A Not So Forced Captivity

Story by BlazingRebirth on SoFurry

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If any of these character's are similar to those of any other game/story/movie please excuse me. I assure you that all of this has been created in my mind without the aid of specific resources. Also I advise those whom are underage for this material to turn around and leave this story immediately. This is my first story but I don't want to be babied. Be harsh in your critism but not too harsh please

My name you ask? Well I can't really remember that. Wait. Now I remember. They called me Max. Max....something. Bah I can't remember? Now where was I? Oh yes! My story. Well I'll stop bugging you and start telling you how I got to have this lucky life.

It was a warm summer day and me and a few friend decided to camp in the woods. We were unaware of any dangers that might lurk around us. After a few drinks on the way to the camp spot we had just a slight speech inpediment.

My friend John took quite a while to set up our tent so I went to 'help' him. I thought I saw something dart behind a tree but I meerely dismissed it as a deer or shadow. After a few tries we finally erected a suitable shelter. Eager for more spirits we dashed back to the center of our make shift camp area.

Already our third friend Doug had started the fire and eagerly we opened up a few Bud's and drank with a gusto. We recalled old football games from our Junior years and talked of girls and fights. Before we knew it, night had come and, with the aid of the copious amounts of booze we had drunk, we were off to bed.

I don't know how long I slept but I was awoken by a distant zipping noise. Dismissing it as either John or Doug getting up to use a tree a rolled over and went back to sleep swiftly. Yet my slumber was disturbed yet again as I heard a blood curdling scream and then a thunk. Instantly adrenaline pumped into my veins and I grabbed the pocket knife I always kept. My eyes watched lividly as slowly the zipper was undone on my tent. Seconds turned to seemingly hours as that zipper went up slowly. When a long nose stuck into my sleeping area I let loose a loud cry and stabbed at the nose. There was a yelp that was followed by snarls.

Quickly I dashed out of my tent to be met with a grusome sight. John and Doug were dead, being torn apart by massive wolves. I quickly found myself surrounded by four of the creatures. Their hungry gaze told me that I would soon join my friends. Yet I would not go down without a fight. Viciously I attacked those vile beings. I remembered I slit one's throat but I quickly found myself pinned.

I squinted my eyes tight and awaited the seeping of my life. Yet when it did not come I risked a peek out to check on my situation. What seemed to be the whole pack was around me, growling and snarling. They looked ready to tear me to shreds. Yet why were they not doing so? It was then I noticed that a female was sniffing my torso. Desperately I looked for my blade, but alas I saw it many yards away. I looked down to that female. Why was she the only one near me? It was then I figured it out. This was the alpha! But why was she waiting? Did she want the first bite or something?

All there was to answer my unspoken questions was a snort from the wolf. As she walked off the others closed in. Instead of tearing me to shreds they led me off like some prisoner. The flashing teeth and claws told me that any attempt to escape was unwise. I had to admit though, all this had caught my interest.

We walked all night and the wolves brought me to their den. Quickly I was led into a corner then suddenly I was alone. It was then I saw my torn apart friend in my mind. I felt a sudden wave in my stomach and before I knew it I was retching on the floor. I curled up against the wall and hugged my knees to my chest. What was to become of me?

I must have fallen asleep because the next thing I remember is that alpha female nudging me with her snout. I murmured and slowly awoke. Her ice blue eyes looked into mine deeply. Why did she not tear my throat out? Was this some cruel game. Suddenly something very peculiar happened.

/You are very strong for your kind./

I looked around. Where had that voice come from? It sounded like it was in my head. Was I going mad? I looked to the wolf and saw he grinning. Wait. Grinning?

"You can...?"

/Talk? Yes. But only into your mind./

"Why haven't you eaten me yet?"

/I don't intend to./

"Why though?"

The female tilted her head.

/What? Are you objected to living?/

Quickly I raised a hand and shook my head. A bead of sweat ran down my face. All the she-wolf seemed to do was laugh. Slowly she leaned in and licked that bead of sweat from my face. Her tongue felt smooth and warm.

/Relax. I won't let harm come to you. You are different from your friends. More valiant. More strong of body and heart. Very good potential./

"Potential..? What do you mean?"

Slowly her tongue ran down the flesh of my cheek. It circled my chin then came back up. Before I knew it, her lips were pressed to mine. I was surprised when I didn't struggle, but began to kiss her back.

/Yes. Very good potential indeed./

Before I could question her she was gone. I tried to figure everything out, but when answer eluded me I allowed myself to roam the cave. There were many wolves. Maybe hundreds. And the cave was no small thing. In the center was a small pond where pups were swimming. I went there and crouched on the shore. After splashing my face with water I looked at my reflection. My green eyes gazed back at me and my black hair was stained with blood. With a sigh I returned to where I had been left and curled up. Quickly I returned to sleep, exhausted and confused.

