Breakfast Adventure

Story by Valcyrie on SoFurry

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#1 of Stories

It's a M/F, starts with a little male solo, a tiny bit of vore and then goes into the M/F. I wrote extra much about the oral sex, as I promised someone I would (you know who you are). It contains both anal and vaginal intercourse.

Videraz knew his territory well. He had lived in those mountains for over 70 years and there was no secret place or hideout that he didn't know about. Every morning, by sunrise, he woke up and took a flight around the mountaintops, watching his surroundings carefully to notice every possible change in the landscape. Now and then he spotted hunters, adventurers and travellers, but nothing out of the ordinary. Until today.

Videraz was a very good-looking dragon. He was bigger than most, but not biggest, and very muscular. His scales were bright and delightfully red, with stripes of very dark green, almost black. His broad neck-, chest- and bellyscales were dull bone white, his horns long and curved tastefully and his talons shining, polished and deadly sharp. He had mated several times with female dragons who had all adored him, he liked that. He knew nothing better than a wet, tight vent to venture into. Lately he had been thinking to and fro about how it would be to mate with a male dragon, he had heard that this would be pleasant too, but he was not sure... He saw a juicy vent in front of him, tasteful and welcoming, and it changed into a big penis not very different from his own, and all his lust was gone. He wiped the mental image away - male dragons were not his thing - at least he didn't think so.

Videraz rolled over on his back, stretched all his 4 legs and yawned. He enjoyed sleeping. He peeped out of his cave. The daylight was grey; he had awoken at sunrise as usual. He turned his head back and looked on himself. The grey-pinkish shaft of his erected penis stood right up, the cool air from outside giving him a chilling sensation and it throbbed a little. He smirked and stroked it with his tail. If there was something he liked more than sleeping, it was morningwood. He looked around hastily, but of course no one was there. He gave a laughing snort at his own stupidity and paranoia.

His maw opened, his tongue relaxed and he let out a shaky moan as he laid on his back against the cave wall, his shaft clutched in his paw stroking it tenderly up and down. Ah yes, this was good. He swallowed hard, took a deep breath and continued, pacing up a little. Small twitches ran up along his shaft and a large amount of gooey pre-cum flooded out and ran down the shaft, over his tailhole and down onto the cave floor. He carefully eased his grip on his shaft, took a new one and felt the warm gooey feeling of his pre under his paws. His tongue now hanging out from the side of his maw, panting slightly, he began massaging his shaft with his paw, the pre-cum working as an excellent lubricant. He closed his eyes. Mmm, what a good feeling! The warmth, tightness... and so slippery! Reminded him of... A picture of a blue dragoness flashed before his eyes; she purred, looked up at him with bright yellow eyes and lifting her tail, exposing a very wet vent... it demanded his dragonhood, and now! He saw his own throbbing cock close up to her vent, she closed her eyes; mmm, the tightness and warmth; she moaned and he humped her, his claws scratching her back. The mental image was suddenly gone and he found himself roaring as load after load of white hot cum shot out of his cock and splashed down on his bellyscales, legs, tail and cave floor. He moaned, trembled and gasped for air as the last loads where fired off, and landed with a squishy sound on the stone cave floor. He raised his head and looked at the mess he made. With a loud sigh, he tried to wipe it off with his paws, but it just got stuck everywhere. Carefully he lifted his paw to his maw and licked all the white goo of it. He knew it always came to this. The salty flavour wasn't his favourite, but there was something thrilling with it.

He popped his head out the cave entrance, his long reddish tongue cleaning the last spots of cum from his paws. The air was chilly, but fresh. The warm cum breakfast only made him hungrier, he wanted something big. A deer, maybe? No, it had to be bigger to fit his needs. A horse? Yeah, a horse sounded good. He took a jump off the cliff, spread his wings and took flight. The chilly air flowing along his body made him shiver, but he knew he would get used to it soon. The chill also had other effects that he needed now. He looked down on himself, and saw his large dragonhood slowly decreasing in size in the cold air, before it was all the way inside its sheath, no longer visible. He gave a happy sigh, and dived for a close-by human settlement which he knew carried horses.

