Treasure Seeker: Challenges and Choices

Story by Farfener on SoFurry

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The world is moving even faster towards war as Rayle, the prince of Avalon moves forward to exact his revenge. Zenn has a choice to make, a choice that would change her life forever. Once again, the grave threat of war threatens everything, everyone's hopes. Will it be the desert fox, or the vengeful wolf.

(Note: Yes I know that the 'desert fox' was a name given to a Nazi commander from the Africa campaign of WW2. I am in no way whatsoever condoning Nazism... I just like the name, it is pretty freakin cool... i mean...i'd like a nickname like that. But no what do i get, i get 'Gundam Freak' for crying out-... oops... uh... sorry)

Please Comment, I appreciate it.


Lying on the top of a dune on the outskirts of the Issailis desert, an Imperial scout lowered his spyglass. The army that was causing the swelling dust cloud that he had been watching for the past few hours had finally come over the dunes and into his visual range. His gaze swept up and down the ranks of thousands and thousands of marching beasts. He paused every now and then, looking at the banners each section was flying, before moving on.

The scout ducked back down behind the dune top and turned back to his companion and whispered, "Go and tell General Cratus, the Rebel army has arrived. It would appear to be..." he turned back to the army, muttering numbers under his breath, "Fourteen, fifteen, seventeen... Seventeen and a half thousand."

The runner, a female Rabbit, nodded "Seventeen thousand...Are you sure that you're gonna be alright?"

The scout winked "Come on Tallia, I'm always careful. Just get back and tell Cratus that we have company, a lot of company."

The runner nodded again and leapt to her feet. Running as fast as she could she streaked off into the desert. After watching his partner leave the scout turned back to army and raised his spyglass. He shook his head as he watched the approaching army, "My God... this is four times the number they had before."


Rayle walked at the head of his army, Sallis and his honour guard beside him. On either side of him row upon row of soldiers marched in formation. Rayle had called upon every friend and favour he had in order to gather this many soldiers, his own personal army. His early reports said that he outnumbered an unprepared and unsuspecting Imperial army by almost three thousand. Some of the more recent reports even went as far as to say that he had twice the imperial's number.

A paw clamped on Rayle's shoulder and a voice said, "Hey, this is the beginning of the Issailis desert."

Rayle looked back into the face of his friend. Brail was an albino Raccoon and was one of Rayle's oldest friends. Brail's white armour seemed to blend in perfectly with his white fur, making him appear much fiercer than his demeanor. His contribution to the army had been a small but very effective squad of archers, the Ro-shal-cal. They were an elite group of fighters capable of taking on any force ten times their size and annihilating them completely. Brail's father had been reluctant to give them to his son, but had relented after hearing about the fact that the prince of Avalon was leading the army.

Brail himself was also a fine archer, but excelled far more in spear warfare. Rayle had appreciated his contribution to the army and had welcomed him into the company with open arms. However, Rayle was beginning to find that his friend was a little reluctant regarding the war. It bothered Rayle that he believed the reports from frantic imperial commanders that they had captured, who's armies they had smashed while on their march. They had all said that the battle of Isaiah had ended with no one left alive. Rayle had taken it upon himself to personally kill every single one that had said that.

Rayle looked back at Brail: "I know this is the beginning of the desert, I am not blind. Are you still having second thoughts."

"I would be lying if I said no."

"What is it now?"

Brail sighed, "Listen, all we have heard so far is that your girl is dead along with the rest of the army that last attacked. I haven't even seen the report that says that she is alive. Not only that, but going back to the last army-"

Rayle turned swiftly and growled in Brail's face, "She is alive. I will find her and kill anyone who stands in my way. The report my father received tells me that the Viceroy of Isaiah is planning to marry her and use her family create an imperial state inside of our borders. That is unacceptable"

"Yes, that is what you have heard." Brail said, brushing the masked threat, "But let us not forget what happened to the last army the wandered into this infernal desert. They didn't even make it to the ocean before they were annihilated. No food, no water and the heat, these are all death to an army."

