A True Pred (Chapter 1?)

Story by bighope on SoFurry

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#1 of A True Pred

This was a commission by an avid vore fanatic, who would like to remain anonymous, had me do. I really liked working on this and it was fun to play the pred in the story ;3 I would say it's a pretty good piece of work for my first payed commission :D the reason for the question mark by the chapter is that it might be the only chapter. Since this is a commissioned work the next chapters depend solely on the commissioning of more chapters. I hope you guys enjoy it regardless ;3

I grumbled as I felt the light sear my eyes. I felt a deep growl rumble through my chest as I turned in my bed and slammed right into the person I was sharing my bed with. My eyes opened to see my roommate. He is one of the players on the football team and used to be quite muscular, but I have since... "observed" his body start to lack in the college jock physique since I started to work out.

"Master?" I felt him tense as I slammed into him, "W-w-what's wrong?"

"This fucking sunlight." I rubbed my eyes and ran my meaty fingers down my face and to scratch into the folds of my thick beard, "What time is it?"

"A-about two thirty." He said in a light voice as he checked the watch that was loosely clinging to his wrist.

"Well my little protein shake," I stretched and was delighted to feel my feet push against the back board and my head hit the head board of my bed. Just last night I fit perfectly in my bed, but now... "How about you give me a blow job before I go on my jog. You know how I don't like my sack full when I work out."

I felt him start to shift without a word as I scratched the forest of hair between my pecks and gave the new size a try as I bounced them. They felt a little heavier and stronger, but not by much. I felt the first five inches of my fourteen inch python wrapped in willing mouth and start to bob up and down. He continued to work my morning wood as he ran his fingers through the thick brown hairs on my stomach and the neatly trimmed pubes. I gave a light grumble and slapped him up side the head, his red hair had long since dimmed into a dingy brown.

"Work my balls protein shake. Don't just try to satisfy yourself."

He gave a little whimper and swallowed a couple more inches, his way of saying sorry, and gave one more run through the hair on my washboard abs before lowering his thin fingers to my orange sized balls.

I started to feel a light gurgling deep in my sack, my hunger spiking again at the feel of my Willing being so close. It seems that my appetite just seems to have grown since I've started. Before I would only need to feed every other week to keep them under wraps, but now I need to feed practically every day. If it weren't for the Covenant of Gluttony I don't know what I would have done. Before I had to convince other men to let me suck them off, having to get down on my knees and proposition them like a common whore. But now, I have gained so much essence and favorable genetics that even my musk makes the most homophobic men shudder in lust and submissiveness.

I felt my cock throb and I gasped as I felt my slit wrap around my Willing's tongue, the appendage half way sucked down my cum canal. Duncan, my roommate, gave a surprised sound and looked up at me with longing eyes.

"N-n-not yet Protein Shake," I shivered and my cock pulsed a few more times and the orgasmic waves of pleasure rocked the inside of my dick as it sucked down a bit more of his tongue. The feeling was amazing, but it wasn't time yet, not now. I used all my will power to loosen my vice like grip on that tongue and I felt the pleasure rake through me while I felt every one of the taste buds rub against my insides.

I smiled down at my Willing's sad face. His disappointment of not being consumed making his heart sink but I heeded him no mind and slapped him upside the head, "Get over it you little bitch and get to sucking. And don't ever think it won't happen." I crossed my legs over his back so my massive fourteen sized feet rested on his bony ass and crossed my arms behind my head as Duncan's eyes lit up and started sucking with vigor. His gentle fingers messaging my swollen nuts, "Because it will happen my little Protein Shake." My balls shuddered, "You will be part of this body." I started to bounce my pecks, enjoying the pull they had on my chest as they fell, "Make no mistake. You will be mine forever."


I felt the rubber of my souls pound the cement as I did my usual jog around campus. I loved the feel of my sweat kissing my flesh as it trails down my defined muscles and tickles my chest hair. My athletic shorts clung to my assets and accentuated my features nicely that weren't appropriate for public. My shorts used to be pretty baggy when I first got to campus, but now they practically looked painted on. The tight shorts left nothing to the imagination with the massive bulge that snakes down my thigh and half way to my knee. The shorts are pulled so tight against my crotch that my sack doesn't have much space to roam and makes my boys pronounced. My ass also helped by pushing the fabric back and taut over my bulge.

Apart from my work out shoes and my red athletic shorts, I didn't have any clothing on. My beautiful chest exposed for all to see and the "V" of my back looked as if it was made out of liquid granite. My tear drop thighs burned with my jog and my caves bulged and sprang me forward with their power. My slightly longer than average hair clung to my head in curls as sweat dripped off my brow and the back of my neck to cascade down the rippling river bed of the most powerful stone muscles.

It was amazing what was enhanced besides my physique. I could smell the flowers from the green house on campus that was at least a half block behind me and downwind. I could feel every little ripple of air whip and flutter around my body and tickling my hair. I could feel every pebble beneath my feet despite my running shoes, and best of all I could smell arousal. I rounded a corner to see the cheer squad getting ready to practice, and I could feel their stares hit my skin like rays of sunlight. It was a glorious burn, to feel the stairs of wanting bitches that could never have this glorious stallion ride them. I took a deep whiff as I passed, the arousal growing stronger by the second. It burned my nostrils and I knew instantly where a breedable bitch was, but the thought of fucking such a weak creature, and a female at that, killed my boner instantly. My cock had started to chub up from the smell and swung like a pendulum on a grandfather clock as it pushed my shorts out regardless of the tightness. I shrugged it off and let my arousal deflate.

Damn it! A stud like me shouldn't be wasting a boner! I literally growled as I pushed forward, gritting my teeth as my feet dug into the pavement harder. Damn it Duncan, where are you when your master needs you. Your ass had better be prepared for when I get back to the dorm, because I'm going to...

Then I smelt it. I shivered and growled. Sweat. The sweat of another man on my trail. I picked up the pace as I ran past the droplet of salty water that had fallen off another man. How dare he tread where I have claimed as my domain. A stallion like myself doesn't deserve to share a fucking jogging route with an inferior man. I could smell faint traces of the little prick as I went on, knowing he was somewhere close, and that I was closing in. There! My brown eyes locked in on him. He was a little twink, or at least compared to me. He had some muscle definition, but he looked like he was barely eighteen. I snorted and spat, the wad falling on another droplet of his weak musk and snuffing it out.

