Maya 3

Story by wbwolf on SoFurry

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#3 of Maya

Soon after the second story, I had an idea on the consequences of having a pleasure unit suddenly gain consciousness.

Written 2011

Something is wrong with Pleasure Unit 5M4Y4. The unit has proved to be a huge improvement over the previous system, and fraternization has dropped to almost nil. Moreover, the unit, along with the others of its kind, has garnered enough creds to nearly offset the development costs.

However, 5M4Y4 has been behaving outside of design parameters. When not engaged with a customer, it is doing something other than refueling, grooming, or being in standby mode. This unknown mode sometimes overlaps with paid time, suggesting unit is engaged in function unit is not designed for.

RECOMMENDATION: Investigate further. Terminate if necessary.

Shun Yi Sun set the memo aside, using it to jog his memory as he recovered from coldsleep. He still had to wait for any further updates that might have come during the journey; data transmissions when near the trans-Neptunian belt were always very slow in coming. The Company had managed to cut transport time to the outer edges from years to months, but they still couldn't change the laws of physics.

Shun Yi stood up, straightened the light grey sleeping suit and started to do some exercises. He had done this routine many times before and knew the best way to get his mind and body fully functioning. There was a light tapping on the door. Shun Yi paused mid-stretch and called "Enter."

The door whooshed open towards the spinning central shaft of the centripetal disk that gave the passengers at least the illusion of gravity. A blue suited officer stood there and bowed slightly. "Director Sun, we are approaching Haumea. We will be docking in about an hour."

Shun Yi waved off the officer. "Thank you." The officer bowed again and the door slid shut. As he continued with his stretches, Shun Yi mused that he was always treated with such deference whenever he traveled, but he was only a junior vice president. If he had any real power, he wouldn't have to make journeys to the edge of the solar system.

Still, this issue with 5M4Y4 troubled him. It was one of his scientists that had come up with the suggestion of bioengineering something to take care of the carnal needs of the workers, while minimizing the downsides. On the surface, it looked like the project was a success. The sticking point was intelligence; smart enough to speak and follow commands, but not so smart that their presence became widely known. Or to rebel against what they were designed to do. That would be disaster. Good thing they thought to take precautions against just that sort of situation, he mused.

The memo softly beeped, indicating that it had been updated. Shun Yi took one more stretch and then picked up the memo. The head office had managed to put together a list of people that had spent more than the usual time with 5M4Y4. There was a list of six names, along with the amount of time they had spent. On the one hand, they could just be particularly satisfied customers. The other possibility Shun Yi didn't want to consider.


The Haumean underground landing bay was designed for the occasional maintenance trip when something went wrong with loading ore onto the transports, not for accepting visiting dignitaries. Still, Ezekiel Gunderson rushed out in his best suit to greet the shuttle as soon as the bay re-pressurized, along with most of the foremen. It wasn't a military inspection, but since most of the workers here had spent time in the military, the strict discipline came naturally to them. It also helped them keep them alive.

Shun Yi looked over the battered steel, concrete and rock that came with a working mine, along with the ever present dust that hung in the air, even after the space had just been evacuated to the void. Ezekiel quickly came up to Shun Yi and sketched a quick bow, "Welcome to Haumea, sir." Shun Yi offered his hand, and that seemed to confuse Ezekiel for a beat, before shaking it professionally. Shun Yi could feel the calluses on the other man's hand; this was no office jockey sent to a backwater. This was a man who had worked alongside his men. The close-cropped hair and lanky build was common among those who did heavy work in fractional gravity, though the grey hairs at the temple and fine wrinkles clearly marked him as having done it for some time.

"I'm glad to be on solid ground again," Shun Yi joked. "I hope that my visit won't be too much of a distraction. We both know the work you do here is important, and I don't want to get in the way of that." The deference in Shun Yi's speech again set Ezekiel on his heels, probably because he was used to the forceful directives that usually came from those in The Company head office. But given the nature of his visit, Shun Yi figured a little sweetness would go a long way in getting the information he needed.

Ezekiel was a professional and quickly recovered, first by introducing Shun Yi to the foremen, and then offering to do a short tour. Shun Yi graciously accepted, since he looked forward to doing some physical activity after being in coldsleep, as well as getting to know what he was up against.


The foremen had been dismissed back to their jobs, while Ezekiel and Shun Yi met privately in a small office that overlooked the landing bay.

"That was a good show you put on, Ezekiel," Shun Yi complimented, as he settled in a chair, straightened the navy dress suit and withdrew the memo from a pocket. "What did you tell them the purpose of my visit was?"

