Encounter In The Woods Part 1

Story by Nightmask1367 on SoFurry

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What do you do when you meet a feral fox in the woods? Whatever it wants! ;-)

Part 2 is here -> https://www.sofurry.com/view/649456

Part 3 is here -> https://www.sofurry.com/view/649537

Encounter In The Woods Part 1


Charles E. Terrell Jr.

AKA Nightmask


The sounds of leaves crunching underfoot and the angry chittering of squirrels as he invaded what they felt was their territory followed Martin as he trudged up the hill behind his house, the breezes ruffling his hair as it brought to him the scent of wildflowers and fresh growth as the warm spring day enveloped him. The occasional briar pricked and tugged at his blue jeans and t-shirt as he tried to avoid the worst of it and the places where spiders had set up their webs in their single-minded hunt for flying insects.

It was getting harder to find spots where one or another neighbor hadn't yet encroached upon he thought sadly to himself; so intent on clearing the land and putting up unnecessary construction or trying to 'beautify' it with leveled ground and expanses of regularly mowed lawn grass that took away the wild beauty of the nature he so adored. At the rate things were going there soon wouldn't be any places in the area he could walk and not have some artificial structure marring the view and force him to have to find some park if he wanted to get away to write.

The hike was worth it though after fifteen minutes of struggling brought him to one of his favorite spots that let him look down into a valley in the rolling hills of the area that hadn't yet been despoiled. He'd always had some of his best writing there seated against a particularly towering pine with a nice coating of needles at its base that made it a comfortable and nicely scented place to be. He hated to think that someday it might not be there to enjoy so sought to make the most of it while he could.

Settling into his favorite seat he gave a soft sigh of contentment as he stretched out and rested his back against the pine's broad base, having nearly worn the spot to his contours with the frequency with which he made use of it. Opening up the binder he'd brought with him he unclipped the Eversharp stored at the top and flipped through the previously written notes, skimming them to get caught up with where he'd already written to previously before letting the sensations of the forest wash away everything else save the hard work on his latest novel. Perhaps this one would change enough people's minds to turn the tide back in favor of preserving nature rather than treating it as an impediment for human development.

The hours seemed to fly past as he scribbled, erased, scratched out, and revised page after page, only tangentially aware of his surroundings as his muse drove him on until the sound of a branch snapping with a loud crack broke him out of his trance.

"There shouldn't have been anything around that could break something like that" he thought to himself. The largest things in the area tended to be some raccoons or well-fed and lucky rabbits or the occasional turkey. Looking about he found himself frozen in disbelief as he found himself meeting the gaze of a fox gazing at him from little more than twenty feet away, if that. No average fox was it either by any stretch of the imagination.

It must have been a good three-foot tall at the shoulder, and larger than quite a few breeds of dogs from the look of it. While it held to the proportions of any other fox it must have weighed well over a hundred pounds easy, or a significant percentage of his own weight if his estimate was accurate. From the look of its coat it still had some of the winter fur adding to its apparent bulk as well, with dark russet fur covering the majority of its form with the exception of the black boots and gloves on its legs and a white tail-tip separated from the rest of the red fur of its tail by a narrow black band.

Given the size of it he decided to stay as still as possible because anything that large he didn't want to startle or give the impression he'd be prey to be chasing down, plus the momentary terror over such an unnaturally large fox staring at him had left him briefly paralyzed as his mind tried to wrap itself around the moment and form some way of dealing with things. With no way to get up the tree behind him and no way to get to any other tree before it caught him the most he could do was hope it didn't decide he was lunch and that if it did he could find some way to fend it off.

He had no way of telling how long they where there staring at each other, the fox seeming to be trying to decide what to make of him as much as he was of it before it started padding closer to him. Martin didn't know what to make of it or how to react as it didn't seem to be preparing to attack but it wasn't like he had any experience with any fox breed let alone one so huge to have a clue what its posture and expressions meant. It was making no haste as it approached him and its tail was flicking about with no particular energy to it until its head was even with his shoes and just a few feet from his own head as it looked down at him.

Even though she wasn't really larger than him it felt like the fox was towering over him given their relative positions, gazing up into those slitted golden eyes as they continued to look him over. There was no way for him to know what to make of things when it suddenly opened its jaws and he was afraid it was all over only for it to bite his folder and tug it out of lap and toss it aside. His heart was racing though and if it was true animals could smell or sense fear it had to know terrified he was as he broke out in a cold sweat after seeing the gleaming set of perfect carnivore teeth the fox had.

The fox tilted its head to the side as it looked at him curiously, then surprised him as it stepped forward the remaining distance to lap his face wetly, its breathe smelling like that of all carnivores as he blinked in confusion at the unexpected behavior. He'd clutched at the carpet of pine needles when it had tossed aside his folder and now had this huge creature standing over him licking at his face (something he dearly hoped wasn't simply it tasting to see if he was worth eating).