"We are doing this for everyone's good." Rayle said firmly, "For

At that point, Brail stopped and put his foot down into the sand, "Your highness, I am demanding that we stop this army now. As soon as I see the report that says she is still alive then I will allow my men to continue."


Brail shook his head, "It is either that or I am leaving and taking my men with me."

Rayle growled, "You traitorous pig!"

"I will not risk the lives of my men for no reason." Brail sighed, "At the very least we should wait until the supply trains catch up."

With a smile Rayle turned to his army. In his loudest voice he shouted "Spread the word, the white raccoon from the west and his gang of stick flingers are tired." He paused for a minute, waiting to hear Brail's reaction "We will stop here for now." He turned back towards Brail, "There, are you satisfied now?" but Brail was already walking away, the anger obvious in his tensed shoulders and clenched fists.

Sallis watched in silence. He had thought about stepping in and stopping the exchange but had decided against it. Sallis knew that this growing rift between Rayle and his friends was becoming dangerous. Now his thoughts whirled around in his head.

"My king..." he thought, "You have indeed brought out the monster in your son. He will do anything, out of his own personal honour, to protect this girl. However... Brail and his archers... they are in a dangerous state right now. I must do what I can to stop this dissent from spreading to the rest of the army if it gets any worse.

Rayle walked in between two columns of soldiers on his way back towards the rear of his army. As he passed he paused for a second and looked back at his soldiers. He stared for a few seconds at the backs of one of the rows before shrugging and moving on.

Yulan sighed in relief as Rayle moved on. It had been hard to hide herself in with the rest of Rayle's army without Rayle himself knowing. Back in Avalon Rayle had made it very clear that he did not want Yulan coming with him on the march. Yulan, on the other hand, had made it equally clear that she was going to go with him. In the end, Rayle had put Yulan under guard, an order that had been cancelled by his father only a few days after Rayle and his army had moved out.

Yulan frowned underneath her helmet. She knew that this whole thing was likely a trap. Rayle's father had always been a manipulative person, willing to use any means to achieve his ends. It was very likely that he knew of the relationship between Yulan and Rayle, a relationship that threatened Rayle's conquest. Yulan knew that there was likely someone in the army who knew who she was and had special orders pertaining to her. Yulan's frown turned into a smirk, she had been doing a good job of making herself out to be soldier who was clumsy at best. Whoever came after her would have a deadly surprise waiting for them.

"That's not the only one who will have a surprise." She muttered, "If that Otter bitch is still alive... I'll teach her for stealing my mate." She looked briefly back at Rayle, "I don't know what spell she placed on you, but I will show you, I'll show her and everyone, that I am just as worthy."

"We make camp here!" shouted out several of the generals, "Soldiers, pitch your tents."

"Yes, my lord!" was the massive shout that answered.


Zenn sat lightly upon the balcony of her apartment and looked out over Isaiah's market place as the crowds began to disperse. Her light blue dress fluttered in the wind as she sat, her gaze sweeping the city, passing to the ocean and the massive shipyard that sat upon the coast. The sun was still warm, even as it began to sink into the ocean, casting everything into a red-orange hue.

Life in Isaiah had taken on a comfortable pattern for Zenn. She and Rassa, after formally choosing each other as mates one month ago, continued to live in their little apartment above one of the markets. Zenn had refused to take part in Rassa's questionable earning activities, instead she had become something of a vendor herself. Almost everyday she went to the ocean and collected shells, diving deep into the water to gather them. The shells that she returned with were always beautiful and shiny, fetching good prices. The two incomes were more than enough to feed both Zenn and Rassa.

Life was as pleasant as the nights that the two of them spent in each other's arms. The summer months were ending so it wasn't nearly as hot, at least outside. Recently, Zenn had been a little distant from Rassa, not because she was feeling any sort of hesitation, but because she was going into heat. Zenn knew that if there was anytime for the two of them to conceive a child, it would be now. She was young and so was Rassa, they were both in their sexual prime and that was what frightened her.

