One Hell of a Night - Chapter 4

Story by VenatoR on SoFurry

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#4 of One Hell of a Night

I finally found the time to get this chapter finished up, and got some more ideas for progression in the process, so win-win. Downside is that I can't really promise anything more in the immediate future, though I will be working on this whenever the time and mood synchronize into artistic flair. Hope you all enjoy this.

~ Ven.

One Hell of a Night - Chapter 4

The next morning, I woke up earlier than usual. My chest ached every time I took a breath, so no wonder. Nina was already awake, just brushing her teeth in the bathroom. At least, I thought she was, since I heard water running in there and a faint kind of buzzing noise. A different, more dirty idea popped into my head, though I dismissed it as to avoid getting a hardon so early in the morning.

Yawning, I pushed back the covers and sat up, grimacing at the ache in my joint. If I had to describe it somehow, the closest I could get to the truth would be shards of glass stuck in the socket. Still, I needed to get up and at least let my boss know that I wouldn't be able to work.

I stood and padded to my jeans, which I'd left folded on a chair in the bedroom. In the left pocket was my phone, a somewhat old Nokia which I simply didn't have the money to comfortably replace. Now I realised that Nina hadn't commented on it when she first met me. Was that because she didn't know the model was old, or because she didn't care? Probably the latter, knowing her.

It was when I tried to get it to wake up that I realised the battery had died.

"Hrm..." I grumbled, placing the phone on the chair and grabbing my jeans. I'd need to go for a walk to the workshop and show up in person. Either way, a physical appearance would make more of an impression of how unsuitable for work I was. Next, I needed to put on my shirt, but that would be no easy task considering my arm. I grabbed some crumpled papers from Nina's trashcan, hoping that she wouldn't need them, flattened them out lengthways and put them in between my teeth.

I had extracted my arm from the sling when the bathroom door opened.

"Oh, hey. I hope I didn't wake-... Oh God, what are you doing?" Nina quickly jogged over to me, unclipping the sling so that I wouldn't have to struggle with the latch. I picked up my shirt with my good arm and struggled to lift my other arm high enough for it to go into the right hole, but I managed it, and quickly pulled the shirt down over myself. In relief, and a moment of utter stupidity, I dropped my injured arm, only to have such a ferocious wave of pain fly from it that I almost bit through the papers in my mouth like a guillotine.

Nina had watched all this with a grimacing expression, but didn't comment until I was done. She helped me get my arm back into the sling too. "_Now_do you want to explain to me where you plan on going?"

"I need to go to work to try and get a few weeks off for medical leave."

"Oh!" Nina facepalmed. "I got a note for you from the doctor. He wrote it up when I told him that you work manually, and it basically asks that you be excused from work for a while."

"That'll definitely help." I nodded.

"Okay, let's go."



"As much as I adore seeing you in that nightie, I really don't think it'd be appropriate for the outside world."

She blinked, looked down and blushed. "Oh... Right. It's just... Really comfy."

"Would you like me to leave the room?"

"I don't mind." She smiled. "You've seen me naked a few times already. And there's nothing new here to surprise you, as far as I know."

"Well, alright. I'll just look away to not be creepy."

Nina nodded. I turned my gaze to the door while I listened to fabric slipping over fur, then a quick buckling of a belt. "I just noticed your belt is twisted around the back."


"Can I fix it?"

"Well... Yeah, sure."

She stood behind me and reached around, undoing my belt buckle. The position I was in and the event which was taking place both made me blush furiously, though I tried to hide it from her. Nina quickly fixed my belt and buckled it again for me. "Is that okay, or too tight?"

"It's good, thank you."

"You're welcome." She kissed my cheek, then murmured in my ear. "So, you like reach-arounds too?"

"It's more your breasts pressing against my back."

"Oooh... Okay. Mental note made." She giggled. "Shall we go?"

I nodded, painfully aware that my blush was making Nina awfully happy.

When we got to the workshop, my boss had just arrived as well. It must've been about eight in the morning in that case. I approached him while Nina waited around the corner for me.

"Silas? Christ, what happened to you?" Robert was genuinely shocked to see me in my state.

