he gently grabbed my thighs and dismounted me.

I fell from his hands and laid on the bed, curled up in pain. He slid up behind me and put his hand on my ribs. I moaned, but made no attempt to move.

"I'm sorry," He stroked my ribs gingerly, "it will feel better next time, I promise."

"Ahh, are you- -sure?" I stuttered.

"I swear on my love for you." He kissed the back of my neck.

"Why- why would you?" I moaned.

"Because I love you, Rio." He kissed my shoulder, "I wanted to show you how much you mean to me."

I shivered, "it was-...terrible."

"I know, but it will always hurt the first time." He assured me, "I'll let you rest now."

"Thank you." I laid my head back against his chest and closed my eyes.

"Good night, love."

I twitched slightly at the last word, but it no longer bothered me. "Good night..." I paused for what felt like a century, "I love you too."

I shivered from the cool breeze that issued in through the window above me, and Chris wrapped his arm over me. I felt his soft fur rub against my back as his body cupped mine and enveloped me in his warmth. The pain subsided, and I was able to close my eyes. Finally at peace, and exhausted from an exciting night that used all of my body's energy, sleep came quickly. I breathed a last soft sigh, and wrapped my hand over Chris' arm as my mind slowed my consciousness to a crawl.