ChurchBoy - Chapter 1 - The Remake

Story by Vulupus on SoFurry

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Author's Note.

This is Vulupus speaking. I only wanted to say a few words before you go on to reading the story.

If you've read my work before you'll recognize the title and if you've checked my journal you'll know the deal but chances are you have no idea what's going on. So here it is... This... is a remake. Having read through the comments on my stories I realized I haven't been fair to my 'fans' by saying there would be a continue but never actually continuing.

Feeling I need to write smut again, I went back to check my stories and found that ChurchBoy had a lot of potential for continuation not to mention improvement so here we go. I estimate there'll be another three chapters to the story plus some minor interludes and epilogues. And in due time I hope to do the same to my other stories since I'm nowhere near satisfied looking back at them.

Anyway, thanks goes out to Firus Lupinalos who helped me check my spelling and grammar plus other errors.

Now I've talked long enough. So here's the story for ya, hope you like it and please do comment on everything and anything.

Imagine a world where humans were the least in numbers of all the species...

Then imagine the world razed of everything humans built only to be rebuilt by Earth's new inhabitants...

Finally imagine all these new inhabitants as animals, talking and walking on two legs, taking our place to better the planet we live on...

That's pretty much my world, I guess.

The name's Harry Merton, age sixteen and I'm a human.

I wasn't alive when it happened and all I know is the typical history lessons you get in school.

When man waged his fifth and final world war it was as if something divine stepped in and cursed humans to the bone. Suddenly women started giving birth to animals, a few at first but then they slowly grew in number and variety. They couldn't kill them and after a while there was simply too many to hide away, brush them under a carpet.

Fifty years later and only one in every thousand baby born was human if even that. Today that number is even lower. And when humanity slowly started to disappear the new dominant races of Earth started tearing down what was once human and replaced it with their world.

Now, three hundred years later, not much remain of what we called home.

From old maps I've gathered I live in what was once New York, now it's a small port town that specialized in fishing with only just over eight thousand inhabitants, including some of the smaller communities in the surrounding area.

And I'm a human among them, one of two families living in the area, numbering eleven in total.

You might think I'd be left outside in the cold. That everyone shunned me for what I was? That I had to be home schooled to avoid persecution and violence? You'd be surprised...

After two hundred years, human female started having problem giving birth and many infants died during or very shortly after birth. But on the bright side of things, they were all humans again but it did very little good, it was like some majestic, divine being kept us in check so we didn't breed too much.

Probably a good thing from what I've read about you lot. But it left us rare and exotic, I knew of places that rented human males and females out for a certain price. They'd be paraded around, pampered and of course very sexually active then paid a huge sum of money.

The one thing the new master race couldn't get rid of and it was money...

Not to brag but I've had more than one shameful suggestion, a few might even make your eyes pop out. Males and females alike and while I'm not biased against any, it was hard not to give in to temptation when a well endowed female approaches you practically naked, fur or no fur... this new race, let's call them the furry ones or just furries for short, were more sexually open than we ever were so turning someone down could be interpreted as a big insult.

Luckily, humans were still considered sexually repressed so no-one took offense when I turned them down, they just winked and whispered "Catch you later, stud." before walking away with a discreet stroke along my back. We had become a game, a sport, and most furries enjoyed playing it.

Not even at work did I find shelter and you'd be surprised at that. After humans had been nearly wiped out, many furries took it as a sign of God, that he had done this to keep the world safe from us. The fact that it happened during a war supposedly strengthened this theory rather than some biological agent escaping from some facility.

I know what you're thinking; a sixteen year old working full time? The world has changed; sixteen is the legal age these days and mandatory school usually ended around your sixteenth year of life. I was lucky to get a job though I suspect there was a lot of politics involved.

Regardless, religion was huge so most people in our sleepy little town attended one of many churches. And I worked in one of them, call it a politically correct contract but there I was, employed in one of the biggest churches as a helper to the priest himself, Paul Sixhooves.