"Stupid fucking freshmen." I growled and broke out in a full on sprint.

The kid kind of perked up as he heard my feet slap against the pavement. My heavy breathing that filled my muscles with oxygen couldn't be ignored. I was about two car lengths behind him in the matter of thirty seconds, and closing fast.

"On your left!" I shouted and at least the freshman knew how to get out of the god damn way.

I blew past him and I could feel his shiver as the rush of wind tickled the hairs on the back of his neck. I didn't slow down until I was about a couple car lengths past him and I slowed down just a little to keep a good pace with the little runt, but fast enough to continue to make distance on him. That's when I could smell it, shock. The little prick behind me was in total aw of my body, I could feel it. I felt his gaze radiate on me like my own little personal tanning bed as he scanned up and down. I could smell his arousal picking up, and I decided to give the little guy a break, or at least for now.

I slowed down just enough to let him start a small gain on me as I started to roll my shoulders, making my back muscles ripple and pop. The veins all around me were already bulging and pounding against my skin, but the added little flex got them pushed to the surface. I swayed my ass a little with each step, hypnotizing him with my assets. Just when I could hear his breathing only about six feet away I picked up the pace again and blasted forward.

I smelt it again, shock. His little mind pulled from his sexual fantasies as I bulleted away from him and I could hear him pick up the pace. His little foot falls started to come closer and closer together as he tried to keep up with me, to keep this beautiful work of perfect art in his field of vision, but I wouldn't give him the satisfaction. I stepped it up and I could hear the little prick falling behind and I couldn't help but feel pride well up inside of me as in continued this process over and over. I would let the little bitch get close, then kick it up another notch. We kept this up until we were both in a full on sprint. The kids little heart fluttering from exhaustion and arousal.

I liked the attention, but this game was starting to bore me, and I could tell the kid wasn't going to last much longer. I smiled and pivoted so I was running backwards. I looked dead in the little kid's eyes and I saw the sudden shock he had in them from the distance we were at. Despite running backwards, I could still hold a consistent gain on him as we kept going. I looked down and saw the stain on the kid's athletic shorts and I knew he was ready to pop. I smiled and looked up at him and his eyes were filled with fear. I lifted both my fists and flipped him off before I flashed him a peace sign. I put the two fingers to my lips and flicked my tongue in between them. Even my tongue has become bigger and more powerful, reaching out pretty far as it wiggled in front of my nose. The kid faltered and moaned and I could smell the cum filling his shorts as he fell to the ground.

"Don't fucking run on my rout you little fagot," I shouted at him as I kept going, "or else I'll drag you to the locker room myself! Then you'll have a real man's cum in your pants!"

I chuckled and kept going, leaving the little cock knocker to clean himself up in a cloud of my dust.


I finished my run a little late due to my little incident with that kid, but I can't say I'm too upset about it. A stallion such as myself needs to guard his territory. I mean, not just anyone can be brought in my harem. I turned off the shower head I was using to clean the badge of honor that is my sweat off and grabbed my towel. I would love to just walk the halls with my natural musk flying about, but the last time I did that I got a little more attention than I wanted. I mean, the men were nice, but the women were kind of a pain. Bitches always want to suck and fuck you dry, but they are so annoying about it. I'd rather fuck one of my bro's than sleep with a hundred women.

I stepped out of my shower and into the locker room, the cool air instantly heating up around me as my hair and muscles dried. I walked over to one of the lockers that I had taken and started to pull out my clothes.

"Hey Eric!" I heard a familiar deep voice and turned.

"Hey Jon," I looked and saw the raven haired linebacker. He had been practicing hard this semester to improve his body and it had shown. He was almost as big as I was, but I had a good fifty pounds on the guy. Jon and I had found each other on campus the first day when we were both in the gym. Back then Jon was almost twice my size, but he had been nice enough to teach me the ropes on how to work a weight room. Now I was the bigger one, and soon I'll be bigger than anyone on campus. That is, if I'm not already.

I smiled and let my towel fall as I grabbed my underwear, "So Jon," I stared, "hows training been goin? I can see you've been hittin the gym more than usual. You look like you've gained a few pounds in all the right places."

"Yeah," the football jock said a little embarrassed, "I have. Gained twenty pounds this past semester."

"Well that's great," I said as I turned to sit down on a bench, "don't need you slacking off. The team needs ya."

"Well yeah," he started as his eyes drooped downwards, "but we could really use a guy like you. Why don't you join? I mean, you've practically quadrupled in size since we met." His eyes drooped a little lower, "and I'm not just talking about muscle either. Man, what do you feed that thing?"

Jon pointed to my crotch and the acknowledgement of my anaconda made it twitch. I just looked back at him and smiled

"I told you," I said while giving him a nice view of my crotch as I straddled the bench, "I don't work well with others. Besides," I sad waving him off and standing up to stretch and flex, "I hate football."

"Well," Jon started to protest, "you don't have to play football. You could practically have the pick of any sport you wanted and be the best in it. All you got to do is apply yourself."

I rolled my eyes and started to pull up my underwear. If Jon was going to be like this then there wasn't really any reason to stick around and tease him. The fabric hugged my muscles as it fell into place and pulled taut and I could smell some of the arousal in Jon ebb a bit.

"I don't need a lecture Jon," I sighed, "All I wanted was a shower."

"Where have you been going to work out?" Jon didn't get the hint that I was tired of his probing and continued on, "You've gained, like, a hundred pounds since the last time I saw you in the gym. You going to some special place to train? Or have you been..." Jon scanned the locker room really quick and came a little closer, "juicing?"

I laughed a deep and hearty laugh, "No and no. I've just been treating myself better and," I said turning and bringing both of my arms up for a flex to show off my back, "I don't juice. That stuff will give you acne and shrink your balls."

I flexed my back muscles a little to show the absence of acne and I didn't need to show him my junk again...unless he begged for it.

"Okay," Jon said putting a firm hand on my shoulder and giving me a big toothy grin, "that's all I needed to know. But seriously, think about the football team or just sports in general. The scholarships are good and I know you got the body to win some."

I gave a light huff. I know Jon was just concerned for me, and that he was only trying to help, but he didn't realize I was working on something already. It's not that I don't have ambition; I just don't have it for sports. No, my ideas have long since evolved from such feeble things as scholarships and sports. No, a true predatore works on just that, becoming a bigger, badder pred.

