
Story by Am bi go us on SoFurry

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Chapter two: Retribution

Sally slept soundly the first night, taking the initiative to on a house hunt the first day. "I have Salary coming to me for another year so I will be okay, but I need to find a stable home that's safe and secure" Sally told herself as she scanned the home listings not seeing anything with a big back yard or anything remotely private, mostly city dwellings or neighborhood communities. "Bah" Sally threw the paper away and saw something out of the corner of her eye.

"NO mommy please I was a good boy!" A little wolf pup begged as a rather nasty looking wolf mom pulled him over her lap, grabbing his pants and yanking them down in public, young girls laughing at his exposed genitals. "MOMMY PLEASE NOT HERE!" The boy howled and the mother start in on him, wailing at his backside, it didn't take long for a crowd to form watching the spectacle with jeers of laughter.

"Good lord' Sally rushed, no ran over into the crowd and pushed her way through watching in horror as the poor boy was spanked mercilessly in public of all places. "..." Sally looked on in disgust as the woman continued to beat her son's backside reaching into her purse and pulling out a slotted paddle that had the name Nicky engraved into the wood.

"A penny" Sally looked as the paddle was brought down onto his already sore backside, the boy lost in a sea of sobbing and agony. "... This is too much" Sally firmly decided that this had to stop approaching the woman and politely speaking. "Excuse me ma'am"

The wolf mom did not stop swatting and slapping her son's rear until a little red splotch came off and hit Sally in the face, it was blood. "MOMMY PLEASE IT REALLY HURTS STOOOOOOOOOOOOOP!" The wolf child screamed in pain and Sally had enough. Grabbing the wolf mom's hand and holding it in place she stared at this woman, then her sons's bruised and bleeding back end.

"Excuse me, what is your problem I have a public duty to preform her by reforming this penny child!" The wolf mom got up but no sooner did Sally slug her in the face and send her spinning down to the ground. "... YOU BITCH!" The wolf mom pounced but Sally caught and pinned her against the bench she was sitting on. Taking her skirt and pulling it down so the world could see her nude form.

"How would you like it?" Sally asked kicking the woman hard in the rear. "IF someone stronger than you decided to beat up on you, because of actions you made in the past!?" Sally yanked the paddle from the woman's hand and flipped it around taking it against her left cheek. "IT'S NOT FUN BEING IN THE UNDER POSITION IS IT!?" Sally huffed so much anger at the system pouring out, the wolf boy standing and watching in slight amusement. "In front of PEOPLE, I know for a fact that disciplinary rehabilitation spankings for all penitatas are to be done in the privacy of one's own home, NOT IN PUBLIC!" Sally shouted and whacked the wolf mom again this time om the right.

"WHAT DO YOU CARE IF I BEAT SOME PENNY SNOT!?" The wolf howled in pain and embarrassment. Her butt reddening over her fur and her cunt becoming slightly wet, dripping onto the ground. "Sto... stop it now" The wolf moaned a bit but then yelped out as she was smacked again.

"You sick.. YOUR BREAKING THE LAW HE'S A CHILD NOT A CRIMINAL THAT'S THE WHOLE POINT OF THE DAMN SYSTEM TO OFFER SALVATION NOT RETRIBUTION!" Sally stooped and left the woman in that position taking her tail and lifting it, with a loud scream Sally shoved the handle end of the paddle up her ass leaving her with two tails. "You... come with me" Sally looked to the boy and snapped her fingers. "Your caretaker is no longer fit to take care of you I'm taking you into my custody" Sally held her hand out and was relieved when the boy attached himself, pulling his pants up and slowly walking with Sally, the crowd watched and laughed as the entire spectacle unfolded, some calling their friends to tell them what happened.

Phoenix sat coloring in the book Sally gave her like a good girl until the door opened taking a big leap down she rushed to the door and let out a loud yell. "MOMMY!" She stopped when she saw the boy. "Who's that mommy?" Phoenix asked looking at him curiously, Nicky looked back with a smile.

"This nice lady saved me, she saved me from that mean woman who beat me for her own pleasure, thank you... seriously thank you!" NIcky spoke like an adult but he was as genuine as a child.

"Mommy you saved someone, does that make you a hero?" Phoenix asked and giggled giving Sally a big hug.

"No, I'm pretty sure I'm far from a hero, but she was breaking the law so we'll have to think of something" Sally collapsed on the bed and sighed, smiling as Phoenix curled up with her, looking at the foot of her bed she saw Nicky standing timidly, "It's okay... you can come up, Nicky was it?" Sally smiled, what a sweet and soft boy, it was hard to believe he was ever a criminal.

