The Day After

Story by phinatic on SoFurry

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"So yeah," Jason started, "I think that it'd be a good idea to get washed up."

And of course, this couldn't be any more of an understatement. The proof of the last night's activities clung all over him--in the form of dirt. From all the hot stickiness of the two males' seed, the dirt around their patch of grass had all it needed to cling to their skin with the utmost tenacity. Additionally, the claw marks on Jason's chest had reopened during the night, and there were trails of blood flowing down one side of his chest. When Garyn saw this, he winced and his ears drooped a bit.

"Fortunately," he chuckled, "There's a steam nearby."

"Oh?" Jason asked, "Where at?"

"Can't you hear it? It's gotta be within at least half a mile."

Jason was continuously awestruck at the capabilities of the anthros. "Within at least half a mile? And you expect me to hear it?"

"Well yeah," Garyn laughed, "You seem like that's a rather tall order.

"As a matter of fact," Jason started, "It is."

The two lay side by side, gazing into each other's eyes, waiting to see what the other would do.

"So whatcha waiting for?"

Garyn was taken aback with the sudden question. "What do you mean, 'What am I waiting for?' You expecting me to do something?"

"Yes," Jason replied snobbishly, "I demand that you carry me to said stream so that we can wash up."

Grinning from ear to ear, Garyn nodded. "But of course," he replied in a mock-submissive tone, "I live to serve."

Without another word, the large anthro picked up his human lover, and was running toward the stream at a breakneck speed.

"Good god," Jason gasped, "Moving fast enough?"

"Nope," Garyn replied, "But we can fix that."

And fix that he did. Jason noticed a significant increase in their pace, and soon, he too could hear the currents from the stream.

"And here we are," Garyn said, coming to an abrupt stop.

He gently lowered Jason to the ground in front of the stream and dropped down to all fours. Minorly winded from the run, he started drinking. Jason knelt down beside him and watched contentedly as the anthro lapped at the water.

"Now that... is one helluva tongue."

"You have no idea."

The two chuckled at the statement, and Jason joined in with companion as they drank from the crystal clear waters. They drank until they could drink no more, and then just sat on the edge of the bank, watching the water rush by. Every now and again, they'd see a school of salmon pass by, and this did nothing to help them with their now growing hunger.

WIthout another thought, Jason reached over and pushed Garyn into the stream.

"What the f--" Garyn yelped as he landed in the water, a giant splash erupting from the otherwise tranquil flow.

Jason burst into laughter at Garyn's expense, and collapsed onto his side.

"So you think that's funny," a voice called from behind him.

Jason froze--who the hell could that be? Slowly, he turned around to face the source of the voice, and came eye-to-eye with a pair of eyes. One blue, one brown.

Without a grunt or a groan, Garyn lifted the human above his head.

"How the hell--?"

"I'm an incredibly adept swimmer," Garyn commented, "And I hope that you are as well."

And with that, he tossed Jason into the water, and then jumped in after him and disappeared beneath the surface.

"Oh my god!" Jason yelled as he broke the surface, "It's friggin' freezing!"

Garyn was nowhere to be found.

"Garyn?" he called out, "Garyn?"


"Okay," he said nervously, "This isn't funny anymore. Where the hell are you?"

As if in response to his question, a powerful set of furry hands rubbed up along his sides.

"Here," Garyn sighed peacefully from behind.

Jason turned slowly to look at him, and couldn't help but laugh: atop Garyn's head was a lilly pad, somewhat off-center, like some sort of primitive beret.

He chuckled lightly, and removed the headpiece, rubbing deeply into Garyn's soft coat.

Garyn growled lightly at the treatment, and released his hold on the male, falling limp in the shallow water.

"C'mere," Jason instructed, leading him over to the bank, "Lay down, and lemme take care of this."

"Roger that," Garyn replied with a nod, and laid down as instructed, his head resting on the soft grass of the shoreline.

