Pheasant Hunt 07 - The first days

Story by boronk on SoFurry

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#8 of Hunting

Meeting his hunter the second time, the whitetail has a breakdown. I dont know if you like that more explaining types of chapters, but I think they are necessary to get used to the characters... and to get a feel for their emotion. The next kinky/cruel part is still some pages away.

The collar, Jose gave him weighed heavily. Pepe wasnt used to that things, but it made his status here obvious. He wasnt sure if some special stuff was inside the metal thing, but running away in such a remote location was propably not that a smart idea either.

Lucy showed them the barracks shortly after, two lengthy buildings behind the farm. All build in that wooden lodgestyle, as most of the houses of the property were made of.

The rooms were ok. For his standards even above the usual conditions at his home in the favelas. Two beds each, a small toilet and a lavatory. Radio and TV. Showers and some thing, lucy called a sauna was also in the building.

The two rabbits allocated one room for them. The dragongirl just got into the room next to them and Pepe looked a bit undecided.

He didnt want to room with her. She was.. strange. But he also would not want to stay a night alone.

He swallowed, then followed the scaled girl into her room and sat on the second bed. She was just inspecting the drawers and boards around, then jumped onto the other bed and switched on the TV.

"Lets check the program!" she said switching through the channels.

"I.. get a wash first.." Pepe said leaving for the shower.

The boy had a bad night. The dragongirl insisted on watching that Endgame stuff of the hunting league but after that was finished he got some sleep, being followed be weird and frightening dreams of getting slaughtered.

Visiting the doctor was a non-issue. It was just some regular health checks and taking blood samples. They had some sick bay on the resort with a nurse and a doctor. All four finished doing that in the two hours reserved for that before breakfast.

The dining room was crowded. There were about ten guests sitting on different tables eating their breakfast.

A goatgirl, dressed like a maid, hushed between them and served coffee and fresh bread. She also wore a collar but a bit different than his own.

A long table at another side of the room was half occupied by some young people, wearing not much but loincloths or furpieces. About twenty, maybe a bit more were sitting there and talking. As they saw the four others entering the restaurant, they looked up, suddenly getting quiet.

The goatgirl approached Pepe and the rest, bowing down politely. "Welcome at the Three Creek Hunting Resort. Its is nice to see you. I hope you had a good night?"

Karazel, the first one nodded. "Sure..."

"Fine" the maid smiled. "Now, the preys table is over there. And I will call for Mr. Hernandaz for your introduction." She pointed to the long one with the others still sitting. Two of them waived over.

The welcome was warm and friendly. The other furs offered them places to sit and were smiling. Pepe sat down, shy and was thankful being kind of ignored after being able to eat some bread, butter and marmalade.

They were a mixture between the last years course and some older ones doing their duty here at the farm. Some for up to five years now in Joses service.

The elk was a bit late, first greeting the guests as he entered the dining room and then he just sat down next to Pepe, laying his hand in the whitetails shoulder.

"Good Morning together." he greeted all. "Sam is still asleep so I will give the introduction.." he started again talking in the same tone as yesterday.

"These young people here.." he pointed towards the loinclothed others. "They are your new.. herd." he smiled, addressing Pepe and the other freshly arrived. "They live in the second barrack just next to yours and serve the resort. Some of them, he pointed to them stallion and then to a weasel, will be your teachers the next months. I have here a timetable.." he raised a piece of paper. "Thats the plan for this week and the following. All the lecture and learning stuff will officially start after next week, but we will give you some books to read, and maybe, you need a bit of time to settle here with us." he paused again " There is basically two hours of sports each day to keep you in shape. We have a gymn, some sports ranges and a soccer field outside... Dean, here" he patted the stallions shoulder. "Will be your sports teacher. You will go with him just after breakfast. He will perform a physical fitness test and introduce you to the facilites. Uhm.. most of the facilities are shared with our guests. If they want to use it, you will stand back... After that test, you get your. uniforms.. these are for prey, like the others wear here." he smiled. "And If you look at that timetable, there is some hours between your lessons.. they are marked servant time. You rapport at the kitchen then for doing work here at the farm.. thats usually helping our guests or in the garden or kitchenwork..."