Several hours later, and with a much larger belly, he lay sunbathing on his cliff. He was close drifting off to sleep as he saw a movement high up in the sky. He observed it with interest as it drew closer and became larger. Could it be another dragon? It was a long time ago since he had company... 2 weeks at least. He decided to check out the newcomer, crawled off the cliff and falling a few hundred yards before his wings caught a warm up-wind and he rose on it to meet whoever came to visit.

High up among the clouds he saw her. Her scales were all blue, here and there with hints of purple and her eyes were bright yellow, just like the cute little dragoness in his dreams. His eyes widened and he followed her for a while, before he realised she was playing with him. He changed his course and kept it steady, and she came zooming around him in large barrel-rolls, before closing in and flying next to him. He smirked, caught her gaze and dived. She followed gracefully, her body was so slick and fragile, yet so strong and he could tell she was very self-confident. This dragoness knew what she wanted... and probably knew what he wanted too. She did another barrel-roll, and came in closer and closer until they were embracing each other in mid-air, falling freely. Her muzzle bent over to his ear and she said softly "Bring to me a delicious human meal; raw, young and fresh, and I will reward you with my warm love. My scales are to tender for human arrows and spears." Videraz swallowed and nodded. "How much will I get?" he asked her, they were still falling. "Enough for both of us... you are not the only one with needs." She smirked and gave his muzzle a lick before jumping off him, sailing upwards, while he kept falling towards another human settlement. He was determined to succeed with this dangerous but simple mission.

She was sailing on her wings above the clouds when he ascended beneath her, and with him he carried a young human woman. The woman had had all her clothes stripped off her, but her skin was untouched and she screamed in panic. The dragoness watched her for a few seconds; the little life wriggling in the dragon's strong paw, so desperate to live. It was a delicate little piece of meat he had found, and she nodded to him in approval. The girl should be around her mid-twenty's; her body not yet given birth to another life, her breasts still tastefully shaped and soft. The dragoness gave her a lick with her broad tongue, she could taste the salty sweat, the panic... she could resist no longer. With one fast move, she nicked the girl from Videraz' paws and sucked her into her maw; the screams of panic now reaching their top before turning into a muffled incoherent noise inside the large blue muzzle. Soon, there was total silence as the snaps and cracks of her bones being broken ended. Videraz watched his soon-to-be mate swallow her breakfast slowly, her eyes shut as she enjoyed the taste of innocence.

When she was done, she opened her yellow eyes and looked at him, her gaze drawing him closer to her until they embraced once again, but this time they both spread their wings to dampen their fall. Her tongue coiled around his inside his maw and he could too perceive the last taste the young human had left behind. He purred, drew her closer and kissed her deeply; and as he did so her body almost became wax in his arms.

His paws and tongue started to touch her everywhere he could, exploring her body. He licked and nibbled along her neck, her chest, her belly... and there he felt the scent. The scent he had longed for so long. He slid downwards until his muzzle was right before her noble parts. Carefully, he placed his paws on her legs and moved them aside. There, right in between her legs and her tail, he saw what he had dreamed of earlier that day.

Her vent was yet small, but a little swollen and damp. He stroked it with 2 digits, and he could hear her surprised moan through the air rushing past them. His curiosity rose and he grabbed her vent with his paw, spreading it with his digits. It was, just like his, grey-pinkish but way wetter. He leaned forward and sniffed the wonderful scent of her juices. He could not help himself from slobbering. He wanted it. He needed it. He demanded it! And it demanded him too. He sunk his head in between her legs, his muzzle stroking up and down against her vulva. He could feel her body tremble from the touch, and he felt that this was the right thing to do - she liked it, or she would have stopped him by now.

