Decisions and Sacrfice Ten

Story by whipblade on SoFurry

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#10 of Decisions and Sacrifice Fic

Chapter 10



Decisions and Sacrifice

Part 10



Carbine sat with her feet up on her desk while she read over several progress reports of the new trainees. Across the room a tall dark brown mouse with a black buzz cut sat casually in a chair, his gray eyes continuously glanced towards the General's bored face.

"Carbine?" Turbo's deep throaty voice called quietly.

"Hmmm?" She answered not taking her eyes off the data pad.

"There's more entertaining things to do other than read Stoker's bad grammar and poor spelling."

"One more Turbo."

"I heard that hours ago." he rolled his eyes, getting to his feet he stalked over to the smaller she-mouse.

Carbine scowled as his shadow fell over her, blocking the light."Do you mind?" Carbine snapped her annoyed eyes glaring over the data pad.

"Actually no. I don't mind one bit." he gave a toothy smile.

An exaggerated sigh escaped Carbine's lips before she set down the data pad. Dropping her feet she pushed back from the desk. "Okay hot shot. What do you have in mind?"

Turbo chuckled, his voice a deep rumble as he sauntered around the desk. "My dear, a night of excitement." he promised.

Giving a knowing smile she stood, her ears just barley reaching his chin. "Make it two hours tops."

"You'll want more than a mere two hours." He purred swooping down and tossing her over his shoulder.

"HEY!" Carbine shrieked with humor as she was carried from her home office and down the hall. "I didn't agree to being a sack of rations!"

"Really? 'Cuz I am sure hungry." He laughed dropping her on their bed.

Beep Beep

Carbine growled intent on ignoring the incoming communication.

Beep Beep

She rolled over snuggling further against her lover.

Beep Beep

Grabbing her pillow she flopped it over her ears and tried to drift back to sleep.

Beep Beep

Turbo grumbled as he fought against the fog of sleep.

Beep Beep

"Are you going to get that?" He asked amused at his lovers attempt to block out the noise.

"It'll stop eventually." her muffled reply sounded from under the pillow.

Beep Beep.

"Yeah, right." Turbo yawned reaching over her lanky body scarcely covered. Clicking the green button he answered the hail.

"Turbo here."

"SIR! Transmission picked up from a rat frequency. Your better here this, they have mice."

Carbine wiggled from under Turbo's arm to sit up. "Mice?" gray and brown eyes met briefly.

"The General and I will be there shortly. Turbo out." He ended the communication.

"So much for the rest of the reports." Carbine smiled tossing off her sheets.

Central Communications

"Affirmative Star Gazer." Crackle "Duo Scythe blip word of Crackle."Static "Repeat Red Planet, Duo Scythe has what?" blip blip Crackle blip "Mice." Loud static. "Red Planet Hero, permission to land blip Docking Pad Crackle"

"Copy Red Planet Hero out." static, click.

The garbled message stopped.

"That's all we were able to get." A blond female said looking over to General Carbine.

"Is there any way we can trace it, Shortcut?" Carbine asked flipping her black hair out of the way.

"There's little chance, sir." Shortcut replied working with the audio tape.

"Do what you can with it." Carbine encouraged.

Shortcut rolled her eyes. "Yes sir."

Stoker paused by the door hearing Carbine's voice. Sticking his head in, he glanced the General and communications technician "That Sand Raider mission, who's on it?"


Kickstart howled firing his lasers at the Sand Raiders Stilt-walkers. The standard issue green army bike didn't have the power the A.I. bikes had, but the young riders had been waiting for this day since the war started.

"Speedbump, with me!" Rimfire yelled over the chaotic noise.

Speedbump's bike skidded as it made a U-turn. The blond mouse, Speedbump, followed the team leader.

Shouts of glee erupted as Sand Raiders played violently with Freedom Fighters. With all fighters occupied, Rimfire and Speedbump managed to slip behind enemy lines.

"The cells are this way." Rimfire said as he parked his bike and jumped off.

Speedbump nodded following suit. The blond mouse, unable to speak, ran ahead of Rimfire. Peeking around a corner, Speedbump gave a discreet wave, Rimfire followed. The two slipped into the bunker.

Twitch scratched his ear as yet another sand flea bit. "Stop scratching, it's starting to bleed." Ignatz gently cooed as he waited for death. Thin and white muzzled, the older rat knew he had nothing more to offer his son. Twitch gave a sigh but stopped scratching.

