GBL High: Chapter Five

Story by Valt on SoFurry

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#15 of GBL High (Fave)

I'm Sorry for the wait guys, I just got so distracted with a lot of stuff... Hope this is ok

Love from Tiggy! xoxox

GBL High

Chapter Five


Ryan shot up in his darkened room. He was awoken by the sound of terrified screaming. The bed was moving as desperate and protective actions took lace next to him.

His arm hurt, his calf was aching as the tiger next to him had unintentionally let his claws fight the invisible threat he was scared of.

Timmy had pushed Ryan's arm away as his dreams woke him due to the swirling darkness and fear that had ripped away the innocence he had.

His screams were of pure terror, like one who has seen terror. He was shaking again, Ryan could feel it just from laying on the bed.

"IM SORRY!" He screamed, "PLEASE! IM SORRY!"

"TIMMY!" Ryan yelled, reaching beside him and turning on the lamp. Timmy's terrified, wet and sweaty face looked right at his. There was silence as terrified eyes met worried ones, they sat there for a mere moment before the small tigers jaw began to tremble.

"Oh sweetie." Ryan sighed as he moved himself over and pulled the small feline onto his lap to wrap his arms around his small, terrified form. His right arm sliding around so his paw could hold Timmy's, while his right slid around his bare chest to hold. Timmy's paw grabbed at his forearm, his entire body was like jelly he was so scared. "You're ok." Ryan said calmly, "I'm here." He said softly with care, while Timmy's paws clenched around his forearm and gripped fiercely at his paw.

Timmy gripped onto the large animal, his eyes letting out heavy burdened tears as he was softly hugged

"It still hurts." Timmy cried, his voice croaky and distorted, "My ass is burning." he cried, "my throat feels like i ate glass, and... And, I can still taste him." he croaked before taking in a distorted breath in, "I feel like I'm about to throw it all up."

Ryan closed his eyes as he let out an exhaled sigh and began to visualize what he had done to the monster. It was the only thing that calmed him down, the only thing that was keeping him from both crying and roaring in pure, violence caused rage.

"Do you want me to go get you something to eat sweetheart?" Ryan asked, softly placing his lips on Timmy's head. Timmy shook his head as he softly let out his pain onto his mates shoulder. He was a wreak. His Stomach was in knots, his throat was inflamed and in some cases bleeding, and his entire body was in pain in one way or another. "Some soda?" Ryan suggested, "It can settle your stomach and it will bubble away the taste."

Timmy was still for a moment. He swallowed down some sadness before his head slowly began to slowly nod.

"O-Ok." Timmy said softly. Ryan nodded as he slid the tiger off his lap and laid him down, before tucked the tiger under his sheet and then softly sat down next to him. Ryan placed his paw on the trembling feline, rubbing his cheek with his thumb, smiling as he looked down to the Tiger he needed to protect.

"You're safe kitten." Ryan reminded the feline, "nobody's getting through that front door, and my room is in the middle of the house with no way in except my door."

Timmy nodded and looked at the big thick arms his tiger had. The way he softly smiled and Timmy had to admit. His sickness began to very slowly dissipate.

"Ok." He said quietly,

"I'll be right back ok?" Ryan said softly as he leaned down and softly pressed his lips against the white furred forehead. Ryan began to stand back up but he felt a paw suddenly grab his paw. Ryan looked back confused, as he found Timmy holding his paw tightly.

Ryan gave a soft smile and sat back down,

"you are ok honey." Ryan emphasized,

"N-no." Timmy said, sounding confused making Ryan slightly tilt his head. Timmy then sat himself back up, then just slowly leaned up to pecked Ryan softly on the lips before wrapping his arms around Ryan, hugging him once more.

Ryan kissed his feline back and with a soft and caring, yet firm and protective grip, hugged the feline back.

"I'll be right back." Ryan said before pecking the tigers shoulder and sliding himself back before standing and very quietly walked to his door. Ryan opened the door and fought the urge to run to his car and drive out to commit a murder.

Ryan padded softly out to the kitchen where he found his mother softly sipping a hot cup of tea.

"Did he wake you?" Ryan sighed,

"Hmm?" Rachel asked as she looked up. "Oh no. It's just hard to believe something like that would happen to such a sweet boy."

Ryan nodded and began to get the cup of soda ready.

"So what exactly happened after you beat the bastard?" Rachel asked, sipping at her tea.

Ryan sighed as put the soda away into the fridge then leaned against the bench.