Ezekiel continued to stand, in the at-ease position, but clearly as deference in rank to Shun Yi. "Only that a official from The Company was coming to inspect operations and perhaps talk with some of the workers, sir."

Shun Yi nodded. "Do you know the real reason?" he asked archly.

"To find out what is going on with Maya, sir."

The nickname for the unit startled Shun Yi. "How familiar are you with it?"

"She, sir."


"Maya prefers to be referred to as a 'she'. From talking with the other commanders, the other units are much the same way." This again surprised Shun Yi; it certainly wasn't noted in any of his reports. Shun Yi jotted down the info. Ezekiel continued, "As for how familiar, I've visited her a couple times-- once when she first got here to help her orient herself, though she did seem largely self-sufficient. The other time, I, uh, visited her when off-duty."

"Say no more, Mr. Gunderson. I get the point."

Ezekiel quickly got over his embarrassment. "Other than that, it's mostly been overhearing what everyone is saying, along with some discreet questioning after I heard you were coming. In general, everyone agrees Maya is worth the creds, and a huge improvement over previous attempts. I have to agree." Ezekiel added a bit defensively, "I also should note that replenishment of supplies have been done remotely as was instructed."

Shun Yi chuckled, "No one is questioning your leadership, Ezekiel." He then brought up the list of names and slid the memo over to Ezekiel. "What could you tell me about the people on this list?"

Ezekiel picked up the memo and looked over it. "All of them are solid workers and good people. We can't tolerate slackers and troublemakers out here. What is this list?"

"Those, Mr. Gunderson, are the people that have spent an unusual amount of time with ... Maya, as you call her. I intend to start my investigation there."

Ezekiel looked thoughtful. "What will be the consequences, sir?"

"Since I don't know what is going on, I really can't say."


Most of the crew was a little on edge with Shun Yi's presence, since most figured out that the stated reason couldn't be the real reason that someone from Earth would make the journey. However, a little small talk about various people, and talking with the foremen helped to further narrow the list. After further investigation, it was clear a couple of the people on the list just had higher libidos than most and were of no further interest to Shun Yi.

That left four names for whom the reasons for the unusual visits were unclear-- two men and two women. Since everything was underground, the mine was always in operation, with crews constantly going on and off duty, with little regard to solar time. Shun Yi waited until the first person on his list, Mike Nguyen, got off duty. Shun Yi first met with the foreman briefly. Then the foreman instructed Mike to visit his office after he got cleaned up and had something to eat.

When Mike entered the office, he did seem a little on edge, especially when he saw Shun Yi calmly sitting at the foreman's desk. "Please, sit down, you're not in trouble. I just want to ask you a few questions."

Mike warily sat down, "What is this about... sir?"

Shun Yi tried to put on a comforting smile, "I want to talk to you about Maya. I understand that you have visited her."

"Yes," Mike said softly, almost shyly, "I have."

"Did you enjoy the experience? You see, I'm trying to do a survey on how people are relating to... her," Shun Yi lied smoothly. He figured he needed to let Mike let his guard down if he was going to get anywhere.

Mike seemed to relax a little. "Yes, very much, sir. She's much better than the robots we had before."

"What is that you enjoy about her?"

"She's good to talk to-" Mike blurted out before he could stop himself, realizing that was the wrong thing to say.

Shun Yi was taken aback, not at all the response he was expecting. "Good to talk to?" Mike just looked down at his hands in his lap, unwilling to say anything further. Shun Yi leaned back and took a deep breath. "What do you talk about?"

"Nothing in particular," Mike mumbled, "but she's friendly and willing to please. That makes her easier to visit, sir."

He's hiding something, Shun Yi thought. He let the silence hang in the air as Mike continued to study his lap. "We've noticed that you visited Maya in some unusual patterns. Several very short visits and a couple longer ones. Is this because you are being 'friendly' with her?" Shun Yi asked archly. Shun Yi couldn't conceive of a pleasure unit making a friend. He had hoped that maybe Mike was just doing some wishful thinking.

"Yes," Mike whispered.

"And what do you do during these short visits?"

"I gave her a few things. To pass the time; she occasionally gets bored waiting. She seemed to enjoy them and I didn't see the harm. Beside, I was paying for the time with my creds..."

Shun Yi shook off the stunned feeling; this was just getting worse and worse. "What did you give her, Mr. Nguyen?"

"An old book. She likes mostly to look at the pictures. A few other things."

Shun Yi couldn't believe what he was hearing. He leaned back in the chair, and placed his hands in his pockets. He idly fiddled with the remote device that was there in agitation. "Do you realize what you have done? This could be disastrous!" he sputtered.