That thought weighed heavily on Zenn's mind. She wasn't sure that Rassa would want a child. In fact she wasn't sure if she wanted one either. Those feelings ran especially strong considering the nature of Rassa's activities. She remembered all the times that they had sex before, how when she climaxed she would desperately hope for Rassa to impregnate her, now those same feeling worried her, it all seemed more real now that she was going into heat. However... somewhere in the back of her mind, both her natural instincts and her feelings tugged at her, urging her to take the leap. In a way... the thought of starting a new life was electrifying, yet terrifying.

Zenn stepped back onto the balcony and walked into the apartment just as Rassa came through the door. Rassa was panting hard and had a large rip on the front of his shirt. He looked up at Zenn and grinned, "Hey there..."

"What happened?" Zenn asked, rushing forward to see if Rassa was alright.

Rassa shrugged, "Nothing much, it's just that, with this new guard captain... those soldiers are getting better and better at tracking us and catching us. We thieves are starting to consider other forms of work." He pointed at the rip in his shirt, "I got this when I pulled a little pick pocket out of harms way."

"Are you hurt?"

Rassa shook his head, "Nope, he just barely got my shirt. Don't worry, Neither the guard nor the kid saw my face."

Zenn looked Rasa up and down and shook her head, "You're insane you know that."

The two of them ate supper in an uncomfortable silence. Whenever Rassa spoke up and tried to say something, Zenn would reply only in short answers, killing the conversation quickly. After a while, Rassa had given up and the two had eaten in silence. As soon as she was done eating, Zenn got up from the table and walked into the bedroom, closing the curtain behind her.

Rassa sighed, he knew that the curtain meant that she didn't want to be disturbed. "Oh well." He thought, "Just another night of sleeping on the floor out here." He looked back at the curtain, back to the floor and then back to the curtain.

As soon as Rassa had finished eating, he put the dishes away and walked towards the bedroom. Taking a deep breath, he pushed the fabric aside and walked in. Zenn was standing at the window, staring at the two moons as they glowed just over the surface of the ocean, beginning their trip around the sky.

Rassa walked up behind Zenn slowly and then grabbed her from behind. He buried his nose in her hair and sniffed, loving the smell of the sea salt and sunshine on her hair. He nuzzled his face against her neck and whispered, "I'm really bored, and I feel kinda restless."

Zenn didn't turn but sighed, "Oh really?"

Rassa nodded, "Yep, and I think I know just the way to cure that" he turned Zenn around and looked deep into her eyes, "Do you know what I have in mind."

A flash a fear went through Zenn and she pulled away, "Not tonight Rassa, some other time."

Rassa raised a paw and stroked her hair lovingly. Hiss tone was persuasive, but not begging when he said, "Come on Zenn, lets have some adult play time. We haven't done our thing for nearly a week now. Remember all the good times?"

Zenn giggled; there had been some pretty crazy times. She remember the time when they had mated right behind pile of barrels on the street, or how they had snuck aboard a small sailing vessel one night after a long swim and had made love on the deck. Once they had been making love in a large barrel when their clothes were stolen, and Rassa had had to pay a burly badger to carry the barrel back to Rassa's apartment. She remembered her favorite time when, right after Rassa and her had finished making love under the display table of her shell tent, a customer had come up. The customer had found it strange how close Rassa was standing behind her as she completed the sale. What the customer hadn't known was that Rassa and Zenn had still been tied together by Rassa's knot.

Zenn almost gave into Rassa at that point, remembering all of the good feelings. However, the image that flashed in her head, of the pups she and Rassa would create if they did it tonight, stopped her cold. She looked at Rassa, "Sorry, I'm just not interested."

Rassa nodded and turned to leave. Before he did he said over his shoulder, "You know what I said about not having any regrets. I love you... but if you are having second thoughts then you can go and don't bother looking back. I will wait." And with that he turned and left, pushing the curtain aside and walking through it.

Zenn stood for a few seconds before sinking to the floor. She sat there for a few moments before she started to laugh quietly. She looked up at the curtains and shook her head, "Rassa... you are so dramatic sometimes. Oh well... you really are insane..."

Rassa lay on his mat near the window. His eyes were closed and he was pretending to be asleep. Suddenly, his ears picked up the sound that he had most dreaded to hear, footsteps. He kept his eyes closed, but his ears followed the sound of footsteps, exiting Zenn's room and heading out into the main room.