I just said my goodbye to Jon and got dressed for my walk back to my dorm. There I would get Duncan to buy me some food and then I would head on over to the Coven for desert. The very thought made the hairs on my neck stand up and goose bumps to ripple over my body. I could feel my nipples digging into my shirt as I made my way back and anticipated what was in store for my initiation.


I reached the old church just as the sun was setting and the crescent moon was high in the sky. I entered and Father Jobe was giving confessions to the elderly that lived in the nursing home just across the street. It's so strange to think that all we do, all we stand for, is all under hallowed ground, or I guess I should say surrounded by hallowed ground. That's how the guy who started all this was able to trap that damned thing here in the first place. I shivered just thinking about what the demon must look like. The demon that is the cornerstone of our little cult is supposed to present the new initiates with a truly special gift if they prove themselves a true pred.

I shook my head and passed the archway that lead into the back of the church were Father Jobe gets ready for mass. That's when I felt the familiar feeling of the warmth and presence of god be replaced with the light chill of desecrated soil. I shivered. At first the feeling of passing that threshold sent shivers up my spine in the worst possible way, but now it sends a jolt right up my divining rod. I passed through the room and to the back closet where there was a false back. I knocked on the door and a small peep hole near my neck height filled with an inquisitive eye.

"Who seeks enter into the Coven of Gluttony?" a thin and weak voice asked.

"Shut the fuck up you little prick before I fucking punch you through the wall." I practically growled the words before I heard a little yelp and I heard some levers being pulled. The fake back of the closet pulled away reveling a Willing sitting on a stool at the top of a flight of stairs leading down into a secret basement.

I started to cram myself into the narrow doorway, my shoulders almost brushing each side of the walls, before I turned and gripped the little half drained bitch sitting on the stool by the scruff of his shirt.

"You ever stop me at this door again instead of just fucking opening the door I'll flip that fucking stool of yours over and shove all four legs up your ass. Do I make myself clear" I seethed.

The Willing's eyes went wide and I saw him bite his lower lip as he shot a small load into his pants, "Yes sir," he squeaked out in an orgasmic haze, "Won't happen again."

"Good," I growled and shoved him back onto his stool. He almost lost his balance and fell down the stairs before he corrected himself and sighed in relief.

I huffed and rolled my shoulders and cracked my neck before descending the stairs into the forgotten bowels of the church. I walked through the door like I fucking owned the joint. I puffed out my chest and my muscle shirt, one of those T's that have been cut down either side, wafted and fluttered reveling my nipples and the sides of my abs as I walked. My athletic shorts clung to every one of my assets as if they were painted on. My massive feet filled out my new Osiris skate shoes that Duncan had paid for. The electric blue contrasted nicely with my ruby red shorts and gray muscle shirt and the extra padding made it feel like I was walking on clouds. Damn I love new shoes. They usually are a bit stuffy the first few days till you break them in, but after that they would be heaven for about two weeks then I would throw them out and have to get a new pair. I got to keep my feet nice and happy and what other way than keeping what I protect them in shiny and new.

The first few rooms to the underground chambers were fairly uneventful. Just a bunch of robes that the Willings are supposed to put on before we enter the main rooms, but I'm a pred. It's against the rules for me to wear anything that'll cover up my body. Normally we were supposed to come in naked, but today is a special day so I decided to put on some good clothes. My lips started to spread in a crooked grin as I adjusted my hat and turned it around on my head so the bill pointed down my back. Almost as if it was saying, don't look up, the party is down here.

I walked through the door on the far side and I felt my body start to burn with the eyes of Willings and Preds alike. The dining room was something to behold. The red lights spilled forth their rays and painted everything in a lustful haze. The dining table was strewn with many tied up and blindfolded Willings, some more restrained then others. There were six places set at the table and mine was the last place to be filled.

The Preds already there had started on their meals already, two violently fucking some Willings in a couple of slings over the table while the other three got right down to business on sucking on their Willings dicks to drain them of their essence.

I smiled as I noticed they were all the new initiates like myself, but none of them had the size I did. Most of them didn't look like they came to over one ninety. I smirked as I walked up to the feast before me and found the biggest meal on the table that hadn't already been claimed. I chuckled as I looked at the sizable but flaccid dick of the little bitch. He was propped up so that he could lean against a metal bracket that forced him to lean back and thrust his hips forward. His mouth was gagged with a black silk scarf and his eyes were covered with the same fabric. I licked my lips as the other Preds started to disappear into the background as my mind zeroed in on its pray. I cupped the little slut's package in one hand, the flaccid member really giving my palm a run for it's money before the spongy appendage started to swell.

"You like that don't you," I chuckled, "having your balls scratched."

I smirked as the Willing gave a little nod as his member continued to swell. I gave a deep throaty chuckle, half growling before I slapped his coin purse. The guy tensed up, his stomach showing a little definition in it as he cringed in his squatting position on the wooden table. I gave a little chuckle as his dick was rock hard now and dripping pre.

"Ah, I get it now." I breathed into his ear as I rolled his balls in my big meaty paw, "you like being humiliated by big studs don't you." I started to feel my sack churn with hunger and my cock start to pulse to attention. The Willing gave a muffled "Uh hu" and nodded his approval.

"That's good," I chuckled into his ear as I started to roll one of his balls and start to apply pressure with my thumb, "because I like to shake up my little protein shakes a little before I guzzle them down."

At that I felt his sack bounce in my hand, his fully boned nine inches dripping down his length like a broken faucet. I reached up and gave one of his erect nipples a little pinch and twist while I continued to apply pressure to his jewels with the other.

"You like that don't you," I growl, "being treated like the little bitch you are. Hu?" I spat in his face.

He nodded and voiced his approval as best he could with his gag.

"You don't deserve the body you have. You know I could put your flabby fucking ass to better use than dinking around and raising it up for any stray fucking dick that'll pay any attention to you." I practically spat the words into his face as I gripped his sac and slowly applied more and more pressure. He was starting to writhe and pull against his restraints, but the metal contraption kept his feet and hands bound as I had my way with my meal. I couldn't stay here all night so I decided to stop playing with my food and I bent down and looked that big pecker in the eye.