Many days passed, and I learned the way of the pack. Although the members avoided me, except when they delivered me food, I noticed the she-wolf was the only alpha. There were many, many families in this pack. Not all of them lived in the cave. I also had many conversations with the female. I learned much from her and came to recognize her as a kindred spirit. One day I asked her why she was the only alpha. Her response did not come easy.

/I....I had a mate..Who was the other alpha. But he..he died...by a human..../

I could sense her obvious sorrow and I felt a pang of similar feelings fill me. Softly my hand rested on her front flank nearest me. I recieved an odd look. It was not warning but something else. Something I couldn't distinguish.

"Why...why did you keep me alive?"

/Well many of the members of this pack were once human like you. But I made them into wolves. Not forcefully of course. I gave them a choice./

"What are you getting at? What was the other choice?"

/That I would give them a quick death. None of them seemed to want to return to civilization./

A knot formed in my stomach. Oh she was smart. She was avoiding my first question. Daringly I decided to press her.

"What are you getting at?"

A blush seemed to fill her cheeks and before I knew it the female had dashed off. I sat and pondered upon this developement. Within the days that passed I left the subject to rest for a while and kept talking to her. More and more we grew closer. Soon it was common to see her leaning against my side and my arm around her canine figure.

One day I thought to have gone too far. We talked as usual but I felt an urge. What kind of urger I was having trouble telling. Before I knew it I had kissed her. My lips pressed to her's, breath drained from me and was replaced with yet another odd feeling. When the kiss ended we both blushed. Something confused me. Was I falling in love with this wolf? But what was more strange was she seemed to be doing the same. Finally I decided to approach the subject I had lain to rest.

"You intend to ask me to become a wolf?"


"Why though? Why me?"

/Because you are strong and caring and.../

She blushed furiously and buried her muzzle into my chest.

"And what?"

/And I was...I was going to ask you to be my mate./

Halfway through her sentance she looked up at me with those beautiful eyes. My breath was caught in my throat and she seemed to have thought I had rejected her. Sorrowly she began to rise. Desperately I turned her head to face my own.

"I...I would like that. But first. Tell me your name. If you have one."

/My name is Moshika./

Her eyes glinted happily as did mine. A smile broke onto my lips.

"Mine's Max."

/A handsome name for a handsome male./

It was my turn to blush. Quickly I smiled and acted as if the compliment had not passed.

"So how do I become a wolf?"

/Simple. Just stay there./

I did as told but nothing seemed to be happening. Suddenly a purple glow enveloped my body. I felt my bones reshaping but there was no pain. A thought came to me and quickly I undressed, blushing as Moshika saw my aroused shaft. I watched as a sheath began to grow at the base of my member and soon enveloped it. Before I knew it, I was forced to stand on all fours. I felt a tail sprout behind me. My flesh itched as jet black fur sprouted up all over my body. My teeth grew to fangs and my ears moved. Next my nose grew longer and changed. Finally I was a full grown, and rather massive, wolf. I heard a gasp and looked to Moshika. I responded to her embarassed looked with a wolfish grin.

Slowly I padded to her. Our muzzles met and we spent many moment simply cuddling and nuturing our love. Suddenly a coy look came to her eyes and she smirked.

/Now you must make me your mate and become the new alpha./

/But how?/

I wasn't too surprise that I could no longer use my mouth to talk. I tilted my head and awaited her answer. Yet none came from her. All she did was turn around and pad a few steps away. Her hips swayed sensually and a scent reached my nose. Instantly my sheath pulled back to reveal my tool. I looked down and saw my nine inch, red, pulsing cock. The tip was now spearlike. I looked up and noticed I had been following Moshika. Her moist nether lips were presented to me invitingly. I looked to her and received a nod. It was then I let instinct take flow. Gingerly I climbed up her rear. My front legs wrapped around her waist. I could feel a heat near the tip of my dick. Slowly I pushed forth and was enveloped in her wolven pussy.

At the same time we let out a moan. Already her hips were driving against mine. My thick rod sank into her luscious depths. We began a fast pace. A wet slapping noise came each time my hips met her plush ass. My heavy sac swung and began to tighten. Yet I was no where near to cumming. In and out I went. In and out. Her sweet voice rose up in moans and eeps of pleasure. Her inner walls tightened and I gasped as her hot fem cum washed over me. Yet I kept thrusting in and out.

Three more times Moshika came over me. Each time made this bulge form in the base of my cock. I don't know why but I felt the need to push that knot into her. And try I did. Each time was fruitless except for the deep moans both me and my mate gave off. Finally I succeeded and with a plop we were tied. I went animal on her. I humped wildly, feeling I could not hold out much longer. Powerfully I thrusted all the way in and gave off a howl. Gallons of hot seed shot into her womb and soon her song joined mine.

It took a long time for me to stop spurting and an even longer time for my knot to go down. I felt a pang of disapointment when my cock slid back into it's home. Moshika reassured me that would change and I smiled. My mate curled up on the floor in a ball of brown and white and gray fur. Protectively I curled my massive form around her. I gave a loving lick to her nape.

/I love you Moshika./

/And I love you Max/

To be continued...