Rassa twitched, as if starting to get up, but he didn't move again. "I promised her that I wouldn't stop her..." he thought, "I can't... she has to make her own choice." His fists curled up, "What did I do... where did I go wrong? I don't understand." He sighed, "I guess... a thief like me has no right to a happy future."


The Fox general of the Desert, Damocles Cratus, watched as his guards carefully helped the exhausted runner rabbit out of the hall. They carried her lightly between them and left the room, her report delivered only moments ago to the General. An army, seventeen thousand beasts strong was approaching the city of Isaiah along the same route that a smaller rebel army had attacked along previously.

Cratus sat back in his chair and thought for a few moments. Cratus was not a particularly impressive looking specimen, neither regal nor powerful looking. His twenty five years old body was thin and his face drawn. His fur was a brown colour, rather than the normal red and his eyes were a dull orange. The most impressive thing about him was the white uniform lined with gold trimming that he wore. However, despite his young age and disheveled appearance, the numerous and spectacular victories that Cratus had won spoke for themselves.

Since a young age, Cratus had proven himself to be a deadly tactician. He proved himself over and over again in chess before eventually being given command of a small group of soldiers. At first, the transition from chess pieces into living soldiers had been hard for Cratus. However, he had learned quickly to blend the two skills, becoming an even more efficient and deadly commander. Eventually, Cratus had been given the great honour of protecting the city of Isaiah from rebel attacks. The city was on the coast of a vital waterway that supplied food for the Grais islands, the home of the Imperial capital.

Cratus's mind frantically shuffled through data, running through tactical scenarios. He hated the fact that he was outnumbered, however his troops were probably better supplied, judging by the speed with which the enemy army was advancing. However, Cratus had never heard of the person leading the army, Rayle of Avalon. For Cratus this presented a minor problem, as he needed data to make strategic calculations to fit the battle and outwit his opponents.

"I think I should meet this new commander." Cratus said, looking slowly over to his bodyguard, "Grab a few politicians who know what they are talking about and some soldiers." Cratus reached under his chair and pulled out a wooden box. He cracked it open for a few seconds and then snapped it back shut. Cratus smiled, "I will do the real negotiating, and a little bit of investigative work."

"Isn't this a little risky sir?" Cratus's bodyguard asked. The bodyguard was a skunk who wore a long cape on his back and light, loose black clothing. His wrists and ankles were wrapped with strips of fabric and his clothing was covered with belts of many different sizes, holding the clothing against his arms and legs. He was taller than the average skunk and he had a dominant and regal bearing.

"Maybe." Cratus said, standing slowly, "But... I think that it is worth the risk if I can use this opportunity to gather data on my opponent."

"What about Isaiah's defenses my lord?" one of the military commanders asked, "They do not yet know of the attack, what should we tell them?"

Cratus thought for a moment before answering, "Leave them until morning, tomorrow they will know of the threat. If all goes well, I should be back by the late afternoon tomorrow with everything I need. If I am not back before sundown tomorrow... assume that I am dead and prepare the defenses along alpha plan.

"Yes my lord!"


Rassa continued to lay as still as possible. He could hear the sound of Zenn's footsteps on the floor, but he couldn't figure out where they were going. Suddenly, he felt the blanket he was sleeping under move, someone had lifted up the corner and was pulling it over themselves. Rassa felt a pair of arms wrap around him, he could feel Zenn's warmth and smell Zenn's scent.

Rassa rolled over in his sleep and looked at Zenn as she snuggled herself into a comfortable position. She had a smile on her face as she pulled Rassa closer and nuzzled her face in his neck fur. She pressed her body up against Rassa's as much as possible, revealing the fact that she was wearing no clothing. Her soft breasts pressed against his chest and Rassa felt the glowing warmth from her nether regions spreading through his own fur. Rassa pulled his head away and kissed Zenn.

"I thought you were leaving." He said softly.

"You were just going to let me go?" Zenn asked. She smiled and shook her head, "You really are insane."

Rasa grinned, "Probably, but what is going on. I thought that you-"

"Shh." Zenn said, putting a finger to her lips, "I have something to tell you."