Mike looked up sharply at Shun Yi. "What? I treat her with a small amount of civility and as something other than a fuck toy and you call it a disaster?"

"It's only purpose- as you so quaintly put it- is as a 'fuck toy'," Shun Yi ground out between clenched teeth, trying to restrain his anger. How could he not see the danger he could cause not only to others, but The Company itself, if 5M4Y4 got loose? Shun Yi straightened his suit in an effort to regain his composure. "I will have to recommend that you will be barred from meeting with the unit until further notice. I will let your supervisor decide on further punishment. You are dismissed."

Mike sat in stunned silence, but Shun Yi was clearly ignoring him by entering his findings into the memo. Eventually, Mike slowly stood up and quietly exited.


The meeting with Jason Mbeki, the next person on Shun Yi's list, went disturbingly the same way. Jason's primary transgression was talking and giving small trinkets to the unit; a hair clip and a crystal found while mining. Nothing major, but still this was tantamount to the fraternization the unit was suppose to stop.

Shun Yi was open minded enough to figure that the women's motives would be much the same. It still disturbed him, but he felt he could swiftly put an end to this. Then he could get off this rock and back to Earth. Just meet with the other two, find out what is going on, discipline them-- case closed. He pinched the bridge of his nose in fatigue when the next person on his list came in, Opal Forrester.

Already, he could tell this would take a little more work. She walked in with a defiant look on her face; obviously rumors had started to spread about his real reason for being here.

"Mr. Forrester," adopting the military tradition for address, "please sit down. I want to ask you a few questions about--"

"About Maya," she interjected. Opal slumped into a chair defiantly, "Yeah, I've heard the rumors, and I think you've got it all wrong."

Shun Yi looked confused, and decided to humor her. "So what have your heard, Mr. Forrester?" he asked with a chuckle, trying to put her at ease.

However, Opal leaned forward in her chair aggressively. "Two things: one, that you are giving grief to people that on their own time are doing something other than fucking Maya; and two, that you regard her as just some thing."

Shun Yi decided to play along, carefully keeping his tone and expression neutral. "While I'll admit that I have been questioning people that have spent unusual time with... Maya, would you care to tell me about the second part?"

"When you spend time in space, you visit a lot of ports, and you see all types of shady dealings with humanity. I've spent my share of time in brothels and whatnot, and I will say that Maya is one very unusual person to be working in the sex trade."

"Maya hardly qualifies as a person--"

"That's where you're wrong!" Opal shot back. "Sure, she's got a fur and tail... and other things... but she's a still a person with thoughts and hopes of her own. And what sets her apart is she is curious and wants to learn." In quieter tones, she added, "Maybe it's because she is stuck in an enclosed bubble; sooner or later, she'll want to know what is beyond those walls."

Somehow, this was worse than the crush the men had. This was all wrong. The scientists promised a creature that would satisfy sexual lusts and nothing more. Shun Yi tried to regain his composure. "So, how do you know these things?"

Opal replied blandly, "She likes when we read together. When I get R&R, I spend a little time getting laid by her and then I spend a little time reading to her. It satisfies both of us a couple different ways."

"Do you realize what this could mean for the company?" Shun Yi pleaded.

Opal looked like she was going to retort with a rude comment, but held her tongue and reconsidered. "Have you ever met Maya?"


"Have you ever met Maya?" Opal repeated.

"Well, no--" Shun Yi started, feeling somehow the tables had turned.

"Maybe that's the problem. You need to visit Maya. If you visit her, you'll find that she's as much as a person as you or I. A little fuzzy, but still a person."

"I fail to see--"

Opal straightened up and looked Shun Yi directly. "I'll make a deal with you. If, after you visit Maya, you don't think she's a person, do what you like with me. Obviously, I've gotten soft and can't handle being out here. But, if you do agree, then I want you to consider how you can make her life better here. She plays an important role here, but she deserves more than just being locked in a room, isolated."

"Mr. Forrester, I hardly think you are in a position to offer me deals."

"Then wait until you've visited her before you give me my punishment."

Shun Yi reluctantly agreed that meeting the unit would clear up why some people would act so irrationally, especially since Ezekiel considered them all good workers. Unconsciously, he patted the device he had in his pocket, as if that would be a fail safe against something going wrong.

"Okay, I will agree to this 'deal', Mr. Forrester. But you do realize that by doing so, the punishment will be not just merely losing visiting privileges but also being shipped back to Earth at your own expense for insubordination?"

"For Maya's sake, I'm willing to take that chance," Opal said with quiet confidence.