He was dripping and ready for action, and I being the gentleman that I am wasn't going to keep my food waiting any longer. I opened my mouth and sucked down as much of the Willing's dick I could take before I felt it hit the back of my throat. I had about a little less than half of that big thing in, but I pulled down and angled myself and sucked a few more inches down my throat. I let off a little moan at the thick meat I was sucking on, but not because I'm a subby little bitch, but because I knew that this was going to be mine.

I started to bob up and down and slurp up every little drop of pre this little slut was willing to give. I cupped his sack and started to message and roll his balls a little rougher than I should, but every time I gave a tight squeeze I felt a shot of pre go down my throat. I sucked it down in anticipation of the main event, but pre is hollow, it holds no essence. It's the seed that I want and I'm going suck this little meat bag dry. I doubled my efforts, sucking harder and harder and practically sucking his dick like a cock pump. I started to gyrate my head and slurped up that dick as I propelled my head into his neatly shaved pubes, back up, and down again. With all the dick sucking I've done, I don't have a gag reflex anymore, but it was well worth the experience. Already I could feel the cock in my mouth trembling and I wasn't going to take this slow. I was ravenous and I wasn't going to let up for a second.

I smiled inwardly before I gripped his sack and gave it a painful tug in a vice like grip. My Willing screamed and bit down on his silk scarf as his cock spilled forth in orgasm. If my mouth wasn't full of cock I would give a predatory roar of victory as I sucked down the raw essence of my subby protein shake. Anyone watching would have seen the changes instantly. The Willing's muscles were all tensed in orgasm, and with every pulse of his dick, it would look like he was slowly relaxing his muscles as they shrank and disappeared into his flesh. I sucked down the essence easily as I continued to suck him off like a cock pump. Then I felt the essence hit my stomach and the heat inside of my stomach, my hunger, exploded throughout my body. The energy was instantly absorbed by my ravenous hunger and burned through my veins.

GOD IT FEELS SO FUCKING GOOD! The thoughts roared through my head as the energy pumped through me. It's like getting a good pump from a work out, but a hundred times more potent as testosterone and endorphins ran through my blood. I felt my muscle shirt start to ride a bit higher and my shorts started to get tighter as my body grew stronger, more powerful, and above all else, sexier. Yes, a pred's most powerful weapon is his sex appeal. I took a deep whiff as I continued to suck down on that shrinking dong and I could smell my own musk. It was growing more potent, stronger; manlier if that were possible. I felt my cock slide down farther and farther down my pants until I felt the head start to poke out of my shorts and continue to grow. I gave a little pained growl as my shoes started to get a little snug as I watched my Willings feet shrink and his balls recede into his body due to his intense orgasm. I started to feel pain twang in my sack as my shorts started to get painfully small and constrictive. I felt my muscles flex by themselves, but they didn't relax, they only flexed again and again growing a little bigger every time.

The cock I was sucking on slowly tapered off as I sucked the last of the manly qualities from the man, or should I say empty sack, that I had just sucked dry. I pulled my lips off of the two inch, still iron hard pecker and released my grip on his almond sized balls and stood up. I easily reached the six foot nine inch mark now as I kicked off my shoes. Guess I wouldn't need those any more now that they don't fit. I turned to the wall length mirror on the side of the dining room to get a good look at myself and I couldn't help but shudder in pure lust at the beast that stood before me. My muscle shirt rode up just above my navel, exposing my first row of my cut eight pack, and even in a relaxed position, my chest muscles bulged out from under my skin. I chuckled and looked at my jaw line, and even with it covered with a thick lumberjack beard, I could tell my jaw had squared off even more and became more cut. My neck was even thicker than before and I could see the perfect shape of my Addams apple. The low cut of the neck of my shirt exposed my massive, bulging, harry man breasts. My pillow like pecks pushed my shirt out and the straps that made my arm holes barely covered up my diamond hard nipples as they practically poked through my shirt. I chuckled and lifted my arms into a double bicep curl and watched as my biceps grew from their twenty inches to their twenty two inch size. I gave a big toothy grin, my teeth were perfectly spaced together and whiter than I remember and my canines seemed a bit sharper giving me a devilishly handsome demeanor.

I felt a couple of hands on my back before they wrapped around my waist. I saw the muscled arms lift up under my shirt and cup my massive pecs in the mirror. I could feel him nuzzle the space just beneath my neck and take in a deep whiff.

"Well, well," The man said as he came up from his crouched position and towered over me at this seven foot eight inch height, "Haven't you come a long way my little protégé." He chuckled.

I shivered at the feeling of those massive big paws of hands message and cup my pecs, "Yeah, I know my way to a good meal or two." I chuckled with him as I bounced my pecks for him, loving the new weight they held. I looked into the mirror and the first thing I saw looking out was my meal, the now twink like boy tied up and bound and with the look of pure bliss on his face, but then an arm shifted and blocked my view of my scraps and all I could see was bicep. I looked up into the image of what that massive arm was connected to. I could see that beautiful golden eyed visage. He had a light blond stubble over his chiseled chin and his golden curls twisted down to about shoulder length.

"Are you ready for your initiation, Eric?" Master Tyler said with a smile.

My smile widened, "You know I am." I shivered with anticipation.

"Well, you have shown such promise and such ferocity with your growth. You show little restraint in what you want almost to the point of being reckless." I felt his hands grip my shoulders and for the first time in a long time I felt pain and intimidated, "Well, I reported my findings to the council and they have made a decision on how to deal with your present behavior."

I felt a chill of fear roll down my spine and send goose bumps all over my flesh, but I swallowed it and put on my cockiest smile, "And what did all those dick lickers say?"

Tyler put on his own cocky smile and somehow I thought that they were giving off light with how white they were and how predatory it looked without even trying, "Well, they were hoping you would say something like that because any other reaction would have changed their decision. A pred never backs down, even when intimidated. That was your final test." He smiled, "We decided to invite you into the inner circle. For you to become a Master in training."

Tyler gave a cheeky smile as if he still knew something that I didn't as his hands started to drift lower and lower until his massive paws were rested over my anaconda that poked two inches out of my sort leg, "Well," he started, "You do have one final test before the decision the counsel of Masters made is final. Why don't we bring you to your potential future chambers?"

"Oh? I get my own room? I like the sound of that." I chuckled.