"I got mugged. My rib got broken and my arm dislocated."

He frowned. "Shit... I'm sorry to hear that. Do you want some time off to heal?"

"It'd help. I have a doctor's note-"

Robert raised a hand. "Don't worry about that. I trust you. You've worked for me for five years straight now, after all. Go home and get some rest. Do you think three weeks would be enough?"

"I was going to ask for just one, so yes, the extra time would help me recouperate."

"I've had broken ribs before and the feeling sucks." He reached out and patted my good shoulder. "Go on home. Oh, look, I'm really sorry, but I won't be able to pay you over the time that you're not here."

"Don't worry about it. I've got enough to get through a few weeks - I'll even come in early if I'm able."

Robert nodded. "Thanks for showing up to tell me."

I got back into the jeep, where Nina had been playing a game on her smartphone. It looked like one of the newest ones, and the largest model, which didn't look all that big in her paw. As soon as the door on my side was closed, she put the phone away and smiled.

"How'd it go?"

"Got three weeks off. Less if I want to come in early."

"Awesome." That smile on Nina's face widened even more.

I rolled my eyes playfully. "Okay, if you want me to stay with you, at least take me to my apartment so I can get some more spare clothes.

She laughed. "You read my mind. Yessir."

I guided Nina to an apartment complex in the rough side of town. She looked uneasy about being there, and I knew the feeling. It was mainly the atmosphere that hung heavy in that particular area - the complex was frequented by drug addicts and alcoholics, who mostly kept to themselves, but were better to be avoided anyway.

"Would you mind if I came up with you? Just to help you carry stuff." She asked.

I got this sick feeling in my gut at that question. I had hoped that she wouldn't ask it. But the look she gave me when I glanced at her showed me that she wanted to stay near me, just in case. "Yeah, okay." I said, trying to keep a neutral expression.

We got out of the Jeep and went through the main double doors, then started trudging up the stairs. I lived about half way up the complex, so walking up the stairs did wonders for cardio every day. But that was about the only redeeming feature in living there.

As I crossed the threshold onto the floor where my door was, I noticed something off. There were splinters of wood on the ground, and the door to my apartment was ajar.

"Oh shit. Oh no." I sped up, my heart starting to jackhammer. I shoved the door open on my way in, probably hurting my arm in the process, but the painkillers and adrenaline quickly cancelled any of that out. The microwave was gone, an old piece of crap which I'd been jury rigging for the last three years. The silverware drawer was also thrown onto the floor and all of the remotely good knives were missing. But none of that mattered.

In my tiny bedroom stood a single bed which took up most of the space, while the rest was taken up by bookshelves. The books, some of them decades old, had been tossed on the floor in search of valuables. I had a copy of Poe's 'Tales of Mystery and Imagination' somewhere in there which was worth easily seven grand, but I doubted that the thief had an interest in old literature.

I carelessly dropped to my knees and went under the bed, where the floorboards were unmoved. Quickly, I pulled some loose boards up, then reached inside the hole. In an instant, my nerves had settled. The box was still there.

As I was sitting up with the wooden box in my good arm, Nina looked around the corner from my kitchen. She looked grave and worried, and didn't know what to tell me.

"You okay?" She asked.

"Could be worse." I sighed. When I tried to get up, she moved closer to help me, having the manoeuvre around the tight space of the apartment.

"What did they take?"

"As of now, the microwave and some utensils. There's not much here to steal that's of any value, really."

"Do you want to call the cops?"

I laughed humourlessly. "And then what? They come in here, tell me I got robbed, find out I don't have insurance and leave? That'll achieve a lot."

Nina frowned.

"...I'm sorry." I sighed. "I'm not as shaken by this because, as I said, I don't have much. Just about all that matters to me is in here." I said, patting the box. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw the old novel. "And maybe this..." Lifting it from the pile of other books, I blew some dust off it and showed her.

"This... This is a first edition Edgar Allen Poe."

"Oh? You're into horror?"

"I love horror. Poe's my favourite, right after Stephen King. But... Where did you get this?"

"It was a present, from my father. Given to him by his father, and so on."

