Decisions and Sacrfice Open

Story by whipblade on SoFurry

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#1 of Decisions and Sacrifice Fic

Vinnie befalls serious injuries during a fight with Limburger's henchmen, Throttle makes the ultimate sacrifice to ensure his bro's care. However the evil of Karbunkle and Limburger spins out of control as they import a new shape-shifting villian in. Rat-Stein takes Throttle's place among the Biker Mice, Trouble brews. Meanwhile Carbine and Rimfire are captured on Mars, along with Stoker are brought to Earth.

Twists and Turns soon lead to Throttle's entrapment on Plutark where he finds Harley.

Unknowing about Harley; Stoker and Carbine along with the remaining Biker Mice attack Limburger Tower storming headstrong into the transporter and to Plutark.

With rescue comes trouble as Harley and Carbine escape, but Throttle and Vinnie find themselves alone on a space ship with an old foe....



Decisions and Sacrifice

By: Whipblade

Title: D n' S

Series: Decisions n' Sacrifice (15 issues) Sequel: Shattered Freedom

Author: Whipblade

E-Mail: [email protected]

Fandom: Biker Mice From Mars

Pairings: Vinnie/Rat Throttle/Camenbert (Yeah you read that right) Modo/Charley. Vinnie/Males+ Throttle/Males+

*Rating: NC-17 : * Language, Violance, Graphic non-consenting sexual scenes.

Betas: (1 to Chapter 5) Hummergrey and KC TheBookWorm (5 To Chapter 10) Hubby (Chapter ??? to Chapter 15) Karin & Ylva

Thanks To: All Those in Y! Groups B iker M ice S lash and B iker_ M ice. D ark W olf for getting my butt moving on the art, I Am Not Telling, who has yet to read this, but I couldn't leave him out because he spurred AC-Pro and this plot line. As well as StormKeeper , who'se once again inspired the space scenes. And of course, my Betas, KC n' Hummergrey, Karin & Ylva and Sick Puppy. TC-Spot n' Sil for encouragment and their wonderful comments + The Many others who left wonderful comments and encouraged me to continue with the arc.


And now... the story.



Decisions and Sacrifice




The redbrick print shop stood alone in the industrial district of Chicago. Alone that is, except for three yellow dune buggies each with a tall goon sitting in it. The goons obvious trade mark of shaved heads with a single pony tail stuck from the very top.

"With them outside, you know nothing good can be inside." The youthful egotistical voice of Vinnie self-proclaimed Van Wham said sitting on his red crotch rocket war bike.

"Can't argue there bro." Throttle the tan and more looked as leader of the Martian trio replied stopping his bike a few feet from the dune buggy goons.

"Hey ya boys!" Modo snarled the last member, strongest and biggest of them all waved his metal right arm. "How about we party?"

The goons raised their guns and the battle begun. A battle for the print shop.

One of many battles over the years on the streets of Chicago. A war between three Martian Mice and their human friend against the evil Plutarkians hidden among humans trying to slowly take over the world one natural resource at a time.

The streets, errupting in gun fire was never anything new. Nor the three bikers chasing cars and buggies down them. Right now, they chased those buggies into the print shop. And into a trap.


Shattered Freedom, Chapter Twenty Three

**Shattered Freedom** **\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*** **Chapter 23:** **_End Game_** _\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*_ **_By: Whipblade_** Throttle made his way down to the lower...

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Shattered Freedom, Chapter Twenty Two

**Shattered Freedom** **_Chapter 22_** **Heading Home!** **_By: Whipblade_** Dark Wolfe turned his large dark fur with white streaks head towards the trio entering his office. "About time." He nodded to the Duo...

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Shattered Freedom, Chapter Twenty One

**Shattered Freedom** **Chapter 21** On the bridge of the Blood Claw, the vast space filled with crew, stations and posts with two chairs in the center. Behind the captains command chair, a sleek island station for battle...

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