If you didn't guess it straight away he's a horse, one of the big kind; the kind that would put any human bodybuilder to shame even if said horse didn't work out. He was big, devoted and very kind which usually surprised you at first but if you got to know him you knew he hesitated at even swatting a mosquito.

And he was one of the few that never ever made any kind of pass at me and I respected him a lot for that. He was also very devoted to his job not to mention his wife so he was content merely looking at me in supposed secret. I knew it, I could feel his eyes on me when we were alone but he never acted on it so I loved him for it... as a friend.

Biggest drawback of Paul was that he was just a little bit too devoted to God, though. There's a limit and Paul definitely passed it roughly half an hour ago. His services were long, serious and did I mention long? Especially the ones on Sunday, they could easily last three hours and sitting through them was a chore.

The job was too well paid to give up though and it offered me some kind of sanctimony from exploring hands and prying eyes, to a degree, and fairly lax as well so I'd be an idiot giving it up.

But things changed a lot a few weeks ago and events took place that were hard to ignore as anything but life altering. And it was, of course, during Sunday Mass...

--- Chapter 1 ---

As far as humans went, Harry was good looking even without the whole skin thing going for him. His hair was a chestnut brown, straight and hanging loosely down over his ears. His eyes were a bright blue and every time he looked at you he'd crack a smile that made your feet curl up in excitement, or so many girls and boys said.

Just above his left eye there was a slight nick and gap in his eyebrow, a form of deformity that slid up his forehead like a scar, giving him a slightly dangerous look while at the same time a hint of victim, someone to pamper with attention as if the world had treated him poorly.

A number of workouts per week kept his body in fine shape as well, some humans happily let go of themselves and grew fat and lazy because society would care for them anyway, females lined up to suck on their... extensions regardless of look 'cause skin bought you a lot of credit. But not Harry, oh no, he was as fit as a fiddle and he could probably keep going for quite a while.

Tina had never really thought about it before but with a raging heat tearing through her body it was hard not to give in to those carnal thoughts about those around her. Just about the only rule when it came to sex was that no-one was ever allowed to approach a woman in heat because she couldn't resist even if she wanted.

That was all tossed out the window if she approached you, of course. A man couldn't really be blamed for his actions when under the influence of a woman's intoxicating pheromones. They were strong, crossing species like nothing was stopping it, which it in truth no longer was since over two hundred years of crossbreeding had left species open to suggestions, so to speak.

All except humans...

Over the centuries humans had adamantly refused to adopt and to some degree the leading furries had condoned this. Tina guessed for two reasons; one was simple, letting the human race die out completely would be a sin. But the second reason was more interesting. The bigwigs wanted humans to remain, as a warning and something to point at; look what they did, how they ended up, let's not make the same mistake.

In an odd way Tina felt sorry for them, something their ancestors did three centuries ago still cursed them to this day. A stigma they'd probably never get rid of.

Tina had the luxury of sitting next to Harry every Sunday, which was the only masses she attended, in the more private booth up closer to the podium. She had never been one for religion but Paul had swept her off her feet during college as the jock he was and she stuck to him through revelations and epiphanies... she still loved him dearly even if he refused to give her a baby.

She didn't feel time was on their side. She was over forty, perhaps not a tremendous age but she still worried that giving birth that late in life would leave her deformed for the rest of her life and she wanted to quit this mortal coil looking somewhat good.

During mass Harry had a few very simple tasks, varying from week to week since they had other kids helping out from time to time as well. This Sunday was a good one, though, since Paul had a whole troupe of kids helping him out during the mass; carrying the big cross and the big bible, holding the holy water for him and other things like that.

But today Harry got to sit back in the booth and relax. At least he would if he could but with Tina next to him and in the predicament she was in, it was hard to sit still. It was true that the 'heat' of a furry didn't bother humans as much but they still felt it in the air. This wasn't the first time Tina was in heat so he was used to the procedure but it was still an annoyance.