"Yeah, it's where you can safely consume your pray, and I mean completely consume. If you catch my drift" he gave a little wink before he removed his hot paws off my prick and turned, exposing his naked bubble butt to the mirror as he walked out the archway into the Ritual Chamber. His two foot cock swung and knocked around between his knees as he moved on slapping his twenty sized bare feet against the stone floor. I quickly turned and followed him.

"You know what we stand for here, don't you Eric?" Tyler said over his shoulder.

"Yeah," I scoffed, "to get bigger and more powerful. To create a coven of true Preds."

"Exactly," he said as he walked to the other end of the room, passing over the giant pentagram carved into the floor and filled with dried up cum, "and being a Pred means that in the pursuit of becoming a true Pred no one is above being consumed. There are exceptions to that rule, like your brothers and Masters in the Coven, but everyone else is fair game. If you feel hunger for someone, then you have an obligation as a Pred to scope out and consume your pray." He stopped in front of a large wooden door that was easily nine feet high and half a foot think. It had dead bolts and locks on it and I could tell they were new by the shiny stainless steel finish that seemed out of place on the wooden door.

"You're not going to lock me in there are you?" I said with a raised brow.

"Oh no," Tyler chuckled, "That's to keep your test in." he said as he pulled out a key and undid the locks.

"What's in there? A tiger?"

"No, something far more dangerous to your predatory nature." He said as he undid the last lock, "A friend."

He grabbed the knob and threw the door open to reveal a decently sized room. A dresser on one side, a full wall mirror on one side and a four poster bed against the back wall about two sizes larger than a California King. The sheets were red satin with blood red pillows and a comforter and there on the bed, bound and gagged was an all too familiar face.

"Jon?" I said with a slightly annoyed and surprised voice, "Really?"

"If you don't think you're up to the task," Tyler started, "We can always just feed him to the Demon," a dark smile crept across his face, "Along with you."

I chuckled, "Yeah, that's not going to happen," I said as I walked into the room, "and just so you know. I've been planning on how to get Jon to be a Willing for the past month."

The last thing I saw before I closed the door was Tyler's cocky smile as he mouthed the words, "Enjoy Yourself." And tossed me something. I grabbed it and noticed it was a Master's Pendent. A blood red crystal that hung off a gold chain. I put the thing around my neck and wore it with a sense of pride.

The heavy door closed with a resounding thud and I puffed out my chest as I walked into the room. Jon's eyes were wild and he looked so relieved to see me. I gripped his gag and tore it off of him.

"Oh Eric," he gasped, dried tears having cut through the dirt on his face. They must have jumped him after practice or something. Sometime before he had a chance to shower, "Eric, you have to get me out of here!"

I slapped him, and it felt so good, "Shut up." I growled. I mean, what little bitch cries like that. With a body like his?! That little bitch didn't deserve that body if he wasn't going to act this way.

"Eric...What are you..." I slapped him again, this time hard enough to knock him over and back onto the bed. I then put my socked foot on his face.

"I said shut the fuck up you pathetic little bitch." I seethed.

"Eric...I..mmm!" I shoved my foot over his mouth and I leaned into his face pushing pressure into him.

"You are a fucking stud. A stallion amongst men and you writhe like a little worm, like a fucking bitch when you get kidnapped? A stud like you should have fought to the bitter end. Fists swinging." I spat on his head, "you don't' deserve this body if you're not going to take on the responsibilities it demands of you."

Jon was panting like a dog as he realized the situation he was in, but I could tell he didn't understand what I was saying.

"Now," I growled, "I'm going to get up. HEY! Look at me!" I shouted and slapped him as best I could and his eyes turned to look at me, "now I'm going to lift off of you and I don't want you to say a fucking word you little bitch. I don't want to even hear a fucking whimper. You're not going to say anything until I tell you to speak. Got that?!" he gave a little nod and I gave a mock smile before I spat in his face, "Then get up." I growled.

I got up off of him and he sat up as best he could with his arms tied behind his back. I felt my cock twitch and my balls churn with hunger, and for some reason, I knew that sucking wasn't going to sate me. No, full consumption was the only thing that could sate me now. The crystal around my neck radiated with heat as I stood up and shoved my crotch in Jon's face. I didn't need to be subtle any more, not with him bound and in my own personal chambers. I'll make him smell my musk and it'll work its magic. My cock twitched and pulsed as I felt the massive member grind into his face. He gave a few muffled cries, but each time I heard him speak up I slapped him across the head to silence him, my big hand threading through his hair and ground him into my crotch.

He gave a few more struggles until I felt his thrashing become a little less forceful and more and more lethargic. I gave a deep throaty chuckle as I let go of Jon and watched him fall back on the bed with a somewhat drugged out look on his face that started to clear as soon as he took a deep breath of fresh air. I gave a sound that was half between a groan and a growl as I dove onto the bed after him. I pulled him into a head lock, my hairy pit shoved right in his face.

"Sniff it bitch," I growled, "Take a big whiff and a little taste." He gave a groan as he tried to move his head away from my pit and get a breath of fresh air, but with a bulge of my bicep and a twist of my wrist I forced his head back into my warm hairy cubby. He tried to hold his breath, but it just sort of came out in feverish gasps. I gave a chuckle at his feeble attempts to get free, his muscles already succumbing to my power.

Jon slowly started to relax and his breathing became deeper and deeper until I felt a shy lick as if he were asking for permission, if not from me, from himself. I gave him a little ruffle of his hair and shoved him deeper with a flex of my bicep. This time he didn't hold back as he started to worship my pit and I let him lick it fucking clean before I let off of him. His head craned to stay with his new favorite place, but his drugged out expression filled with aw as I pulled myself up, pulled my shirt off and displayed my chest to him. His eyes filled with a buzzed wonder as he brought his arms up, hesitated for a second as he searched my expression for permission. I gave him a little nod and he ran his hands through my chest hair and rested on my nipples. He took in a shaky breath before I lowered my breast down onto him and started to smother him in the crevice between my pecs. I gave a little laugh as he started to tickle me with his licks in his attempt to worship both of my pecs at the same time. I flexed my pecs together and ground his face into my chest before I started to bounce my pecs that send waves of musk down onto the little whore.

I felt my cock push against my pants before it felt like there was a jack trying to lift me up off the bed as it filled with more and more blood. I lifted up off my new Willing with a pained groan.