"What is it?" Rassa asked.

Zenn smiled again, "I'll tell you in a little bit."

Before Rassa could enquire any further, Zenn took the initiative and rolled on top of Rassa. She leaned in and kissed him, wrapping her arms around Rassa and pressing herself against his body. She felt a rush as Rassa responded to the kiss and his arms began stroking up and down her supple form. His paws went up and down her sides, brushing up against her breasts every now and then.

Zenn felt Rassa's cock very quickly swell to full size, squished between them. Rassa groaned softly in pleasure as he felt the wetness from Zenn's sex spreading to him. Her waist was pressed hard against his and he could feel every inch of her against him, that warm wet place that brought him so much pleasure. He could feel the rest of the world slipping away as Zenn's scent went up into his nostrils, making him growl very softly with lust.

Zenn sighed in pleasure and suddenly felt Rassa surged forward, rolling her onto her back with himself on top. As he did, Zenn wrapped her legs around Rassa's, holding him to her. His paws began to explore more thoroughly, moving up and down her body. He stopped to massage her breasts, his thumbs playing with Zenn's nipples as he fondled her small breasts. He eventually broke of his kiss with Zenn and began kissing all over her neck and throat. His head moved down to her chest, kissing her shoulders, her breasts and her belly.

Rassa couldn't seem to get close enough to Zenn, no matter how he moved. His mouth and arms were touching her body, but he still felt a need to be closer. One arm wrapped underneath of Zenn's torso and pulled her closer, the heat from her body melding with Rassa's. They became one consciousness, one desire, the desire to give each other pleasure and to fulfill each other.

His mouth played all over Zenn chest and belly while his paws stroked up and down Zenn's legs, everyone in a while stopping to touch her heat, spreading the wetness to the rest of her fur. Zenn groaned in pleasure as Rassa stopped massaging her legs and began rubbing his fingers up and down her slit. She tensed and quivered as Rassa slipped his fingers inside of her, rubbing up against her clit as he did. The fiery waves of pleasure elicited loud groans of pleasure from Zenn and her entire body shook.

Suddenly there was a banging on the floor beneath them. Both Rassa and Zenn stopped and listened as the banging continued for a few more seconds and then a voice came ringing up through the floor.

"Hey! Keep it down up there. If you're gonna hump each other do it more quietly!"

Rassa growled, "Mind your own business! Or I'll come down there and tear off you tail!"

The voice immediately stopped and Rassa sighed. He looked back at Zenn and grinned, "By the way, we have new neighbors downstairs. He is some red squirrel with an attitude problem."

Zenn sighed, "I don't care." And rolled back over onto Rassa. With a single movement she raised her self up and dropped her hips down onto Rassa erect cock. She sighed in pleasure and satisfaction of she felt her nether lips being spilt and then a tingling, burning sensation as Rassa's hardness penetrated her soft, receptive core. She slid all the way down, taking every bit of Rassa inside of her heat. For a few seconds she simply sat there, enjoying the filled sensation that Rassa's presence created, the filled sensation spreading from her vagina outwards to encompass the rest of her form.

Rassa had been a little surprised when Zenn had rolled him over. He had been even more surprised when she had so quickly mounted him. Rassa had made love the Zenn many times, but she had never seemed this intense. She was desperate for some reason, she needed him badly. Out of all the times they had made love, Zenn had only been on top a few times, usually preferring to simply enjoy the feelings that Rassa helped create for her.

Rassa sighed as the pleasant, warm sensation of being deep inside his mate flowing throughout his body. The warmth and wetness inside of Zenn seemed to cover him as well, tying them together. Rassa loved the sensations that came from the place where they were joined. He could feel Zenn's heartbeat through her vaginal walls, he could feel her body heat, her wetness and her love. Her heat was his heat, they were one again.

His eyes swept up and down Zenn's supple form. He smiled at the look of sheer pleasure on her face as she sat, his cock buried inside of her pussy. He raised his paws and cupped the sides of Zenn's face. Her eyes opened and they looked at each other, each of their gazes going deep into each other. They both realized that something was different this time, something had changed even just that night.