Now and then he dared himself glance towards her, eyes caressing her body from toe to ears, taking in every strand of fur she had on her body. She was gorgeous and even Harry was man enough to admit that.

Though he often found canines a bit frightening, especially those of pure wolf looks, Tina came off as a very gentle, loving wolf. Her grey fur was dull but that only made it look thicker and fluffier somehow and if the light was just right it sometimes glimmered slightly. Harry had at times caught himself reaching out for her and every time he thanked the gods she wasn't watching.

Worst of all was when she looked at him. Those emerald green eyes, peering at him with a coy smile, raising her chin slightly to let him trace the milky white patch that started at the tip of her chin, expanded over her throat slightly then spread out to cover most her chest, at least as far as Harry could see without peering right into her cleavage, which was fairly ample.

Even her blond, curly hair suited her perfectly and to Harry it seemed like the woman God would pick for himself.

She didn't malevolently tease him like many other females did, perhaps because of her devotion to her husband or perhaps because she didn't like humans sexually, but there were those rare moments where her eyes shifted to look at him like the predator she was. And he liked it.

Staring was rude so Harry quickly diverted his eyes to Paul again, whom was still engrossed in his preaching. Paul could inspire trust and comfort in just about any creature alive. It was a gift that really suited him as a priest but it had hardly come with the job, it was his nature.

Suddenly his mind registered a change of pressure on his lower body, something sliding from his right knee up along his leg before dropping to the inside of his thigh, fingers digging into the soft fabric of his shorts and pricking at his skin with the tip of the claws.


Harry turned his head discreetly; even if he knew who it was no-one else should be the wiser. As his eyes met those green orbs his cheeks quickly flushed a crimson red, hair on the back of his neck standing, body pumping blood faster and to a certain area of his body more intently.

Before he had any chance of stopping it the paw slid along the inside of his thigh, stopping every now and then to squeeze his firm muscles, before it's odyssey wedged it between his thighs firmly, pressing the side of her paw up against his sac, coaxing his body to ferry more blood to his loins.

Throughout the years he had never claimed not to be turned on by the offers, quite the contrary and a few had taken him quite a few late night sessions to clear out of his mind single-handedly. So it wasn't that he got turned on and happily rigid at the touch that shocked him but that he let it continue.

With gentle suggestions, a brief touch here and a gentle touch there, the hand effortlessly made his thighs spread more, allowing ample access to his heavy sac.The tips of her claws teased him by dragging along the thin fabric of his garments against his bulging sac, member starting to protrude horizontally more and more with each second until his lap looked like a tent.

Pressing the palm of her paw against his manhood firmly she gave the bulge in his pants a tight squeeze, fingers continuing to rake against his filling sac without hesitation. Thoughts of what he had passed up over the years filled his mind with doubt and worry that he might not refuse her if she offered right here and now.

But his joyous flight from reality soon dropped from top to bottom as her hand departed his lap, leaving him strangely insulted. To tease him so bad and so suddenly had left him vulnerable and now she didn't even want him anymore.

Distraught and rather uncomfortable he stood up silently and left the booth without giving her a single look. Paul probably wouldn't notice he was gone, rarely did, and if he asked he'd just say he did something work related or had to go to the bathroom.

Tina had seen the looks he gave her and realized she could do just about anything she wanted and get away with it. A single look on her husband had banished the thought but continuously sitting next to such a temptation left her open to suggestions.

Acting almost entirely on it's own her hand had slid from her own lap to his and done the deed. Once it had begun she was powerless to resist touching more, working her way to his most manly possession.

And what a prize it was. She felt her temperature rise considerably upon feeling the throbbing bulge against her leathery pads and her body more and more insisting upon feeling the actual flesh in her paws.