"He laughed in my face," Ryan began, "the bastard laughed in my face after I told him he was fucked. He just said 'he fucking loved it'. I let him have another swift head butt to the face after that. He just said that he even had photos and videos all on his phone, that Timmy loved what happened to him." Ryan growled, "then the ambulance and police arrived. Timmy and Sean got into the Ambulance while the police took the dog away to the car. I told them about the evidence on his phone and after the police got my statement, I got into the car and made a quick stop to Sammy's house. He and Timmy are nearly as close and us. He would have killed me if I didn't tell him. I knocked on the door and his dad Dan opened the door a little angered. He asked me what the hell I was doing. Then I explained to him what had happened. He was shocked and let me in. Sammy was asleep and I woke him up and explained what had happened. He was crying in the car. We soon got to the hospital and Timmy was getting help. He was sedated and soon the glass was taken out, his wounds stitched, his ear had to be burned to stop the bleeding and as for him backside. Well the best they could do was give it some cream to quicken the healing process and numb the pain. He was released this morning and well you know the rest. We came here and you agreed to keep him here till Timmy's family are a let to clean, sell and move."

Jenny gave a soft nod as she finished her tea and slowly put her cup down while Ryan grabbed the glass and began to move back to his room, stopping at the exit of the kitchen.

"I really appreciate what you are doing mum." Ryan said softly, "letting him stay was so good of you guys."

"We weren't going to deny a crying mothers wish to help her son." Jenny said softly, "plus Timmy didn't deserve what happened to him. That ass hole is going to rot in hell and I hope he gets raped daily there."

Ryan gave a small smile and after bidding goodnight to his mum, Ryan made his way back to his room. Slowly opening and closing the door, before padding over to Timmy, who was laying down hugging the thick pillow Ryan spelt on.

Ryan slowly sat down on the side of the bed, while Timmy edged himself up and took the glass of white soda from his mate.

Timmy began to very slowly sip the beverage, letting the bubbling mixture linger in his mouth for a few seconds at a time so that the disgusting, salty taste bubbled away.

Timmy had the lemonade for a good fifteen minutes before the glass was empty and Ryan was able to take it back to the now empty kitchen. Ryan returned to the bedroom and slowly crawled back into the bed and let his arm curl over his tigers body to hold him tightly.

"I'm sorry I woke you." Timmy whispered,

"Don't be kitten." Ryan said, giving the feline a soft tender squeeze, "I'm here to make you feel better, and to make you feel safe. If that means you need to wake me up, then you go right ahead." Ryan explained, giving the back of Timmy's neck a very gentle peck. "Do you want to go to school tomorrow?" Ryan asked, getting a very slow nod from the tiger. "Then Mr. Den bell wanted to see you first thing ok?"

"Wh-when did you talk to him?" Timmy asked, turning himself around.

"I called the school this afternoon while you were getting blood drawn for tests." Ryan said, rubbing Timmy's soft hip.

"O-Oh," Timmy said,

"And I also called tony. He said you are going to have time off with pay." Ryan explained, giving a soft smile, it was a way to show Timmy that people cared. Even if he didn't feel like they did. Timmy gave a soft sigh and just closed his eyes. "I'll be here all night kitten. Just get some rest."

Timmy nodded his head, letting Ryan slowly close his eyes, only opening them when his loud phone alarm sounded to wake the two. Ryan sighed and rubbed the side of his head while Timmy's eyes opened, but the feline just didn't move.

"Morning kitten." Ryan said softly, leaning in to softly kiss the tigers forehead who closed his eyes,

"Hey." He said softly. Ryan have an internal sigh while he kept his external tired smile.

"Are you sure you want to go in today?" Ryan asked, getting a smile and a nod from the feline.

"I don't think being alone with these thoughts would be a good idea." Timmy explained as his smile disappeared.

"Ok." Ryan said, sitting up and scooping the feline up into his arms. "Shower time."

Timmy stayed emotionless as he leaned into the tigers body, slowly sighing as his arms made their way around the thick, blue striped neck.

The two were silent as they got themselves ready. Timmy stayed close to Ryan, making sure that he was touching him one way or another. Ryan didn't mind, he was just more worried then anything.

He knew today he didn't have timmy in some of his classes, so what was he going to? He couldn't skip classes and neither could Timmy. They had there end of semester exams coming up soon, and both of them needed to study.

He wondered if Mr. Denbell could help them out. Maybe let them take there exams next semester or let them have an open text book. Just something.

Ryan let out a silent sigh as he began his usual routine. Soaped up his tiger then washed him off; but for the past twenty-four hours, Ryan had to wash himself.

He wasn't to bothered, he did't need to be washed but timmy needed a little help. All timmy wanted to do was to just lay in bed and do nothing.