Both Zenn and Rassa moved together, turning their bodies so that they were lying on their sides, facing each other. They both moved slowly as they wrapped their arms and legs around each other. The two of them kissed each other deeply, not separating as they both began to move their bodies. Rassa slid himself up and down in tiny movements.

Zenn tightened her inside as mush as possible as Rassa's cock moved inside of her. The feelings spreading from her sensitive vagina made her shudder with pleasure as they washed over her body. The feeling enveloped her like a warm cocoon, touching her everywhere. The pleasure felt like a soothing piece of music in her ears and a warm river flowing over her,

Rassa also felt enormous amounts of pleasure as her slowly thrust in and out. Zenn's walls were tight around him and he pushed as deeply into her as possible. As his knot began to swell his thrust became a little faster and deeper. His instincts told him to move faster but Rassa resisted, continuing to move painfully slowly. Rassa's own body shivered and shook as he thrust, desperately wanting more, but having trouble handling what it was already feeling.

For the both of them this was no longer an act of physical pleasure, but the act of two beings desperately in love with each other. As their feelings increased in intensity, they both began to moan and groan as the pleasure racked their bodies. Suddenly, there was a loud banging on Rassa's door and the same voice as before called out. "Hey! Hey, Zassa and Renn or whatever, shut up! I am trying to read my book and all I can hear are you two humping each others brains out. It is kinda hard to read when all you can hear is two otters banging each other through my floor! Do it more quietly!"

"That is it!" Rassa said, the moment shattered by the rude intrusion. Without thinking he got up, sliding out of Zenn as he did. Zenn whimpered a little as he got up and Rassa turned. With a smile he bent down and kissed her, "I'll be right back." Wrapping a sheet around himself he walked towards the door, his fists clenching and unclenching.

With a growl Rassa opened the door and looked at his neighbor. The red squirrel was wearing a small pair of glasses and a frustrated look on his face. Before he could say anything, Rassa stepped out into the hallway and shut the door, growling a little.

"What do you want Kai!" he growled, "I am trying to enjoy some intimate time with my wife."

"Well about that." The squirrel sighed, "I can hear you to from my room. As much as I am sure you enjoy banging her around, perhaps a little less gusto would be preferable. I can't read with all that noise."

Rassa tried hard to contain himself. The urge to hit Kai in the face was rising very rapidly. He took a deep breath, "Kai, when you moved in I told you that me and my wife lived above you."

"She was your girlfriend at that point." His gaze turned to one of scorn "Oh wait, don't tell me, the two of you weren't doing it then too."

"Shut up! My wife and I have owned this apartment far longer than you have. If you are having so much trouble reading, go elsewhere. But, I am going to go back into my room and go back to my mate. If you bother us again, I will make you eat that book that you are so fond of reading."

Kai bunched up his fists, "Now listen you.... You... lust driven beggar! I paid money for this place and I-"

Suddenly a broom, thrown like a spear, came zooming out of the gloom from down the hall and smacked Kai in the side of the head. Out of the gloom stepped the landlord, Kassari. Kassari was a small she-skunk with brown fur instead of the usually black. She was far too thin to be healthy, her body appearing fragile and frail. Her condition was a result of being wounded in a war several years ago, a wound that had devastated her. She was usually very calm and pleasant, but now she appeared to be rather angry.

Kassari lived with her husband, who was much older than she was. She appeared to be about twenty two, twenty three while her husband was in his late fifties. She walked down the hallway in a rumpled night gown that had been thrown on hastily. Kassari's fur was rumpled and her hair messy, she and her husband had been 'busy' only moments before.

"What is this!" she asked, scratching the back of her head and yawning, "I am trying to rest and all I can hear is you two bickering!"

Kai stepped forward and handed back Kassari her broom, "I think this is yours, Madam. Either way, this otter here, Zassa or Tassa or whatever, and his wife are making it hard for me to read my book. What with that moaning and that groaning, it is impossible to concentrate."

"Trying a new position tonight Rassa?" Kassari asked playfully, "You know ever since Zenn moved in, Zagain has been jealous. I don't think we've had so much 'fun time' since I was a teenager." She looked over at Kai, "Now you listen, lonely Pete, You go back downstairs and put some cotton in your ears. I don't want my tenants getting into fights out in the halls during the middle of the night."