"Get on the floor slut," I groaned and I looked down at the confused expression on Jon's face and I slapped him hard, "NOW!"

In his hazy drunken state my command somehow got through to him and he started to roll onto the floor, but I grabbed the rope keeping his hands tied and undid them and pushed him the rest of the way off the bed. Then I got up and pulled down my now too small shorts and tossed them off to the side and I marveled at the massive length pushing forth from my crotch. It sprang up and made a wet slap against my chest leaving a strand of pre connecting the tip to the top row of my eight pack. I took so much from that meal from before! I must have grown at least five inches. My spire of godly meat stood to be at least nineteen inches tall and was so thick I could barely get one of my meaty paws around it. I reached down to my swollen balls that have grown to the size of grape fruit and gurgled with a deep and urgent hunger. I griped my tip and I hissed through gritted teeth as pleasure shot through me and up my spine.

"Fuck!" my knees buckled as I fell back onto the bed. I panted as I stretched out, my size sixteen feet just barely reaching off the side of the bed. I gripped my cock, Jon completely forgotten, and started to stroke the impressive tool. I bit my lip as pleasure surged through me with each little thrust into my iron rod. My hands started to fly up and down the massive man meat that was shooting bolts of lightning through me and making every one of my muscles bulge and pulse with power. That's when I felt Jon grip my feet and I could feel his mouth kiss and worship my feet through my socks.

I literally laughed out loud and slapped his face with one of my feet, "That's it you little foot slut. Worship your master like the little bitch you are."

I chuckled darkly as I continued to pleasure myself as I felt Jon covering his face in my musky socked feet. A cocky smile played across my face as I pulled the foot he was playing with and I brought it up and hooked a thumb under the hem of my sock and pulled it off and I threw it on Jon's face. He shuddered and his face relaxed into the intoxicating musk of my sock. I chuckled and did the same to the other foot and rested them in front of his face.

"Lick the lint off of um slut," I said with another foot slap to his face, "I don't want to have any shit on my toes when I'm done here."

I continued to play with my new favorite pole as the ego stroke on his knees at my feet worshiped my feet. It seemed that my musk is strongest around my feet; his worshiping became stronger and more powerful as he continued to take in more of my musk. I was so preoccupied with my working that I barely felt the worshiping lips leave my feet, but I gasped as I felt a mouth try to wrap around one of my balls, their hunger spiking as they gurgled with need. I couldn't help but chuckle as I gripped Jon by his hair and ground his head into my hairy sack as he worshiped my sack. His hands worked and rolled my balls as best he could as he sucked and lapped at my sack and sucked on the loose flesh. I crossed my legs over his back and flexed my legs to pull him in so I could rest my feet on his bubble butt. I gave it a good kick with my heel and he got the message as his efforts doubled. I started to kneed his ass with my heels as I stroked myself off while Jon worked on my sack and the erotic image past my mountainous pecs send a jolt through my cock. A huge wad of pre shot out of the tip and landed on my chest with a loud splat.

"That's it bitch," I growled, "get that ass over here. We're going to tear shit up."

He didn't need to be told twice as he got up and turned around to get on his hands and knees. I got up and knelt down and grabbed the wad of pre on my chest and rubbed it all over my head and the first few inches of my length before I positioned it to his virgin crack.

"Hope it fits slut," I chuckled, "because if it doesn't I'll have to do some literal tearing."

And with that I pushed forward and even in his drugged out and drunken state Jon screamed out in pain as I forced his too small hole wide open. Regardless he stayed in place as I forced it farther and farther open. I held my tip firm as I ground it into him, the tip half way in and I could tell it was already thicker than the average cock. With another grunt and a forceful thrust I felt it pop in and it almost felt like squeezing into a too tight condom that pulsed and radiated heat. I gritted my teeth and dug my feet into the sheets as I forced a few more inches in. Jon was panting and he would give off half groans half screams with every thrust into his widening hole.

My cock lurched and a hot steamy wad of pre spilled into Jon's bowels and lubed it up for a few more inches. It took a little working, but I got it about half way in when I knew I couldn't go any deeper or I'd kill the guy. I mean, it wouldn't matter that much if I fucked a guy to death, but I'm sure the Counsel were expecting me to make a meal of Jon, and if he were dead then he wouldn't be much good to anyone. I gave a grunt as I pulled an inch out and forced it in again, only a little deeper. Jon was a hot mess. He was panting and yelling out in pain, but I could care less as I forced myself deeper and back out again.

"Fuck I'm close," I bit my lip as I picked up the pace, Jon giving a little groaning yell with each thrust before I spilled forth my seed.

"AH! TAKE IT BITCH!" I shouted out as my sack pulled up and started to deposit it's load into Jon and solidifying my control over him. I watched in the mirror as Jon's expression changed from drugged out to a somewhat lucid state as the fog cleared from his eyes and my seed did it's work.

"Oh Eric," he wined flexing his bubble but, "That hurt so good!" I looked down to see a healthy amount of bitch cum sprayed out across the covers.

I gave his ass a hard slap, "That's master to you now." I smiled as he raised his ass into the slap.

"Now," I started as I pulled out of his now gaping hole, "Flip over. I'm hungry."

"Yes Master." He breathed as his cum dripping ass rolled over.

I looked at his still rigid cock and I reached out a hand to grip that eight inch prick ready to suck him down to nothing...but a searing hot pain on my chest made me look down at the ruby pendent hanging from my neck.

"WHAT THE FUCK!" I shouted as the image of a stallion rearing up in a triumphant pose burned like a roaring fire in the crystal. I shivered as a sudden prickling covered my body. It tingled all over my body as more and more hair rolled over my body. I jumped up and off the bed in a panic. Jon looked on with a nonchalant look as I backed up into the mirror wall. I looked down at my meaty fingers as white hair sprouted all over them and my nails started to darken into a deep black. I turned and looked at the mirror as my chest hair grew longer and softer as it spread up and over my muscles. I looked down all over my body and even the hair was growing over my feet. My leg hair from my knees changed from its deep brown to a snowy white and my arm hair from my elbows down was doing the same thing.