Ghost glared at the majority population. His black fur blended with the shadows as he stood in a corner trying to fight his urge to kill everyone in the small cell. The battle continued to echo along the halls.

Rimfire and Speedbump slipped silently down the hallways till they reached a disturbing odor.

Speedbump motioned to Rimfire. Rimfire agreed, they headed towards the smell of waste, death and wet fur.

Twitch heard the noise first. "Did you hear that dad?" the young teen asked.

Ignatz frowned hearing the foot steps. "Yes." Looking over his shoulder the most recent slaves seemed excited. "Get to the back wall and stay down."

Twitch nodded. It happened before, a fight broke outside and the slavers shot up the pens. Crouching in a back corner the reddish blond rat waited. He looked up at the burly black mouse who treated everyone like a disease.

Ghost had lived through three battle slaughters and two mine collapses. He sneered at the young rat.

Rimfire lead the way carefully checking each crevice and doorway for any sluggish drool dogs. Speedbump watched their backs, in case anyone decided to check on the 'goods'.

"Hold up." Rimfire said, the sound of people moaning and occasional chatter came form two different hallways. "Speedbump, go right, I'll take the left. let's see if we can meet up and get them out safely."

Speedbump smiled before slipping into the darkness.

The outside battle noise became fainter to Ignatz as he watched the shadow carefully stalk down the hallway. Knowing he was near the end of his time, he pushed his way to the front of the bars.

"It's a mouse!" a slave beside him yelled excitedly.

The blond furred mouse dressed in a Freedom Fighter uniform stepped out of the shadows. In the faint light Speedbump could make out both rats and mice among the prisoners. Aiming his high powered laser rifle at the cell door, the occupants screamed and backed away.

Speedbump gave a smile as he blasted the lock off, the cell door flung open and the prisoners froze. Slinging his rifle back over his shoulder Speedbump motioned for the prisoners to move out. They didn't move. The blond freedom fighter really hated not being able to talk. Walking away from the first cell, he checked the rest of them only to find them empty. Speedbump headed the way he came, none of the prisoners moved as he walked past the open cell.

Rimfire met up with Speedbump, 20 mice and rats in tow. "Any down there?"

Speedbump nodded and pointed with a sheepish grin.

"Follow Speedbump, he'll get you to safety." Rimfire ordered his flock as he went to fetch the other prisoners.

Speedbump raised his arm and waved to the group to follow him. They all headed towards the exit.

Rimfire stood in the hallway, a few brave but wary rats and a mouse had took the fist tentative step into the hallway. "Hey, you going to stay in there all day or are you going to come outside and play?"

"Who was that blond mouse?" The black mouse demanded as he stepped closer to Rimfire.

"Freedom Fighter Speedbump, I'm Rimfire. Let's go before those slobber mutts get back."

Ghost gave a hint of a smile, his white teeth gleamed brightly. Following Rimfire eagerly Ghost grumbled "He could have said he was friendly."

"Plutarkian shrapnel to the throat. Speedbump can't talk." Rimfire informed coolly as he hurried his pace.

Twitch looked up at Ignatz. The older rat wasn't moving too quickly. "Come on dad, we can make it." Twitch pleaded.

"Go on, keep up with them boy. Make your mama proud." Ignatz encouraged knowing he didn't have the strength to continue much further.

"But dad!" Twitch whimpered, tears started to stream down from his silver eyes.

"Go!" Ignatz demanded, watching the reddish hued boy leave hesitantly. Listening to the fading foot falls, Ignatz rested against the wall, before sliding down to the floor with a sigh.

Twitch scurried over dust strewn rocks as he attempted to distance himself from the slave driving Sand Raiders and the Freedom Fighters still locked in battle. His tall lean reddish blond body blended well with the natural landscape of Mars. He felt like he had been running for weeks, though it'd been mere hours. Muscles slack from in use where now taunt with strain. His breath came in short pants as he finally settled in a shaded crevice of rocks. Closing his eyes he finally rested.

Hours later he awoke to a strange buzzing noise.

A camera zoomed in on the skiddish rat.

In a control room filled with monitor screens sat two rats in swivel chairs.

"Scared." the first one said taking a drink of something hot from a Styrofoam cup.

"A strange place like this, who wouldn't be?" The other one, clearly Martian with light and dark brown fur shrugged. "What's that on his neck?" The first one inquired leaning forward. His black paws danced over the keys freezing the image.

"Where? I don't see any mark Sox."

"Just under the ear, there. See Dodger." Sox said as he zoomed in on the picture. "Is that a brand? It looks like two squiggle lines."