"My Dad read Poe to me when I was young. I'm pretty sure he'd have a heart attack if he saw this."

"Well... Then it's yours." I smiled.

Nina looked at me, blinked, glanced at the book, then back at me. "N-no... I can't take this from you..."

"It'll be safer in a home that has better locks and is in a better neighbourhood." I reasoned.

She frowned again. This time, though, she reached out and took my hand. "Silas, I really don't want you to be living like this, especially when I have room and would love someone to keep me company."

I thought about it for longer than I ought to have, but I really did like the prospect of a more spacious bedroom, a far more comfortable bed and regular showers that weren't ice cold. I was just happy that I had a roof over my head and something to eat.

"Only if you let me pay rent." I said, finally. "And only if you take the book, as a gift."

"You can pay towards the diet I'm going to be keeping you on. As for the book; how about you keep it, but read it to me sometimes?"

I made a half smile. "Well... Alright. I just don't want to be a drain on your resources, that's all."

"Trust me, I'd be happy to trade those resources if only it made sure that you slept with me each night." Nina smiled. "Shall we pack whatever's of any value to you and go?"

"Okay. I'll write a quick note to the landlord and leave him this month's rent, then thank him for his hospitality."

My Earthly belongings filled up the entirety of one mountaineering backpack, and most of that was just books. There were some trinkets here and there which I took, but, once again, I didn't own very much which I found to be of value. The other stuff was my clothing. The remainder of the consumables in my fridge consisted of one half drunk bottle of whiskey and leftover Chinese takeaway, both of which found the trashcan. Since I met Nina, I didn't feel the need to drink at all, which was absolutely wonderful.

When we were back at Nina's, she took the backpack from the Jeep's trunk and carried it for me all the way to her bedroom, where she carefully put it down and opened a drawer in the chest where she kept her clothes. Except, this one was empty.

"Go ahead and unpack your stuff in here. The one below this is cleared out too." She smiled sweetly.

"You... Freed up drawers for me?"

An innocent shrug was all I got. "I hoped I'd be able to convince you to at least spend the weekends with me. But this is way better."

I chuckled. "Alright. Thank you."

"Thank you." Nina smiled.

As I set about unpacking, she sat down on the bed and just looked at me. Eventually, she had a thought she wanted to share.

"You know... When I invited you over on Friday, I hoped you wouldn't freak out about my extra parts like the other guys I managed to catch the interest of. Honestly, I just wanted to have one night where I could cuddle with someone. I didn't think it'd evolve into what's happening now."

"Is this bad?" I paused, looking over my shoulder.

"No! Never! It's... It's just about the greatest thing that's ever happened to me." She sat with her hands clasped between her knees, looking so cute and happy. Truthfully, I felt the same as her. "I'm overjoyed to have you here, with me. I just wanted to say thank you for being you, Silas."

"Oh..." I didn't really know how to respond to that. "You're welcome."

Nina smiled. "How about breakfast? I think we missed it."

"So we did. Yes, please. Can I help you with it?"

"You can sit up on the counter and look pretty."


After eating, we reclined on the couch. Nina sat with one leg under her, and I was once again made aware of how big and powerful her legs looked. Transfixed by this, I reached over and ran my fingers up and down them.

"You seem fascinated with my legs." She giggled.

"Well... You're a big girl, that's one thing. The second is that I've never seen a woman with your muscle mass. So... I'm fascinated by the fact that you're a whole lot of woman."

"Aha. Either way, I like it when you touch me." Leaning over, she left a kiss on my cheek. "Was my cooking sub-par today?"

I stopped what I was doing and looked at her. "No, why?"

"You didn't eat very much."

Slight embarrassment came over me and I looked away. "Well... You sorta get used to eating small amounts when there's not much there to eat."

I heard what I'm sure was a wince. "I'm really sorry. It slipped my mind."

While she spoke, I found her hand and squeezed it, then looked at her. "It's okay. Can't expect you to remember everything."

There was some silence, until Nina asked another question. "How... Bad was it?"

"What, life?"

"Living conditions. That sort of thing."