She had never accepted looking at Harry as anything but a friend of hers and husband's employee but now all she could think about was that swelling cock, covered in skin except for the head, glistening from pre and begging to enter her over and over again. Too feel his strong arms tightly around her chest, lips suckling at her neck while thrusting his manhood in and out of her to the sickening sound of slick skin clapping against damp fur.

Her eyes almost rolled back into her skull as the mere thought caused her muscles to tense up in her abdomen, scenting the cushion she was sitting on with a dribble of her juices. Preferably this would've helped ease things up but no such luck. Instead her body raged with lust for him and that was why she had to stop.

Out in the hallway he felt like he could think straight again, the thick air around his head clearing until he could breathe normally, clear his brain of any thoughts of banging someone who was both his boss' and the town's priest's wife. Realizing her stature didn't help his predicament for some reason.

The throbbing emanating from his crotch continued to increase as he refused to release it, forcing him to seek refuge in the office, a good bit away from his new goddess of lust. Images flashing through his mind caused every moral fiber in his body to quiver but he wasn't sure if it was from disgust or anticipation.

Empty as usual, the office offered a refuge from any prying eyes. The only other one who worked here was Janet and she never worked during Sunday mass, she was always in the front row watching Paul preach.

Closing the door behind him he breathed a sigh of relief, feeling the tension lifting somewhat. Briefly closing his eyes he tried to imagine it was all a bad dream, that Tina hadn't just approached him rather sexually and it was all a bad good dream. But the lack of waking up and continuing throbbing of his hard-on clued him in as to what reality was all about.

For an office it was strangely homely in most departments. It had started out as pretty standard when Harry first got employed but over time it had transformed into something more agreeable by his standards. Tina had probably pushed for a lot of the stuff; carpet, curtains, potted plants and even ergonomically safe chairs. They were a hassle to sit in but if you were working a few hours they really came in handy.

Even the bookcases had been replaced with some cheap material mimicking the look of proper wood. In them were books as well as binders and files of various natures. The only thing it lacked was a sofa but Paul had adamantly said no on that account because he thought it promoted slacking off during work.

Or maybe he was just afraid of what would happen if there was actually a comfortable place to lie down with Harry around.

He wasn't one to stand up and deal with his rigid problems unless he had to so he quickly chose the biggest chair. Obviously Paul had the bigger model of chair since he was of a bigger model himself and stealing Paul's chair for such a predicament felt wrong for a fraction of a second but there was only so much he could do.

With able hands he quickly shifted the button on his pants through the opening before pulling the zipper down. That sound had never been so satisfying on its' own before. Pulling the shorts halfway down his thighs allowed the bulge to raise slightly more, his tight boxers just barely enough to restrain his manhood.

Deciding to take his time, regardless of having to get back to the service as soon as possible, he traced the seams in the fabric with his fingers, teasing the throbbing flesh underneath. Momentarily brushing past the tip of the bulge his fingers moistened from the dark spot already obvious, continuing to expand and soil the white fabric.

Keeping an eye on the door, just in case someone decided to wander by, he stroked his bulge with his palm. Starting to breathe heavier his chest rose and fell quicker with every breath, his loins burning with desire to quickly release but his mind telling him to savor it.

But a mere man, he was unable to resist much longer, tugging his undergarments down so the hem could rest underneath his heavy sac. Showing no hesitation for what he was going to do now he slid his fingers around his pulsating member, the other collecting some of the pre dribbling from the tip to apply to his skin.

As his hand began to slide up and down in a slow rhythmic motion he forgot all about where he was. He didn't care what Paul said to the congregation, jerking off felt so good it had to be right. Tightening his grip on his member slightly, he upped the pace of his hand.

The pleasure radiated from his member in waves, burning through his nerves with each stroke. Leaning back in the chair to savor every moment he closed his eyes to get ready to experience the pleasure of orgasm, feeling it approach like a hungry man looking at a bloody steak.