"Oh yes ma'am my name is Nicky.. um thank you" Nicky crawled up on the other side and nuzzled into Sally. "You're warm ma'am not like that mean lady at all, um, My name is Nicky Ramirez and I am a convicted felon sentenced to one life hard punishment as a pentitats, I was convicted of credit card theft and" Nicky began to speak but Sally held her hand up.

"As far as I am concerned that person is dead, I don't see a criminal before me I see a sweet little boy in need of some love, and not discipline" Sally smiled and pet Nicky who murred happily, she also pet Phoenix. "My family" Sally sighed what was she going to do now?

The next day Sally left Nicky and Phoenix to go job hunting, for now a job was more important than a house.

"Hey Phoenix do you want to go to the pool?" Nicky asked, he had never been swimming since he became a penny. "I love the water, the feel against my fur, the smell it has, even the chlorinated kind" Nicky smiled and Phoenix seemed to hesitate.

"I dunno mommy said to stay here" She didn't want to disobey mommy at all, she loved Sally and wanted only to be her perfect little girl.

"It will be okay, I'm sure she meant don't leave the hotel, come on I'd feel funny going by myself, besides don't you want to sit out in the sun, you look like you could use some color, all you are is pink!" Nicky giggled and Phoenix pouted agreeing to go if not only to get some sun.

Phoenix and Nicky rushed down to the pool, Nicky diving in wearing only his underwear and Phoenix stretching out on a beach chair. "See I told you" NIcky called from the water doing the doggy paddle across the shallow end. "I used to love swimming still glad I remember how too" Nicky laughed and splashed Phoenix.

"Ah.... NICKY!" Phoenix pouted, she was not a fan of water, she then noticed some more kids coming out. "Hey think they'll want to play so you don't have to splash me?" Pheonix asked and walked over giving a shy wave. "Hi my name is Phoenix and I was wondering if" Phoenix was cut off by the Feline clerk giving her a hard smack on the ass.

"No talking during rehabilitation time!" The clerk was also apparently the day care instructor. "Now you are all here like this because you were bad people in the past, all of you were found guilty and punished by being forced to relive a more 'structured' childhood" The feline continued on her tail wiggling happily as the little penny's listened closely for fear of being pulled aside.

"Hey Phoenix did they want to play or NOT!?" Nicky shouted from the pool and caught the teachers attention, running over and plucking him out of the water she flattened Nicky against a beach chair and pulled his underpants down. "HEY WHAT THE HECK!?"

"BAD!" The teacher hit Nicky with a ruler hard across his rump making his sores sting and his voice crack. "NO SWIMMING IN THE POOL UNLESS I SAY SO!" Another whack sent shivers down all of the penny's spine. "YOU WORTHLESS LITTLE PENNY YOU WILL LISTEN TO WHAT I SAY OR YOU WILL BE PUNISHED!" A second crack and the ruler broke in two leaving Nicky in a fit of sobs.

"HEY!" Phoenix turned and dashed towards Nicky, jumping into the teacher and knocking her clear into the pool, running to Nicky's side she could not hear the feline screaming for help, having an absurd fear of water that prevented her from ever learning how to swim. "You mean woman, you beat up my brother for no reason, he didn't do anything wrong HE WAS JUST HAVING FUN!" Phoenix screamed and then she got a head ache, a pounding head ache as a voice began to speak in her head.

"Teach her a lesson, keep her from hurting more innocent children"

The voice was gone as fast as it came, Phoenix turning to the penny class. "Hey... do you like being beaten up by her?" She looked at the amused faces as they watched their teacher flail for once, it was a very pleasing sight. " Do any us deserve this.. abuse?" Phoenix smiled pushing her hair back. "I will be your savior" Phoenix jumped into the water and swam over to the instructor.

"Oh thank you little penny" The instructor flailed over to Phoenix but Phoenix only grabbed her head and forced it under water. "AH WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU PENNY!?" The instructor was bobbed again, this time held under longer, bubbles of immersed screams erupting from her.

"MY NAME IS PHOENIX!" Phoenix shouted and continued to hold the teacher under, until the bubbles just stopped, releasing her she swam to the surface letting the teachers dead body float to the surface, the other penny dispersing and scattering to where ever they thought was safe.