He paused again, fetching a second sheet of paper out of one of his pockets. "Aaand now to the schedule for the regular staff!" he announced. "First, there is no further hunt this week." he said. And then he went through the rows pointing at one after the other. "You two, go out, sector A, check the fences, bridges and paths." "Yes Sir!" a rabbit and a doe nodded. "You Sector B, C, D..." with each letter he selected two of them. "Mr. Bernauer and his wife want to do a hiking tour up to the glacier.. You, you and you get over, help them preparation and you will be their sherpas. Regarding time, i expect you being back with them in three days..."

Each one got his job, playing tennis, special service, swimming, chores, working at the house, and so on.

Just as Mr Hernandez had finished, Dean asked him, with a worried face. "Sir, uhm, my sister, Jessica, is she...?" There was a moment of silence at the table. "well, Dean, Sam took his chance, but i can tell you, she had a happy smile on her face as he brought her back.. You know he is the best." Dean looked down. "Well, ok, I am happy she got what she always wanted.." he smiled a bit painful. "I.. i guess we have party next saturday, to celebrate her?" Jose nodded.

The rest of the week passed quite in a hurry. Pepe didnt have much time to think about his fate. Nobody talked about hunting. It was more like, sports, training, hiking, learning, just up to one thursday, at about 11am... The 'uniform' was something he just had to get used to, but since it was warm outside, he wasnt cold and the bottomless dress, feeling naked below was quite exciting to start with.

Pepe tried to keep his schedule. And at 11am he had to report to the kitchen, servant time. It was usually some delivery stuff todo, like bringing lunchbags to the lodges of the guest. Or washing the dishes.

"I got a special delivery today for you," the cook told him. The cook, Monsieur la Reinne, a goat, a bit heavy wearing a white cooking dress with the the fitting hat usually prepared the meals for the guests and the staff. He got a funny accent and was obviously a stranger. "I have a delivery for Mr. Pewterer. The lunch bag is over there.. Just bring it up to his lodge. Its a bit outside, but i am sure you will find it.. will you do that?"

Pepe froze. Sam Pewterer. The hunter. The murderer. "I.. will do it!" he nodded. "You dont look happy, Pepe..?" the cook asked with a caring voice. Pepe shrugged, trying not to to show his feelings. "Its nothing.." he just grabbed the bag and ran. "See you later,..." he said.

Pepe run up the hill. He knew where Sams lodge was. The running course they did every morning passed by it. His loincloth was flying. Pepe always felt good running. At school, he was one of the best runners of his class. He knew, he was fast, and pushing his hoofes in the ground, leaping over obstacles kinda calmed him down always. He liked the feeling of cold air filling his lungs and his heart beating to push his circulation. He did a lot of running the last days. Much of the sport and training consisted just out of running as fast as possible through wild terrain, or, Deans obstacle course.

Just as he reached Sams home, he stopped. He heard his heart beating and his blood flowing. The guy wasnt outside, so he walked to the door. There was a bronze bell next to it. He wanted to grab, hesitated, but pulled then the lever.

The bell rang.

"The door is open, come in, whoever you are!" he heard the dragons voice. Pepe grabbed the door knob, but as he touched it, the door slid open. He entered the house, looking around.

The lodge was quite simple. Next to the door a big room. Some type of living room/kitchen with a fireplace, tv and couches. Upstairs, he know there was some bedroom and a shower. He looked around, but no one to see.

It was quite a mess therein. Clothes being spilled all over, stained glasses and dishes on the table. He wrinkled his nose.

"W.. where are you?" he asked shyly. "Just pass through and take the back door. I am in the shop at the backside.." he heard the voice now a bit more louder.

Pepe followed the voice, opened the next door and suddenly stood in a small workshop full of tools, wooden stuff and strange metal things.

Sam was standing there at some type of bench. Had an arrow into his paws and seemed to inspect it. On the bench there were multiple quivers and bows. The dragon didnt even look up as the boy entered the room.

"Put the stuff on the table behind you, get two dishes out of the kitchen and water for both of us.." he ordered with even looking.

Pepe's plan was to leave as quickly as possible. "S.. sir.. i have to rapport in the kitchen a..again" he stuttered getting nervous again.

