Decisions and Sacrfice Eleven

Story by whipblade on SoFurry

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#11 of Decisions and Sacrifice Fic

Chapter 11



Decisions and Sacrifice



Part 11

"Limburger, you dragged me all the way out to this remote planet for one mouse?" she paced, her bulk swaying with each movement. The view of the city so high up was not as breath taking as it should have been.

"Now my dear Tila, certainly this small task is far more complicated than it seems." Limburger assured rounding his desk. Placing his chubby fingers on her shoulder with a swish.

Tila moved aside. "You made me miss the Fat Farm." she snarled.

Limburger coughed nervously. "Yes, well my dear... surely destroying this one miserable mouse would make it all worth while. The bonus alone should be more than enough to compensate."

Tila moved towards the window. "What makes you so certain that I would help you finally destroy Chicago. Frankly after all this time the city should look like a junk yard. Not a shinny park." Her aqua eyes narrowed in contempt.

"Why my darling Tila, you did read the fine print of your contract?" Limburger paused, seeing her curious gaze he cleared his throat and continued. "You, yourself will have half of the profits of all Limburger Enterprise."

"Half?" Tila contemplated the mere idea.

"Yes, Half. Only if you get rid of that miserable biker mouse." The fat male fish assured.

"Fine, you have yourself a deal." She huffed walking towards the exit.

"However, Miss Mook. If you fail to bring me that mouse's head on a platter, the contract is after all revoked." Limburger smiled like a predator.

"I never fail." Tila Mook snarled as she left the office. Her large buttox swaying with the extra weight.

"Of course..... of course." Limburger chuckled. Waiting till he was sure his Plutarkian agent was well on her way, then did the fish behind the mask dare press a button on his desk. "GREASEPIT!" he bellowed loudly.

On Cue the dripping goon rushed into his bosses office. Sliding on his own oily perspire, the goon fell down in front of the desk. "You called boss?"

Limburger snarled as two hands slapped on his desk spraying the petroleum substance in his face. "Unfortunately." he mumbled wiping the ick off his mask with a red hanky. "I want you to keep an eye on our friend miss Tila Mook. She must not fail where you did."

"Duh, right boss." Greasepit saluted as he walked, or rather slid out of the office.

Limburger sighed. "Why me?"


Modo skidded around the slick corner. Lil' Darlin' sent up a spray of wet. Gripping his bikes handles tighter, Modo clenched his jaw. The lone Biker mouse raced towards screams even the cold rain couldn't buffer. It was cold November days like this that he deeply missed his departed bros.

In the center of destruction stood Tila Mook. Her lime green and yellow polyester moo moo clung to her bulky form like a bad tent. With hands on her hips, the Plutarkian female waited for her target to arrive. Around her, Limburger's goons fired into the streets, at the vacant warehouses and businesses. A few humans ran away in terror at the sight of a green being.

Modo skidded to a halt half a block away from her. She looked more like an angry housewife than a true villain. "Limburger ran out of villains to call, so he sent his Mother?" he chuckled darkly waiting for any weapons to appear, or her attack.

"I AM NOT HIS MOTHER!" She bellowed.

Modo couldn't believe how far her reeking, rotting worm breath carried. Switching his helmet to Deep Space mode he breathed easier.

"Surrender. Now. Mouse." She ordered, venom dripping off each word.

"Or what? You'll hit me with a rolling pin?" his body tensed in readiness.

"GET HIM!" Shouted Tila Mook over the villains radio. All the goons stopped and turned towards the lone mouse shooting at him.

Modo, not one to wait to get hit, started firing back via his arm canon. Revving his bike, he roared towards the onslaught of laser fire. Receiving a nick here n' a flesh wound there, he took more goons out with his bikes weapons then dings she received.

Greasepit laughed deeply as he skidded up behind the mouse. His grease canon strapped to his back. "Yous goes bye byes mousey." He shot at the Biker Mouse.

"WHOA!" Modo shouted in surprise as his bikes rear tire slipped on the grease. Weaving out of control, he leaned too far slamming the bike on her side, and his leg. The two stopped only meters from the villain of the week. "uh oh." he gulped looking at the business end of a large plasma canon.

"Say your prayers, vermin." Tila hissed firing at close range.