His long reddish tongue crept out from his maw and licked along the slit. Videraz could taste salty sweat and... female juices. He closed his eyes. She tasted better than he could ever have believed! He grabbed her with a paw again, spreading her vulva with his digits, but now something happened that he had not prepared for. His muzzle got a small shower in female juices and he could hear a distant scream of pleasure above him. He smiled; the sensitive touches he gave her had made her cum already. He opened his maw, pulled her near and closed his maw around her vulva. Her juices kept flowing for a good 20 seconds, and Videraz clawed her rump in excitement as he drank gulp after gulp of her love potion. When she was done coming, he could feel her legs shaking and her paws stroking his forehead and horns in a thankful manner - but he wasn't done yet. Her vulva still spread by his digits, he let his tongue out again. It swept over her outer rims for a split second, before he forced it inside. He found the entrance to her inner chambers quickly, and let more and more of his long tongue crawl inside. He coiled it inside her, feeling and tasting every inch of her innermost love. The sensation made her scream and twitch in bliss, and his arousal rose to the very top. He could feel his large cock, being larger than ever pointing out from beneath his belly into the air, throbbing so hard with blissful horniness that it actually hurt a little, but he did not care.

He started to pull his tongue inside and out, still coiling it around and floods of excitement-juices rushed along his tongue into his wanting maw. She tasted part sweet, part sour, part salty like him - and it was wonderful! After several minutes of his treatment, he noticed her turning around, but it didn't matter much to him, her vent was still filled with his tongue. That's when he sensed something thick, soft and wet grab his dragonhood and he peeked down to see what she was up too. He saw her coil her tongue around his shaft, before sucking it in with a loud "plop". Suddenly, his whole big cock was sucked deep into a caressing warm, tight mouth, sucked into a very tight and throbbing throat while her tongue massaged it. His eyes rolled backwards and white sparks danced before his vision. This was better than anything he ever had! It was total bliss! He didn't know what he were doing, his tongue and digits worked on their own accord; but he could feel his large cock moving in and out of her maw, when it was almost out she just teased the tip of it with her tongue, and when it was all in it was so deep that he could actually see it move back and forth in her throat. It was so sexy to see her do that! And then he felt it coming. He sent her a thought to warn her, but the thought she sent back sounded like "shut up and keep that tongue going", and so he did.

Not many seconds later, he opened his maw and roared mighty though a little muffled as his tongue still was stuck deep within her. He came, and he saw her swallow his cock deep in her throat and he could see her throat muscles moved as they did their best to handle the massive amount of cum being shot in their way. Then she started coughing, and he saw white cum erupting from her maw and her nostrils. But he didn't care. He just relaxed and let himself flood her insides. After a full 10 second orgasm, he finally quit shooting her full and she pulled him out, carefully licking and sucking off all cum, she left nothing to spare. She snorted down what got up in her nose and started to purr happily. Videraz withdrew his tongue from her and she let out a happy sigh. She turned around again, this time to face him and her tongue coiled around his, and they kissed for many minutes, clawing and nibbling on each other. Suddenly, the clouds around them broke and they found themselves descending slowly towards the cliff outside his cave. They landed with a slight thump, and Videraz who had managed to stay hard due to the snuggling, felt him slide into her. She gave a moan and a little cry of pain as he was too big for her and he pulled out at once, licking her muzzle to show that he was sorry. She panted for a little while, before slowly spreading her legs again, and she nodded to him. "Slowly" she said. "Give it to me slowly, and we will both be enjoying this for the rest of the day". Videraz happily licked her neck, lowered himself over her, licking her chest and neck, as his large throbbing cock drew closer to her vent. As the tip of his dragonhood touched her, he felt her shaking, almost vibrating and the vulva opened itself to let him in. He put his cock against the wet and slippery orifice and very slowly let it slid inside. She gasped and moaned and bit his neck hard as he entered, and he too moaned loudly, for she was tight, so very tight! Her love cavern closed around him perfectly, her tiny muscles pulling him further and further in until he hit the bottom - to his sadness, only half of his cock was inside.