"I dont want to eat lunch alone." now Sam looked up into the boys eyes, telling just by looking at him that he wont allow him to leave earlier than he wants it. "Now get the stuff..."

Pepe obeyed. He hastily went into the kitchen and got some tables out of the dishwasher, knifes, spoon, forks, two glasses filled with fresh tapwater and he gut back, putting them on the shops small table.

That table hat two chairs, facing each other left and right to it. The whitetail opened the bag and then looked up to Sam.

"Take out what you want.." the dragon said while still checking the arrows. "I had a late breakfast and i am not that hungry." he explained then, laying the deadly bolt down and getting closer. He sat on one of the chairs, put his elbows on the wooden surface of the table and inspected the boy. "...and sit down."

The deer obeyed and looked down at the stuff from the bag. Then he looked up to Sam, unsure what to do.

"You are Pepe, arent you?" the dragon started the conversation. The boy nodded. "I read your file." the scaled one continued. "And Jose said you are not really happy about being here..." The boy looked up to the cold blooded hunter, hearing his blood rush. There it was again, the despair, he tried hard to just to hold down the last few days. He felt dizzy, angry, afraid, all the same time.

He was tempted to either just break down in tears or try to hit his face as hard as possible. He tooke a deep breath, fighting down the tears first. "N.. not happy?" he suddenly couldnt hold back again, ignoring the fact that he was a slave here. His voice pitched higher as he got in rage. "I was beaten, abducted, and raped sold by some scaled bastard who just had in mind about fucking me." he cried. "He brought me here." Tears start to run down his cheeks, but he continued. "Sold me like cattle just to get slaughtered by some weirdos like you who like killing and raping helpless preys." he took a breath, swallowed. He stood up. "And you just keep me here, making me suffer longer, prepare me to be a good fuckmeat... I wish i just got killed by Moses or Pedro..." the last worde he shouted loud, turned around kicked open the door and stormed out of Sams lodge.

Pepe came back in the afternoon. He was exhausted. His eyes red. He ran the rest of the day until his feet werent able to carry him any further. He cried, hidden between some busches and as the sun was going down, he returned.

It was late and he was happy, no one seemed around.

He sneaked through the barracks, finally reaching the room he shared with Karazel. He opened the door, trying not to wake her up.

But that was not necessary. The girl just sat on her bed, naked, had her legs spread wide and pushed a dildo back and fore her pussy, while some adult best-of scenes of the Endgames were flickering on Tv.

She didnt see him, though and he could get in and was able to close the door without making any noise.

He watches her face, her ecstatic expression, lighted just by the TV. Her nipples were hard, casting shadows on her breasts. Her lower body spasmed while she pushed the thing back and fore.

The boy bit his lips. His bed was on the other side. It wasnt possible for him to reach it, without crossing the place between TV and her.

He harrumphed.

The dragongirl suddenly looked in his direction. She didnt seem to feel ashamed though. "Oh, Hi Pepe!" she said. "There you are.. I just wondered if you ran away.. or were accidently shot." she smirked. Her fingers were still sliding along the well filled pussy. "From a pred perspective.. i have to say, you are just the right prey to be snuffed away.." She bit her lips obviously imagine such stuff. "Just on TV they showed a bunch of whitetails getting their final chase... that was hot as hell.."

The whitetail lowered his head and trotted towards his bed, falling into it. All his limbs were aching and his hoofes burning. He should take a shower, but he was simply too tired for it.

"Pepe!" "Just leave me alone, ok?" the boy begged turning away from her, squeezing his blanket between his thighs. "No! I am horny as hell. I cant sleep.. You cant go to sleep now!" she said. "Then keep going and watch your hunting porn and leave me... just..!" he cried, covering his head in a pillow.

Kerazel stood up, went to the boys bed and sat down next to him. She put her paw on his shoulders, caressing the sobbing whitetail.

"Pepe..." she said now with a strangely caring voice. "Its not that bad.. even.. if you die... its the way it has to be.. and we.. are prey,.." Her claws digged through the boys hair who was still trembling and soaking the pillow with his tears. "I try to make the best off it.. and you have to be honest.. watching such stuff should be even for you in a strange way exciting..."

Pepe bit his lips, trying to push away the strange feelings and the wicked images just floated his mind. He was just tired.. so tired...