Dodger studied the mark. "It's a brand from a Drool Dog camp." he recalled.

"Drool Dog? You mean Sand Raiders?"

"Yes Sox. Sand raiders." The Martian clarified.

The two became quiet as they watched the young rat on the screen sniff around and cautiously scope the perimeter.

"Open the door." Dodger suggested.

"Are you crazy?" Sox balked at the idea of letting a stranger into the station.

"No, curious, open them." Dodger grinned. "Trust me."

"Your call." The black rat muttered pressing a button. He had a bad feeling about it, but none the less stood up and followed Dodger to greet the youth.

Twitch's ears shot forward as the large metal doors slowly slid open. He took a tentative step forward and waited. Looking around before he slowly approached the open doors. There inside stood two rats, one strangely colored.

"Welcome to the Star Gazer." Sox said automatically.

"I'm Dodger, this is Sox, you would be?"


"Care for a tour Twitch?" Dodger asked extending his hand.

Twitch carefully took Dodgers' warm friendly hand and stepped into the bright white building.


Vinnie pressed his nose further against the glass, his tail started to ache from his own grip. "be ok bro." he pleaded softly to himself, his breath fogged the glass. Shifting, he left a sliding nose print to his new vantage point.

Paige was all to aware of Vinnie's presence, she didn't dare spare him a glance as she held fast to an artery.

"Suction." Tweak ordered. "sponge." Hummer complied with each demand.

Ratchet removed his final clamp. "Let it go Paige."

Letting go, she held her breath watching for leaks.

"You can breath now, its repaired." Ratchet gave her a comforting smile.

"Ratchet, we need you down here." came Tweaks voice.

"Close up this one Paige." Ratchet said as he moved off for new gloves.

Vinnie watched as the team worked feverishly. The five rats scurried in near panic as they did more than Vinnie would expect them to on a mouse. The bitterness that he had held for rats was slowly becoming an awe as the five helped save his bros life.

' I did this! One lousy mistake and it cost my bro. I should have just gone the right way. Come on Throttle you can beat this, Mace didn't kill you. You can't die now.' Vinnie bit his bottom lip watching nurse Lee hand tools and other things to Ratchet and Hummer. 'Throttle, will you ever forgive me? Can I ever forgive me?'

"Vinnie?" A deep voice came from behind yanking the mouse from his pitiful thoughts.

Vinnie didn't reply just tilted his head listening, his pink eyes glued to the Operating Room. He balled his fists.

"Commander Lance is wanting to talk to you." A burly male rat of non-Martian decent walked up to Vinnie.

"When their done." Vinnie grumbled through clenched teeth. He didn't turn around trying to control himself and not punch the strange rat.

"I'll tell him that." The rat said leaving the room.

Vinnie unclenched his fists and worked his jaw. He had to admit, although he was trusting the five rats in with Throttle, the other rats mulling around were still no better than Mace and his crew.


"It'd be easier to just blow up the rats." Crash, a white and brown patched mouse stated.

"Yeah, it would be. But their expecting mice." Kickstart said as he kicked a rock across the flat land. It bounced then disappeared dropping off the side of the bluff.

"Kickstart is right, Crash." Rimfire said over the wind. He brushed his bros caramel hair out of his own ear. "If we blow it up, they won't land with the mice and we won't know who it is."

"OW!" Kickstart yelped, he turned sharply to glare at Rimfire. The leader of the small group looked away innocently. Placing his helmet over his long caramel hair and long fur, he grumbled. Behind them Speedbump grinned pretending not to be amused with the pulling of long hair.

"This is perfect for an out post then right?" Crash said turning to the others. He brushed as his dirty white and brown fur. "I need a bath, I'm cold and this is not fun."

"Reminds me of Vinnie." Rimfire whispered to Speedbump. With teeth all bare in humor, Speedbump nodded following Rimfire.

"I'll tell the General that we've picked a spot."

"You do that Crash. IF you can beat me there." Kickstart challenged his bro.

"Oh no you don't! I'll get their first." Rimfire declared hopping a stride his bike.

Speedbump, not to be out done. Jumped on his bike and started for the edge of the bluff.

"HEY! He jumped the gun!" Crash complained starting his bike.

"Then I suggest you catch up!" Rimfire yelled over his shoulder as he too took off in a cloud of dust.

The four raced across the sand whooping and hollering in jest.