Everything came to a screeching as the familiar sound of a doorknob turning filled the office. It cut through the air, overpowering his own, faint gasps like nothing before silence befell everything again.

He opened his eyes just in time to be greeted by an opening door, paws desperately fiddling to at least pull his boxers up. Releasing the hem from underneath his sack it snapped into place, pinning his member to his lower abdomen, pumping pre onto his own stomach.

"Oh... hello, Janet."

In front of him stood a lioness more fit than he was. In fact it was Janet who had pushed Harry to train with her on a weekly basis and while he was at the gym twice, she was there almost daily if not even twice a few days. She loved working out, there was no other way to explain it.

It was obviously the arousal thinking for him but Janet had never looked so attractive before. Even though she put a few men to shame in the muscle-department she always took time to prepare herself in many feminine ways such as makeup and perfume, causing a slightly skewed picture of her, something you just couldn't grasp about her.

But Harry had seen her in the gym and there was nothing feminine about her then, pushing and pulling those weights with a primal drive that put Harry to shame. He could do nothing but look at her sometimes, seeing those muscles flex under her auburn fur, impressed and somewhat frightened. If she ever felt like it she could take him down and break him in seconds.

Luckily she had always portrayed one of the sweetest personalities Harry knew; always catering to others' needs and making herself available when needed at work. More than once had Harry needed to call her in when he was overwhelmed and she had replied cheerfully that she was practically there already.

Her black fringe curtained one of her black eyes as she looked at him, lips stretched in an expression of disbelief. While silence ruled the room her chest continued to heave up and down under the strain of her white t-shirt, bosom practically bursting out as it was before. Flicking from side to side, her tail begged for attention momentarily behind her massive thighs, hidden beneath a layer of blue jeans.

Harry was just about ready to jump out of the chair and make a dive for the door, the tension and atmosphere building on his shoulders making him aware of how Atlas must've felt. As discreetly as he could his hands searched for his pants, figuring that if he made a dive for it he'd better pull up his pants before reaching any critical speeds.

Diverting suddenly towards his crotch, her eyes seemed to shine momentarily before slipping slightly further to his hands gripping the hem of his shorts. Freezing under her gaze he felt incredibly stupid, cursing the whole notion of masturbating in the office.

The world never ceased to amaze him as Janet slid into the room gracefully. Resting her back against the edge of the door she pushed it back until it fit snugly into the frame, closing it with a reassuring click, flicking the lock of the door with her thumb without even turning.

"Finish for me, Harry..."

It was true that she often catered to others' needs but the tone in her voice suggested it wasn't for his sake that she allowed him to continue. There was an edge to the voice, a trembling that he'd never heard in her voice before, a need and it didn't take long for Harry to realize that Janet was just as much into humans as the rest.

Although he hesitated for a while, her pleading eyes soon convinced him there was no harm in doing it, finishing himself off. His hands subsequently released their grip on his pants, allowing them to fall to the floor this time, pooling around his ankles until he kicked them to the side.

"Don't take your time..."

Still edged with a slight tremble her voice spurred him on somewhat, one hand gripping his boxers while his legs lifted him, letting him pull them off with little effort. Recent events had done little so soften his libido, cock still standing tall and proud. Revealing himself fully to his spectator caused a soft gasp to escape from her lips.

With no reason to hold back he wrapped his fingers back around his thick member and started pumping it up and down, giving in to the lust, daring a moan or two at appropriate times, before closing his eyes tightly.

Immersed in darkness and pleasure he was oblivious to the world, the rustling and creaking, both sounds of movement. After a while he even forgot he was being observed by a close friend.

Behind his eyelids numerous images flickered on and off, humans and furries alike appeared in their birth-suit in various positions and situations. He may still be a virgin but his mind, like any other teenager's, could coax the most out of any given person and at some point he thought he might have even seen his own mom.