It wasn't his fault, Ryan knew and understood that. He wasn't going to get upset after what had happened to him. He just wished Timmy was going to be able to move past the hurt, for no other reason but wanting him to be happy.

If it took a few days, good. If it took years, then fine. Ryan wasn't going to abandon him.

Timmy turned around and rested his head on Ryan's chest. His eyes looked tired, his movements were slow and sloppy, and all in all, he looked awful.

He looked like all the life was just ripped from him. Like fabric. Ryan could see rags still inside him, flowing in the emptiness inside of Timmy.

Ryan gave a sigh as he wrapped his arms around the slender frame and just held the feline while the hot water washed down there fur. Getting rid of any loose fur, any dirt or any alien substance that didn't make them look nice and clean.

From there, they just stood. Timmy let his lover hold him, while he leaned in for the support he needed. He stood, listening to the soft heart beat Ryan's heart made.

It was calming to him. The soft thump it made just distracted timmy for a split moment. Took his mind to where he was and not to what had been.

He felt Ryan's thick strong arms around him, he felt Ryan's fur rub against his, he felt the thick strong thighs and calves against his, he felt the thick, lengthly sheath against his lower belly, but what he loved most was the pair of lips resting on his head.

Timmy raised his paw and softly rested it against Ryan's pectoral, while he slowly raised his head to looked up into those piercing green eyes.

Those soft eyes that felt like they were looking right into him. It was an odd feeling. It felt like there was something going through his eyes, like a needle, but his eyes were fine.

Ryan smiled a little as he leaned down to peck Timmy's nose. It was a simple gesture, but for a split second, Timmy's smile returned. The side of his lips rose, and everything was fine. Everything was normal.

But everything good has its limit.

Ryan's lips retracted and as soon as it came, Timmy's smile wet. Leaving Timmy in his entrapment of darkness, fearful, and hopelessness web Dylan wrapped him in.

Ryan and Timmy left the bathroom, padding back to Ryan's room where they dressed themselves. Timmy taking longer then usual.

The two were soon dressed, one was soon fed while the other didn't even touch his plate, then they were in the car. Timmy sitting quietly as they drove while the larger feline had to force his focus on the road, and not his hurting mate.

Ryan had to fight hard. He felt a fighting need to keep all his loving attention towards Timmy at all times. The tiger he loved was hurting, inside and out, and there was nothing he could do.

He felt almost useless. He may have been able to get him that soda, but what now?

Timmy was in pain, Ryan could tell by the way Timmy's fingers were dug into his leg. There were no claws thank god, but it looked like they were able to come out.

Ryan soon found himself at the entrance to the school. He had his ID ready, and as he bull inspected it, he gave a friendly smile, thanked the two and the bar was then raised.

Ryan thanked the bovine and the two then continued down to the parking area. It didn't take a long time for Ryan to find a park, but as Ryan stopped the car he looked over to his Tiger who had silent tears slowly falling from his chin.

Ryan opened his door and padded quickly over to the passenger side. He opened the door and slid his arms around his tiger who latched onto him as quickly as he did.

"We don't have to do this." Ryan said with a soft peck to Timmy's cheek. Timmy didn't respond, he was to busy shaking and letting out his quiet sobs.

He wanted to go in, he needed to take his mind off things, but he was scared of how many people knew.

This kind of news spreads like wild fire, and he didn't need every eye on him. He didn't need people coming up to him and telling him everything was going to be ok. Ryan already did that, Sammy already did that, his family already did that. Timmy had had enough of 'ok'. He needed 'forgotten', he needed 'never happened'. he just hoped that would be the case.

"I need to do this." Timmy said as his voice began to crack a little. "If I have nothing to distract me, I'm going to just get worse."

"I know honey," Ryan said, "but what about those classes I'm not with you in?"

"S-Sammy." Timmy said as he began to sniff up his feelings again for the umpteenth time.

"Ok kitten. " Ryan said with a soft sigh. He was tired, he wasn't going to try and tell timmy differently, he just hoped that everything would turn out alright. "how does a coffee sound?" Ryan asked, changing the atmosphere of the conversation quickly and completely.

TImmy swallowed, sniffed and nodded his head a little.

"G-Good." Timmy said leaning back to wipe his reddened eyes. He sniffed once more before looking up at Ryan who was smiling a caring smile. Ryan then reached over to softly peck his upset lover while also undoing his seat belt.

Ryan scooped up Timmy, pulling him from his seat before lightly putting him back down on the ground. Timmy didn't let go of his mate though.

Ryan wasn't complaining. He just held his lover around his slender form for as long as he needed.