"Well... Try to imagine only being able to take about three showers a month in your own home, and those aren't heated. It was really unpleasant in the winter, when the water was ice cold. My laundry needed to be carried down to the Laundromat, since I didn't have a washing machine. I only switched the lights on when it was absolutely necessary - otherwise, I'd use a candle so that the landlord would give me a little bit of a discount for not using the electricity. He only considered that discount because I repaired his car for free. Also, candles provide a little bit of warmth, so yeah. I once rigged up a tripod to stand over the candle and got a metal cup to heat drinks in, but that wasn't really efficient. Food-wise... Stuff I could find on a discount shelf, sometimes past the sell-by date. It was still edible, but regular people wouldn't touch it. Sometimes I'd treat myself to a take-away, but that was maybe once in every two months. I tried to save as much money as I could, and whatever I could spare after rent and food went towards books." I shrugged. "It was a miserable existence. So... You understand why I was so happy when we had that hot shower together. It's been... Well, since last summer when I felt _real_hot water. The building got heated up by the sun and so did the water pipes. Thus, the first minute or two was moderately warm." Looking up at Nina, I smiled.

She looked pale beneath her fur. "I have... So much more admiration for you right now."

"How come? Because I lived rough for a couple of years? Pfft. I never ended up on the streets, and that's something I'm proud of."

"I just couldn't imagine that kind of life." She paused, thinking, then asked, "When we first met in that bar, you said that you'd be watching a movie once you got home, but I didn't see any TV in your apartment. And your explanation for the oral was experimentation in Uni, but you just told me that you couldn't afford it. Please don't take this the wrong way - I'm just wondering why you lied."

"Well... If you were living like I was with a past like mine, would you admit it to someone you only just met?"

"No... I really wouldn't."

"Don't worry about calling me out on that." I smiled. "You're paying attention. That's good. It'd be hard to get anything past you. And I'm sorry I lied to you."

Leaning down, she left a gentle kiss on my lips. "Don't worry about it. I kinda lied about being a girl, didn't I?"

"Huh... Fair point. Though that was more omission of truth than outright lying."

"Had a more visible effect, though. You looked more than a little confused by the sudden appearance of a dick that wasn't attached to you."

I laughed. "So I was!" Moving across, I cuddled up to Nina. She put one of her big arms around me and murred happily. "Hey, Nina?"


"Thank you for everything that you've done for me. I still can't believe you wanted me to move in this quickly. What if things don't work out?"

"You're welcome. The way I see it, we're both mature, understanding and intelligent beings, and even if there are rough patches to our relationship, we'll learn to cope."

"Truth be told, I don't think I'd want to piss you off. I did see how Gary ended up."

"Gary deserved all he got and then some. But I'd never want to hurt you, Silas." That second part was more of a whisper, and it was followed by a hug.

"I'll do my best not to give you reasons to kick me out. Just tell me if I'm doing anything that gets on your nerves, okay?"



A week later, my arm was almost completely back to normal. Nina could attest - as could the bed sheets. Living together had turned out to be completely smooth going; we hadn't had one argument since I moved in, and things were just getting better and better. During the course of the past week, Nina had received emails from her old friend, the other Herm she'd told me about. Her name was Layla, a Dragoness, and she had asked if it'd be okay for her to come over for a visit from New Zealand.

Of course, Nina pounced on the opportunity to be reunited with her.

The day when my Wolfess would be going to pick up her old girlfriend, I was in the garage tuning her Land Rover for the trip. She'd mentioned something about an odd noise coming from the engine, so I decided to take a look. In fact, it was a loose bolt in a really awkward spot to get to, covered in a mix of old grime and lubricating gel which collectively looked like an alien life form.

While I was standing there, bent over the front of the truck, arms-deep in its cleavage to try and rub the sweet spot with the spanner while holding a flashlight in my teeth, I heard a voice murmur in my ear.

"You know, you've got a really nice ass."

I jerked up, slammed my head into the hood and dropped the tool into the engine compartment. "Ffff-... You could have picked a better time to say that, sweetheart." Just barely managing to stop myself from swearing. Nina didn't mind, of course - but I saw it as an exercise in self-control.