This all happened in the matter of seconds before searing pain covered my face, "JESUS FUCKING CHRIST!!" I shouted out as pain roared through my skull. It felt like the time I cracked my cheek bone falling off a snowmobile but only a thousand times worse as my entire face cracked and warped outward. I watched as my nose flattened out and my nostrils flared out into a light fleshy pink with a few brown molted spots. My teeth pushed out and flattened out as I mashed them together in pain. I took a deep breath in and roared out in pain, but the sound I made was so foreign. It came out as a shaking high pitched yodel and yet the pendent on my neck flashed out brighter. My knees buckled and I fell against the mirror for support, my thick black nails digging into the glass before I threw my head back and I let out a loud sound that I had only heard in a barn.

A loud neigh rend through my vocal cords as the pain centered above my ass and I could tell something was pushing out above it with a short lengthening of my spine. Then, as suddenly as it started it stopped, and every ach in my body was gone. I looked up into glowing green eyes of a massive human horse highbred. I looked on in utter amazement and I felt my member twitch, or throb would be a better word. I looked down and let out a low nicker, a somewhat foreign but natural reaction. What I saw was a member that had to be at least two feet long flaccid and knocked between my knees. In my transformation I hadn't felt the growing weight tug against my crotch as my python grew into a fucking dragon. I gripped both of my massive paws around the cock and they still didn't touch. It had to be more than a foot thick and black as night itself. I reached down for the sack below my monstrous cock and I couldn't even cup one of the watermelon sized balls that were fighting for space against my bulging thighs.

I took a step back to examine my changes and I instantly thought Budweiser. I looked like a classic Clydesdale with white hands and feet up to my elbows and knees. I raised my hands and the long tuffs of hair...no fur hung down from my wrists like large open sleeves. Same with my legs, the long fur covering up my shins but not my leg muscles as they bulged out despite the fur. I looked down at my toes, not hooves? Nope, I had feet, I realized as I wiggled my thicker toes. The black nails looked a lot thicker than they used to be as well. I felt my breath quicken with excitement and I felt something brush against my brown furred bubble but. I turned sideways to get a side view of my new body. My eyes widened as I saw the long silky black tail that swept low and swung with excitement.

"Hey there stud," Jon breathed as he wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed the rippling rock wall of my back, "You just gunna stand there or are you going to put that tool to some good use?" his hands flowed lower as he tried to pick up the half chubbed up member, but could get a good grip on it. I gave a low growl even with my new equine maw. I pushed Jon onto the bed and gave my cock a few strokes and it was iron hard in seconds.

"You don't get to talk to your master that way." I seethed, "You get my dick when I tell you you'll get dick!"

I looked into Jon's eyes, but they were too glazed over with lust to comprehend fear and honestly I couldn't care less. I leaned in and pushed my two and a half foot log lock of onyx meat onto my slut and ground it into his muscled chest...a chest that would be mine! My sack roared, literally roared with hunger as they shook and I thrust forward. Jon gripped my cock in both arms and started to make out with my cock head. My cock shuddered and lurched forward.

My vision went white as pleasure seared my body. It felt like every strand of fur on my body was on fire as pleasure pumped through my veins forcing them to pulse to the surface of my skin. I didn't even notice as my cock lurched forward again and I saw stars. I looked down and my jaw dropped as I saw what I had started. Jon's entire head was inside the blunt tip of my horse cock and I could feel every contour searing pleasure into my body. The closest thing I could compare it to is getting sucked off while getting the first taste of your favorite food. There was no end to the ocean of pleasure coursing through my veins. I threw my head back and let out a loud nicker as my cock sucked down more of Jon and started to spread and stretch over his shoulders. My balls started to bounce as they pulsed as if trying to orgasm and suck down at the same time.

I grabbed my cock and started to stroke and I felt my ring. I nickered as my cock head yawned in pleasure and slapped back down and around Jon's shoulders sending me into an orgasm. My cock lurched and pulsed, but no cum came. Instead it sucked down my meal faster, Jon disappearing faster and faster as my orgasm grew and grew until the pleasure doubled. I could feel my vocal cords scream for mercy as I yelled out in my pleasure, my legs pounding into the frame of the bed as I thrust against Jon's body, forcing it deeper into me. Jon would writhe and push against my insides, and his struggles only forced my pleasure to new heights. I felt Jon's head enter my sack and my eyes rolled into the back of my head as my knees buckled and I feel down onto the bed and my cock. I wrapped my arms around my throbbing cock and Jon's legs. My cock was starting to get to work on Jon's bubble but and I was grinding hard against the bed, the thinner my skin was stretched the better it felt. Every fiber of the satin sheets sent me into another orgasm as my cock worked on my meal.

I don't know when I snapped, but I couldn't control it anymore and my muscles flexed and I gripped Jon by his legs and forced them into me while I thrust forward. My own hands sank into my slit a little as I pushed so much of Jon into me. The only thing left outside of me were his feet. I gave them a little kiss before my cock lips spread wide and lurched forward and sucked them in leaving a Jon shaped bulge half way down my cock and the other half in my sack. I gave a loud moan and nicker before I rolled onto my back. My massive ebony dong swung up and slapped my chest and I looked down my muzzle and past my pillow like pecs as Jon's bulge slowly descended down my shaft and as my sack swelled with its meal. I couldn't feel anything besides blazing pleasure as Jon made his way to his final destination. With a final gurgle and a plop I felt Jon's feet make it into my sack.

I moaned as I felt him flutter about and lick and kiss my sack, worshiping me from the inside, but it didn't last long. Soon his movements got weaker and weaker until he started to relax into my essence. I didn't so much as feel him digest so much as slip deeper into my sack, if that were possible and then I felt the familiar burning pump I get when I feed. I roared out with a loud equine scream as power and pleasure coursed through my body and forced my veins to my skin as they pumped Jon's energy through me. I felt my arms push out as the sheets beneath me stretched out as well. My arms hardened and lengthened as muscle and bone grew out. I watched as my view of my chest vanished beyond my growing pecs. I threw my head back and looked up to see a mirror on the sealing and I couldn't help but let a moan loose at what I was watching. My sack was stretched to the size of a giant TV but was slowly deflating, and as it did, my body took on the mass. My abs bulging out to the size of bricks and pushing farther still. My feet pushed farther and farther down the bed and my feet pushed easily into a size twenty. I watched as my black mane got dragged along the bed as I grew taller and taller. I felt my back lift off the bed as my bubble butt grew out and expanded larger and larger.