Without another word, Jason began his careful ministrations of his large companion, rubbing deeper into the coat, feeling the dirt and grime wash away. He could feel the large muscles underneath strain themselves and then loosen up as their owner relaxed to the gentle touch. Slowly, Jason made his way from Garyn's head, rubbing carefully around the base of his ears, down to his shoulders... and then to his chest. Each time his hands would come into contact with one of Garyn's nipples, the anthro would twitch lightly. Jason rested his hands on the large pecs, and rubbed them vigorously.

"Ohhhhhh yeaaaaah," Garyn moaned, "That's the ticket."

Jason smiled, and then continued his voyage downward. As he neared Garyn's sheath, he was careful not to make any rough motions that could potentially excite him

"All in due time," Jason muttered under his breath, smiling a toothy grin, "All in due time."

Garyn's ears perked up, and he looked to Jason. "Hm?"

"Nothing," Jason replied, "Rest."

It didn't take much coaxing for him to do so, either--he was enjoying this far too much to object. He could feel his tight muscles relaxing as the hands caressed every part of his body. He moaned pleasurably as the hands rubbed his sheath down, and then went further to caress his balls. The touch was gentle, and it never stayed in the same area too long, but he didn't mind... it felt good regardless.


"Huh?" Garyn asked, snapping out of his euphoria, "Over?"

"Yes. Flip. Over," Jason laughed, "Gotta getcher other side."

"Ohhhhhh, right," Garyn replied, "Here ya are."

And with that, he flipped over, his tail instantly curling up into the loose circle that Jason had come to know. Truthfully, Jason had always been intrigued by Garyn's tail more than anything else--until last night, that is--and was happy that he could finally give it a good touch. More than when he'd reach out to grab it to halt the large male in his tracks.

Carefully, he rubbed the tail from the tip downward, feeling it grow thicker the further he went down. The fur on his tail was the longest and, as he'd often joked in the past, the poofiest. He was almost to the base of the tail now, and was slightly aroused at the fact that he was about to rub down the anthro's muscular rear. Slowly, he inched his hands down the tail, and finally made contact.

"Make sure you get that particular area good," Garyn joked, his head resting on crossed arms, "Need's lots of lovin'."

Not one to cause conflict, Jason obliged, vigorously rubbing one cheek, and then the other. And although Garyn might've been joking, Jason could tell that there was some truth to the statement, as these were the tightest muscles he'd felt over his entire body. Fortunately, though, he was able to work his magic, and the muscles relaxed. He looked up at Garyn and could see that his tongue had lolled out of his muzzle, and he was panting gently now, his eyes closed.

Looking back down at his rear, he saw his own cock, rock hard from the ministrations of the large male's rear. He looked at Garyn's tail, and followed it down to the base, where he could see his tailhole.

Suddenly, he had the most delicious idea.

He planed one hand on each of Garyn's buttocks, and rubbed around them, slowly making his way to the anthro's hips. Once he'd gotten a good grip, he arched his back backwards, his cock as rigid as ever, and then slammed it home.

"Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!" Garyn yelped, bolting upright as he felt the intruding presence in his bowels, "What the--"

He looked back, and saw Jason with the biggest grin on his face that he'd ever seen. He winked back at the anthro, and began pumping into him.

"Yargh," Garyn moaned as his muscles clamped down around the intruding cock, "Aaaaaaargh."

Jason moaned in ecstacy as his member was serviced by Garyn's squeezing tailhole. Slowly, he reached one of his hands around to the front of his lover, and grabbed for the sheath. Already, his cock had made its presence known, and was bulging out of its furry home.

Gently, Jason began jerking the sheath back and forth, rubbing it over the submerged and swollen member.

"Mmmmmmmmm," Garyn moaned happily, digging his claws into the ground, "More."

Of course, Jason had no qualms with this order, and rammed harder into the tight hole, causing a yelp from Garyn each time he sunk his full eight inches inside him. Despite the cool water rushing past the two, Jason's scrotum was floating in the gentle caresses of the surf. With his free hand, he reached down and gave Garyn's own sack a squeeze.

"Nnnnnnnngggggh," Garyn growled, his ears sitting tightly against his head, "Yeeeeeesssss..."