Modo looked beside him as the first blast took out a large piece of ashvault. Then in front of him as another hunk was showered upon him. "Plannin' on hitting something?" He asked getting to his feet. Brushing the muck off his leg he righted Lil' Darlin'.

The goons, who were about to attack the mouse, stopped in their tracks and watched the fish miss by miles. Dropping their weapons they all started to laugh. Greasepit held his gut, doubled over with tears in his eyes. Beside him a goon rolled on his back, laughing till it hurt.

Tila's face was the perfect impression of rage, beat red with bulging eyes. She gave one more yell firing her weapon at the mouse.

Modo, unimpressed watched as the blast landed several feet to his left. With a caluse grin he says "My Turn." He plucked a Martian gernade from his side then placed it in front of his arm laser. "Shoulda praticed your aim, fish-sow." he fired his ticking gernade at the large incompatant fish. Leaping on his bike he pulled a U-ie and road away, water spraying in his wake.

Tila Looked down at her feet. The gernade blinked red, ticking down the seconds. She raised her head in time to see the mouse's tail lights vanish around the corner. Her fins went limp, her eyes wide in knowing. "Oh, drat." KABOOM!

Limburger leaned against his office's window frame, a cup of hot coffee in his hand, unaware of his goons failure. That is, until a smoldering Tila Mook crashed through his glass window, almost forcing him to spill his drink.

He gave the figure groaning on his floor a look of disgust. Turning his back to her, he stared out what was left of the window. "At least my tower is still standing." he muttered taking a sip of his drink.


Modo rolled to a stop once inside the Last Chance Garage, he now called home. Pulling off his helmet he chanced a glance at a figure fixing a carborator in the far bay. However it wasn't Charley. "FourBy?" Modo dismounted Lil' Darlin'.

"Hey! Bro!" FourBy gave a wave as he didn't dare move the other hand holding a wrench.

"Hows tha pits?" Modo asked hunkering down beside his dark human friend.

"Was great until yesterday. The Pit Boss escaped. He gone top side, and Mighty Moe decided to act up." FourBy said finishing the job at hand.

"That'll be a challenge." Modo grimly smiled. "Shoulda seen this latest villian Limburger brought in. Couldn't hit tha broad side of a bank! Heh heh."

FourBy laughed hoisting the carborator up. Landing it softly on the work bench he let it settle before letting go of the chain. "The Pit Boss is no laughing matter." He sobbered. "That's why I'm here."

"Giving the big guy a hand?" Charley's voice came from behind them. Her eyes lost the spark they once held, but it hadn't deminished from her determination to stop the Plutarkians.

"Ah, I can handled that slave driver." He paused getting to his feet. "Just the same, bro. Thanks." Modo's gray hand clasped FourBy's back.

"Any time. Any time." FourBy smiled patting Modo's hand as it loosened from his shoulder.


Lance sat in on the theropy sessions with Vinnie's permission. At the end of one such session, Lance and Tweak stayed behind as Vinnie left the room to sit beside his bro.

"He's an emotional fireball ain't he?" Lance chuckled.

"A tormented one at that. I can't seem to convince him it wasn't his fault." Tweak sighed.

"I don't think we'll ever beable to. That tawny mouse is the last link to their past and the first to their futures. I'm not sure if Vinnie will be able to go on if Throttle dies." Lance said.

"I can't help but agree, Commander." Tweak said gathering up the ink blot cards.

"Doens't seem to like cheese, or rats..."

"Or fish, or certain types of dogs." Tweak finished.

"He doesn't seemed bothered by female rats." Lance observed as he watched Vinnie take Paige's seat beside Throttle. She handed over the book, indicating the spot she left at. The white mouse was pleasent and polight as he watched her stroll away to attend her duties.

"He wont be ready to date for a little while yet." Tweak stated watching the white mouse start to read to his bro. "However he maybe more active once we get past this whole rape issue."

"He's doing better than I expected." Lance admitted leaning against the desk.

"Better? Hrm, not the word I'd use. He says he was raped only 18 times in the four years, beaten much more than anything. If it wasn't for the sadist Hammer, I think he could get over it alone."

"No one should get over anything alone." Lance muttered sourly. "But you're right. He seems a little hung up about Hammer."

"Next session I'll press it further." Tweak opened the offices glass door. "In the mean time I have to write up a report and log some of the tawnys data."

