Defenders of Evodusai Part 7

Story by Mizucharoshi on SoFurry

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Marching along the northern path,

we finally arrived at the headquarters of Intelligance Central.

Passing through the automated sliding doors, the inside of this place

looked very modern. The polished smooth stone floors and reflective

metallic walls gave the place a feeling of intimidation. Adding to this was the number of

pokemon who all turned to look at us when we walked on in. I did my

best to ignore their quiet gossiping, but there was one pokemon that

stood out the most to me. Almost three times my height, this huge

dragonite stopped his conversation with a gengar and gazed towards

me. The look that he gave off appeared as if he was closely studying

me, giving me the shakes. Rubbing off the goosebumps, I

didn't notice that Truce had stopped in his tracks and I accidentally

walked into his soft floofy tail. The way that he yelped out in

surprise was quite adorable despite the stern look he gave me with

his reddening face. "Sorry about that," he said turning back to a

pokemon in front of him. At first I thought he was talking to a

person, but looking closer made me realize that it was an old Mr.

mime. "Hahohahaa," he rumbled with laughter, "I haven't heard

you cry like that since you yourself were just a recruit." Patting

Liru's head, the way he smiled could fill anybody up with a sense of

achievement. "Goodness little Liru, I can't

believe that you finally made it past the trial. When Truce first

brought you here, you seemed so scared, so frightened at the world

around us. Those feelings of fear slowly buried the flame that I saw

in your eyes and I couldn't help but feel sorry for you. But now look

at how much you have grown! Gone is the darkness as that flame has

now grown to be bright and strong! It fills this old elder's soul

with pleasure to see youth such as yourself stepping up to the

challenge of defending these lands. Congratulations!" After

expressing his joy through clapping, he soon took a slight interest

in me. "Oh? I see that you brought along a friend. Hmm! My, oh,

my! And what a unique friend this is!" Taking a couple steps

forward, he examined me for a bit before turning back to Truce. "You

don't normally see charmanders around these parts. Then again, most

of our members aren't from around these parts either!" Slapping the

Mr. mime on the back, Truce gave off his trademarked grin. "Very

true, old friend and well said! Anyways Souna, this here charmander

helped Liru out during her trial and passed with flying colors.

That's right, we're getting two new members today and that means more

paperwork for you." Clasping his hands together,

Souna turned to me with the same smile he gave Liru. "Ah, splendid!

Extra work won't be a problem for me if it means that such a capable

looking pokemon such as yourself would join our ranks. Oh, pardon my

manners. I am Elder Souna and I manage the files of all the pokemon

within this organization." Shaking hands with the elder, I only

introduced my name. "Well Winta, bring Liru along and come with me.

Oh and Truce? The boss made it clear that she wanted to see you when

you came back." Truces eyes began to bulge out. Without a second

thought, he raced away at an alarming rate. Chuckling softly to

himself, Souna lead us to a room where the shelves were brimming with

paper. "When recruits such as yourselves join up, I must first

determine the ideal division to place you in. To do this, I must use

my psychic powers to look at the potential deep within you. Let's

start with you Liru." Propping her up on a chair, the

Mr. mime began by staring into Liru's eyes. A purple aura covered

Souna's hands and he slowly gripped Liru's head carefully. They

stayed like this for a couple of awkward minutes until I heard both

of them gasp. "It seems that," Souna panted, "you will be

joining Truce's team. The fact that he raised you must have been a

huge influence, but it does seem to suit you. Now Winta, I'll get to

you as soon as I catch my breath." Liru gleefully hopped down to

let me into the chair. Meanwhile, Souna was writing something down

onto a piece of paper. Tearing it out, he gave it to Liru and sent

her off. "Alrighty, let's see what kind of potential lies within

you my dear." Following the same procedure

that he went through with Liru, I found myself caught within Souna's

hypnotic gaze. The feeling of his hands grasping my head didn't quite

register in my mind. However, I could feel him prodding around

inside, gently interacting with my psyche. The entirety of this

experience was very calm and soothing. Pretty soon, we both gasped as

he exited my mental body. "Oh...oh my," he calmly stated. "This

is troublesome. Winta, parts of your psyche appears to be damaged by

some sort of internal conflict between two large spiritual forces.

Two possible outcomes could be made from this battle: either one of

these entities could have been eliminated by the other, or they

struck each other hard enough to merge into one." "What does that mean?" I

asked, a bit scared of how serious his tone was. "Well truth be

told, I have no idea what it means. This is a rare condition that is

hard, if not impossible, to treat. Not to mention all the risks, I'm

afraid that I am unable to help you." I gave a tiny sigh that was a

mixture of relief and disappointment. It looks like he didn't find

out about my human past, but was very close. "Despite all the

damage, I've managed to determine that the special attack division

would be the best place to suit your skills. I believe that they will

find your destructive powers to be one of the best around." Giving me a note and some

directions, I found myself inside the building of Offensive

Superiority. The amount of intimidation coming from all these tough

looking pokemon made my heart beat sporadically. I soon found myself

unable to breath due to the pressure. Its as if a vice had found its

way onto my chest and started to tighten itself. Rushing back

outside, I coughed out loud while struggling to control my breathing.

As this was going on, I sensed a presence behind me. "Hey, you

alright?" he asked. Turning around, I was now face to face with an

alakazam. "I assume that you're the new recruit Souna mentioned via

telepathy. Your name is Winta, correct?" Giving a nod after

regaining my breath, the alakazam returned his approval with a nod.

"Wonderful. I am Plena, chief officer of the special attacks

division. I'm sorry about what my subordinates had done to you when

you first arrived. They seem to always pick on the newbies by acting

like thoughtless barbarians. You seem to be different from the rest

of them, but I must first test out your abilities to see if you

belong here. Come." Leading me off to what looked

like some kind of outdoors arena, I could see a group of pokemon just

waiting. One of them spotted us and alerted the rest of its friends.

Pretty soon, cheers of "Hurry up chief!" and "We wanna break in

the new kid!" erupted from the crowd. Gesturing with his hands to

keep the volume down, Plena and I reached the eager gang. "Is this

all? She doesn't even look that tough!" a flaaffy shouted. This

caused a domino effect of disappointed cries being heard from the

group. Plena gave a long sigh of disapproval. "Let's just get this

shameful tradition over with so we can get back to work. Form a line over

there and wait until I give the okay to start fighting." Taking

position across from the line, my first opponent was the flaaffy. The

air around him was charged with energy, showing just how excited he

was. "Ooh, I'm gonna enjoy breaking you," he silently mouthed.

Waiting for Plena's signal, we stared each other down in an attempt

to intimate the opposition. Once Plena gave us the okay, the battle was


Defenders of Evodusai Part 8

Barely dodging a bout of electricity, I was stunned at how quick his attacks were. "Oh?" the flaaffy wondered aloud. "You dodged it? There aren't that many who could effectively dodge that. Then again, it's only that fast because I sacrificed power...

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Defenders of Evodusai Part 6

"H-h-how...Did you b-b-build all of this?" I stammered out in shock. Running a paw down a section of wall, I was simply amazed. The craftsmanship on these structures were absolutely stunning. "Well, when the humans all suddenly disappeared, they left...

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Defenders of Evodusai Part 5

The soft pattering of rain gently hitting the ground was soothing to the ear. Still clutching tightly onto my long lost friend, new found instincts told me to seek out shelter. Breaking off from Liru's embrace, I took her paw and led her towards one...

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