It'd only been mere minutes since he'd started the affair, but Jason could already feel his precum splashing his lover's insides. In his hand, he could feel the knot of Garyn's cock swelling up. And although he didn't know much about it, he decided that his friend probably wouldn't react well to something the size of a softball in the relatively small area of his sheath, so he jerked the sheath a bit further down, and felt the knot pop out of its enclosure. Jason yelped at this, but didn't object.

Holding the knot tightly in his hand, he marvelled at just how quickly it expanded in size. He released Garyn's sack and reached his hand around the other side of the male, and grabbed the rest of his cock. He jerked him off in rhythem with his own thrusts, and eventually, the two were moaning loudly.

Jason could feel his orgasm closing in on him, despite how he wanted this experience to last so much longer. In front, he could see Garyn tearing up earth in his large claws as he was fucked wildly from behind.

He thrust harder into the tailhole now, feeling the muscular restraints loosening as they accepted the intruder. Deeper he went. Deeper and harder, his ministrations of the other cock never missing a beat. And soon, the two were once again howling into the air, their orgasms hitting at the same time.

Inside of himself, Garyn could feel his insides being coated--his favor from the previous night repaid in full. Outside, he could feel his own cock releasing its load into the water, turning the surrounding pool cloudy white.

Jason was completely lost in the moment. He could feel the large cock in his hands firing its cargo with an immense pressure, and that only fueled his passionate fire. His own seed had been planted now, and the two males were even. He growled a lustful growl as he continued pumping into the tailhole relentlessly. In front of him, he watched Garyn collapsed into a heap on the bank, his tongue still hanging out, his muzzle fixed in an ecstatic grin. His ears wafted in the gentle breeze of the winds, as did the fur which'd already dried along his his head and back.

Once he was sure he'd completely emptied himself into his lover, Jason slowly pulled out, his cock still a bit rigid from the encounter. Garyn yelped as the tip of Jason's cock left him, his muscles once again tightening up to prevent any further access.

Looking around the pool that the two were in, Jason was amazed at just how much of a load the anthro carried with each shot. Only now had it started dissipating, but at a very slow rate. He chuckled lightly, and then heaved his lover onto his back, his cock still rigid from the ministrations--the knot still fully swollen.

"If nothing else," he laughed, "You've got the staying power."

Garyn made no reply, save for the content panting. His arms were slack at his sides, resting on the grass, his eyes closed gently.

Jason moved down and licked the red canine cock from the knot to the tip, eliciting whines from its owner. He chuckled, and continued his gentle assault, still tasting the salty residue as it flowed freely from the tip. Careful not to hurt Garyn in this relatively sensitive moment, he took the tip into his mouth, cradling it gently in his lips. He suckled intently, milking all of what was left of his lover's seed from the shaft, and then slowly let it drop from his mouth. He sat there on the bank for the next half an hour, stroking Garyn's soft chest fur and rubbing him slowly between the ears. He was lost at just how content the anthro seemed, and was content himself to let the moment live forever.

Garyn's knot had eventually subsided, however, and they'd been gone for almost a day. It was time to get home, and hopefully, not have to endure a barrage of questions that he--quite frankly--didn't have the answers to.

He got back in the water and finished washing himself up, taking care not to aggravate the claw marks. Once he was satisfied, he went back over to Garyn and prodded him gently.

"Hey," Jason said softly, "Wake up."

"But I dun wanna," Garyn replied, with a small yawn, "I like it how it is."

"Yeah, so do I," Jason said bitterly, "So do I... but it's not like this is the only time it's gonna happen. But we gotta get back... and find some way to explain our way out of this."

"We'll just say that we went camping," Garyn told him, setting himself up on his elbows, "They'll believe that."

"Sure," Jason replied, arching an eyebrow, "A spur-of-the-moment camping trip where you lose your clothes."

"Well, your parents don't have to know about that part," Garyn started, "And mine don't believe in clothes anyway--you already know that. They think that it's against what our ancestors would have done... or something."

"Touché," Jason replied, sitting down on the bank next to Garyn, "Touché."

Slowly, Garyn pulled himself out of the water and sat next to Jason. "I don't think they'd mind if we were gone for just... another hour?"

"No," Jason grinned, rubbing down Garyn's back, "I don't think they would, either."