Silvery gray hallways with padded guide bars and vertical lights cast the image of a sterile hospital corridor. Vinnie's soft white slip-ons squished rather than clicked against the soft gray floor. "Man, put Modo in this place and we might loose him for good." The mere thought forced a rare tug on the mouses lip. "Invisible Modo Mouse, of the twentieth century." With humor Vinnie actually chuckled softly. He reached the end of the hall and pressed a lone red button. A moment later and the apparent wall slid back with a soft hiss. He stepped into the mauve, gray and cream elevator and disappeared behind the closing door.

Lance stood with his back to his door. He studied the star chart fixed on his wall. The flat screen showed their location and that of Mars in the Milky Way Galaxy. He didn't even turn around when the doors hissed opened and closed.

Vinnie stepped into the office. Tones of grays and browns over whelmed him. The only contrast to the room was the black computer, window and the black and speckled star chart. "Not much for interesting decor are you?" he quipped.

Lance turned around. "Less distractions from duties make a better worker. Have you been in the personal quarters yet?" his brown eyes studied the mouse.

"No." Vinnie answered wondering what Throttle would say in this type of situation.

"I trust my crew has told you about your room?" Lance inquired turning his back to the mouse to study the star chart once again.

"Yeah they have, but I'm not leaving Throttle's side." Vinnie countered.

Lance could sense the hostility the mouse still carried, even though the sarcastic quips were new. "Come here, I want you to see this."

Vinnie rounded the imitation wood desk and brown leather chair. Looking at the star chart he stood arms length away beside Lance.

"What do you see Vinnie?" Lance asked.

"Sparkling dots." Vinnie replied.

Lance resisted the urge to smack the mouse upside the head. "Their stars Vincent. Namely the Milky-Way stars."

"Oh." Vinnie paused studying it closer. "Is that Mars?" pointing to a big red star.

"Yes, it is." Lance lightly pushed Vinnie's hand away from the map. "We are here, just out side of your system." Lance indicated a small green X. "It'll take two more months before we get to Mars."

"Two months? Man... I want to be off this thing now." Vinnie complained.

"as do I." Lance muttered under his breath, he continued in a normal tone. "It gets worse for you, snowball."

Vinnie's eyes narrowed at the name.

"Star Gazer, the observation post that is to hold your ill brother, and yourself for another two months."

"What? Why!" he turned his fists balled.

"It's our quarantine procedure. Drastically cut from its original four months, due to your being on this ship and neither you or your brother is showing signs of illness." Lance clarified.

"What about Throttle?" Vinnie demanded.

Grimly Lance continued. "Unfortunately until he is able to be moved to a less sophisticated medical center, he will remain with us, on Star Gazer if it comes down to that."

Walking back towards the door, his anger edging against his pouting. "I'm staying with Throttle for as long as I have to. No rat or mutt is going near him without me there." he snapped before leaving the office.

"That's what I was afraid of." Lance sighed as he watched the white tail vanish once the doors closed. "Why can't Martians ever be reasonable? Always demands. Demands and anger." shaking his head he flopped down in his chair. "I'll be a lot more happier once Duo Scythe is back on Mace's trail.


"General" A white and brown patched mouse with a floppy ear saluted before her. "Sir, the location for the survey post has been selected."

"Thank you Crash." Carbine waved her hand dismissing the Freedom Fighter.

Rimfire, Kickstart and Speedbump waited in the hall just outside of the General's office. Each wore a sour expression with their arms crossed. As soon as Crash exited the office, six eyes glared his way.

"Told ya bros." Crash winked as he raced down the hall. Three Freedom Fighters hot on his trail, determined to bury him in sand.


To Be Continued in....

Part 11


[email protected]

December 2004

Decisions and Sacrfice Eleven

**BIKER MICE FROM MARS** **IN** **Decisions and Sacrifice** **_BY_** **_Whipblade_** **Part 11** "Limburger, you dragged me all the way out to this remote planet for one mouse?" she paced, her bulk swaying with each movement. The view of the...

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Decisions and Sacrfice Nine

**BIKER MICE FROM MARS** **_IN_** **Decisions and Sacrifice** **_BY_** **_Whipblade_** **Part 9** **"Escaping Mace"** "Transporting over is more dangerous than docking and boarding our target in deep space." A small cream rat stated as she...

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Decisions and Sacrfice Eight

**BIKER MICE FROM MARS** **IN** **Decisions and Sacrifice's** **_BY_** **_WHIPBLADE_** **Part Eight** Vinnie was looking around the peculiar cargo hold. The amount of weapons was far more than a restocking of soldiers on some distant planet. The...

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