"Something new?" Lance inquired walking to the exit.

"Some motor funtions. Could be a sign he is waking up." Tweak replied walking off.


KRRRACKKK the electric whip missed its intended target my mere inches.

Modo whirrled around delivering a high kick to the Pit Boss's back, sending the Villian stumbling forward into the hard embrace of FourBy's fist. Reeling backwards from the punch, the Pit Boss finally went down. Modo hoofed the villian in the stumac to make sure he stayed down.

"That... was invigorating." Modo huffed wipping sweat off his brow.

"Only thing that's left is to bring this low life to justice...again." FourBy declaired as he tied the Pit Bosses hands together.

"That's my cue to exit." Modo chuckled seeing FourBy's right hand man head over from the lift.

"Keep the Peace." FourBy waved with a smile.

"Ride Free." Modo called as he climbed abourd his ride. A grinding of gears, and the mouse was off.


Lance stretched his arms working out the kinks of his neck.'What an uneventful trip. Even with Vinnie being a hostle hot head towards most of the crew rats. Jade didn't have much luck trying to befriend the mouse either, she seemed to have induced an alergic reation. I hope that Throttle has a more even temper than the white snowball.'

Reaching over he pressed a link button. It was Duo's first time on Mars. Unsure of the location, Lance hailed the planet.

"Duo Scythe, to Star Gazer, come in Star Gazer."

"Star Gazer here Duo Scythe, copy"

"Duo Scythe, copy. Good to see the communications up and running. Brought some crew"

"Always good news Duo. Sending quordanants your way, follow the flight path."

"Reciving data." Jade said as she adjusted their course.

"Welcome Duo, 'bout time you showed up. Your mails been piling up." The voice joked. "Do you have a mouse problem up there?"

Lance nodded."Data recived.There's two mice, I'll be happy to unload them on you."

"What a wonderful gift.Your clear to land on dock two. Star Gazer out."

"Rodger that, Duo Scythe, out."

"Jade, Chip, prepare for landing proceedures." Lance ordered.

"Aye Aye, captian." Jade smiled letting her fingers dance over the control board.

"Ma'ze, you got the bridge. I'll go inform our delightful passenger." Lance stood up patting his sub-commander on the shoulder.

"Thanks, Lance." Ma'ze smiled taking the now unoccupided Captians chair.


Turbo looked at the water gage once again. The needle wavered above the red line.

"It's been getting lower each day, even with the restrictions we have in place it still goes down a gallon." Barrs the maintaince mouse said. Her short gray fur had hints of lighter tints on the tip of her fur. She played with her new ear ring in her left ear.

"I just can't think of what could be drainning the resurves so rapidly." she stated.

"That's easy, Barrs." Turbo frowned looking at the other two tank needles balancing in the yellow. "An outside force must've tapped into them."

"How could they? Their under twenty tons of sand, in steel tanks and....and..."

Turbo patted her back, cutter her off. "There's more rats than we know of out there. The General took a team to monitor them." he turned away from Barrs. "Their settling a lot closer than they dared before Barrs. A lot closer." he grabbed a hold of the ladder leaving the technition in a fog of worry.


Vinnie looked up as soon as Lance walked into the Medical Center.

"Vincent, we're landing soon." Lance said walking to Throttle's side. The poor creature looked so lost under all the equipment attached to him.

"landing where?" Vinnie demanded putting his book down.

"On Mars." Lance stated patting the tawnys limp hand. "I've prevously sent word for the material you wanted."

"Material?" Vinnie glared at the affection the dog was showing his bro.

"The flex-plate stuff. It's been found and is waiting for you." Lance replied.


Soft brown eyes studied the right side of Vinnie's face. "I still can't understand why you want to hide those battle scars. They make you look..."

"Ruggedtly handsome." Paige came from behind the K-9. She walked over to Vinnie. "The labs locked down, sir."

"Thank you Paige." Lance smiled at the cream rat.

"Vinnie, it'd be safer if you left the center." Paige softly spoke as she reached for his hand.

The white mouse frowned looking to the tawny one.

"I'll take care of him. If something goes wrong I'll call you down." Paige rubbed Vinnie's paw softly. "I promis."

With a nod Vinnie stood up.