I watched as my changes slowly tapered off and my sack returned to normal, my throbbing cock getting ready to set loose. I thought my feeding was intense, but my orgasm shook me to the core. Thick rope after rope burst forth out of the broken dam that was my cock. The first shot blasted up at my pecs and all over my muzzle. Instantly my paws gripped the throbbing member and I started to stroke like a mad man. The next wad I shot I had some control over and this time it shot straight onto my muzzle. Gallons upon gallons of jizz shot forth from my cock and soaked my muzzle and I was all too happy to guzzle it down. My hot steamy spunk never let up for a moment. I must have been laying there for five minutes blowing my nut everywhere and a pool had started to form that was at least ankle deep. Eventually my orgasm tapered off into a slow pulsing drizzle as I lay back into my cum soaked bed.

Before I could drift off into sleep though I heard the door open and light flooded in as Tyler stood there, standing slightly taller than before and filling up more of the doorway than I remembered.

"I guess you passed your initiation there Eric," he said while starting a slow clap, "Or should I say Master Eric now?" he chuckled.

I gave a low nicker as I rolled onto my side and sat up, "God fucking damn it that felt good. And this body!" I did a double bicep curl and looked into the mirror as the furry muscles bulged out, "So fucking hot! I'm a real stallion now!"

"Yeah, we can explain that later." He chuckled, "But now we have a surprise for ya."

"Wa?" I said as I got up onto shaky legs, but I still managed to walk through the slippery pool of jizz.

"The candidates that didn't make it are being fed to the Demon." He chuckled, "Oh yeah, didn't we tell you guys. If you didn't pass our final test, you would have your predatory powers taken away." Tyler started to turn and walk away, "I'm glad you passed though. One less thug we had to tie down and string up."

"String up? What the hell are you talking about?" but Tyler was long gone. I rolled my eyes and followed after him, but I didn't have to go far. I entered the Ceremonial Chamber where the Demon was sitting in the center of the pentacle. My jaw dropped, never have I ever seen such a perfect specimen of man! His wavy raven hair rolled down just before his shoulders and his chiseled jaw was perfectly squared away. His stubble gave him a rouged look and his amber eyes glowed with a burning intensity. He had to be at least six feet tall just sitting cross legged. His proportions were massive! His fucking arm had to be thicker than my waist! And each of his pecks had to be at least as big as my entire chest, if not bigger. Each of his pecks were as big as cinder blocks pushing out against his flesh. Each one of his legs bulged out like tree trunks, not exaggerating at all, literally as thick as fucking trees as they fought for space with his legs crossed the way they were. That's when I saw it, his dominion rod. It had to be at least seven feet tall and four feet thick. It towered above everything else in the room and the giant's balls spilled out over his legs. I continued to look up and up and up until I noticed something. Tied to a series of pulleys were the other initiates. Four of them were strung up and were in harnesses and hog tied so that they were facing down as the swung from the rafters.

"Thank you my loyal subjects!" the demon roared to the crowd of cloaked Willings and Preds, "Thank you for your loyalty and your pursuit to serve and to grow." His voice echoed off the walls with a gentle ring that caressed the inner most folds of my heart. If that voice told me to kill my father and rape my mother I know I would have to fight a serious battle just to say no.

"Now that we are all gathered here," he breathed, "I will show you what happens to Preds that aren't fit to keep the bodies they possess. They are too weak to become true Preds and thus must be relinquished of their abilities. Let the sacrifices be presented and the executions begin!"

Just before the Demon finished the four sacrifices started to lower down towards the demons lap from the ten foot ceiling above. The demon gave a wicked grin, showing off his long and dangerous looking fangs and forked tongue. The four stopped just short of the demons cock and the dark chuckle that rolled out of the demons mouth sent shivers down my spine of fear and anticipation.

"Now my children," He started, "Witness what the fate is for the weak!" the demons foreskin rippled and stretched as it reached up and gripped onto the exposed cocks of the four victims and pulled them down a little farther. The demon looked on in utter delight as he watched his demonic prick start to suck on the four cocks stretching him out. I couldn't help but watch in pure lust as the true Pred of our order started to milk his subjects for their essence. I watched as the demons foreskin writhed and sucked down those cocks, blowing them with his own massive pecker.

It didn't take long for the first of the bitches to cum. His moans could be heard from clear across the room as he let loose his orgasm. Instantly one could see his body shrinking. His thick corded muscles from the past few months of feeding draining away in the orgasmic bliss he had brought so many Willing. It wasn't long before the other boys were busting their nuts into that godly dong. The moans and shouts of pleasure rang and reverberated off the walls as the owners of the moans shrank and withered. The crowd of cultists around me were all working their cocks or even sucking down on some Willings. The whole place had turned into a massive orgy simply on the command of the demons will and pleasure. I felt a few Willings crawling up on my body sucking my nipples and worshiping my feet while two worked on my balls. Damn my musk must be working over time!

Even with the orgy going on I was transfixed on what the Demon was doing. I looked up and watched as the once jock like men were reduced to twink like figures, but the writhing monster of a cock didn't stop sucking. As a matter of fact it was writhing and sucking faster and harder. The demon was laughing demonically as he watched his body pulse larger, his cock stretch bigger and wider as he sucked the little bitches for all they were worth. The four had stopped moaning in pleasure now and looked like they were having a hard time breathing. That's when I noticed the first one that had started to cum was starting to look a little boney. I watched on in horror as the hair started to fall from his head and his skin turned gray and paper thin. Soon it started to flake off and reveal bone as his face warped into a sickening permanent grin. One by one the four were sucked completely dry and it wasn't long until there were bones raining from the sealing as the four were completely consumed by the massive demon.

"Now my loyal subjects!" the demon roared, "Who's ready to taste a real god's cum!" everyone could hear the trembling cock before us and everyone was waiting on baited breath for the inevitable eruption. Suffice to say, we didn't have to wait long.

Pearly white goo erupted from the demons growing cock. Gallons upon gallons shot and fired into the crowd in a single shot, but that wasn't nearly the end of it. For what seemed like hours the entire coven was fucking in a waist high pool of demon cum as the demon continued to erupt and revel in his pleasure as dozens of Willings, and even some Preds, worshiped and tended to the demons body. I myself was fucking like the wild stallion I was. Breading bitches and sucking like I had never done before. God I couldn't wait for the next meeting where I would be a true Master.