Shun Yi wondered if perhaps he had made a misstep.


Maya could feel the tension in the air. Something was up, but she couldn't tell what or why. Somehow, though, she just knew something was happening. Part of it was how quiet it was; it wasn't just hours that no one had visited, but days now. She had at first spent time puzzling out the latest old book that Jason had smuggled in, but the deceptively simple words tripped her up. She had made progress in actually reading, but it was still slow going. She couldn't figure out why a fox would wear socks in a box in the first place. She never did.

But even reading became boring as the hours stretched on without a customer. She even resorted to trying to pleasure herself-- something she never had to do before. There was a bit of physical satisfaction with the act, but still didn't match the feeling with being with her favorite customers. She did look forward to some customers more than others, though she did try to serve all of them faithfully.

Maya sat in her customary chair half dozing, her tail hanging limply at her side. The light blinked indicating someone was coming, startling her. But rather than the regular blinking, it was an unusual pattern Maya hadn't seen before. She was pleased that finally someone was coming, but a little puzzled. Nevertheless, she readied herself, and made sure she was presentable when the door slid open.

Maya was surprised to see not just one person, but three. Two she recognized: Ezekiel the leader and a stern faced man who had visited a couple times before. The person in front was new to her. He was an older man with golden skin, grayish hair and he wore a grey suit. He nervously fiddled with something in his front pocket.

Uncertainly, Maya asked, "Is this a service call, sir?" Suddenly, her lack of proper clothes embarrassed Maya, like she wasn't dressed correctly for the occasion.

Ezekiel came forward, "Maya, this is Director Shun Yi Sun. He has come from the Company to ask you a few questions."

Maya dropped her ears and tried to catch her tail to wrap around her. Now she was really out of her element. She knew the Company had made her and her sisters. If someone from the Company had come here, something very bad or very important has happened; probably both. But she couldn't figure out what that was.

The man turned to Ezekiel and said with a tight voice, "I would like to speak with the unit alone. Please wait outside if I need you..." Maya's ear twitched at the word "unit" but Shun Yi didn't notice. Instead, while Maya was still standing, he cast about and noted that the only place to sit was the solitary chair in the center of the room. Well, since the main function of the room was sex, there wasn't much need for chairs. Shun Yi sat in it and tried not to think too much about what had taken place there.

"5M4Y4, please face me."

The saying of her lab name and stern tone triggered something in Maya she couldn't control. Stiffly she turned around to face Shun Yi. With great effort, she forced out, "My name is Maya."

Director Sun sat there unmoved. He placed his hands in his front pockets and continued clinically. "5M4Y4, what is your function?"

"My function is pleasuring personnel for The Company," Maya was compelled to recite, her voice straining from resisting. Her eyes had trouble focusing, but she saw Director Sun withdraw a grey device from this pocket. He tapped a few buttons in a pattern, and Maya suddenly felt detached from herself. Her conscious self, the part that had interacted with all the crew, good and bad, was suddenly released and was made a mere observer to her actions.

Director Sun's voice came as if at a great distance, "Unit 5M4Y4, perform diagnostic."

Maya's voice sounded different, almost mechanical in her ears, "All systems normal. Unit functions as designed. Operating hours: 12945. Uptime: 70%. Battery health: 99%. Customers served: 426 unique. Repeat business: 65%." Maya was a little puzzled how she "knew" so precisely all those facts.

"Unit 5M4Y4, describe downtime."

"Unit unable to respond. Invalid query."

Director Sun tried again. "Unit 5M4Y4, what is the purpose of the visits from Opal Forrester?"

"Unit unable to respond. Invalid query."

"Unit 5M4Y4, help man."

"Valid queries: diagnostic, battery refresh, reset, change password--"

"Stop," Director Sun said wearily. "It's obvious I won't get the answers this way. Unit 5M4Y4, exit."

Maya suddenly felt she was in control again, and her eyes were able to focus. She looked at Director Sun, who still sat there grim faced before her. "What did you do to me!" she blurted out.

Director Sun leaned back in his chair and sighed, "You have a computer implanted in your brain to augment your mental functions. I had hoped that I could get the answers I seek that way, but it looks like my scientists didn't expect this situation."

"And what do you seek?" Maya asked nervously.

"I want to know why at least four people working on this asteroid are spending odd hours with you. Why has Mike Nguyen spent time with you?"

Maya canted her ears, "Mike? He was nice enough to give me a book when I said I was bored."


"There was a long stretch where no one visited, and there was so little to do here. The books help me pass the time."