Kai made a move to protest, but the look on Kassari's face made him reconsider. With a quick nod, he turned and ran down the stairs. Kassari watched him for a seconds and then shook her head, "Good gravy." She turned back to Rassa, "I see you are dressed to please."

Rassa looked down at the sheet around himself, "I didn't have time to pull on anything more appropriate."

Kassari smiled, "Same here." She sighed, "I do feel sorry for Kai though. He is an intellectual, cast out of his kingdom and banished to here because of his views. He is just lonely I think, he left his family behind."

Rassa paused, "I guess."

Kassari turned, "It is good to see that Zenn has made up her mind."

"What do you mean?" Rassa asked.

Kassari turned back, "You don't know? She's been going into heat for the past few days. She wasn't sure whether or not you actually wanted another bundle of fur so she didn't tell you." She smiled "But hey, go back in there and make her squirm." Her smile faltered and her paw moved down towards her belly, where a thin scar from a stab wound stretched across her lower abdomen, "And be happy... that you have the ability to have children."

Rassa was stunned. He didn't know much about females, but he knew what I meant when they were in heat. If he went back in there, back to his mate...he and Zenn would create their first child. The thought nearly struck him down, it was just so immense and the implications great. However, a glow of pleasure swept over him as he realized that this meant that Zenn was willing to have a family with him, to stay with him and trust him with the upbringing of their child.

"Thank you Kassari." Rassa nodded, "you have been a big help once again."

Kassari smiled. Out of the gloom behind her, her husband, a big and burly Wolverine walked up and placed his paws on Kassari's shoulders. Kassari smiled up at him and looked back to Rassa, "Do what you know is right Rassa. I look forward to the news." With that, Kassari's husband nodded at Rassa and tenderly picked up his wife, carrying her down the hallway back towards their room.

Zenn was just preparing to get up off of the floor when Rassa came back into the room. He looked over at her and smiled, "So, where were we?"

Zenn smiled and growled seductively, crawling back onto the blankets laid on the floor. As she lay back down she spread her legs a little, giving Rassa a perfect view of her slender lips and the wetness spreading from them. At the sight of Zenn in that position, Rassa was immediately aroused and he felt his cock swelling quickly and his mind once again buzzed with lust.

Dropping the sheet to the ground, Rassa stepped forward and almost leapt on Zenn. He settled himself in between her legs and began kissing her all over. Zenn groaned as his tongue and fingers stroked every part of her body. She felt his fingers lightly touch her face, her breasts, her belly, her arms. She groaned even more loudly and arced up to Rassa as he began massaging her vagina, his fingers playing with the lips, sometimes slipping inside of her a little, but always remaining as light as a feather.

Finally, Zenn couldn't take it anymore. She growled and wrapped her arms and legs around Rassa, pushing her hips forward so that her vagina bumped against Rassa's erect cock. She moaned and whimpered, begging Rassa to put himself back inside of her. Her body strained against Rassa's, her movement jerky and filled with a crazed lust.

Rassa's paws moved from Zenn's vagina and her back to face. He tenderly cupped and stroked the sides of her face. E gazed down at her, a look of pure love and pleasure on his face. Down below, Rassa positioned himself at Zenn's entrance. Slowly he pushed forward, his cock sliding slowly into Zenn. Zenn's breath caught and then she exhaled slowly as Rassa slid back inside of her.

Suddenly, Rassa shoved his body forward and slammed into Zenn. She yelped in pleasure as he pushed up to the hilt inside of her. Rassa began thrusting hard, long and powerful thrusts that shook Zenn's entire body. Both of them felt the fires of passion race through their bodies as Rassa thrust deeper and deeper. The movement of Rassa's cock against Zenn's vaginal walls caused the both of them to clutch frantically at each other.

Rassa felt his knot swelling at the base of his member. For a spilt second Rassa paused, considering the consequences of proceeding. However, one look at Zenn's face below him, the look of joy and passion on her face, and his mind was made up. With one great thrust, Rassa's knot popped into place inside of Zenn. He continued to thrust, his movements hampered by his knot tying the two of them together.