Not knowing how to react he simply remained passive while the fox's tongue brushed all over his face and lips, shocking him with how insistently it began trying to get its tongue into his mouth until after a small growl from it he stopped resisting and found himself getting what could only be called a French-kiss from the demanding fox. He couldn't imagine anything so strange as having some strange animal's tongue exploring the inside of his mouth and right to the back of his throat at times. The fact the fox was clearly enjoying it was hard enough to process as it was but he was beginning to find some perverse pleasure from it as well as the change from adrenaline-charged terror to relief that it didn't seem to want to harm him flooded his system.

Once he was able to unclench his hands he tentative tried to stroke the fox's side with his right hand, feeling the soft fur flow beneath his fingertips as he lightly brushed along its flank, ready to drop his hand immediately if it didn't appear to like that. Instead it seemed to accept the stroking and shifted to settle down on top of him, forcing his legs apart in the bargain as it made itself comfortable. Unfortunately that pressed him uncomfortably hard against the tree behind him and required him to shift underneath the fox to stretch out on the pine needle-coated ground instead.

He got a short warning growl as he settled back until the fox realized he wasn't trying to get away and shifted to pin his shoulders to the grounds with its paws while returning to lapping at the insides of his mouth. It was at this point with the over-sized vulpine on top of him he realized from the way its body stretched against his that it must be female when he didn't feel anything obviously pressing against him.

"Oh God a fox in heat that likes humans," he thought to himself. He wouldn't have thought it possible if he weren't pinned underneath of one right now. His hopes that wasn't the case were dashed as she started grinding her chest and groin against him and whining deep in her throat as she dropped her muzzle from his face to nuzzle and nip at his neck which scared him once again having those teeth so close to his throat.

Petting at her sides in hopes of placating her proved useless as while she seemed to enjoy it she had other things on her mind and when her rubbing against him wasn't finding it she started growling and biting his neck more forcefully in complaint. Afraid to say anything he put aside his embarrassment at the idea (fear being a great motivator in that regard) and moved his left hand between them to unfasten his pants and with difficulty push them down enough with his underwear to expose it to the vixen's grinding motions.

Martin felt flushed from the way he found himself reacting to everything going on; he'd actually been partly erect and hadn't even realized it until giving in to the vixen's demands. Her breath was hot on his neck and her claws pricking at his shoulders as she clutched them with her front paws, her hips gyrating as she tried to get him into her. He could feel the puffy lips of her vulpine vulva, so different from a human's, brushing against his fingers as she kept trying to force herself onto his stiffening shaft. When she finally found it and pushed her hips down onto him he moaned from the humiliation and the pleasure of finding himself sliding into such a tight slick passage as the vixen had.

The vixen on the other hand seemed to be in heaven as she bounced her hips up and down to work him deeper and deeper into her until the black lips of her sex encircled the base of his now hard and throbbing shaft as it rested within her. Once he was completely within her she even calmed for a bit and with what could only be called a contented grin on her muzzle began 'kissing' him once again, pressing her muzzle to his mouth as she lapped away at the inside with an occasional lick back at her tongue on his part as he gave up on anything but enjoying the moment that had been forced upon him.

With her resting on top of him Martin returned to petting and stroking along the vixen's sides, more confident now with the positive reception from earlier. He kept his hands moving in slow and gentle caresses along her spine and haunches, careful to not do anything too sudden that might startle her as little shivers of pleasure raced along his spine with the way her sex was gripping at him in ways no human woman's ever had. He was sure she could feel his heart beating with the tightness of the fit even if she couldn't feel it beating from where her chest pressed to his; he could certainly feel hers pounding away.

The break didn't last long though as the vixen's need started going up once again, her hips rolling a little at first beneath his hands before moving to forcefully slide up and down along his hard member, riding him hard and fast as she dug her claws into his shoulders and the heavy odor of her musk saturated the air and soaked into his clothes and skin. Red spots appeared on his shirt where blood leaked into it around her claws but he barely noticed the pain from the way her tight foxhole glided along his erection, stroking along its entire length with the tighter fitting ring of flesh at the entrance squeezing its way up and down along his manhood.

With the confused state of his senses and the vigorous actions of the vixen riding him it didn't take Martin long before he climaxed with a cry, reflexively clutching at the vixen's backside as he emptied himself into her. His hot seed splashed up into her as she continued to ride him for long minutes after she'd milked him dry before settling her haunches back to rest herself comfortably on top of him, holding him inside of her while he remained pinned beneath her.

As he became aware of his surroundings once again Martin blushed at the memory of his release and its source, the vixen resting on top of him. His shoulders ached from her claws and he was feeling heated from her heavy furry body laying on top of him but she didn't seem interested in going anywhere, in fact she tucked her head alongside his neck and seemed to doze off on top of him!

"Now what am I going to do?" he asked himself silently. Nobody would likely come along and find him like this but was she going to somehow decide to keep him or would she let him go once she was done recovering. He supposed it was a good sign she felt safe enough to fall asleep on top of him but unlike her he didn't have someone under him to insulate him from the pine needles and other things on the ground that as sticking into him, particularly his rump. Sighing softy he wrapped his arms carefully around her and laid his head back to wait things out, his last thoughts as he settled in to wait secretly wishing for another go with the more-than-meets-the-eye vixen.