"Sorry." She laughed. As I tried to move away from the truck, I reared up straight into her crotch. She took this as an incentive to grind forward and pin me against the bumper, arms holding either side of the car for support and extra pressure on me. "But really." Nina thrust forward, so much so that the suspension uttered a soft whine. "I love it."

"Are you really going to screw me here, while I've got my head trapped in two tonnes of heavy machinery?"

I felt her lean down, squishing her breasts against my back and pushing me down even more. "Mm... Means you won't get away..." She whispered in my ear.

"Lady, I swear I will use my rape whistle."

"I swapped it for a regular whistle. Nobody will save you!"

I uttered a sarcastic sigh and checked my watch. "Two hours until you've gotta drive to the airport. How about you let me find my spanner, then we'll deal with that problem I can feel in your pants?"

Nina smirked. "That spanner better be nice and stiff."

She got off me and let me find the tool I dropped. Once I did, I quickly tightened the bolt, then got my head out from the engine compartment and slammed the hood shut. No sooner than the lock sound than Nina spun me around and shoved me onto the truck, grabbed my wrists and pinned me down with her body while she started kissing around my neck, an action which elicited soft, involuntary moans.

"But goddamn you're a tease!" I gasped, biting my lip. She giggled, coming up for a quick French kiss.

"As if you don't like me when I'm like this!"

I could only laugh at that. More true than I cared to admit; that dry humping did have me turned-on in an instant.

She started moving the kisses down my body, thus releasing the grip on my wrists. I could finally get a good look at her, and boy did I like what I saw. She'd just finished exercising in the gym, and was still wearing the customary attire. That is, to say, a pair of fingerless gloves, a black tank top and a pair of shorts. I couldn't see it, but I was sure that within those shorts there was one hell of a bulge.

Having gotten down where she wanted to be (at my belt), she undid the various defences which hid my own arousal and pulled my jeans down a bit, then instantly went into oral. Her tongue... Well, let's just say that one could easily be paying her a grand by the hour for the sheer skill of what she did. Within seconds I was on the edge of blowing a load into her mouth, but she felt the excitement and stopped with a giggle. "Well... Someone's happy."

I growled in response. Not threateningly - but very dominantly. "Get on the truck and on your back."

That surprised her. Once I moved, she did exactly as ordered, aside from removing her shorts on the way there and just tossing them to the side. Ever since I'd moved in she'd picked up the habit of going commando while in the house - not that I'm complaining. My strategic response was to always carry a condom for her wherever we went.

Because I wasn't quite tall enough to be standing in front of the car while screwing Nina, I jumped up onto the hood with her and got between her legs. The hard metal wasn't exactly comfortable for my knees, but the jeans I had on somewhat softened the surface. I raised one of her legs and rested it over my shoulder, my arm being barely long enough to reach around her leg and get to her breast. She made my life easier by grabbing said leg and pulling it closer to her body.

In a single, rehearsed move, I tore the condom packet open with my teeth and rolled the rubber over her length, then yanked her tank top up for good measure. No bra there, either. With all those preparations accomplished in the space of a minute, I thrust myself inside her and growled again.

Nina was already blushing. I'd found that she loved hearing growls, especially from me. As I penetrated her, she moaned loud and clear. Then I pulled back, all the way out, and shoved in again, getting an even louder moan in response. There were two free hands at my disposal, so I decided to use them - one grabbed a breast and squeezed, while the other grabbed her cock and started stroking near the base, wanting to excite a knot into swelling.

After three or four penetrative thrusts, I started getting into a normal rhythm of purely pounding her as deep and hard as I could. She'd already been wet from before teasing me - probably thinking about me during exercise. I sensed the fresh sweat she'd accumulated and that only served to turn me on more. What can I say; I liked it.

"Harder!" Nina moaned, the leg that wasn't over my shoulder going around my waist and forcing me deep. She kept holding one leg up for me, while the other was curled into a fist and held between her teeth. I was glad she had those gloves on.

"You like this, you little slut?" I growled. "Want more?"


"What's that?"

"Please, fuck me harder!"