Zenn felt Rassa's knot hit home and she sighed. She had made her choice, a choice that would affect her life and Rassa's forever. Through the haze of passion that had enveloped her brain Zenn felt a warm feeling, a feeling of love sweep over her. That feeling, blended with the extremely pleasurable feelings spreading outward from inside of her, pushed Zenn over the edge. With a cry, Zenn's orgasm hit her hard. All of her vaginal muscles clenched at once around Rassa's cock, attempting to push him over the edge as well.

Rassa felt the pressure and splash of fluid on his member as Zenn's orgasm hit her. He too shuddered in pleasure as this sent him over the edge. Rassa's climax hit him hard as well. Deep inside of Zenn, his cock twitched and sent jet after jet of sticky white otter cum into her womb. Rassa felt his sperm filling Zenn's womb, a glowing warmness against his penis. Time after time his cock twitched, until every last drop inside of him was spent. He collapsed on top of Zenn, his arms unable to support him any more.

Zenn gasped when felt the first splash of Rassa's seed against the walls of her womb. Over and over again she felt Rassa's cum drench her womb. A warm feeling spread throughout her lower regions as Rassa's fluids mixed together with hers. She sighed and sank down, warm feelings spreading throughout her body. She knew that with the amount of cum that Rassa had put into her, there was no way she would avoid being pregnant now. Somewhere, deep within her body, Rassa's sperm would come in contact with her egg and that would create their first batch of pups, the miracle of life beginning.

Rassa felt exhausted and immensely contented as he and Zenn rolled onto their sides. They both ran their paws up and down each others bodies, still panting from the exertion minutes ago. They rubbed their noses against each other and smiled. Both of them looked at the other with love in their eyes, there was no doubt about it, they had found true love. Rassa wrapped his arms around Zenn and pulled her into a tight hug. They both sighed in pleasure again as the movement caused Rassa's cock to move inside of Zenn.

They were both about to drift off to sleep when there came a banging on the floor. Kai's voice rang up through the floor, "Good, you guys are finished. Now would you please let me read in peace!"

Rassa blinked and looked over at Zenn, "Excuse me, I'm just gonna go kill him." As he tried to move Zenn gasped in pleasure again. Rassa's knot was still tying him to Zenn, and it didn't look like he was going to be able to go anywhere fast. He sighed and settled back down on the floor, blushing at the stream of giggles coming from Zenn.

After a while, the two began to drift off, but then Rassa remembered what Zenn and Kassari had said. He shook Zenn's shoulders a little and whispered, "Hey, what was it you wanted to tell me before?"

Zenn opened her eyes slowly and looked over at Rassa. After a moment she sighed and took on of Rassa's paws in her own and guided it down towards her belly. She smiled, "I'm pregnant Rassa."

Rassa feigned surprise, knowing full well that that was what she was expecting. After a few second he asked, "Wh... when did this happen?"

Zenn grinned "Just now. For the past few days I've been going into heat. I wasn't sure... I didn't know whether or not to..." She looked at Rassa, her face now worried, "You aren't mad are you?"

Rassa sighed and pulled Zenn into an even closer hug. In her ear he whispered, "Not a chance."

Kassari pulled her ear away from the glass she pressed against the wall and sighed. Her own apartment shared a wall with Rassa's and she had been listening in on the conversation. She felt a big paw on her back and she looked back into the face of her mate. She smiled, "They did it." She looked back, "Well, there will soon be another bundle of fur running around this place."

Zagain nodded and pulled Kassari close. In her ear he whispered, "I promise, I will find a way for you to have a child."

Kassari smiled and nuzzled deeper into her mates fur, "Oh dear, I hope so."

Hours later the sun began to slowly rise over the city. As the golden light reached the tallest buildings, news began to race through the streets. By the time the city was fully lit by the sun's rays, the city was alive, However, this life gave way to fear as the citizens learned that the drums of war, once again thundered nearby to them.

I hope you enjoyed it. Please PLEASE leave comment. I need feedback so that I know where to improve my writing (I hope to do this kind of thing for a living)