"Follow me snowball." Lance ordered as he strolled towards the exit.

Vinnie bit his tounge, but followed anyways. "Where?"

"The bridge." Lance replided stepping into the lift.


Carbine along with Rimfire, Kickstart, Crash and Speed Bump stood atop the hill they picked for the out post. Behind them several mice set up the equipment brought over.

Raising her banoculars, Carbine watched the large round bulk decend from the purple sky. Thrusters fired from one side or the other as it slowed and ballanced. The great ship was a tad smaller than the previous one she witnessed taking off from the rat strong hold. Two blue curved - almost like blades - peices of metal sat perched atop of the bulky ship. As the ship lowered into the crater, the curved scythes dimmed until they were the color of the rest of the ship. The ship dissappeared, she lowered her binoculars.

"Anyway we can get closer?" She asked the rookie biker mice.

"Not without being noticed. We tired for the bluff just this side of the strong hold. They spotted us and sent troops after us." Kickstart said.

"Did they shoot first?" She questioned.

"That's the strange thing, they didn't. We just left." Rimfire said, his focas on the far away hill.

"odd" she tapped her fingers on the binoculars. Raising them up she took one last look at the crater rim. She could see very little activity around it. "we need to confirm how many mice."

Crash smirked. "Does this mean a covert operation?"

"No." Carbine knew out of the four she could only trust one. "Rimfire, strike out and see what you can get. Alone."

"Yes, general." Rimfire sighed, he headed for his bike.

"Is that so wise? I mean he has been taken hostage a couple of times already." Kickstart stated.

Carbine smiled at the attempt. "He'll be fine."


Marvling at the view of his home world becoming bigger and more detailed each second. Vinnie was fasinated at the whole consept that this is what a landing was. Not a ball of fire, whipping winds and jumping out of a crashing space ship. Although the whole crash thing was much more exciting.

"Fire left thrusters." Chip called to over to Jade.

"Firing left thrusters." she said.

"Leveled. Steady as she goes."

"Powering down weapons and reactors."

"Landing gear deployed."

"Prepare for impact."

With a gental thud, a small dip and rise the large ship settled.

"Well done crew." Lance congradulated his crew.

"It's always a pleasure to serve." Chip grinned patting his commander on the shoulder. "Now to get off this tin can and smell the great red air."

"MMmm I hear that." Clip said accually jumping over his stations chair. "I can't wait to eat real food!"

"home." Vinnie muttered in awe of the scene on the screen.

Lance patted Vinnie on the back. "Come on, lets get you set up inside."

Vinnie slowly walked towards the lift. His eyes staying with the screen. "home." he muttered as if he couldn't believe it.


Snuggled down in the sand Rimfire watched as the ships ramp lowered. Three rats, all non-Martian exited first. Followed by a hord of mixed what looked like crew members. K-9's of various breeds, felines, a lizard, various rats, even a small bird that resembled a quail. Then a pause as the masses entered the strange bubble like building. Finally a pointy eared K-9 exited along with two rats, a mouse, a white mouse dressed in black. Behind them a small cream rat and several beings guiding a gurny with a tawny mouse.

Raising up his binoculars, Rimfire cued in on the white mouse. The right side of his face was a mass of scars. He kept it turned from most of the others. The white mouse, dead.... long dead... now... alive. Turning his binoculars attention to the mouse on the gurny Rimfire gasped. The poor thing was nothing but bones, skin and criss crossing wires. No familiar markings were visable from the neck up, where the white sheet stopped. The lack of ear rings made Rimfire cringe. It could or could not be Throttle. It could be just an unlucky tan mouse. But the white one. Dropping the binoculars Rimfire watched with his own brown eyes as Vinnie strolled into the building before the gurny.

Sliding down the sandy bank, Rimfire raced for his bike. He had to tell the general. Vinnie is alive!


"Welcome to Star Gazer." Sox greeted as he stood waiting for the rest of the crew to enter the new structure.

"Riff, don't run ahead." Lee snapped at the five year old male.

Sox watched the bright eyed male take in the new facility.

"Wow." Riff gaped looking from the high celings to the red ground out side the windows. "This place is Ice."

"We have a childrens area in the top south wing." Twitch said with a big smile on his face. "It's well equiped and really fun." He told Lee.

The female black and white rat only huffed. "Thanks." She uttered dryly.