He started humping slowly, and he could feel how her body adjusted itself to him, the extreme tightness was relieved and gone but it was still very nice. So warn and slippery. Better than he had imagined it! Much better than pre-cum and a paw! He slid in and out for at least half an hour, before he pulled out disappointed. She looked up at him. "Something wrong, honey?" she asked with a sad smile. "Yes..." he said truthfully. "I'd like more tightness... and to get deeper inside... otherwise I don't think I'll be able to cum..." he said, his cock still throbbing with horniness and shining of her lubricant juices. "Well, we can help the tightness..." she said and turned around, standing on for legs shoving her rectum up his muzzle. "Take me this way. You will get in a tiny bit deeper too I think, but it will definitely be tighter." She rocked her hips invitingly. He smirked, lifted up her tail, found her wonderful vent again and pushed himself inside. Both gasped at the same time. So tight! He grunted pleasantly and started to pull in and out, her letting out a loud moan and whimper every time he hit rock bottom in her. But still, only half his cock was inside. His eyes travelled from her neck where they had been fixated first, and to the second hole just under her tail. That one was tight, he knew that... and potentially a lot deeper too. He slowly pulled out and inspected his cock. It was large, throbbing and shivering a little, shining with her lovely juices, they worked as an excellent lubricant. She had just turned her head around to see what he was up too when he lifted her tail up. "Oh no no! Don't do that! DON'T! She screamed and growled. "If you want that take it slow! VERY SLOW!" she whimpered. He nodded and took it very slowly. He pushed himself carefully deeper into her, inch by inch, minute by minute. After almost 10 minutes, she gave a gasp as her rump surrendered to the new entry, relaxed and let him inside. This was even tighter! So tight it almost hurt! And he felt himself slide deeper and deeper, until there was no more cock to push inside. It was tight and warm, and they both stood still for a while, before she started to move her hips back and forth. He understood the signal, pulled out all the way, and inspected the new orifice he had just entered. There was a big whole after him, and it throbbed too, demanding him back inside. He smirked, took aim and shoved himself all the way in with force. She gasped and whimpered, and he began to hump her. In and out. Back and forth. Her rump could take it all. He went deep inside her, pulled all the way out, and then shoved himself back in. It was a wonderful feeling. He could soon sense another cumshot drawing closer, but he was not there yet.

He slid his tail forward, up between her legs and he found the wet and still willing vent. With a little twitch he pushed the tip of his tail inside her. She gave a surprised moan, but seemed to like it very much. She gasped and trembled. Was this too much for her? "It... It feels like... like 2 very large dragons at the same time... keep it up... I'm... I'm gonna cum..." she moaned and stuttered. Well if this is what she wanted...

He concentrated keeping his tail going in and out in a quick but soft pace, she seemed to like that the most. And he pulled out all the way and shoved his dragonhood back inside her tailhole. Faster and faster he went, now panting loudly and grunting as she moaned and wriggled under the 2-in-1 sensation. Now, he could feel himself cumming... he pulled out his dragonhood from her tailhole and his tail from her vent, and plunged his large throbbing cock into her tight vent. She gave a loud gasp, followed by a moan that turned into a loud shriek as she came. Her vent-muscles massaged his cock in a wonderful way that no tailhole ever could, and his claws made deep scratches in her hip-scales as he clawed her when he released his last large load of cum for the day deep inside her. It came with such force that it splashed back out over his legs, and ran in streams down her legs onto the cliff. Her body could take no more, and she collapsed panting on the cliff, and he fell down beside her, lazily licking her neck lovingly, his cock withdrawing itself inside him again, and her vent leaking his hot seed all over the cliff. "So, what do you want for dinner?" Videraz said with a chuckle. She smirked, turned slowly around and started licking up the mix of her own cum juices and his seed.