So immersed in pleasure he didn't even bother to open his eyes or object as he felt a paw on his thigh, leathery pads rubbing against his thick skin while another came up from beneath, cupped his heavy sac in it's palm and squeezed very delicately. He knew who it was, no need to open his eyes and no real reason to object at this point.

Feeling her paw tend to his sac he was free to tend to his own need, rubbing his hand up and down his shaft even faster, now intending for a quick release since both parties involved desired as much.

Things changed when her paw slid from his paw, gripped him by the wrist and lifted his hand clean off his throbbing flesh.


Groggy by arousal he wasn't quite clear on what was happening but something inside him told him to stop this now, don't let it go on. He cracked his eyes open just enough to see Janet's head dip down against his crotch.

Her tongue slid against the slit on his cock, tip poking at it very gently before rolling back into her mouth, effectively taking any pre that may have lingered with it. He could feel her purr vibrating its' way through her body to his, pleasing him even more on a subconscious level, as she savored the taste of his body.

She lowered her head again, parted her jaws somewhat before letting the head into her moist and warm maw, resting it on the tip of her tongue. Anchoring herself by wrapping an arm around his waist, the other still fondling his sac, she allowed the member to slide further, enveloping it with herself in a most pleasing manner.

Stroking along the sides of his cock her tongue worked it's way back and forth along the skin while she started a rhythmic suckling that slid his member further into her mouth with each turn. Soon her nose pressed against the tuft of hair surround his member only to withdraw an inch or two, leaving the skin coated with her saliva, before bobbing back down.

In rhythm with her suckling her head bobbed back and forth along his member, tongue teasing and tending to every vein it could find and the string on his head. Harry buried his hand in her black hair, urging her to let her head slide all the way along his member every time, bucking his hips against her should she miss an inch or two.

The orgasm that had been a distant event minutes ago was now close enough to warrant a warning. Parting his lips to speak all that came out was a number of grunts as a wave of pleasure seemed to hit his core at the same time.

It was as if his entire spine vibrated in sync with her purr when the orgasm struck, muscles tensing up all over, causing his hand to grip a handful of her soft hair, holding her against his body. With a muffled cry of pleasure he unleashed what had been pent up for many years, a real orgasm, into her surprised muzzle.

Jet after jet of hot, thick cum coated the inside of her cheek and teeth before she managed to pull out of his grip. Gasping for breath as she got free of her lover's member, a few spurts struck her square in the face before the cock obeyed gravity and pointed downwards slightly, missing her muzzle and splattering a few good wads on her throat and chest.

Colors filled the back of his eyelids and his teeth bit down hard on his lip to keep himself from screaming out, unaware of the mess he was making of poor Janet's fur. The orgasm seemed to last for hours before finally subsiding, leaving him a panting and exhausted wreck of a man.

Daring his eyes open after working through the plethora of input his mind had shunted to the side when working through the orgasm his eyes spied a grinning and seemingly happy Janet. Tongue working overtime on her muzzle to gather all of the stray cum within reach her eyes looked at him with an almost childish curiosity, feline traits coming through stronger than ever.

Harry found himself blushing upon seeing the mess he had made but also somewhat proud of how happy she seemed. Still trying to piece his mind back together after the orgasm, his exhaustion left a hint of hesitation in his voice:

"Ummm, you want me to... help... you... now?"

Working through the sentence was like a choir in itself and once done he slumped back against the chair to await her reply.

She took her time, looking down on the floor as if there was something he ought to know but when she looked back at him she sported the same grin as before. Adamantly shaking her head she then bowed her head, licking her lips a bit more before finally speaking:

"No, Harry, that's okay, it took care of itself..."

Stunned by what she had said he bothered enough to push himself out of the chair to look down on the floor.

Right beneath her legs was a puddle of sorts and while first thinking she peed herself he realized soon it was her own juices.


"Yes, Harry, oh..."