"What's up her butt?" Twitch whispered to Sox.

"Probily havn't gotten any for a while." Sox replied softly.

Twitch gave a nod as he watched the white mouse march in beside the gurny. "I'll show you to the Infirmary." the reddish hued rat smiled leading Duo's medical team plus mouse.

Vinnie frowned. He knew a native when he saw one. But such a young rat working for the Ikkywara where the youngest seemed to be the very Commander of a ship. It was susspissious to the Biker mouse.

"Vinnie, please don't kill any of them." Paige begged seeing the red eyes narrow, the curl of a disgusted lip, the snap of the white tail.

"I won't kill any of them." Vinnie promised turning to the shorter cream female. "Unless they try anything first."

"Thank you." Paige smiled slightly relieved, they entered the Infirmary that, other than bigger, wasn't much diffrent than Duo's.

"Set him up in the far corner." Tweak ordered the gurny crew. "less trafic, more likely he'll awake sooner." he explained for Vinnie's benifit.


Ma'ze took one look at Sox. The white hooded black rat wasn't anything new to Ma'ze, but the uniform was. Instead of the Space outfits of Blacks, Blues, Indigos and whites, his was gray. "New color code?"

"Skeleton crew. Most of the uniforms are lower ranks." Sox explained. "That or young recuirts. I'm a communications technition, greeter and chef."

"Got room for a Sub-commander?" Ma;ze smirked.

"We don't even have a commander. Just a major whose still trying to figure out the Station." Sox winked.

Magazine chuckled. "Wheres the cargo hold?"

"To your right. Same level." Sox grinned. "Duo's supplies will be loaded in there. After you pick up your mail. We are not a holding station."

"I heard that song and dance before. Send down a lacky to give me a hand." Ma'ze waved over his shoulder.

"Twitch, hand needed in cargo hold five." Sox sent over his wrist unit.

"On my way." Twitch responded, leaving the medical staff, what there was of them.


Magazine rubbed his hands together seeing the crate sitting in the hanger waiting for him.

"Red Hero dropped it off for you." A small voice said from behind the brindle rat. "It's been sitting here for almost a year according to Dodger."

Turning around Ma'ze spotted the young rat. "Who are you?"

"Twitch." The youth muttered dragging his foot on the ground in front of him.

"A new techniction?" Ma'ze asked circuling the creat.

"No. Just... a... runner." Twitch confessed. His ears swivled forward and back as if listening for something not there.

"A runner eh?" Ma'ze pulled off the instructions and receat off the wooden box. "So your a native, how old are ya?"

"I'll be seventeen shortly." Twitch smiled taking a step closer to the bigger brindle rat. "What's in the box?"

"A motorbike. Suppose to be a Martian A.I. But who belives anyone from Black Rock?" Ma'ze shrugged tucking the paper work into his back pocket.

Twitch handed Ma'ze a crowbar. "Your Magazine?"

"Ma'ze, please."

"You know Martian A.I's are pretty powerful machines. Non-Army Issues are extreamly tempermental and bonded only to one rider." Twitch informed as boards started to pop from their seals.

"Is that so?" Ma'ze grunted pulling at a board. "And what is a pre-war bike?"

"Non-Army, mostly. Their pretty rare these days. Unless they've been customized from pre-war parts. Either way, no rat'll ever ride an A.I."

"That'll make me the first." Magazine exclaimed as he popped the last board. Light glinted off metal from inside the dark box.

"How long ago was this war?" Ma'ze asked as he entered the crate, wheeling the bike out.

"I dunno when it ended. I've been a slave most my life. But Mars is still recovering from it. Ignatz said I was born near the start of the War. But I never believed him." Twitch shrugged looking at the sleek dusty red bike.

"Really? And this war was against?"

"Plutarkians." Twitch said without blinking. "That's a nice custom A.I. Where did you get it built?"

"Built? I bought it at an auction site from Black Rock." Ma'ze took out a rag, running it over the paint, a thick film of dust brushed off leaving a bright cherry red finish.

"You mean that used to belong to someone?" Twitch backed up a step.

"Yep." The brindle rat continued to wipe the dust off the bike.

"A mouse?" Twitch squeeked taking another step back.

"Could've been."