"Phoenix are you okay?" NIcky managed to wobble over to Phoenix seeing her emerge from the pool, then looking over he saw the dead teacher. "Oh my god, PHOENIX WHAT HAPPENED!?" Nicky was shocked, surely someone jumped in to save her right?

".. It was horrible brother Nicky, she fell over and when she fell in she kept on screaming, I tried to save her but she was too heavy, the others just watched her and then.. she.. she" Phoenix began to cry tears of terror, Nicky consoling her and leading her back up to the room.

"Mommy's going to be so mad..." Phoenix sniffled and Nicky shook his head. "NO Mommy won't know about it, the instructor fell in the pool, she was watching her students and she slipped, none of the others knew how to swim and we were up in the room playing okay... that's the story" Nicky was determined not to be accused of murder, he'd never see puberty.

"Isn't that lying, lying is wrong Nicky.. lying to mommy is wrong" Phoenix ran off and left Nicky to feel like he was really committing a crime again.

"Damn conscience, brought me into this mess and now you're going to fuck me over again" Nicky sighed and trotted back to the room after Phoenix, where Sally was waiting arms crossed and not happy.

"So we went down to the pool mommy but we came back as soon as someone else came, please don't be mad mommy" Phoenix lied and Sally sighed taking Phoenix and lifting her up. Sally carried her over to the bed and rested her on her lap before bending her over her knee, a swift swat to the backside made Phoenix jump. "I'm sorry mommy!" Phoenix yelped as she got another smack across the but, Nicky's ears going down.

"You're no different than the rest of them" NIcky shook in fear, there really were no adults he could trust, but then Sally did something Nicky never saw anyone do to a penny.

"Shh it's okay Phoenix mommy doesn't like to spank you but you disobeyed her and needed to be punished, I'll let you go light this time but next time try to listen if people saw you and mistook you for penny... bad things would happen" Sally hugged Phoenix as she finished sniffling and then smiled when Phoenix hugged her back. "I"m glad you understand" She set Phoenix down and let her wander off to watch TV her conscience clear.

"..." NIcky had no words, being so kind to a penny was unheard of, it compelled him to walk over and pull on Sally's dress. "... Miss Sa.. Mommy I was bad too, it was my idea to go down to the pool Phoenix didn't want to I convinced her" For some reason it felt good to confess. Nicky wasn't scared when Sally picked him up and laid him across her lap, he winced a little from the prior spanking but was ready to accept punishment.

".. Nicky what happened to your backside?" Sally gasped as she saw Nicky was bleeding, which led him to tell Sally about the teacher, leaving out the drowning part of course.

"So it's all my fault please mommy spank me at least once" Nicky pleaded he felt so guilt ridden, he let out a yelp of surprise as Sally sacked his bottom but then began to rub it, a slight sting made him wince. "Owww what is that?" Nicky turned around expecting to see the dreaded fire bottom or something of the sort but instead he saw a tube of ointment.

"I'll spank you when you get better, right now it would just be cruel, but Nicky please listen to what I have to say, I'm not saying it to be mean and I promise to take you guys out on the weekends but you saw first hand how dangerous it is for a penny to be alone... okay?" Sally sat Nicky down gently and gave him a hug. "You're Phoenix's big brother you have to guide her .. so please keep her safe when I'm away?" Sally embraced Nicky and Nicky did so back whispering.

"Yes mommy I'm sorry, I love you" Nicky had never thought he'd say those words to another adult, but this woman, no his mommy was so different from the rest of the world, seeing him as a child and not the man he was forced to become, he was once again truly innocent.

"Yes I know, now go wash up dinner is ready in thirty minutes and I won't have dirty paws at my table, help Phoenix too she can't reach the sink" Sally gave Nick the pat on the butt he wanted and felt a sort of pride well up in her, she really was their mother, even if the were bother tiny convicts, they were her tiny convicts

Rise of the Penny

I HATE Penita stories where the penny's are always such little bitches and obedient slaves, so I have come to rectify this problem with my own story of rejuvenation and more importantly revenge, so enjoy my twisted tale of the RISE OF THE PENNY! Also...

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Back again with the next PG chapter, hard at work for season two though by now people purely have lost interest, so for anyone who wishes to pick up and give a read through I present the next chapter of the PG series. Achievement Chapter Twelve:...

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We are the Shadows : Night One

Chapter Two: Moonlight Strole Jack turned in his sleep, restless and unable to find peace he found that his body felt as though it was made of quick sand, looking down he imagined that his skin was slowly melting away, boiling down into a sleek...

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