A feminine giggle filled the silence quite adequately before she shifted her body around, sitting down on her knees instead, folding her paws in her laps before resting her rump against her own heels.

Managing enough energy to stand up, Harry pulled his boxers up, causing Janet's ears to droop, before walking over to where he had kicked his shorts. Stepping back into them and starting to pull them back up his legs he heard Janet's voice from behind.

"So... are we done playing, Master?"

Harry nodded, mostly to himself as his head was still bowed down, fiddling with his pants.

"Mmmhmm, I have to get back out to... wait, what?"

Forgetting about his shorts for a moment, he quickly turned to look at Janet who seemed even more surprised than he was, ears flattened against her skull and head pulled back.

"I'm sorry, Master. I didn't mean to be presumptuous!"

Again shaking his head, he widened his eyes slightly more to further strain his point.

"I was more curious about the whole 'master' deal..."

Staring at him for a while she then cracked a smile and Harry could just tell a blush underneath her auburn cheeks. If possible her voice trembled even more but even Harry could tell she was very nervous:

"Yes. It's... you've claimed me, scented me... I'm your... your bitch. Your... slave. Your cunt, fuck-bag, whore, slut-"

Before she could continue any further, Harry took a quick step forward and slapped his hand on her mouth, pinning her lips shut. Janet looked slightly scared and surprised at this sudden outburst but soon the blush seemed to intensify even more.

"I know what it means. I'm just curious about why you've... you've come to this conclusion?"

Janet giggled underneath his hand, lips flexing against his palm while her eyes motioned very discreetly toward the hand. Seconds passed before Harry got the message and removed his hand, allowing her to speak.

"I chose you and you didn't seem to mind..."

Things had gotten out of hand quickly, leaving Harry a rather stunned human with his shorts around his ankles. Unable to do anything, Janet was free to reach into her back pocket, fishing something out that she then handed to him.

"This is a key to my apartment. You can come and go as you want, use it as you want... use me as you want."

Staring at her with wide eyes, trying to process all the information, he came to the inevitable conclusion.

Very gently he reached out to grasp her paw gently with his hand, leaning down slightly to kiss her on the cheek, tasting his own salty seed. She accepted the kiss without fuss or without requiring more and when he withdrew; she retracted her paw... empty.

Janet headed right home, some of his seed had soiled her t-shirt and it wasn't really appropriate to remain in church after that. Hardly giving him a single glance as he returned to the booth, Tina remained staring at her husband for quite a while.

Harry didn't mind much, though. It felt wrong, as if he had betrayed her somehow, feeling she should've been his first, especially after what happened between them earlier. Leaning back against the side of the booth, he breathed deeply, trying to regain some composure.

Still holding the key given to him, he wondered if he had done the right thing. In his mind he had just accepted the key so he wouldn't hurt her feelings, he hadn't decided to use the damn thing and he might not still. Under his own breath, he whispered to no-one but himself:

"Damned if I do, damned if I don't..."

He was abruptly ripped from arguing with his own mind when he felt a paw against his thigh. For a moment he dreaded there was going to be a repeat of previous events but this time he dared dart his head quickly to face Tina, having forgotten all about being subtle.

But she looked at him not with anger or sadness but a playful smirk.

She knew...

Her eyes told the story, how she had gone to find him to scratch an itch only to find him enveloped in Janet's maw, perhaps even coating her face with his cum. Then Harry saw the same predatory glare he had seen before, when it seemed like she looked at him like piece of meat.

Slowly leaning in, her muzzle brushed against his cheek on its' way to his ear, resting against the side of his head very lightly before whispering.

"You're mine, lover."

For a moment he feared for his safety then succumbed to the thought of what that meant. And then he smiled to her and nodded before looking back at Paul, thinking to himself:

'Man, I can't believe I waited this long...'

I hoped you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it. I released it on the day I said but it'll be a while before next chapter but I feel it won't take too long but at the same time, don't hold your breath.