"That's a war machine." Twitch uttered as if out of breath. "You're not going to ride it ..... are you?"

"I wouldn't of paid a years wages for it if I wasn't." Magazine said standing back to admire his work. Dropping the rag he took a step closer.

"WAIT!" Twitch screamed.

"What Twitch?" Maganzine growled glaring at the youth.

"Uh..." unable to think of anything the youth shrugged. "See you!" he ran off as quickly as he could.

"Adolesents." Magazine shook his head. Lifting his leg he mounted the spiffy sport bike. Settling into the leather seat he smiled. "Now this is comfort."

The bike roared to life even before the rat touched the handles.

"What the?" Looking down at the dash he watched as all the lights blinked on. "Artifial Intelligance awakens." he nodded pleased if somewhat spooked.

The bike rumbled revving as it scanned her area and rider.

Lance walked into the hanger just in time to see the red sports bike buck like a brunco throwing Magazine off. Her tires screetched as she swerved avoiding the persuing brindle rat. Switching to Battle mode she faced the rat.

"Weapons?" Magazine stopped puzzled. The bike raced towards him with a roar fit for a lion. "Oh.... crap."

Lance frowned watching his second in command leap atop the empty crate and cowered.

"LANCE! STAY BACK! IT'S PSYCHO!" Magazine cried once spotting his commander.

"Ma'ze, it's a bike." Lance stated calmly as he approached the bike circuling the crate. "A simple machine with complicated parts and a wonderful A.I." The doberman reached over to the firey spirited bike. "She simply knows you are not her mouse."

The bikes weapons hummed as they once again became hidden in their compartments.

"It's Insane! It's possessed!" Magazine cried scarcley peering over the edge of the creat.

"Nonsence. She must know her rider is still alive, and I got a good idea who it is." Lance said patting the bikes seat. She followed him out of the hanger.

Magazine frowned watching Lance walk beside the bike. 'If that thing was a female, they'd be hand in hand.' Ma'ze acidly thought as he jumped off the crate. 'And I'm down a bonus, a years salary and a bike. Damn.' Keeping a good distance between him and the bike, Magazine followed.


"Vinnie?" Lance called peaking into the Infimary.

"Yeah?" The white mouse stepped from the shadowed corner. The scars gone. Covered by a silver mask, the lights reflecting off the shiney metal.

Lance smiled. "Okay, I admit it. The mask gives you a dangerous edge in your appearance. BUT I still like the scars better."

"You came all the way down here to comment on my looks?" Vinnie lifted a brow.

"In your dreams Snowball."Lance huffed. "I think I found something of yours. Her firey temper matched yours to a T. That... and she tried to kill Magazine." the doberman shrugged stepping aside.

"Who is she?" Vinnie asked expecting some well endowed female to walk through the door.

"More of what." Lance corrected motioning.

Confused now Vinnie waited, until he heard the long silent motor. "SWEET HEART!" Vinnie screamed in more than delight as he saw the beautiful, wonderful, wet dream of your life bike. "Your safe!" White arms encased the front. Beeping back the red bike hummed.

Magazine frowned hearing Vinnie's excited squeal, the fast chatter in happy tones and cheerful sobbing of thank yous to Lance.

Sizzling, he stormed back to Duo Scythe's gym. He had to get rid of his rage. He spent all those credits on... on A GIFT!


To Be Continued.


Decisions and Sacrifices

Part 12.


[email protected]

February 2005

Decisions and Sacrfice Twelve

**BIKER MICE FROM MARS** **IN** **Decisions and Sacrifice** **Part 12** **_BY_** **_Whipblade_** Rimfire skidded to a stop. Red sand flew over the General and company's head. Using her arm, she blocked the sand from her face. She waited till...

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Decisions and Sacrfice Ten

**BIKER MICE FROM MARS** **IN** **Decisions and Sacrifice** **Part 10** **_BY_** **_Whipblade_** Carbine sat with her feet up on her desk while she read over several progress reports of the new trainees. Across the room a tall dark brown mouse...

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Decisions and Sacrfice Nine

**BIKER MICE FROM MARS** **_IN_** **Decisions and Sacrifice** **_BY_** **_Whipblade_** **Part 9** **"Escaping Mace"** "Transporting over is more dangerous than docking and boarding our target in deep space." A small cream rat stated as she...

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