Since she asked so nicely, I had to oblige. I both picked up speed and put more strength into the thrusts, so much so that the Land Rover started to join in with the moaning. The rocking of the suspension was adding to the fun of trying to keep my balance, as if I was on some kind of crazy rodeo.

Soon enough, her knot had started swelling. While I jerked her off, I kept hitting my curled hand against it to give the illusion of her fucking someone else. Nina's moaning intensified to the point where I felt her tense; I then grabbed and squeezed her knot, thrust as deep as I could and grabbed the part of the hood near the windshield to stop her from bucking me off. As it happened, the way she clenched down inside was just enough to drive me over the edge as well, and I fired a load of hot cum straight into her.

The condom on her cock swelled and swelled until it was the size of an average fist, at which point Nina started to calm down. I let her leg down so that it landed on the level of my waist, then carefully lay down on top of her to rest my head on her chest and listen to her heartbeat. It was something I loved doing; just listening to the pounding inside her chest right after a good round of sex.

"That was... Fantastic..." She said, still breathing hard, though she must've recovered pretty fast because she started playing with my hair. "Nobody's ever... Talked to me... Like that before..."

"Did you... Like it...?"

She paused to catch her breath before speaking again. "Yeah. A lot." She giggled. "It almost doesn't add up. To have you be all rough and dominant during the act, then be all warm and cuddly afterwards. I love it. I love you."

"I love you too, Nina." I smiled. Ever so gently, I pulled the tank top back over her breasts. Then I started pulling out of her, only to be stopped by her legs wrapping around me.

"You leaving so soon? What about the snuggling, the... Whispering of sweet nothings?"

"My knees aren't built for being on metal for extended periods of time."

"Pfft. Old man."

"Hey, if I bust them now, you can say goodbye to doggy-style."

Nina instantly released me. Admittedly, in our hypersensitive states, the separation caused a little bit of moaning, but it was nothing that either of us couldn't handle.

"So..." I glanced down at the mess. "Shower?"

"Yeah, we should." She agreed, still a little red in the cheeks after that session. "Oh, I've been meaning to ask. I only have one bedroom, and Layla's coming over. Would you be okay with sleeping with me on the couch?"

"As opposed to sleeping with her?" I laughed.

"You have no idea what she's like. Very... Unreserved. I wouldn't be surprised if she made a whole bunch of passes at you while she's here."

"Honey, can we save this insightful conversation until you're decent? Right now you're dripping with cum."

Nina blushed furiously. "...Pervert."

After a quick shower, we were in the Land Rover and driving to the airport.

"Wow, that noise is gone. Thanks for fixing my truck, and giving me one hell of a fuck." Nina glanced at me and winked, grinning like a fool.

"Really? How long were you working on that one?" I asked, in reference to the rhyme.

"I started around the time we got in the shower."

"You're lucky I love you."

She laughed, letting go of the transmission to stroke my leg. "I am. I really, really am."

"So... This girlfriend of yours. Layla. You said she was very unreserved?"

"Yeah. She was boasting about how she's slept with half her platoon already."

"She's a soldier?"

"Tank Gunner, Corporal. She's in charge of the main cannon."

"Must have biceps like footballs if she's handling tank shells all the time."

"Better believe it. I don't think she's bigger than I am, though - probably more toned."

"Is she the same height as you?"

"God, no! I was still taller than her a few years ago, and her species doesn't grow as high as mine. I think she'd be about your height, maybe a few inches taller."

"Right... So should I watch out for anything? Avoid any sensitive topics?"

Nina frowned. "Come to think of it, she's always had a thing for 'breaking guys in'."

I blinked, turning my head slowly towards her. "Am I to understand that she'll want... To...?"

"Yeah. And she's not as gentle as I am."

"Right..." I huffed a scared huff.

"Don't worry. I'll make it clear to her that you're mine, and if she still has a scrap of respect for me, she'll leave you be."

"Be as possessive as you can. I don't want to get a rough introduction to anal."

Nina smirked. "Eh... You might enjoy it..."

"I know you're soft and cuddly and gentle, but that sorta doesn't matter when you've got the endowment of a horse and you're trying to penetrate a keyhole."