Director Sun sounded shocked, "There's more than one book? Show them to me."

Reluctantly, but fearing she would be put in that strange state again, Maya retrieved the small stack of dog eared and worn books from under her bed.

How they managed to get out here on Haumea, Shun Yi didn't have a clue, probably tucked in as a memento by one crewmember or another. However, seeing that they were beginning children's books, with Maya holding them in front of her, the incongruity of the image caused Shun Yi to laugh. Here was an uplifted hermaphroditic vixen sex toy looking like a guilty schoolgirl. It was at that moment he could see what Opal, Mike and the others had seen. A person.

The sound of Director Sun's laughter caused Maya to shrink, her ears flattening and her tail to wrap around one leg. "Did I do wrong?"

Shun Yi chuckled, impressed again, as that mere question simply reinforced the dawning realization that, despite their intentions, they had created a sentient being. "No, no, Maya. But, I think I misjudged you." Shun Yi had to think fast; the biggest fear of the Company was that the project that created Maya would become wide knowledge because of its illicit nature. On the other hand, it was suddenly his responsibility that Maya be properly taken care of, and that now included her mental health and growth. He had to walk a fine line between making sure she would continue in her purpose and allowing her to pursue intellectual growth. Not to mention incurring the wrath of his higher ups.

"Maya, do you like your work?"

"Work?" Maya sounded puzzled. "I don't work, I serve customers as they come."

Shun Yi had to quickly back up before he could give her too many ideas, "To serve your customers is your work. It is something that you are uniquely qualified to do."

"Oh! Yes, I like the job, it gives me pleasure and the people I serve are pleased as well."

This answer pleased and relieved Shun Yi; it meant that she wasn't harboring rebellious thoughts. Hopefully, she would be incapable of them entirely. "It would seem that we had overlooked what would happen to you when you are not engaged."

Growing a little more confident, Maya offered, "The past days have been particularly hard, Director Sun."

Shun Yi stood up and motioned for the door to open. Ezekiel stepped forward. "Mr. Gunderson, I believe my investigation here is concluded. First, please rescind any previous punishments I had ordered; after meeting with Maya, I find I misjudged the situation."

Ezekiel let a brief expression of relief pass over his face before he schooled it back to professional blankness.

"Secondly," Shun Yi continued, "I recommend that additional measures for Maya will be required. She will be allowed, once getting a proper cover-up, to have an hour a day to herself. She may leave this room during that time. However, overstaying of that time will mean loss of the privilege. Do you understand, Maya?"

Maya's eyes shined and she nodded. "Yes, Director Sun. I would like that very much."

Turning back to Ezekiel, Shun Yi continued, "Additionally, Maya may have access to any reading or learning materials during times she is not engaged. Again, if that interferes with performing her duty, it can be withdrawn."

"Understood, Director Sun," Ezekiel said formally.

"I will be making similar recommendations to The Company for our other u-- I mean, for Maya's sisters. Now if you will excuse me, I don't want to keep Maya from doing her work and I would like to begin my preparations for departure."


...In conclusion, it appears that Pleasure Unit Maya has developed a consciousness that was unexpected by the science team. Rather than scrapping the program, I urge The Company to control and channel this. They can still prove useful, and given small privileges such as some books and activities to pass the time between engagements will not only improve the rate of return on the investment, but also make them loyal. This will head off any notion of rebellion.


A week later, Maya finally received a jumpsuit similar to the ones she had seen the workers wear coming into her room. That meant it was the big day and she quickly put it on. It felt strange to have so much cloth against her fur, and it was a little tight in places, but she was too excited to mind much.

Soon, the light flashed in the pattern to indicate that it was an official visit and the door opened to reveal Ezekiel. "Hello, Maya," he said pleasantly. "I decided to escort you personally for your first trip around the facility. Let you get familiar with the layout."

Maya's ears flushed. "Thank you."

Ezekiel held out his hand as Maya took her first step across the threshold and into the wider world.

Maya 2

Despite her best efforts, the dust of the mines clung to Opal's boots and jumpsuit. It got everywhere in the barracks and the air recycler system could only do so much. it hung thick in the air, giving everything a slightly yellowish haze. The Company...

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They were built for pleasure. She didn't question the why or how, but she knew it just was. Out here at the edge of known space, sexual partners were at a premium, so they had to be made. The workers had to have desires sated lest they became...

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The Other Side Of Summer V: Graham's Story

Graham had been blind since birth - he was born several weeks premature and his eyes never had a chance to fully develop. But to call him disabled was a grave mistake. Even as a baby, he'd crawl fearlessly around the house, touching and feeling...

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