"Hm? Oh, no. I didn't mean her or me doing it to you. I meant you doing it to me." She looked over at me and winked.

I opened my mouth to reply, then decided against it.

"But let's leave that until Layla is gone, alright?"


At the airport, we parked outside the terminal and waited. There was some ten minutes until the flight was scheduled to arrive, which we mostly spent in silence, other than the occasional offensive observation of the general public which got laughter out of both of us and kept the spirits up. During the wait, Nina had found my hand to hold, and was tapping out a gentle beat with her fingers on my knuckles.

Some twenty minutes later, a Dragoness appeared from the terminal doors with a large army camo backpack, green tank top, cargo pants and a pair of beige boots. There was also a hat. Nina hopped out of the car and ran at her, then grabbed her up into a big hug once she'd gotten close. The girls laughed, hugged it out, then started to walk to the truck. As to not be rude, I got out as well and leaned on the bumper.

Layla looked me up and down and whistled, nudging Nina with her elbow. "Hey, he's a cute one. What'd you do to bag him?"

"I honestly don't know." She replied, smiling at me.

The Dragoness shrugged and approached, sticking out a scaly hand. "Corporal Layla."

I reached out and shook it. "Silas. Mechanic."

"Silas? About the coolest name I've heard in a while." She winked, making me chuckle. She was a few inches taller than me, as Nina had predicted, and she had scales of a gray hue, with a yellowy kind of colour around the neck and (I suspected) leading to the belly. No head hair, only two horns stretching out past the sides of her army cap. Nice breasts, about a D in size, but looking considerably smaller since I got used to Nina.

We got into the car. I'd intended to let Layla choose where she sat, but she instantly went to the back, tossing her backpack in before hopping in herself. I'd half-expected her to go in the front with Nina, but I didn't have any qualms with the alternative.

Right as Nina left the airport's area, Layla clapped her hands on both our shoulders and squeezed. "So, how often d'you two lovebirds fuck?"

I decided to leave the answer up to Nina. Both to observe how Nina responded, and to get over the sudden shock of going into a rather intimate topic so fast.

"Like... An hour ago was the latest." Nina said, flashing me a little smile.

"Nice! Bedroom or kitchen floor?"

"Hood of my truck."

Layla whistled. "Really gettin' into it, then. Good for you!"

I let out a quiet 'Heh' and looked out of the side window. Nina had warned me about her girlfriend's lack of reservation, but I certainly hadn't expected it to turn out so... Forward? I don't know. I tended to live life in a reserved manner, avoiding too much honesty with people wherever I could. My coworkers didn't even know where I lived. And then when Nina came along, all the curtains fell, leaving me completely exposed. But she only smiled at what she saw, only reached out and held it. Held me.

"I love you." I murmured.

Nina glanced over. "What's that?"

"Huh? Oh, nothing. Just muttering to myself."

"He said 'I love you'." Layla poked my shoulder. "That far along, huh?"

While Nina smiled to herself, I let out an exhale and nodded. "Yeah."

"She and I never got to that stage. I'm really more of a... Summer butterfly. You see me once, get a good look, then I flutter right off." She chortled. "How long since you two met?"

"A week? Give or take a few days."

"Holy shit, Nina. Please tell me he's either got a fat bank account or a massive cock."

I flushed. Hard.

"We-ell..." Nina laughed. "He has a very nice member, yes. Knows how to use it, too."

"I wouldn't settle for any less." Layla nodded sagely.

We arrived back at Nina's. I still called it her place, even though she kept telling me that it was ours now. I guess that as long as I didn't feel that I was making a true contribution, I'd feel like an outsider. We all got out of the truck, Layla on my side. Nina made her way to the garage door to close it, and as I shut the car door on my side, I felt someone grope my ass.

"Mm... Nice and firm..."

Spinning around, I slapped Layla's arm away. She laughed. At that point I was a bit too embarrassed to comment, so she leaned forward, Dragon snout near my ear, and whispered,

"I like it when they fight..."

Then she was gone. Following Nina inside, she whooped and ran forth with a yell, "Dibs on the couch!"

My heart was racing as I stood there trying to figure out if that was an idle comment or something more sinister.